Merge branch 'master' of git://

Sam Anklesaria 2009-08-03 20:09:05 -05:00
commit 1145f49a47
13 changed files with 230 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -1,38 +1,42 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors compiler.cfg.builder compiler.cfg.linear-scan
compiler.cfg.liveness compiler.cfg.optimizer
compiler.codegen compiler.tree.builder compiler.tree.optimizer
kernel make sequences tools.annotations tools.crossref ;
USING: accessors kernel make sequences tools.annotations tools.crossref ;
QUALIFIED: compiler.cfg.builder
QUALIFIED: compiler.cfg.linear-scan
QUALIFIED: compiler.cfg.optimizer
QUALIFIED: compiler.cfg.stacks.finalize
QUALIFIED: compiler.codegen
QUALIFIED: compiler.tree.builder
QUALIFIED: compiler.tree.optimizer
IN: bootstrap.compiler.timing
: passes ( word -- seq )
def>> uses [ vocabulary>> "compiler." head? ] filter ;
: high-level-passes ( -- seq ) \ optimize-tree passes ;
: high-level-passes ( -- seq ) \ compiler.tree.optimizer:optimize-tree passes ;
: low-level-passes ( -- seq ) \ optimize-cfg passes ;
: low-level-passes ( -- seq ) \ compiler.cfg.optimizer:optimize-cfg passes ;
: machine-passes ( -- seq ) \ build-mr passes ;
: machine-passes ( -- seq ) \ passes ;
: linear-scan-passes ( -- seq ) \ (linear-scan) passes ;
: linear-scan-passes ( -- seq ) \ compiler.cfg.linear-scan:(linear-scan) passes ;
: all-passes ( -- seq )
\ build-tree ,
\ optimize-tree ,
\ compiler.tree.builder:build-tree ,
\ compiler.tree.optimizer:optimize-tree ,
high-level-passes %
\ build-cfg ,
\ compute-global-sets ,
\ finalize-stack-shuffling ,
\ optimize-cfg ,
\ compiler.cfg.builder:build-cfg ,
\ ,
\ compiler.cfg.stacks.finalize:finalize-stack-shuffling ,
\ compiler.cfg.optimizer:optimize-cfg ,
low-level-passes %
\ compute-live-sets ,
\ build-mr ,
\ ,
machine-passes %
linear-scan-passes %
\ generate ,
\ compiler.codegen:generate ,
] { } make ;
all-passes [ [ reset ] [ add-timing ] bi ] each

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
USING: accessors assocs compiler.cfg
compiler.cfg.critical-edges compiler.cfg.debugger
compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.predecessors
compiler.cfg.registers cpu.architecture kernel namespaces
sequences tools.test compiler.cfg.utilities ;
IN: compiler.cfg.critical-edges.tests
! Make sure we update phi nodes when splitting critical edges
: test-critical-edges ( -- )
cfg new 0 get >>entry
split-critical-edges ;
T{ ##peek f V int-regs 0 D 0 }
T{ ##branch }
} 0 test-bb
T{ ##peek f V int-regs 1 D 1 }
T{ ##branch }
} 1 test-bb
T{ ##phi f V int-regs 2 H{ { 0 V int-regs 0 } { 1 V int-regs 1 } } }
T{ ##return }
} 2 test-bb
0 { 1 2 } edges
1 2 edge
[ ] [ test-critical-edges ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 0 get successors>> second successors>> first 2 get eq? ] unit-test
[ V int-regs 0 ] [ 2 get instructions>> first inputs>> 0 get successors>> second swap at ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math accessors sequences locals assocs fry
compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.rpo compiler.cfg.utilities ;
IN: compiler.cfg.critical-edges
: critical-edge? ( from to -- ? )
[ successors>> length 1 > ] [ predecessors>> length 1 > ] bi* and ;
: new-key ( new-key old-key assoc -- )
[ delete-at* ] keep '[ swap _ set-at ] [ 2drop ] if ;
:: update-phis ( from to bb -- )
! Any phi nodes in 'to' which reference 'from'
! should now reference 'bb'.
to [ [ bb from ] dip inputs>> new-key ] each-phi ;
: split-critical-edge ( from to -- )
f <simple-block> [ insert-basic-block ] [ update-phis ] 3bi ;
: split-critical-edges ( cfg -- )
dup [
dup successors>> [
2dup critical-edge?
[ split-critical-edge ] [ 2drop ] if
] with each
] each-basic-block
drop ;

