Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -89,11 +89,6 @@ set_md5sum() {
set_gcc() {
case $OS in
openbsd) ensure_program_installed egcc; CC=egcc;;
netbsd) if [[ $WORD -eq 64 ]] ; then
fi ;;
*) CC=gcc;;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ IN: alarms
USING: help.markup help.syntax calendar quotations ;
HELP: alarm
{ $class-description "An alarm. Cancel passed to " { $link cancel-alarm } "." } ;
{ $class-description "An alarm. Can be passed to " { $link cancel-alarm } "." } ;
HELP: add-alarm
{ $values { "quot" quotation } { "time" timestamp } { "frequency" "a " { $link duration } " or " { $link f } } { "alarm" alarm } }
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
IN: db.pooling.tests
USING: db.pooling tools.test ;
\ <pool> must-infer
{ 2 0 } [ [ ] with-db-pool ] must-infer-as
{ 1 0 } [ [ ] with-pooled-connection ] must-infer-as
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel arrays namespaces sequences continuations
destructors db ;
IN: db.pooling
TUPLE: pool db params connections ;
: <pool> ( db params -- pool )
V{ } clone pool boa ;
M: pool dispose [ dispose-each f ] change-connections drop ;
: with-db-pool ( db params quot -- )
>r <pool> r> [ pool swap with-variable ] curry with-disposal ; inline
TUPLE: return-connection db pool ;
: return-connection ( db pool -- )
connections>> push ;
: new-connection ( pool -- )
[ [ db>> ] [ params>> ] bi make-db db-open ] keep
return-connection ;
: acquire-connection ( pool -- db )
[ dup connections>> empty? ] [ dup new-connection ] [ ] while
connections>> pop ;
: (with-pooled-connection) ( db pool quot -- )
[ >r drop db r> with-variable ]
[ drop return-connection ]
3bi ; inline
: with-pooled-connection ( pool quot -- )
>r [ acquire-connection ] keep r>
[ (with-pooled-connection) ] [ ] [ 2drop dispose ] cleanup ; inline
M: return-connection dispose
[ db>> ] [ pool>> ] bi return-connection ;
: return-connection-later ( db pool -- )
\ return-connection boa &dispose drop ;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
IN: db.pools.tests
USING: db.pools tools.test ;
\ <db-pool> must-infer
{ 2 0 } [ [ ] with-db-pool ] must-infer-as
{ 1 0 } [ [ ] with-pooled-db ] must-infer-as
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel arrays namespaces sequences continuations
io.pools db ;
IN: db.pools
TUPLE: db-pool < pool db params ;
: <db-pool> ( db params -- pool )
db-pool <pool>
swap >>params
swap >>db ;
: with-db-pool ( db params quot -- )
>r <db-pool> r> with-pool ; inline
M: db-pool make-connection ( pool -- )
[ db>> ] [ params>> ] bi make-db db-open ;
: with-pooled-db ( pool quot -- )
[ db swap with-variable ] curry with-pooled-connection ; inline
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types kernel math sequences strings
USING: unix alien alien.c-types kernel math sequences strings
io.unix.backend splitting ;
IN: hardware-info.linux
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: db db.pooling http.server http.server.sessions kernel
accessors continuations namespaces destructors ;
USING: db db.pools io.pools http.server http.server.sessions
kernel accessors continuations namespaces destructors ;
IN: http.server.db
TUPLE: db-persistence < filter-responder pool ;
: <db-persistence> ( responder db params -- responder' )
<pool> db-persistence boa ;
<db-pool> db-persistence boa ;
M: db-persistence call-responder*
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
IN: io.pools
USING: help.markup help.syntax destructors quotations ;
HELP: pool
{ $class-description "A connection pool. Instances of this class are not intended to be instantiated directly, only subclasses should be instantiated, for example " { $link datagram-pool } "." } ;
HELP: <pool>
{ $values { "class" "a subclass of " { $link pool } } { "pool" pool } }
{ $description "Creates a new connection pool." }
{ $notes "To avoid resource leaks, pools must be disposed of by calling " { $link dispose } " when no longer in use." } ;
HELP: with-pool
{ $values { "pool" pool } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls a quotation in a new dynamic scope with the " { $link pool } " variable set to " { $snippet "pool" } ". The pool is disposed of after the quotation returns, or if an error is thrown." } ;
