factor: commit weekend work.

Doug Coleman 2017-09-11 16:36:35 -05:00
parent f5f7770d30
commit 200b5192ed
23 changed files with 258 additions and 274 deletions

View File

@ -5,33 +5,27 @@ sequences.generalizations ;
IN: combinators.smart.syntax
SYNTAX: \quotation[ parse-quotation '[ _ [ ] output>sequence ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'quotation[ parse-quotation '[ _ fry call [ ] output>sequence ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \array[ parse-quotation '[ _ { } output>sequence ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'array[ parse-quotation '[ _ fry call { } output>sequence ] append! ;
! SYNTAX: \array[ parse-quotation '[ _ { } output>sequence ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \array[ parse-quotation '[ _ { } output>sequence ] call( -- a ) suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \vector[ parse-quotation '[ _ V{ } output>sequence ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'vector[ parse-quotation '[ _ fry call V{ } output>sequence ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \vector[ parse-quotation '[ _ V{ } output>sequence ] call( -- a ) suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \assoc[ parse-quotation '[ _ { } output>assoc ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'assoc[ parse-quotation '[ _ fry call { } output>assoc ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \assoc[ parse-quotation '[ _ { } output>assoc ] call( -- a ) suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \hashtable[ parse-quotation '[ _ H{ } output>assoc ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'hashtable[ parse-quotation '[ _ fry call H{ } output>assoc ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \hashtable[ parse-quotation '[ _ H{ } output>assoc ] call( -- a ) suffix! ;
ERROR: wrong-number-of-outputs quot expected got ;
: check-outputs ( quot n -- quot )
2dup [ outputs dup ] dip = [ 2drop ] [ wrong-number-of-outputs ] if ;
SYNTAX: \1[ parse-quotation 1 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 1 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \2[ parse-quotation 2 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 2 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \3[ parse-quotation 3 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 3 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \4[ parse-quotation 4 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 4 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \5[ parse-quotation 5 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 5 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \n[ parse-quotation 5 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 5 firstn ] append! ;
: 2suffix! ( seq obj1 obj2 -- seq ) [ suffix! ] dip suffix! ; inline
: 3suffix! ( seq obj1 obj2 obj3 -- seq ) [ 2suffix! ] dip suffix! ; inline
: 4suffix! ( seq obj1 obj2 obj3 obj4 -- seq ) [ 3suffix! ] dip suffix! ; inline
: 5suffix! ( seq obj1 obj2 obj3 obj4 obj5 -- seq ) [ 4suffix! ] dip suffix! ; inline
SYNTAX: \'1[ parse-quotation fry '[ _ call 1 check-outputs { } output>sequence 1 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'2[ parse-quotation fry '[ _ call 2 check-outputs { } output>sequence 2 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'3[ parse-quotation fry '[ _ call 3 check-outputs { } output>sequence 3 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'4[ parse-quotation fry '[ _ call 4 check-outputs { } output>sequence 4 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \'5[ parse-quotation fry '[ _ call 5 check-outputs { } output>sequence 5 firstn ] append! ;
SYNTAX: \1[ parse-quotation 1 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 1 firstn ] call( -- a ) suffix! ; foldable
SYNTAX: \2[ parse-quotation 2 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 2 firstn ] call( -- a b ) 2suffix! ; foldable
SYNTAX: \3[ parse-quotation 3 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 3 firstn ] call( -- a b c ) 3suffix! ; foldable
SYNTAX: \4[ parse-quotation 4 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 4 firstn ] call( -- a b c d ) 4suffix! ; foldable
SYNTAX: \5[ parse-quotation 5 check-outputs '[ _ { } output>sequence 5 firstn ] call( -- a b c d e ) 5suffix! ; foldable

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 John Benediktsson
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license
USING: calendar formatting kernel literals math math.functions
sequences strings system tools.test ;
USING: calendar combinators.smart.syntax formatting kernel math
math.functions sequences strings system tools.test ;
IN: formatting.tests
[ "%s" printf ] must-infer
@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ IN: formatting.tests
{ t } [ "PM" testtime "%p" strftime = ] unit-test
! Differences on Windows due to rounding mode (#1792).
${ os windows? "1.3" "1.2" ? } [ 125/100 "%.1f" sprintf ] unit-test
${ os windows? "3" "2" ? } [ 5/2 "%.0f" sprintf ] unit-test
array[ os windows? "1.3" "1.2" ? ] [ 125/100 "%.1f" sprintf ] unit-test
array[ os windows? "3" "2" ? ] [ 5/2 "%.0f" sprintf ] unit-test
! Differences on Windows due to setprecision(0)
${ os windows? "2.500000e+00" "2e+00" ? } [ 5/2 "%.0e" sprintf ] unit-test
${ os windows? "3.500000e+00" "4e+00" ? } [ 7/2 "%.0e" sprintf ] unit-test
${ os windows? "1.000000e+00" "1e+00" ? } [ 1.0 "%.0e" sprintf ] unit-test
array[ os windows? "2.500000e+00" "2e+00" ? ] [ 5/2 "%.0e" sprintf ] unit-test
array[ os windows? "3.500000e+00" "4e+00" ? ] [ 7/2 "%.0e" sprintf ] unit-test
array[ os windows? "1.000000e+00" "1e+00" ? ] [ 1.0 "%.0e" sprintf ] unit-test

