diff --git a/core/compiler/tests/stack-trace.factor b/core/compiler/tests/stack-trace.factor
index 3b1a5c6c85..1085feb0c6 100755
--- a/core/compiler/tests/stack-trace.factor
+++ b/core/compiler/tests/stack-trace.factor
@@ -30,10 +30,3 @@ words splitting grouping sorting ;
\ + stack-trace-contains?
\ > stack-trace-contains?
] unit-test
-: quux ( -- seq ) { 1 2 3 } [ "hi" throw ] sort ;
-[ t ] [
- [ 10 quux ] ignore-errors
- \ sort stack-trace-contains?
-] unit-test
diff --git a/core/optimizer/optimizer-tests.factor b/core/optimizer/optimizer-tests.factor
index ab808d7914..1e659f1b99 100755
--- a/core/optimizer/optimizer-tests.factor
+++ b/core/optimizer/optimizer-tests.factor
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ M: number detect-number ;
! Regression
USE: sorting
-USE: sorting.private
+USE: binary-search.private
: old-binsearch ( elt quot seq -- elt quot i )
dup length 1 <= [
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ USE: sorting.private
] [
[ midpoint swap call ] 3keep roll dup zero?
[ drop dup slice-from swap midpoint@ + ]
- [ partition old-binsearch ] if
+ [ dup midpoint@ cut-slice old-binsearch ] if
] if ; inline
[ 10 ] [
diff --git a/core/sorting/sorting-docs.factor b/core/sorting/sorting-docs.factor
index e55d1eb150..18bc7f14cf 100644
--- a/core/sorting/sorting-docs.factor
+++ b/core/sorting/sorting-docs.factor
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ sequences math.order ;
IN: sorting
ARTICLE: "sequences-sorting" "Sorting sequences"
+"The " { $vocab-link "sorting" } " vocabulary implements the merge-sort algorithm. It runs in " { $snippet "O(n log n)" } " time, and is a " { $emphasis "stable" } " sort, meaning that the order of equal elements is preserved."
+"The algorithm only allocates two additional arrays, both the size of the input sequence, and uses iteration rather than recursion, and thus is suitable for sorting large sequences."
"Sorting combinators all take comparator quotations with stack effect " { $snippet "( elt1 elt2 -- <=> )" } ", where the output value is one of the three " { $link "order-specifiers" } "."
"Sorting a sequence with a custom comparator:"
diff --git a/core/sorting/sorting-tests.factor b/core/sorting/sorting-tests.factor
index 5f3dab14bc..63e193c89f 100755
--- a/core/sorting/sorting-tests.factor
+++ b/core/sorting/sorting-tests.factor
@@ -18,3 +18,9 @@ unit-test
] unit-test
[ ] [ { 1 2 } [ 2drop 1 ] sort drop ] unit-test
+! Is it a stable sort?
+[ t ] [ { { 1 "a" } { 1 "b" } { 1 "c" } } dup sort-keys = ] unit-test
+[ { { 1 "a" } { 1 "b" } { 1 "c" } { 1 "e" } { 2 "d" } } ]
+[ { { 1 "a" } { 1 "b" } { 1 "c" } { 2 "d" } { 1 "e" } } sort-keys ] unit-test
diff --git a/core/sorting/sorting.factor b/core/sorting/sorting.factor
index a93a30e7f2..8b84ea8fe0 100755
--- a/core/sorting/sorting.factor
+++ b/core/sorting/sorting.factor
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ TUPLE: merge
: dump-r [ [ from2>> ] [ to2>> ] [ seq>> ] tri ] [ accum>> ] bi dump ; inline
: l-next [ [ l-elt ] [ [ 1+ ] change-from1 drop ] bi ] [ accum>> ] bi push ; inline
: r-next [ [ r-elt ] [ [ 1+ ] change-from2 drop ] bi ] [ accum>> ] bi push ; inline
-: decide [ [ l-elt ] [ r-elt ] bi ] dip call +lt+ eq? ; inline
+: decide [ [ l-elt ] [ r-elt ] bi ] dip call +gt+ eq? ; inline
: (merge) ( merge quot -- )
- over l-done? [ drop dump-r ] [
- over r-done? [ drop dump-l ] [
+ over r-done? [ drop dump-l ] [
+ over l-done? [ drop dump-r ] [
2dup decide
- [ over l-next ] [ over r-next ] if
+ [ over r-next ] [ over l-next ] if
] if
] if ; inline
diff --git a/extra/benchmark/backtrack/backtrack.factor b/extra/benchmark/backtrack/backtrack.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9a5ad0ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/benchmark/backtrack/backtrack.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
+! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
+USING: backtrack shuffle math math.ranges quotations locals fry
+kernel words io memoize macros io prettyprint sequences assocs
+combinators namespaces ;
+IN: benchmark.backtrack
+! This was suggested by Dr_Ford. Compute the number of quadruples
+! (a,b,c,d) with 1 <= a,b,c,d <= 10 such that we can make 24 by
+! placing them on the stack, and applying the operations
+! +, -, * and rot as many times as we wish.
