Debugging threads

Slava Pestov 2008-05-06 22:20:27 -05:00
commit 1449836f25
8 changed files with 168 additions and 111 deletions

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@ -64,13 +64,14 @@ M: string error. print ;
[ global [ "Error in print-error!" print drop ] bind ]
recover ;
: print-error-and-restarts ( error -- )
"Type :help for debugging help." print flush ;
: try ( quot -- )
"Type :help for debugging help." print flush
] recover ;
[ print-error-and-restarts ] recover ;
ERROR: assert got expect ;

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@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ M: object stream-read-quot
SYMBOL: error-hook
[ print-error-and-restarts ] error-hook set-global
: listen ( -- )
listener-hook get call prompt.
[ read-quot [ [ error-hook get call ] recover ] [ bye ] if* ]

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
USING: namespaces io tools.test threads kernel
concurrency.combinators math ;
concurrency.combinators concurrency.promises locals math
words ;
IN: threads.tests
3 "x" set
@ -27,3 +28,16 @@ yield
"i" tget
] parallel-map
] unit-test
[ [ 3 throw ] "A" suspend ] [ 3 = ] must-fail-with
:: spawn-namespace-test ( -- )
[let | p [ <promise> ] g [ gensym ] |
g "x" set
[ "x" get p fulfill ] "B" spawn drop
] with-scope
p ?promise g eq?
] ;
[ t ] [ spawn-namespace-test ] unit-test

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@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ PRIVATE>
[ sleep-queue heap-peek nip millis [-] ]
} cond ;
DEFER: stop
: schedule-sleep ( thread dt -- )
@ -111,36 +113,54 @@ PRIVATE>
[ ] while
drop ;
: start ( namestack thread -- )
V{ } set-catchstack
{ } set-retainstack
{ } set-datastack
self quot>> [ call stop ] call-clear
] 2 (throw) ;
DEFER: next
: no-runnable-threads ( -- * )
! We should never be in a state where the only threads
! are sleeping; the I/O wait thread is always runnable.
! However, if it dies, we handle this case
! semi-gracefully.
! And if sleep-time outputs f, there are no sleeping
! threads either... so WTF.
sleep-time [ die 0 ] unless* (sleep) next ;
: (next) ( arg thread -- * )
f >>state
dup set-self
dup continuation>> ?box
[ nip continue-with ] [ drop start ] if ;
: next ( -- * )
run-queue dup dlist-empty? [
! We should never be in a state where the only threads
! are sleeping; the I/O wait thread is always runnable.
! However, if it dies, we handle this case
! semi-gracefully.
! And if sleep-time outputs f, there are no sleeping
! threads either... so WTF.
drop sleep-time [ die 0 ] unless* (sleep) next
drop no-runnable-threads
] [
dup array? [ first2 ] [ f swap ] if dup set-self
f >>state
continuation>> box>
pop-back dup array? [ first2 ] [ f swap ] if (next)
] if ;
: stop ( -- )
self dup exit-handler>> call
unregister-thread next ;
self [ exit-handler>> call ] [ unregister-thread ] bi next ;
: suspend ( quot state -- obj )
self continuation>> >box
self (>>state)
self swap call next
>r self swap call
r> self (>>state)
r> self continuation>> >box
] callcc1 2nip ; inline
: yield ( -- ) [ resume ] f suspend drop ;
@ -166,16 +186,7 @@ M: real sleep
] when drop ;
: (spawn) ( thread -- )
resume-now [
dup set-self
dup register-thread
V{ } set-catchstack
{ } set-retainstack
>r { } set-datastack r>
quot>> [ call stop ] call-clear
] 1 (throw)
] "spawn" suspend 2drop ;
[ register-thread ] [ namestack swap resume-with ] bi ;
: spawn ( quot name -- thread )
<thread> [ (spawn) ] keep ;
@ -184,8 +195,8 @@ M: real sleep
>r [ [ ] [ ] while ] curry r> spawn ;
: in-thread ( quot -- )
>r datastack namestack r>
[ >r set-namestack set-datastack r> call ] 3curry
>r datastack r>
[ >r set-datastack r> call ] 2curry
"Thread" spawn drop ;
GENERIC: error-in-thread ( error thread -- )

