factor: fixing [[ ]] and some unit tests
@ -549,11 +549,11 @@ SYNTAX: \EBNF:
ebnf>quot nip
suffix! \ call suffix! reset-tokenizer ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[[ "]]" parse-multiline-string define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[=[ "]=]" parse-multiline-string define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[==[ "]==]" parse-multiline-string define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[===[ "]===]" parse-multiline-string define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[====[ "]====]" parse-multiline-string define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[[ "]]" parse-multiline-string0 define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[=[ "]=]" parse-multiline-string0 define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[==[ "]==]" parse-multiline-string0 define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[===[ "]===]" parse-multiline-string0 define-inline-ebnf ;
SYNTAX: \EBNF[====[ "]====]" parse-multiline-string0 define-inline-ebnf ;
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ PRIVATE>
: parse-optioned-regexp ( accum string -- accum )
parse-multiline-string lexer get
parse-multiline-string0 lexer get
parse-noblank-token <optioned-regexp> compile-next-match
suffix! ;
@ -191,4 +191,12 @@ PRIVATE>
! Literal syntax
SYNTAX: \url" parse-string >url suffix! ;
: parse-url-container ( accum string -- accum )
parse-multiline-string0 >url suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \url[[ "]]" parse-url-container ;
SYNTAX: \url[=[ "]=]" parse-url-container ;
SYNTAX: \url[==[ "]==]" parse-url-container ;
SYNTAX: \url[===[ "]===]" parse-url-container ;
{ "urls" "prettyprint" } "urls.prettyprint" require-when
@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ TUPLE: yo-momma ;
! Test forget
[ t ] [ \ yo-momma class? ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ yo-momma forget ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ <yo-momma> forget ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ yo-momma update-map get values member-eq? ] unit-test
{ t } [ \ yo-momma class? ] unit-test
{ } [ \ yo-momma forget ] unit-test
{ } [ \ <yo-momma> forget ] unit-test
{ f } [ \ yo-momma update-map get values member-eq? ] unit-test
] with-compilation-unit
TUPLE: loc-recording ;
@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ M: forget-robustness forget-robustness-generic ;
M: integer forget-robustness-generic ;
[ ] [ M\\ forget-robustness-generic forget ] unit-test
[ ] [ M\\ forget-robustness forget ] unit-test
[ ] [ M\\ forget-robustness forget-robustness-generic forget ] unit-test
{ } [ \ forget-robustness-generic forget ] unit-test
{ } [ \ forget-robustness forget ] unit-test
{ } [ M\\ forget-robustness forget-robustness-generic forget ] unit-test
] with-compilation-unit
! rapido found this one
@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ C: <laptop> laptop
{ t } [ "laptop" get tuple? ] unit-test
: test-laptop-slot-values ( -- )
[ laptop ] [ "laptop" get class-of ] unit-test
[ "Pentium" ] [ "laptop" get cpu>> ] unit-test
[ 128 ] [ "laptop" get ram>> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "laptop" get battery>> 3 hours = ] unit-test ;
{ laptop } [ "laptop" get class-of ] unit-test
{ "Pentium" } [ "laptop" get cpu>> ] unit-test
{ 128 } [ "laptop" get ram>> ] unit-test
{ t } [ "laptop" get battery>> 3 hours = ] unit-test ;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ M: hello bing hello-test ;
{ H{ { goodbye T{ consultation f baz goodbye [ these>> ] } } } } [ baz protocol-consult ] unit-test
{ H{ } } [ bee protocol-consult ] unit-test
{ "USING: delegate ;\nIN: delegate.tests\nPROTOCOL: baz foo bar { whoa 1 } ; inline\n" } [ [ baz see ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
{ "IN: delegate.tests\nPROTOCOL: baz foo bar { whoa 1 } ; inline\n" } [ [ baz see ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
GENERIC: one ( a -- b )
M: integer one ;
@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ byte-arrays classes.tuple classes.union compiler.crossref
compiler.units definitions eval generic generic.single
generic.standard io.streams.string kernel make math
math.constants math.functions namespaces parser quotations
sequences specialized-vectors strings tools.test words ;
sequences specialized-arrays specialized-vectors strings
tools.test words ;
QUALIFIED-WITH: alien.c-types c
IN: generic.standard.tests
GENERIC: class-of ( x -- y )
@ -398,7 +400,7 @@ GENERIC: forget-test ( a -- b )
M: integer forget-test 3 + ;
{ } [ "IN: generic.standard.tests USE: math FORGET: M\\ integer forget-test" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
{ } [ "IN: generic.standard.tests USE: math FORGET: M\\\\ integer forget-test" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
{ { } } [
