Merge branch 'master' of git://

Daniel Ehrenberg 2009-04-12 13:58:02 -05:00
commit 064b8b7775
64 changed files with 1022 additions and 540 deletions

View File

@ -23,5 +23,8 @@ IN: base64.tests
ascii encode >base64-lines >string
] unit-test
[ { 33 52 17 40 12 51 33 43 18 33 23 } base64> ]
[ malformed-base64? ] must-fail-with
\ >base64 must-infer
\ base64> must-infer

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ io.streams.byte-array kernel math namespaces
sequences strings io.crlf ;
IN: base64
ERROR: malformed-base64 ;
: read1-ignoring ( ignoring -- ch )
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ IN: base64
f 0 f f f 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 f f f f f f 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
} nth ; inline
} nth [ malformed-base64 ] unless* ; inline
SYMBOL: column
@ -48,8 +50,6 @@ SYMBOL: column
[ 3 0 pad-tail binary [ encode3 ] with-byte-writer ]
[ 1+ ] bi* head-slice 4 CHAR: = pad-tail write-lines ; inline
ERROR: malformed-base64 ;
: decode4 ( seq -- )
[ 0 [ base64>ch swap 6 shift bitor ] reduce 3 >be ]
[ [ CHAR: = = ] count ] bi head-slice*

View File

@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ SYMBOL: main-vocab-hook
: default-cli-args ( -- )
global [
"quiet" off
"script" off
"e" off
"user-init" on
embedded? "quiet" set

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: accessors kernel math namespaces make sequences random
strings math.parser math.intervals combinators math.bitwise
nmake db db.tuples db.types classes words shuffle arrays
destructors continuations db.tuples.private prettyprint
db.private ;
db.private byte-arrays ;
IN: db.queries
GENERIC: where ( specs obj -- )
@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ M: sequence where ( spec obj -- )
[ " or " 0% ] [ dupd where ] interleave drop
] in-parens ;
M: byte-array where ( spec obj -- )
over column-name>> 0% " = " 0% bind# ;
M: NULL where ( spec obj -- )
drop column-name>> 0% " is NULL" 0% ;

View File

@ -634,3 +634,22 @@ compound-foo "COMPOUND_FOO"
[ test-compound-primary-key ] test-sqlite
[ test-compound-primary-key ] test-postgresql
TUPLE: example id data ;
example "EXAMPLE"
{ "id" "ID" +db-assigned-id+ }
{ "data" "DATA" BLOB }
} define-persistent
: test-blob-select ( -- )
example ensure-table
[ ] [ example new B{ 1 2 3 4 5 } >>data insert-tuple ] unit-test
T{ example { id 1 } { data B{ 1 2 3 4 5 } } }
] [ example new B{ 1 2 3 4 5 } >>data select-tuple ] unit-test ;
[ test-blob-select ] test-sqlite
[ test-blob-select ] test-postgresql

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ $nl
{ "associative mapping" { "an object whose class implements the " { $link "assocs-protocol" } } }
{ "boolean" { { $link t } " or " { $link f } } }
{ "class" { "a set of objects identified by a " { $emphasis "class word" } " together with a discriminating predicate. See " { $link "classes" } } }
{ "combinator" { "a word taking a quotation or another word as input; a higher-order function. See " { $link "combinators" } } }
{ "definition specifier" { "an instance of " { $link definition } " which implements the " { $link "definition-protocol" } } }
{ "generalized boolean" { "an object interpreted as a boolean; a value of " { $link f } " denotes false and anything else denotes true" } }
{ "generic word" { "a word whose behavior depends can be specialized on the class of one of its inputs. See " { $link "generic" } } }
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ $nl
{ "object" { "any datum which can be identified" } }
{ "ordering specifier" { "see " { $link "order-specifiers" } } }
{ "pathname string" { "an OS-specific pathname which identifies a file" } }
{ "quotation" { "an anonymous function; an instance of the " { $link quotation } " class. More generally, instances of the " { $link callable } " class can be used in many places documented to expect quotations" } }
{ "sequence" { "a sequence; see " { $link "sequence-protocol" } } }
{ "slot" { "a component of an object which can store a value" } }
{ "stack effect" { "a pictorial representation of a word's inputs and outputs, for example " { $snippet "+ ( x y -- z )" } ". See " { $link "effects" } } }

View File

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ ERROR: download-failed response ;
present file-name "?" split1 drop "/" ?tail drop ;
: download-to ( url file -- )
binary [ [ write ] with-http-get drop ] with-file-writer ;
binary [ [ write ] with-http-get check-response drop ] with-file-writer ;
: download ( url -- )
dup download-name download-to ;

View File

@ -392,4 +392,7 @@ SYMBOL: a
[ "OK" ] [ "data" "http://localhost/a" add-port http-post nip ] unit-test
[ ] [ "http://localhost/quit" add-port http-get 2drop ] unit-test
! Check that download throws errors (reported by Chris Double)
[ "http://localhost/tweet_my_twat" add-port download ] must-fail
[ ] [ "http://localhost/quit" add-port http-get 2drop ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
USING: images.bitmap images.viewer io.encodings.binary
io.files io.files.unique kernel tools.test images.loader
literals sequences ;
literals sequences checksums.md5 checksums
images.normalization ;
IN: images.bitmap.tests
CONSTANT: test-bitmap24 "vocab:images/test-images/thiswayup24.bmp"
@ -11,17 +12,33 @@ CONSTANT: test-bitmap4 "vocab:images/test-images/rgb4bit.bmp"
CONSTANT: test-bitmap1 "vocab:images/test-images/1bit.bmp"
[ t ]
[ binary file-contents ] [ load-image ] bi
"test-bitmap24" unique-file
[ save-bitmap ] [ binary file-contents ] bi =
] unit-test
CONSTANT: test-40 "vocab:images/test-images/40red24bit.bmp"
CONSTANT: test-41 "vocab:images/test-images/41red24bit.bmp"
CONSTANT: test-42 "vocab:images/test-images/42red24bit.bmp"
CONSTANT: test-43 "vocab:images/test-images/43red24bit.bmp"
$ test-bitmap8
$ test-bitmap24
} [ [ ] swap [ load-image drop ] curry unit-test ] each
} [ [ ] swap [ load-image drop ] curry unit-test ] each
: test-bitmap-save ( path -- ? )
[ md5 checksum-file ]
[ load-image normalize-image ] bi
"bitmap-save-test" unique-file
[ save-bitmap ]
[ md5 checksum-file ] bi = ;
] [
$ test-40
$ test-41
$ test-42
$ test-43
$ test-bitmap24
} [ test-bitmap-save ] all?
] unit-test

View File

@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ M: bitmap-magic summary
ERROR: bmp-not-supported n ;
: reverse-lines ( byte-array width -- byte-array )
3 * <sliced-groups> <reversed> concat ; inline
<sliced-groups> <reversed> concat ; inline
: raw-bitmap>seq ( loading-bitmap -- array )
dup bit-count>>
{ 32 [ color-index>> ] }
{ 24 [ [ color-index>> ] [ width>> ] bi reverse-lines ] }
{ 8 [ [ 8bit>buffer ] [ width>> ] bi reverse-lines ] }
{ 24 [ [ color-index>> ] [ width>> 3 * ] bi reverse-lines ] }
{ 8 [ [ 8bit>buffer ] [ width>> 3 * ] bi reverse-lines ] }
[ bmp-not-supported ]
} case >byte-array ;
@ -81,30 +81,31 @@ ERROR: bmp-not-supported n ;
: image-size ( loading-bitmap -- n )
[ [ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi * ] [ bit-count>> 8 /i ] bi * abs ;
: bitmap-padding ( width -- n )
3 * 4 mod 4 swap - 4 mod ; inline
:: fixup-color-index ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
loading-bitmap width>> :> width
width 3 * :> width*3
loading-bitmap height>> abs :> height
loading-bitmap color-index>> length :> color-index-length
color-index-length height /i :> stride
color-index-length width*3 height * - height /i :> padding
loading-bitmap width>> bitmap-padding :> padding
loading-bitmap [ color-index>> length ] [ height>> abs ] bi /i :> stride
padding 0 > [
loading-bitmap [
stride <sliced-groups>
[ width*3 head-slice ] map concat
] change-color-index
] [
] if ;
] when ;
: parse-bitmap ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
dup rgb-quads-length read >>rgb-quads
dup color-index-length read >>color-index
fixup-color-index ;
: load-bitmap-data ( path loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
[ binary ] dip '[
_ parse-file-header parse-bitmap-header parse-bitmap
: load-bitmap-data ( path -- loading-bitmap )
binary [
loading-bitmap new
parse-file-header parse-bitmap-header parse-bitmap
] with-file-reader ;
ERROR: unknown-component-order bitmap ;
@ -117,8 +118,7 @@ ERROR: unknown-component-order bitmap ;
[ unknown-component-order ]
} case ;
: loading-bitmap>bitmap-image ( loading-bitmap -- bitmap-image )
[ bitmap-image new ] dip
: loading-bitmap>bitmap-image ( bitmap-image loading-bitmap -- bitmap-image )
[ raw-bitmap>seq >>bitmap ]
[ [ width>> ] [ height>> abs ] bi 2array >>dim ]
@ -127,20 +127,30 @@ ERROR: unknown-component-order bitmap ;
} cleave ;
M: bitmap-image load-image* ( path loading-bitmap -- bitmap )
drop loading-bitmap new
loading-bitmap>bitmap-image ;
swap load-bitmap-data loading-bitmap>bitmap-image ;
: bitmap>color-index ( bitmap-array -- byte-array )
4 <sliced-groups> [ 3 head-slice <reversed> ] map B{ } join ; inline
: bitmap>color-index ( bitmap -- byte-array )
4 <sliced-groups>
[ 3 head-slice <reversed> ] map
B{ } join
] [
dim>> first dup bitmap-padding dup 0 > [
[ 3 * group ] dip '[ _ <byte-array> append ] map
B{ } join
] [
] if
] bi ;
: save-bitmap ( image path -- )
binary [
B{ CHAR: B CHAR: M } write
bitmap>> bitmap>color-index length 14 + 40 + write4
bitmap>color-index length 14 + 40 + write4
0 write4
54 write4
40 write4
@ -159,7 +169,7 @@ PRIVATE>
[ drop 0 write4 ]
! size-image
[ bitmap>> bitmap>color-index length write4 ]
[ bitmap>color-index length write4 ]
! x-pels
[ drop 0 write4 ]
@ -175,7 +185,9 @@ PRIVATE>
! rgb-quads
[ bitmap>> bitmap>color-index ] [ dim>> first ] bi
[ bitmap>color-index ]
[ dim>> first 3 * ]
[ dim>> first bitmap-padding + ] tri
reverse-lines write
} cleave

