random: adding von-mises distribution.

John Benediktsson 2012-03-30 19:43:51 -07:00
parent 2682e7ec7f
commit 1b4d9ba83e
1 changed files with 25 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -190,6 +190,31 @@ ERROR: too-many-samples seq n ;
[ 1. gamma-random-float ] dip over zero?
[ 2drop 0 ] [ 1. gamma-random-float dupd + / ] if ;
:: von-mises-random-float ( mu kappa -- n )
! Based upon an algorithm published in: Fisher, N.I.,
! "Statistical Analysis of Circular Data", Cambridge
! University Press, 1993.
kappa 1e-6 <= [
2pi random-unit *
] [
4. kappa sq * 1. + sqrt 1. + :> a
a 2. a * sqrt - 2. kappa * / :> b
b sq 1. + 2. b * / :> r
0 :> c! 0 :> _f! ! initialize locals
random-unit {
[ 2. c - c * < ] [ 1. c - exp c * <= ]
} 1|| not
] [
random-unit pi * cos :> z
r z * 1. + r z + / _f!
r _f - kappa * c!
] do while
mu 2pi mod _f cos random-unit 0.5 > [ + ] [ - ] if
] if ;
{ [ os windows? ] [ "random.windows" require ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "random.unix" require ] }