\ + all-dependencies-of keys [ method? ] filter
@ -427,12 +429,12 @@ M: integer foozul ;
M: slice foozul ;
{ } [ reversed \ foozul method-for-class M\\ reversed foozul assert= ] unit-test
{ } [ { 1 2 3 } <reversed> \ foozul method-for-object M\ reversed foozul assert= ] unit-test
{ } [ { 1 2 3 } <reversed> \ foozul effective-method M\ reversed foozul assert= drop ] unit-test
{ } [ { 1 2 3 } <reversed> \ foozul method-for-object M\\ reversed foozul assert= ] unit-test
{ } [ { 1 2 3 } <reversed> \ foozul effective-method M\\ reversed foozul assert= drop ] unit-test
{ } [ fixnum \ foozul method-for-class M\ integer foozul assert= ] unit-test
{ } [ 13 \ foozul method-for-object M\ integer foozul assert= ] unit-test
{ } [ 13 \ foozul effective-method M\ integer foozul assert= drop ] unit-test
{ } [ fixnum \ foozul method-for-class M\\ integer foozul assert= ] unit-test
{ } [ 13 \ foozul method-for-object M\\ integer foozul assert= ] unit-test
{ } [ 13 \ foozul effective-method M\\ integer foozul assert= drop ] unit-test
! Ensure dynamic and static dispatch match in ambiguous cases
UNION: amb-union-1a integer float ;
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ CONSTANT: new-definition "USING: math ;\nIN: locals.tests\n: a-word-with-locals
new-definition =
] unit-test
CONSTANT: method-definition "USING: locals locals.tests sequences ;\nM:: sequence method-with-locals ( a -- y ) a reverse ;\n"
CONSTANT: method-definition "USING: locals.tests sequences ;\nM:: sequence method-with-locals ( a -- y ) a reverse ;\n"
GENERIC: method-with-locals ( x -- y )
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ MACRO: see-test ( a b -- quot ) + ;
{ t } [ \ see-test macro? ] unit-test
{ "USING: macros math ;\nIN: macros.tests\nMACRO: see-test ( a b -- quot ) + ;\n" }
{ "USING: math ;\nIN: macros.tests\nMACRO: see-test ( a b -- quot ) + ;\n" }
[ [ \ see-test see ] with-string-writer ]
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ MEMO: x ( a b c d e -- f g h i j )
MEMO: see-test ( a -- b ) reverse ;
{ "USING: memoize sequences ;\nIN: memoize.tests\nMEMO: see-test ( a -- b ) reverse ;\n" }
{ "USING: sequences ;\nIN: memoize.tests\nMEMO: see-test ( a -- b ) reverse ;\n" }
[ [ \ see-test see ] with-string-writer ]
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: eval multiline sequences tools.test ;
IN: multiline.tests
CONSTANT: test-it [[ foo
CONSTANT: test-it [[foo
@ -29,18 +29,21 @@ PRIVATE>
: parse-multiline-string ( end-text -- str )
lexer get 1 (parse-multiline-string) ;
! SYNTAX: \[[ "]]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[=[ "]=]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[==[ "]==]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[===[ "]===]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[====[ "]====]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[=====[ "]=====]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[======[ "]======]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ;
: parse-multiline-string0 ( end-text -- str )
lexer get 0 (parse-multiline-string) ;
! SYNTAX: \![[ "]]" parse-multiline-string drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![=[ "]=]" parse-multiline-string drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![==[ "]==]" parse-multiline-string drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![===[ "]===]" parse-multiline-string drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![====[ "]====]" parse-multiline-string drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![=====[ "]=====]" parse-multiline-string drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![======[ "]======]" parse-multiline-string drop ;
! SYNTAX: \[[ "]]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[=[ "]=]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[==[ "]==]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[===[ "]===]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[====[ "]====]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[=====[ "]=====]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \[======[ "]======]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ;
! SYNTAX: \![[ "]]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![=[ "]=]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![==[ "]==]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![===[ "]===]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![====[ "]====]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![=====[ "]=====]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ;
! SYNTAX: \![======[ "]======]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ;
@ -625,9 +625,9 @@ EXCLUDE: qualified.tests.bar => x ;
[ "vocabs.loader.test.l" use-vocab ] must-fail
[ f ] [ "vocabs.loader.test.l" manifest get search-vocab-names>> in? ] unit-test