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ some-header: 1; 2
${ read-request-test-1' } [
array[ read-request-test-1' ] [
read-request-test-1 lf>crlf
[ read-request ] with-string-reader
[ write-request ] with-string-writer
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
${ read-response-test-1' } [
array[ read-response-test-1' ] [
URL" http://localhost/" url set
read-response-test-1 lf>crlf
[ read-response ] with-string-reader

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Slava Pestov, Eduardo Cavazos.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: lexer macros memoize parser sequences vocabs
vocabs.loader words kernel namespaces locals.parser locals.types
locals.errors ;
USING: fry kernel lexer locals.errors locals.parser locals.types
macros memoize namespaces sequences vocabs vocabs.loader words ;
IN: locals
@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ SYNTAX: :>
SYNTAX: \|[ parse-lambda append! ;
SYNTAX: \let[ parse-let append! ;
SYNTAX: \'let[ H{ } clone (parse-lambda) [ fry call <let> ?rewrite-closures call ] curry append! ;
SYNTAX: \:: (::) define-declared ;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
USING: accessors alien arrays byte-arrays classes combinators
cpu.architecture effects fry functors generalizations generic
generic.parser kernel lexer literals locals macros math math.functions
math.vectors math.vectors.private math.vectors.simd.intrinsics
namespaces parser prettyprint.custom quotations sequences
combinators.smart.syntax cpu.architecture effects fry functors
generalizations generic generic.parser kernel lexer literals
locals macros math math.bitwise math.functions math.vectors
math.vectors.private math.vectors.simd.intrinsics namespaces
parser prettyprint.custom quotations sequences
sequences.generalizations sequences.private vocabs vocabs.loader
words math.bitwise ;
words ;
QUALIFIED-WITH: alien.c-types c
IN: math.vectors.simd
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ PRIVATE>
! SIMD base type
TUPLE: simd-128
{ underlying byte-array read-only initial: $[ 16 <byte-array> ] } ;
{ underlying byte-array read-only initial: 1[ 16 <byte-array> ] } ;
GENERIC: simd-element-type ( obj -- c-type )
GENERIC: simd-rep ( simd -- rep )

View File

@ -17,23 +17,23 @@ IN: opengl.textures.tests
[ [ image new swap >>dim ] map ] map image-locs
] unit-test
[ RGBA ubyte-components (image-format) ] unit-test
[ BGRA ubyte-components (image-format) ] unit-test
[ ARGB ubyte-components (image-format) ] unit-test
[ RGBA float-components (image-format) ] unit-test
[ BGRA uint-integer-components (image-format) ] unit-test
array[ GL_RGB9_E5 GL_RGB GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV ]
[ BGR u-9-9-9-e5-components (image-format) ] unit-test
array[ GL_R11F_G11F_B10F GL_RGB GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV ]
[ BGR float-11-11-10-components (image-format) ] unit-test

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ CONSTANT: objects
! Changed the serialization of numbers in [2^1008;2^1024[
! check backwards compatibility
${ 1008 2^ } [ B{
array[ 1008 2^ ] [ B{
255 1 127 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ ${ 1008 2^ } [ B{
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
} binary [ deserialize-cell ] with-byte-reader ] unit-test
${ 1024 2^ 1 - } [ B{
array[ 1024 2^ 1 - ] [ B{
255 1 128 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ TYPED: fix+ ( a: fixnum b: fixnum -- c: fixnum )
! [ most-positive-fixnum 1 fix+ ] unit-test
! XXX: Check that we throw an error. This used to underflow to the least-positive-fixnum.
[ most-positive-fixnum 1 fix+ ] [ ${ KERNEL-ERROR 7 } head? ] must-fail-with
[ most-positive-fixnum 1 fix+ ] [ array[ KERNEL-ERROR 7 ] head? ] must-fail-with
TUPLE: tweedle-dee ; final
TUPLE: tweedle-dum ; final

View File

@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ CONSTANT: events-mask
[ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi 2array ;
: scroll-direction ( event -- pair )
direction>> {
{ $ GDK_SCROLL_UP { 0 -1 } }
{ $ GDK_SCROLL_DOWN { 0 1 } }
{ $ GDK_SCROLL_LEFT { -1 0 } }
{ $ GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT { 1 0 } }
} at ;
direction>> array[
array[ GDK_SCROLL_UP { 0 -1 } ]
array[ GDK_SCROLL_DOWN { 0 1 } ]
array[ GDK_SCROLL_LEFT { -1 0 } ]
array[ GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT { 1 0 } ]
] at ;
: on-motion ( win event user-data -- ? )
drop swap
@ -362,25 +362,25 @@ CONSTANT: window-controls>func-flags
] 2tri ;
! OpenGL and Pixel formats
CONSTANT: perm-attribs array[ GDK_GL_USE_GL GDK_GL_RGBA ]
CONSTANT: attrib-table H{
{ double-buffered ${ GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER } }
{ stereo ${ GDK_GL_STEREO } }
{ color-bits ${ GDK_GL_BUFFER_SIZE } }
{ red-bits ${ GDK_GL_RED_SIZE } }
{ green-bits ${ GDK_GL_GREEN_SIZE } }
{ blue-bits ${ GDK_GL_BLUE_SIZE } }
{ alpha-bits ${ GDK_GL_ALPHA_SIZE } }
{ accum-red-bits ${ GDK_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE } }
{ accum-green-bits ${ GDK_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE } }
{ accum-blue-bits ${ GDK_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE } }
{ accum-alpha-bits ${ GDK_GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE } }
{ depth-bits ${ GDK_GL_DEPTH_SIZE } }
{ stencil-bits ${ GDK_GL_STENCIL_SIZE } }
{ aux-buffers ${ GDK_GL_AUX_BUFFERS } }
{ sample-buffers ${ GDK_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS } }
{ samples ${ GDK_GL_SAMPLES } }
{ double-buffered array[ GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER ] }
{ stereo array[ GDK_GL_STEREO ] }
{ color-bits array[ GDK_GL_BUFFER_SIZE ] }
{ red-bits array[ GDK_GL_RED_SIZE ] }
{ green-bits array[ GDK_GL_GREEN_SIZE ] }
{ blue-bits array[ GDK_GL_BLUE_SIZE ] }
{ alpha-bits array[ GDK_GL_ALPHA_SIZE ] }
{ accum-red-bits array[ GDK_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE ] }
{ accum-green-bits array[ GDK_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE ] }
{ accum-blue-bits array[ GDK_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE ] }
{ accum-alpha-bits array[ GDK_GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE ] }
{ depth-bits array[ GDK_GL_DEPTH_SIZE ] }
{ stencil-bits array[ GDK_GL_STENCIL_SIZE ] }
{ aux-buffers array[ GDK_GL_AUX_BUFFERS ] }
{ sample-buffers array[ GDK_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS ] }
{ samples array[ GDK_GL_SAMPLES ] }
M: gtk-ui-backend (make-pixel-format)