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: combinators kernel accessors ;
IN: images
R16G16B16 R32G32B32 R16G16B16A16 R32G32B32A32 ;
UNION: alpha-channel BGRA RGBA ABGR ARGB R16G16B16A16 R32G32B32A32 ;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ UNION: alpha-channel BGRA RGBA ABGR ARGB R16G16B16A16 R32G32B32A32 ;
: bytes-per-pixel ( component-order -- n )
{ L [ 1 ] }
{ LA [ 2 ] }
{ BGR [ 3 ] }
{ RGB [ 3 ] }
{ BGRA [ 4 ] }
@ -33,4 +34,4 @@ TUPLE: image dim component-order upside-down? bitmap ;
: has-alpha? ( image -- ? ) component-order>> alpha-channel? ;
GENERIC: load-image* ( path tuple -- image )
GENERIC: load-image* ( path tuple -- image )

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: constructors kernel splitting combinators
accessors images.bitmap images.tiff images images.normalization
io.pathnames ;
accessors images.bitmap images.tiff images io.pathnames ;
IN: images.loader
ERROR: unknown-image-extension extension ;
@ -16,4 +15,4 @@ ERROR: unknown-image-extension extension ;
} case ;
: load-image ( path -- image )
dup image-class new load-image* normalize-image ;
dup image-class new load-image* ;

View File

@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ ERROR: unknown-component-order ifd ;
{ { 16 16 16 } [ 2 seq>native-endianness ] }
{ { 8 8 8 8 } [ ] }
{ { 8 8 8 } [ ] }
{ 8 [ ] }
[ unknown-component-order ]
} case >>bitmap ;
@ -474,11 +475,11 @@ ERROR: unknown-component-order ifd ;
{ { 16 16 16 } [ R16G16B16 ] }
{ { 8 8 8 8 } [ RGBA ] }
{ { 8 8 8 } [ RGB ] }
{ 8 [ LA ] }
[ unknown-component-order ]
} case ;
: normalize-alpha-data ( seq -- byte-array )
! [ normalize-alpha-data ] change-bitmap
B{ } like dup
4 <sliced-groups>

View File

@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ HELP: current-temporary-directory
HELP: unique-file
{ $values
{ "prefix" string }
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "path'" "a pathname string" }
{ $description "Creates a temporary file in the directory stored in " { $link current-temporary-directory } " and outputs the path name." } ;

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ PRIVATE>
[ unique-directory ] dip
'[ _ with-temporary-directory ] [ delete-tree ] bi ; inline
: unique-file ( path -- path' )
: unique-file ( prefix -- path )
"" make-unique-file ;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Slava Pestov
Eduardo Cavazos
Joe Groff
Alex Chapman

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ IN: opengl.capabilities
(gl-version) drop ;
: gl-vendor-version ( -- version )
(gl-version) nip ;
: gl-vendor ( -- name )
GL_VENDOR glGetString ;
: has-gl-version? ( version -- ? )
gl-version version-before? ;
: (make-gl-version-error) ( required-version -- )

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
Alex Chapman

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Slava Pestov

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
! Portions copyright (C) 2008 Joe Groff.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types continuations kernel libc math macros
namespaces math.vectors math.parser opengl.glu combinators
namespaces math.vectors math.parser combinators arrays sequences splitting words byte-arrays assocs
colors colors.constants accessors generalizations locals fry
specialized-arrays.float specialized-arrays.uint ;
@ -16,10 +16,23 @@ IN: opengl
: gl-clear ( color -- )
gl-clear-color GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT glClear ;
: error>string ( n -- string )
{ HEX: 0 "No error" }
{ HEX: 0501 "Invalid value" }
{ HEX: 0500 "Invalid enumerant" }
{ HEX: 0502 "Invalid operation" }
{ HEX: 0503 "Stack overflow" }
{ HEX: 0504 "Stack underflow" }
{ HEX: 0505 "Out of memory" }
} at "Unknown error" or ;
TUPLE: gl-error code string ;
: gl-error ( -- )
glGetError dup zero? [
"GL error: " over gluErrorString append throw
] unless drop ;
glGetError dup 0 = [ drop ] [
dup error>string \ gl-error boa throw
] if ;
: do-enabled ( what quot -- )
over glEnable dip glDisable ; inline
@ -151,9 +164,6 @@ MACRO: all-enabled-client-state ( seq quot -- )
MACRO: set-draw-buffers ( buffers -- )
words>values '[ _ (set-draw-buffers) ] ;
: gl-look-at ( eye focus up -- )
[ first3 ] tri@ gluLookAt ;
: gen-dlist ( -- id ) 1 glGenLists ;
: make-dlist ( type quot -- id )

View File

@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs cache colors.constants destructors fry kernel
opengl combinators images images.tesselation grouping
specialized-arrays.float sequences math math.vectors
math.matrices generalizations fry arrays namespaces ;
opengl opengl.capabilities combinators images
images.tesselation grouping specialized-arrays.float sequences math
math.vectors math.matrices generalizations fry arrays namespaces
system ;
IN: opengl.textures
SYMBOL: non-power-of-2-textures?
: check-extensions ( -- )
#! ATI frglx driver doesn't implement GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two properly.
#! See thread 'Linux font display problem' April 2009 on Factor-talk
gl-vendor "ATI Technologies Inc." = not os macosx? or [
"2.0" { "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two" }
non-power-of-2-textures? set
] when ;
: gen-texture ( -- id ) [ glGenTextures ] (gen-gl-object) ;
: delete-texture ( id -- ) [ glDeleteTextures ] (delete-gl-object) ;
@ -20,6 +30,8 @@ M: RGBA component-order>format drop GL_RGBA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
M: ARGB component-order>format drop GL_BGRA_EXT GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV ;
M: BGRA component-order>format drop GL_BGRA_EXT GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
M: BGRX component-order>format drop GL_BGRA_EXT GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
M: LA component-order>format drop GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
M: L component-order>format drop GL_LUMINANCE GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ;
SLOT: display-list
@ -36,10 +48,12 @@ TUPLE: single-texture image dim loc texture-coords texture display-list disposed
[ next-power-of-2 ] map
] unless ;
: (tex-image) ( image -- )
[ dim>> adjust-texture-dim first2 0 ]
[ component-order>> component-order>format f ] bi
: (tex-image) ( image bitmap -- )
[ dim>> adjust-texture-dim first2 0 ]
[ component-order>> component-order>format ] bi
] dip
glTexImage2D ;
: (tex-sub-image) ( image -- )
@ -53,7 +67,9 @@ TUPLE: single-texture image dim loc texture-coords texture display-list disposed
gen-texture [
GL_TEXTURE_2D swap glBindTexture
[ (tex-image) ] [ (tex-sub-image) ] bi
non-power-of-2-textures? get
[ dup bitmap>> (tex-image) ]
[ [ f (tex-image) ] [ (tex-sub-image) ] bi ] if
] do-attribs
] keep ;
@ -159,4 +175,4 @@ PRIVATE>
: <texture> ( image loc -- texture )
over dim>> max-texture-size [ <= ] 2all?
[ <single-texture> ]
[ [ max-texture-size tesselate ] dip <multi-texture> ] if ;
[ [ max-texture-size tesselate ] dip <multi-texture> ] if ;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ debugger io.streams.c io.files io.files.temp io.pathnames
io.directories io.directories.hierarchy io.backend quotations
io.launcher words.private tools.deploy.config
tools.deploy.config.editor bootstrap.image io.encodings.utf8
destructors accessors ;
destructors accessors hashtables ;
IN: tools.deploy.backend
: copy-vm ( executable bundle-name -- vm )
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ DEFER: ?make-staging-image
[ drop ] [ make-staging-image ] if ;
: make-deploy-config ( vocab -- file )
[ deploy-config unparse-use ]
[ deploy-config vocab-roots get vocab-roots associate assoc-union unparse-use ]
[ "deploy-config-" prepend temp-file ] bi
[ utf8 set-file-contents ] keep ;

View File

@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ IN: tools.hexdump
16 * >hex 8 CHAR: 0 pad-head write "h: " write ;
: >hex-digit ( digit -- str )
>hex 2 CHAR: 0 pad-head " " append ;
>hex 2 CHAR: 0 pad-head ;
: >hex-digits ( bytes -- str )
[ >hex-digit ] { } map-as concat 48 CHAR: \s pad-tail ;
[ >hex-digit " " append ] { } map-as concat
48 CHAR: \s pad-tail ;
: >ascii ( bytes -- str )
[ [ printable? ] keep CHAR: . ? ] "" map-as ;

View File

@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ M:: cocoa-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
world dim>> <FactorView> :> view
view world world>NSRect <ViewWindow> :> window
view -> release
window world window-loc>> auto-position
world view register-window
window world window-loc>> auto-position
world window save-position
window install-window-delegate
view window <window-handle> world (>>handle)

View File

@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ CLASS: {
! Initialization
{ "updateFactorGadgetSize:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ 2drop dup view-dim swap window (>>dim) yield ]
[ 2drop [ window ] [ view-dim ] bi >>dim drop yield ]
{ "doCommandBySelector:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "SEL" }

