Merge branch 'master' of git://

Eduardo Cavazos 2008-07-12 12:31:20 -05:00
commit 04d64939fd
41 changed files with 364 additions and 168 deletions

View File

@ -48,3 +48,5 @@ TYPEDEF: uchar* MyLPBYTE
0 B{ 1 2 3 4 } <displaced-alien> <void*>
] must-fail
[ t ] [ { t f t } >c-bool-array { 1 0 1 } >c-int-array = ] unit-test

View File

@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ M: long-long-type box-return ( type -- )
[ alien-unsigned-4 zero? not ] >>getter
[ 1 0 ? set-alien-unsigned-4 ] >>setter
[ [ 1 0 ? ] 2dip set-alien-unsigned-4 ] >>setter
4 >>size
4 >>align
"box_boolean" >>boxer
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ M: long-long-type box-return ( type -- )
[ alien-float ] >>getter
[ >r >r >float r> r> set-alien-float ] >>setter
[ [ >float ] 2dip set-alien-float ] >>setter
4 >>size
4 >>align
"box_float" >>boxer
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ M: long-long-type box-return ( type -- )
[ alien-double ] >>getter
[ >r >r >float r> r> set-alien-double ] >>setter
[ [ >float ] 2dip set-alien-double ] >>setter
8 >>size
8 >>align
"box_double" >>boxer

View File

@ -306,3 +306,9 @@ INTERSECTION: empty-intersection ;
[ t ] [ object \ f class-not \ f class-or class<= ] unit-test
[ ] [ object flatten-builtin-class drop ] unit-test
[ sa ] [ sa { sa sb sc } min-class ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: classes classes.predicate kernel sequences words ;
USING: classes classes.algebra classes.predicate kernel
sequences words ;
IN: classes.singleton
PREDICATE: singleton-class < predicate-class
@ -11,3 +12,6 @@ PREDICATE: singleton-class < predicate-class
\ word over [ eq? ] curry define-predicate-class ;
M: singleton-class instance? eq? ;
M: singleton-class (classes-intersect?)
over singleton-class? [ eq? ] [ call-next-method ] if ;

View File

@ -298,16 +298,16 @@ $nl
"For example, compare the definitions of the " { $link sbuf } " class,"
{ $code
"TUPLE: sbuf"
"{ \"underlying\" string }"
"{ \"length\" array-capacity } ;"
"{ underlying string }"
"{ length array-capacity } ;"
"INSTANCE: sbuf growable"
"with that of the " { $link vector } " class:"
{ $code
"TUPLE: vector"
"{ \"underlying\" array }"
"{ \"length\" array-capacity } ;"
"{ underlying array }"
"{ length array-capacity } ;"
"INSTANCE: vector growable"
} ;

View File

@ -336,6 +336,8 @@ M: tuple-class boa
[ tuple-layout ]
bi <tuple-boa> ;
M: tuple-class initial-value* new ;
! Deprecated
M: object get-slots ( obj slots -- ... )
[ execute ] with each ;

View File

@ -59,4 +59,11 @@ M: growable lengthen ( n seq -- )
2dup (>>length)
] when 2drop ;
M: growable shorten ( n seq -- )
2dup length < [
2dup contract
2dup (>>length)
] when 2drop ;
INSTANCE: growable sequence

View File

@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ sequences words inference.class quotations alien
alien.c-types strings sbufs sequences.private
slots.private combinators definitions compiler.units
system layouts vectors optimizer.math.partial
optimizer.inlining optimizer.backend math.order
accessors hashtables classes assocs ;
optimizer.inlining optimizer.backend math.order math.functions
accessors hashtables classes assocs io.encodings.utf8
io.encodings.ascii io.encodings ;
[ t ] [ T{ literal-constraint f 1 2 } T{ literal-constraint f 1 2 } equal? ] unit-test
@ -193,19 +194,15 @@ M: fixnum detect-fx ;
[ t ] [
[ { string sbuf } declare push-all ] \ push-all inlined?
[ { string sbuf } declare ] \ push-all def>> append \ + inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { string sbuf } declare push-all ] \ + inlined?
[ { string sbuf } declare ] \ push-all def>> append \ fixnum+ inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { string sbuf } declare push-all ] \ fixnum+ inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { string sbuf } declare push-all ] \ >fixnum inlined?
[ { string sbuf } declare ] \ push-all def>> append \ >fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
@ -600,6 +597,29 @@ TUPLE: declared-fixnum { x fixnum } ;
{ slot } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ array } declare length
1 + dup 100 fixnum> [ 1 fixnum+ ] when
] \ fixnum+ inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ [ resize-array ] keep length ] \ length inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ dup 0 > [ sqrt ] when ] \ sqrt inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { utf8 } declare decode-char ] \ decode-char inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { ascii } declare decode-char ] \ decode-char inlined?
] unit-test
! Later
! [ t ] [