+: nop ;
+MACRO: amb-execute ( seq -- quot )
+ [ length ] [ [ 1quotation ] assoc-map ] bi
+ '[ , amb , case ] ;
+: if-amb ( true false -- )
+ [
+ [ { t f } amb ]
+ [ '[ @ require t ] ]
+ [ '[ @ f ] ]
+ tri* if
+ ] with-scope ; inline
+: do-something ( a b -- c )
+ { + - * } amb-execute ;
+: some-rots ( a b c -- a b c )
+ #! Try to rot 0, 1 or 2 times.
+ { nop rot -rot } amb-execute ;
+MEMO: 24-from-1 ( a -- ? )
+ 24 = ;
+MEMO: 24-from-2 ( a b -- ? )
+ [ do-something 24-from-1 ] [ 2drop ] if-amb ;
+MEMO: 24-from-3 ( a b c -- ? )
+ [ some-rots do-something 24-from-2 ] [ 3drop ] if-amb ;
+MEMO: 24-from-4 ( a b c d -- ? )
+ [ some-rots do-something 24-from-3 ] [ 4drop ] if-amb ;
+: find-impossible-24 ( -- n )
+ 1 10 [a,b] [| a |
+ 1 10 [a,b] [| b |
+ 1 10 [a,b] [| c |
+ 1 10 [a,b] [| d |
+ a b c d 24-from-4
+ ] count
+ ] sigma
+ ] sigma
+ ] sigma ;
+: words { 24-from-1 24-from-2 24-from-3 24-from-4 } ;
+: backtrack-benchmark ( -- )
+ words [ reset-memoized ] each
+ find-impossible-24 pprint "/10000 quadruples can make 24." print
+ words [
+ dup pprint " tested " write "memoize" word-prop assoc-size pprint
+ " possibilities" print
+ ] each ;
diff --git a/extra/channels/channels-tests.factor b/extra/channels/channels-tests.factor
index df72572c67..3300faa125 100755
--- a/extra/channels/channels-tests.factor
+++ b/extra/channels/channels-tests.factor
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ IN: channels.tests
] unit-test
-{ V{ 1 2 3 4 } } [
+{ { 1 2 3 4 } } [
V{ } clone
[ from swap push ] in-thread
[ from swap push ] in-thread
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ IN: channels.tests
] unit-test
-{ V{ 1 2 4 9 } } [
+{ { 1 2 4 9 } } [
V{ } clone
[ 4 swap to ] in-thread
[ 2 swap to ] in-thread
diff --git a/extra/farkup/authors.factor b/extra/farkup/authors.factor
deleted file mode 100644
index 5674120196..0000000000
--- a/extra/farkup/authors.factor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Doug Coleman
-Slava Pestov
diff --git a/extra/farkup/authors.txt b/extra/farkup/authors.txt
index 7c1b2f2279..5674120196 100644
--- a/extra/farkup/authors.txt
+++ b/extra/farkup/authors.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
Doug Coleman
+Slava Pestov
diff --git a/extra/farkup/farkup-tests.factor b/extra/farkup/farkup-tests.factor
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 17d286252e..005e875d89
--- a/extra/farkup/farkup-tests.factor
+++ b/extra/farkup/farkup-tests.factor
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
-USING: farkup kernel tools.test ;
+! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
+! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
+USING: farkup kernel peg peg.ebnf tools.test ;
IN: farkup.tests
-[ "" ] [ "-foo" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "\n" ] [ "-foo\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "" ] [ "-foo\n-bar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "\n" ] [ "-foo\n-bar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ ] [
+ "abcd-*strong*\nasdifj\nweouh23ouh23"
+ "paragraph" \ farkup rule parse drop
+] unit-test
-[ "\nbar\n
" ] [ "-foo\nbar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ ] [
+ "abcd-*strong*\nasdifj\nweouh23ouh23\n"
+ "paragraph" \ farkup rule parse drop
+] unit-test
+[ "a-b
" ] [ "a-b" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "*foo\nbar\n
" ] [ "*foo\nbar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "Wow!
" ] [ "*Wow!*" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "Wow.