View File

@ -224,6 +224,10 @@ M: x-clipboard paste-clipboard
[ XA_NET_WM_NAME XA_UTF8_STRING 8 PropModeReplace ] dip
utf8 encode dup length XChangeProperty drop ;
: set-class ( dpy window -- )
XA_WM_CLASS XA_STRING 8 PropModeReplace "Factor"
utf8 encode dup length XChangeProperty drop ;
M: x11-ui-backend set-title ( string world -- )
handle>> window>> swap
[ dpy get ] 2dip [ set-title-old ] [ set-title-new ] 3bi ;
@ -242,11 +246,15 @@ M: x11-ui-backend set-fullscreen* ( ? world -- )
M: x11-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
dup gadget-window
handle>> window>> dup set-closable map-window ;
handle>> window>>
[ set-closable ] [ dpy get swap set-class ] [ map-window ] tri ;
M: x11-ui-backend raise-window* ( world -- )
handle>> [
dpy get swap window>> XRaiseWindow drop
dpy get swap window>>
[ RevertToPointerRoot CurrentTime XSetInputFocus drop ]
[ XRaiseWindow drop ]
] when* ;
M: x11-handle select-gl-context ( handle -- )

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs continuations kernel math models
namespaces opengl opengl.capabilities opengl.textures sequences io
combinators combinators.short-circuit fry math.vectors math.rectangles
cache ui.gadgets ui.gestures ui.render ui.backend ui.gadgets.tracks
namespaces opengl opengl.textures sequences io combinators
combinators.short-circuit fry math.vectors math.rectangles cache
ui.gadgets ui.gestures ui.render ui.backend ui.gadgets.tracks
ui.commands ;
IN: ui.gadgets.worlds
@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ SYMBOL: flush-layout-cache-hook
flush-layout-cache-hook [ [ ] ] initialize
: check-extensions ( -- )
"2.0" { "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two" } has-gl-version-or-extensions?
non-power-of-2-textures? set ;
: (draw-world) ( world -- )
dup handle>> [

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math.rectangles math.vectors namespaces kernel accessors
assocs combinators sequences opengl opengl.glu colors
assocs combinators sequences opengl colors
colors.constants ui.gadgets ui.pens ;
IN: ui.render
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SYMBOL: viewport-translation
[ { 0 1 } v* viewport-translation set ]
[ [ { 0 0 } ] dip gl-viewport ]
[ [ 0 ] dip first2 0 gluOrtho2D ] tri
[ [ 0 ] dip first2 0 1 -1 glOrtho ] tri
[ clip set ] bi
do-clip ;

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs io kernel math models namespaces make dlists
deques sequences threads sequences words continuations init
combinators hashtables concurrency.flags sets accessors calendar fry
destructors ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private ui.gadgets.worlds
ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures ui.backend ui.render ;
combinators combinators.short-circuit hashtables concurrency.flags
sets accessors calendar fry destructors ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures ui.backend ui.render ;
IN: ui
@ -117,12 +117,10 @@ M: world ungraft*
gesture-queue [ send-queued-gesture notify-queued ] slurp-deque ;
: update-ui ( -- )
] [ ui-error ] recover ;
send-queued-gestures ;
SYMBOL: ui-thread
@ -133,8 +131,7 @@ SYMBOL: ui-thread
: find-window ( quot -- world )
windows get values
[ gadget-child swap call ] with find-last nip ; inline
[ windows get values ] dip '[ gadget-child @ ] find-last nip ; inline
: ui-running? ( -- ? )
\ ui-running get-global ;
@ -142,9 +139,15 @@ PRIVATE>
: update-ui-loop ( -- )
[ ui-running? ui-thread get-global self eq? and ]
[ ui-notify-flag get lower-flag update-ui ]
while ;
#! Note the logic: if update-ui fails, we open an error window
#! and run one iteration of update-ui. If that also fails, well,
#! the whole UI subsystem is broken so we exit out of the
#! update-ui-loop.
[ { [ ui-running? ] [ ui-thread get-global self eq? ] } 0&& ]
ui-notify-flag get lower-flag
[ update-ui ] [ ui-error update-ui ] recover
] while ;
: start-ui-thread ( -- )
[ self ui-thread set-global update-ui-loop ]
@ -193,4 +196,4 @@ M: object close-window
: with-ui ( quot -- )
ui-running? [ call( -- ) ] [ '[ init-ui @ ] (with-ui) ] if ;
HOOK: beep ui-backend ( -- )
HOOK: beep ui-backend ( -- )

View File

@ -26,3 +26,7 @@ USING: urls.encoding tools.test arrays kernel assocs present accessors ;
[ H{ { "text" "hello world" } } ] [ "text=hello+world" query>assoc ] unit-test
[ "a=3" ] [ { { "a" 3 } } assoc>query ] unit-test
[ "a" ] [ { { "a" f } } assoc>query ] unit-test
[ H{ { "a" f } } ] [ "a" query>assoc ] unit-test

View File

@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ PRIVATE>
] when*
] 2keep set-at ;
: assoc-strings ( assoc -- assoc' )
{ [ dup not ] [ ] }
{ [ dup array? ] [ [ present ] map ] }
[ present 1array ]
} cond
] assoc-map ;
: query>assoc ( query -- assoc )
@ -86,11 +95,8 @@ PRIVATE>
: assoc>query ( assoc -- str )
dup array? [ [ present ] map ] [ present 1array ] if
] assoc-map
assoc-strings [
[ url-encode ] dip
[ url-encode "=" glue , ] with each
[ [ url-encode "=" glue , ] with each ] [ , ] if*
] assoc-each
] { } make "&" join ;

View File

@ -80,6 +80,15 @@ CONSTANT: urls
T{ url
{ protocol "http" }
{ host "" }
{ path "/" }
{ query H{ { "a" f } } }
urls [

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel assocs math sequences fry io.encodings.string
io.encodings.utf16n accessors arrays combinators destructors locals
cache namespaces init images.normalization fonts alien.c-types
windows windows.usp10 windows.offscreen windows.gdi32
windows.ole32 windows.types windows.fonts opengl.textures ;
io.encodings.utf16n accessors arrays combinators destructors
cache namespaces init fonts alien.c-types windows windows.usp10
windows.offscreen windows.gdi32 windows.ole32 windows.types
windows.fonts opengl.textures locals ;
IN: windows.uniscribe
TUPLE: script-string font string metrics ssa size image disposed ;
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ TUPLE: script-string font string metrics ssa size image disposed ;
ssa>> ! ssa
0 ! iX
0 ! iY
0 ! uOptions
f ! prc
ETO_OPAQUE ! uOptions
[ selection-start/end ] bi
[ [ { 0 0 } ] dip size>> <RECT> ]
[ selection-start/end ] tri
! iMinSel
! iMaxSel
FALSE ! fDisabled
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ M: script-string dispose*
SYMBOL: cached-script-strings
: cached-script-string ( string font -- script-string )
: cached-script-string ( font string -- script-string )
cached-script-strings get-global [ <script-string> ] 2cache ;
[ <cache-assoc> cached-script-strings set-global ]
"windows.uniscribe" add-init-hook
"windows.uniscribe" add-init-hook

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ arrays fry ;
: create-window-mask ( -- n )
{ CWBackPixel CWBorderPixel CWColormap CWEventMask } flags ;
{ CWColormap CWEventMask } flags ;
: create-colormap ( visinfo -- colormap )
dpy get root get rot XVisualInfo-visual AllocNone
[ dpy get root get ] dip XVisualInfo-visual AllocNone
XCreateColormap ;
: event-mask ( -- n )
@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ IN:
: window-attributes ( visinfo -- attributes )
"XSetWindowAttributes" <c-object>
0 over set-XSetWindowAttributes-background_pixel
0 over set-XSetWindowAttributes-border_pixel
[ [ create-colormap ] dip set-XSetWindowAttributes-colormap ] keep
event-mask over set-XSetWindowAttributes-event_mask ;