HELP: acquire-connection
{ $values { "pool" pool } { "conn" "a connection" } }
{ $description "Outputs a connection from the pool, preferring to take an existing one, creating a new one with " { $link make-connection } " if the pool is empty." } ;
HELP: return-connection
{ $values { "conn" "a connection" } { "pool" pool } }
{ $description "Returns a connection to the pool." } ;
HELP: with-pooled-connection
{ $values { "pool" pool } { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( conn -- )" } } }
{ $description "Calls a quotation with a pooled connection on the stack. If the quotation returns successfully, the connection is returned to the pool; if the quotation throws an error, the connection is disposed of with " { $link dispose } "." } ;
HELP: make-connection
{ $values { "pool" pool } { "conn" "a connection" } }
{ $contract "Makes a connection for the pool." } ;
HELP: datagram-pool
{ $class-description "A pool of datagram sockets bound to the address stored in the " { $snippet "addrspec" } " slot." } ;
HELP: <datagram-pool>
{ $values { "addrspec" "an address specifier" } { "pool" datagram-pool } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link datagram-pool } ". The port number of the " { $snippet "addrspec" } " should be 0, otherwise creation of more than one datagram socket will raise an error." }
{ $examples
{ $code "f 0 <inet4> <datagram-pool>" }
} ;
ARTICLE: "io.pools" "Connection pools"
"Connection pools are implemented in the " { $snippet "io.pools" } " vocabulary. They are used to reuse sockets and connections which may be potentially expensive to create and destroy."
"The class of connection pools:"
{ $subsection pool }
"Creating connection pools:"
{ $subsection <pool> }
"A utility combinator:"
{ $subsection with-pool }
"Acquiring and returning connections, and a utility combinator:"
{ $subsection acquire-connection }
{ $subsection return-connection }
{ $subsection with-pooled-connection }
"Pools are not created directly, instead one uses subclasses which implement a generic word:"
{ $subsection make-connection }
"One example is a datagram socket pool:"
{ $subsection datagram-pool }
{ $subsection <datagram-pool> } ;
ABOUT: "io.pools"
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel arrays namespaces sequences continuations
destructors io.sockets ;
IN: io.pools
TUPLE: pool connections disposed ;
: <pool> ( class -- pool )
new V{ } clone >>connections ; inline
M: pool dispose* connections>> dispose-each ;
: with-pool ( pool quot -- )
[ pool swap with-variable ] curry with-disposal ; inline
TUPLE: return-connection conn pool ;
: return-connection ( conn pool -- )
dup check-disposed connections>> push ;
GENERIC: make-connection ( pool -- conn )
: new-connection ( pool -- )
[ make-connection ] keep return-connection ;
: acquire-connection ( pool -- conn )
dup check-disposed
[ dup connections>> empty? ] [ dup new-connection ] [ ] while
connections>> pop ;
: (with-pooled-connection) ( conn pool quot -- )
[ nip call ] [ drop return-connection ] 3bi ; inline
: with-pooled-connection ( pool quot -- )
>r [ acquire-connection ] keep r>
[ (with-pooled-connection) ] [ ] [ 2drop dispose ] cleanup ; inline
M: return-connection dispose
[ conn>> ] [ pool>> ] bi return-connection ;
: return-connection-later ( db pool -- )
\ return-connection boa &dispose drop ;
TUPLE: datagram-pool < pool addrspec ;
: <datagram-pool> ( addrspec -- pool )
datagram-pool <pool> swap >>addrspec ;
M: datagram-pool make-connection addrspec>> <datagram> ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Abstract connection pooling
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax calendar quotations io.sockets ;
HELP: secure-socket-timeout
{ $var-description "Timeout for operations not associated with a constructed port instance, such as SSL handshake and shutdown. Represented as a " { $link duration } "." } ;
{ $description "Possible value for the " { $snippet "method" } " slot of a " { $link secure-config } "."
