diff --git a/extra/tools/memory/memory.factor b/extra/tools/memory/memory.factor
index b8fdcab280..9628b218e9 100644
--- a/extra/tools/memory/memory.factor
+++ b/extra/tools/memory/memory.factor
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ IN: tools.memory
         [ first2 ] [ number>string "Generation " prepend ] bi*
     ] 2each
+    "Decks" write-total
     "Cards" write-total ;
 : write-labelled-size ( n string -- )
diff --git a/extra/tools/time/time-docs.factor b/extra/tools/time/time-docs.factor
index 46d356bef5..c0afa920c4 100644
--- a/extra/tools/time/time-docs.factor
+++ b/extra/tools/time/time-docs.factor
@@ -20,14 +20,6 @@ HELP: benchmark
 HELP: time
 { $values { "quot" "a quotation" } }
-{ $description "Runs a quotation and then prints the total run time and time spent in the garbage collector." }
-{ $examples
-    "This word can be used to compare performance of the non-optimizing and optimizing compilers."
-    $nl
-    "First, we time a quotation directly; quotations are compiled by the non-optimizing quotation compiler:"
-    { $unchecked-example "[ 1000000 0 [ + ] reduce drop ] time" "1116 ms run / 6 ms GC time" }
-    "Now we define a word and compile it with the optimizing word compiler. This results is faster execution:"
-    { $unchecked-example ": foo 1000000 0 [ + ] reduce ;" "\\ foo compile" "[ foo drop ] time" "202 ms run / 13 ms GC time" }
-} ;
+{ $description "Runs a quotation and then prints the total run time and some garbage collection statistics." } ;
-{ gc-time benchmark millis time } related-words
+{ benchmark millis time } related-words
diff --git a/extra/tools/time/time.factor b/extra/tools/time/time.factor
index 3ddea1b74d..bca5e3c573 100644
--- a/extra/tools/time/time.factor
+++ b/extra/tools/time/time.factor
@@ -9,15 +9,19 @@ IN: tools.time
 : stats. ( data -- )
-        "Run time"
-        "GC time"
-        "Nursery collections"
-        "Aging collections"
-        "Tenured collections"
-        "Cards checked"
-        "Cards scanned"
-        "Code literal collections"
-    } swap zip [ nip 0 > ] assoc-filter
+        "Run time (ms):"
+        "Nursery GC time (ms):"
+        "Nursery GC #:"
+        "Aging GC time (ms):"
+        "Aging GC #:"
+        "Tenured GC time (ms):"
+        "Tenured GC #:"
+        "Cards scanned:"
+        "Decks scanned:"
+        "Code literal GC #:"
+        "Bytes copied:"
+        "Bytes collected:"
+    } swap zip
     standard-table-style [