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ ARTICLE: "tuple-constructors" "Tuple constructors"
"Constructors play a part in enforcing the invariant that slot values must always match slot declarations. The " { $link new } " word fills in the tuple with initial values, and " { $link boa } " ensures that the values on the stack match the corresponding slot declarations. See " { $link "tuple-declarations" } "."
"All tuple construction should be done through constructor words, and construction primitives should be encapsulated and never called outside of the vocabulary where the class is defined, because this encourages looser coupling. For example, a constructor word could be changed to use memoization instead of always constructing a new instance, or it could be changed to construt a different class, without breaking callers."
"All tuple construction should be done through constructor words, and construction primitives should be encapsulated and never called outside of the vocabulary where the class is defined, because this encourages looser coupling. For example, a constructor word could be changed to use memoization instead of always constructing a new instance, or it could be changed to construct a different class, without breaking callers."
"Examples of constructors:"
{ $code
@ -220,13 +220,13 @@ ARTICLE: "tuple-examples" "Tuple examples"
" <employee> \"project manager\" >>position ;" }
"An alternative strategy is to define the most general BOA constructor first:"
{ $code
": <employee> ( name position -- person )"
": <employee> ( name position -- employee )"
" 40000 employee boa ;"
"Now we can define more specific constructors:"
{ $code
": <manager> ( name -- person )"
" \"manager\" <person> ;" }
": <manager> ( name -- employee )"
" \"manager\" <employee> ;" }
"An example using reader words:"
{ $code
"TUPLE: check to amount number ;"
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ ARTICLE: "tuple-examples" "Tuple examples"
": next-position ( role -- newrole )"
" positions [ index 1+ ] keep nth ;"
": promote ( person -- person )"
": promote ( employee -- employee )"
" [ 1.2 * ] change-salary"
" [ next-position ] change-position ;"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: kernel namespaces math.vectors opengl 4DNav.turtle ;
USING: kernel namespaces math.vectors opengl opengl.glu 4DNav.turtle ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: html.parser.state io io.encodings.utf8 io.files
USING: sequence-parser io io.encodings.utf8 io.files
io.streams.string kernel combinators accessors io.pathnames
fry sequences arrays locals namespaces io.directories
assocs math splitting make unicode.categories
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ifs elifs elses ;
DEFER: preprocess-file
ERROR: unknown-c-preprocessor state-parser name ;
ERROR: unknown-c-preprocessor sequence-parser name ;
ERROR: bad-include-line line ;
@ -69,8 +69,16 @@ ERROR: header-file-missing path ;
] if ;
: handle-include ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
skip-whitespace advance dup previous {
: skip-whitespace/comments ( sequence-parser -- sequence-parser )
{ [ dup take-c-comment ] [ skip-whitespace/comments ] }
{ [ dup take-c++-comment ] [ skip-whitespace/comments ] }
[ ]
} cond ;
: handle-include ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
skip-whitespace/comments advance dup previous {
{ CHAR: < [ CHAR: > take-until-object read-standard-include ] }
{ CHAR: " [ CHAR: " take-until-object read-local-include ] }
[ bad-include-line ]
@ -81,58 +89,58 @@ ERROR: header-file-missing path ;
: readlns ( -- string ) [ (readlns) ] { } make concat ;
: take-define-identifier ( state-parser -- string )
: take-define-identifier ( sequence-parser -- string )
[ current { [ blank? ] [ CHAR: ( = ] } 1|| ] take-until ;
: handle-define ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
: handle-define ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
[ take-define-identifier ]
[ skip-whitespace take-rest ] bi
[ skip-whitespace/comments take-rest ] bi
"\\" ?tail [ readlns append ] when
spin symbol-table>> set-at ;
: handle-undef ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
: handle-undef ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
take-token swap symbol-table>> delete-at ;
: handle-ifdef ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
: handle-ifdef ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
[ [ 1 + ] change-ifdef-nesting ] dip
take-token over symbol-table>> key?
[ drop ] [ t >>processing-disabled? drop ] if ;
: handle-ifndef ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
: handle-ifndef ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
[ [ 1 + ] change-ifdef-nesting ] dip
take-token over symbol-table>> key?
[ t >>processing-disabled? drop ]
[ drop ] if ;
: handle-endif ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
: handle-endif ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
drop [ 1 - ] change-ifdef-nesting drop ;
: handle-if ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
: handle-if ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
[ [ 1 + ] change-ifdef-nesting ] dip
skip-whitespace take-rest swap ifs>> push ;
skip-whitespace/comments take-rest swap ifs>> push ;
: handle-elif ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
skip-whitespace take-rest swap elifs>> push ;
: handle-elif ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
skip-whitespace/comments take-rest swap elifs>> push ;
: handle-else ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
skip-whitespace take-rest swap elses>> push ;
: handle-else ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
skip-whitespace/comments take-rest swap elses>> push ;
: handle-pragma ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
skip-whitespace take-rest swap pragmas>> push ;
: handle-pragma ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
skip-whitespace/comments take-rest swap pragmas>> push ;
: handle-include-next ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
skip-whitespace take-rest swap include-nexts>> push ;
: handle-include-next ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
skip-whitespace/comments take-rest swap include-nexts>> push ;
: handle-error ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
skip-whitespace take-rest swap errors>> push ;
: handle-error ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
skip-whitespace/comments take-rest swap errors>> push ;
! nip take-rest throw ;
: handle-warning ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
: handle-warning ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
take-rest swap warnings>> push ;
: parse-directive ( preprocessor-state state-parser string -- )
: parse-directive ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser string -- )
{ "warning" [ handle-warning ] }
{ "error" [ handle-error ] }
@ -150,7 +158,7 @@ ERROR: header-file-missing path ;
[ unknown-c-preprocessor ]
} case ;
: parse-directive-line ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
: parse-directive-line ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
advance dup take-token
pick processing-disabled?>> [
"endif" = [
@ -162,14 +170,14 @@ ERROR: header-file-missing path ;
] if ;
: preprocess-line ( preprocessor-state state-parser -- )
skip-whitespace dup current CHAR: # =
: preprocess-line ( preprocessor-state sequence-parser -- )
skip-whitespace/comments dup current CHAR: # =
[ parse-directive-line ]
[ swap processing-disabled?>> [ drop ] [ write-full nl ] if ] if ;
: preprocess-lines ( preprocessor-state -- )
[ <state-parser> [ preprocess-line ] [ drop preprocess-lines ] 2bi ]
[ <sequence-parser> [ preprocess-line ] [ drop preprocess-lines ] 2bi ]
[ drop ] if* ;
ERROR: include-nested-too-deeply ;

View File

@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
USING: help.syntax help.markup ;
USING: help.syntax help.markup words ;
IN: descriptive
{ $syntax "DESCRIPTIVE: word ( inputs -- outputs ) definition ;" }
{ $description "Defines a word such that, if an error is thrown from within it, that error is wrapped in a descriptive tag including the arguments to that word." } ;
{ $description "Defines a word such that, if an error is thrown from within it, that error is wrapped in a " { $link descriptive-error } " with the arguments to that word." } ;
{ $syntax "DESCRIPTIVE:: word ( inputs -- outputs ) definition ;" }
{ $description "Defines a word which uses locals such that, if an error is thrown from within it, that error is wrapped in a descriptive tag including the arguments to that word." } ;
{ $description "Defines a word which uses locals such that, if an error is thrown from within it, that error is wrapped in a " { $link descriptive-error } " with the arguments to that word." } ;
HELP: descriptive
{ $class-description "The class of errors wrapping another error (in the underlying slot) which were thrown in a word (in the word slot) with a given set of arguments (in the args slot)." } ;
HELP: descriptive-error
{ $error-description "The class of errors wrapping another error (in the underlying slot) which were thrown in a word (in the word slot) with a given set of arguments (in the args slot)." } ;
HELP: make-descriptive
{ $values { "word" word } }
{ $description "Makes the word wrap errors in " { $link descriptive-error } " instances." } ;
ARTICLE: "descriptive" "Descriptive errors"
"This vocabulary defines automatic descriptive errors. Using it, you can define a word which acts as normal, except when it throws an error, the error is wrapped in a special descriptor declaring that an error was thrown from inside that word, and including the arguments given to that word. The error is of the following class:"
{ $subsection descriptive }
"This vocabulary defines automatic descriptive errors. Using it, you can define a word which acts as normal, except when it throws an error, the error is wrapped in an instance of a class:"
{ $subsection descriptive-error }
"The wrapper contains the word itself, the input parameters, as well as the original error."
"To annotate an existing word with descriptive error checking:"
{ $subsection make-descriptive }
"To define words which throw descriptive errors, use the following words:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: DESCRIPTIVE: }
{ $subsection POSTPONE: DESCRIPTIVE:: } ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
USING: words kernel sequences locals locals.parser
! Copyright (c) 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: words kernel sequences locals locals.parser fry
locals.definitions accessors parser namespaces continuations
summary definitions generalizations arrays prettyprint debugger io ;
summary definitions generalizations arrays prettyprint debugger io
effects tools.annotations ;
IN: descriptive
ERROR: descriptive-error args underlying word ;
@ -23,6 +26,10 @@ M: descriptive-error error.
: make-descriptive ( word -- )
dup [ ] [ def>> ] [ stack-effect ] tri [descriptive]
'[ drop _ ] annotate-methods ;
: define-descriptive ( word def effect -- )
[ drop "descriptive-definition" set-word-prop ]
[ [ [ dup ] 2dip [descriptive] ] keep define-declared ]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays hashtables html.parser.state
USING: accessors arrays hashtables sequence-parser
html.parser.utils kernel namespaces sequences unicode.categories combinators.short-circuit
quoting fry ;
@ -37,89 +37,89 @@ SYMBOL: tagstack
swap >>name
swap >>text ; inline
: (read-quote) ( state-parser ch -- string )
: (read-quote) ( sequence-parser ch -- string )
'[ [ current _ = ] take-until ] [ advance drop ] bi ;
: read-single-quote ( state-parser -- string )
: read-single-quote ( sequence-parser -- string )
CHAR: ' (read-quote) ;
: read-double-quote ( state-parser -- string )
: read-double-quote ( sequence-parser -- string )
CHAR: " (read-quote) ;
: read-quote ( state-parser -- string )
: read-quote ( sequence-parser -- string )
dup get+increment CHAR: ' =
[ read-single-quote ] [ read-double-quote ] if ;
: read-key ( state-parser -- string )
: read-key ( sequence-parser -- string )
[ current { [ CHAR: = = ] [ blank? ] } 1|| ] take-until ;
: read-token ( state-parser -- string )
: read-token ( sequence-parser -- string )
[ current blank? ] take-until ;
: read-value ( state-parser -- string )
: read-value ( sequence-parser -- string )
dup current quote? [ read-quote ] [ read-token ] if
[ blank? ] trim ;
: read-comment ( state-parser -- )
: read-comment ( sequence-parser -- )
"-->" take-until-sequence comment new-tag push-tag ;
: read-dtd ( state-parser -- )
: read-dtd ( sequence-parser -- )
">" take-until-sequence dtd new-tag push-tag ;
: read-bang ( state-parser -- )
: read-bang ( sequence-parser -- )
advance dup { [ current CHAR: - = ] [ peek-next CHAR: - = ] } 1&&
[ advance advance read-comment ] [ read-dtd ] if ;
: read-tag ( state-parser -- string )
: read-tag ( sequence-parser -- string )
[ [ current "><" member? ] take-until ]
[ dup current CHAR: < = [ advance ] unless drop ] bi ;
: read-until-< ( state-parser -- string )
: read-until-< ( sequence-parser -- string )
[ current CHAR: < = ] take-until ;
: parse-text ( state-parser -- )
: parse-text ( sequence-parser -- )
read-until-< [ text new-tag push-tag ] unless-empty ;
: parse-key/value ( state-parser -- key value )
: parse-key/value ( sequence-parser -- key value )
[ read-key >lower ]
[ skip-whitespace "=" take-sequence ]
[ swap [ read-value ] [ drop dup ] if ] tri ;
: (parse-attributes) ( state-parser -- )
: (parse-attributes) ( sequence-parser -- )
dup state-parse-end? [
dup sequence-parse-end? [
] [
[ parse-key/value swap set ] [ (parse-attributes) ] bi
] if ;
: parse-attributes ( state-parser -- hashtable )
: parse-attributes ( sequence-parser -- hashtable )
[ (parse-attributes) ] H{ } make-assoc ;
: (parse-tag) ( string -- string' hashtable )
[ read-token >lower ] [ parse-attributes ] bi
] state-parse ;
] parse-sequence ;
: read-< ( state-parser -- string/f )
: read-< ( sequence-parser -- string/f )
advance dup current [
CHAR: ! = [ read-bang f ] [ read-tag ] if
] [
drop f
] if* ;
: parse-tag ( state-parser -- )
: parse-tag ( sequence-parser -- )
read-< [ (parse-tag) make-tag push-tag ] unless-empty ;
: (parse-html) ( state-parser -- )
: (parse-html) ( sequence-parser -- )
dup peek-next [
[ parse-text ] [ parse-tag ] [ (parse-html) ] tri
] [ drop ] if ;
: tag-parse ( quot -- vector )
V{ } clone tagstack [ state-parse ] with-variable ; inline
V{ } clone tagstack [ parse-sequence ] with-variable ; inline

