Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.syntax combinators
io.backend io.files io.unix.files kernel math system unix
unix.statfs.freebsd unix.statvfs.freebsd unix.getfsstat.freebsd
sequences grouping alien.strings io.encodings.utf8 ;
sequences grouping alien.strings io.encodings.utf8
|||| arrays ;
IN: io.unix.files.freebsd
TUPLE: freebsd-file-system-info < unix-file-system-info
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ M: freebsd statfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info statvfs -- file-system-inf
[ statfs-f_asyncreads >>asyncreads ]
[ statfs-f_namemax >>name-max ]
[ statfs-f_owner >>owner ]
[ statfs-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statfs-f_fsid 2 <direct-uint-array> >array >>id ]
[ statfs-f_fstypename utf8 alien>string >>type ]
[ statfs-f_mntfromname utf8 alien>string >>device-name ]
[ statfs-f_mntonname utf8 alien>string >>mount-point ]
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.syntax combinators csv
io.backend io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.streams.string
io.unix.files kernel math.order namespaces sequences sorting
system unix unix.statfs.linux unix.statvfs.linux ;
system unix unix.statfs.linux unix.statvfs.linux
|||| arrays ;
IN: io.unix.files.linux
TUPLE: linux-file-system-info < unix-file-system-info
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ M: linux statfs>file-system-info ( struct -- statfs )
[ statfs64-f_bavail >>blocks-available ]
[ statfs64-f_files >>files ]
[ statfs64-f_ffree >>files-free ]
[ statfs64-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statfs64-f_fsid 2 <direct-uint-array> >array >>id ]
[ statfs64-f_namelen >>namelen ]
[ statfs64-f_frsize >>preferred-block-size ]
! [ statfs64-f_spare >>spare ]
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
USING: alien.syntax kernel unix.stat math unix
combinators system io.backend accessors alien.c-types
io.encodings.utf8 alien.strings unix.types io.unix.files
io.files unix.statvfs.netbsd unix.getfsstat.netbsd
grouping sequences io.encodings.utf8 ;
io.files unix.statvfs.netbsd unix.getfsstat.netbsd arrays
grouping sequences io.encodings.utf8 ;
IN: io.unix.files.netbsd
TUPLE: netbsd-file-system-info < unix-file-system-info
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ M: netbsd statvfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info statvfs -- file-system-inf
[ statvfs-f_syncwrites >>sync-writes ]
[ statvfs-f_asyncreads >>async-reads ]
[ statvfs-f_asyncwrites >>async-writes ]
[ statvfs-f_fsidx >>idx ]
[ statvfs-f_fsidx 2 <direct-uint-array> >array >>idx ]
[ statvfs-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>name-max ]
[ statvfs-f_owner >>owner ]
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.strings alien.syntax
combinators io.backend io.files io.unix.files kernel math
sequences system unix unix.getfsstat.openbsd grouping
unix.statfs.openbsd unix.statvfs.openbsd unix.types ;
unix.statfs.openbsd unix.statvfs.openbsd unix.types
|||| arrays ;
IN: io.unix.files.openbsd
TUPLE: freebsd-file-system-info < unix-file-system-info
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ M: openbsd statfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info statfs -- file-system-info
[ statfs-f_syncreads >>sync-reads ]
[ statfs-f_asyncwrites >>async-writes ]
[ statfs-f_asyncreads >>async-reads ]
[ statfs-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statfs-f_fsid 2 <direct-uint-array> >array >>id ]
[ statfs-f_namemax >>name-max ]
[ statfs-f_owner >>owner ]
! [ statfs-f_spare >>spare ]
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ IN: ui.cocoa.views
dup event-modifiers swap key-code ;
: send-key-event ( view gesture -- )
swap window-focus propagate-gesture ;
swap window propagate-key-gesture ;
: interpret-key-event ( view event -- )
NSArray swap -> arrayWithObject: -> interpretKeyEvents: ;
@ -266,30 +266,23 @@ CLASS: {
{ "writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:" "char" { "id" "SEL" "id" "id" }
CF>string-array NSStringPboardType swap member? [
>r drop window-focus gadget-selection dup [