" ] [ "_Wow._" convert-farkup ] unit-test
@@ -15,11 +22,20 @@ IN: farkup.tests
[ "*
" ] [ "\\*" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "**
" ] [ "\\**" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "" ] [ "\n\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "" ] [ "\r\n\r\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "" ] [ "\r\r\r\r" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "\n" ] [ "\r\r\r" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "\n" ] [ "\n\n\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "" ] [ "-a-b" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "" ] [ "-foo" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "" ] [ "-foo\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "" ] [ "-foo\n-bar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "" ] [ "-foo\n-bar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "bar\n
" ] [ "-foo\nbar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "\n\n" ] [ "\n\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "\n\n" ] [ "\r\n\r\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "\n\n\n\n" ] [ "\r\r\r\r" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "\n\n\n" ] [ "\r\r\r" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "\n\n\n" ] [ "\n\n\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "foo
" ] [ "foo\n\nbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "foo
" ] [ "foo\r\n\r\nbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "foo
" ] [ "foo\r\rbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
@@ -29,7 +45,7 @@ IN: farkup.tests
[ "\nbar\n
" ] [ "\rbar\r" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "\nbar\n
" ] [ "\r\nbar\r\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "foo
" ] [ "foo\n\n\nbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
+[ "foo
" ] [ "foo\n\n\nbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "" convert-farkup ] unit-test
@@ -77,8 +93,5 @@ IN: farkup.tests
] [ "Feature comparison:\n|a|Factor|Java|Lisp|\n|Coolness|Yes|No|No|\n|Badass|Yes|No|No|\n|Enterprise|Yes|Yes|No|\n|Kosher|Yes|No|Yes|\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
- "Feature comparison:\n\n
a | Factor | Java | Lisp |
Coolness | Yes | No | No |
Badass | Yes | No | No |
Enterprise | Yes | Yes | No |
Kosher | Yes | No | Yes |
+ "Feature comparison:
a | Factor | Java | Lisp |
Coolness | Yes | No | No |
Badass | Yes | No | No |
Enterprise | Yes | Yes | No |
Kosher | Yes | No | Yes |
] [ "Feature comparison:\n\n|a|Factor|Java|Lisp|\n|Coolness|Yes|No|No|\n|Badass|Yes|No|No|\n|Enterprise|Yes|Yes|No|\n|Kosher|Yes|No|Yes|\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "a-b
" ] [ "a-b" convert-farkup ] unit-test
-[ "" ] [ "-a-b" convert-farkup ] unit-test
diff --git a/extra/farkup/farkup.factor b/extra/farkup/farkup.factor
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 321648136a..baf2ccaba2
--- a/extra/farkup/farkup.factor
+++ b/extra/farkup/farkup.factor
@@ -1,72 +1,111 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
-USING: arrays io io.styles kernel memoize namespaces peg math
-combinators sequences strings html.elements xml.entities
-xmode.code2html splitting io.streams.string peg.parsers
-sequences.deep unicode.categories ;
+USING: accessors arrays combinators html.elements io io.streams.string
+kernel math memoize namespaces peg peg.ebnf prettyprint
+sequences sequences.deep strings xml.entities vectors splitting
+xmode.code2html ;
IN: farkup
SYMBOL: relative-link-prefix
SYMBOL: disable-images?