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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
USING: ui.gadgets.panes namespaces
ui.gadgets.editors concurrency.promises threads listener
tools.test kernel calendar parser ;
tools.test kernel calendar parser accessors ;
\ <interactor> must-infer
\ <interactor> must-infer
[ ] [ <pane> <pane-stream> <interactor> "interactor" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ "[ 1 2 3" "interactor" get set-editor-string ] unit-test
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ tools.test kernel calendar parser ;
[ ] [ <promise> "promise" set ] unit-test
self "interactor" get (>>thread)
"interactor" get stream-read-quot "promise" get fulfill
] "Interactor test" spawn drop
@ -27,3 +28,14 @@ tools.test kernel calendar parser ;
[ [ [ 1 2 3 ] ] ] [ "promise" get 5 seconds ?promise-timeout ] unit-test
] with-interactive-vocabs
! Hang
[ ] [ <pane> <pane-stream> <interactor> "interactor" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ "interactor" get stream-read-quot drop ] "A" spawn drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ "interactor" get stream-read-quot drop ] "B" spawn drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1000 sleep ] unit-test
[ ] [ "interactor" get interactor-eof ] unit-test

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@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs combinators continuations documents
hashtables io io.styles kernel math
math.vectors models namespaces parser prettyprint quotations
sequences strings threads listener
classes.tuple ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors
ui.gadgets.presentations ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures
definitions boxes calendar concurrency.flags
accessors math.order ;
hashtables io io.styles kernel math math.order math.vectors
models namespaces parser prettyprint quotations sequences
strings threads listener classes.tuple ui.commands ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.presentations ui.gadgets.worlds
ui.gestures definitions calendar concurrency.flags accessors ;
TUPLE: interactor history output flag thread help ;
! If waiting is t, we're waiting for user input, and invoking
! evaluate-input resumes the thread.
TUPLE: interactor output history flag thread waiting help ;
: register-self ( interactor -- )
self >>thread drop ;
: interactor-continuation ( interactor -- continuation )
interactor-thread box-value
thread-continuation box-value ;
thread>> continuation>> value>> ;
: interactor-busy? ( interactor -- ? )
interactor-thread box-full? not ;
#! We're busy if there's no thread to resume.
[ waiting>> ]
[ thread>> dup [ thread-registered? ] when ]
bi and not ;
: interactor-use ( interactor -- seq )
dup interactor-busy? [ drop f ] [
use swap
interactor-continuation continuation-name
interactor-continuation name>>
] if ;
: init-caret-help ( interactor -- )
dup editor-caret 1/3 seconds <delay>
swap set-interactor-help ;
: init-interactor-history ( interactor -- )
V{ } clone swap set-interactor-history ;
: init-interactor-state ( interactor -- )
<flag> over set-interactor-flag
<box> swap set-interactor-thread ;
: <help-model> ( interactor -- model )
editor-caret 1/3 seconds <delay> ;
: <interactor> ( output -- gadget )
interactor construct-editor
tuck set-interactor-output
dup init-interactor-history
dup init-interactor-state
dup init-caret-help ;
V{ } clone >>history
<flag> >>flag
dup <help-model> >>help
swap >>output ;
M: interactor graft*
dup delegate graft*
dup interactor-help add-connection ;
[ delegate graft* ] [ dup help>> add-connection ] bi ;
M: interactor ungraft*
[ dup help>> remove-connection ] [ delegate ungraft ] bi ;
: word-at-loc ( loc interactor -- word )
over [
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ M: interactor graft*
] if ;
M: interactor model-changed
2dup interactor-help eq? [
2dup help>> eq? [
swap model-value over word-at-loc swap show-summary
] [
delegate model-changed
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ M: interactor model-changed
[ H{ { font-style bold } } format ] with-nesting ;
: interactor-input. ( string interactor -- )
interactor-output [
output>> [
dup string? [ dup write-input nl ] [ short. ] if
] with-output-stream* ;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ M: interactor model-changed
over empty? [ 2drop ] [ interactor-history push-new ] if ;
: interactor-continue ( obj interactor -- )
interactor-thread box> resume-with ;
thread>> resume-with ;
: clear-input ( interactor -- ) gadget-model clear-doc ;
@ -99,10 +99,12 @@ M: interactor model-changed
] unless drop ;
: interactor-yield ( interactor -- obj )
[ interactor-thread >box ] keep
interactor-flag raise-flag
] curry "input" suspend ;
dup thread>> self eq? [
t >>waiting
[ [ flag>> raise-flag ] curry "input" suspend ] keep
f >>waiting
] [ drop f ] if ;
M: interactor stream-readln
[ interactor-yield ] keep interactor-finish
@ -161,7 +163,8 @@ M: interactor stream-read-quot
} cond ;
M: interactor pref-dim*
0 over line-height 4 * 2array swap delegate pref-dim* vmax ;
[ line-height 4 * 0 swap 2array ] [ delegate pref-dim* ] bi
vmax ;
interactor "interactor" f {
{ T{ key-down f f "RET" } evaluate-input }