View File

@ -33,18 +33,6 @@ HELP: new-action
HELP: page-action
{ $class-description "The class of Chloe page actions. These are actions whose " { $slot "display" } " slot is pre-set to serve the Chloe template stored in the " { $slot "page" } " slot." } ;
HELP: param
{ $values
{ "name" string }
{ "value" string }
{ $description "Outputs the value of a query parameter (if the current request is a GET or HEAD request) or a POST parameter (if the current request is a POST request)." }
{ $notes "Instead of using this word, it is better to use " { $link validate-params } " and then access parameters via " { $link "html.forms.values" } " words." } ;
HELP: params
{ $var-description "A variable holding an assoc of query parameters (if the current request is a GET or HEAD request) or POST parameters (if the current request is a POST request)." }
{ $notes "Instead of using this word, it is better to use " { $link validate-params } " and then access parameters via " { $link "html.forms.values" } " words." } ;
HELP: validate-integer-id
{ $description "A utility word which validates an integer parameter named " { $snippet "id" } "." }
{ $examples
@ -103,7 +91,7 @@ $nl
ARTICLE: "furnace.actions.config" "Furnace action configuration"
"Actions have the following slots:"
{ $table
{ { $slot "rest" } { "A parameter name to map the rest of the URL, after the action name, to. If this is not set, then navigating to a URL where the action is not the last path component will return to the client with an error." } }
{ { $slot "rest" } { "A parameter name to map the rest of the URL, after the action name, to. If this is not set, then navigating to a URL where the action is not the last path component will return to the client with an error. A more general facility can be found in the " { $vocab-link "http.server.rewrite" } " vocabulary." } }
{ { $slot "init" } { "A quotation called at the beginning of a GET or HEAD request. Typically this quotation configures " { $link "html.forms" } " and parses query parameters." } }
{ { $slot "authorize" } { "A quotation called at the beginning of a GET, HEAD or POST request. In GET requests, it is called after the " { $slot "init" } " quotation; in POST requests, it is called after the " { $slot "validate" } " quotation. By convention, this quotation performs custom authorization checks which depend on query parameters or POST parameters." } }
{ { $slot "display" } { "A quotation called after the " { $slot "init" } " quotation in a GET request. This quotation must return an HTTP " { $link response } "." } }
@ -144,10 +132,8 @@ ARTICLE: "furnace.actions.lifecycle" "Furnace action lifecycle"
"Any one of the above steps can perform validation; if " { $link validation-failed } " is called during a POST request, the client is sent back to the page containing the form submission, with current form values and validation errors passed in a " { $link "furnace.conversations" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "furnace.actions.impl" "Furnace actions implementation"
"The following words are used by the action implementation and there is rarely any reason to call them directly:"
{ $subsection new-action }
{ $subsection param }
{ $subsection params } ;
"The following parametrized constructor should be called from constructors for subclasses of " { $link action } ":"
{ $subsection new-action } ;
ARTICLE: "furnace.actions" "Furnace actions"
"The " { $vocab-link "furnace.actions" } " vocabulary implements a type of responder, called an " { $emphasis "action" } ", which handles the form validation lifecycle."