SYMBOL: link-no-follow?
- [[ drop "\n" ]]
+2nl = nl nl
-MEMO: text ( -- parser )
- [ delimiters member? not ] satisfy repeat1
- [ >string escape-string ] action ;
+heading1 = "=" (!("=" | nl).)+ "="
+ => [[ second >string heading1 boa ]]
-MEMO: delimiter ( -- parser )
- [ dup delimiters member? swap "\r\n=" member? not and ] satisfy
- [ 1string ] action ;
+heading2 = "==" (!("=" | nl).)+ "=="
+ => [[ second >string heading2 boa ]]
-: surround-with-foo ( string tag -- seq )
- dup swap swapd 3array ;
+heading3 = "===" (!("=" | nl).)+ "==="
+ => [[ second >string heading3 boa ]]
-: delimited ( str html -- parser )
- [
- over token hide ,
- text [ surround-with-foo ] swapd curry action ,
- token hide ,
- ] seq* ;
+heading4 = "====" (!("=" | nl).)+ "===="
+ => [[ second >string heading4 boa ]]
-MEMO: escaped-char ( -- parser )
- [ "\\" token hide , any-char , ] seq* [ >string ] action ;
+strong = "*" (!("*" | nl).)+ "*"
+ => [[ second >string strong boa ]]
-MEMO: strong ( -- parser ) "*" "strong" delimited ;
-MEMO: emphasis ( -- parser ) "_" "em" delimited ;
-MEMO: superscript ( -- parser ) "^" "sup" delimited ;
-MEMO: subscript ( -- parser ) "~" "sub" delimited ;
-MEMO: inline-code ( -- parser ) "%" "code" delimited ;
-MEMO: nl ( -- parser )
- "\r\n" token [ drop "\n" ] action
- "\r" token [ drop "\n" ] action
- "\n" token 3choice ;
-MEMO: 2nl ( -- parser ) nl hide nl hide 2seq ;
-MEMO: h1 ( -- parser ) "=" "h1" delimited ;
-MEMO: h2 ( -- parser ) "==" "h2" delimited ;
-MEMO: h3 ( -- parser ) "===" "h3" delimited ;
-MEMO: h4 ( -- parser ) "====" "h4" delimited ;
+emphasis = "_" (!("_" | nl).)+ "_"
+ => [[ second >string emphasis boa ]]
+superscript = "^" (!("^" | nl).)+ "^"
+ => [[ second >string superscript boa ]]
+subscript = "~" (!("~" | nl).)+ "~"
+ => [[ second >string subscript boa ]]
+inline-code = "%" (!("%" | nl).)+ "%"
+ => [[ second >string inline-code boa ]]
+escaped-char = "\" . => [[ second ]]
+image-link = "[[image:" (!("|") .)+ "|" (!("]]").)+ "]]"
+ => [[ [ second >string ] [ fourth >string ] bi image boa ]]
+ | "[[image:" (!("]").)+ "]]"
+ => [[ second >string f image boa ]]
+simple-link = "[[" (!("|]" | "]]") .)+ "]]"
+ => [[ second >string dup link boa ]]
+labelled-link = "[[" (!("|") .)+ "|" (!("]]").)+ "]]"
+ => [[ [ second >string ] [ fourth >string ] bi link boa ]]
+link = image-link | labelled-link | simple-link
+heading = heading4 | heading3 | heading2 | heading1
+inline-tag = strong | emphasis | superscript | subscript | inline-code
+ | link | escaped-char
+inline-delimiter = '*' | '_' | '^' | '~' | '%' | '\' | '['
+table-column = (list | (!(nl | inline-delimiter | '|').)+ | inline-tag | inline-delimiter ) '|'
+ => [[ first ]]
+table-row = "|" (table-column)+
+ => [[ second table-row boa ]]
+table = ((table-row nl => [[ first ]] )+ table-row? | table-row)
+ => [[ table boa ]]
+paragraph-item = ( table | (!(nl | code | heading | inline-delimiter | table ).) | inline-tag | inline-delimiter)+
+paragraph = ((paragraph-item nl => [[ first ]])+ nl+ => [[ first ]]
+ | (paragraph-item nl)+ paragraph-item?