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
USING: tools.test html.parser.state ascii kernel accessors ;
IN: html.parser.state.tests
[ "hello" ]
[ "hello" [ take-rest ] state-parse ] unit-test
[ "hi" " how are you?" ]
"hi how are you?"
[ [ [ current blank? ] take-until ] [ take-rest ] bi ] state-parse
] unit-test
[ "foo" ";bar" ]
"foo;bar" [
[ CHAR: ; take-until-object ] [ take-rest ] bi
] state-parse
] unit-test
[ "foo " " bar" ]
"foo and bar" [
[ "and" take-until-sequence ] [ take-rest ] bi
] state-parse
] unit-test
[ 6 ]
" foo " [ skip-whitespace n>> ] state-parse
] unit-test
[ { 1 2 } ]
[ { 1 2 3 } <state-parser> [ current 3 = ] take-until ] unit-test
[ { 1 2 } ]
[ { 1 2 3 4 } <state-parser> { 3 4 } take-until-sequence ] unit-test
[ "ab" ]
[ "abcd" <state-parser> "ab" take-sequence ] unit-test
[ f ]
[ "abcd" <state-parser> "lol" take-sequence ] unit-test
[ "ab" ]
"abcd" <state-parser>
[ "lol" take-sequence drop ] [ "ab" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ "" ]
[ "abcd" <state-parser> "" take-sequence ] unit-test
[ "cd" ]
[ "abcd" <state-parser> [ "ab" take-sequence drop ] [ "cd" take-sequence ] bi ] unit-test
[ f ]
"\"abc\" asdf" <state-parser>
[ CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string drop ] [ "asdf" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ "abc\\\"def" ]
"\"abc\\\"def\" asdf" <state-parser>
CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string
] unit-test
[ "asdf" ]
"\"abc\" asdf" <state-parser>
[ CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string drop ]
[ skip-whitespace "asdf" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ f ]
"\"abc asdf" <state-parser>
CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string
] unit-test
[ "\"abc" ]
"\"abc asdf" <state-parser>
[ CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string drop ]
[ "\"abc" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ "c" ]
[ "c" <state-parser> take-token ] unit-test
[ f ]
[ "" <state-parser> take-token ] unit-test
[ "abcd e \\\"f g" ]
[ "\"abcd e \\\"f g\"" <state-parser> CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-token* ] unit-test
[ "" ]
[ "" <state-parser> take-rest ] unit-test
[ "" ]
[ "abc" <state-parser> dup "abc" take-sequence drop take-rest ] unit-test
[ f ]
[ "abc" <state-parser> "abcdefg" take-sequence ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Daniel Ehrenberg
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces math kernel sequences accessors fry circular unicode.categories locals combinators.short-circuit
make combinators io splitting ;
IN: html.parser.state
TUPLE: state-parser sequence n ;
: <state-parser> ( sequence -- state-parser )
state-parser new
swap >>sequence
0 >>n ;
: offset ( state-parser offset -- char/f )
[ n>> + ] [ sequence>> ?nth ] bi ; inline
: current ( state-parser -- char/f ) 0 offset ; inline
: previous ( state-parser -- char/f ) -1 offset ; inline
: peek-next ( state-parser -- char/f ) 1 offset ; inline
: advance ( state-parser -- state-parser )
[ 1 + ] change-n ; inline
: advance* ( state-parser -- )
advance drop ; inline
: get+increment ( state-parser -- char/f )
[ current ] [ advance drop ] bi ; inline
:: skip-until ( state-parser quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- )
state-parser current [
state-parser quot call [ state-parser advance quot skip-until ] unless
] when ; inline recursive
: state-parse-end? ( state-parser -- ? ) current not ;
: take-until ( state-parser quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- sequence/f )
over state-parse-end? [
2drop f
] [
[ drop n>> ]
[ skip-until ]
[ drop [ n>> ] [ sequence>> ] bi ] 2tri subseq
] if ; inline
: take-while ( state-parser quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- sequence/f )
[ not ] compose take-until ; inline
: <safe-slice> ( from to seq -- slice/f )
3dup {
[ 2drop 0 < ]
[ [ drop ] 2dip length > ]
[ drop > ]
} 3|| [ 3drop f ] [ slice boa ] if ; inline
:: take-sequence ( state-parser sequence -- obj/f )
state-parser [ n>> dup sequence length + ] [ sequence>> ] bi
<safe-slice> sequence sequence= [
state-parser [ sequence length + ] change-n drop
] [
] if ;
:: take-until-sequence ( state-parser sequence -- sequence' )
sequence length <growing-circular> :> growing
current growing push-growing-circular
sequence growing sequence=
] take-until :> found
found dup length
growing length 1- - head
state-parser advance drop ;
: skip-whitespace ( state-parser -- state-parser )
[ [ current blank? not ] take-until drop ] keep ;
: take-rest-slice ( state-parser -- sequence/f )
[ sequence>> ] [ n>> ] bi
2dup [ length ] dip < [ 2drop f ] [ tail-slice ] if ; inline
: take-rest ( state-parser -- sequence )
[ take-rest-slice ] [ sequence>> like ] bi ;
: take-until-object ( state-parser obj -- sequence )
'[ current _ = ] take-until ;
: state-parse ( sequence quot -- )
[ <state-parser> ] dip call ; inline
:: take-quoted-string ( state-parser escape-char quote-char -- string )
state-parser n>> :> start-n
state-parser advance
[ { [ previous escape-char = ] [ current quote-char = ] } 1&& ]
[ current quote-char = not ]
} 1||
] take-while :> string
state-parser current quote-char = [
state-parser advance* string
] [
start-n state-parser (>>n) f
] if ;
: (take-token) ( state-parser -- string )
skip-whitespace [ current { [ blank? ] [ f = ] } 1|| ] take-until ;
:: take-token* ( state-parser escape-char quote-char -- string/f )
state-parser skip-whitespace
dup current {
{ quote-char [ escape-char quote-char take-quoted-string ] }
{ f [ drop f ] }
[ drop (take-token) ]
} case ;
: take-token ( state-parser -- string/f )
CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-token* ;
: write-full ( state-parser -- ) sequence>> write ;
: write-rest ( state-parser -- ) take-rest write ;

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs circular combinators continuations hashtables
hashtables.private io kernel math namespaces prettyprint
quotations sequences splitting html.parser.state strings
combinators.short-circuit quoting ;
quotations sequences splitting strings quoting
combinators.short-circuit ;
IN: html.parser.utils
: trim1 ( seq ch -- newseq )

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ IN: id3
HELP: mp3>id3
{ $values
{ "path" "a path string" }
{ "id3v2-info/f" "a tuple storing ID3v2 metadata or f" } }
{ "id3/f" "a tuple storing ID3v2 metadata or f" } }
{ $description "Return a tuple containing the ID3 information parsed out of the MP3 file, or " { $link f } " if no metadata is present. Words to access the ID3v1 information are here:"
{ $list
{ $link title }
@ -22,49 +22,49 @@ HELP: mp3>id3
HELP: album
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "album/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the album, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: artist
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "artist/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the artist, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: comment
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "comment/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the comment, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: genre
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "genre/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the genre, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: title
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "title/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the title, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: year
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "year/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the year, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: find-id3-frame
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info } { "name" string }
{ "id3" id3 } { "name" string }
{ "obj/f" "object or f" }
{ $description "Returns the " { $slot "data" } " slot of the ID3 frame with the given name, or " { $link f } "." } ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Tim Wawrzynczak
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test id3 combinators ;
USING: tools.test id3 combinators grouping id3.private
sequences math ;
IN: id3.tests
: id3-params ( id3 -- title artist album year comment genre )
@ -40,3 +41,6 @@ IN: id3.tests
"Big Band"
] [ "vocab:id3/tests/blah3.mp3" mp3>id3 id3-params ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ 10000 [ synchsafe>seq seq>synchsafe ] map [ < ] monotonic? ] unit-test

