Minor documentation fixes

Slava Pestov 2008-11-11 10:51:15 -06:00
parent f04b32ea02
commit 1d630b6cf2
10 changed files with 97 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax ui.commands ui.operations
ui.tools.search ui.tools.workspace editors vocabs.loader
kernel sequences prettyprint tools.test tools.vocabs strings
unicode.categories unicode.case ;
unicode.categories unicode.case ui.tools.browser ;
IN: help.tutorial
ARTICLE: "first-program-start" "Creating a vocabulary for your first program"
"Factor source code is organized into " { $link "vocabularies" } ". Before we can write our first program, we must create a vocabulary for it."
"Start by asking Factor for the path to your ``work'' directory, where you will place your own code:"
"Start by loading the scaffold tool:"
{ $code "USE: tools.scaffold" }
"Then, ask the scaffold tool to create a new vocabulary named " { $snippet "palindrome" } ":"
{ $code "\"resource:work\" \"palindrome\" scaffold-vocab" }
"If you look at the output, you will see that a few files were created in your ``work'' directory. The following phrase will print the full path of your work directory:"
{ $code "\"work\" resource-path ." }
"Open the work directory in your file manager, and create a subdirectory named " { $snippet "palindrome" } ". Inside this directory, create a file named " { $snippet "palindrome.factor" } " using your favorite text editor. Leave the file empty for now."
"Open the work directory in your file manager, and open the subdirectory named " { $snippet "palindrome" } ". Inside this subdirectory you will see a file named " { $snippet "palindrome.factor" } ". We will be editing this file."
"Inside the Factor listener, type"
{ $code "USE: palindrome" }
"The source file should now load. Since it is empty, it does nothing. If you get an error message, make sure you created the directory and the file in the right place and gave them the right names."
"Now, we will start filling out this source file. Go back to your editor, and type:"
{ $code
"! Copyright (C) 2008 <your name here>"
"! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license."
"This is the standard header for Factor source files; it consists of two " { $link "syntax-comments" } "."
"Now, we tell Factor that all definitions in this source file should go into the " { $snippet "palindrome" } " vocabulary using the " { $link POSTPONE: IN: } " word:"
"Notice that the file ends with an " { $link POSTPONE: IN: } " form telling Factor that all definitions in this source file should go into the " { $snippet "palindrome" } " vocabulary using the " { $link POSTPONE: IN: } " word:"
{ $code "IN: palindrome" }
"We will add new definitions after the " { $link POSTPONE: IN: } " form."
"You are now ready to go on to the next section: " { $link "first-program-logic" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "first-program-logic" "Writing some logic in your first program"
@ -43,20 +38,16 @@ $nl
"When you do this, you will get an error about the " { $link dup } " word not being found. This is because this word is part of the " { $vocab-link "kernel" } " vocabulary, but this vocabulary is not part of the source file's " { $link "vocabulary-search" } ". You must explicitly list dependencies in source files. This allows Factor to automatically load required vocabularies and makes larger programs easier to maintain."
"To add the word to the search path, first convince yourself that this word is in the " { $vocab-link "kernel" } " vocabulary by entering the following in the listener:"
{ $code "\\ dup see" }
"This shows the definition of " { $link dup } ", along with an " { $link POSTPONE: IN: } " form."
"To add the word to the search path, first convince yourself that this word is in the " { $vocab-link "kernel" } " vocabulary. Enter " { $snippet "dup" } " in the listener's input area, and press " { $operation com-follow } ". This will open the documentation browser tool, viewing the help for the " { $link dup } " word. One of the subheadings in the help article will mention the word's vocabulary."
"Now, add the following at the start of the source file:"
"So now, add the following at the start of the source file:"
{ $code "USING: kernel ;" }
"Next, find out what vocabulary " { $link reverse } " lives in:"
{ $code "\\ reverse see" }
"Next, find out what vocabulary " { $link reverse } " lives in; type the word name " { $snippet "reverse" } " in the workspace listener's input area, and press " { $operation com-follow } "."
"It lives in the " { $vocab-link "sequences" } " vocabulary, so we add that to the search path:"
{ $code "USING: kernel sequences ;" }
"Finally, check what vocabulary " { $link = } " lives in:"
{ $code "\\ = see" }
"It's in the " { $vocab-link "kernel" } " vocabulary, which we've already added to the search path."
"Finally, check what vocabulary " { $link = } " lives in, and confirm that it's in the " { $vocab-link "kernel" } " vocabulary, which we've already added to the search path."
"Now press " { $command workspace "workflow" refresh-all } " again, and the source file should reload without any errors. You can now go on and learn about " { $link "first-program-test" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "first-program-test" "Testing your first program"
@ -81,9 +72,9 @@ $nl
{ $code "." }
"What we just did is called " { $emphasis "interactive testing" } ". A more advanced technique which comes into play with larger programs is " { $link "tools.test" } "."
"Create a file named " { $snippet "palindrome-tests.factor" } " in the same directory as " { $snippet "palindrome.factor" } ". Now, we can run unit tests from the listener:"
{ $code "\"palindrome\" test" }
"We will add some unit tests corresponding to the interactive tests we did above. Unit tests are defined with the " { $link unit-test } " word, which takes a sequence of expected outputs, and a piece of code. It runs the code, and asserts that it outputs the expected values."
"Open the file named " { $snippet "palindrome-tests.factor" } "; it is located in the same directory as " { $snippet "palindrome.factor" } ", and it was created by the scaffold tool."
"We will add some unit tests, which are similar to the interactive tests we did above. Unit tests are defined with the " { $link unit-test } " word, which takes a sequence of expected outputs, and a piece of code. It runs the code, and asserts that it outputs the expected values."
"Add the following three lines to " { $snippet "palindrome-tests.factor" } ":"
{ $code
@ -145,7 +136,7 @@ $nl
ARTICLE: "first-program" "Your first program"
"In this tutorial, we will write a simple Factor program which prompts the user to enter a word, and tests if it is a palindrome (that is, the word is spelled the same backwards and forwards)."
"In this tutorial, you will learn about basic Factor development tools, as well as application deployment."
"In this tutorial, you will learn about basic Factor development tools. You may want to open a second workspace window by pressing " { $command workspace "workflow" workspace-window } "; this will allow you to read this tutorial and browse other documentation at the same time."
{ $subsection "first-program-start" }
{ $subsection "first-program-logic" }
{ $subsection "first-program-test" }