+ | paragraph-item)
+ => [[ paragraph boa ]]
+list-item = '-' ((!(inline-delimiter | nl).)+ | inline-tag)*
+ => [[ second list-item boa ]]
+list = ((list-item nl)+ list-item? | list-item)
+ => [[ list boa ]]
+code = '[' (!('{' | nl | '[').)+ '{' (!("}]").)+ "}]"
+ => [[ [ second >string ] [ fourth >string ] bi code boa ]]
+stand-alone = (code | heading | list | table | paragraph | nl)*
-MEMO: eq ( -- parser )
- [
- h1 ensure-not ,
- h2 ensure-not ,
- h3 ensure-not ,
- h4 ensure-not ,
- "=" token ,
- ] seq* ;
-: render-code ( string mode -- string' )
- >r string-lines r>
- [
- htmlize-lines
- ] with-string-writer ;
: invalid-url "javascript:alert('Invalid URL in farkup');" ;
@@ -85,116 +124,57 @@ MEMO: eq ( -- parser )
: escape-link ( href text -- href-esc text-esc )
>r check-url escape-quoted-string r> escape-string ;
-: make-link ( href text -- seq )
+: write-link ( text href -- )
- [
- "r , r> "\"" ,
- link-no-follow? get [ " nofollow=\"true\"" , ] when
- ">" , , "" ,
- ] { } make ;
+ "" write write "" write ;
-: make-image-link ( href alt -- seq )
+: write-image-link ( href text -- )
disable-images? get [
- 2drop "Images are not allowed"
+ 2drop "Images are not allowed" write
] [
- [
- "
" ,
- ] { } make
+ >r "
+ dup empty? [ drop ] [ " alt=\"" write write "\"" write ] if
+ "/>" write
] if ;
-MEMO: image-link ( -- parser )
+: render-code ( string mode -- string' )
+ >r string-lines r>
- "[[image:" token hide ,
- [ "|]" member? not ] satisfy repeat1 [ >string ] action ,
- "|" token hide
- [ CHAR: ] = not ] satisfy repeat0 2seq
- [ first >string ] action optional ,
- "]]" token hide ,
- ] seq* [ first2 make-image-link ] action ;
+ htmlize-lines
+ ] with-string-writer write ;
-MEMO: simple-link ( -- parser )
- [
- "[[" token hide ,
- [ "|]" member? not ] satisfy repeat1 ,
- "]]" token hide ,
- ] seq* [ first dup make-link ] action ;
-MEMO: labelled-link ( -- parser )
- [
- "[[" token hide ,
- [ CHAR: | = not ] satisfy repeat1 ,
- "|" token hide ,
- [ CHAR: ] = not ] satisfy repeat1 ,
- "]]" token hide ,
- ] seq* [ first2 make-link ] action ;
-MEMO: link ( -- parser )
- [ image-link , simple-link , labelled-link , ] choice* ;
-DEFER: line
-MEMO: list-item ( -- parser )
- [
- "-" token hide , ! text ,
- [ "\r\n" member? not ] satisfy repeat1 [ >string escape-string ] action ,
- ] seq* [ "li" surround-with-foo ] action ;
-MEMO: list ( -- parser )
- list-item nl hide list-of
- [ "ul" surround-with-foo ] action ;
-MEMO: table-column ( -- parser )
- text [ "td" surround-with-foo ] action ;
-MEMO: table-row ( -- parser )
- "|" token hide
- table-column "|" token hide list-of
- "|" token hide nl hide optional 4seq
- [ "tr" surround-with-foo ] action ;
-MEMO: table ( -- parser )
- table-row repeat1
- [ "table" surround-with-foo ] action ;
-MEMO: code ( -- parser )
- [
- "[" token hide ,
- [ CHAR: { = not ] satisfy repeat1 optional [ >string ] action ,
- "{" token hide ,
- "}]" token ensure-not any-char 2seq repeat0 [ concat >string ] action ,
- "}]" token hide ,
- ] seq* [ first2 swap render-code ] action ;
-MEMO: line ( -- parser )
- [
- nl table 2seq ,
- nl list 2seq ,
- text , strong , emphasis , link ,