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ combinators math.ranges unicode.categories byte-arrays
io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf16 assocs math.parser
combinators.short-circuit fry namespaces
splitting io.encodings.ascii arrays ; literals math.functions ;
IN: id3
@ -37,58 +37,83 @@ CONSTANT: genres
"Primus" "Porn Groove" "Satire" "Slow Jam" "Club" "Tango"
"Samba" "Folklore" "Ballad" "Power Ballad" "Rhythmic Soul"
"Freestyle" "Duet" "Punk Rock" "Drum Solo" "A capella"
"Euro-House" "Dance Hall"
"Euro-House" "Dance Hall" "Goa" "Drum & Bass" "Club-House"
"Hardcore" "Terror" "Indie" "BritPop" "Negerpunk"
"Polsk Punk" "Beat" "Christian Gangsta Rap" "Heavy Metal"
"Black Metal" "Crossover" "Contemporary Christian"
"Christian Rock"
TUPLE: header version flags size ;
TUPLE: frame frame-id flags size data ;
TUPLE: frame tag flags size data ;
TUPLE: id3v2-info header frames ;
TUPLE: id3 header frames
title artist album year comment genre
speed genre-name start-time end-time ;
TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
: <id3v1-info> ( -- object ) id3v1-info new ; inline
: <id3v2-info> ( header frames -- object )
[ [ frame-id>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc id3v2-info boa ;
: <id3> ( -- id3 )
id3 new
H{ } clone >>frames ; inline
: <header> ( -- object ) header new ; inline
: <frame> ( -- object ) frame new ; inline
: id3v2? ( mmap -- ? ) "ID3" head? ; inline
: id3v2? ( seq -- ? ) "ID3" head? ; inline
: id3v1? ( mmap -- ? )
{ [ length 128 >= ] [ 128 tail-slice* "TAG" head? ] } 1&& ; inline
CONSTANT: id3v1-length 128
CONSTANT: id3v1-offset 128
CONSTANT: id3v1+-length 227
CONSTANT: id3v1+-offset $[ 128 227 + ]
: id3v1-frame ( string key -- frame )
swap >>frame-id
swap >>data ; inline
: id3v1? ( seq -- ? )
[ length id3v1-offset >= ]
[ id3v1-length tail-slice* "TAG" head? ]
} 1&& ; inline
: id3v1>id3v2 ( id3v1 -- id3v2 )
: id3v1+? ( seq -- ? )
[ length id3v1+-offset >= ]
[ id3v1+-length tail-slice* "TAG+" head? ]
} 1&& ; inline
: pair>frame ( string key -- frame/f )
over [
swap >>tag
swap >>data
] [
2drop f
] if ; inline
: id3v1>frames ( id3v1 -- seq )
[ title>> "TIT2" id3v1-frame ]
[ artist>> "TPE1" id3v1-frame ]
[ album>> "TALB" id3v1-frame ]
[ year>> "TYER" id3v1-frame ]
[ comment>> "COMM" id3v1-frame ]
[ genre>> "TCON" id3v1-frame ]
[ title>> "TIT2" pair>frame ]
[ artist>> "TPE1" pair>frame ]
[ album>> "TALB" pair>frame ]
[ year>> "TYER" pair>frame ]
[ comment>> "COMM" pair>frame ]
[ genre>> "TCON" pair>frame ]
} cleave
] output>array f swap <id3v2-info> ; inline
] output>array sift ;
: >28bitword ( seq -- int )
: seq>synchsafe ( seq -- n )
0 [ [ 7 shift ] dip bitor ] reduce ; inline
: synchsafe>seq ( n -- seq )
dup 1+ log2 1+ 7 / ceiling
[ [ -7 shift ] keep HEX: 7f bitand ] replicate nip reverse ; inline
: filter-text-data ( data -- filtered )
[ printable? ] filter ; inline
: valid-frame-id? ( id -- ? )
: valid-tag? ( id -- ? )
[ { [ digit? ] [ LETTER? ] } 1|| ] all? ; inline
: read-frame-data ( frame mmap -- frame data )
: read-frame-data ( frame seq -- frame data )
[ 10 over size>> 10 + ] dip <slice> filter-text-data ; inline
: decode-text ( string -- string' )
@ -96,44 +121,48 @@ TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
{ { HEX: ff HEX: fe } { HEX: fe HEX: ff } } member?
utf16 ascii ? decode ; inline
: (read-frame) ( mmap -- frame )
: (read-frame) ( seq -- frame )
[ <frame> ] dip
[ 4 head-slice decode-text >>frame-id ]
[ [ 4 8 ] dip subseq >28bitword >>size ]
[ 4 head-slice decode-text >>tag ]
[ [ 4 8 ] dip subseq seq>synchsafe >>size ]
[ [ 8 10 ] dip subseq >byte-array >>flags ]
[ read-frame-data decode-text >>data ]
} cleave ; inline
: read-frame ( mmap -- frame/f )
dup 4 head-slice valid-frame-id?
: read-frame ( seq -- frame/f )
dup 4 head-slice valid-tag?
[ (read-frame) ] [ drop f ] if ; inline
: remove-frame ( mmap frame -- mmap )
: remove-frame ( seq frame -- seq )
size>> 10 + tail-slice ; inline
: read-frames ( mmap -- frames )
[ dup read-frame dup ]
[ [ remove-frame ] keep ]
produce 2nip ; inline
: frames>assoc ( seq -- assoc )
[ [ tag>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc ; inline
: read-frames ( seq -- assoc )
[ dup read-frame dup ] [ [ remove-frame ] keep ] produce 2nip ; inline
: read-v2-header ( seq -- id3header )
: read-v2-header ( seq -- header )
[ <header> ] dip
[ [ 3 5 ] dip <slice> >array >>version ]
[ [ 5 ] dip nth >>flags ]
[ [ 6 10 ] dip <slice> >28bitword >>size ]
[ [ 6 10 ] dip <slice> seq>synchsafe >>size ]
} cleave ; inline
: read-v2-tag-data ( seq -- id3v2-info )
10 cut-slice
[ read-v2-header ]
[ read-frames ] bi* <id3v2-info> ; inline
: skip-to-v1-data ( seq -- seq ) 125 tail-slice* ; inline
: merge-frames ( id3 assoc -- id3 )
[ dup frames>> ] dip update ; inline
: (read-v1-tag-data) ( seq -- mp3-file )
[ <id3v1-info> ] dip
: merge-id3v1 ( id3 -- id3 )
dup id3v1>frames frames>assoc merge-frames ; inline
: read-v2-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
10 cut-slice
[ read-v2-header >>header ]
[ read-frames frames>assoc merge-frames ] bi* ; inline
: extract-v1-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
[ 30 head-slice decode-text filter-text-data >>title ]
[ [ 30 60 ] dip subseq decode-text filter-text-data >>artist ]
@ -143,8 +172,30 @@ TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
[ [ 124 ] dip nth number>string >>genre ]
} cleave ; inline
: read-v1-tag-data ( seq -- mp3-file )
skip-to-v1-data (read-v1-tag-data) ; inline
: read-v1-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
id3v1-offset tail-slice* 3 tail-slice
extract-v1-tags ; inline
: extract-v1+-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
[ 60 head-slice decode-text filter-text-data [ append ] change-title ]
[ 60 120 ] dip subseq decode-text filter-text-data
[ append ] change-artist
[ 120 180 ] dip subseq decode-text filter-text-data
[ append ] change-album
[ [ 180 ] dip nth >>speed ]
[ [ 181 211 ] dip subseq decode-text >>genre-name ]
[ [ 211 217 ] dip subseq decode-text >>start-time ]
[ [ 217 223 ] dip subseq decode-text >>end-time ]
} cleave ; inline
: read-v1+-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
id3v1+-offset tail-slice* 4 tail-slice
extract-v1+-tags ; inline
: parse-genre ( string -- n/f )
dup "(" ?head-slice drop ")" ?tail-slice drop
@ -154,34 +205,35 @@ TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
] if ; inline
: (mp3>id3) ( path -- id3v2-info/f )
: (mp3>id3) ( path -- id3v2/f )
[ <id3> ] dip
{ [ dup id3v2? ] [ read-v2-tag-data ] }
{ [ dup id3v1? ] [ read-v1-tag-data id3v1>id3v2 ] }
[ drop f ]
} cond
[ dup id3v1? [ read-v1-tags merge-id3v1 ] [ drop ] if ]
[ dup id3v1+? [ read-v1+-tags merge-id3v1 ] [ drop ] if ]
[ dup id3v2? [ read-v2-tags ] [ drop ] if ]
} cleave
] with-mapped-uchar-file ;
: mp3>id3 ( path -- id3v2-info/f )
: mp3>id3 ( path -- id3/f )
dup file-info size>> 0 <= [ drop f ] [ (mp3>id3) ] if ; inline
: find-id3-frame ( id3 name -- obj/f )
swap frames>> at* [ data>> ] when ; inline
: title ( id3 -- title/f ) "TIT2" find-id3-frame ; inline
: title ( id3 -- string/f ) "TIT2" find-id3-frame ; inline
: artist ( id3 -- artist/f ) "TPE1" find-id3-frame ; inline
: artist ( id3 -- string/f ) "TPE1" find-id3-frame ; inline
: album ( id3 -- album/f ) "TALB" find-id3-frame ; inline
: album ( id3 -- string/f ) "TALB" find-id3-frame ; inline
: year ( id3 -- year/f ) "TYER" find-id3-frame ; inline
: year ( id3 -- string/f ) "TYER" find-id3-frame ; inline
: comment ( id3 -- comment/f ) "COMM" find-id3-frame ; inline
: comment ( id3 -- string/f ) "COMM" find-id3-frame ; inline
: genre ( id3 -- genre/f )
: genre ( id3 -- string/f )
"TCON" find-id3-frame parse-genre ; inline
: find-mp3s ( path -- seq )

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Alex Chapman

View File

@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005 Alex Chapman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.syntax kernel sequences words ;
USING: alien alien.libraries alien.syntax kernel sequences words system
combinators ;
IN: opengl.glu
os {
{ [ dup macosx? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup windows? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup unix? ] [ drop "glu" "" "cdecl" add-library ] }
} cond
! These are defined as structs in glu.h, but we only ever use pointers to them
TYPEDEF: void* GLUnurbs*
TYPEDEF: void* GLUquadric*
@ -253,3 +262,6 @@ FUNCTION: GLint gluUnProject ( GLdouble winX, GLdouble winY, GLdouble winZ, GLdo
! FUNCTION: GLint gluBuild3DMipmaps ( GLenum target, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, void* data ) ;
! FUNCTION: GLboolean gluCheckExtension ( GLubyte* extName, GLubyte* extString ) ;
! FUNCTION: GLint gluUnProject4 ( GLdouble winX, GLdouble winY, GLdouble winZ, GLdouble clipW, GLdouble* model, GLdouble* proj, GLint* view, GLdouble nearVal, GLdouble farVal, GLdouble* objX, GLdouble* objY, GLdouble* objZ, GLdouble* objW ) ;
: gl-look-at ( eye focus up -- )
[ first3 ] tri@ gluLookAt ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: accessors poker poker.private tools.test ;
USING: accessors poker poker.private tools.test math.order kernel ;
IN: poker.tests
[ 134236965 ] [ "KD" >ckf ] unit-test

