commit 50a25c2a28bf050aa837fcc97131478f81e684f9
Author: Steve Ayerhart <>
Date:   Fri Nov 20 19:16:38 2020 -0500

    add mail

diff --git a/mail/mail.factor b/mail/mail.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3b7784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/mail.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+USING: kernel ;
+USING: mail.parser ;
+IN: mail
diff --git a/mail/multipart/multipart.factor b/mail/multipart/multipart.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac222c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/multipart/multipart.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
+! See for BSD license.
+USING: accessors ascii assocs byte-arrays combinators fry
+hashtables http http.parsers io io.encodings.binary io.files
+io.files.temp io.files.unique io.streams.string kernel math
+quoting sequences splitting namespaces sequences.parser arrays regexp ;
+USING: prettyprint ;
+IN: mail.multipart
+CONSTANT: buffer-size 65536
+CONSTANT: separator-prefix "\r\n--"
+SYMBOL: current-boundary
+TUPLE: multipart
+current-separator mime-separator
+content-disposition bytes
+filename temp-file
+name name-content
+mime-parts ;
+TUPLE: mime-file headers filename temporary-path ;
+C: <mime-file> mime-file
+TUPLE: mime-variable headers key value ;
+C: <mime-variable> mime-variable
+: <multipart> ( mime-separator -- multipart )
+    multipart new
+        swap >>mime-separator
+        { } clone >>mime-parts ;
+: mime-write ( sequence -- )
+    >byte-array write ;
+: parse-headers ( string -- hashtable )
+    string-lines harvest [ parse-header-line ] map >hashtable ;
+: fill-bytes ( multipart -- multipart )
+    buffer-size read
+    [ '[ _ B{ } append-as ] change-bytes ]
+    [ t >>end-of-stream? ] if* ;
+ERROR: mime-decoding-ran-out-of-bytes ;
+: dump-until-separator ( multipart -- multipart )
+    [ ] [ current-separator>> ] [ bytes>> ] tri
+    dup [ mime-decoding-ran-out-of-bytes ] unless
+    2dup subseq-start [
+        cut-slice
+        [ mime-write ]
+        [ swap length tail-slice >>bytes ] bi*
+    ] [
+        tuck [ length ] bi@ - 1 - cut-slice
+        [ mime-write ]
+        [ >>bytes ] bi* fill-bytes
+        dup end-of-stream?>> [ dump-until-separator ] unless
+    ] if* ;
+: dump-string ( multipart separator -- multipart string )
+    >>current-separator
+    [ dump-until-separator ] with-string-writer ;
+: read-header ( multipart -- multipart )
+    dup bytes>> "--\r\n" sequence= [
+        t >>end-of-stream?
+    ] [
+        "\r\n\r\n" dump-string parse-headers >>header
+    ] if ;
+: empty-name? ( string -- ? )
+    { "''" "\"\"" "" f } member? ;
+: save-uploaded-file ( multipart -- )
+    dup filename>> empty-name? [
+        drop
+    ] [
+        [ [ header>> ] [ filename>> ] [ temp-file>> ] tri <mime-file> ]
+        [ content-disposition>> "name" of unquote ]
+        [ mime-parts>> set-at ] tri
+    ] if ;
+: save-mime-part ( multipart -- )
+    dup name>> empty-name? [
+        drop
+    ] [
+        [ name-content>> ]
+        [ name>> unquote ]
+        [ mime-parts>> set-at ] tri
+    ] if ;
+: dump-mime-file ( multipart filename -- multipart )
+    binary <file-writer> [
+        dup mime-separator>> >>current-separator dump-until-separator
+    ] with-output-stream ;
+: dump-file ( multipart -- multipart )
+    [ "factor-" "-upload" unique-file ] with-temp-directory
+    [ >>temp-file ] [ dump-mime-file ] bi ;
+: parse-content-disposition-form-data ( string -- hashtable )
+    ";" split
+    [ "=" split1 [ [ blank? ] trim ] bi@ ] H{ } map>assoc ;
+: lookup-disposition ( multipart string -- multipart value/f )
+    over content-disposition>> at ;
+ERROR: unknown-content-disposition multipart ;
+: parse-form-data ( multipart -- multipart )
+    "filename" lookup-disposition [
+        unquote
+        >>filename
+        [ dump-file ] [ save-uploaded-file ] bi
+    ] [
+        "name" lookup-disposition [
+            [ dup mime-separator>> dump-string >>name-content ] dip
+            >>name dup save-mime-part
+        ] [
+             unknown-content-disposition
+        ] if*
+    ] if* ;
+ERROR: no-content-disposition multipart ;
+: process-header ( multipart -- multipart )
