working decoder?

Steve Ayerhart 2022-08-20 22:19:05 -04:00
parent 3ba96d3f44
commit edaa3600cc
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 4CB33EB9BB156C97
3 changed files with 133 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: kernel math math.order combinators combinators.extras generalizations math.bitwise accessors sequences ;
USING: kernel math math.order combinators combinators.extras generalizations math.bitwise accessors sequences arrays ;
USING: flac.format ;
USING: prettyprint ;
@ -82,11 +82,14 @@ SYMBOL: current-flac-output
: read-flac-subframe-wasted-bits ( -- k )
1 flac-read 1 = [ 0 [ 1 + 1 flac-read 0 = ] loop ] [ 0 ] if ;
: read-flac-subframe-constant ( blocksize bps wasted-bits -- constant-subframe )
[ flac-read-int32 ] dip shift <repetition> [ ] map flac-subframe-constant boa ;
: read-flac-subframe-constant ( blocksize bps -- samples )
flac-read-int <repetition> [ ] map ;
: read-flac-subframe-verbatim ( blocksize bps wasted-bits -- verbatim-subframe )
[ <repetition> ] dip swap [ flac-read-int32 swap shift ] with map flac-subframe-verbatim boa ;
: read-flac-subframe-verbatim ( blocksize bps -- samples )
<repetition> [ flac-read-int ] map ;
: adjust-wasted-bits ( wasted-bits samples -- samples' )
[ swap shift ] with map! ;
: read-residual-coding-method-type ( -- coding-method param-bits param-escape )
2 flac-read dup
@ -94,32 +97,82 @@ SYMBOL: current-flac-output
dup entropy-coding-partitioned-rice = [ 4 0xf ] [ 5 0x1f ] if ;
: read-flac-subframe-lpc ( frame-header subframe-header -- lpc-subframe )
2drop 1 ;
: read-partition-order/count ( -- partition-order partitions )
4 flac-read dup 2^ ;
:: flac-read-residuals ( blocksize -- sequence )
read-residual-coding-method-type :> ( coding-type param-bits param-escape )
1 ;
! TODO: even with locals this is pretty gnarly
:: read-residuals ( blocksize predictor-order -- residuals )
read-residual-coding-method-type :> ( coding-type parameter-bits escape-parameter )
read-partition-order/count :> ( partition-order partitions )
blocksize partition-order neg shift :> partition-samples
{ } :> residuals!
: read-flac-subframe-warmup-samples ( bps order -- seq )
<repetition> [ flac-read-int32 ] map ;
partitions <iota>
[| partition |
parameter-bits flac-read :> rice-parameter
rice-parameter escape-parameter <
partition 0 = [ partition-samples predictor-order - ] [ partition-samples ] if <iota>
[ drop residuals rice-parameter flac-read-rice-signed-int suffix residuals! ] each
5 flac-read :> num-bits
partition-samples partition 0 = [ predictor-order ] [ 0 ] if - <iota>
[| order |
residuals num-bits 0 = [ 0 suffix ] [ num-bits flac-read-int suffix ] if residuals!