View File

@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ IN: project-euler.007
! --------
: nth-prime ( n -- n )
1- lprimes lnth ;
: euler007 ( -- answer )
10001 nth-prime ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
USING: project-euler.069 tools.test ;
{ 510510 } [ euler069 ] unit-test
{ 510510 } [ euler069a ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
! Copyright (c) 2009 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators fry kernel math math.primes math.primes.factors math.ranges
project-euler.common sequences ;
IN: project-euler.069
! -----------
! Euler's Totient function, φ(n) [sometimes called the phi function], is used
! to determine the number of numbers less than n which are relatively prime to
! n. For example, as 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8, are all less than nine and
! relatively prime to nine, φ(9)=6.
! +----+------------------+------+-----------+
! | n | Relatively Prime | φ(n) | n / φ(n) |
! +----+------------------+------+-----------+
! | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
! | 3 | 1,2 | 2 | 1.5 |
! | 4 | 1,3 | 2 | 2 |
! | 5 | 1,2,3,4 | 4 | 1.25 |
! | 6 | 1,5 | 2 | 3 |
! | 7 | 1,2,3,4,5,6 | 6 | 1.1666... |
! | 8 | 1,3,5,7 | 4 | 2 |
! | 9 | 1,2,4,5,7,8 | 6 | 1.5 |
! | 10 | 1,3,7,9 | 4 | 2.5 |
! +----+------------------+------+-----------+
! It can be seen that n = 6 produces a maximum n / φ(n) for n ≤ 10.
! Find the value of n ≤ 1,000,000 for which n / φ(n) is a maximum.
! --------
! Brute force
: totient-ratio ( n -- m )
dup totient / ;
: euler069 ( -- answer )
2 1000000 [a,b] [ totient-ratio ] map
[ supremum ] keep index 2 + ;
! [ euler069 ] 10 ave-time
! 25210 ms ave run time - 115.37 SD (10 trials)
! -------------------
! In order to obtain maximum n / φ(n), φ(n) needs to be low and n needs to be
! high. Hence we need a number that has the most factors. A number with the
! most unique factors would have fewer relatively prime.
: primorial ( n -- m )
{ [ dup 0 = ] [ drop V{ 1 } ] }
{ [ dup 1 = ] [ drop V{ 2 } ] }
[ nth-prime primes-upto ]
} cond product ;
: (primorial-upto) ( count limit -- m )
'[ dup primorial _ <= ] [ 1+ dup primorial ] produce
nip penultimate ;
: primorial-upto ( limit -- m )
1 swap (primorial-upto) ;
: euler069a ( -- answer )
1000000 primorial-upto ;
! [ euler069a ] 100 ave-time
! 0 ms ave run time - 0.01 SD (100 trials)
SOLUTION: euler069a

View File

@ -32,13 +32,6 @@ IN: project-euler.071
! repeatedly until the denominator is as close to 1000000 as possible without
! going over.
: penultimate ( seq -- elt )
dup length 2 - swap nth ;
: euler071 ( -- answer )
2/5 [ dup denominator 1000000 <= ] [ 3/7 mediant dup ] produce
nip penultimate numerator ;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays kernel make math math.functions math.matrices math.miller-rabin
math.order math.parser math.primes.factors math.ranges math.ratios
sequences sorting strings parser accessors vocabs.parser
namespaces vocabs words quotations prettyprint ;
USING: accessors arrays kernel lists make math math.functions math.matrices
math.miller-rabin math.order math.parser math.primes.factors
math.primes.lists math.ranges math.ratios namespaces parser prettyprint
quotations sequences sorting strings vocabs vocabs.parser
words ;
IN: project-euler.common
! A collection of words used by more than one Project Euler solution
@ -16,11 +17,13 @@ IN: project-euler.common
! log10 - #25, #134
! max-path - #18, #67
! mediant - #71, #73
! nth-prime - #7, #69
! nth-triangle - #12, #42
! number>digits - #16, #20, #30, #34, #35, #38, #43, #52, #55, #56, #92
! palindrome? - #4, #36, #55
! pandigital? - #32, #38
! pentagonal? - #44, #45
! penultimate - #69, #71
! propagate-all - #18, #67
! sum-proper-divisors - #21
! tau* - #12
@ -78,6 +81,9 @@ PRIVATE>
: number-length ( n -- m )
log10 floor 1+ >integer ;
: nth-prime ( n -- n )
1- lprimes lnth ;
: nth-triangle ( n -- n )
dup 1+ * 2 / ;
@ -90,6 +96,9 @@ PRIVATE>
: pentagonal? ( n -- ? )
dup 0 > [ 24 * 1+ sqrt 1+ 6 / 1 mod zero? ] [ drop f ] if ;
: penultimate ( seq -- elt )
dup length 2 - swap nth ;
! Not strictly needed, but it is nice to be able to dump the triangle after the
! propagation
: propagate-all ( triangle -- new-triangle )

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009 Aaron Schaefer, Samuel Tardieu.
! Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Aaron Schaefer, Samuel Tardieu.
! See for BSD license.
USING: definitions io io.files io.pathnames kernel math math.parser
prettyprint project-euler.ave-time sequences vocabs vocabs.loader
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ USING: definitions io io.files io.pathnames kernel math math.parser
project-euler.045 project-euler.046 project-euler.047 project-euler.048
project-euler.049 project-euler.052 project-euler.053 project-euler.054
project-euler.055 project-euler.056 project-euler.057 project-euler.058
project-euler.059 project-euler.063 project-euler.067 project-euler.071
project-euler.073 project-euler.075 project-euler.076 project-euler.079
project-euler.092 project-euler.097 project-euler.099 project-euler.100
project-euler.116 project-euler.117 project-euler.134 project-euler.148
project-euler.150 project-euler.151 project-euler.164 project-euler.169
project-euler.173 project-euler.175 project-euler.186 project-euler.190
project-euler.203 project-euler.215 ;
project-euler.059 project-euler.063 project-euler.067 project-euler.069
project-euler.071 project-euler.073 project-euler.075 project-euler.076
project-euler.079 project-euler.092 project-euler.097 project-euler.099
project-euler.100 project-euler.116 project-euler.117 project-euler.134
project-euler.148 project-euler.150 project-euler.151 project-euler.164
project-euler.169 project-euler.173 project-euler.175 project-euler.186
project-euler.190 project-euler.203 project-euler.215 ;
IN: project-euler

