Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ $nl
{ $subsections
"The " { $vocab-link "libc" } " vocabulary defines several words which directly call C standard library memory management functions:"
{ $subsections
@ -56,9 +56,6 @@ M: word <c-direct-array>
: malloc-string ( string encoding -- alien )
string>alien malloc-byte-array ;
: malloc-file-contents ( path -- alien len )
binary file-contents [ malloc-byte-array ] [ length ] bi ;
M: memory-stream stream-read
[ index>> ] [ alien>> ] bi <displaced-alien>
@ -81,3 +78,4 @@ M: value-type c-type-setter ( type -- quot )
[ c-type-getter ] [ c-type-unboxer-quot ] [ heap-size ] tri
'[ @ swap @ _ memcpy ] ;
@ -303,6 +303,12 @@ HELP: ntuck
{ $description "A generalization of " { $link tuck } " that can work for any stack depth. The top item will be copied and placed " { $snippet "n" } " items down on the stack." } ;
HELP: nspin
{ $values
{ "n" integer }
{ $description "A generalization of " { $link spin } " that can work for any stack depth. The top " { $snippet "n" } " items will be reversed in order." } ;
ARTICLE: "sequence-generalizations" "Generalized sequence operations"
{ $subsections
@ -321,6 +327,7 @@ ARTICLE: "shuffle-generalizations" "Generalized shuffle words"
} ;
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ IN: generalizations.tests
{ 0 } [ 0 1 2 3 4 4 ndrop ] unit-test
[ [ 1 ] 5 ndip ] must-infer
[ 1 2 3 4 ] [ 2 3 4 [ 1 ] 3 ndip ] unit-test
[ 5 nspin ] must-infer
[ 1 5 4 3 2 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 4 nspin ] unit-test
[ 1 2 3 4 5 [ drop drop drop drop drop 2 ] 5 nkeep ] must-infer
{ 2 1 2 3 4 5 } [ 1 2 3 4 5 [ drop drop drop drop drop 2 ] 5 nkeep ] unit-test
@ -104,3 +104,6 @@ MACRO: nbi-curry ( n -- )
[ narray concat ] dip like ; inline
: nappend ( n -- seq ) narray concat ; inline
MACRO: nspin ( n -- )
[ [ ] ] swap [ swap [ ] curry compose ] n*quot [ call ] 3append ;
@ -39,32 +39,45 @@ ERROR: bad-vconvert-input value expected-type ;
} cond
[ from-type check-vconvert-type ] prepose ;
:: [vpack] ( from-element to-element from-size to-size from-type to-type -- quot )
from-size to-size /i log2 :> steps
:: check-vpack ( from-element to-element from-type to-type steps -- )
[ steps 1 = not ]
[ from-element to-element [ float-type? ] bi@ xor ]
[ from-element unsigned-type? to-element unsigned-type? not and ]
} 0|| [ from-type to-type bad-vconvert ] when
} 0|| [ from-type to-type bad-vconvert ] when ;
to-element unsigned-type? [ to-type (vpack-unsigned) ] [ to-type (vpack-signed) ] ?
[ [ from-type check-vconvert-type ] bi@ ] prepose ;
:: [[vpack-unsigned]] ( from-type to-type -- quot )
[ [ from-type check-vconvert-type ] bi@ to-type (vpack-unsigned) ] ;
:: [vunpack] ( from-element to-element from-size to-size from-type to-type -- quot )
to-size from-size /i log2 :> steps
:: [[vpack-signed]] ( from-type to-type -- quot )
[ [ from-type check-vconvert-type ] bi@ to-type (vpack-signed) ] ;
:: [vpack] ( from-element to-element from-size to-size from-type to-type -- quot )
from-size to-size /i log2 :> steps
from-element to-element from-type to-type steps check-vpack
from-type to-type to-element unsigned-type?
[ [[vpack-unsigned]] ] [ [[vpack-signed]] ] if ;
:: check-vunpack ( from-element to-element from-type to-type steps -- )
[ steps 1 = not ]
[ from-element to-element [ float-type? ] bi@ xor ]
[ from-element unsigned-type? not to-element unsigned-type? and ]
} 0|| [ from-type to-type bad-vconvert ] when
} 0|| [ from-type to-type bad-vconvert ] when ;
:: [[vunpack]] ( from-type to-type -- quot )
from-type check-vconvert-type
[ to-type (vunpack-head) ] [ to-type (vunpack-tail) ] bi
] ;
:: [vunpack] ( from-element to-element from-size to-size from-type to-type -- quot )
to-size from-size /i log2 :> steps
from-element to-element from-type to-type steps check-vunpack
from-type to-type [[vunpack]] ;
MACRO:: vconvert ( from-type to-type -- )
Reference in New Issue