View File

@ -129,8 +129,12 @@ GENERIC: infer-classes-before ( node -- )
GENERIC: infer-classes-around ( node -- )
GENERIC: infer-classes-after ( node -- )
M: node infer-classes-before drop ;
M: node infer-classes-after drop ;
M: node child-constraints
children>> length
dup zero? [ drop f ] [ f <repetition> ] if ;
@ -203,11 +207,19 @@ M: pair constraint-satisfied?
[ ] [ param>> "default-output-classes" word-prop ] ?if
r> ;
M: #call infer-classes-before
[ compute-constraints ] keep
[ output-classes ] [ out-d>> ] bi
: intersect-values ( classes intervals values -- )
tuck [ intersect-classes ] [ intersect-intervals ] 2bi* ;
M: #call infer-classes-before
[ compute-constraints ]
[ [ output-classes ] [ out-d>> ] bi intersect-values ] bi ;
: input-classes ( #call -- classes )
param>> "input-classes" word-prop ;
M: #call infer-classes-after
[ input-classes ] [ in-d>> ] bi intersect-classes ;
M: #push infer-classes-before
out-d>> [ [ value-literal ] keep set-value-literal* ] each ;
@ -340,6 +352,7 @@ M: object infer-classes-around
[ infer-classes-before ]
[ annotate-node ]
[ infer-classes-after ]
[ infer-children ]
[ merge-children ]
} cleave ;

View File

@ -153,8 +153,10 @@ M: object infer-call
] "infer" set-word-prop
: set-primitive-effect ( word effect -- )
2dup effect-out "default-output-classes" set-word-prop
dupd [ make-call-node ] 2curry "infer" set-word-prop ;
[ in>> "input-classes" set-word-prop ]
[ out>> "default-output-classes" set-word-prop ]
[ dupd [ make-call-node ] 2curry "infer" set-word-prop ]
2tri ;
! Stack effects for all primitives
\ fixnum< { fixnum fixnum } { object } <effect> set-primitive-effect

View File

@ -99,14 +99,20 @@ M: decoder stream-read-partial stream-read ;
[ >r drop "" like r> ]
[ pick push ((read-until)) ] if ; inline
: (read-until) ( seps stream -- string/f sep/f )
SBUF" " clone -rot >decoder<
: (read-until) ( quot -- string/f sep/f )
100 <sbuf> swap ((read-until)) ; inline
: decoder-read-until ( seps stream encoding -- string/f sep/f )
[ decode-char dup [ dup rot member? ] [ 2drop f t ] if ] 3curry
((read-until)) ; inline
(read-until) ;
M: decoder stream-read-until (read-until) ;
M: decoder stream-read-until >decoder< decoder-read-until ;
M: decoder stream-readln "\r\n" over (read-until) handle-readln ;
: decoder-readln ( stream encoding -- string/f sep/f )
[ decode-char dup [ dup "\r\n" member? ] [ drop f t ] if ] 2curry
(read-until) ;
M: decoder stream-readln dup >decoder< decoder-readln handle-readln ;
M: decoder dispose stream>> dispose ;
@ -119,8 +125,11 @@ M: object <encoder> encoder boa ;
M: encoder stream-write1
>encoder< encode-char ;
: decoder-write ( string stream encoding -- )
[ encode-char ] 2curry each ;
M: encoder stream-write
>encoder< [ encode-char ] 2curry each ;
>encoder< decoder-write ;
M: encoder dispose encoder-stream dispose ;

View File

@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ SINGLETON: utf8
: starts-2? ( char -- ? )
dup [ -6 shift BIN: 10 number= ] when ;
dup [ -6 shift BIN: 10 number= ] when ; inline
: append-nums ( stream byte -- stream char )
over stream-read1 dup starts-2?
[ swap 6 shift swap BIN: 111111 bitand bitor ]
[ 2drop replacement-char ] if ;
[ 2drop replacement-char ] if ; inline
: double ( stream byte -- stream char )
BIN: 11111 bitand append-nums ;
BIN: 11111 bitand append-nums ; inline
: triple ( stream byte -- stream char )
BIN: 1111 bitand append-nums append-nums ;
BIN: 1111 bitand append-nums append-nums ; inline
: quad ( stream byte -- stream char )
BIN: 111 bitand append-nums append-nums append-nums ;
BIN: 111 bitand append-nums append-nums append-nums ; inline
: begin-utf8 ( stream byte -- stream char )
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ SINGLETON: utf8
{ [ dup -4 shift BIN: 1110 number= ] [ triple ] }
{ [ dup -3 shift BIN: 11110 number= ] [ quad ] }
[ drop replacement-char ]
} cond ;
} cond ; inline
: decode-utf8 ( stream -- char/f )
dup stream-read1 dup [ begin-utf8 ] when nip ;
dup stream-read1 dup [ begin-utf8 ] when nip ; inline
M: utf8 decode-char
drop decode-utf8 ;