+    dup "content-disposition" header ";" split1 swap {
+        { "form-data" [
+            parse-content-disposition-form-data >>content-disposition
+            parse-form-data
+        ] }
+        [ no-content-disposition ]
+    } case ;
+: read-assert-sequence= ( sequence -- )
+    [ length read ] keep assert-sequence= ;
+!  : with-boundary ( boundary quote -- )
+!     [] dip
+!     current-boundary swap with-variable ; inline
+: parse-beginning ( str boundary -- str' )
+    [ <sequence-parser> ] dip
+    [ take-sequence drop ] curry
+    [ take-rest ] bi ;
+: parse-header ( str -- header str' )
+    [
+        [
+            "\r\n\r\n" take-until-sequence*
+            string-lines harvest [ parse-header-line
+                                   parse-content-disposition-form-data ] map >hashtable
+        ]
+        [ take-rest ] bi
+    ] parse-sequence ;
+: parse-multipart ( str separator -- seq )
+    "--" prepend "\r\n" append dup <regexp> [ parse-beginning ] dip re-split
+    [ [ from>> ] [ to>> ] [ seq>> ] tri subseq parse-header 2array ] map ;
diff --git a/mail/parser/parser.factor b/mail/parser/parser.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d283f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/parser/parser.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+USING: kernel peg.parsers sequences sequences.parser make strings qw sequences.deep calendar calendar.english calendar.parser math math.parser math.order accessors combinators peg unicode parser arrays combinators.short-circuit splitting assocs vocabs.parser words slots.syntax quotations regexp documents.private ;
+USING: prettyprint ;
+IN: mail.parser
+TUPLE: mailbox-field display-name local domain ;
+TUPLE: received-field tokens date-time ;
+TUPLE: content-type sub-type parameters ;
+TUPLE: content-type/text < content-type ;
+TUPLE: content-type/image < content-type ;
+TUPLE: content-type/video < content-type ;
+TUPLE: content-type/audio < content-type ;
+TUPLE: content-type/application < content-type ;
+TUPLE: content-type/multipart < content-type ;
+TUPLE: content-type/unknown < content-type ;
+TUPLE: mail-header
+    mime-version content-type
+    bcc cc comments date from in-reply-to keywords
+    message-id references reply-to sender subject to
+    { optional-fields initial: { } } ;
+TUPLE: multipart-header
+    content-type content-transfer-encoding content-id content-disposition ;
+TUPLE: multipart header message ;
+TUPLE: mail { header mail-header } body ;
+! Core rules
+: wsp-parser ( -- parser )
+    " " token "\t" token 2choice ;
+: crlf-parser ( -- parser )
+    "\r\n" token hide ;
+: special? ( ch -- ? )
+    "()<>[]:;@\\,.\"" member? ;
+: except ( quot -- parser )
+    [ not ] compose satisfy [ 1string ] action ; inline
+: except-these ( quots -- parser )
+    [ 1|| ] curry except ; inline
+: digit-parser ( -- parser )
+    "0-9" range-pattern [ 1string ] action ;
+: digit-parser2 ( -- parser )
+    digit-parser 2 exactly-n ;
+: digit-parser4 ( -- parser )
+    digit-parser 4 exactly-n ;
+: vchar-parser ( -- parser )
+    CHAR: \x20 CHAR: \x7e range [ 1string ] action ;
+: quoted-pair ( -- parser )
+    CHAR: \ 1token vchar-parser wsp-parser 2choice 2seq ;
+! Folding White Space and Comments
+: ctext-parser ( -- parser )
+    { [ control? ] [ "()" member? ] } except-these ;
+: foldable-wsp-parser ( -- parser )
+    wsp-parser repeat0 crlf-parser 2seq optional
+    wsp-parser repeat1 2seq ;
+: comment-parser ( -- parser )
+    ctext-parser [ comment-parser ] delay 2choice repeat0 "(" ")" surrounded-by hide ;
+: comment-foldable-wsp-parser ( -- parser )
+    foldable-wsp-parser optional
+    comment-parser 2seq repeat1 foldable-wsp-parser optional 2seq
+    foldable-wsp-parser 2choice ;
+! Atom
+: atext-parser ( -- parser )
+    "a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|~" range-pattern [ 1string ] action ;
+: atom-parser ( -- parser )
+    comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional hide
+    atext-parser repeat1
+    comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional hide 3seq [ flatten "" concat-as ] action ;
+: dot-atom-parser ( -- parser )
+    atom-parser "." token atom-parser 2seq repeat0 optional 2seq sp [ flatten "" concat-as ] action ;