"Note that the SSLv2 protocol is vulnerable to truncation attacks and its use is discouraged (" { $url "" } ")." } ;
{ $description "Possible value for the " { $snippet "method" } " slot of a " { $link secure-config } "."
"SSLv3 is widely used, however it is being supersceded by TLSv1." } ;
{ $description "Possible value for the " { $snippet "method" } " slot of a " { $link secure-config } "."
"This value indicates that either SSLv2 or SSLv3 is acceptable." } ;
{ $description "Possible value for the " { $snippet "method" } " slot of a " { $link secure-config } "."
"TLSv1 is the newest protocol for secure socket communications." } ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-methods" "SSL/TLS methods"
"The " { $snippet "method" } " slot of a " { $link secure-config } " can be set to one of the following values:"
{ $subsection SSLv2 }
{ $subsection SSLv23 }
{ $subsection SSLv3 }
{ $subsection TLSv1 }
"The default value is " { $link SSLv23 } "." ;
HELP: secure-config
{ $class-description "Instances represent secure socket configurations." } ;
HELP: <secure-config>
{ $values { "config" secure-config } }
{ $description "Creates a new secure socket configration with default values." } ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-key-file" "The key file and password"
"The " { $snippet "key-file" } " and " { $snippet "password" } " slots of a " { $link secure-config } " can be set to a private key file in PEM format. These slots are required for secure servers, and also for clients when client-side authentication is used." ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-ca-file" "The CA file and path"
"The " { $snippet "ca-file" } " slot of a " { $link secure-config } " can contain the path of a file with a list of trusted certificates in PEM format. The " { $snippet "ca-path" } " slot can contain the path of a directory of trusted certifications."
"One of these slots are required to be specified so that secure client sockets can verify server certificates."
"See " { $url "" } " for details." ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-dh-file" "Diffie-Hellman parameter file"
"The " { $snippet "dh-file" } " slot of a " { $link secure-config } " can contain the path of a file with Diffie-Hellman key exchange parameters."
"This slot is required for secure server sockets." ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-ephemeral-rsa" "Ephemeral RSA key bits"
"The " { $snippet "ephemeral-key-bits" } " slot of a " { $link secure-config } " contains the length of the empheral RSA key, in bits."
"The default value is 1024, and anything less than that is considered insecure. This slot is required for secure server sockets." ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-config" "Secure socket configuration"
"Secure sockets require some configuration, particularly for server sockets. A class represents secure socket configuration parameters:"
{ $subsection secure-config }
"Creating new instances:"
{ $subsection <secure-config> }
"Configuration parameters:"
{ $subsection "ssl-methods" }
{ $subsection "ssl-key-file" }
{ $subsection "ssl-ca-file" }
{ $subsection "ssl-dh-file" }
{ $subsection "ssl-ephemeral-rsa" } ;
HELP: <secure-context>
{ $values { "config" secure-config } { "context" secure-context } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link secure-context } ". This word should not usually be called directly, use " { $link with-secure-context } " instead." } ;
HELP: with-secure-context
{ $values { "config" secure-config } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope where a " { $link secure-context } " constructed from the specified configuration is available." } ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-contexts" "Secure socket contexts"
"All secure socket operations must be performed in a secure socket context. A context is created from a secure socket configuration. An implicit context with the default configuration is always available, however server sockets require a certificate to be set together with other parameters, and the default configuration is insufficient, so a context must be explicitly created in that case."
{ $subsection with-secure-context } ;
HELP: secure
{ $class-description "The class of secure socket addresses." } ;
HELP: <secure> ( addrspec -- secure )
{ $values { "addrspec" "an address specifier" } { "secure" secure } }
{ $description "Creates a new secure socket address, which can then be passed to " { $link <client> } " or " { $link <server> } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-addresses" "Secure socket addresses"
"Secure socket connections are established by passing a secure socket address to " { $link <client> } " or " { $link <server> } "."