View File

@ -114,10 +114,6 @@ IN: kernel.tests
[ total-failure-1 ] must-fail
: total-failure-2 [ ] (call) unimplemented ;
[ total-failure-2 ] must-fail
! From combinators.lib
[ 1 1 2 2 3 3 ] [ 1 2 3 [ dup ] tri@ ] unit-test
[ 1 4 9 ] [ 1 2 3 [ sq ] tri@ ] unit-test

View File

@ -7,14 +7,3 @@ sequences growable sbufs vectors sequences.private accessors kernel ;
\ optimistic-inline? must-infer
\ find-identity must-infer
\ dispatching-class must-infer
! Make sure we have sane heuristics
[ t ] [ \ fixnum \ shift method should-inline? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ array \ equal? method should-inline? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ sequence \ hashcode* method should-inline? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ array \ nth-unsafe method should-inline? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ growable \ nth-unsafe method should-inline? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ sbuf \ set-nth-unsafe method should-inline? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ growable \ set-nth-unsafe method should-inline? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ growable \ set-nth method should-inline? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ vector \ (>>length) method should-inline? ] unit-test

View File

@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays generic assocs inference inference.class
inference.dataflow inference.backend inference.state io kernel
math namespaces sequences vectors words quotations hashtables
combinators classes classes.algebra generic.math
optimizer.math.partial continuations optimizer.def-use
optimizer.backend generic.standard optimizer.specializers
optimizer.def-use optimizer.pattern-match generic.standard
optimizer.control kernel.private definitions sets ;
math math.order namespaces sequences vectors words quotations
hashtables combinators effects classes classes.union
classes.algebra generic.math optimizer.math.partial
continuations optimizer.def-use optimizer.backend
generic.standard optimizer.specializers optimizer.def-use
optimizer.pattern-match generic.standard optimizer.control
kernel.private definitions sets summary ;
IN: optimizer.inlining
: remember-inlining ( node history -- )
@ -31,9 +32,9 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
: word-flat-length ( word -- n )
! not inline
{ [ dup inline? not ] [ drop 0 ] }
{ [ dup inline? not ] [ drop 1 ] }
! recursive and inline
{ [ dup recursive-calls get key? ] [ drop 4 ] }
{ [ dup recursive-calls get key? ] [ drop 10 ] }
! inline
[ [ recursive-calls get conjoin ] [ def>> (flat-length) ] bi ]
} cond ;
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
: (flat-length) ( seq -- n )
{ [ dup quotation? ] [ (flat-length) 1+ ] }
{ [ dup quotation? ] [ (flat-length) 2 + ] }
{ [ dup array? ] [ (flat-length) ] }
{ [ dup word? ] [ word-flat-length ] }
[ drop 0 ]
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
: flat-length ( word -- n )
H{ } clone recursive-calls [
[ recursive-calls get conjoin ]
[ def>> (flat-length) ]
[ def>> (flat-length) 5 /i ]
] with-variable ;
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
[ f splice-quot ] [ 2drop t ] if ;
: inline-method ( #call -- node )
dup node-param {
dup param>> {
{ [ dup standard-generic? ] [ inline-standard-method ] }
{ [ dup math-generic? ] [ inline-math-method ] }
{ [ dup math-partial? ] [ inline-math-partial ] }
@ -155,15 +156,35 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
(optimize-predicate) optimize-check ;
: flush-eval? ( #call -- ? )
dup node-param "flushable" word-prop [
node-out-d [ unused? ] all?
] [
drop f
] if ;
dup node-param "flushable" word-prop
[ node-out-d [ unused? ] all? ] [ drop f ] if ;
ERROR: flushed-eval-error word ;
M: flushed-eval-error summary
drop "Flushed evaluation of word would have thrown an error" ;
: flushed-eval-quot ( #call -- quot )
#! A quotation to replace flushed evaluations with. We can't
#! just remove the code altogether, because if the optimizer
#! knows the input types of a word, it assumes the inputs are
#! of this type after the word returns, since presumably
#! the word would have checked input types itself. However,
#! if the word gets flushed, then it won't do this checking;
#! so we have to do it here.
dup param>> "input-classes" word-prop [
make-specializer %
[ dup param>> literalize , \ flushed-eval-error , ] [ ] make ,
\ unless ,
] when*
dup in-d>> length [ \ drop , ] times
out-d>> length [ f , ] times
] [ ] make ;
: flush-eval ( #call -- node )
dup node-param +inlined+ depends-on
dup node-out-d length f <repetition> inline-literals ;
dup param>> +inlined+ depends-on
dup flushed-eval-quot f splice-quot ;
: partial-eval? ( #call -- ? )
dup node-param "foldable" word-prop [
@ -195,13 +216,28 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
[ drop +inlined+ depends-on ] [ swap 1array ] 2bi
splice-quot ;
: classes-known? ( #call -- ? )
node-input-classes [
[ class-types length 1 = ]
[ union-class? not ]
bi and
] contains? ;
: inlining-rank ( #call -- n )
[ param>> flat-length 24 swap [-] 4 /i ]
[ param>> "default" word-prop -4 0 ? ]
[ param>> "specializer" word-prop 1 0 ? ]
[ param>> method-body? 1 0 ? ]
[ classes-known? 2 0 ? ]
} cleave + + + + ;
: should-inline? ( #call -- ? )
inlining-rank 5 >= ;
: optimistic-inline? ( #call -- ? )
dup node-param "specializer" word-prop dup [
>r node-input-classes r> specialized-length tail*
[ class-types length 1 = ] all?
] [
2drop f
] if ;
dup param>> "specializer" word-prop
[ should-inline? ] [ drop f ] if ;
: already-inlined? ( #call -- ? )
[ param>> ] [ history>> ] bi memq? ;
@ -211,11 +247,8 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
dup param>> dup def>> splice-word-def
] if ;
: should-inline? ( word -- ? )
flat-length 11 <= ;
: method-body-inline? ( #call -- ? )
param>> dup [ method-body? ] [ "default" word-prop not ] bi and
dup param>> method-body?
[ should-inline? ] [ drop f ] if ;
M: #call optimize-node*