+! Quoted Strings
+: quoted-string-parser ( -- parser )
+    string-parser ;
+! Miscellaneous Tokens
+: word-parser ( -- parser )
+    atom-parser quoted-string-parser 2choice ;
+: phrase-parser ( -- parser )
+    word-parser repeat1 [ "" concat-as ] action ;
+: unstructured-parser ( -- parser )
+    foldable-wsp-parser optional vchar-parser 2seq repeat0 wsp-parser repeat0 2seq
+    [ flatten "" concat-as ] action sp ;
+! Date and Time Specification
+: date-time-zone-parser ( -- parser )
+    foldable-wsp-parser hide "+" token "-" token 2choice digit-parser4 3seq
+    [ flatten "" concat-as parse-rfc822-gmt-offset ] action ;
+: date-time-second-parser ( -- parser )
+    digit-parser2 [ "" concat-as string>number ] action
+    [ 0 60 between? ] semantic ;
+: date-time-hour-parser ( -- parser )
+    digit-parser2 [ "" concat-as string>number ] action
+    [ 0 23 between? ] semantic ;
+: date-time-minute-parser ( -- parser )
+    digit-parser2 [ "" concat-as string>number ] action
+    [ 0 59 between? ] semantic ;
+: time-of-day-parser ( -- parser )
+    date-time-hour-parser ":" token hide
+    date-time-minute-parser ":" token hide
+    date-time-second-parser 2seq optional
+    [ [ first ] [ 0 ] if* ] action
+    4seq ;
+: date-time-time-parser ( -- parser )
+    time-of-day-parser date-time-zone-parser 2seq ;
+: date-time-year-parser ( -- parser )
+    foldable-wsp-parser hide
+    digit-parser 4 at-least-n
+    foldable-wsp-parser hide 3seq
+    [ flatten "" concat-as string>number ] action
+    [ 1900 >= ] semantic ;
+: date-time-month-parser ( -- parse )
+    qw{ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec } [ token ] map choice
+    [ month-abbreviations index 1 + ] action ;
+: date-time-day-parser ( -- parser )
+    foldable-wsp-parser optional hide
+    digit-parser 1 2 from-m-to-n
+    foldable-wsp-parser hide 3seq
+    [ flatten "" concat-as string>number ] action ;
+: date-time-date-parser ( -- parser )
+    date-time-day-parser
+    date-time-month-parser
+    date-time-year-parser 3seq ;
+: date-time-day-name-parser ( -- parser )
+    qw{ Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun } [ token ] map choice ;
+: date-time-day-of-week-parser ( -- parser )
+    foldable-wsp-parser optional
+    date-time-day-name-parser 2seq ;
+: date-time-parser ( -- parser )
+    date-time-day-of-week-parser "," token 2seq optional hide
+    date-time-date-parser
+    date-time-time-parser
+    comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional hide 4seq
+    [
+        flatten
+        [ timestamp new ] dip
+        [ ] each
+        {
+            [ >>day ] [ >>month ] [ >>year ]
+            [ >>hour ] [ >>minute ] [ >>second ]
+            [ >>gmt-offset ]
+        } spread
+    ] action ;
+! Addr-Spec Specification
+: dtext-parser ( -- parser )
+    { [ " []\\" member? ] [ control? ] } except-these repeat0 ;
+: domain-literal-parser ( -- parser )
+    [
+        comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional ,
+        foldable-wsp-parser optional
+        dtext-parser 2seq
+        foldable-wsp-parser optional 2seq
+        "[" "]" surrounded-by ,
+        comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional ,
+    ] seq* [ flatten "" concat-as ] action ;
+: domain-parser ( -- parser )
+    dot-atom-parser domain-literal-parser 2choice ;
+: local-part-parser ( -- parser )
+    dot-atom-parser quoted-string-parser 2choice ;
+: addr-spec-parser ( -- parser )
+    local-part-parser "@" token hide domain-parser 3seq
+    [ f swap [ ] each mailbox-field boa ] action ;
+! Address Specification
+: display-name-parser ( -- parser )
+    phrase-parser ;
+: angle-addr ( -- parser )
+    comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional hide
+    addr-spec-parser "<" ">" surrounded-by
+    comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional hide 3seq [ first ] action ;
+: name-addr-parser ( -- parser )
+    display-name-parser optional angle-addr 2seq [ [ ] each swap >>display-name ] action ;
+: mailbox-parser ( -- parser )
+    name-addr-parser addr-spec-parser 2choice ;
+: mailbox-list-parser ( -- parser )
+    mailbox-parser "," token list-of [ >array ] action ;
+DEFER: group-parser