View File

@ -6,59 +6,59 @@ IN: ui.backend.x11.keys
CONSTANT: modifiers
${ S+ ShiftMask }
${ C+ ControlMask }
${ A+ Mod1Mask }
${ M+ Mod4Mask }
array[ ShiftMask ]
array[ ControlMask ]
array[ Mod1Mask ]
array[ Mod4Mask ]
{ $ XK_BackSpace "BACKSPACE" }
{ $ XK_Tab "TAB" }
{ $ XK_ISO_Left_Tab "TAB" }
{ $ XK_Return "RET" }
{ $ XK_KP_Enter "ENTER" }
{ $ XK_Escape "ESC" }
{ $ XK_Delete "DELETE" }
{ $ XK_Insert "INSERT" }
{ $ XK_Home "HOME" }
{ $ XK_Left "LEFT" }
{ $ XK_Up "UP" }
{ $ XK_Right "RIGHT" }
{ $ XK_Down "DOWN" }
{ $ XK_Page_Up "PAGE_UP" }
{ $ XK_Page_Down "PAGE_DOWN" }
{ $ XK_End "END" }
{ $ XK_Begin "BEGIN" }
{ $ XK_F1 "F1" }
{ $ XK_F2 "F2" }
{ $ XK_F3 "F3" }
{ $ XK_F4 "F4" }
{ $ XK_F5 "F5" }
{ $ XK_F6 "F6" }
{ $ XK_F7 "F7" }
{ $ XK_F8 "F8" }
{ $ XK_F9 "F9" }
{ $ XK_F10 "F10" }
{ $ XK_F11 "F11" }
{ $ XK_F12 "F12" }
array[ XK_BackSpace "BACKSPACE" ]
array[ XK_Tab "TAB" ]
array[ XK_ISO_Left_Tab "TAB" ]
array[ XK_Return "RET" ]
array[ XK_KP_Enter "ENTER" ]
array[ XK_Escape "ESC" ]
array[ XK_Delete "DELETE" ]
array[ XK_Insert "INSERT" ]
array[ XK_Home "HOME" ]
array[ XK_Left "LEFT" ]
array[ XK_Up "UP" ]
array[ XK_Right "RIGHT" ]
array[ XK_Down "DOWN" ]
array[ XK_Page_Up "PAGE_UP" ]
array[ XK_Page_Down "PAGE_DOWN" ]
array[ XK_End "END" ]
array[ XK_Begin "BEGIN" ]
array[ XK_F1 "F1" ]
array[ XK_F2 "F2" ]
array[ XK_F3 "F3" ]
array[ XK_F4 "F4" ]
array[ XK_F5 "F5" ]
array[ XK_F6 "F6" ]
array[ XK_F7 "F7" ]
array[ XK_F8 "F8" ]
array[ XK_F9 "F9" ]
array[ XK_F10 "F10" ]
array[ XK_F11 "F11" ]
array[ XK_F12 "F12" ]
{ $ XK_Shift_L f }
{ $ XK_Shift_R f }
{ $ XK_Control_L f }
{ $ XK_Control_R f }
{ $ XK_Caps_Lock f }
{ $ XK_Shift_Lock f }
array[ XK_Shift_L f ]
array[ XK_Shift_R f ]
array[ XK_Control_L f ]
array[ XK_Control_R f ]
array[ XK_Caps_Lock f ]
array[ XK_Shift_Lock f ]
{ $ XK_Meta_L f }
{ $ XK_Meta_R f }
{ $ XK_Alt_L f }
{ $ XK_Alt_R f }
{ $ XK_Super_L f }
{ $ XK_Super_R f }
{ $ XK_Hyper_L f }
{ $ XK_Hyper_R f }
array[ XK_Meta_L f ]
array[ XK_Meta_R f ]
array[ XK_Alt_L f ]
array[ XK_Alt_R f ]
array[ XK_Super_L f ]
array[ XK_Super_R f ]
array[ XK_Hyper_L f ]
array[ XK_Hyper_R f ]
: code>sym ( code -- name/code/f action? )