View File

@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ ;
IN: furnace.actions
SYMBOL: params
SYMBOL: rest
TUPLE: action rest init authorize display validate submit ;
@ -60,9 +58,6 @@ TUPLE: action rest init authorize display validate submit ;
] [ drop <400> ] if
] with-exit-continuation ;
: param ( name -- value )
params get at ;
CONSTANT: revalidate-url-key "__u"
: revalidate-url ( -- url/f )
@ -88,13 +83,12 @@ CONSTANT: revalidate-url-key "__u"
] [ drop <400> ] if
] with-exit-continuation ;
: handle-rest ( path action -- assoc )
rest>> dup [ [ "/" join ] dip associate ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: handle-rest ( path action -- )
rest>> dup [ [ "/" join ] dip set-param ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: init-action ( path action -- )
request get request-params assoc-union params set ;
handle-rest ;
M: action call-responder* ( path action -- response )
[ init-action ] keep

View File

@ -63,10 +63,6 @@ HELP: referrer
{ $values { "referrer/f" { $maybe string } } }
{ $description "Outputs the current request's referrer URL." } ;
HELP: request-params
{ $values { "request" request } { "assoc" assoc } }
{ $description "Outputs the query parameters (if the current request is a GET or HEAD request) or the POST parameters (if the current request is a POST request)." } ;
HELP: resolve-base-path
{ $values { "string" string } { "string'" string } }
{ $description "Resolves a responder-relative URL." } ;
@ -121,6 +117,5 @@ ARTICLE: "furnace.misc" "Miscellaneous Furnace features"
{ $subsection exit-with }
"Other useful words:"
{ $subsection hidden-form-field }
{ $subsection request-params }
{ $subsection client-state }
{ $subsection user-agent } ;

View File

@ -91,13 +91,6 @@ M: object modify-form drop f ;
CONSTANT: nested-forms-key "__n"
: request-params ( request -- assoc )
dup method>> {
{ "GET" [ url>> query>> ] }
{ "HEAD" [ url>> query>> ] }
{ "POST" [ post-data>> params>> ] }
} case ;
: referrer ( -- referrer/f )
#! Typo is intentional, it's in the HTTP spec!
"referer" request get header>> at

