233 lines
17 KiB
233 lines
17 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: factor
" Maintainer: Alex Chapman <chapman.alex@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2007 Jan 18
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" factor is case sensitive.
syn case match
" make all of these characters part of a word (useful for skipping over words with w, e, and b)
if version >= 600
setlocal iskeyword=!,@,33-35,%,$,38-64,A-Z,91-96,a-z,123-126,128-255
set iskeyword=!,@,33-35,%,$,38-64,A-Z,91-96,a-z,123-126,128-255
syn cluster factorCluster contains=factorComment,factorKeyword,factorRepeat,factorConditional,factorBoolean,factorString,factorSbuf,@factorNumber,@factorNumErr,factorDelimiter,factorChar,factorCharErr,factorBackslash,@factorWordOps,factorAlien,factorTuple
syn match factorTodo /\(TODO\|FIXME\|XXX\):\=/ contained
syn match factorComment /\<#! .*/ contains=factorTodo
syn match factorComment /\<! .*/ contains=factorTodo
syn region None matchgroup=factorDefinition start=/\<\(C\|M\|G\|UNION\|PREDICATE\)\?:\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorStackEffect,factorStackEffectErr,factorArray0,factorQuotation0
syn region None matchgroup=factorGeneric start=/\<GENERIC:\>/ end=/$/ contains=factorStackEffect,factorStackEffectErr
syn keyword factorBoolean boolean f general-t t
syn keyword factorCompileDirective inline foldable parsing
" kernel vocab keywords
syn keyword factorKeyword continuation-name set-datastack wrapper continuation-catch set-continuation-name slip pick 2slip 2nip tuple set-boot clone with-datastack cpu -roll tuck -rot (continue) set-continuation-retain swapd <continuation> >boolean wrapper? dupd 3dup dup ifcc callstack windows? os-env = over continuation alist>quot ? <wrapper> 2dup cond win64? <quotation> continue 3drop hashcode quotation xor when curry millis set-callstack unless >r die version callcc0 or os callcc1 get-walker-hook depth equal? 3keep no-cond? continue-with if exit tuple? set-retainstack unix? (continue-with) general-t continuation? 3slip <no-cond> macosx? r> rot win32? retainstack 2apply >quotation >continuation< type continuation-call clear call drop continuation-data set-continuation-call 2drop no-cond unit set-continuation-data keep-datastack and when* quotation? ?if literalize datastack swap unless* 2swap set-continuation-catch eq? not roll set-walker-hook continuation-retain with make-dip wrapped keep 2keep <=> if* nip
syn keyword factorKeyword sin integer? log2 cot oct> number>string integer first-bignum sech abs repeat tanh real? vmin norm-sq neg between? asech >rect bignum? atanh -i * + fp-nan? - small / sqrt infimum fix-float cosech even? v*n < bits>double > most-positive-fixnum ^theta numerator digit+ >base (random-int) acosech cosh min pi number vmax zero? sum digit> rem bitor supremum string>integer most-negative-fixnum >polar >fraction ceiling acos acot ^ asin acosh /f ratio e fixnum? /i ^n cis coth 1+ 1- conjugate sinh acosec i number= number? double>bits epsilon float product string>number n/v norm max tan acoth absq float? asinh denominator rational? fixnum rect> >fixnum imaginary recip exp sec bitxor w>h/h >bin align base> times log <= [-] init-random sq odd? (repeat) [v-] ^mag bitnot ratio? random-int >digit (next-power-of-2) v* v+ v- v. v/ >float [-1,1]? arg small? bitand set-axis >oct v/n complex rational shift (^) polar> (gcd) cosec next-power-of-2 >float-rect atan sgn >= float>bits normalize real bin> complex? gcd d>w/w hex> mod string>ratio asec floor n*v >hex truncate bits>float vneg >bignum bignum power-of-2? integer, /mod (string>integer) cos
syn keyword factorKeyword second sort-values all-eq? pop* find slice-error-reason inject-with prune remove (group) split1-slice slice-error (slice*) split* head-slice* find* split, first remove-nth hash-prune push-if ?push reverse subseq split1 diff subset split new padding column? copy-into-check column@ <column> peek last/first add find-last ?nth add* slice-from cache-nth subseq? <reversed> <slice-error> (3append) replace-slice reversed-seq find-last-with empty? ((append)) reversed? reversed@ map-with find-last-with* set-slice-error-reason set-column-col natural-sort (subst) set-slice-seq index* concat push binsearch slice-seq 3append nsort length tail-slice* reversed ?head sequence= ?tail sequence? memq? join split-next, delete set-nth