- superscript , subscript , inline-code ,
- escaped-char , delimiter , eq ,
- ] choice* repeat1 ;
-MEMO: paragraph ( -- parser )
- line
- nl over 2seq repeat0
- nl nl ensure-not 2seq optional 3seq
- [
- dup [ dup string? not swap [ blank? ] all? or ] deep-all?
- [ "" swap "
" 3array ] unless
- ] action ;
-PEG: parse-farkup ( -- parser )
- [
- list , table , h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , code , paragraph , 2nl , nl ,
- ] choice* repeat0 nl optional 2seq ;
-: write-farkup ( parse-result -- )
- [ dup string? [ write ] [ drop ] if ] deep-each ;
+GENERIC: write-farkup ( obj -- )
+: ( string -- ) write ;
+: ( string -- ) write ;
+: in-tag. ( obj quot string -- ) [ call ] keep ; inline
+M: heading1 write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "h1" in-tag. ;
+M: heading2 write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "h2" in-tag. ;
+M: heading3 write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "h3" in-tag. ;
+M: heading4 write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "h4" in-tag. ;
+M: strong write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "strong" in-tag. ;
+M: emphasis write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "em" in-tag. ;
+M: superscript write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "sup" in-tag. ;
+M: subscript write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "sub" in-tag. ;
+M: inline-code write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "code" in-tag. ;
+M: list-item write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "li" in-tag. ;
+M: list write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "ul" in-tag. ;
+M: paragraph write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "p" in-tag. ;
+M: link write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ text>> ] [ href>> ] bi write-link ;
+M: image write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ href>> ] [ text>> ] bi write-image-link ;
+M: code write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ string>> ] [ mode>> ] bi render-code ;
+M: table-row write-farkup ( obj -- )
+ obj>> [ [ [ write-farkup ] "td" in-tag. ] each ] "tr" in-tag. ;
+M: table write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ obj>> write-farkup ] "table" in-tag. ;
+M: fixnum write-farkup ( obj -- ) write1 ;
+M: string write-farkup ( obj -- ) write ;
+M: vector write-farkup ( obj -- ) [ write-farkup ] each ;
+M: f write-farkup ( obj -- ) drop ;
: convert-farkup ( string -- string' )
- parse-farkup [ write-farkup ] with-string-writer ;
+ farkup [ write-farkup ] with-string-writer ;
diff --git a/extra/multi-methods/tests/canonicalize.factor b/extra/multi-methods/tests/canonicalize.factor
index d5baf4914c..991551c009 100644
--- a/extra/multi-methods/tests/canonicalize.factor
+++ b/extra/multi-methods/tests/canonicalize.factor
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ kernel strings ;
{ { object ppc object } "b" }
{ { string object windows } "c" }
- V{ cpu os }
+ { cpu os }
] [
example-1 canonicalize-specializers
] unit-test
diff --git a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
index 7f14293a15..45e1e9b218 100644
