diff --git a/extra/ctags/ctags-docs.factor b/extra/ctags/ctags-docs.factor
index 2da85bd43d..9d98cae0b3 100644
--- a/extra/ctags/ctags-docs.factor
+++ b/extra/ctags/ctags-docs.factor
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ ARTICLE: "ctags" "Ctags file"
 { $emphasis "ctags" } " generates a index file of every factor word in ctags format as supported by vi and other editors. More information can be found at " { $url "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ctags" } "."
 { $subsection ctags }
 { $subsection ctags-write }
+{ $subsection ctag-strings }
 { $subsection ctag } ;
 HELP: ctags ( path -- )
@@ -19,9 +20,9 @@ HELP: ctags ( path -- )
 } ;
 HELP: ctags-write ( seq path -- )
-{ $values { "seq" sequence }
+{ $values { "alist" "an association list" }
           { "path" "a pathname string" } }
-{ $description "Stores a " { $snippet "seq" } " in " { $snippet "path" } ". " { $snippet "seq" } " must be an association list with ctags format: key must be a valid word and value a sequence whose first element is a resource name and second element is a line number" }
+{ $description "Stores a " { $snippet "alist" } " in " { $snippet "path" } ". " { $snippet "alist" } " must be an association list with ctags format: key must be a valid word and value a sequence whose first element is a resource name and second element is a line number" }
 { $examples
   { $example
     "USING: kernel ctags ;"
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ HELP: ctags-write ( seq path -- )
   { $snippet "tags" } " file will contain a single line: if\\t/path/to/factor/extra/unix/unix.factor\\t91" } ;
 HELP: ctag-strings ( alist -- seq )
-{ $values { "alist" alist }
+{ $values { "alist" "an association list" }
           { "seq" sequence } }
 { $description "Converts an " { $snippet "alist" } " with ctag format (a word as key and a sequence whose first element is a resource name and a second element is a line number as value) in a " { $snippet "seq" } " of ctag strings." }
 { $examples