diff --git a/basis/compiler/cfg/stack-frame/stack-frame-docs.factor b/basis/compiler/cfg/stack-frame/stack-frame-docs.factor
index f284ce2b7c..cf2dfc01b9 100644
--- a/basis/compiler/cfg/stack-frame/stack-frame-docs.factor
+++ b/basis/compiler/cfg/stack-frame/stack-frame-docs.factor
@@ -1,10 +1,37 @@
-USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
+USING: cpu.x86 help.markup help.syntax layouts math ;
 IN: compiler.cfg.stack-frame
 HELP: stack-frame
-{ $class-description "Counts of, among other things, how much stack a compiled word needs. It has the following slots:"
+{ $class-description "Counts of, among other things, how much stack a compiled word needs. The stack frame is organized in the following fashion:"
+  { $list
+    "Parameter space:"
+    "Allocation area: space for local allocations."
+    "Spill area: space for register spills."
+    { "Reserved stack space: only applicable on Windows x86.64. See " { $link reserved-stack-space } "." }
+    { "One final " { $link cell } " of padding." }
+  }
+  "The stack frame is also aligned to a 16 byte boundary. It has the following slots:"
   { $table
     { { $slot "total-size" } { "Total size of the stack frame." } }
+    { { $slot "allot-area-base" } { "Base offset of the allocation area." } }
+    { { $slot "allot-area-size" } { "Number of bytes requires for the allocation area." } }
+    { { $slot "allot-area-align" } { "This slot is always at least " { $link cell } " bytes." } }
+    { { $slot "spill-area-base" } { "Base offset for the spill area." } }
     { { $slot "spill-area-size" } { "Number of bytes requires for all spill slots." } }
+    { { $slot "spill-area-align" } { "This slot is always at least " { $link cell } " bytes." } }
-} ;
+{ $see-also align-stack } ;
+HELP: (stack-frame-size)
+{ $values { "stack-frame" stack-frame } { "n" integer } }
+{ $description "Base stack frame size, without padding and alignment." } ;
+HELP: spill-offset
+{ $values { "n" integer } { "offset" integer } }
+{ $description "Offset in the current " { $link stack-frame } " to byte at index 'n' in the spill area." } ;
+ARTICLE: "compiler.cfg.stack-frame" "Stack frames"
+"This vocab contains definitions for constructing stack frames." ;
+ABOUT: "compiler.cfg.stack-frame"
diff --git a/basis/compiler/cfg/stack-frame/stack-frame-tests.factor b/basis/compiler/cfg/stack-frame/stack-frame-tests.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f40003426e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basis/compiler/cfg/stack-frame/stack-frame-tests.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+USING: accessors compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.build-stack-frame
+compiler.cfg.stack-frame kernel namespaces tools.test ;
+IN: compiler.cfg.stack-frame.tests
+    112
+    ! 112 37 +
+    149
+} [
+    T{ stack-frame
+       { params 91 }
+       { allot-area-align 8 }
+       { allot-area-size 10 }
+       { spill-area-align 8 }
+       { spill-area-size 16 }
+    } dup finalize-stack-frame
+    [ spill-area-base>> ]
+    [ stack-frame set 37 spill-offset ] bi
+] unit-test