--- a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ foo= 'd'
] unit-test
- "USING: peg.ebnf ; \"ab\" [EBNF foo='a' foo='b' EBNF]" eval drop
+ "USING: peg.ebnf ; " eval drop
] must-fail
{ t } [
@@ -519,4 +519,4 @@ Tok = Spaces (Number | Special )
{ "\\" } [
"\\" [EBNF foo="\\" EBNF]
-] unit-test
\ No newline at end of file
+] unit-test
diff --git a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
index 2a75fcccc0..cc94a215e6 100644
--- a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ M: ebnf-tokenizer (transform) ( ast -- parser )
M: ebnf-rule (transform) ( ast -- parser )
dup elements>>
(transform) [
- swap symbol>> dup get { [ tuple? ] [ delegate parser? ] } 1&& [
+ swap symbol>> dup get parser? [
"Rule '" over append "' defined more than once" append throw
] [
diff --git a/extra/ui/gadgets/panes/panes.factor b/extra/ui/gadgets/panes/panes.factor
index 9b547ce544..31a7249a79 100755
--- a/extra/ui/gadgets/panes/panes.factor
+++ b/extra/ui/gadgets/panes/panes.factor
@@ -1,66 +1,55 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.borders ui.gadgets.buttons
-ui.gadgets.labels ui.gadgets.scrollers
-ui.gadgets.paragraphs ui.gadgets.incremental ui.gadgets.packs
-ui.gadgets.theme ui.clipboards ui.gestures ui.traverse ui.render
-hashtables io kernel namespaces sequences io.styles strings
-quotations math opengl combinators math.vectors
-sorting splitting io.streams.nested assocs
-ui.gadgets.presentations ui.gadgets.slots ui.gadgets.grids
-ui.gadgets.grid-lines classes.tuple models continuations
-destructors accessors math.geometry.rect ;
+ ui.gadgets.labels ui.gadgets.scrollers
+ ui.gadgets.paragraphs ui.gadgets.incremental ui.gadgets.packs
+ ui.gadgets.theme ui.clipboards ui.gestures ui.traverse ui.render
+ hashtables io kernel namespaces sequences io.styles strings
+ quotations math opengl combinators math.vectors
+ sorting splitting io.streams.nested assocs
+ ui.gadgets.presentations ui.gadgets.slots ui.gadgets.grids
+ ui.gadgets.grid-lines classes.tuple models continuations
+ destructors accessors math.geometry.rect ;
IN: ui.gadgets.panes
TUPLE: pane < pack
-output current prototype scrolls?
-selection-color caret mark selecting? ;
+ output current prototype scrolls?
+ selection-color caret mark selecting? ;
-: clear-selection ( pane -- )
- f >>caret
- f >>mark
- drop ;
+: clear-selection ( pane -- pane ) f >>caret f >>mark ;
-: add-output ( current pane -- )
- [ set-pane-output ] [ swap add-gadget drop ] 2bi ;
+: add-output ( pane current -- pane ) [ >>output ] [ add-gadget ] bi ;
+: add-current ( pane current -- pane ) [ >>current ] [ add-gadget ] bi ;
-: add-current ( current pane -- )
- [ set-pane-current ] [ swap add-gadget drop ] 2bi ;
+: prepare-line ( pane -- pane )
+ clear-selection
+ dup prototype>> clone add-current ;
-: prepare-line ( pane -- )
- [ clear-selection ]
- [ [ pane-prototype clone ] keep add-current ] bi ;
-: pane-caret&mark ( pane -- caret mark )
- [ caret>> ] [ mark>> ] bi ;
+: pane-caret&mark ( pane -- caret mark ) [ caret>> ] [ mark>> ] bi ;
: selected-children ( pane -- seq )
[ pane-caret&mark sort-pair ] keep gadget-subtree ;
M: pane gadget-selection? pane-caret&mark and ;