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ USING: help.markup help.syntax byte-arrays strings ;
IN: io.encodings.string
ARTICLE: "io.encodings.string" "Encoding and decoding strings"
"Strings can be encoded or decoded to and from byte arrays through an encoding with the following words:"
"Strings can be encoded or decoded to and from byte arrays through an encoding by passing "
{ $link "encodings-descriptors" } " to the following words:"
{ $subsection encode }
{ $subsection decode } ;

View File

@ -45,15 +45,20 @@ ARTICLE: "server-config-handler" "Client handler quotation"
"The two methods are equivalent, representing a functional versus an object-oriented approach to the problem." ;
ARTICLE: "server-examples" "Threaded server examples"
"The " { $vocab-link "time-server" } " vocabulary implements a simple threaded server which sends the current time to the client. The " { $vocab-link "concurrency.distributed" } ", " { $vocab-link "ftp.server" } ", and " { $vocab-link "http.server" } " vocabularies demonstrate more complex usage of the threaded server library." ;
ARTICLE: "io.servers.connection" "Threaded servers"
"The " { $vocab-link "io.servers.connection" } " vocabulary implements a generic server abstraction for " { $link "network-connection" } ". A set of threads listen for connections, and additional threads are spawned for each client connection. In addition to this basic functionality, it provides some advanced features such as logging, connection limits and secure socket support."
{ $subsection threaded-server }
{ $subsection "server-config" }
{ $subsection "server-examples" }
"Creating threaded servers with client handler quotations:"
{ $subsection <threaded-server> }
"Client handlers can also be implemented by subclassing a threaded server; see " { $link "server-config-handler" } " for details:"
{ $subsection threaded-server }
{ $subsection new-threaded-server }
{ $subsection handle-client* }
"The server must be configured before it can be started."
{ $subsection "server-config" }
"Starting the server:"
{ $subsection start-server }
{ $subsection start-server* }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: help.syntax help.markup kernel macros prettyprint
memoize ;
memoize combinators arrays ;
IN: locals
HELP: [|
@ -84,6 +84,39 @@ HELP: MEMO::
{ POSTPONE: MEMO: POSTPONE: MEMO:: } related-words
ARTICLE: "locals-literals" "Locals in array and hashtable literals"
"Certain data type literals are permitted to contain free variables. Any such literals are written into code which constructs an instance of the type with the free variable values spliced in. Conceptually, this is similar to the transformation applied to quotations containing free variables."
"The data types which receive this special handling are the following:"
{ $list
{ $link "arrays" }
{ $link "hashtables" }
{ $link "vectors" }
{ $link "tuples" }
"This feature changes the semantics of literal object identity. An ordinary word containing a literal pushes the same literal on the stack every time it is invoked:"
{ $example
"IN: scratchpad"
"TUPLE: person first-name last-name ;"
": ordinary-word-test ( -- tuple )"
" T{ person { first-name \"Alan\" } { last-name \"Kay\" } } ;"
"ordinary-word-test ordinary-word-test eq? ."
"In a word with locals, literals expand into code which constructs the literal, and so every invocation pushes a new object:"
{ $example
"IN: scratchpad"
"TUPLE: person first-name last-name ;"
":: ordinary-word-test ( -- tuple )"
" T{ person { first-name \"Alan\" } { last-name \"Kay\" } } ;"
"ordinary-word-test ordinary-word-test eq? ."
"One exception to the above rule is that array instances containing no free variables do retain identity. This allows macros such as " { $link cond } " to recognize that the array is constant and expand at compile-time."
"For example, here is an implementation of the " { $link 3array } " word which uses this feature:"
{ $code ":: 3array ( x y z -- array ) { x y z } ;" } ;
ARTICLE: "locals-mutable" "Mutable locals"
"In the list of bindings supplied to " { $link POSTPONE: :: } ", " { $link POSTPONE: [let } ", " { $link POSTPONE: [let* } " or " { $link POSTPONE: [| } ", a mutable binding may be introduced by suffixing its named with " { $snippet "!" } ". Mutable bindings are read by giving their name as usual; the suffix is not part of the binding's name. To write to a mutable binding, use the binding's name with the " { $snippet "!" } " suffix."
@ -139,6 +172,7 @@ $nl
"Lambda abstractions:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: [| }
"Additional topics:"
{ $subsection "locals-literals" }
{ $subsection "locals-mutable" }
{ $subsection "locals-limitations" }