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: accessors arrays kernel kernel.private layouts literals math
sequences tools.test vectors ;
USING: accessors arrays combinators.smart.syntax kernel
kernel.private layouts math sequences tools.test vectors ;
[ -2 { "a" "b" "c" } nth ] must-fail
[ 10 { "a" "b" "c" } nth ] must-fail
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ sequences tools.test vectors ;
[ cell-bits cell log2 - 2^ f <array> ] must-fail
! To big for a fixnum #1045
[ 67 2^ 3 <array> ] [
${ KERNEL-ERROR ERROR-OUT-OF-FIXNUM-RANGE 147573952589676412928 f }
array[ KERNEL-ERROR ERROR-OUT-OF-FIXNUM-RANGE 147573952589676412928 f ]
] must-fail-with

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar classes classes.algebra
classes.private classes.tuple classes.tuple.private columns
combinators.short-circuit compiler.errors compiler.units
definitions eval generic generic.single io.streams.string kernel
kernel.private literals math math.constants memory namespaces
parser parser.notes see sequences sequences.private slots
splitting strings threads tools.test vectors vocabs words
words.symbol ;
IN: classes.tuple.tests
TUPLE: rect x y w h ;
@ -546,12 +538,12 @@ must-fail-with
[ 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444433333 >bignum "asdf" declared-types boa ]
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444433333 f } =
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444433333 f ] =
] must-fail-with
! Check bignum coercer
TUPLE: bignum-coercer { n bignum initial: $[ 0 >bignum ] } ;
TUPLE: bignum-coercer { n bignum initial: 1[ 0 >bignum ] } ;
{ 13 bignum } [ 13.5 bignum-coercer boa n>> dup class-of ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
USING: accessors alien alien.accessors arrays assocs byte-arrays
continuations debugger grouping io.streams.string kernel
kernel.private literals locals.backend math memory namespaces
prettyprint sequences sequences.private tools.test words ;
combinators.smart.syntax continuations debugger grouping
io.streams.string kernel kernel.private locals.backend math
memory namespaces prettyprint sequences sequences.private
tools.test words ;
IN: kernel.tests
{ 0 } [ f size ] unit-test
@ -29,14 +30,14 @@ IN: kernel.tests
! Make sure we report the correct error on stack underflow
[ clear drop ] [
] must-fail-with
{ } [ :c ] unit-test
3 [ { } set-retainstack ] dip ]
] must-fail-with
{ } [ :c ] unit-test
@ -55,19 +56,19 @@ IN: kernel.tests
[ overflow-d ] [
] must-fail-with
{ } [ :c ] unit-test
[ overflow-d-alt ] [
] must-fail-with
{ } [ [ :c ] with-string-writer drop ] unit-test
[ overflow-r ] [
] must-fail-with
{ } [ :c ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: arrays continuations io.streams.null kernel
kernel.private literals make math math.order memory namespaces
prettyprint sbufs sequences strings strings.private tools.test
vectors ;
USING: arrays combinators.smart.syntax continuations
io.streams.null kernel kernel.private make math math.order
memory namespaces prettyprint sbufs sequences strings
strings.private tools.test vectors ;
{ char: b } [ 1 >bignum "abc" nth ] unit-test
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ unit-test
! Random tester found this
[ 2 -7 resize-string ]
[ ${ KERNEL-ERROR ERROR-TYPE 11 -7 } = ] must-fail-with
[ array[ KERNEL-ERROR ERROR-TYPE 11 -7 ] = ] must-fail-with
! Make sure 24-bit strings work
"hello world" "s" set

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ CONSTANT: initial-dt 5
: <boids-gadget> ( -- gadget )
boids-gadget new
t >>clipped?
${ width height } >>pref-dim
array[ width height ] >>pref-dim
initial-population random-boids >>boids
initial-behaviours >>behaviours
initial-dt >>dt ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: kernel literals llvm llvm.ffi system tools.test ;
IN: llvm.tests
${ cpu x86.64? "x86-64" "x86-32" ? } [
array[ cpu x86.64? "x86-64" "x86-32" ? ] [
LLVMGetFirstTarget LLVMGetTargetName
] unit-test

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: kernel layouts literals math math.cardinality
math.functions random sequences tools.test ;
${ fixnum-bits } [ 0 trailing-zeros ] unit-test
array[ fixnum-bits ] [ 0 trailing-zeros ] unit-test
{ 0 } [ 0b1 trailing-zeros ] unit-test
{ 1 } [ 0b10 trailing-zeros ] unit-test
{ 2 } [ 0b100 trailing-zeros ] unit-test

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ TUPLE: triplets-count primitives total ;
: next-triplet ( triplet T -- triplet' ) [ 1array ] [ m. ] bi* first ;
: candidates-triplets ( seed -- candidates )
${ T1 T2 T3 } [ next-triplet ] with map ;
array[ T1 T2 T3 ] [ next-triplet ] with map ;
: add-triplets ( current-triples limit triplet -- stop )
sum 2dup > [

