convert from LLVM types, with tests

Matthew Willis 2009-06-26 22:01:20 +09:00
parent c331b31007
commit 081f24ccf7
2 changed files with 80 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -17,4 +17,22 @@ USING: kernel llvm.types sequences tools.test ;
[ TYPE: < { float, i32 (i32)* } > ; ] unit-test
[ t ] [ TYPE: i32 ; TYPE: i32 ; [ >tref ] bi@ = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ TYPE: i32 * ; TYPE: i32 * ; [ >tref ] bi@ = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ TYPE: i32 * ; TYPE: i32 * ; [ >tref ] bi@ = ] unit-test
[ TYPE: i32 ; ] [ TYPE: i32 ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: float ; ] [ TYPE: float ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: double ; ] [ TYPE: double ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: x86_fp80 ; ] [ TYPE: x86_fp80 ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: fp128 ; ] [ TYPE: fp128 ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: ppc_fp128 ; ] [ TYPE: ppc_fp128 ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: opaque ; ] [ TYPE: opaque ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: label ; ] [ TYPE: label ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: void ; ] [ TYPE: void ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: i32* ; ] [ TYPE: i32* ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: < 2 x i32 > ; ] [ TYPE: < 2 x i32 > ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: [ 0 x i32 ] ; ] [ TYPE: [ 0 x i32 ] ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: { i32, i32 } ; ] [ TYPE: { i32, i32 } ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: < { i32, i32 } > ; ] [ TYPE: < { i32, i32 } > ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: i32 ( i32 ) ; ] [ TYPE: i32 ( i32 ) ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: \1* ; ] [ TYPE: \1* ; >tref tref> ] unit-test
[ TYPE: { i32, \2* } ; ] [ TYPE: { i32, \2* } ; >tref tref> ] unit-test

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@ -17,13 +17,16 @@ IN: llvm.types
! resolve the first type to the second
GENERIC: (>tref) ( type -- LLVMTypeRef )
GENERIC: ((tref>)) ( LLVMTypeRef type -- type )
GENERIC: llvm> ( LLVMTypeRef -- type )
! default implementation for simple types
M: object ((tref>)) nip ;
TUPLE: integer size ;
C: <integer> integer
M: integer (>tref) size>> LLVMIntType ;
M: integer ((tref>)) swap LLVMGetIntTypeWidth >>size ;
SINGLETONS: float double x86_fp80 fp128 ppc_fp128 ;
@ -33,8 +36,9 @@ M: x86_fp80 (>tref) drop LLVMX86FP80Type ;
M: fp128 (>tref) drop LLVMFP128Type ;
M: ppc_fp128 (>tref) drop LLVMPPCFP128Type ;
SINGLETONS: label void metadata ;
SINGLETONS: opaque label void metadata ;
M: opaque (>tref) drop LLVMOpaqueType ;
M: label (>tref) drop LLVMLabelType ;
M: void (>tref) drop LLVMVoidType ;
M: metadata (>tref) drop
@ -57,14 +61,30 @@ SYMBOL: types
type quot call( type -- LLVMTypeRef )
types get pop over >>cached drop ;
DEFER: <up-ref>
:: push-ref ( ref quot: ( LLVMTypeRef -- type ) -- type )
ref types get index
[ types get length swap - <up-ref> ] [
ref types get push
ref quot call( LLVMTypeRef -- type )
types get pop drop
] if* ;
GENERIC: (>tref)* ( type -- LLVMTypeRef )
M: enclosing (>tref) [ (>tref)* ] push-type ;
DEFER: type-kind
GENERIC: (tref>)* ( LLVMTypeRef type -- type )
M: enclosing ((tref>)) [ (tref>)* ] curry push-ref ;
: (tref>) ( LLVMTypeRef -- type ) dup type-kind ((tref>)) ;
TUPLE: pointer < enclosing type ;
: <pointer> ( t -- o ) pointer new swap >>type ;
M: pointer (>tref)* type>> (>tref) 0 LLVMPointerType ;
M: pointer clean* type>> clean ;
M: pointer (tref>)* swap LLVMGetElementType (tref>) >>type ;
TUPLE: vector < enclosing size type ;
: <vector> ( s t -- o )
@ -73,6 +93,9 @@ TUPLE: vector < enclosing size type ;
M: vector (>tref)* [ type>> (>tref) ] [ size>> ] bi LLVMVectorType ;
M: vector clean* type>> clean ;
M: vector (tref>)*
over LLVMGetElementType (tref>) >>type
swap LLVMGetVectorSize >>size ;
TUPLE: struct < enclosing types packed? ;
: <struct> ( ts p? -- o )
@ -84,6 +107,11 @@ M: struct (>tref)*
[ types>> length ]
[ packed?>> 1 0 ? ] tri LLVMStructType ;
M: struct clean* types>> [ clean ] each ;
M: struct (tref>)*
over LLVMIsPackedStruct 0 = not >>packed?