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: effects alien alien.accessors arrays generic hashtables
kernel assocs math math.libm math.private kernel.private
sequences words parser inference.class inference.dataflow
vectors strings sbufs io namespaces assocs quotations
math.intervals sequences.private combinators splitting layouts
math.parser classes classes.algebra generic.math
optimizer.pattern-match optimizer.backend optimizer.def-use
optimizer.inlining optimizer.math.partial generic.standard
system accessors ;
IN: optimizer.math
USING: alien alien.accessors arrays generic hashtables kernel
assocs math math.private kernel.private sequences words parser
inference.class inference.dataflow vectors strings sbufs io
namespaces assocs quotations math.intervals sequences.private
combinators splitting layouts math.parser classes
classes.algebra generic.math optimizer.pattern-match
optimizer.backend optimizer.def-use optimizer.inlining
optimizer.math.partial generic.standard system accessors ;
: define-math-identities ( word identities -- )
>r all-derived-ops r> define-identities ;
@ -169,6 +170,22 @@ optimizer.math.partial generic.standard system accessors ;
] 2curry each-derived-op
] each
: math-output-class/interval-2-fast ( node word -- classes intervals )
math-output-interval-2 fixnum [ 1array ] bi@ swap ; inline
{ + interval+ }
{ - interval- }
{ * interval* }
{ shift interval-shift-safe }
] [
first2 [
] curry "output-classes" set-word-prop
] curry each-fast-derived-op
] each
: real-value? ( value -- n ? )
dup value? [ value-literal dup real? ] [ drop f f ] if ;
@ -420,3 +437,37 @@ most-negative-fixnum most-positive-fixnum [a,b]
[ fixnumify-bitand ]
} define-optimizers
{ + - * / }
[ { number number } "input-classes" set-word-prop ] each
{ /f < > <= >= }
[ { real real } "input-classes" set-word-prop ] each
{ /i bitand bitor bitxor bitnot shift }
[ { integer integer } "input-classes" set-word-prop ] each
} [
dup stack-effect
[ in>> length real <repetition> "input-classes" set-word-prop ]
[ out>> length float <repetition> "default-output-classes" set-word-prop ]
] each

View File

@ -170,3 +170,6 @@ SYMBOL: fast-math-ops
: each-derived-op ( word quot -- )
>r derived-ops r> each ; inline
: each-fast-derived-op ( word quot -- )
>r fast-derived-ops r> each ; inline