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ USING: continuations documents hashtables kernel namespaces parser sequences
tools.test ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors
ui.gadgets.panes vocabs words tools.test.ui slots.private
threads arrays generic ;
threads arrays generic threads accessors listener ;
[ f ] [ "word" source-editor command-map empty? ] unit-test
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ IN:
[ "dup" ] [
\ dup word-completion-string
] unit-test
[ "equal?" ]
[ \ array \ equal? method word-completion-string ] unit-test
@ -28,9 +28,26 @@ IN:
[ ] [
"i" get [ { "SYMBOL:" } parse-lines ] [ go-to-error ] recover
] unit-test
[ t ] [
"i" get gadget-model doc-end
"i" get editor-caret* =
] unit-test
! Race condition discovered by SimonRC
[ ] [
"listener" get input>>
[ stream-read-quot drop ]
[ stream-read-quot drop ] bi
] "OH, HAI" spawn drop
] unit-test
[ ] [ "listener" get clear-output ] unit-test
[ ] [ "listener" get restart-listener ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1000 sleep ] unit-test
[ ] [ "listener" get com-end ] unit-test
] with-grafted-gadget

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ TUPLE: listener-gadget input output stack ;
[ input>> ] [ output>> <pane-stream> ] bi ;
: <listener-input> ( listener -- gadget )
listener-gadget-output <pane-stream> <interactor> ;
output>> <pane-stream> <interactor> ;
: listener-input, ( -- )
g <listener-input> g-> set-listener-gadget-input
@ -32,31 +32,29 @@ TUPLE: listener-gadget input output stack ;
"cookbook" ($link) "." print nl ;
M: listener-gadget focusable-child*
listener-gadget-input ;
input>> ;
M: listener-gadget call-tool* ( input listener -- )
>r input-string r> listener-gadget-input set-editor-string ;
>r string>> r> input>> set-editor-string ;
M: listener-gadget tool-scroller
listener-gadget-output find-scroller ;
output>> find-scroller ;
: wait-for-listener ( listener -- )
#! Wait for the listener to start.
listener-gadget-input interactor-flag wait-for-flag ;
input>> flag>> wait-for-flag ;
: workspace-busy? ( workspace -- ? )
workspace-listener listener-gadget-input interactor-busy? ;
listener>> input>> interactor-busy? ;
: listener-input ( string -- )
listener-gadget-input set-editor-string ;
get-workspace listener>> input>> set-editor-string ;
: (call-listener) ( quot listener -- )
listener-gadget-input interactor-call ;
input>> interactor-call ;
: call-listener ( quot -- )
[ workspace-busy? not ] get-workspace* workspace-listener
[ workspace-busy? not ] get-workspace* listener>>
[ dup wait-for-listener (call-listener) ] 2curry
"Listener call" spawn drop ;
@ -68,8 +66,7 @@ M: listener-operation invoke-command ( target command -- )
: eval-listener ( string -- )
listener-gadget-input [ set-editor-string ] keep
listener>> input>> [ set-editor-string ] keep
evaluate-input ;
: listener-run-files ( seq -- )
@ -80,10 +77,10 @@ M: listener-operation invoke-command ( target command -- )
] if ;
: com-end ( listener -- )
listener-gadget-input interactor-eof ;
input>> interactor-eof ;
: clear-output ( listener -- )
listener-gadget-output pane-clear ;
output>> pane-clear ;
\ clear-output H{ { +listener+ t } } define-command
@ -147,23 +144,26 @@ M: stack-display tool-scroller
: listener-thread ( listener -- )
dup listener-streams [
[ [ ui-listener-hook ] curry listener-hook set ]
[ [ ui-error-hook ] curry error-hook set ]
[ [ ui-inspector-hook ] curry inspector-hook set ] tri
] with-input-stream*
] with-output-stream* ;
[ [ ui-listener-hook ] curry listener-hook set ]
[ [ ui-error-hook ] curry error-hook set ]
[ [ ui-inspector-hook ] curry inspector-hook set ] tri
] with-streams* ;
: start-listener-thread ( listener -- )
[ listener-thread ] curry "Listener" spawn drop ;
[ input>> register-self ] [ listener-thread ] bi
] curry "Listener" spawn drop ;
: restart-listener ( listener -- )
#! Returns when listener is ready to receive input.
dup com-end dup clear-output
dup start-listener-thread
wait-for-listener ;
[ com-end ]
[ clear-output ]
[ start-listener-thread ]
[ wait-for-listener ]
} cleave ;
: init-listener ( listener -- )
f <model> swap set-listener-gadget-stack ;
@ -189,10 +189,7 @@ M: listener-gadget handle-gesture* ( gadget gesture delegate -- ? )
[ default-gesture-handler ] [ 3drop f ] if ;
M: listener-gadget graft*
dup delegate graft*
dup listener-gadget-input interactor-thread ?box 2drop
restart-listener ;
[ delegate graft* ] [ restart-listener ] bi ;
M: listener-gadget ungraft*
dup com-end
delegate ungraft* ;
[ com-end ] [ delegate ungraft* ] bi ;