+: address-parser ( -- parser )
+    mailbox-parser group-parser 2choice [ ] action ;
+: group-list-parser ( -- parser )
+    mailbox-list-parser comment-foldable-wsp-parser 2choice ;
+: group-parser ( -- parser )
+    [
+        display-name-parser ,
+        ":" token ,
+        group-list-parser optional ,
+        ";" token ,
+        comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional hide ,
+    ] seq* ;
+: address-list-parser ( -- parser )
+    address-parser "," token list-of [ >array ] action ;
+! Optional Fields
+: ftext ( -- parser )
+    CHAR: \x21 CHAR: \x39 range
+    CHAR: \x3b CHAR: \x7e range
+    2choice [ 1string ] action ;
+: known-field-name-parser ( str -- parser )
+    [ ftext repeat1 [ "" concat-as >lower ] action ] dip [ = ] curry semantic ;
+: field-name-parser ( -- parser )
+    ftext repeat1 [ "" concat-as >lower ] action ;
+: field-parser ( -- parser )
+    [
+        field-name-parser ,
+        ":" token ,
+        unstructured-parser ,
+        crlf-parser ,
+    ] seq* ;
+: known-field-parser ( str parser -- parser )
+    [
+        known-field-name-parser
+        ":" token hide
+    ] dip
+    crlf-parser 4seq [ >array ] action ;
+: no-fold-literal ( -- parser )
+    dtext-parser repeat0 "[" "]" surrounded-by ;
+: id-left-parser ( -- parser )
+    dot-atom-parser ;
+: id-right-parser ( -- parser )
+    dot-atom-parser no-fold-literal 2choice ;
+: msg-id-parser ( -- parser )
+    comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional hide
+    id-left-parser "@" token id-right-parser 3seq [ "" concat-as ] action
+    "<" ">" surrounded-by
+    comment-foldable-wsp-parser optional hide 3seq [ first ] action ;
+! The origination Date Field
+: orig-date-parser ( -- parser )
+    "date" date-time-parser known-field-parser ;
+! Originator fields
+: from-parser ( -- parser )
+    "from" mailbox-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+: sender-parser ( -- parser )
+    "sender" mailbox-parser known-field-parser ;
+: reply-to-parser ( -- parser )
+    "reply-to" address-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+! Destination Address fields
+: to-parser ( -- parser )
+    "to" address-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+: cc-parser ( -- parser )
+    "cc" address-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+: bcc-parser ( -- parser )
+    "bcc" address-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+: message-id-parser ( -- parser )
+    "message-id" msg-id-parser known-field-parser ;
+: in-reply-to-parser ( -- parser )
+    "in-reply-to" msg-id-parser repeat1 [ >array ] action known-field-parser ;
+: references-parser ( -- parser )
+    "references" msg-id-parser repeat1 [ >array ] action known-field-parser ;
+: subject-parser ( -- parser )
+    "subject" unstructured-parser known-field-parser ;
+: comments-parser ( -- parser )
+    "comments" unstructured-parser known-field-parser ;
+: keywords-parser ( -- parser )
+    "keywords" phrase-parser sp "," token list-of [ >array ] action known-field-parser ;
+! Resent Fields
+: resent-date-parser ( -- parser )
+    "resent-date" date-time-parser known-field-parser ;
+: resent-from-parser ( -- parser )
+    "resent-from" mailbox-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+: resent-sender-parser ( -- parser )
+    "resent-sender" mailbox-parser known-field-parser ;
+: resent-to-parser ( -- parser )
+    "resent-to" address-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+: resent-cc-parser ( -- parser )
+    "resent-cc" address-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+: resent-bcc-parser ( -- parser )
+    "resent-bcc" address-list-parser known-field-parser ;
+: resent-message-id-parser ( -- parser )
+    "resent-message-id" msg-id-parser known-field-parser ;
+! Trace Fields
+: received-token-parser ( -- parser )
+    angle-addr addr-spec-parser domain-parser word-parser 4choice ;
+: path-parser ( -- parser )
+    angle-addr comment-foldable-wsp-parser "<" ">" surrounded-by 2choice ;
+: return-path-parser ( -- parser )
+    "return-path" path-parser known-field-parser ;
+: received-parser ( -- parser )
+    "received"
+    received-token-parser repeat0 [ >array ] action
+    ";" token hide
+    date-time-parser 3seq