"Locals complement dynamically scoped variables implemented in the " { $vocab-link "namespaces" } " vocabulary." ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: prettyprint.backend prettyprint.config
prettyprint.sections prettyprint.private help.markup help.syntax
io kernel words definitions quotations strings ;
io kernel words definitions quotations strings generic classes ;
IN: prettyprint
ARTICLE: "prettyprint-numbers" "Prettyprinting numbers"
@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ $nl
{ $subsection pprint-cell }
"Printing a definition (see " { $link "definitions" } "):"
{ $subsection see }
"Printing the methods defined on a generic word or class (see " { $link "objects" } "):"
{ $subsection see-methods }
"More prettyprinter usage:"
{ $subsection "prettyprint-numbers" }
{ $subsection "prettyprint-stacks" }
@ -167,17 +169,26 @@ HELP: with-pprint
HELP: pprint
{ $values { "obj" object } }
{ $description "Prettyprints an object to " { $link output-stream } ". Output is influenced by many variables; see " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } "." } ;
{ $description "Prettyprints an object to " { $link output-stream } ". Output is influenced by many variables; see " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } "." }
{ $warning
"Unparsing a large object can take a long time and consume a lot of memory. If you need to print large objects, use " { $link pprint-short } " or set some " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } " to limit output size."
} ;
{ pprint pprint* with-pprint } related-words
{ $values { "obj" object } }
{ $description "Prettyprints an object to " { $link output-stream } " with a trailing line break. Output is influenced by many variables; see " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } "." } ;
{ $description "Prettyprints an object to " { $link output-stream } " with a trailing line break. Output is influenced by many variables; see " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } "." }
{ $warning
"Printing a large object can take a long time and consume a lot of memory. If you need to print large objects, use " { $link short. } " or set some " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } " to limit output size."
} ;
HELP: unparse
{ $values { "obj" object } { "str" "Factor source string" } }
{ $description "Outputs a prettyprinted string representation of an object. Output is influenced by many variables; see " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } "." } ;
{ $description "Outputs a prettyprinted string representation of an object. Output is influenced by many variables; see " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } "." }
{ $warning
"Unparsing a large object can take a long time and consume a lot of memory. If you need to unparse large objects, use " { $link unparse-short } " or set some " { $link "prettyprint-variables" } " to limit output size."
} ;
HELP: pprint-short
{ $values { "obj" object } }
@ -240,6 +251,10 @@ HELP: see
{ $values { "defspec" "a definition specifier" } }
{ $contract "Prettyprints a definition." } ;
HELP: see-methods
{ $values { "word" "a " { $link generic } " or a " { $link class } } }
{ $contract "Prettyprints the methods defined on a generic word or class." } ;
HELP: definer
{ $values { "defspec" "a definition specifier" } { "start" word } { "end" "a word or " { $link f } } }
{ $contract "Outputs the parsing words which delimit the definition." }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax words definitions ;
USING: help.markup help.syntax words definitions prettyprint ;
IN: tools.crossref
ARTICLE: "tools.crossref" "Cross-referencing tools"
{ $subsection usage. }
{ $subsection apropos }
{ $see-also "definitions" "words" } ;
{ $see-also "definitions" "words" see see-methods } ;
ABOUT: "tools.crossref"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax words classes classes.algebra
definitions kernel alien sequences math quotations
generic.standard generic.math combinators ;
generic.standard generic.math combinators prettyprint ;
IN: generic
ARTICLE: "method-order" "Method precedence"
@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ $nl
"Low-level method constructor:"
{ $subsection <method> }
"A " { $emphasis "method specifier" } " refers to a method and implements the " { $link "definition-protocol" } ":"
{ $subsection method-spec } ;
{ $subsection method-spec }
{ $see-also see see-methods } ;
ARTICLE: "method-combination" "Custom method combination"
"Abstractly, a generic word can be thought of as a big chain of type conditional tests applied to the top of the stack, with methods as the bodies of each test. The " { $emphasis "method combination" } " is this control flow glue between the set of methods, and several aspects of it can be customized:"