subst monotonic? group map flip unclip set-reversed-seq find-last* start* max-length assoc min-length all-equal? all? pad-left contains? inject slice <slice> first2 first3 first4 exchange bounds-check? column-seq check-slice pad-right each subset-with unpair tail head interleave (delete) copy-into sort sequence reduce set-slice-from set-slice-to 2map (cut) member? cut rassoc (append) last-index* sort-keys change-nth 2each >sequence nth tail* head* third tail-slice set-length collapse-slice column (mismatch) contains-with? push-new pop tail? head? slice? slice@ delete-all binsearch* move find-with* 2reduce slice-to find-with like slice-error? set-column-seq nappend column-col cut* (split) index each-with last-index fourth append accumulate drop-prefix mismatch head-slice all-with? start
syn keyword factorKeyword namespace-error-object inc dec make off bind get-global init-namespaces set-global namespace on ndrop namespace-error? namestack namespace-error +@ # % make-hash global , set-namestack with-scope building <namespace-error> change nest set-namespace-error-object get set counter
syn keyword factorKeyword array <array> pair byte-array pair? 1array 2array resize-array 4array 3array byte-array? <byte-array> array? >array
syn keyword factorKeyword cwd duplex-stream pathname? set-pathname-string with-log-file directory duplex-stream-out format <nested-style-stream> (readln) duplex-stream? read1 with-stream-style c-stream-error? <file-reader> stream-write1 with-stream line-reader? set-duplex-stream-out server? cr> <check-closed> directory? log-message flush format-column stream-readln nested-style-stream? <line-reader> <file-r/w> set-timeout write-pathname file-modified duplex-stream-closed? print set-duplex-stream-closed? pathname line-reader ?resource-path terpri write-object le> string-out stream-terpri log-client do-nested-style path+ <c-stream-error> set-client-stream-host plain-writer? server-stream resource-path >be parent-dir with-stream* <file-writer> server-loop string-in nested-style-stream stream-close stream-copy c-stream-error <client-stream> with-style client-stream-host stat plain-writer file-length contents <string-reader> stream-read stream-format check-closed? set-client-stream-port <duplex-stream> <server> write1 bl write-outliner map-last (with-stream-style) set-line-reader-cr tabular-output (lines) stream-write log-stream server-client (stream-copy) with-nested-stream lines readln cd client-stream nth-byte with-logging stream-read1 nested-style-stream-style accept check-closed client-stream-port do-nested-quot pathname-string set-nested-style-stream-style read home close with-stream-table stdio be> log-error duplex-stream-out+ server stream-flush set-duplex-stream-in line-reader-cr >le with-client <client> <pathname> <string-writer> (directory) set-server-client stream-print with-server exists? <plain-writer> with-nesting string-lines write duplex-stream-in client-stream? duplex-stream-in+
syn keyword factorKeyword sbuf ch>upper string? LETTER? >sbuf >lower quotable? string>sbuf blank? string sbuf? printable? >string letter? resize-string control? alpha? <string> >upper Letter? ch>lower digit? <sbuf> ch>string
syn keyword factorKeyword <vector> >vector array>vector vector? vector
syn keyword factorKeyword set-restart-continuation cleanup error-hook restart-name restarts. stack-underflow. expired-error. restart restart? word-xt. (:help-none) set-catchstack c-string-error. condition <assert> debug-help :get datastack-overflow. set-condition-restarts condition? error. objc-error. print-error assert :res catchstack rethrow assert= kernel-error restart-obj assert? undefined-symbol-error. retainstack-overflow. restarts error-help divide-by-zero-error. ffi-error. signal-error. (:help-multi) set-restart-obj xt. memory-error. retainstack-underflow. set-condition-continuation datastack-underflow. try assert-depth error-continuation error-stack-trace assert-expect recover :edit kernel-error? error callstack-overflow. stack-overflow. callstack-underflow. set-assert-got set-restart-name restart-continuation condition-restarts heap-scan-error. :help type-check-error. <condition> assert-got throw negative-array-size-error. :c condition-continuation :trace undefined-word-error. io-error. parse-dump <restart> set-assert-expect :r :s compute-restarts catch restart.