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
IN: http.server.rewrite
USING: help.syntax help.markup http.server ;
HELP: rewrite
{ $class-description "The class of directory rewrite responders. The slots are as follows:"
{ $list
{ { $slot "default" } " - the responder to call if no file name is provided." }
{ { $slot "child" } " - the responder to call if a file name is provided." }
{ { $slot "param" } " - the name of a request parameter which will store the first path component of the file name passed to the responder." }
} } ;
HELP: <rewrite>
{ $values { "rewrite" rewrite } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link rewrite } " responder." }
{ $examples
{ $code
" <display-post-action> >>default"
" <display-comment-action> >>child"
" \"comment_id\" >>param"
} ;
HELP: vhost-rewrite
{ $class-description "The class of virtual host rewrite responders. The slots are as follows:"
{ $list
{ { $slot "default" } " - the responder to call if no host name prefix is provided." }
{ { $slot "child" } " - the responder to call if a host name prefix is provided." }
{ { $slot "param" } " - the name of a request parameter which will store the first host name component of the host name passed to the responder." }
{ { $slot "suffix" } " - the domain name suffix which will be chopped off the end of the request's host name in order to produce the parameter." }
} } ;
HELP: <vhost-rewrite>
{ $values { "vhost-rewrite" vhost-rewrite } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link vhost-rewrite } " responder." }
{ $examples
{ $code
" <show-blogs-action> >>default"
" <display-blog-action> >>child"
" \"blog_id\" >>param"
" \" >>suffix"
} ;
ARTICLE: "http.server.rewrite.overview" "Rewrite responder overview"
"Rewrite responders take the file name and turn it into a request parameter named by the " { $slot "param" } " slot before delegating to a child responder. If a file name is provided, it calls the responder in the " { $slot "child" } " slot. If no file name is provided, they call the default responder in the " { $slot "default" } " slot."
"For example, suppose you want to have the following website schema:"
{ $list
{ { $snippet "/posts/" } " - show a list of posts" }
{ { $snippet "/posts/factor_language" } " - show thread with ID " { $snippet "factor_language" } }
{ { $snippet "/posts/factor_language/1" } " - show first comment in the thread with ID " { $snippet "factor_language" } }
{ { $snippet "/animals" } ", ... - a bunch of other actions" } }
"One way to achieve this would be to have a nesting of responders as follows:"
{ $list
{ "A dispatcher at the top level" }
{ "A " { $link rewrite } " as a child of the dispatcher under the name " { $snippet "posts" } ". The rewrite has the " { $slot "param" } " slot set to, say, " { $snippet "post_id" } ". The " { $slot "default" } " slot is set to a Furnace action which displays a list of posts." }
{ "The child slot is set to a second " { $link rewrite } " instance, with " { $snippet "param" } " set to " { $snippet "comment_id" } ", the " { $slot "default" } " slot set to an action which displays a post identified by the " { $snippet "post_id" } " parameter, and the " { $snippet "child" } " slot set to an action which displays the comment identified by the " { $snippet "comment_id" } " parameter." } }
"Note that parameters can be extracted from the request using the " { $link param } " word, but most of the time you want to use " { $vocab-link "furnace.actions" } " instead." ;
ARTICLE: "http.server.rewrite" "URL rewrite responders"
"The " { $vocab-link "http.server.rewrite" } " vocabulary defines two responder types which can help make website URLs more human-friendly."
{ $subsection "http.server.rewrite.overview" }
"Directory rewrite responders:"
{ $subsection rewrite }
{ $subsection <rewrite> }
"Virtual host rewrite responders -- these chop off the value in the " { $snippet "suffix" } " slot from the tail of the host name, and use the rest as the parameter value:"
{ $subsection vhost-rewrite }
{ $subsection <vhost-rewrite> } ;
ABOUT: "http.server.rewrite"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
USING: accessors arrays http.server http.server.rewrite kernel
namespaces tools.test urls ;
IN: http.server.rewrite.tests
TUPLE: rewrite-test-default ;
M: rewrite-test-default call-responder*
drop "DEFAULT!" 2array ;
TUPLE: rewrite-test-child ;
M: rewrite-test-child call-responder*
drop "rewritten-param" param 2array ;
V{ } clone responder-nesting set
H{ } clone params set
rewrite-test-child new >>child
rewrite-test-default new >>default
"rewritten-param" >>param
"rewrite" set
[ { { } "DEFAULT!" } ] [ { } "rewrite" get call-responder ] unit-test
[ { { } "xxx" } ] [ { "xxx" } "rewrite" get call-responder ] unit-test
[ { { "blah" } "xxx" } ] [ { "xxx" "blah" } "rewrite" get call-responder ] unit-test
rewrite-test-child new >>child
rewrite-test-default new >>default
"rewritten-param" >>param
"" >>suffix
"rewrite" set