[ ] [ "vocabs.loader.test.l" unuse-vocab ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "vocabs.loader.test.l" manifest get search-vocab-names>> in? ] unit-test
{ f } [ "vocabs.loader.test.l" manifest get search-vocab-names>> in? ] unit-test
{ } [ "vocabs.loader.test.l" unuse-vocab ] unit-test
{ f } [ "vocabs.loader.test.l" manifest get search-vocab-names>> in? ] unit-test
] with-file-vocabs
! Test cases for #183
@ -374,21 +374,21 @@ IN: bootstrap.syntax
{ "_" "@" } define-fry-specifiers
"[[" [ "]]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[=[" [ "]=]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[==[" [ "]==]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[===[" [ "]===]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[====[" [ "]====]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[=====[" [ "]=====]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[======[" [ "]======]" parse-multiline-string suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[[" [ "]]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[=[" [ "]=]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[==[" [ "]==]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[===[" [ "]===]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[====[" [ "]====]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[=====[" [ "]=====]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"[======[" [ "]======]" parse-multiline-string0 suffix! ] define-core-syntax
"![[" [ "]]" parse-multiline-string drop ] define-core-syntax
"![=[" [ "]=]" parse-multiline-string drop ] define-core-syntax
"![==[" [ "]==]" parse-multiline-string drop ] define-core-syntax
"![===[" [ "]===]" parse-multiline-string drop ] define-core-syntax
"![====[" [ "]====]" parse-multiline-string drop ] define-core-syntax
"![=====[" [ "]=====]" parse-multiline-string drop ] define-core-syntax
"![======[" [ "]======]" parse-multiline-string drop ] define-core-syntax
"![[" [ "]]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ] define-core-syntax
"![=[" [ "]=]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ] define-core-syntax
"![==[" [ "]==]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ] define-core-syntax
"![===[" [ "]===]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ] define-core-syntax
"![====[" [ "]====]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ] define-core-syntax
"![=====[" [ "]=====]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ] define-core-syntax
"![======[" [ "]======]" parse-multiline-string0 drop ] define-core-syntax
"I[[" [ "]]" define-interpolate-syntax ] define-core-syntax
"I[=[" [ "]=]" define-interpolate-syntax ] define-core-syntax
@ -9,21 +9,21 @@ USING: tools.test vocabs ;
[ "foo/bar" create-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "foo\\bar" create-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "foo:bar" create-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
! [ "foo:bar" create-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ 3 create-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ f create-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "a b" create-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "foo/bar" lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "foo\\bar" lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "foo:bar" lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
! [ "foo:bar" lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ 3 lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ f lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "a b" lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "foo/bar" >vocab-link lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "foo\\bar" >vocab-link lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "foo:bar" >vocab-link lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
! [ "foo:bar" >vocab-link lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ 3 >vocab-link lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ f >vocab-link lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
[ "a b" >vocab-link lookup-vocab ] [ bad-vocab-name? ] must-fail-with
@ -277,16 +277,16 @@ CONSTANT: sky H{
unclip [ string>number ] [ char: A = ] bi*
[ 100 /f "%.2f Hg" sprintf ] [ "%s hPa" sprintf ] if ;
CONSTANT: re-timestamp R[[ \d{6}Z]]
CONSTANT: re-station R[[ \w{4}]]
CONSTANT: re-temperature R[[ [M]?\d{2}\\/([M]?\d{2})?]]
CONSTANT: re-wind R[[ (VRB|\d{3})\d{2,3}(G\d{2,3})?KT]]
CONSTANT: re-wind-variable R[[ \d{3}V\d{3}]]
CONSTANT: re-visibility R[[ [MP]?\d+(\\/\d+)?SM]]
CONSTANT: re-rvr R[[ R\d{2}[RLC]?\\/\d{4}(V\d{4})?FT]]
CONSTANT: re-weather R[[ [+-]?(VC)?(\w{2}|\w{4})]]
CONSTANT: re-sky-condition R[[ (\w{2,3}\d{3}(\w+)?|\w{3}|CAVOK)]]
CONSTANT: re-altimeter R[[ [AQ]\d{4}]]
CONSTANT: re-timestamp R[[\d{6}Z]]
CONSTANT: re-station R[[\w{4}]]
CONSTANT: re-temperature R[[[M]?\d{2}\\/([M]?\d{2})?]]