"Secure socket addresses form a class:"
{ $subsection secure }
"Constructing secure socket addresses:"
{ $subsection <secure> }
"Instances of this class can wrap an " { $link inet } ", " { $link inet4 } " or an " { $link inet6 } ", although note that certificate validation is only performed for instances of " { $link inet } " since otherwise the host name is not available." ;
HELP: premature-close
{ $error-description "Thrown if an SSL connection is closed without the proper " { $snippet "close_notify" } " sequence. This error is never reported for " { $link SSLv2 } " connections because there is no distinction between expected and unexpected connection closure in that case." } ;
HELP: certificate-verify-error
{ $error-description "Thrown if certificate verification failed. The " { $snippet "result" } " slot contains an object identifying the low-level error that occurred." } ;
HELP: common-name-verify-error
{ $error-description "Thrown during certificate verification if the host name on the certificate does not match the host name the socket was connected to. This indicates a potential man-in-the-middle attack. The " { $snippet "expected" } " and " { $snippet "got" } " slots contain the mismatched host names." } ;
ARTICLE: "ssl-errors" "Secure socket errors"
"Secure sockets can throw one of several errors in addition to the usual I/O errors:"
{ $subsection premature-close }
{ $subsection certificate-verify-error }
{ $subsection common-name-verify-error } ;
ARTICLE: "" "Secure sockets (SSL, TLS)"
"The " { $vocab-link "" } " vocabulary implements secure, encrypted sockets using the OpenSSL library."
{ $subsection "ssl-config" }
{ $subsection "ssl-contexts" }
{ $subsection "ssl-addresses" }
{ $subsection "ssl-errors" }
"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (" { $url "" } "), cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( and software written by Tim Hudson (" ;
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ SINGLETONS: SSLv2 SSLv23 SSLv3 TLSv1 ;
TUPLE: secure-config
key-file password
ca-file ca-path
ephemeral-key-bits ;
@ -22,7 +24,9 @@ ephemeral-key-bits ;
: <secure-config> ( -- config )
secure-config new
SSLv23 >>method
512 >>ephemeral-key-bits ;
1024 >>ephemeral-key-bits
"resource:extra/openssl/cacert.pem" >>ca-file
t >>verify ;
TUPLE: secure-context config handle disposed ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Secure sockets (SSL, TLS)
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ $nl
{ { $link inet4 } " - a TCP/IP connection to an IPv4 address and port number; no name lookup is performed" }
{ { $link inet6 } " - a TCP/IP connection to an IPv6 address and port number; no name lookup is performed" }
"The " { $vocab-link "io.server" } " library defines a nice high-level wrapper around " { $link <server> } " which makes it easy to listen for IPv4 and IPv6 connections simultaneously, perform logging, and optionally only allow connections from the loopback interface." ;
"The " { $vocab-link "io.server" } " library defines a nice high-level wrapper around " { $link <server> } " which makes it easy to listen for IPv4 and IPv6 connections simultaneously, perform logging, and optionally only allow connections from the loopback interface."