syn cluster factorReal contains=factorInt,factorFloat,factorRatio,factorBinary,factorHex,factorOctal
syn cluster factorNumber contains=@factorReal,factorComplex
syn cluster factorNumErr contains=factorBinErr,factorHexErr,factorOctErr
syn match factorInt /\<-\=\d\+\>/
syn match factorFloat /\<-\=\d*\.\d\+\>/
syn match factorRatio /\<-\=\d*\.*\d\+\/-\=\d*\.*\d\+\>/
syn region factorComplex start=/\<C{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorReal
syn match factorBinErr /\<BIN:\s\+[01]*[^\s01]\S*\>/
syn match factorBinary /\<BIN:\s\+[01]\+\>/
syn match factorHexErr /\<HEX:\s\+\x*[^\x\s]\S*\>/
syn match factorHex /\<HEX:\s\+\x\+\>/
syn match factorOctErr /\<OCT:\s\+\o*[^\o\s]\S*\>/
syn match factorOctal /\<OCT:\s\+\o\+\>/
syn match factorIn /\<IN:\s\+\S\+\>/
syn match factorUse /\<USE:\s\+\S\+\>/
syn match factorCharErr /\<CHAR:\s\+\S\+/
syn match factorChar /\<CHAR:\s\+\\\=\S\>/
syn match factorBackslash /\<\\\>\s\+\S\+\>/
syn region factorUsing start=/\<USING:\>/ end=/;/
syn region factorRequires start=/\<REQUIRES:\>/ end=/;/
syn cluster factorWordOps contains=factorSymbol,factorPostpone,factorDefer,factorForget
syn match factorSymbol /\<SYMBOL:\s\+\S\+\>/
syn match factorPostpone /\<POSTPONE:\s\+\S\+\>/
syn match factorDefer /\<DEFER:\s\+\S\+\>/
syn match factorForget /\<FORGET:\s\+\S\+\>/
syn match factorAlien /\<ALIEN:\s\+\d\+\>/
syn region factorTuple start=/\<TUPLE:\>/ end=/\<;\>/
"C interface:
" DLL"
syn region factorString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ oneline
syn region factorSbuf start=/SBUF" / skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ oneline
syn match factorStackEffectErr /\<)\>/
syn region factorStackEffectErr start=/\<(\>/ end=/\<)\>/
syn region factorStackEffect start=/\<(\>/ end=/\<)\>/ contained
"adapted from lisp.vim
if exists("g:factor_norainbow")
syn region factorQuotation matchgroup=factorDelimiter start=/\<\[\>/ matchgroup=factorDelimiter end=/\<\]\>/ contains=ALL
syn region factorQuotation0 matchgroup=hlLevel0 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation1,factorArray1
syn region factorQuotation1 contained matchgroup=hlLevel1 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation2,factorArray2
syn region factorQuotation2 contained matchgroup=hlLevel2 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation3,factorArray3
syn region factorQuotation3 contained matchgroup=hlLevel3 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation4,factorArray4
syn region factorQuotation4 contained matchgroup=hlLevel4 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation5,factorArray5
syn region factorQuotation5 contained matchgroup=hlLevel5 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation6,factorArray6
syn region factorQuotation6 contained matchgroup=hlLevel6 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation7,factorArray7
syn region factorQuotation7 contained matchgroup=hlLevel7 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation8,factorArray8
syn region factorQuotation8 contained matchgroup=hlLevel8 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation9,factorArray9
syn region factorQuotation9 contained matchgroup=hlLevel9 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation0,factorArray0
if exists("g:factor_norainbow")
syn region factorArray matchgroup=factorDelimiter start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ matchgroup=factorDelimiter end=/\<}\>/ contains=ALL
syn region factorArray0 matchgroup=hlLevel0 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray1,factorQuotation1
syn region factorArray1 contained matchgroup=hlLevel1 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray2,factorQuotation2