] each
] if
] each
residuals ;
:: read-flac-subframe-fixed ( blocksize bps order -- fixed-subframe )
bps order read-flac-subframe-warmup-samples :> warmup
4 flac-read :> partition-order
partition-order 2^ :> partitions
: fixed-coefficients ( -- coefficients ) { { } { 1 } { 2 -1 } { 3 -3 1 } { 4 -6 4 1 } } ;
! 2dup [ read-flac-subframe-warmup-samples ] [ flac-read-residuals ] 2bi*
! flac-subframe-fixed boa ;
: read-warmup-samples ( sample-depth order -- samples )
swap <repetition> [ flac-read-int ] map ;
: read-flac-subframe-qlp-coeff-precision ( -- precision )
4 flac-read 1 + ;
! TODO: even with locals this is also gnarly
:: restore-linear-prediction ( residuals warmup coefficients quantization-level -- samples )
coefficients length :> order
residuals warmup
[| samples residual |
: read-flac-qlp-shift ( -- quantization-level )
samples order tail*
[ * + ] 2reduce
quantization-level neg shift
] reduce ;
:: read-flac-subframe-fixed ( blocksize sample-depth order -- samples )
sample-depth order read-warmup-samples :> warmup
blocksize order read-residuals :> residuals
order fixed-coefficients nth :> coefficients
residuals warmup coefficients 0 restore-linear-prediction ;
: read-qlp-shift ( -- quantization-level )
5 flac-read ;
: read-flac-qlp-coeff ( subframe-header coeff-precision -- seq )
[ predictor-order>> ] dip <repetition> [ flac-read ] map ;
: read-qlp-coefficient-precision ( -- precision )
4 flac-read 1 + ;
: read-lpc-coefficients ( order precision -- coefficients )
<repetition> [ flac-read-int ] map ;
:: read-flac-subframe-lpc ( blocksize sample-depth order -- samples )
sample-depth order read-warmup-samples :> warmup
read-qlp-coefficient-precision :> precision
read-qlp-shift :> qlp-shift
order precision read-lpc-coefficients reverse :> coefficients
blocksize order read-residuals :> residuals
residuals warmup coefficients qlp-shift restore-linear-prediction ;
! 000000 constant
! 000001 verbatim
@ -131,10 +184,10 @@ SYMBOL: current-flac-output
: read-flac-subframe-type ( -- subframe-type order )
6 flac-read dup
{ [ 0b0000 = ] [ drop f subframe-type-constant ] }
{ [ 0b0001 = ] [ drop f subframe-type-verbatim ] }
{ [ 0b1000 0b1100 between? ] [ 3 clear-bit subframe-type-fixed ] }
{ [ 0b100000 0b111111 between? ] [ 5 clear-bit 1 + subframe-type-lpc ] }
{ [ 0b000000 = ] [ drop f subframe-type-constant ] }
{ [ 0b000001 = ] [ drop f subframe-type-verbatim ] }
{ [ 0b001000 0b001111 between? ] [ 2 0 bit-range subframe-type-fixed ] }
{ [ 0b100000 0b111111 between? ] [ 4 0 bit-range 1 + subframe-type-lpc ] }
[ drop reserved-subframe-type ]
} cond-case swap ;
@ -147,7 +200,7 @@ SYMBOL: current-flac-output
flac-subframe-header boa ;
: calculate-bits-per-sample ( bps wasted-bits subframe-type channel -- bps' )
: calculate-sample-depth ( bps channel-assignment wasted-bits channel -- sample-depth )
[ - ] 2dip swap
{ channel-assignment-left [ 1 = [ 1 ] [ 0 ] if ] }
@ -156,31 +209,58 @@ SYMBOL: current-flac-output
[ 2drop 0 ]
} case + ;
:: read-flac-subframe ( frame-header channel -- subframe )
: stereo-decorrelation ( samples channel-assignment -- samples' )
{ channel-assignment-independent [ ] } ! do nothing
[ [ first ] [ first ] [ second ] tri [ - ] 2map 2array ]
[ [ second ] [ first ] [ second ] tri [ + ] 2map swap 2array ]
[ first ] [ second ] bi
{ { } { } }
[ [ over ] dip [ [ first ] dip suffix ] [ [ second ] dip suffix ] 2bi* 2array ] 2reduce
} case ;
:: read-flac-subframe ( frame-header channel -- samples )
read-flac-subframe-header :> subframe-header
subframe-header wasted-bits>> :> wasted-bits
subframe-header subframe-type>> :> subframe-type
subframe-header predictor-order>> :> order
frame-header bits-per-sample>> wasted-bits subframe-type channel calculate-bits-per-sample :> bps
subframe-header predictor-order>> :> predictor-order
frame-header bits-per-sample>> :> bps
frame-header blocksize>> :> blocksize
frame-header channel-assignment>> :> channel-assignment
bps channel-assignment wasted-bits channel calculate-sample-depth :> sample-depth
{ subframe-type-constant [ blocksize bps wasted-bits read-flac-subframe-constant ] }
{ subframe-type-verbatim [ blocksize bps wasted-bits read-flac-subframe-verbatim ] }
! { subframe-type-fixed [ blocksize bps wasted-bits read-flac-subframe-fixed ] }
! { subframe-type-lpc [ blocksize bps wasted-bits read-flac-subframe-lpc ] }
} case
subframe-header swap flac-subframe boa ;
{ subframe-type-constant [ blocksize sample-depth read-flac-subframe-constant ] }
{ subframe-type-verbatim [ blocksize sample-depth read-flac-subframe-verbatim ] }
{ subframe-type-fixed [ blocksize sample-depth predictor-order read-flac-subframe-fixed ] }
{ subframe-type-lpc [ blocksize sample-depth predictor-order read-flac-subframe-lpc ] }
} case :> samples!
