Add draw-scaled-image word, add some pens for rendering pixmaps

Slava Pestov 2009-02-12 01:39:03 -06:00
parent 2e454cb43b
commit 1e26d4256a
3 changed files with 75 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
USING: kernel accessors ui.images ui.render ui.gadgets ;
IN: ui.gadgets.icons
TUPLE: icon < gadget image ;
TUPLE: icon < gadget ;
: <icon> ( image-name -- icon ) icon new swap >>image ;
: <icon> ( image-name -- icon )
icon new swap <image-pen> >>interior ;
M: icon draw-gadget* image>> draw-image ;
M: icon pref-dim* image>> image-dim ;
M: icon pref-dim* dup interior>> pen-pref-dim ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces cache images accessors assocs kernel opengl.texture-cache ui.gadgets.worlds ;
opengl opengl.texture-cache ui.gadgets.worlds ;
IN: ui.images
TUPLE: image-name path ;
@ -41,5 +41,8 @@ PRIVATE>
: draw-image ( image-name -- )
rendered-image display-list>> glCallList ;
: draw-scaled-image ( dim image-name -- )
rendered-image texture>> draw-textured-rect ;
: image-dim ( image-name -- dim )
cached-image dim>> ;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types arrays hashtables io kernel
math namespaces opengl opengl.glu sequences strings
vectors combinators math.vectors ui.gadgets colors colors.constants
math.order math.rectangles locals specialized-arrays.float ;
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types arrays hashtables io io.pathnames
kernel math namespaces opengl opengl.glu sequences strings
vectors combinators math.vectors ui.gadgets ui.images colors fry
colors.constants math.order math.rectangles locals
specialized-arrays.float ;
IN: ui.render
SYMBOL: clip
@ -49,6 +50,10 @@ GENERIC: draw-interior ( gadget interior -- )
GENERIC: draw-boundary ( gadget boundary -- )
GENERIC: pen-pref-dim ( gadget pen -- dim )
M: object pen-pref-dim 2drop { 0 0 } ;
SYMBOL: origin
{ 0 0 } origin set-global
@ -195,13 +200,62 @@ M: polygon draw-interior
[ [ GL_POLYGON 0 ] dip interior-count>> glDrawArrays ]
tri ;
CONSTANT: arrow-up { { 3 0 } { 6 6 } { 0 6 } }
CONSTANT: arrow-right { { 0 0 } { 6 3 } { 0 6 } }
CONSTANT: arrow-down { { 0 0 } { 6 0 } { 3 6 } }
CONSTANT: arrow-left { { 0 3 } { 6 0 } { 6 6 } }
CONSTANT: close-box { { 0 0 } { 6 0 } { 6 6 } { 0 6 } }
: theme-image ( name -- image-name )
"resource:basis/ui/gadgets/theme/" prepend-path ".tiff" append <image-name> ;
: <polygon-gadget> ( color points -- gadget )
dup max-dim
[ <polygon> <gadget> ] dip >>dim
swap >>interior ;
! Image pen
TUPLE: image-pen image fill? ;
: <image-pen> ( image -- pen ) f image-pen boa ;
M: image-pen draw-interior
[ dim>> ] [ [ image>> ] [ fill?>> ] bi ] bi*
[ draw-scaled-image ] [
[ image-dim [ - 2/ ] 2map ] keep
'[ _ draw-image ] with-translation
] if ;
M: image-pen pen-pref-dim nip image>> image-dim ;
! Tile pen
TUPLE: tile-pen left center right ;
: <tile-pen> ( left center right -- pen )
tile-pen boa ;
: >tile-pen< ( pen -- left center right )
[ left>> ] [ center>> ] [ right>> ] tri ; inline
M: tile-pen pen-pref-dim
swap [
>tile-pen< [ image-dim ] tri@
[ vmax vmax ] [ v+ v+ ] 3bi
] dip orientation>> set-axis ;
: compute-tile-xs ( gadget pen -- x1 x2 x3 )
[ 2drop { 0 0 } ]
[ nip left>> image-dim ]
[ [ dim>> ] [ right>> image-dim ] bi* v- ]
2tri ;
: compute-tile-widths ( gadget pen -- w1 w2 w3 )
[ nip left>> image-dim ]
[ [ dim>> ] [ [ left>> ] [ right>> ] bi [ image-dim ] bi@ ] bi* v+ v- ]
[ nip right>> image-dim ]
2tri ;
: render-tile ( tile x width gadget -- )
[ orientation>> '[ _ v* ] dip ] keep
_ _ [ dim>> swap ] [ orientation>> ] bi set-axis
swap draw-scaled-image
] with-translation ;
M: tile-pen draw-interior ( gadget pen -- )
[ nip >tile-pen< ]
[ compute-tile-xs ]
[ compute-tile-widths ]
[ drop ]
} 2cleave
[ render-tile ] curry tri-curry@ tri-curry* tri* ;