syn region factorArray2 contained matchgroup=hlLevel2 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray3,factorQuotation3
syn region factorArray3 contained matchgroup=hlLevel3 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray4,factorQuotation4
syn region factorArray4 contained matchgroup=hlLevel4 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray5,factorQuotation5
syn region factorArray5 contained matchgroup=hlLevel5 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray6,factorQuotation6
syn region factorArray6 contained matchgroup=hlLevel6 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray7,factorQuotation7
syn region factorArray7 contained matchgroup=hlLevel7 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray8,factorQuotation8
syn region factorArray8 contained matchgroup=hlLevel8 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray9,factorQuotation9
syn region factorArray9 contained matchgroup=hlLevel9 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray0,factorQuotation0
syn match factorBracketErr /\<\]\>/
syn match factorBracketErr /\<}\>/
syn sync lines=100
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_factor_syn_inits")
if version <= 508
let did_factor_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink factorComment Comment
HiLink factorStackEffect Typedef
HiLink factorTodo Todo
HiLink factorInclude Include
HiLink factorRepeat Repeat
HiLink factorConditional Conditional
HiLink factorKeyword Keyword
HiLink factorOperator Operator
HiLink factorBoolean Boolean
HiLink factorDefinition Typedef
HiLink factorString String
HiLink factorSbuf String
HiLink factorBracketErr Error
HiLink factorStackEffectErr Error
HiLink factorComplex Number
HiLink factorRatio Number
HiLink factorBinary Number
HiLink factorBinErr Error
HiLink factorHex Number
HiLink factorHexErr Error
HiLink factorOctal Number
HiLink factorOctErr Error
HiLink factorFloat Float
HiLink factorInt Number
HiLink factorUsing Include
HiLink factorUse Include
HiLink factorRequires Include
HiLink factorIn Define
HiLink factorChar Character
HiLink factorCharErr Error
HiLink factorDelimiter Delimiter
HiLink factorBackslash Special
HiLink factorCompileDirective Keyword
HiLink factorSymbol Define
HiLink factorPostpone Define
HiLink factorDefer Define
HiLink factorForget Define
HiLink factorAlien Define
HiLink factorTuple Typedef
HiLink factorGeneric Define
if &bg == "dark"
hi hlLevel0 ctermfg=red guifg=red1
hi hlLevel1 ctermfg=yellow guifg=orange1
hi hlLevel2 ctermfg=green guifg=yellow1
hi hlLevel3 ctermfg=cyan guifg=greenyellow
hi hlLevel4 ctermfg=magenta guifg=green1
hi hlLevel5 ctermfg=red guifg=springgreen1
hi hlLevel6 ctermfg=yellow guifg=cyan1
hi hlLevel7 ctermfg=green guifg=slateblue1
hi hlLevel8 ctermfg=cyan guifg=magenta1
hi hlLevel9 ctermfg=magenta guifg=purple1
hi hlLevel0 ctermfg=red guifg=red3
hi hlLevel1 ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=orangered3
hi hlLevel2 ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=orange2
hi hlLevel3 ctermfg=blue guifg=yellow3
hi hlLevel4 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=olivedrab4
hi hlLevel5 ctermfg=red guifg=green4
hi hlLevel6 ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=paleturquoise3
hi hlLevel7 ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=deepskyblue4
hi hlLevel8 ctermfg=blue guifg=darkslateblue
hi hlLevel9 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkviolet
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "factor"
set sw=4
set ts=4
set expandtab
set autoindent " annoying?
" vim: syntax=vim