: read-flac-subframes ( stream-info frame-header -- seq )
[ channels>> ] dip swap <iota> [ read-flac-subframe ] with map ;
wasted-bits samples adjust-wasted-bits ;
: read-flac-subframes ( frame-header channels -- samples )
[ dup channel-assignment>> swap ] dip
<iota> [ read-flac-subframe ] with map
swap stereo-decorrelation ;
: read-flac-frame-footer ( -- frame-footer )
16 flac-read flac-frame-footer boa ;
16 flac-read flac-frame-footer boa ;
: read-flac-frame ( stream-info -- frame )
[ read-flac-frame-header ] keep swap
[ read-flac-subframes ] keep swap
[ read-flac-frame-header dup ] [ channels>> ] bi
flac-frame boa ;

View File

@ -68,12 +68,11 @@ ENUM: flac-entropy-coding-method-type
TUPLE: flac-entropy-coding-method-partitioned-rice-contents
{ parameters sequence }
{ raw-bits sequence }
{ capacity-by-order integer } ;
{ raw-bits sequence } ;
TUPLE: flac-entropy-coding-method-partitioned-rice
{ order integer }
{ contents sequence } ;
{ contents flac-entropy-coding-method-partitioned-rice-contents } ;
TUPLE: flac-entropy-coding-method
{ type maybe{ entropy-coding-partitioned-rice
@ -99,8 +98,7 @@ TUPLE: flac-subframe-lpc
{ quantization-level integer }
{ qlp-coeff sequence }
{ warmup sequence }
{ residual sequence }
{ value sequence } ;
{ residual sequence } ;
TUPLE: flac-subframe-header
{ subframe-type maybe{ subframe-type-constant
@ -122,7 +120,7 @@ TUPLE: flac-frame-footer
TUPLE: flac-frame
{ header flac-frame-header }
{ subframes sequence }
{ samples sequence }
{ footer flac-frame-footer } ;
ENUM: metadata-type

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ FROM: flac.format => FLAC-MAGIC not-a-flac-stream ;
QUALIFIED: bitstreams
USING: prettyprint ;
SYMBOL: flac-input-stream
@ -24,16 +25,16 @@ M: flac-stream-reader dispose stream>> dispose ;
dup bytes>> swap [ prepend ] dip swap >>bytes drop
] while flac-input-stream get bitstream>> bitstreams:read ;
: >32int ( x -- x' )
32 >signed ;
: flac-align-to-byte ( -- )
8 flac-input-stream get bitstream>> bitstreams:align ;
: flac-read-int32 ( n -- m )
flac-read >32int ;
: flac-read-int ( n -- m )
dup flac-read swap >signed ;
: flac-read-rice-signed-int ( param -- n )
[ 0 [ 1 flac-read 0 = ] [ 1 + ] do while ] dip
[ 0 [ 1 flac-read 0 = ] [ 1 + ] while ] dip
[ shift ] keep flac-read bitor
[ -1 shift ] [ 1 bitand -1 * ] bi ^ ;
[ -1 shift ] [ 1 bitand -1 * ] bi bitxor ;
: flac-read-coded-number ( -- n )
8 flac-read