View File

@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ ABOUT: "io.encodings"
ARTICLE: "io.encodings" "I/O encodings"
"Bytes can't be understood in isolation as text. They must be interpreted under a certain encoding. Factor provides utilities for dealing with encoded text by declaring that a stream has a particular encoding, and utilities to encode and decode strings."
{ $subsection "encodings-constructors" }
{ $subsection "encodings-descriptors" }
{ $subsection "encodings-constructors" }
{ $subsection "io.encodings.string" }
"New types of encodings can be defined:"
{ $subsection "encodings-protocol" } ;
ARTICLE: "encodings-constructors" "Manually constructing an encoded stream"

View File

@ -99,7 +99,10 @@ HELP: counter
HELP: with-scope
{ $values { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new namespace. Any variables set by the quotation are discarded when it returns." } ;
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new namespace. Any variables set by the quotation are discarded when it returns." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math namespaces prettyprint ;" "IN: scratchpad" "SYMBOL: x" "0 x set" "[ x [ 5 + ] change x get . ] with-scope x get ." "5\n0" }
} ;
HELP: with-variable
{ $values { "value" object } { "key" "a variable, by convention a symbol" } { "quot" quotation } }

View File

@ -841,7 +841,8 @@ HELP: unclip
HELP: unclip-slice
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "rest-slice" slice } { "first" object } }
{ $description "Outputs a tail sequence and the first element of " { $snippet "seq" } "; the tail sequence consists of all elements of " { $snippet "seq" } " but the first. Unlike " { $link unclip } ", this word does not make a copy of the input sequence, and runs in constant time." } ;
{ $description "Outputs a tail sequence and the first element of " { $snippet "seq" } "; the tail sequence consists of all elements of " { $snippet "seq" } " but the first. Unlike " { $link unclip } ", this word does not make a copy of the input sequence, and runs in constant time." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.order prettyprint sequences ;" "{ 3 -1 -10 5 7 } unclip-slice [ min ] reduce ." "-10" } } ;
HELP: unclip-last
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "butlast" sequence } { "last" object } }