View File

@ -375,3 +375,12 @@ PREDICATE: list < improper-list
[ 2 3 ] [ 2 interval-inference-bug ] unit-test
[ 1 4 ] [ 1 interval-inference-bug ] unit-test
[ 0 5 ] [ 0 interval-inference-bug ] unit-test
: aggressive-flush-regression ( a -- b )
f over >r <array> drop r> 1 + ;
[ 1.0 aggressive-flush-regression drop ] must-fail
[ 1 [ "hi" + drop ] compile-call ] must-fail
[ "hi" f [ <array> drop ] compile-call ] must-fail

View File

@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ GENERIC: clone-like ( seq exemplar -- newseq ) flushable
M: sequence like drop ;
GENERIC: lengthen ( n seq -- )
GENERIC: shorten ( n seq -- )
M: sequence lengthen 2dup length > [ set-length ] [ 2drop ] if ;
M: sequence shorten 2dup length < [ set-length ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: empty? ( seq -- ? ) length zero? ; inline
: delete-all ( seq -- ) 0 swap set-length ;
@ -530,7 +533,7 @@ M: slice equal? over slice? [ sequence= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: peek ( seq -- elt ) [ length 1- ] [ nth ] bi ;
: pop* ( seq -- ) [ length 1- ] [ set-length ] bi ;
: pop* ( seq -- ) [ length 1- ] [ shorten ] bi ;
: move-backward ( shift from to seq -- )
2over number= [
@ -575,7 +578,7 @@ M: slice equal? over slice? [ sequence= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
copy ;
: pop ( seq -- elt )
[ length 1- ] [ [ nth ] [ set-length ] 2bi ] bi ;
[ length 1- ] [ [ nth ] [ shorten ] 2bi ] bi ;
: all-equal? ( seq -- ? ) [ = ] monotonic? ;

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ $nl
"All other classes are handled with one of two cases:"
{ $list
{ "If the class is a union or mixin class which " { $emphasis "contains" } " one of the above known classes, then the initial value of the class is that of the known class, with preference given to classes earlier in the list. For example, if the slot is declared " { $link object } " (this is the default), the initial value is " { $link f } ". Similarly for " { $link sequence } " and " { $link assoc } "." }
{ "If the class is a tuple class, the initial value of the slot is a new, shared instance of the class created with " { $link new } "." }
{ "Otherwise, a " { $link no-initial-value } " error is thrown. In this case, an initial value must be specified explicitly using " { $link initial: } "." }
"A word can be used to check if a class has an initial value or not:"

View File

@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ ERROR: bad-slot-value value class ;
ERROR: no-initial-value class ;
GENERIC: initial-value* ( class -- object )
M: class initial-value* no-initial-value ;
: initial-value ( class -- object )
{ [ \ f bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ f ] }
@ -134,7 +138,7 @@ ERROR: no-initial-value class ;
{ [ array bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ { } ] }
{ [ byte-array bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ B{ } ] }
{ [ simple-alien bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ <bad-alien> ] }
[ no-initial-value ]
[ dup initial-value* ]
} cond nip ;
GENERIC: make-slot ( desc -- slot-spec )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
USING: kernel sequences math math.functions vectors ;
IN: benchmark.stack
: stack-loop ( vec -- )
1000 [
10000 [
dup pop dup ! dup 10 > [ sqrt dup 1 + ] [ dup 2 * ] if
pick push
over push
] times
10000 [ dup pop* ] times
] times
drop ;
: stack-benchmark ( -- )
V{ 123456 } clone stack-loop
20000 <vector> 123456 over set-first stack-loop ;
MAIN: stack-benchmark

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ M: bit-array byte-length length 7 + -3 shift ;
n zero? [ 0 <bit-array> ] [
[let | out [ n log2 1+ <bit-array> ] i! [ 0 ] n'! [ n ] |
[ n' zero? not ] [
n' out underlying>> i 255 bitand set-alien-unsigned-1
n' out underlying>> i set-alien-unsigned-1
n' -8 shift n'!
i 1+ i!
] [ ] while