{ $see-also "" } ;
ARTICLE: "network-packet" "Packet-oriented networking"
"A packet-oriented socket can be opened with this word:"
@ -49,11 +50,13 @@ ARTICLE: "network-streams" "Networking"
"Factor supports connection-oriented and packet-oriented communication over a variety of protocols:"
{ $list
"TCP/IP and UDP/IP, over IPv4 and IPv6"
"Unix domain sockets"
"Unix domain sockets (Unix only)"
{ $subsection "network-addressing" }
{ $subsection "network-connection" }
{ $subsection "network-packet" } ;
{ $subsection "network-packet" }
{ $subsection "" }
{ $see-also "io.pipes" } ;
ABOUT: "network-streams"
@ -24,8 +24,13 @@ TUPLE: fd fd disposed ;
[ >>fd ]
tri ;
M: fd dispose*
[ cancel-operation ] [ fd>> close-file ] bi ;
M: fd dispose
dup disposed>> [ drop ] [
[ cancel-operation ]
[ t >>disposed drop ]
[ fd>> close-file ]
] if ;
M: fd handle-fd dup check-disposed fd>> ;
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ concurrency.promises byte-arrays locals calendar io.timeouts ;
: with-test-context
"resource:extra/openssl/test/server.pem" >>key-file
"resource:extra/openssl/test/root.pem" >>ca-file
"resource:extra/openssl/test/dh1024.pem" >>dh-file
"password" >>password
swap with-secure-context ;
@ -44,8 +43,8 @@ concurrency.promises byte-arrays locals calendar io.timeouts ;
[ ] [
input-stream get stream>> handle>> f >>connected drop
"hello" write flush
input-stream get stream>> handle>> f >>connected drop
] server-test
] unit-test
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ concurrency.promises byte-arrays locals calendar io.timeouts ;
! actually an invalid certificate
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ drop ] server-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ drop "hi" write ] server-test ] unit-test
<secure-config> [
@ -97,54 +96,58 @@ concurrency.promises byte-arrays locals calendar io.timeouts ;
"" 0 <inet4> <secure> ascii <server> [
dup addr>> addrspec>> port>> "port" get fulfill
accept drop dispose
accept drop dup stream-read1 drop dispose
] with-disposal
] with-test-context
] with-variable
] [ io-timeout? ] must-fail-with
! Client socket shutdown timeout
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
[ ] [
"" 0 <inet4> <secure> ascii <server> [
dup addr>> addrspec>> port>> "port" get fulfill
accept drop 1 minutes sleep dispose
] with-disposal
] with-test-context
] "Silly server" spawn drop
] unit-test
! Until I sort out two-stage handshaking, I can't do much here
1 seconds secure-socket-timeout [
<secure-config> [
"" "port" get ?promise <inet4> <secure>
ascii <client> drop dispose
] with-secure-context
] with-variable
] [ io-timeout? ] must-fail-with
! Server socket shutdown timeout
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
[ ] [
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
[ ] [
"" 0 <inet4> <secure> ascii <server> [
dup addr>> addrspec>> port>> "port" get fulfill
accept drop 1 minutes sleep dispose
] with-disposal
] with-test-context
] "Silly server" spawn drop
] unit-test
1 seconds secure-socket-timeout [
<secure-config> [
"" "port" get ?promise <inet4> <secure>
ascii <client> drop dispose
] with-secure-context
] with-variable
] [ io-timeout? ] must-fail-with
! Server socket shutdown timeout
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
[ ] [
"" "port" get ?promise
<inet4> <secure> ascii <client> drop 1 minutes sleep dispose
] with-test-context
] "Silly client" spawn drop
] unit-test
1 seconds secure-socket-timeout [
"" 0 <inet4> <secure> ascii <server> [
dup addr>> addrspec>> port>> "port" get fulfill
accept drop dispose
] with-disposal
] with-test-context
] with-variable
] [ io-timeout? ] must-fail-with
"" "port" get ?promise
<inet4> <secure> ascii <client> drop 1 minutes sleep dispose
] with-test-context
] "Silly client" spawn drop
] unit-test
1 seconds secure-socket-timeout [
"" 0 <inet4> <secure> ascii <server> [
dup addr>> addrspec>> port>> "port" get fulfill
accept drop dispose
] with-disposal
] with-test-context
] with-variable
] [ io-timeout? ] must-fail-with
] drop
@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ M: ssl-handle handle-fd file>> handle-fd ;
nip (ssl-error)
] if ;
: check-accept-response ( handle r -- event )
over handle>> over SSL_get_error
{ SSL_ERROR_NONE [ 2drop f ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [ 2drop +input+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE [ 2drop +output+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [ syscall-error ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SSL [ (ssl-error) ] }
