compiler.cfg.linear-scan now supports partial sync-points where all registers are spilled; taking advantage of this, there are new trigonometric intrinsics which yield a 2x performance boost on benchmark.struct-arrays and a 25% boost on benchmark.partial-sums
@ -14,13 +14,12 @@ GENERIC: compute-stack-frame* ( insn -- )
frame-required? on
stack-frame [ max-stack-frame ] change ;
M: ##alien-invoke compute-stack-frame*
stack-frame>> request-stack-frame ;
UNION: stack-frame-insn
##alien-callback ;
M: ##alien-indirect compute-stack-frame*
stack-frame>> request-stack-frame ;
M: ##alien-callback compute-stack-frame*
M: stack-frame-insn compute-stack-frame*
stack-frame>> request-stack-frame ;
M: ##call compute-stack-frame*
@ -40,6 +39,8 @@ M: insn compute-stack-frame*
] when ;
\ _spill t frame-required? set-word-prop
\ ##unary-float-function t frame-required? set-word-prop
\ ##binary-float-function t frame-required? set-word-prop
: compute-stack-frame ( insns -- )
frame-required? off
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.hats
: ^^div-float ( src1 src2 -- dst ) ^^r2 ##div-float ; inline
: ^^max-float ( src1 src2 -- dst ) ^^r2 ##max-float ; inline
: ^^min-float ( src1 src2 -- dst ) ^^r2 ##min-float ; inline
: ^^unary-float-function ( src func -- dst ) ^^r2 ##unary-float-function ; inline
: ^^binary-float-function ( src1 src2 func -- dst ) ^^r3 ##binary-float-function ; inline
: ^^sqrt ( src -- dst ) ^^r1 ##sqrt ; inline
: ^^float>integer ( src -- dst ) ^^r1 ##float>integer ; inline
: ^^integer>float ( src -- dst ) ^^r1 ##integer>float ; inline
@ -112,6 +112,10 @@ INSN: ##min-float < ##binary ;
INSN: ##max-float < ##binary ;
INSN: ##sqrt < ##unary ;
! libc intrinsics
INSN: ##unary-float-function < ##unary func ;
INSN: ##binary-float-function < ##binary func ;
! Float/integer conversion
INSN: ##float>integer < ##unary ;
INSN: ##integer>float < ##unary ;
@ -252,6 +256,11 @@ UNION: vreg-insn
_dispatch ;
! Instructions that kill all live vregs but cannot trigger GC
UNION: partial-sync-insn
##binary-float-function ;
! Instructions that kill all live vregs
UNION: kill-vreg-insn
@ -270,6 +279,8 @@ UNION: output-float-insn
@ -284,6 +295,8 @@ UNION: input-float-insn
@ -18,3 +18,9 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics.float
: emit-fsqrt ( -- )
ds-pop ^^sqrt ds-push ;
: emit-unary-float-function ( func -- )
[ ds-pop ] dip ^^unary-float-function ds-push ;
: emit-binary-float-function ( func -- )
[ 2inputs ] dip ^^binary-float-function ds-push ;
@ -108,6 +108,27 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics
} enable-intrinsics ;
: enable-float-functions ( -- )
! Everything except for fsqrt
} enable-intrinsics ;
: enable-min/max ( -- )
@ -157,6 +178,22 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics
{ \ math.floats.private:float-min [ drop [ ^^min-float ] emit-float-op ] }
{ \ math.floats.private:float-max [ drop [ ^^max-float ] emit-float-op ] }
{ \ math.libm:fsqrt [ drop emit-fsqrt ] }
{ \ math.libm:facos [ drop "acos" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fasin [ drop "asin" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fatan [ drop "atan" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fatan2 [ drop "atan2" emit-binary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fcos [ drop "cos" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fsin [ drop "sin" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:ftan [ drop "tan" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fcosh [ drop "cosh" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fsinh [ drop "sinh" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:ftanh [ drop "tanh" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fexp [ drop "exp" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:flog [ drop "log" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fpow [ drop "pow" emit-binary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:facosh [ drop "acosh" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fasinh [ drop "asinh" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ math.libm:fatanh [ drop "atanh" emit-unary-float-function ] }
{ \ slots.private:slot [ emit-slot ] }
{ \ slots.private:set-slot [ emit-set-slot ] }
{ \ strings.private:string-nth [ drop emit-string-nth ] }
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs heaps kernel namespaces sequences fry math
math.order combinators arrays sorting compiler.utilities
math.order combinators arrays sorting compiler.utilities locals
@ -34,22 +34,48 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation
[ drop assign-blocked-register ]
} cond ;
: handle-interval ( live-interval -- )
: handle-sync-point ( n -- )
[ active-intervals get values ] dip
[ '[ [ _ spill ] each ] each ]
[ drop [ delete-all ] each ]
2bi ;
:: handle-progress ( n sync? -- )
n {
[ progress set ]
[ deactivate-intervals ]
[ activate-intervals ] tri
] [ assign-register ] bi ;
[ sync? [ handle-sync-point ] [ drop ] if ]
[ activate-intervals ]
} cleave ;
GENERIC: handle ( obj -- )
M: live-interval handle ( live-interval -- )
[ start>> f handle-progress ] [ assign-register ] bi ;
M: sync-point handle ( sync-point -- )
n>> t handle-progress ;
: smallest-heap ( heap1 heap2 -- heap )
! If heap1 and heap2 have the same key, favors heap1.