View File

@ -1,34 +1,25 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types arrays sequences math math.vectors
math.matrices math.parser io io.files kernel opengl
opengl.glu shuffle http.client vectors namespaces ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.canvas ui.render ui splitting combinators
system combinators.lib float-arrays continuations
opengl.demo-support multiline ui.gestures bunny.fixed-pipeline
bunny.cel-shaded bunny.outlined bunny.model accessors destructors ;
USING: accessors arrays bunny.cel-shaded bunny.fixed-pipeline
bunny.model bunny.outlined destructors kernel math opengl.demo-support sequences ui ui.gadgets ui.gestures ui.render words ;
IN: bunny
TUPLE: bunny-gadget model geom draw-seq draw-n ;
TUPLE: bunny-gadget < demo-gadget model-triangles geom draw-seq draw-n ;
: <bunny-gadget> ( -- bunny-gadget )
0.0 0.0 0.375 <demo-gadget>
maybe-download read-model {
} bunny-gadget construct ;
0.0 0.0 0.375 bunny-gadget new-demo-gadget
maybe-download read-model >>model-triangles ;
: bunny-gadget-draw ( gadget -- draw )
{ draw-n>> draw-seq>> }
get-slots nth ;
[ draw-n>> ] [ draw-seq>> ] bi nth ;
: bunny-gadget-next-draw ( gadget -- )
dup { draw-seq>> draw-n>> }
dup [ draw-seq>> ] [ draw-n>> ] bi
1+ swap length mod
>>draw-n relayout-1 ;
M: bunny-gadget graft* ( gadget -- )
dup model>> <bunny-geom> >>geom
dup model-triangles>> <bunny-geom> >>geom
[ <bunny-fixed-pipeline> ]
[ <bunny-cel-shaded> ]
@ -48,8 +39,7 @@ M: bunny-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
dup demo-gadget-set-matrices
0.02 -0.105 0.0 glTranslatef
{ geom>> bunny-gadget-draw } get-slots
[ geom>> ] [ bunny-gadget-draw ] bi draw-bunny
] if ;
M: bunny-gadget pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim )

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types arrays sequences math math.vectors
math.matrices math.parser io io.files kernel opengl
opengl.glu io.encodings.ascii opengl.capabilities shuffle
http.client vectors splitting system combinators
float-arrays continuations destructors namespaces sequences.lib
accessors ;
USING: accessors alien.c-types arrays combinators destructors http.client
io io.encodings.ascii io.files kernel math math.matrices math.parser
math.vectors opengl opengl.capabilities sequences sequences.lib
splitting vectors words ;
IN: bunny.model
: numbers ( str -- seq )
@ -66,7 +64,7 @@ TUPLE: bunny-buffers array element-array nv ni ;
[ first concat ] [ second concat ] bi
append >c-double-array
append >c-float-array
@ -86,10 +84,10 @@ M: bunny-dlist bunny-geom
M: bunny-buffers bunny-geom
dup { array>> element-array>> } get-slots [
GL_DOUBLE 0 0 buffer-offset glNormalPointer
GL_FLOAT 0 0 buffer-offset glNormalPointer
nv>> "double" heap-size * buffer-offset
3 GL_DOUBLE 0 roll glVertexPointer
nv>> "float" heap-size * buffer-offset
3 GL_FLOAT 0 roll glVertexPointer
] [
GL_TRIANGLES swap GL_UNSIGNED_INT 0 buffer-offset glDrawElements

View File

@ -181,10 +181,9 @@ TUPLE: bunny-outlined
] [ drop ] if ;
: remake-framebuffer-if-needed ( draw -- )
dup [ gadget>> dim>> ] [ framebuffer-dim>> ] bi
over =
[ 2drop ] [
[ dup dispose-framebuffer dup ] dip {
dup [ gadget>> dim>> ] [ framebuffer-dim>> ] bi =
[ drop ] [
[ dispose-framebuffer ] [ dup ] [ gadget>> dim>> ] tri {
GL_RGBA16F_ARB GL_RGBA (framebuffer-texture)
[ >>color-texture drop ] keep
@ -196,7 +195,8 @@ TUPLE: bunny-outlined
[ >>depth-texture drop ] keep
} 2cleave
(make-framebuffer) >>framebuffer drop
[ (make-framebuffer) >>framebuffer ] [ >>framebuffer-dim ] bi
] if ;
: clear-framebuffer ( -- )

View File

@ -72,3 +72,20 @@ INSTANCE: float-array sequence
M: float-array pprint-delims drop \ F{ \ } ;
M: float-array >pprint-sequence ;
USING: hints math.vectors arrays ;
HINTS: vneg { float-array } { array } ;
HINTS: v*n { float-array object } { array object } ;
HINTS: v/n { float-array object } { array object } ;
HINTS: n/v { object float-array } { object array } ;
HINTS: v+ { float-array float-array } { array array } ;
HINTS: v- { float-array float-array } { array array } ;
HINTS: v* { float-array float-array } { array array } ;
HINTS: v/ { float-array float-array } { array array } ;
HINTS: vmax { float-array float-array } { array array } ;
HINTS: vmin { float-array float-array } { array array } ;
HINTS: v. { float-array float-array } { array array } ;
HINTS: norm-sq { float-array } { array } ;
HINTS: norm { float-array } { array } ;
HINTS: normalize { float-array } { array } ;