CONSTANT: re-wind R[[(VRB|\d{3})\d{2,3}(G\d{2,3})?KT]]
CONSTANT: re-wind-variable R[[\d{3}V\d{3}]]
CONSTANT: re-visibility R[[[MP]?\d+(\\/\d+)?SM]]
CONSTANT: re-rvr R[[R\d{2}[RLC]?\\/\d{4}(V\d{4})?FT]]
CONSTANT: re-weather R[[[+-]?(VC)?(\w{2}|\w{4})]]
CONSTANT: re-sky-condition R[[(\w{2,3}\d{3}(\w+)?|\w{3}|CAVOK)]]
CONSTANT: re-altimeter R[[[AQ]\d{4}]]
: find-one ( seq quot: ( elt -- ? ) -- seq elt/f )
dupd find drop [ tail unclip ] [ f ] if* ; inline
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ CONSTANT: high-clouds H{
: parse-lightning ( str -- str' )
"LTG" ?head drop 2 group [ lightning at ] map " " join ;
CONSTANT: re-recent-weather R[[ ((\w{2})?[BE]\d{2,4}((\w{2})?[BE]\d{2,4})?)+]]
CONSTANT: re-recent-weather R[[((\w{2})?[BE]\d{2,4}((\w{2})?[BE]\d{2,4})?)+]]
: parse-began/ended ( str -- str' )
unclip swap
@ -512,27 +512,27 @@ CONSTANT: re-recent-weather R[[ ((\w{2})?[BE]\d{2,4}((\w{2})?[BE]\d{2,4})?)+]]
: parse-remark ( str -- str' )
{ [ dup glossary key? ] [ glossary at ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 1\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-6hr-max-temp ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 2\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-6hr-min-temp ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 4\d{8}]] matches? ] [ parse-24hr-temp ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 4\\/\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-snow-depth ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 5\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-1hr-pressure ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 6[\d\\/]{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-6hr-precipitation ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 7\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-24hr-precipitation ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 8\\/\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-cloud-cover ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 931\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-6hr-snowfall ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 933\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-water-equivalent-snow ] }
{ [ dup R[[ 98\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-duration-of-sunshine ] }
{ [ dup R[[ T\d{4,8}]] matches? ] [ parse-1hr-temp ] }
{ [ dup R[[ \d{3}\d{2,3}\\/\d{2,4}]] matches? ] [ parse-peak-wind ] }
{ [ dup R[[ P\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-1hr-precipitation ] }
{ [ dup R[[ SLP\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-sea-level-pressure ] }
{ [ dup R[[ LTG\w+]] matches? ] [ parse-lightning ] }
{ [ dup R[[ PROB\d+]] matches? ] [ parse-probability ] }
{ [ dup R[[ \d{3}V\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-varying ] }
{ [ dup R[[ [^-]+(-[^-]+)+]] matches? ] [ parse-from-to ] }
{ [ dup R[[ [^\\/]+(\\/[^\\/]+)+]] matches? ] [ ] }
{ [ dup R[[ \d+.\d+]] matches? ] [ ] }
{ [ dup R[[1\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-6hr-max-temp ] }
{ [ dup R[[2\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-6hr-min-temp ] }
{ [ dup R[[4\d{8}]] matches? ] [ parse-24hr-temp ] }
{ [ dup R[[4\\/\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-snow-depth ] }
{ [ dup R[[5\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-1hr-pressure ] }
{ [ dup R[[6[\d\\/]{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-6hr-precipitation ] }
{ [ dup R[[7\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-24hr-precipitation ] }
{ [ dup R[[8\\/\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-cloud-cover ] }
{ [ dup R[[931\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-6hr-snowfall ] }
{ [ dup R[[933\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-water-equivalent-snow ] }
{ [ dup R[[98\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-duration-of-sunshine ] }
{ [ dup R[[T\d{4,8}]] matches? ] [ parse-1hr-temp ] }
{ [ dup R[[\d{3}\d{2,3}\\/\d{2,4}]] matches? ] [ parse-peak-wind ] }
{ [ dup R[[P\d{4}]] matches? ] [ parse-1hr-precipitation ] }
{ [ dup R[[SLP\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-sea-level-pressure ] }
{ [ dup R[[LTG\w+]] matches? ] [ parse-lightning ] }
{ [ dup R[[PROB\d+]] matches? ] [ parse-probability ] }
{ [ dup R[[\d{3}V\d{3}]] matches? ] [ parse-varying ] }
{ [ dup R[[[^-]+(-[^-]+)+]] matches? ] [ parse-from-to ] }
{ [ dup R[[[^\\/]+(\\/[^\\/]+)+]] matches? ] [ ] }
{ [ dup R[[\d+.\d+]] matches? ] [ ] }
{ [ dup re-recent-weather matches? ] [ parse-recent-weather ] }
{ [ dup re-weather matches? ] [ parse-weather ] }
{ [ dup re-sky-condition matches? ] [ parse-sky-condition ] }
@ -596,12 +596,12 @@ M: string metar.
