"A quotation is an anonymous function (a value denoting a snippet of code) which can be used as a value and called using the " { $link "call" } "."
"Quotation literals appearing in source code are delimited by square brackets, for example " { $snippet "[ 2 + ]" } "; see " { $link "syntax-quots" } " for details on their syntax."
"A more general class is provided for methods to dispatch on that includes quotations, " { $link curry } ", and " { $link compose } " objects:"
{ $subsections
"Quotations evaluate sequentially from beginning to end. Literals are pushed on the stack and words are executed. Details can be found in " { $link "evaluator" } ". Words can be placed in wrappers to suppress execution:"
"Although quotations can be treated as sequences, the compiler will be unable to reason about quotations manipulated as sequences at runtime. " { $link "compositional-combinators" } " are provided for runtime partial application and composition of quotations.";
"Wrappers evaluate to the object being wrapped when encountered in code. They are are used to suppress the execution of " { $link "words" } " so that they can be used as values."
{ $class-description "The class whose instances can be passed to " { $link call } ". This includes quotations and composed quotations built up with " { $link curry } " or " { $link compose } "." } ;
{ $description "Outputs a freshly-allocated quotation with the same elements as a given sequence." } ;
{ $values { "obj"object } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Constructs a quotation holding one element." }
{ $notes
"The following two phrases are equivalent:"
{ $code "\\ reverse execute" }
{ $code "\\ reverse 1quotation call" }
} ;
{ $description "The class of wrappers. Wrappers are created by calling " { $link literalize } ". See " { $link "syntax-words" } " for syntax." } ;
HELP:<wrapper>( obj-- wrapper)
{ $values { "obj"object } { "wrapper"wrapper } }
{ $description "Creates an object which pushes " { $snippet "obj" } " on the stack when evaluated. User code should call " { $link literalize } " instead, since it avoids wrapping self-evaluating objects (which is redundant)." } ;
{ $values { "obj"object } { "wrapped"object } }
{ $description "Outputs an object which evaluates to " { $snippet "obj" } " when placed in a quotation. If " { $snippet "obj" } " is not self-evaluating (for example, it is a word), then it will be wrapped." }