View File

@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ CONSTANT: stylesheet
{ default-span-style
{ font-name $ default-sans-serif-font-name }
{ font-size $[ default-font-size 3 * ] }
{ font-name 1[ default-sans-serif-font-name ] }
{ font-size 1[ default-font-size 3 * ] }
{ default-block-style
{ wrap-margin $[ default-font-size 92 * ] }
{ wrap-margin 1[ default-font-size 92 * ] }
{ code-char-style
{ font-name $ default-monospace-font-name }
{ font-size $[ default-font-size 3 * ] }
{ font-name 1[ default-monospace-font-name ] }
{ font-size 1[ default-font-size 3 * ] }
{ code-style
@ -32,19 +32,17 @@ CONSTANT: stylesheet
{ snippet-style
{ font-name $ default-monospace-font-name }
{ font-size $[ default-font-size 3 * ] }
{ font-name 1[ default-monospace-font-name ] }
{ font-size 1[ default-font-size 3 * ] }
{ foreground T{ rgba f 0.1 0.1 0.4 1 } }
{ table-content-style
H{ { wrap-margin $[ default-font-size 83 * ] } }
H{ { wrap-margin 1[ default-font-size 83 * ] } }
{ list-style
{ table-gap ${ default-font-size 5/6 *
default-font-size 10/6 * }
{ table-gap array[ default-font-size 5/6 * default-font-size 10/6 * ] }
@ -52,8 +50,8 @@ CONSTANT: stylesheet
: $title ( string -- )
{ font-name $ default-sans-serif-font-name }
{ font-size $[ default-font-size 4 * ] }
{ font-name 1[ default-sans-serif-font-name ] }
{ font-size 1[ default-font-size 4 * ] }
} format
] ($block) ;
@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ CONSTANT: stylesheet
divider-interior >>interior
${ default-font-size 67 * default-font-size 5/6 * } >>dim
array[ default-font-size 67 * default-font-size 5/6 * ] >>dim
{ 1 0 } >>orientation
] ($block) ;

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@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff, see BSD license
USING: accessors literals math math.affine-transforms
math.functions math.trig multiline sequences svg tools.test xml
xml.traversal ;
USING: accessors combinators.smart.syntax literals math
math.affine-transforms math.functions math.trig multiline
sequences svg tools.test xml xml.traversal ;
IN: svg.tests
${ { 1.0 2.25 } { -3.0 4.0 } { 5.5 0.5 } <affine-transform> } [
array[ { 1.0 2.25 } { -3.0 4.0 } { 5.5 0.5 } <affine-transform> ] [
"matrix ( 1 +2.25 -3 , 0.4e+1 ,5.5, 5e-1 )" svg-transform>affine-transform
] unit-test
${ { 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } { 5.0 10.0 } <affine-transform> } [
array[ { 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } { 5.0 10.0 } <affine-transform> ] [
"translate(5.0, 1e1 )" svg-transform>affine-transform
] unit-test
${ { 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } { 5.0 10.0 } <affine-transform> } [
array[ { 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } { 5.0 10.0 } <affine-transform> ] [
"translate( 5.0 1e+1)" svg-transform>affine-transform
] unit-test
${ { 2.0 0.0 } { 0.0 2.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> } [
array[ { 2.0 0.0 } { 0.0 2.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> ] [
"scale(2.0)" svg-transform>affine-transform
] unit-test
${ { 2.0 0.0 } { 0.0 4.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> } [
array[ { 2.0 0.0 } { 0.0 4.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> ] [
"scale(2.0 4.0)" svg-transform>affine-transform
] unit-test
${ { 2.0 0.0 } { 0.0 4.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> } [
array[ { 2.0 0.0 } { 0.0 4.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> ] [
"scale(2.0 4.0)" svg-transform>affine-transform
] unit-test
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ ${ { 2.0 0.0 } { 0.0 4.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> } [
} <affine-transform> 0.001 a~
] unit-test
{ $[ 30 deg>rad cos ] $[ 30 deg>rad sin ] }
{ $[ -30 deg>rad sin ] $[ 30 deg>rad cos ] }
{ 1.0 2.0 } <affine-transform>
} [
] [
"translate(1 2) rotate(30)" svg-transform>affine-transform
] unit-test

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2017 Alexander Ilin.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays colors.constants kernel literals locals
math math.constants math.functions sequences ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.charts ui.gadgets.charts.axes ui.gadgets.charts.lines
USING: accessors arrays colors.constants
combinators.smart.syntax kernel literals locals math
math.constants math.functions sequences ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.charts ui.gadgets.charts.axes ui.gadgets.charts.lines ;
IN: ui.gadgets.charts.demos
CONSTANT: -pi $[ pi neg ]
@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ CONSTANT: -pi $[ pi neg ]
: sine-wave ( steps -- seq )
[ <iota> ] keep
pi 2 * swap / [ * pi - dup sin 2array ] curry map
${ pi $[ pi sin ] } suffix ;
array[ pi 1[ pi sin ] ] suffix ;
: cosine-wave ( steps -- seq )
[ <iota> ] keep
pi 2 * swap / [ * pi - dup cos 2array ] curry map
${ pi $[ pi cos ] } suffix ;
array[ pi 1[ pi cos ] ] suffix ;
:: (chart-demo) ( n -- )
chart new ${ ${ -pi pi } { -1 1 } } >>axes
chart new array[ array[ -pi pi ] { -1 1 } ] >>axes
line new color: blue >>color n sine-wave >>data add-gadget
line new color: red >>color n cosine-wave >>data add-gadget
vertical-axis new add-gadget