[ [ heap-peek nip ] bi@ <= ] most ;
: (allocate-registers) ( -- )
unhandled-intervals get [ handle-interval ] slurp-heap ;
{ [ unhandled-intervals get heap-empty? ] [ unhandled-sync-points get ] }
{ [ unhandled-sync-points get heap-empty? ] [ unhandled-intervals get ] }
! If a live interval begins at the same location as a sync point,
! process the sync point before the live interval. This ensures that the
! return value of C function calls doesn't get spilled and reloaded
! unnecessarily.
[ unhandled-sync-points get unhandled-intervals get smallest-heap ]
} cond dup heap-empty? [ drop ] [ heap-pop drop handle (allocate-registers) ] if ;
: finish-allocation ( -- )
active-intervals inactive-intervals
[ get values [ handled-intervals get push-all ] each ] bi@ ;
: allocate-registers ( live-intervals machine-registers -- live-intervals )
: allocate-registers ( live-intervals sync-point machine-registers -- live-intervals )
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ERROR: bad-live-ranges interval ;
2bi ;
: assign-spill ( live-interval -- )
dup vreg>> assign-spill-slot >>spill-to drop ;
dup vreg>> vreg-spill-slot >>spill-to drop ;
: spill-before ( before -- before/f )
! If the interval does not have any usages before the spill location,
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ ERROR: bad-live-ranges interval ;
] if ;
: assign-reload ( live-interval -- )
dup vreg>> assign-spill-slot >>reload-from drop ;
dup vreg>> vreg-spill-slot >>reload-from drop ;
: spill-after ( after -- after/f )
! If the interval has no more usages after the spill location,
@ -120,15 +120,19 @@ SYMBOL: unhandled-intervals
rep-size cfg get
[ swap [ align dup ] [ + ] bi ] change-spill-area-size drop ;
! Minheap of sync points which still need to be processed
SYMBOL: unhandled-sync-points
! Mapping from vregs to spill slots
SYMBOL: spill-slots
: assign-spill-slot ( vreg -- n )
: vreg-spill-slot ( vreg -- n )
spill-slots get [ rep-of next-spill-slot ] cache ;
: init-allocator ( registers -- )
registers set
<min-heap> unhandled-intervals set
<min-heap> unhandled-sync-points set
[ V{ } clone ] reg-class-assoc active-intervals set
[ V{ } clone ] reg-class-assoc inactive-intervals set
V{ } clone handled-intervals set
@ -136,9 +140,10 @@ SYMBOL: spill-slots
H{ } clone spill-slots set
-1 progress set ;
: init-unhandled ( live-intervals -- )
[ [ start>> ] keep ] { } map>assoc
unhandled-intervals get heap-push-all ;
: init-unhandled ( live-intervals sync-points -- )
[ [ [ start>> ] keep ] { } map>assoc unhandled-intervals get heap-push-all ]
[ [ [ n>> ] keep ] { } map>assoc unhandled-sync-points get heap-push-all ]
bi* ;
! A utility used by register-status and spill-status words
: free-positions ( new -- assoc )
@ -28,6 +28,20 @@ SYMBOL: pending-interval-assoc
: remove-pending ( live-interval -- )
vreg>> pending-interval-assoc get delete-at ;
: (vreg>reg) ( vreg pending -- reg )
! If a live vreg is not in the pending set, then it must
! have been spilled.
