new vocab twitter.prettyprint: styled printing of twitter statuses

Joe Groff 2010-06-27 11:09:49 -07:00
parent 89d7634fe2
commit 044a862c37
1 changed files with 58 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
USING: accessors continuations fry http.client images.loader
images.loader.private images.viewer io io.styles kernel memoize
prettyprint sequences twitter ;
IN: twitter.prettyprint
MEMO: load-http-image ( url -- image/f )
'[ _
[ http-get [ check-response drop ] dip ]
[ image-class ] bi load-image*
] [ drop f ] recover ;
: user-image ( user -- image/f )
profile-image-url>> load-http-image ;
CONSTANT: tweet-table-style
H{ { table-gap { 5 5 } } }
CONSTANT: tweet-username-style
{ font-style bold }
CONSTANT: tweet-text-style
{ font-name "sans-serif" }
{ font-size 18 }
CONSTANT: tweet-metadata-style
{ font-size 10 }
: tweet. ( status -- )
tweet-table-style [
[ dup user>> user-image [ image. ] when* ] with-cell
tweet-text-style [
tweet-username-style [
dup user>> screen-name>> write
] with-style
" " write dup text>> print
tweet-metadata-style [
dup created-at>> write
" via " write
dup source>> write
] with-style
] with-style
] with-cell
] with-row
] tabular-output nl
drop ;
: friends-timeline. ( -- ) friends-timeline [ tweet. ] each ;
: public-timeline. ( -- ) public-timeline [ tweet. ] each ;
: user-timeline. ( user -- ) user-timeline [ tweet. ] each ;