swap dup LLVMCountStructElementTypes <void*-array>
[ LLVMGetStructElementTypes ] keep >array
[ (tref>) ] map >>types ;
TUPLE: array < enclosing size type ;
: <array> ( s t -- o )
@ -92,6 +120,9 @@ TUPLE: array < enclosing size type ;
M: array (>tref)* [ type>> (>tref) ] [ size>> ] bi LLVMArrayType ;
M: array clean* type>> clean ;
M: array (tref>)*
over LLVMGetElementType (tref>) >>type
swap LLVMGetArrayLength >>size ;
TUPLE: function < enclosing return params vararg? ;
@ -106,6 +137,30 @@ M: function (>tref)* {
[ vararg?>> 1 0 ? ]
} cleave LLVMFunctionType ;
M: function clean* [ return>> clean ] [ params>> [ clean ] each ] bi ;
M: function (tref>)*
over LLVMIsFunctionVarArg 0 = not >>vararg?
over LLVMGetReturnType (tref>) >>return
swap dup LLVMCountParamTypes <void*-array>
[ LLVMGetParamTypes ] keep >array
[ (tref>) ] map >>params ;
: type-kind ( LLVMTypeRef -- class )
LLVMGetTypeKind {
{ LLVMVoidTypeKind [ void ] }
{ LLVMFloatTypeKind [ float ] }
{ LLVMDoubleTypeKind [ double ] }
{ LLVMX86_FP80TypeKind [ x86_fp80 ] }
{ LLVMFP128TypeKind [ fp128 ] }
{ LLVMPPC_FP128TypeKind [ ppc_fp128 ] }
{ LLVMLabelTypeKind [ label ] }
{ LLVMIntegerTypeKind [ integer new ] }
{ LLVMFunctionTypeKind [ function new ] }
{ LLVMStructTypeKind [ struct new ] }
{ LLVMArrayTypeKind [ array new ] }
{ LLVMPointerTypeKind [ pointer new ] }
{ LLVMOpaqueTypeKind [ opaque ] }
{ LLVMVectorTypeKind [ vector new ] }
} case ;
TUPLE: up-ref height ;
C: <up-ref> up-ref
@ -125,6 +180,9 @@ M: up-ref (>tref)
[ >tref-caching ] [ >tref-caching ] [ clean ] tri
2dup = [ drop ] [ resolve-types ] if ;
: tref> ( LLVMTypeRef -- type )
V{ } clone types [ (tref>) ] with-variable ;
: t. ( type -- )
"type-info" LLVMModuleCreateWithName
@ -145,7 +203,7 @@ WhiteZeroSpace = WhiteSpace (Zero | Number):n WhiteSpace => [[ n ]]
Integer = "i" Number:n => [[ n <integer> ]]
FloatingPoint = ( "float" | "double" | "x86_fp80" | "fp128" | "ppc_fp128" ) => [[ "llvm.types" vocab lookup ]]
LabelVoidMetadata = ( "label" | "void" | "metadata" ) => [[ "llvm.types" vocab lookup ]]
LabelVoidMetadata = ( "label" | "void" | "metadata" | "opaque" ) => [[ "llvm.types" vocab lookup ]]
Primitive = LabelVoidMetadata | FloatingPoint
Pointer = T:t WhiteSpace "*" => [[ t <pointer> ]]
Vector = "<" WhiteNumberSpace:n "x" Type:t ">" => [[ n t <vector> ]]