tools.image-analyzer: new set of vocabs for reading and analyzing factor images
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types byte-arrays classes.struct
combinators io kernel math math.bitwise
tools.image-analyzer.gc-info tools.image-analyzer.vm vm words ;
IN: tools.image-analyzer.code-heap-reader
QUALIFIED: layouts
TUPLE: code-block-t free? owner parameters relocation gc-maps payload ;
: word>byte-array ( word -- array )
word-code swap code-block heap-size -
over <alien> -rot - <direct-uchar-array> >byte-array ;
: free? ( code-block -- ? )
header>> 1 mask? ;
: size ( code-block -- n )
header>> dup 1 mask? [ 7 unmask ] [ 0xfffff8 mask ] if ;
: (read-code-block) ( -- code-block payload )
code-block [ read-struct ] [ heap-size ] bi over size swap - read ;
: >code-block< ( code-block -- free? owner parameters relocation )
{ [ free? ] [ owner>> ] [ parameters>> ] [ relocation>> ] } cleave ;
: read-code-block ( -- code-block )
[ >code-block< ] [ [ byte-array>gc-maps ] keep ] bi*
code-block-t boa ;
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
USING: accessors arrays assocs classes classes.struct io
locals math.bitwise namespaces sequences tools.image-analyzer.utils
tools.image-analyzer.vm vm ;
FROM: alien.c-types => char heap-size ;
FROM: kernel => bi dup keep nip swap ;
FROM: layouts => data-alignment ;
FROM: math => + - * align neg shift ;
: object-tag ( vm-object -- tag )
header>> 5 2 bit-range ;
GENERIC: read-payload ( rel-base struct -- tuple )
: remainder-padding ( payload-size vm-object -- n )
class-heap-size + dup data-alignment get align swap - ;
: seek-past-padding ( payload-size vm-object -- )
remainder-padding seek-relative seek-input ;
:: read-padded-payload ( count vm-object c-type -- payload )
count c-type heap-size * :> payload-size
payload-size [
c-type read-bytes>array
] [ vm-object seek-past-padding ] bi ;
: read-array-payload ( vm-array -- payload )
[ capacity>> -4 shift ] keep cell read-padded-payload ;
: read-char-payload ( n-bytes vm-object -- payload )
char read-padded-payload ;
: read-no-payload ( vm-object -- payload )
0 swap seek-past-padding { } ;
: layout-address ( rel-base vm-tuple -- address )
layout>> 15 unmask - neg ;
M: array-payload read-payload ( rel-base vm-object -- payload )
nip read-array-payload ;
M: no-payload read-payload ( rel-base vm-object -- payload )
nip read-no-payload ;
M: byte-array read-payload ( rel-base vm-object -- payload )
nip [ capacity>> -4 shift ] keep read-char-payload ;
M: string read-payload ( rel-base vm-string -- payload )
nip [ length>> -4 shift ] keep read-char-payload ;
M: tuple read-payload ( rel-base vm-tuple -- payload )
layout-address seek-absolute seek-input
tuple-layout read-struct size>> -4 shift
] save-io-excursion
] keep cell read-padded-payload ;
: peek-read-object ( -- vm-base )
[ object read-struct ] save-io-excursion ;
: (read-object) ( -- vm-object )
peek-read-object object-tag tag>class read-struct ;
: read-object ( rel-base -- object )
(read-object) [ read-payload ] keep swap 2array ;
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
USING: accessors alien.c-types arrays assocs
bit-arrays.private classes.struct fry grouping io io.encodings.binary
io.streams.byte-array kernel math math.statistics sequences
sequences.repeating splitting tools.image-analyzer.utils vm ;
IN: tools.image-analyzer.gc-info
! Utils
: read-ints ( count -- seq )
int read-array ;
: read-bits ( bit-count -- bit-array )
[ bits>bytes read byte-array>bit-array ] keep head ;
: (cut-points) ( counts times -- seq )
<repeats> cum-sum but-last ;
: reshape-sequence ( seq counts times -- seqs )
[ (cut-points) split-indices ] keep <groups> flip ;
: read-struct-safe ( struct -- instance/f )
dup heap-size read [ swap memory>struct ] [ drop f ] if* ;
! Real stuff
: return-addresses ( gc-info -- seq )
return-address-count>> read-ints ;
: base-pointers ( gc-info -- seq )
[ return-address-count>> ] keep derived-root-count>>
'[ _ read-ints ] replicate ;
: bit-counts ( gc-info -- counts )
struct-slot-values 3 head ;
: (read-scrub-bits) ( gc-info -- seq )
[ bit-counts sum ] [ return-address-count>> ] bi * read-bits ;
: scrub-bits ( gc-info -- seq )
[ (read-scrub-bits) ] [ bit-counts ] [ return-address-count>> ] tri
[ 2drop { } ] [ reshape-sequence ] if-zero ;
: byte-array>gc-maps ( byte-array -- gc-maps )
binary <byte-reader> <backwards-reader> [
gc-info read-struct-safe [
[ return-addresses ] [ base-pointers ] [ scrub-bits ] tri
swap zip zip
] [ { } ] if*
] with-input-stream ;
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
