travis.yml: Skip benchmarks on travis-ci.

Doug Coleman 2017-12-17 17:10:07 -06:00
parent 4f15a3a2d4
commit 1aaa6b316c
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ script: >
( echo "=== Factor Configure Postgresql ===" ; ./factor -e='USING: db.postgresql namespaces memory ; T{ postgresql-db f "localhost" f f f f "postgres" "" } \ postgresql-db set-global save' ; ret=$? ; echo "=== $ret ==="; [ $ret == 0 ] ) &&
( echo "=== Factor Configure Imap ===" ; ./factor -e='USING: imap namespaces memory environment accessors ; T{ imap-settings { host "" } } "FACTOR_IMAP_USER" os-env >>email "FACTOR_IMAP_PASSWORD" os-env >>password \ imap-settings set-global save' ; ret=$? ; echo "=== $ret ==="; [ $ret == 0 ] ) &&
( echo "=== Mkdir ===" ; mkdir -p mason/builds ; ret=$? ; echo "=== $ret ==="; [ $ret == 0 ] ) &&
( echo "=== Factor tests ===" ; cd mason/builds && ../../factor -e='USING: namespaces tools.test mason.test ; f long-unit-tests-enabled? set-global do-all' < /dev/null | awk 'NR<1000 || /^Loading resource|Unit Test/' ; ret=${PIPESTATUS[0]} ; echo "=== $ret ==="; [ $ret == 0 ]) &&
( echo "=== Factor tests ===" ; cd mason/builds && ../../factor -e='USING: namespaces tools.test mason.test ; f long-unit-tests-enabled? set-global t skip-mason-benchmarks set-global do-all' < /dev/null | awk 'NR<1000 || /^Loading resource|Unit Test/' ; ret=${PIPESTATUS[0]} ; echo "=== $ret ==="; [ $ret == 0 ]) &&
( echo "=== Factor report === " ; cd mason && ../factor -e='USING: mason.config namespaces ; "." builds-dir [ successful-report ] with-variable' ; ret=$? ; echo "=== $ret ==="; [ $ret == 0 ]) &&
( echo "=== Dump report === " ;[[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" != "osx" ]] && links -dump mason/report || cat mason/report ; ret=$? ; echo "=== $ret ==="; [ $ret == 0 ]) &&
[ ! -s mason/test-all-errors ]