} case ;
: do-ssl-accept ( ssl-handle -- )
dup dup handle>> SSL_accept check-accept-response dup
[ >r dup file>> r> wait-for-fd do-ssl-accept ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: maybe-handshake ( ssl-handle -- )
dup connected>> [ drop ] [
t >>connected
[ do-ssl-accept ] with-timeout
] if ;
: check-response ( port r -- port r n )
over handle>> handle>> over SSL_get_error ; inline
@ -38,6 +58,7 @@ M: ssl-handle handle-fd file>> handle-fd ;
} case ;
M: ssl-handle refill
dup maybe-handshake
handle>> ! ssl
over buffer>>
[ buffer-end ] ! buf
@ -57,6 +78,7 @@ M: ssl-handle refill
} case ;
M: ssl-handle drain
dup maybe-handshake
handle>> ! ssl
over buffer>>
[ buffer@ ] ! buf
@ -107,52 +129,25 @@ M: secure establish-connection ( client-out remote -- )
M: secure (server) addrspec>> (server) ;
: check-accept-response ( handle r -- event )
M: secure (accept)
addrspec>> (accept) >r |dispose <ssl-socket> r>
] with-destructors ;
: check-shutdown-response ( handle r -- event )
#! We don't do two-step shutdown here because I couldn't
#! figure out how to do it with non-blocking BIOs. Also, it
#! seems that SSL_shutdown always returns 0 -- this sounds
#! like a bug
over handle>> over SSL_get_error
{ SSL_ERROR_NONE [ 2drop f ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [ 2drop +input+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE [ 2drop +output+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [ syscall-error ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [ dup zero? [ 2drop f ] [ syscall-error ] if ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SSL [ (ssl-error) ] }
} case ;
: do-ssl-accept ( ssl-handle -- )
dup dup handle>> SSL_accept check-accept-response dup
[ >r dup file>> r> wait-for-fd do-ssl-accept ] [ 2drop ] if ;
M: secure (accept)
addrspec>> (accept) >r
|dispose <ssl-socket> t >>connected |dispose
dup [ do-ssl-accept ] with-timeout r>
] with-destructors ;
: check-shutdown-response ( handle r -- event )
#! SSL_shutdown always returns 0 due to openssl bugs?
{ 1 [ drop f ] }
{ 0 [
dup handle>> dup f 0 SSL_read 2dup SSL_get_error
{ SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN [ 3drop +retry+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [ 3drop +input+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE [ 3drop +output+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [ syscall-error ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SSL [ (ssl-error) ] }
} case
] }
{ -1 [
handle>> -1 SSL_get_error
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [ +input+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE [ +output+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [ -1 syscall-error ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SSL [ (ssl-error) ] }
} case
] }
} case ;
: (shutdown) ( handle -- )
dup dup handle>> SSL_shutdown check-shutdown-response
dup [ dupd wait-for-fd (shutdown) ] [ 2drop ] if ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types arrays destructors io io.backend
io.buffers io.files io.ports io.sockets io.binary
io.sockets windows.errors strings
io.sockets io.timeouts windows.errors strings
kernel math namespaces sequences windows windows.kernel32
windows.shell32 windows.types windows.winsock splitting
continuations math.bitfields system accessors ;
@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ TUPLE: win32-file < win32-handle ptr ;
: <win32-file> ( handle -- win32-file )
win32-file new-win32-handle ;
M: win32-file dispose*
[ cancel-operation ] [ call-next-method ] bi ;
M: win32-file dispose
dup disposed>> [ drop ] [
[ cancel-operation ] [ call-next-method ] bi
] if ;
HOOK: CreateFile-flags io-backend ( DWORD -- DWORD )
HOOK: FileArgs-overlapped io-backend ( port -- overlapped/f )
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -122,6 +122,11 @@ FUNCTION: int SSL_read ( ssl-pointer ssl, void* buf, int num ) ;
FUNCTION: int SSL_shutdown ( ssl-pointer ssl ) ;
FUNCTION: int SSL_get_shutdown ( ssl-pointer ssl ) ;
FUNCTION: void SSL_free ( ssl-pointer ssl ) ;
FUNCTION: int SSL_want ( ssl-pointer ssl ) ;
@ -151,6 +156,15 @@ FUNCTION: int SSL_use_certificate_file ( ssl-pointer ssl,
FUNCTION: int SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations ( ssl-ctx ctx, char* CAfile,
char* CApath ) ;
FUNCTION: int SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths ( ssl-ctx ctx ) ;
: SSL_VERIFY_NONE 0 ; inline
: SSL_VERIFY_PEER 1 ; inline