?at [ spill-slots get at <spill-slot> ] unless ;
: vreg>reg ( vreg -- reg )
pending-interval-assoc get (vreg>reg) ;
: vregs>regs ( vregs -- assoc )
dup assoc-empty? [
pending-interval-assoc get
'[ _ (vreg>reg) ] assoc-map
] unless ;
! Minheap of live intervals which still need a register allocation
SYMBOL: unhandled-intervals
@ -96,8 +110,6 @@ SYMBOL: register-live-outs
GENERIC: assign-registers-in-insn ( insn -- )
: vreg>reg ( vreg -- reg ) pending-interval-assoc get at ;
RENAMING: assign [ vreg>reg ] [ vreg>reg ] [ vreg>reg ]
M: vreg-insn assign-registers-in-insn
@ -123,7 +135,7 @@ M: vreg-insn assign-registers-in-insn
2dup spill-on-gc?
[ swap [ assign-spill-slot ] [ rep-of ] bi 3array , ] [ 2drop ] if
[ swap [ vreg-spill-slot ] [ rep-of ] bi 3array , ] [ 2drop ] if
] assoc-each
] { } make ;
@ -137,23 +149,13 @@ M: ##gc assign-registers-in-insn
M: insn assign-registers-in-insn drop ;
: compute-live-values ( vregs -- assoc )
! If a live vreg is not in active or inactive, then it must have been
! spilled.
dup assoc-empty? [
pending-interval-assoc get
'[ _ ?at [ ] [ spill-slots get at <spill-slot> ] if ] assoc-map
] unless ;
: begin-block ( bb -- )
dup basic-block set
dup block-from activate-new-intervals
[ live-in compute-live-values ] keep
register-live-ins get set-at ;
[ live-in vregs>regs ] keep register-live-ins get set-at ;
: end-block ( bb -- )
[ live-out compute-live-values ] keep
register-live-outs get set-at ;
[ live-out vregs>regs ] keep register-live-outs get set-at ;
ERROR: bad-vreg vreg ;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.debugger
[ clone ] map dup [ [ vreg>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc
live-intervals set
] dip
allocate-registers drop ;
@ -32,9 +32,12 @@ M: live-interval covers? ( insn# live-interval -- ? )
ERROR: dead-value-error vreg ;
: add-new-range ( from to live-interval -- )
[ <live-range> ] dip ranges>> push ;
: shorten-range ( n live-interval -- )
dup ranges>> empty?
[ vreg>> dead-value-error ] [ ranges>> last (>>from) ] if ;
[ dupd add-new-range ] [ ranges>> last (>>from) ] if ;
: extend-range ( from to live-range -- )
ranges>> last
@ -42,9 +45,6 @@ ERROR: dead-value-error vreg ;
[ min ] change-from
drop ;
: add-new-range ( from to live-interval -- )
[ <live-range> ] dip ranges>> push ;
: extend-range? ( to live-interval -- ? )
ranges>> [ drop f ] [ last from>> >= ] if-empty ;
@ -52,8 +52,18 @@ ERROR: dead-value-error vreg ;
2dup extend-range?
[ extend-range ] [ add-new-range ] if ;
: add-use ( n live-interval -- )
uses>> push ;
GENERIC: operands-in-registers? ( insn -- ? )
M: vreg-insn operands-in-registers? drop t ;
M: partial-sync-insn operands-in-registers? drop f ;
: add-def ( insn live-interval -- )
[ insn#>> ] [ uses>> ] bi* push ;
: add-use ( insn live-interval -- )
! Every use is a potential def, no SSA here baby!