[ { { } "DEFAULT!" } ] [
URL"" url set
{ } "rewrite" get call-responder
] unit-test
[ { { } "DEFAULT!" } ] [
URL"" url set
{ } "rewrite" get call-responder
] unit-test
[ { { } "erg" } ] [
URL"" url set
{ } "rewrite" get call-responder
] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors http.server http.server.dispatchers kernel
namespaces sequences splitting urls ;
IN: http.server.rewrite
TUPLE: rewrite param child default ;
: <rewrite> ( -- rewrite )
rewrite new ;
M: rewrite call-responder*
over empty? [ default>> ] [
[ [ first ] [ param>> ] bi* set-param ]
[ [ rest ] [ child>> ] bi* ]
] if
call-responder* ;
TUPLE: vhost-rewrite suffix param child default ;
: <vhost-rewrite> ( -- vhost-rewrite )
vhost-rewrite new ;
: sub-domain? ( vhost-rewrite url -- subdomain ? )
swap suffix>> dup [
[ host>> canonical-host ] [ "." prepend ] bi* ?tail
] [ 2drop f f ] if ;
M: vhost-rewrite call-responder*
dup url get sub-domain?
[ over param>> set-param child>> ] [ drop default>> ] if
call-responder ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax io.streams.string quotations strings urls http vocabs.refresh math io.servers.connection ;
USING: help.markup help.syntax io.streams.string quotations strings urls
http vocabs.refresh math io.servers.connection assocs ;
IN: http.server
HELP: trivial-responder
@ -52,12 +53,33 @@ HELP: httpd
HELP: http-insomniac
{ $description "Starts a thread which rotates the logs and e-mails a summary of HTTP requests every 24 hours. See " { $link "logging.insomniac" } "." } ;
HELP: request-params
{ $values { "request" request } { "assoc" assoc } }
{ $description "Outputs the query parameters (if the current request is a GET or HEAD request) or the POST parameters (if the current request is a POST request)." } ;
HELP: param
{ $values
{ "name" string }
{ "value" string }
{ $description "Outputs the value of a query parameter (if the current request is a GET or HEAD request) or a POST parameter (if the current request is a POST request)." }
{ $notes "Instead of using this word, it is better to use " { $vocab-link "furnace.actions" } " and the associated validation machinery, which allows you to access values using " { $link "html.forms.values" } " words." } ;
HELP: params
{ $var-description "A variable holding an assoc of query parameters (if the current request is a GET or HEAD request) or POST parameters (if the current request is a POST request)." }
{ $notes "Instead of using this word, it is better to use " { $vocab-link "furnace.actions" } " and the associated validation machinery, which allows you to access values using " { $link "html.forms.values" } " words." } ;
ARTICLE: "http.server.requests" "HTTP request variables"
"The following variables are set by the HTTP server at the beginning of a request."
{ $subsection request }
{ $subsection url }
{ $subsection post-request? }
{ $subsection responder-nesting }
{ $subsection params }
"Utility words:"
{ $subsection param }
{ $subsection set-param }
{ $subsection request-params }
"Additional vocabularies may be set by vocabularies such as " { $vocab-link "html.forms" } " and " { $vocab-link "furnace.sessions" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "http.server.responders" "HTTP server responders"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: kernel accessors sequences arrays namespaces splitting
vocabs.loader destructors assocs debugger continuations
combinators vocabs.refresh tools.time math math.parser present
io vectors
vectors hashtables
@ -212,8 +213,25 @@ LOG: httpd-header NOTICE
: split-path ( string -- path )
"/" split harvest ;
: request-params ( request -- assoc )
dup method>> {
{ "GET" [ url>> query>> ] }
{ "HEAD" [ url>> query>> ] }
{ "POST" [ post-data>> params>> ] }
} case ;
SYMBOL: params
: param ( name -- value )
params get at ;
: set-param ( value name -- )
params get set-at ;
: init-request ( request -- )
[ request set ] [ url>> url set ] bi
[ request set ]
[ url>> url set ]
[ request-params >hashtable params set ] tri
V{ } clone responder-nesting set ;
: dispatch-request ( request -- response )

View File

@ -414,8 +414,11 @@ PRIVATE>
: reduce ( seq identity quot -- result )
swapd each ; inline
: map-integers ( len quot exemplar -- newseq )
[ over ] dip [ [ collect ] keep ] new-like ; inline
: map-as ( seq quot exemplar -- newseq )
[ over length ] dip [ [ map-into ] keep ] new-like ; inline
[ (each) ] dip map-integers ; inline
: map ( seq quot -- newseq )
over map-as ; inline
@ -442,7 +445,7 @@ PRIVATE>
[ -rot ] dip 2each ; inline
: 2map-as ( seq1 seq2 quot exemplar -- newseq )
[ (2each) ] dip map-as ; inline
[ (2each) ] dip map-integers ; inline
: 2map ( seq1 seq2 quot -- newseq )
pick 2map-as ; inline
@ -454,7 +457,7 @@ PRIVATE>
(3each) each ; inline
: 3map-as ( seq1 seq2 seq3 quot exemplar -- newseq )
[ (3each) ] dip map-as ; inline
[ (3each) ] dip map-integers ; inline
: 3map ( seq1 seq2 seq3 quot -- newseq )
[ pick ] dip swap 3map-as ; inline