View File

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
USING: tools.test sequence-parser ascii kernel accessors ;
IN: sequence-parser.tests
[ "hello" ]
[ "hello" [ take-rest ] parse-sequence ] unit-test
[ "hi" " how are you?" ]
"hi how are you?"
[ [ [ current blank? ] take-until ] [ take-rest ] bi ] parse-sequence
] unit-test
[ "foo" ";bar" ]
"foo;bar" [
[ CHAR: ; take-until-object ] [ take-rest ] bi
] parse-sequence
] unit-test
[ "foo " "and bar" ]
"foo and bar" [
[ "and" take-until-sequence ] [ take-rest ] bi
] parse-sequence
] unit-test
[ "foo " " bar" ]
"foo and bar" [
[ "and" take-until-sequence ]
[ "and" take-sequence drop ]
[ take-rest ] tri
] parse-sequence
] unit-test
[ "foo " " bar" ]
"foo and bar" [
[ "and" take-until-sequence* ]
[ take-rest ] bi
] parse-sequence
] unit-test
[ { 1 2 } ]
[ { 1 2 3 4 } <sequence-parser> { 3 4 } take-until-sequence ] unit-test
[ f "aaaa" ]
"aaaa" <sequence-parser>
[ "b" take-until-sequence ] [ take-rest ] bi
] unit-test
[ 6 ]
" foo " [ skip-whitespace n>> ] parse-sequence
] unit-test
[ { 1 2 } ]
[ { 1 2 3 } <sequence-parser> [ current 3 = ] take-until ] unit-test
[ "ab" ]
[ "abcd" <sequence-parser> "ab" take-sequence ] unit-test
[ f ]
[ "abcd" <sequence-parser> "lol" take-sequence ] unit-test
[ "ab" ]
"abcd" <sequence-parser>
[ "lol" take-sequence drop ] [ "ab" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ "" ]
[ "abcd" <sequence-parser> "" take-sequence ] unit-test
[ "cd" ]
[ "abcd" <sequence-parser> [ "ab" take-sequence drop ] [ "cd" take-sequence ] bi ] unit-test
[ f ]
"\"abc\" asdf" <sequence-parser>
[ CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string drop ] [ "asdf" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ "abc\\\"def" ]
"\"abc\\\"def\" asdf" <sequence-parser>
CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string
] unit-test
[ "asdf" ]
"\"abc\" asdf" <sequence-parser>
[ CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string drop ]
[ skip-whitespace "asdf" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ f ]
"\"abc asdf" <sequence-parser>
CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string
] unit-test
[ "\"abc" ]
"\"abc asdf" <sequence-parser>
[ CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-quoted-string drop ]
[ "\"abc" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ "c" ]
[ "c" <sequence-parser> take-token ] unit-test
[ f ]
[ "" <sequence-parser> take-token ] unit-test
[ "abcd e \\\"f g" ]
[ "\"abcd e \\\"f g\"" <sequence-parser> CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-token* ] unit-test
[ "" ]
[ "" <sequence-parser> take-rest ] unit-test
[ "" ]
[ "abc" <sequence-parser> dup "abc" take-sequence drop take-rest ] unit-test
[ f ]
[ "abc" <sequence-parser> "abcdefg" take-sequence ] unit-test
[ "1234" ]
[ "1234f" <sequence-parser> take-integer ] unit-test
[ "yes" ]
"yes1234f" <sequence-parser>
[ take-integer drop ] [ "yes" take-sequence ] bi
] unit-test
[ f ] [ "" <sequence-parser> 4 take-n ] unit-test
[ "abcd" ] [ "abcd" <sequence-parser> 4 take-n ] unit-test
[ "abcd" "efg" ] [ "abcdefg" <sequence-parser> [ 4 take-n ] [ take-rest ] bi ] unit-test
[ "asdfasdf" ] [
"/*asdfasdf*/" <sequence-parser> take-c-comment
] unit-test
[ "k" ] [
"/*asdfasdf*/k" <sequence-parser> [ take-c-comment drop ] [ take-rest ] bi
] unit-test
[ "omg" ] [
"//asdfasdf\nomg" <sequence-parser>
[ take-c++-comment drop ] [ take-rest ] bi
] unit-test
[ "omg" ] [
"omg" <sequence-parser>
[ take-c++-comment drop ] [ take-rest ] bi
] unit-test
[ "/*asdfasdf" ] [
"/*asdfasdf" <sequence-parser> [ take-c-comment drop ] [ take-rest ] bi
] unit-test
[ "asdf" "eoieoei" ] [
"//asdf\neoieoei" <sequence-parser>
[ take-c++-comment ] [ take-rest ] bi
] unit-test
[ f "33asdf" ]
[ "33asdf" <sequence-parser> [ take-c-identifier ] [ take-rest ] bi ] unit-test
[ "asdf" ]
[ "asdf" <sequence-parser> take-c-identifier ] unit-test
[ "_asdf" ]
[ "_asdf" <sequence-parser> take-c-identifier ] unit-test
[ "_asdf400" ]
[ "_asdf400" <sequence-parser> take-c-identifier ] unit-test
[ "123" ]
[ "123jjj" <sequence-parser> take-c-integer ] unit-test
[ "123uLL" ]
[ "123uLL" <sequence-parser> take-c-integer ] unit-test
[ "123ull" ]
[ "123ull" <sequence-parser> take-c-integer ] unit-test
[ "123u" ]
[ "123u" <sequence-parser> take-c-integer ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Daniel Ehrenberg, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces math kernel sequences accessors fry circular unicode.categories locals combinators.short-circuit
make combinators io splitting math.parser math.ranges
generalizations sorting.functor math.order sorting.slots ;
IN: sequence-parser
TUPLE: sequence-parser sequence n ;
: <sequence-parser> ( sequence -- sequence-parser )
sequence-parser new
swap >>sequence
0 >>n ;
:: with-sequence-parser ( sequence-parser quot -- seq/f )
sequence-parser n>> :> n
sequence-parser quot call [
n sequence-parser (>>n) f
] unless* ; inline
: offset ( sequence-parser offset -- char/f )
[ n>> + ] [ sequence>> ?nth ] bi ; inline
: current ( sequence-parser -- char/f ) 0 offset ; inline
: previous ( sequence-parser -- char/f ) -1 offset ; inline
: peek-next ( sequence-parser -- char/f ) 1 offset ; inline
: advance ( sequence-parser -- sequence-parser )
[ 1 + ] change-n ; inline
: advance* ( sequence-parser -- )
advance drop ; inline
: get+increment ( sequence-parser -- char/f )
[ current ] [ advance drop ] bi ; inline
:: skip-until ( sequence-parser quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- )
sequence-parser current [
sequence-parser quot call
[ sequence-parser advance quot skip-until ] unless
] when ; inline recursive
: sequence-parse-end? ( sequence-parser -- ? ) current not ;
: take-until ( sequence-parser quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- sequence/f )
over sequence-parse-end? [
2drop f
] [
[ drop n>> ]
[ skip-until ]
[ drop [ n>> ] [ sequence>> ] bi ] 2tri subseq
] if ; inline
: take-while ( sequence-parser quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- sequence/f )
[ not ] compose take-until ; inline
: <safe-slice> ( from to seq -- slice/f )
3dup {
[ 2drop 0 < ]
[ [ drop ] 2dip length > ]
[ drop > ]
} 3|| [ 3drop f ] [ slice boa ] if ; inline
:: take-sequence ( sequence-parser sequence -- obj/f )
sequence-parser [ n>> dup sequence length + ] [ sequence>> ] bi
<safe-slice> sequence sequence= [
sequence-parser [ sequence length + ] change-n drop
] [
] if ;
: take-sequence* ( sequence-parser sequence -- )
take-sequence drop ;
:: take-until-sequence ( sequence-parser sequence -- sequence'/f )
sequence-parser n>> :> saved
sequence length <growing-circular> :> growing
current growing push-growing-circular
sequence growing sequence=
] take-until :> found
growing sequence sequence= [
found dup length
growing length 1- - head
sequence-parser [ growing length - 1 + ] change-n drop
! sequence-parser advance drop
] [
saved sequence-parser (>>n)
] if ;
:: take-until-sequence* ( sequence-parser sequence -- sequence'/f )
sequence-parser sequence take-until-sequence :> out
out [
sequence-parser [ sequence length + ] change-n drop
] when out ;
: skip-whitespace ( sequence-parser -- sequence-parser )
[ [ current blank? not ] take-until drop ] keep ;
: take-rest-slice ( sequence-parser -- sequence/f )
[ sequence>> ] [ n>> ] bi
2dup [ length ] dip < [ 2drop f ] [ tail-slice ] if ; inline
: take-rest ( sequence-parser -- sequence )
[ take-rest-slice ] [ sequence>> like ] bi ;
: take-until-object ( sequence-parser obj -- sequence )
'[ current _ = ] take-until ;
: parse-sequence ( sequence quot -- )
[ <sequence-parser> ] dip call ; inline
:: take-quoted-string ( sequence-parser escape-char quote-char -- string )
sequence-parser n>> :> start-n
sequence-parser advance
[ { [ previous escape-char = ] [ current quote-char = ] } 1&& ]
[ current quote-char = not ]
} 1||
] take-while :> string
sequence-parser current quote-char = [
sequence-parser advance* string
] [
start-n sequence-parser (>>n) f
] if ;
: (take-token) ( sequence-parser -- string )
skip-whitespace [ current { [ blank? ] [ f = ] } 1|| ] take-until ;
:: take-token* ( sequence-parser escape-char quote-char -- string/f )
sequence-parser skip-whitespace
dup current {
{ quote-char [ escape-char quote-char take-quoted-string ] }
{ f [ drop f ] }
[ drop (take-token) ]
} case ;
: take-token ( sequence-parser -- string/f )
CHAR: \ CHAR: " take-token* ;
: take-integer ( sequence-parser -- n/f )
[ current digit? ] take-while ;
:: take-n ( sequence-parser n -- seq/f )
n sequence-parser [ n>> + ] [ sequence>> length ] bi > [
] [
sequence-parser n>> dup n + sequence-parser sequence>> subseq
sequence-parser [ n + ] change-n drop
] if ;
: take-c-comment ( sequence-parser -- seq/f )
dup "/*" take-sequence [
"*/" take-until-sequence*
] [
drop f
] if
] with-sequence-parser ;
: take-c++-comment ( sequence-parser -- seq/f )
dup "//" take-sequence [
{ [ current CHAR: \n = ] [ sequence-parse-end? ] } 1||
] take-until
] [
advance drop
] bi
] [
drop f
] if
] with-sequence-parser ;
: c-identifier-begin? ( ch -- ? )
CHAR: a CHAR: z [a,b]
CHAR: A CHAR: Z [a,b]
{ CHAR: _ } 3append member? ;
: c-identifier-ch? ( ch -- ? )
CHAR: a CHAR: z [a,b]
CHAR: A CHAR: Z [a,b]
CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 [a,b]
{ CHAR: _ } 4 nappend member? ;
: take-c-identifier ( state-parser -- string/f )
dup current c-identifier-begin? [
[ current c-identifier-ch? ] take-while
] [
drop f
] if
] with-sequence-parser ;
<< "length" [ length ] define-sorting >>
: sort-tokens ( seq -- seq' )
{ length>=< <=> } sort-by ;
: take-first-matching ( state-parser seq -- seq )
'[ _ [ swap take-sequence ] with-sequence-parser ] find nip ;
: take-longest ( state-parser seq -- seq )
sort-tokens take-first-matching ;
: take-c-integer ( state-parser -- string/f )
dup take-integer [
{ "ull" "uLL" "Ull" "ULL" "ll" "LL" "l" "L" "u" "U" }
take-longest [ append ] when*
] [
drop f
] if*
] with-sequence-parser ;
: write-full ( sequence-parser -- ) sequence>> write ;
: write-rest ( sequence-parser -- ) take-rest write ;

View File

@ -29,3 +29,9 @@ TUPLE: unique-deque assoc deque ;
: pop-url ( unique-deque -- todo-url ) deque>> pop-front ;
: peek-url ( unique-deque -- todo-url ) deque>> peek-front ;
: slurp-deque-when ( deque quot1 quot2: ( value -- ) -- )
pick deque-empty? [ 3drop ] [
[ [ pop-front dup ] 2dip slip [ t ] compose [ drop f ] if ]
[ roll [ slurp-deque-when ] [ 3drop ] if ] 3bi
] if ; inline recursive

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PLAF_EXE_OBJS += vm/main-unix.o
ifdef NO_UI
X11_UI_LIBS = -lpango-1.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lcairo -lglib-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lGL -lGLU -lX11
X11_UI_LIBS = -lpango-1.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lcairo -lglib-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lGL -lX11

View File

@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ void load_image(F_PARAMETERS *p)
if(fread(&h,sizeof(F_HEADER),1,file) != 1)
fatal_error("Cannot read image header",0);
if(h.magic != IMAGE_MAGIC)
fatal_error("Bad image: magic number check failed",h.magic);
@ -145,27 +146,19 @@ bool save_image(const F_CHAR *filename)
h.userenv[i] = userenv[i];
bool ok = true;
if(fwrite((void*)tenured->start,h.data_size,1,file) != 1)
if(fwrite(&h,sizeof(F_HEADER),1,file) != 1) ok = false;
if(fwrite((void*)tenured->start,h.data_size,1,file) != 1) ok = false;
if(fwrite(first_block(&code_heap),h.code_size,1,file) != 1) ok = false;
if(fclose(file)) ok = false;
print_string("Save data heap failed: "); print_string(strerror(errno)); nl();
return false;
print_string("save-image failed: "); print_string(strerror(errno)); nl();
if(fwrite(first_block(&code_heap),h.code_size,1,file) != 1)
print_string("Save code heap failed: "); print_string(strerror(errno)); nl();
return false;
print_string("Failed to close image file: "); print_string(strerror(errno)); nl();
return false;
return true;
return ok;
void primitive_save_image(void)