over operands-in-registers? [ add-def ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: <live-interval> ( vreg -- live-interval )
\ live-interval new
@ -68,51 +78,68 @@ ERROR: dead-value-error vreg ;
M: live-interval hashcode*
nip [ start>> ] [ end>> 1000 * ] bi + ;
M: live-interval clone
call-next-method [ clone ] change-uses ;
! Mapping from vreg to live-interval
SYMBOL: live-intervals
: live-interval ( vreg live-intervals -- live-interval )
[ <live-interval> ] cache ;
: live-interval ( vreg -- live-interval )
live-intervals get [ <live-interval> ] cache ;
GENERIC: compute-live-intervals* ( insn -- )
M: insn compute-live-intervals* drop ;
: handle-output ( n vreg live-intervals -- )
: handle-output ( insn vreg -- )
[ add-use ] [ shorten-range ] 2bi ;
[ [ insn#>> ] dip shorten-range ] [ add-def ] 2bi ;
: handle-input ( n vreg live-intervals -- )
: handle-input ( insn vreg -- )
[ [ basic-block get block-from ] 2dip add-range ] [ add-use ] 2bi ;
[ [ [ basic-block get block-from ] dip insn#>> ] dip add-range ] [ add-use ] 2bi ;
: handle-temp ( n vreg live-intervals -- )
: handle-temp ( insn vreg -- )
[ dupd add-range ] [ add-use ] 2bi ;
[ [ insn#>> dup ] dip add-range ] [ add-use ] 2bi ;
M: vreg-insn compute-live-intervals*
dup insn#>>
live-intervals get
[ [ defs-vreg ] 2dip '[ [ _ ] dip _ handle-output ] when* ]
[ [ uses-vregs ] 2dip '[ [ _ ] dip _ handle-input ] each ]
[ [ temp-vregs ] 2dip '[ [ _ ] dip _ handle-temp ] each ]
3tri ;
[ dup defs-vreg [ handle-output ] with when* ]
[ dup uses-vregs [ handle-input ] with each ]
[ dup temp-vregs [ handle-temp ] with each ]
tri ;
: handle-live-out ( bb -- )
live-out keys
basic-block get [ block-from ] [ block-to ] bi
live-intervals get '[
[ _ _ ] dip _ live-interval add-range
] each ;
[ block-from ] [ block-to ] [ live-out keys ] tri
[ live-interval add-range ] with with each ;
! A location where all registers have to be spilled
TUPLE: sync-point n ;
C: <sync-point> sync-point
! Sequence of sync points
SYMBOL: sync-points
GENERIC: compute-sync-points* ( insn -- )
M: partial-sync-insn compute-sync-points*
insn#>> <sync-point> sync-points get push ;
M: insn compute-sync-points* drop ;
: compute-live-intervals-step ( bb -- )
[ basic-block set ]
[ handle-live-out ]
[ instructions>> <reversed> [ compute-live-intervals* ] each ] tri ;
instructions>> <reversed> [
[ compute-live-intervals* ]
[ compute-sync-points* ]
] each
] tri ;
: init-live-intervals ( -- )
H{ } clone live-intervals set
V{ } clone sync-points set ;
: compute-start/end ( live-interval -- )
dup ranges>> [ first from>> ] [ last to>> ] bi
[ >>start ] [ >>end ] bi* drop ;
@ -122,10 +149,10 @@ ERROR: bad-live-interval live-interval ;
: check-start ( live-interval -- )
dup start>> -1 = [ bad-live-interval ] [ drop ] if ;
: finish-live-intervals ( live-intervals -- )
: finish-live-intervals ( live-intervals -- seq )
! Since live intervals are computed in a backward order, we have
! to reverse some sequences, and compute the start and end.
values dup [
[ ranges>> reverse-here ]
[ uses>> reverse-here ]
@ -134,12 +161,11 @@ ERROR: bad-live-interval live-interval ;
} cleave
] each ;
: compute-live-intervals ( cfg -- live-intervals )
H{ } clone [
live-intervals set
linearization-order <reversed>
[ compute-live-intervals-step ] each
] keep values dup finish-live-intervals ;
: compute-live-intervals ( cfg -- live-intervals sync-points )
linearization-order <reversed> [ compute-live-intervals-step ] each
live-intervals get finish-live-intervals
sync-points get ;
: relevant-ranges ( interval1 interval2 -- ranges1 ranges2 )
[ [ ranges>> ] bi@ ] [ nip start>> ] 2bi '[ to>> _ >= ] filter ;
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ TUPLE: commutative-expr < binary-expr ;
TUPLE: compare-expr < binary-expr cc ;
TUPLE: constant-expr < expr value ;
TUPLE: reference-expr < expr value ;
TUPLE: unary-float-function-expr < expr in func ;
TUPLE: binary-float-function-expr < expr in1 in2 func ;
TUPLE: box-displaced-alien-expr < expr displacement base base-class ;
: <constant> ( constant -- expr )
@ -94,6 +96,19 @@ M: ##box-displaced-alien >expr
[ base-class>> ]
} cleave box-displaced-alien-expr boa ;
M: ##unary-float-function >expr
[ class ] [ src>> vreg>vn ] [ func>> ] tri
unary-float-function-expr boa ;
M: ##binary-float-function >expr
[ class ]
[ src1>> vreg>vn ]
[ src2>> vreg>vn ]
[ func>> ]
} cleave
binary-float-function-expr boa ;
M: ##flushable >expr drop next-input-expr ;
: init-expressions ( -- )
@ -176,6 +176,12 @@ M: ##max-float generate-insn dst/src1/src2 %max-float ;
M: ##sqrt generate-insn dst/src %sqrt ;
M: ##unary-float-function generate-insn
[ dst/src ] [ func>> ] bi %unary-float-function ;
M: ##binary-float-function generate-insn
[ dst/src1/src2 ] [ func>> ] bi %binary-float-function ;
M: ##integer>float generate-insn dst/src %integer>float ;
M: ##float>integer generate-insn dst/src %float>integer ;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ math hashtables.private math.private namespaces sequences tools.test
namespaces.private slots.private sequences.private byte-arrays alien