FUNCTION: void SSL_CTX_set_verify ( ssl-ctx ctx, int mode, void* callback ) ;
FUNCTION: void SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list ( ssl-ctx ctx, ssl-pointer list ) ;
FUNCTION: ssl-pointer SSL_load_client_CA_file ( char* file ) ;
@ -94,11 +94,14 @@ TUPLE: openssl-context < secure-context aliens ;
[ ca-file>> dup [ (normalize-path) ] when ]
[ ca-path>> dup [ (normalize-path) ] when ] bi
] bi
SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations ssl-error
] [ drop ] if ;
] [ handle>> SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths ] if ssl-error ;
: set-verify-depth ( ctx -- )
handle>> 1 SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth ;
dup config>> verify-depth>> [
[ handle>> ] [ config>> verify-depth>> ] bi
] [ drop ] if ;
TUPLE: bio handle disposed ;
@ -154,11 +157,6 @@ M: openssl-context dispose*
TUPLE: ssl-handle file handle connected disposed ;
ERROR: no-secure-context ;
M: no-secure-context summary
drop "Secure socket operations must be wrapped in calls to with-secure-context" ;
SYMBOL: default-secure-context
: context-expired? ( context -- ? )
@ -195,9 +193,11 @@ M: ssl-handle dispose*
[ 2drop ] [ common-name-verify-error ] if ;
M: openssl check-certificate ( host ssl -- )
[ nip check-verify-result ]
[ check-common-name ]
2bi ;
current-secure-context config>> verify>> [
[ nip check-verify-result ]
[ check-common-name ]
] [ 2drop ] if ;
openssl secure-socket-backend set-global
@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
@ -131,6 +131,116 @@ IN: regexp4-tests
[ f ] [ "\\" "[^\\\\]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[^\\\\]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "0" "[\\d]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "a" "[\\d]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "0" "[^\\d]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[^\\d]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[a-z]{1,}|[A-Z]{2,4}|b*|c|(f|g)*" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[a-z]{1,2}|[A-Z]{3,3}|b*|c|(f|g)*" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[a-z]{1,2}|[A-Z]{3,3}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "1000" "\\d{4,6}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "1000" "[0-9]{4,6}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "abc" "\\p{Lower}{3}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "ABC" "\\p{Lower}{3}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "ABC" "\\p{Upper}{3}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abc" "\\p{Upper}{3}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abc" "[\\p{Upper}]{3}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "ABC" "[\\p{Upper}]{3}" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "" "\\Q\\E" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "a" "\\Q\\E" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "|*+" "\\Q|*+\\E" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abc" "\\Q|*+\\E" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "S" "\\0123" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "SXY" "\\0123XY" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "x" "\\x78" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "y" "\\x78" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "x" "\\u000078" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "y" "\\u000078" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "ab" "a+b" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "b" "a+b" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "aab" "a+b" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abb" "a+b" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "abbbb" "ab*" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "ab*" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abab" "ab*" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "x" "\\." <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "." "\\." <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "aaaab" "a+ab" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "aaaxb" "a+ab" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "aaacb" "a+cb" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "aaaab" "a++ab" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "aaacb" "a++cb" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ "aaacb" "a*" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ "aaacb" "a+?" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ "aaacb" "aa?" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ "aaacb" "aa??" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ "aacb" "aa?c" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ "aacb" "aa??c" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "aaa" "AAA" t <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "aax" "AAA" t <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "aaa" "A*" t <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "aaba" "A*" t <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "b" "[AB]" t <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "c" "[AB]" t <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "c" "[A-Z]" t <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "3" "[A-Z]" t <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ ] [
<regexp> drop
] unit-test
[ t ] [ "fxxbar" "(?!foo).{3}bar" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "foobar" "(?!foo).{3}bar" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ 3 ] [ "foobar" "foo(?=bar)" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "foobxr" "foo(?=bar)" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "foobxr" "foo\\z" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
! [ 3 ] [ "foo" "foo\\z" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
! [ 3 ] [ "foo bar" "foo\\b" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "fooxbar" "foo\\b" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "foo" "foo\\b" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "foo bar" "foo\\b bar" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "fooxbar" "foo\\bxbar" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "foo" "foo\\bbar" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "foo bar" "foo\\B" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ 3 ] [ "fooxbar" "foo\\B" <regexp> match-head ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "foo" "foo\\B" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "foo bar" "foo\\B bar" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "fooxbar" "foo\\Bxbar" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "foo" "foo\\Bbar" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "s@f" "[a-z.-]@[a-z]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ "a" "[a-z.-]@[a-z]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ ".o" "\\.[a-z]" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
! Bug in parsing word
[ t ] [
R' a'
] unit-test
! ((A)(B(C)))
! 1. ((A)(B(C)))
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators kernel math
sequences namespaces locals combinators.lib state-tables
math.parser state-parser sets dlists unicode.categories
math.order quotations shuffle math.ranges splitting
symbols fry ;
symbols fry parser ;
IN: regexp4
SYMBOLS: eps start-state final-state beginning-of-text
@ -544,6 +544,33 @@ ERROR: unsupported-token token ;
<vector-table> >>nfa
dup [ parse-raw-regexp ] [ subset-construction ] bi ;
! Literal syntax for regexps
: parse-options ( string -- ? )
#! Lame
{ "" [ f ] }
{ "i" [ t ] }
} case ;
: parse-regexp ( accum end -- accum )
lexer get dup skip-blank
[ [ index-from dup 1+ swap ] 2keep swapd subseq swap ] change-lexer-column
! lexer get dup still-parsing-line?
! [ (parse-token) parse-options ] [ drop f ] if
<regexp> parsed ;
: R! CHAR: ! parse-regexp ; parsing
: R" CHAR: " parse-regexp ; parsing
: R# CHAR: # parse-regexp ; parsing
: R' CHAR: ' parse-regexp ; parsing
: R( CHAR: ) parse-regexp ; parsing
: R/ CHAR: / parse-regexp ; parsing
: R@ CHAR: @ parse-regexp ; parsing
: R[ CHAR: ] parse-regexp ; parsing
: R` CHAR: ` parse-regexp ; parsing
: R{ CHAR: } parse-regexp ; parsing
: R| CHAR: | parse-regexp ; parsing
TUPLE: dfa-traverser
last-state current-state
@ -611,6 +638,9 @@ TUPLE: dfa-traverser
: matches? ( string regexp -- ? )
dupd match [ [ length ] [ range-length 1- ] bi* = ] [ drop f ] if* ;
: match-head ( string regexp -- end )
match length>> ;
! character classes
! TUPLE: range-class from to ;
! TUPLE: or-class left right ;
@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ M: stack-display tool-scroller
[ com-end ]
[ clear-output ]
[ input>> clear-input ]
[ start-listener-thread ]
[ wait-for-listener ]
} cleave ;
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ include vm/Config.unix
PLAF_DLL_OBJS += vm/os-genunix.o vm/os-netbsd.o
CFLAGS += -export-dynamic
LIBPATH = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/pkg/lib
LIBS = -lm $(X11_UI_LIBS)
LIBS = -lm -lopenal -lalut $(X11_UI_LIBS)
Reference in New Issue