[ parse-altitude ] [ parse-wind ] bi* prepend
"wind shear " prepend ;
CONSTANT: re-from-timestamp R[[ FM\d{6}]]
CONSTANT: re-from-timestamp R[[FM\d{6}]]
: parse-from-timestamp ( str -- str' )
"FM" ?head drop parse-timestamp ;
CONSTANT: re-valid-timestamp R[[ \d{4}\/\d{4}]]
CONSTANT: re-valid-timestamp R[[\d{4}\/\d{4}]]
: parse-valid-timestamp ( str -- str' )
"/" split1 [ "00" append parse-timestamp ] bi@ " to " glue ;
@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ CONSTANT: YAML_VALUE_TAG "tag:yaml.org,2002:value"
! http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html
! 10.3. Core Schema
CONSTANT: re-null R[[ null|Null|NULL|~]]
CONSTANT: re-empty R[[ ]]
CONSTANT: re-bool R[[ true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE]]
CONSTANT: re-int10 R[[ [-+]?[0-9]+]]
CONSTANT: re-int8 R[[ 0o[0-7]+]]
CONSTANT: re-int16 R[[ 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+]]
CONSTANT: re-number R[[ [-+]?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?]]
CONSTANT: re-infinity R[[ [-+]?\.(inf|Inf|INF)]]
CONSTANT: re-nan R[[ \.(nan|NaN|NAN)]]
CONSTANT: re-timestamp R[[ [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]?-[0-9][0-9]?([Tt]|[ \t]+)[0-9][0-9]?:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9](\.[0-9]*)?([ \t]*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?))?]]
CONSTANT: re-null R[[null|Null|NULL|~]]
CONSTANT: re-empty R[[]]
CONSTANT: re-bool R[[true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE]]
CONSTANT: re-int10 R[[[-+]?[0-9]+]]
CONSTANT: re-int8 R[[0o[0-7]+]]
CONSTANT: re-int16 R[[0x[0-9a-fA-F]+]]
CONSTANT: re-number R[[[-+]?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?]]
CONSTANT: re-infinity R[[[-+]?\.(inf|Inf|INF)]]
CONSTANT: re-nan R[[\.(nan|NaN|NAN)]]
CONSTANT: re-timestamp R[[[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]?-[0-9][0-9]?([Tt]|[ \t]+)[0-9][0-9]?:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9](\.[0-9]*)?([ \t]*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?))?]]
: resolve-normal-plain-scalar ( str -- tag )
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ CONSTANT: re-timestamp R[[ [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9]
[ drop YAML_STR_TAG ]
} cond-case ;
CONSTANT: re-merge R[[ <<]]
CONSTANT: re-value R[[ =]]
CONSTANT: re-merge R[[<<]]
CONSTANT: re-value R[[=]]
: (resolve-mapping-key-plain-scalar) ( str -- tag )
{ [ re-merge matches? ] [ YAML_MERGE_TAG ] }
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ CONSTANT: YAML_OMAP_TAG "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap"
CONSTANT: YAML_PAIRS_TAG "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs"
CONSTANT: YAML_SET_TAG "tag:yaml.org,2002:set"
: construct-bool ( str -- ? ) R[[ true|True|TRUE]] matches? ;
: construct-bool ( str -- ? ) R[[true|True|TRUE]] matches? ;
: construct-int ( str -- n ) string>number ;
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
! adapted from "yaml.h" libYAML 0.1.4
! http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.destructors alien.libraries
alien.syntax classes.struct combinators literals system
alien.libraries.finder ;
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.destructors
alien.libraries alien.libraries.finder alien.syntax
classes.struct destructors effects generalizations kernel
literals sequences ;
IN: yaml.ffi
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