+    [ [ ] each received-field boa ] action
+    known-field-parser ;
+: trace-parser ( -- parser )
+    return-path-parser optional
+    received-parser repeat1 2seq [ flatten >array ] action ;
+! Content-Type Field
+: trim-quotes ( str -- str' )
+    [ CHAR: \" = ] trim ;
+: trim-blanks ( str -- str' )
+    [ blank? ] trim ;
+: parse-content-type ( str -- mime-type )
+    [
+        [ "/" take-until-sequence* >lower ]
+        [ ";" take-until-sequence* >lower ]
+        [ take-rest ";" split [ "=" split1 [ trim-blanks trim-quotes ] bi@ ] H{ } map>assoc ] tri rot
+    ] parse-sequence >lower
+    {
+        { "text" [ content-type/text boa ] }
+        { "image" [ content-type/image boa ] }
+        { "audio" [ content-type/audio boa ] }
+        { "video" [ content-type/video boa ] }
+        { "application" [ content-type/application boa ] }
+        { "multipart" [ content-type/multipart boa ] }
+        { "unknown" [ content-type/unknown boa ] }
+        [ drop content-type/unknown boa ]
+    } case ;
+: content-type-parser ( -- parser )
+    "content-type" unstructured-parser [ parse-content-type ] action known-field-parser ;
+: parse-content-disposition ( str -- content-disposition )
+    ";" split [ "=" split1 [ trim-blanks trim-quotes ] bi@ ] H{ } map>assoc ;
+: optional-field-parser ( -- parser )
+    field-name-parser ":" token hide unstructured-parser crlf-parser 4seq [ >array ] action ;
+: known-multipart-field-parser ( str parser -- parser )
+        [
+            known-field-name-parser
+            ":" token hide
+        ] dip
+        3seq [ >array ] action ;
+: multipart-header-field-parser ( -- parser )
+    "content-type" unstructured-parser [ parse-content-type ] action known-multipart-field-parser
+    "content-disposition" unstructured-parser [ parse-content-disposition ] action known-multipart-field-parser
+    "content-id" unstructured-parser known-multipart-field-parser
+    "content-transfer-encoding" unstructured-parser known-multipart-field-parser
+    4choice ;
+PEG: parse-multipart-field-header ( str -- header ) multipart-header-field-parser ;
+: parse-multipart-beginning ( str boundary -- str' )
+    [ <sequence-parser> ] dip
+    [ take-sequence drop ] curry
+    [ take-rest ] bi ;
+: parse-multipart-header ( str -- header str' )
+    [
+        [
+            "\r\n\r\n" take-until-sequence*
+            [
+                string-lines
+                multipart-header new
+                [
+                    parse-multipart-field-header
+                    [ second ] [ first ] bi >>writer-word
+                    1quotation call( multipart-header value -- multipart-header )
+                ] reduce
+            ]
+            [ f ] if*
+        ]
+        [ take-rest ] bi
+    ] parse-sequence ;
+: parse-multipart ( str separator -- seq )
+    "--" prepend "-?-?\r\n" append dup <regexp> [ parse-multipart-beginning ] dip re-split
+    [
+        [ from>> ] [ to>> ] [ seq>> ] tri subseq
+        parse-multipart-header [ multipart boa ] when*
+    ] map sift ;
+: fields-parser ( -- seq )
+    [
+        trace-parser ,
+        resent-date-parser ,
+        resent-from-parser ,
+        resent-sender-parser ,
+        resent-to-parser ,
+        resent-cc-parser ,
+        resent-bcc-parser ,
+        resent-message-id-parser ,
+        orig-date-parser ,
+        from-parser ,
+        sender-parser ,
+        reply-to-parser ,
+        to-parser ,
+        cc-parser ,
+        bcc-parser ,
+        message-id-parser ,
+        in-reply-to-parser ,
+        references-parser ,
+        subject-parser ,
+        comments-parser ,
+        keywords-parser ,
+        content-type-parser ,
+        optional-field-parser ,
+    ] choice* repeat0
+    [
+        mail-header new
+        [
+            [ second ] [ first ] bi dup >>writer-word
+            [ swap drop 1quotation call( mail-header value -- mail-header ) ]
+            [
+                [ dup optional-fields>> ] 2dip
+                swap 2array 1array append >>optional-fields
+            ] if*
+        ] reduce
+    ] action ;
+PEG: parse-mail ( str -- mail )
+     fields-parser crlf-parser 2seq
+     [ first input-slice [ seq>> ] [ from>> ] bi tail mail boa ] action ;