gdk.ffi: fix incorrect GdkEvent* structures' definitions;

Anton Gorenko 2010-11-15 21:47:36 +06:00
parent ed46a3d472
commit 0f954c9fa9
1 changed files with 65 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.destructors alien.libraries
alien.syntax cairo.ffi classes.struct combinators
gobject-introspection kernel system vocabs.loader ;
gobject-introspection gobject-introspection.standard-types
kernel system vocabs.loader ;
IN: gdk.ffi
@ -20,13 +21,6 @@ LIBRARY: gdk
} cond
IMPLEMENT-STRUCTS: GdkEventAny GdkEventKey GdkEventButton
GdkEventScroll GdkEventMotion GdkEventExpose GdkEventVisibility
GdkEventCrossing GdkEventFocus GdkEventConfigure GdkEventProperty
GdkEventSelection GdkEventDND GdkEventProximity GdkEventClient
GdkEventNoExpose GdkEventWindowState GdkEventSetting
GdkEventOwnerChange GdkEventGrabBroken GdkRectangle ;
! <workaround these types are from cairo 1.10
STRUCT: cairo_rectangle_int_t
{ x int } { y int } { width int } { height int } ;
@ -45,3 +39,66 @@ FOREIGN-ENUM-TYPE: cairo.Content cairo_content_t
GIR: vocab:gdk/Gdk-3.0.gir
DESTRUCTOR: gdk_cursor_unref
STRUCT: GdkEventButton
{ type GdkEventType }
{ window GdkWindow* }
{ send_event gint8 }
{ time guint32 }
{ x gdouble }
{ y gdouble }
{ axes* gdouble }
{ state guint }
{ button guint }
{ device GdkDevice* }
{ x_root gdouble }
{ y_root gdouble } ;
STRUCT: GdkEventConfigure
{ type GdkEventType }
{ window GdkWindow* }
{ send_event gint8 }
{ x gint }
{ y gint }
{ width gint }
{ height gint } ;
STRUCT: GdkEventKey
{ type GdkEventType }
{ window GdkWindow* }
{ send_event gint8 }
{ time guint32 }
{ state guint }
{ keyval guint }
{ length gint }
{ string gchar* }
{ hardware_keycode guint16 }
{ group guint8 }
{ is_modifier uint bits: 1 } ;
STRUCT: GdkEventMotion
{ type GdkEventType }
{ window GdkWindow* }
{ send_event gint8 }
{ time guint32 }
{ x gdouble }
{ y gdouble }
{ axes gdouble* }
{ state guint }
{ is_hint gint16 }
{ device GdkDevice* }
{ x_root gdouble }
{ y_root gdouble } ;
STRUCT: GdkEventScroll
{ type GdkEventType }
{ window GdkWindow* }
{ send_event gint8 }
{ time guint32 }
{ x gdouble }
{ y gdouble }
{ state guint }
{ direction GdkScrollDirection }
{ device GdkDevice* }
{ x_root gdouble }
{ y_root gdouble } ;