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2014 Jon Harper.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: kernel literals sequences tools.test yaml.conversion
yaml.ffi ;
USING: combinators.smart.syntax kernel literals sequences
tools.test yaml.conversion yaml.ffi ;
IN: yaml.conversion.tests
: resolve-test ( res str -- ) [ f resolve-plain-scalar ] curry unit-test ;
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ IN: yaml.conversion.tests
[ f resolve-plain-scalar ] curry unit-test
] with each ;
${ YAML_NULL_TAG } "null" resolve-test
${ YAML_NULL_TAG } "" resolve-test
${ YAML_STR_TAG } "\"\"" resolve-test
${ YAML_BOOL_TAG } { "true" "True" "false" "FALSE" } resolve-tests
${ YAML_INT_TAG } { "0" "0o7" "0x3A" "-19" } resolve-tests
${ YAML_FLOAT_TAG } { "0." "-0.0" ".5" "+12e03" "-2E+05" } resolve-tests
${ YAML_FLOAT_TAG } { ".inf" "-.Inf" "+.INF" ".NAN" } resolve-tests
array[ YAML_NULL_TAG ] "null" resolve-test
array[ YAML_NULL_TAG ] "" resolve-test
array[ YAML_STR_TAG ] "\"\"" resolve-test
array[ YAML_BOOL_TAG ] { "true" "True" "false" "FALSE" } resolve-tests
array[ YAML_INT_TAG ] { "0" "0o7" "0x3A" "-19" } resolve-tests
array[ YAML_FLOAT_TAG ] { "0." "-0.0" ".5" "+12e03" "-2E+05" } resolve-tests
array[ YAML_FLOAT_TAG ] { ".inf" "-.Inf" "+.INF" ".NAN" } resolve-tests
"2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5"
@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ ${ YAML_TIMESTAMP_TAG } {
"2001-2-4 \t\t 1:59:43.10 \t\t -5:00"
} resolve-tests
${ YAML_STR_TAG } "<<" resolve-test
${ YAML_MERGE_TAG } [ "<<" t resolve-plain-scalar ] unit-test
array[ YAML_STR_TAG ] "<<" resolve-test
array[ YAML_MERGE_TAG ] [ "<<" t resolve-plain-scalar ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2014 Jon Harper.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: assocs grouping kernel linked-assocs literals locals
namespaces sequences tools.test yaml yaml.config yaml.ffi
yaml.private calendar yaml.conversion ;
USING: assocs calendar combinators.smart.syntax grouping kernel
linked-assocs literals locals namespaces sequences tools.test
yaml yaml.config yaml.conversion yaml.ffi yaml.private ;
IN: yaml.tests
! TODO real conformance tests here
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ CONSTANT: test-represented-string "--- !!seq
${ test-obj } [ $ test-string yaml> ] unit-test
${ test-represented-string } [ $ test-obj >yaml ] unit-test
${ test-represented-string } [ $ test-represented-string yaml> >yaml ] unit-test
array[ test-obj ] [ test-string yaml> ] unit-test
array[ test-represented-string ] [ test-obj >yaml ] unit-test
array[ test-represented-string ] [ test-represented-string yaml> >yaml ] unit-test
! Non-scalar key
CONSTANT: complex-key H{ { { "foo" } "bar" } }
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ CONSTANT: complex-key-represented "--- !!map
${ complex-key } [ $ complex-key-represented yaml> ] unit-test
array[ complex-key ] [ complex-key-represented yaml> ] unit-test
! Multiple docs
CONSTANT: test-docs "--- !!str a
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ CONSTANT: test-docs "--- !!str a
CONSTANT: test-objs { "a" { "b" "c" } H{ { "d" "e" } } }
${ test-objs } [ $ test-docs yaml-docs> ] unit-test
${ test-docs } [ $ test-objs >yaml-docs ] unit-test
${ test-docs } [ $ test-docs yaml-docs> >yaml-docs ] unit-test
array[ test-objs ] [ test-docs yaml-docs> ] unit-test
array[ test-docs ] [ test-objs >yaml-docs ] unit-test
array[ test-docs ] [ test-docs yaml-docs> >yaml-docs ] unit-test
! Misc types
CONSTANT: test-types { 1 t f 1.0 }
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ CONSTANT: test-represented-types "--- !!seq
${ test-types } [ $ test-represented-types yaml> ] unit-test
${ test-types } [ $ test-types >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ test-types ] [ test-represented-types yaml> ] unit-test
array[ test-types ] [ test-types >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! Anchors
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ CONSTANT: test-anchors-obj {
"1" "1" { "1" "2" } { "1" "2" } H{ { "1" "one" } } H{ { "1" "one" } }
${ test-anchors-obj } [ $ test-anchors yaml> ] unit-test
${ test-anchors-obj } [ $ test-anchors-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ test-anchors-obj ] [ test-anchors yaml> ] unit-test
array[ test-anchors-obj ] [ test-anchors-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! and test indentity
{ t } [ $ test-anchors yaml> 2 group [ all-eq? ] all? ] unit-test
{ t } [ $ test-anchors yaml> >yaml yaml> 2 group [ all-eq? ] all? ] unit-test
{ t } [ test-anchors yaml> 2 group [ all-eq? ] all? ] unit-test
{ t } [ test-anchors yaml> >yaml yaml> 2 group [ all-eq? ] all? ] unit-test
! Anchors and fancy types
CONSTANT: fancy-anchors "- &1 [ \"foo\" ]
@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ CONSTANT: fancy-anchors "- &1 [ \"foo\" ]
CONSTANT: fancy-anchors-obj {
{ "foo" } HS{ { "foo" } } HS{ { "foo" } }
${ fancy-anchors-obj } [ $ fancy-anchors yaml> ] unit-test
${ fancy-anchors-obj } [ $ fancy-anchors-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ fancy-anchors-obj ] [ fancy-anchors yaml> ] unit-test
array[ fancy-anchors-obj ] [ fancy-anchors-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! Simple Recursive output
: simple-recursive-list ( -- obj )
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ CONSTANT: simple-recursive-list-anchored T{ yaml-anchor f "0" {
CONSTANT: simple-recursive-list-yaml "&0
- *0"
${ simple-recursive-list-anchored } [ simple-recursive-list replace-identities ] unit-test
${ simple-recursive-list-anchored } [ $ simple-recursive-list-yaml yaml> replace-identities ] unit-test