r> set-pasteboard-string 1
] [
r> 2drop 0
] if
] [
3drop 0
] if
[ drop window-focus gadget-selection ] dip over
[ set-pasteboard-string 1 ] [ 2drop 0 ] if
] [ 3drop 0 ] if
{ "readSelectionFromPasteboard:" "char" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
pasteboard-string dup [
[ drop window-focus ] dip swap user-input 1
] [
3drop 0
] if
[ drop window ] dip swap user-input 1
] [ 3drop 0 ] if
! Text input
{ "insertText:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ nip CF>string swap window-focus user-input ]
[ nip CF>string swap window user-input ]
{ "hasMarkedText" "char" { "id" "SEL" }
@ -41,13 +41,25 @@ M: propagate-gesture send-queued-gesture
: propagate-gesture ( gesture gadget -- )
\ propagate-gesture queue-gesture ;
TUPLE: user-input string gadget ;
TUPLE: propagate-key-gesture gesture world ;
: world-focus ( world -- gadget )
dup focus>> [ world-focus ] [ ] ?if ;
M: propagate-key-gesture send-queued-gesture
[ gesture>> ] [ world>> world-focus ] bi
[ handle-gesture ] with each-parent drop ;
: propagate-key-gesture ( gesture world -- )
\ propagate-key-gesture queue-gesture ;
TUPLE: user-input string world ;
M: user-input send-queued-gesture
[ string>> ] [ gadget>> ] bi
[ string>> ] [ world>> world-focus ] bi
[ user-input* ] with each-parent drop ;
: user-input ( string gadget -- )
: user-input ( string world -- )
'[ _ \ user-input queue-gesture ] unless-empty ;
! Gesture objects
@ -261,9 +273,6 @@ SYMBOL: drag-timer
scroll-direction set-global
T{ mouse-scroll } hand-gadget get-global propagate-gesture ;
: world-focus ( world -- gadget )
dup focus>> [ world-focus ] [ ] ?if ;
: send-action ( world gesture -- )
swap world-focus propagate-gesture ;
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ SYMBOL: ui-hook
graft-queue [ notify ] slurp-deque ;
: send-queued-gestures ( -- )
gesture-queue [ send-queued-gesture ] slurp-deque ;
gesture-queue [ send-queued-gesture notify-queued ] slurp-deque ;
: update-ui ( -- )
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ SYMBOLS: msg-obj class-name-ptr mouse-captured ;
: send-key-gesture ( sym action? quot hWnd -- )
[ [ key-modifiers ] 3dip call ] dip
window-focus propagate-gesture ; inline
window propagate-key-gesture ; inline
: send-key-down ( sym action? hWnd -- )
[ [ <key-down> ] ] dip send-key-gesture ;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ SYMBOLS: msg-obj class-name-ptr mouse-captured ;
ctrl? alt? xor [
wParam 1string
[ f hWnd send-key-down ]
[ hWnd window-focus user-input ] bi
[ hWnd window user-input ] bi
] unless
] unless ;
@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ M: world configure-event
M: world key-down-event
[ key-down-event>gesture ] keep
[ propagate-gesture drop ]
[ propagate-key-gesture drop ]
[ 2over valid-input? [ nip user-input ] [ 3drop ] if ]
3bi ;
@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ M: world key-down-event
dup event-modifiers swap 0 XLookupKeysym key-code <key-up> ;
M: world key-up-event
[ key-up-event>gesture ] dip world-focus propagate-gesture ;
[ key-up-event>gesture ] dip propagate-key-gesture ;
: mouse-event>gesture ( event -- modifiers button loc )
[ event-modifiers ]
@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ M: world focus-out-event
M: world selection-notify-event
[ handle>> window>> selection-from-event ] keep
world-focus user-input ;
world user-input ;
: supported-type? ( atom -- ? )
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
USING: accessors arrays fry kernel math math.vectors sequences
multi-method-syntax ;
@ -218,3 +219,16 @@ USING: locals combinators ;
2array ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GENERIC: within? ( a b -- ? )
METHOD: within? ( <pos> <rectangle> -- ? )
[ left to-the-right-of? ]
[ right to-the-left-of? ]
[ bottom above? ]
[ top below? ]
2&& ;
@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ USING: kernel accessors locals math math.intervals math.order
IN: pong
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Inspired by this Ruby/Shoes version by why:
! Which was based on this Nodebox version:
! by Bill Mill.