alien.accessors layouts words definitions compiler.units io
combinators vectors grouping make alien.c-types combinators.short-circuit
math.order ;
math.order math.libm ;
QUALIFIED: namespaces.private
IN: compiler.tests.codegen
@ -407,4 +407,9 @@ cell 4 = [
: missing-gc-check-1 ( a -- b ) { fixnum } declare <alien> ;
: missing-gc-check-2 ( -- ) 10000000 [ missing-gc-check-1 drop ] each-integer ;
[ ] [ missing-gc-check-2 ] unit-test
[ ] [ missing-gc-check-2 ] unit-test
[ 1 0.169967142900241 ] [ 1.4 [ 1 swap fcos ] compile-call ] unit-test
[ 1 0.169967142900241 ] [ 1.4 1 [ swap fcos ] compile-call ] unit-test
[ 0.169967142900241 0.9854497299884601 ] [ 1.4 [ [ fcos ] [ fsin ] bi ] compile-call ] unit-test
[ 1 0.169967142900241 0.9854497299884601 ] [ 1.4 1 [ swap >float [ fcos ] [ fsin ] bi ] compile-call ] unit-test
@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ HOOK: %div-float cpu ( dst src1 src2 -- )
HOOK: %min-float cpu ( dst src1 src2 -- )
HOOK: %max-float cpu ( dst src1 src2 -- )
HOOK: %sqrt cpu ( dst src -- )
HOOK: %unary-float-function cpu ( dst src func -- )
HOOK: %binary-float-function cpu ( dst src1 src2 func -- )
HOOK: %integer>float cpu ( dst src -- )
HOOK: %float>integer cpu ( dst src -- )
@ -197,6 +197,23 @@ M: x86.64 %callback-value ( ctype -- )
! Unbox former top of data stack to return registers
unbox-return ;
: float-function-param ( i spill-slot -- )
[ float-regs param-regs nth ] [ n>> spill@ ] bi* MOVSD ;
: float-function-return ( reg -- )
float-regs return-reg double-float-rep copy-register ;
M:: x86.64 %unary-float-function ( dst src func -- )
0 src float-function-param
func f %alien-invoke
dst float-function-return ;
M:: x86.64 %binary-float-function ( dst src1 src2 func -- )
0 src1 float-function-param
1 src2 float-function-param
func f %alien-invoke
dst float-function-return ;
! The result of reading 4 bytes from memory is a fixnum on
! x86-64.
@ -204,6 +221,9 @@ enable-alien-4-intrinsics
! SSE2 is always available on x86-64.
! Enable fast calling of libc math functions
USE: vocabs.loader
@ -4,54 +4,53 @@ USING: alien ;
IN: math.libm
: facos ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "acos" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "acos" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fasin ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "asin" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "asin" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fatan ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "atan" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "atan" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fatan2 ( x y -- z )
"double" "libm" "atan2" { "double" "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "atan2" { "double" "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fcos ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "cos" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "cos" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fsin ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "sin" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "sin" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: ftan ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "tan" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "tan" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fcosh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "cosh" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "cosh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fsinh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "sinh" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "sinh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: ftanh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "tanh" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "tanh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fexp ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "exp" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "exp" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: flog ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "log" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "log" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fpow ( x y -- z )
"double" "libm" "pow" { "double" "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "pow" { "double" "double" } alien-invoke ;
! Don't inline fsqrt -- its an intrinsic!
: fsqrt ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "sqrt" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
! Windows doesn't have these...
: facosh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "acosh" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "acosh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fasinh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "asinh" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "asinh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fatanh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "atanh" { "double" } alien-invoke ; inline
"double" "libm" "atanh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
Reference in New Issue