View File

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.theme ui.gestures colors
accessors ;
IN: gesture-logger
TUPLE: gesture-logger stream ;
TUPLE: gesture-logger < gadget stream ;
: <gesture-logger> ( stream -- gadget )
\ gesture-logger construct-gadget
\ gesture-logger new-gadget
swap >>stream
{ 100 100 } >>dim
black solid-interior ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: parser words definitions kernel ;
IN: hints
USING: parser words ;
scan-word parse-definition "specializer" set-word-prop ;
[ +inlined+ changed-definition ]
[ parse-definition "specializer" set-word-prop ] bi ;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ M: buffer dispose* ptr>> free ;
[ size>> ] [ fill>> ] bi - ; inline
: buffer-empty? ( buffer -- ? )
fill>> zero? ;
fill>> zero? ; inline
: buffer-consume ( n buffer -- )
[ + ] change-pos

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ M: port set-timeout (>>timeout) ;
: <port> ( handle class -- port )
new swap >>handle ; inline
TUPLE: buffered-port < port buffer ;
TUPLE: buffered-port < port { buffer buffer } ;
: <buffered-port> ( handle class -- port )
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ HOOK: (wait-to-read) io-backend ( port -- )
: wait-to-read ( port -- eof? )
dup buffer>> buffer-empty? [
dup (wait-to-read) buffer>> buffer-empty?
] [ drop f ] if ;
] [ drop f ] if ; inline
M: input-port stream-read1
dup check-disposed
@ -140,9 +140,7 @@ M: output-port dispose*
] with-destructors ;
M: buffered-port dispose*
[ call-next-method ]
[ [ [ dispose ] when* f ] change-buffer drop ]
bi ;
[ call-next-method ] [ buffer>> dispose ] bi ;
M: port cancel-operation handle>> cancel-operation ;
@ -152,3 +150,13 @@ M: port dispose*
[ handle>> shutdown ]
] with-destructors ;
! Fast-path optimization
USING: hints strings io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.ascii
io.encodings.private ;
HINTS: decoder-read-until { string input-port utf8 } { string input-port ascii } ;
HINTS: decoder-readln { input-port utf8 } { input-port ascii } ;
HINTS: decoder-write { string output-port utf8 } { string output-port ascii } ;

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ USING: arrays kernel math opengl opengl.glu ui
ui.gadgets ui.render ;
IN: nehe.2
TUPLE: nehe2-gadget ;
TUPLE: nehe2-gadget < gadget ;
: width 256 ;
: height 256 ;
: <nehe2-gadget> ( -- gadget )
nehe2-gadget construct-gadget ;
nehe2-gadget new-gadget ;
M: nehe2-gadget pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim )
drop width height 2array ;

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ USING: arrays kernel math opengl opengl.glu ui
ui.gadgets ui.render ;
IN: nehe.3
TUPLE: nehe3-gadget ;
TUPLE: nehe3-gadget < gadget ;
: width 256 ;
: height 256 ;
: <nehe3-gadget> ( -- gadget )
nehe3-gadget construct-gadget ;
nehe3-gadget new-gadget ;
M: nehe3-gadget pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim )
drop width height 2array ;

View File

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ USING: arrays kernel math opengl opengl.glu ui
ui.gadgets ui.render threads ;
IN: nehe.4
TUPLE: nehe4-gadget rtri rquad thread quit? ;
TUPLE: nehe4-gadget < gadget rtri rquad thread quit? ;
: width 256 ;
: height 256 ;
: redraw-interval 10 ;
: <nehe4-gadget> ( -- gadget )
nehe4-gadget construct-gadget
nehe4-gadget new-gadget
0.0 over set-nehe4-gadget-rtri
0.0 over set-nehe4-gadget-rquad ;

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ USING: arrays kernel math opengl opengl.glu ui
ui.gadgets ui.render threads ;
IN: nehe.5
TUPLE: nehe5-gadget rtri rquad thread quit? ;
TUPLE: nehe5-gadget < gadget rtri rquad thread quit? ;
: width 256 ;
: height 256 ;
: redraw-interval 10 ;
: <nehe5-gadget> ( -- gadget )
nehe5-gadget construct-gadget
nehe5-gadget new-gadget
0.0 over set-nehe5-gadget-rtri
0.0 over set-nehe5-gadget-rquad ;