-M: pane gadget-selection
- selected-children gadget-text ;
+M: pane gadget-selection ( pane -- string/f ) selected-children gadget-text ;
: pane-clear ( pane -- )
- [ clear-selection ]
- [ pane-output clear-incremental ]
- [ pane-current clear-gadget ]
- tri ;
-: pane-theme ( pane -- pane )
- selection-color >>selection-color ; inline
+ clear-selection
+ [ pane-output clear-incremental ]
+ [ pane-current clear-gadget ]
+ bi ;
: new-pane ( class -- pane )
{ 0 1 } >>orientation
- over add-output
- dup prepare-line
- pane-theme ;
+ add-output
+ prepare-line
+ selection-color >>selection-color ;
-: ( -- pane )
- pane new-pane ;
+: ( -- pane ) pane new-pane ;
GENERIC: draw-selection ( loc obj -- )
@@ -102,25 +91,25 @@ C: pane-stream
: smash-pane ( pane -- gadget ) pane-output smash-line ;
-: pane-nl ( pane -- )
+: pane-nl ( pane -- pane )
dup pane-current dup unparent smash-line
over pane-output add-incremental
prepare-line ;
: pane-write ( pane seq -- )
- [ dup pane-nl ]
+ [ pane-nl ]
[ over pane-current stream-write ]
interleave drop ;
: pane-format ( style pane seq -- )
- [ dup pane-nl ]
+ [ pane-nl ]
[ 2over pane-current stream-format ]
interleave 2drop ;
GENERIC: write-gadget ( gadget stream -- )
-M: pane-stream write-gadget
- pane-stream-pane pane-current swap add-gadget drop ;
+M: pane-stream write-gadget ( gadget pane-stream -- )
+ pane>> current>> swap add-gadget drop ;
M: style-stream write-gadget
stream>> write-gadget ;
@@ -148,8 +137,8 @@ M: style-stream write-gadget
TUPLE: pane-control < pane quot ;
-M: pane-control model-changed
- swap model-value swap dup pane-control-quot with-pane ;
+M: pane-control model-changed ( model pane-control -- )
+ [ value>> ] [ dup quot>> ] bi* with-pane ;
: ( model quot -- pane )
pane-control new-pane
@@ -160,7 +149,7 @@ M: pane-control model-changed
>r pane-stream-pane r> keep scroll-pane ; inline
M: pane-stream stream-nl
- [ pane-nl ] do-pane-stream ;
+ [ pane-nl drop ] do-pane-stream ;
M: pane-stream stream-write1
[ pane-current stream-write1 ] do-pane-stream ;
@@ -337,8 +326,9 @@ M: paragraph stream-format
] if ;
-: caret>mark ( pane -- )
- dup pane-caret over set-pane-mark relayout-1 ;
+: caret>mark ( pane -- pane )
+ dup caret>> >>mark
+ dup relayout-1 ;
GENERIC: sloppy-pick-up* ( loc gadget -- n )
@@ -362,25 +352,25 @@ M: f sloppy-pick-up*
[ 3drop { } ]
if ;
-: move-caret ( pane -- )
- dup hand-rel
- over sloppy-pick-up
- over set-pane-caret
- relayout-1 ;
+: move-caret ( pane -- pane )
+ dup hand-rel
+ over sloppy-pick-up
+ over set-pane-caret
+ dup relayout-1 ;
: begin-selection ( pane -- )
- dup move-caret f swap set-pane-mark ;
+ move-caret f swap set-pane-mark ;
: extend-selection ( pane -- )
hand-moved? [
dup selecting?>> [
- dup move-caret
+ move-caret
] [
dup hand-clicked get child? [
t >>selecting?
dup hand-clicked set-global
- dup move-caret
- dup caret>mark
+ move-caret
+ caret>mark
] when
] if
dup dup pane-caret gadget-at-path scroll>gadget
@@ -395,8 +385,8 @@ M: f sloppy-pick-up*
] if ;
: select-to-caret ( pane -- )
- dup pane-mark [ dup caret>mark ] unless
- dup move-caret
+ dup pane-mark [ caret>mark ] unless
+ move-caret
dup request-focus
com-copy-selection ;