${ simple-recursive-list-anchored } [ simple-recursive-list >yaml yaml> replace-identities ] unit-test
array[ simple-recursive-list-anchored ] [ simple-recursive-list replace-identities ] unit-test
array[ simple-recursive-list-anchored ] [ simple-recursive-list-yaml yaml> replace-identities ] unit-test
array[ simple-recursive-list-anchored ] [ simple-recursive-list >yaml yaml> replace-identities ] unit-test
! many recursive outputs
: many-recursive-objects ( -- obj )
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ CONSTANT: many-recursive-objects-anchored {
T{ yaml-anchor f "3" { T{ yaml-alias f "3" } } }
${ many-recursive-objects-anchored } [ many-recursive-objects replace-identities ] unit-test
array[ many-recursive-objects-anchored ] [ many-recursive-objects replace-identities ] unit-test
! Advanced recursive outputs
:: transitive-recursive-objects ( -- obj )
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ CONSTANT: transitive-recursive-objects-anchored T{ yaml-anchor f "0" {
H{ { HS{ T{ yaml-alias f "0" } } T{ yaml-alias f "0" } } }
} }
${ transitive-recursive-objects-anchored } [ transitive-recursive-objects replace-identities ] unit-test
array[ transitive-recursive-objects-anchored ] [ transitive-recursive-objects replace-identities ] unit-test
! Lifted from pyyaml
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ ${ transitive-recursive-objects-anchored } [ transitive-recursive-objects replac
! n: is a string
! "
! ${ construct-bool-obj } [ $ construct-bool-str yaml> ] unit-test
! ${ construct-bool-obj } [ $ construct-bool-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! array[ construct-bool-obj ] [ construct-bool-str yaml> ] unit-test
! array[ construct-bool-obj ] [ construct-bool-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-int
@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ ${ transitive-recursive-objects-anchored } [ transitive-recursive-objects replac
! sexagesimal: 190:20:30
! "
! ${ construct-int-obj } [ $ construct-int-str yaml> ] unit-test
! ${ construct-int-obj } [ $ construct-int-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! array[ construct-int-obj ] [ construct-int-str yaml> ] unit-test
! array[ construct-int-obj ] [ construct-int-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-map
@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ Block style: !!map
Flow style: !!map { Clark: Evans, Brian: Ingerson, Oren: Ben-Kiki }
${ construct-map-obj } [ $ construct-map-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ construct-map-obj } [ $ construct-map-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-map-obj ] [ construct-map-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-map-obj ] [ construct-map-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-null
@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ sparse:
- Null
${ construct-null-obj } [ $ construct-null-str yaml-docs> ] unit-test
array[ construct-null-obj ] [ construct-null-str yaml-docs> ] unit-test
! TODO Decide what to do with null -> f -> false
! ${ construct-null-obj } [ $ construct-null-obj >yaml-docs yaml-docs> ] unit-test
! array[ construct-null-obj ] [ construct-null-obj >yaml-docs yaml-docs> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-seq
@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ Flow style: !!seq [ Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, # Rocks
Pluto ] # Overrated
${ construct-seq-obj } [ $ construct-seq-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ construct-seq-obj } [ $ construct-seq-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-seq-obj ] [ construct-seq-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-seq-obj ] [ construct-seq-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-set
@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ baseball players: !!set
baseball teams: !!set { Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, New York Yankees }
${ construct-set-obj } [ $ construct-set-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ construct-set-obj } [ $ construct-set-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-set-obj ] [ construct-set-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-set-obj ] [ construct-set-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-binary
@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ description:
The binary value above is a tiny arrow encoded as a gif image.
${ construct-binary-obj } [ $ construct-binary-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ construct-binary-obj } [ $ construct-binary-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-binary-obj ] [ construct-binary-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-binary-obj ] [ construct-binary-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-merge
@ -459,8 +459,8 @@ CONSTANT: construct-merge-str "---
label: center/big
${ construct-merge-obj } [ $ construct-merge-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ construct-merge-obj } [ $ construct-merge-obj2 >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-merge-obj ] [ construct-merge-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-merge-obj ] [ construct-merge-obj2 >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! More merge tests
! see http://sourceforge.net/p/yaml/mailman/message/12308050
@ -475,15 +475,15 @@ CONSTANT: nested-merge-obj H{
{ "baz" 3 }
${ nested-merge-obj } [ $ nested-merge-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ nested-merge-obj } [ $ nested-merge-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ nested-merge-obj ] [ nested-merge-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ nested-merge-obj ] [ nested-merge-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