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: clamp-to-interval ( x interval -- x )
@ -95,28 +102,37 @@ METHOD: draw ( <ball> -- ) [ pos>> ] [ diameter>> 2 / ] bi circle ;
USE: syntax ! Switch back to core 'TUPLE:' instead of the one provided
! by multi-methods
TUPLE: <pong> < gadget draw closed ;
TUPLE: <pong> < gadget paused field ball player computer ;
M: <pong> pref-dim* ( <pong> -- dim ) drop { 400 400 } ;
M: <pong> draw-gadget* ( <pong> -- ) draw>> call ;
M: <pong> ungraft* ( <pong> -- ) t >>closed drop ;
: pong ( -- gadget )
<pong> new-gadget
T{ <play-field> { pos { 0 0 } } { dim { 400 400 } } } clone >>field
T{ <ball> { pos { 50 50 } } { vel { 3 4 } } } clone >>ball
T{ <paddle> { pos { 200 396 } } { dim { 75 4 } } } clone >>player
T{ <computer> { pos { 200 0 } } { dim { 75 4 } } } clone >>computer ;
M: <pong> pref-dim* ( <pong> -- dim ) drop { 400 400 } ;
M: <pong> ungraft* ( <pong> -- ) t >>paused drop ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M:: <pong> draw-gadget* ( PONG -- )
PONG computer>> draw
PONG player>> draw
PONG ball>> draw ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: make-draw-closure ( -- closure )
:: iterate-system ( GADGET -- )
! Establish some bindings
[let | PLAY-FIELD [ T{ <play-field> { pos { 0 0 } } { dim { 400 400 } } } ]
BALL [ T{ <ball> { pos { 50 50 } } { vel { 3 4 } } } ]
PLAYER [ T{ <paddle> { pos { 200 396 } } { dim { 75 4 } } } ]
COMPUTER [ T{ <computer> { pos { 200 0 } } { dim { 75 4 } } } ] |
! Define some internal words in terms of those bindings ...
[let | FIELD [ GADGET field>> ]
BALL [ GADGET ball>> ]
PLAYER [ GADGET player>> ]
COMPUTER [ GADGET computer>> ] |
[wlet | align-player-with-mouse [ ( -- )
PLAYER PLAY-FIELD align-paddle-with-mouse ]
PLAYER FIELD align-paddle-with-mouse ]
move-ball [ ( -- ) BALL 1 move-for ]
@ -127,69 +143,52 @@ M: <pong> ungraft* ( <pong> -- ) t >>closed drop ;
BALL COMPUTER { [ below? ] [ in-between-horizontally? ] } && ]
bounce-off-wall? [ ( -- ? )
BALL PLAY-FIELD in-between-horizontally? not ] |
BALL FIELD in-between-horizontally? not ]
! Note, we're returning a quotation.
! The quotation closes over the bindings established by the 'let'.
! Thus the name of the word 'make-draw-closure'.
! This closure is intended to be placed in the 'draw' slot of a
! <pong> gadget.
stop-game [ ( -- ) t GADGET (>>paused) ] |
BALL FIELD in-bounds?
BALL PLAY-FIELD in-bounds?
! computer reaction
BALL COMPUTER to-the-left-of? [ COMPUTER computer-move-left ] when
BALL COMPUTER to-the-right-of? [ COMPUTER computer-move-right ] when
! check if ball bounced off something
player-blocked-ball? [ BALL PLAYER bounce-off-paddle ] when
computer-blocked-ball? [ BALL COMPUTER bounce-off-paddle ] when
bounce-off-wall? [ BALL reverse-horizontal-velocity ] when
! draw the objects
BALL draw
! computer reaction
] ] ] ( -- closure ) ; ! The trailing stack effect here is a workaround.
! The stack effects in the wlet expression throw
! off the effect for the whole word, so we reset
! it to the correct one here.
BALL COMPUTER to-the-left-of? [ COMPUTER computer-move-left ] when
BALL COMPUTER to-the-right-of? [ COMPUTER computer-move-right ] when
! check if ball bounced off something
player-blocked-ball? [ BALL PLAYER bounce-off-paddle ] when
computer-blocked-ball? [ BALL COMPUTER bounce-off-paddle ] when
bounce-off-wall? [ BALL reverse-horizontal-velocity ] when
[ stop-game ]
] ] ( gadget -- ) ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:: pong-loop-step ( PONG -- ? )
PONG closed>>
[ f ]
[ PONG relayout-1 25 milliseconds sleep t ]
if ;
:: start-pong-thread ( PONG -- ) [ [ PONG pong-loop-step ] loop ] in-thread ;
:: start-pong-thread ( GADGET -- )
f GADGET (>>paused)
GADGET paused>>
[ f ]
[ GADGET iterate-system GADGET relayout-1 25 milliseconds sleep t ]
in-thread ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: play-pong ( -- )
: pong-window ( -- ) pong [ "PONG" open-window ] [ start-pong-thread ] bi ;
<pong> new-gadget
make-draw-closure >>draw
dup "PONG" open-window
start-pong-thread ;
: pong-main ( -- ) [ pong-window ] with-ui ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: play-pong-main ( -- ) [ play-pong ] with-ui ;
MAIN: play-pong-main
MAIN: pong-window
Reference in New Issue