USING: accessors arrays assocs classes.struct fry io io.encodings.binary
io.files io.streams.byte-array kernel kernel.private math sequences
tools.image-analyzer.utils tools.image-analyzer.vm vm ;
IN: tools.image-analyzer
: code-heap>code-blocks ( code-heap -- code-blocks )
binary [ [ read-code-block ] consume-stream>sequence ] with-byte-reader ;
: data-heap>objects ( data-relocation-base data-heap -- object-assoc )
binary [ '[ _ read-object ] consume-stream>sequence ] with-byte-reader ;
: load-image ( image -- header data-heap code-heap )
binary [
image-header read-struct dup [
[ data-relocation-base>> ] [ data-size>> read ] bi
[ code-size>> read code-heap>code-blocks ] bi
] with-file-reader ;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
USING: io io.encodings.binary io.streams.byte-array
tools.image-analyzer.utils tools.test ;
IN: tools.image-analyzer.utils.tests
B{ 5 6 7 8 }
B{ 1 2 3 4 }
} [
B{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 } binary <byte-reader> <backwards-reader> [
4 read 4 read
] with-input-stream
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
USING: accessors alien.c-types arrays bit-arrays classes
continuations destructors fry io io.streams.throwing kernel locals
math namespaces sequences ;
IN: tools.image-analyzer.utils
: class-heap-size ( instance -- n )
class-of heap-size ;
: read-bytes>array ( nbytes type -- seq )
[ read ] dip cast-array >array ;
: read-array ( count type -- seq )
[ heap-size * ] keep read-bytes>array ;
: byte-array>bit-array ( byte-array -- bit-array )
[ integer>bit-array 8 f pad-tail ] { } map-as concat ;
: until-eof-reader ( reader-quot -- reader-quot' )
[ [ @ ] throw-on-eof ] [
dup stream-exhausted? [ drop f ] [ throw ] if
] recover
] ; inline
: save-io-excursion ( quot -- )
tell-input '[ _ seek-absolute seek-input ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
: consume-stream>sequence ( reader-quot: ( -- item ) -- seq )
until-eof-reader '[ drop @ ] t swap follow rest ; inline
TUPLE: backwards-reader stream ;
M: backwards-reader dispose stream>> dispose ;
M: backwards-reader stream-element-type
stream>> stream-element-type ;
M: backwards-reader stream-length
stream>> stream-length ;
: backwards-seek ( ofs -- )
dup 0 < [ seek-end ] [ seek-absolute ] if seek-input ;
M:: backwards-reader stream-read-unsafe ( n buf stream -- count )
stream stream>> [
tell-input n + :> pos-after
pos-after neg backwards-seek
n buf input-stream get stream-read-unsafe
pos-after backwards-seek
] with-input-stream* ;
: <backwards-reader> ( stream -- stream' )
backwards-reader boa ;
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
USING: alien.c-types assocs classes.struct kernel.private vm ;
IN: tools.image-analyzer.vm
! These structs and words correspond to vm/image.hpp
STRUCT: image-header
{ magic cell }
{ version cell }
{ data-relocation-base cell }
{ data-size cell }
{ code-relocation-base cell }
{ code-size cell }
{ true-object cell }
{ bignum-zero cell }
{ bignum-pos-one cell }
{ bignum-neg-one cell }
{ special-objects cell[special-object-count] } ;
! These structs and words correspond to vm/layouts.hpp
STRUCT: object
{ header cell } ;
STRUCT: alien
{ header cell }
{ base cell }
{ expired cell }
{ displacement cell }
{ address cell } ;
STRUCT: array
{ header cell }
{ capacity cell } ;
STRUCT: bignum
{ header cell }
{ capacity cell } ;
! Different on 32 bit
STRUCT: byte-array
{ header cell }
{ capacity cell } ;
{ header cell }
{ path cell }
{ handle void* } ;
! Different on 32 bit
STRUCT: float
{ header cell }
{ n double } ;
STRUCT: quotation
{ header cell }
{ array cell }
{ cached_effect cell }
{ cache_counter cell }
{ entry_point cell } ;
STRUCT: string
{ header cell }
{ length cell }
{ aux cell }
{ hashcode cell } ;
STRUCT: tuple
{ header cell }
{ layout cell } ;
STRUCT: tuple-layout
{ header cell }
{ capacity cell }
{ klass cell }
{ size cell }
{ echelon cell } ;
STRUCT: word
{ header cell }
{ hashcode cell }
{ name cell }
{ vocabulary cell }
{ def cell }
{ props cell }
{ pic_def cell }
{ pic_tail_def cell }
{ subprimitive cell }
{ entry_point cell } ;
STRUCT: wrapper
{ header cell }
{ object cell } ;
UNION: no-payload
word ;
UNION: array-payload
bignum ;
: tag>class ( tag -- class )
{ 2 array }
{ 3 float }
{ 4 quotation }
{ 5 bignum }
{ 6 alien }
{ 7 tuple }
{ 8 wrapper }
{ 9 byte-array }
{ 11 string }
{ 12 word }
{ 13 dll }
} at ;
! These structs and words correspond to vm/code_blocks.hpp
STRUCT: code-block
{ header cell }
{ owner cell }
{ parameters cell }
{ relocation cell } ;
Reference in New Issue