View File

@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ IN: opengl.demo-support
SYMBOL: last-drag-loc
TUPLE: demo-gadget yaw pitch distance ;
TUPLE: demo-gadget < gadget yaw pitch distance ;
: <demo-gadget> ( yaw pitch distance -- gadget )
demo-gadget construct-gadget
: new-demo-gadget ( yaw pitch distance class -- gadget )
swap >>distance
swap >>pitch
swap >>yaw ;
@ -31,19 +31,19 @@ M: demo-gadget distance-step ( gadget -- dz )
: fov-ratio ( gadget -- fov ) dim>> dup first2 min v/n ;
: yaw-demo-gadget ( yaw gadget -- )
[ [ demo-gadget-yaw + ] keep set-demo-gadget-yaw ] keep relayout-1 ;
[ + ] with change-yaw relayout-1 ;
: pitch-demo-gadget ( pitch gadget -- )
[ [ demo-gadget-pitch + ] keep set-demo-gadget-pitch ] keep relayout-1 ;
[ + ] with change-pitch relayout-1 ;
: zoom-demo-gadget ( distance gadget -- )
[ [ demo-gadget-distance + ] keep set-demo-gadget-distance ] keep relayout-1 ;
[ + ] with change-distance relayout-1 ;
M: demo-gadget pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim )
drop { 640 480 } ;
: -+ ( x -- -x x )
dup neg swap ;
[ neg ] keep ;
: demo-gadget-frustum ( gadget -- -x x -y y near far )
[ near-plane ] [ far-plane ] [ fov-ratio ] tri [

View File

@ -47,24 +47,28 @@ MATCH-VARS: ?a ?b ?c ;
: pretty-shuffle ( in out -- word/f )
2array {
{ { { ?a } { } } drop }
{ { { ?a ?b } { } } 2drop }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { } } 3drop }
{ { { ?a } { ?a ?a } } dup }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?b ?a ?b } } 2dup }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?a ?b ?c ?a ?b ?c } } 3dup }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?b ?a } } over }
{ { { ?b ?a } { ?a ?b } } swap }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?a ?b ?c ?a } } pick }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?c ?a ?b } } -rot }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?b ?c ?a } } rot }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?b } } nip }
{ { { ?a } { ?a } } [ ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?b } } [ ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?a ?b ?c } } [ ] }
{ { { ?a } { } } [ drop ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { } } [ 2drop ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { } } [ 3drop ] }
{ { { ?a } { ?a ?a } } [ dup ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?b ?a ?b } } [ 2dup ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?a ?b ?c ?a ?b ?c } } [ 3dup ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?b ?a } } [ over ] }
{ { { ?b ?a } { ?a ?b } } [ swap ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?a ?b ?c ?a } } [ pick ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?c ?a ?b } } [ -rot ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?b ?c ?a } } [ rot ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?b } } [ nip ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?c } } [ 2nip ] }
{ _ f }
} match-choose ;
M: #shuffle node>quot
dup [ in-d>> ] [ out-d>> ] bi pretty-shuffle
[ , ] [ >r drop t r> ] if*
[ % ] [ >r drop t r> ] if*
dup effect-str "#shuffle: " prepend comment, ;
: pushed-literals ( node -- seq )

View File

@ -99,14 +99,13 @@ main()
TUPLE: spheres-gadget
TUPLE: spheres-gadget < demo-gadget
plane-program solid-sphere-program texture-sphere-program
reflection-framebuffer reflection-depthbuffer
reflection-texture ;
: <spheres-gadget> ( -- gadget )
20.0 10.0 20.0 <demo-gadget>
{ set-delegate } spheres-gadget construct ;
20.0 10.0 20.0 spheres-gadget new-demo-gadget ;
M: spheres-gadget near-plane ( gadget -- z )
drop 1.0 ;

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@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ IN: tools.deploy.shaker

View File

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ M: border pref-dim*
[ border-major-dim ] [ border-minor-dim ] [ fill>> ] tri scale ;
: border-loc ( border dim -- loc )
[ [ size>> ] [ align>> ] [ border-major-dim ] tri ] dip v- v* v+ ;
[ [ size>> ] [ align>> ] [ border-major-dim ] tri ] dip
v- v* v+ [ >fixnum ] map ;
: border-child-rect ( border -- rect )
dup border-dim [ border-loc ] keep <rect> ;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ TYPEDEF: void* LPUNKNOWN