CONSTANT: recursive-merge-str "--- &A
<<: *A"
CONSTANT: recursive-merge-obj H{ }
${ recursive-merge-obj } [ $ recursive-merge-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ recursive-merge-obj } [ $ recursive-merge-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ recursive-merge-obj ] [ recursive-merge-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ recursive-merge-obj ] [ recursive-merge-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! Compare with pyyaml
! >>> print yaml.load("&1 {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: {4: 5, <<: *1}}")
@ -511,44 +511,42 @@ CONSTANT: recursive-merge-obj3 H{
{ t } [
$ recursive-merge-str2 yaml> recursive-merge-obj2
recursive-merge-str2 yaml> recursive-merge-obj2
[ replace-identities ] bi@ =
] unit-test
{ t } [
recursive-merge-obj2 >yaml yaml> recursive-merge-obj2
[ replace-identities ] bi@ =
] unit-test
${ recursive-merge-obj3 } [ $ recursive-merge-str3 yaml> ] unit-test
${ recursive-merge-obj3 } [ $ recursive-merge-obj3 >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ recursive-merge-obj3 ] [ recursive-merge-str3 yaml> ] unit-test
array[ recursive-merge-obj3 ] [ recursive-merge-obj3 >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! Serializing merge
CONSTANT: serialize-merge-obj H{
{ T{ yaml-merge } H{ { 1 2 } } }
CONSTANT: serialize-merge-obj2 H{ { 1 2 } }
${ serialize-merge-obj2 } [ $ serialize-merge-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ serialize-merge-obj2 ] [ serialize-merge-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
f merge [
${ serialize-merge-obj } [ $ serialize-merge-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ serialize-merge-obj ] [ serialize-merge-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
] with-variable
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-omap
CONSTANT: construct-omap-obj H{
$[ <linked-hash> {
{ "aardvark" "African pig-like ant eater. Ugly." }
{ "anteater" "South-American ant eater. Two species." }
{ "anaconda" "South-American constrictor snake. Scaly." }
} assoc-union! ]
} {
$[ <linked-hash> {
{ "one" 1 }
{ "two" 2 }
{ "three" 3 }
} assoc-union! ]
<linked-hash> {
{ "aardvark" "African pig-like ant eater. Ugly." }
{ "anteater" "South-American ant eater. Two species." }
{ "anaconda" "South-American constrictor snake. Scaly." }
} assoc-union!
} {
1[ <linked-hash> { { "one" 1 } { "two" 2 } { "three" 3 } } assoc-union! ]
CONSTANT: construct-omap-str "# Explicitly typed ordered map (dictionary).
@ -561,8 +559,8 @@ Bestiary: !!omap
Numbers: !!omap [ one: 1, two: 2, three : 3 ]
${ construct-omap-obj } [ $ construct-omap-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ construct-omap-obj } [ construct-omap-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-omap-obj ] [ construct-omap-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-omap-obj ] [ construct-omap-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-pairs
@ -605,8 +603,8 @@ CONSTANT: construct-pairs-obj-roundtripped H{
${ construct-pairs-obj } [ $ construct-pairs-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ construct-pairs-obj } [ $ construct-pairs-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-pairs-obj ] [ construct-pairs-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-pairs-obj ] [ construct-pairs-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-timestamp
@ -684,8 +682,8 @@ date (00:00:00Z): 2002-12-14
crazy: 2002-2-4 \t\t \t 1:02:59.123 \t\t +10:23
${ construct-timestamp-obj } [ $ construct-timestamp-str yaml> ] unit-test
${ construct-timestamp-obj } [ $ construct-timestamp-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-timestamp-obj ] [ construct-timestamp-str yaml> ] unit-test
array[ construct-timestamp-obj ] [ construct-timestamp-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! construct-value
@ -715,16 +713,16 @@ link with:
version: 2.3
${ construct-value-safe-obj } [ $ construct-value-str yaml-docs> ] unit-test
${ construct-value-safe-obj } [ $ construct-value-safe-obj >yaml-docs yaml-docs> ] unit-test
array[ construct-value-safe-obj ] [ construct-value-str yaml-docs> ] unit-test
array[ construct-value-safe-obj ] [ construct-value-safe-obj >yaml-docs yaml-docs> ] unit-test
f value [
${ construct-value-unsafe-obj } [ $ construct-value-str yaml-docs> ] unit-test
${ construct-value-unsafe-obj } [ $ construct-value-unsafe-obj >yaml-docs yaml-docs> ] unit-test
${ construct-value-safe-obj } [
$ construct-value-str yaml-docs> [
dup "link with" swap [ [ scalar-value ] map ] change-at
] map
] unit-test
array[ construct-value-unsafe-obj ] [ construct-value-str yaml-docs> ] unit-test
array[ construct-value-unsafe-obj ] [ construct-value-unsafe-obj >yaml-docs yaml-docs> ] unit-test
array[ construct-value-safe-obj ] [
construct-value-str yaml-docs> [
dup "link with" swap [ [ scalar-value ] map ] change-at
] map
] unit-test
] with-variable
! Serializing value
@ -732,9 +730,9 @@ CONSTANT: serialize-value-obj H{
{ T{ yaml-value } 1 }
CONSTANT: serialize-value-obj2 1
${ serialize-value-obj2 } [ $ serialize-value-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ serialize-value-obj2 ] [ serialize-value-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
f value [
${ serialize-value-obj } [ $ serialize-value-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
array[ serialize-value-obj ] [ serialize-value-obj >yaml yaml> ] unit-test
] with-variable
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!