ui.gadgets: ensure that layout-later yields if the queue gets to large
This improves memory utilization a lot for #1488. Otherwise the queue grows to two million entries before being processed.db4
@ -149,6 +149,10 @@ HELP: parents
{ $values { "gadget" gadget } { "seq" "a sequence of gadgets" } }
{ $description "Outputs a sequence of all parents of the gadget, with the first element being the gadget itself." } ;
HELP: child?
{ $values { "parent" gadget } { "child" gadget } { "?" boolean } }
{ $description "Tests if " { $snippet "child" } " is contained inside " { $snippet "parent" } "." } ;
HELP: each-parent
{ $values { "gadget" gadget } { "quot" { $quotation ( gadget -- ? ) } } { "?" boolean } }
{ $description "Applies the quotation to every parent of the gadget, starting from the gadget itself, stopping if the quotation yields " { $link f } ". Outputs " { $link t } " if the iteration completed, and outputs " { $link f } " if it was stopped prematurely." } ;
@ -157,14 +161,6 @@ HELP: find-parent
{ $values { "gadget" gadget } { "quot" { $quotation ( gadget -- ? ) } } { "parent" gadget } }
{ $description "Outputs the first parent of the gadget, starting from the gadget itself, for which the quotation outputs a true value, or " { $link f } " if the quotation outputs " { $link f } " for every parent." } ;
HELP: screen-loc
{ $values { "gadget" gadget } { "loc" "a pair of integers" } }
{ $description "Outputs the location of the gadget relative to the top-left corner of the world containing the gadget. This word does not output a useful value if the gadget is not grafted." } ;
HELP: child?
{ $values { "parent" gadget } { "child" gadget } { "?" boolean } }
{ $description "Tests if " { $snippet "child" } " is contained inside " { $snippet "parent" } "." } ;
HELP: focusable-child*
{ $values { "gadget" gadget } { "child/t" "a " { $link gadget } " or " { $link t } } }
{ $description "Outputs the child of the gadget which would prefer to receive keyboard focus, or " { $link t } " if the gadget itself should receive focus." }
@ -176,6 +172,14 @@ HELP: focusable-child
{ control-value set-control-value } related-words
HELP: layout-later
{ $values { "gadget" gadget } }
{ $description "Adds the gadget to the " { $link layout-queue } " and notifies the UI thread that there is a gadget to layout. If the length of the queue is larger than " { $link layout-queue-limit } ", then the current thread is yielded so that the UI thread has a chance to run." } ;
HELP: screen-loc
{ $values { "gadget" gadget } { "loc" "a pair of integers" } }
{ $description "Outputs the location of the gadget relative to the top-left corner of the world containing the gadget. This word does not output a useful value if the gadget is not grafted." } ;
HELP: set-control-value
{ $values { "value" object } { "control" gadget } }
{ $description "Sets the value of the control's model." } ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: accessors ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.packs ui.gadgets.worlds
tools.test namespaces models kernel dlists deques math
math.parser ui sequences hashtables assocs io arrays prettyprint
io.streams.string math.rectangles ui.gadgets.private sets generic ;
USING: accessors arrays assocs concurrency.flags deques dlists io
io.streams.string kernel math math.parser math.rectangles models
namespaces prettyprint sequences sets threads tools.test ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.private ;
IN: ui.gadgets.tests
{ { 300 300 } }
@ -151,3 +151,18 @@ M: mock-gadget ungraft*
{ { f f } { f t } { t f } { t t } } [ notify-combo ] assoc-each
] with-string-writer print
: fake-ui-loop ( -- )
ui-notify-flag get-global lower-flag ;
ui-running? [
{ f } [
! Initially lowered
<dlist> \ layout-queue set-global
<flag> ui-notify-flag set-global
[ fake-ui-loop ] "Fake UI" spawn drop
8001 iota [ layout-later ] each
ui-notify-flag get-global value>>
] unit-test
] unless
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays hashtables kernel math namespaces
make sequences quotations math.vectors combinators sorting
binary-search vectors dlists deques models threads
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry locals ;
USING: accessors arrays binary-search combinators concurrency.flags
deques dlists fry kernel locals make math math.order math.rectangles
math.vectors models namespaces sequences threads vectors ;
IN: ui.gadgets
! Values for orientation slot
@ -137,13 +136,17 @@ SYMBOL: ui-notify-flag
: forget-pref-dim ( gadget -- ) f >>pref-dim drop ;
: layout-queue ( -- queue ) \ layout-queue get ;
: layout-queue ( -- queue )
\ layout-queue get ;
CONSTANT: layout-queue-limit 8000
: layout-later ( gadget -- )
! When unit testing gadgets without the UI running, the
! invalid queue is not initialized and we simply ignore
! invalidation requests.
layout-queue [ push-front notify-ui-thread ] [ drop ] if* ;
layout-queue [
[ push-back notify-ui-thread ] [ drop ] if*
] [
dlist-length layout-queue-limit > [ yield ] when
] bi ;
: invalidate* ( gadget -- )
\ invalidate* >>layout-state
Reference in New Issue