Merge branch 'master' into maintenance

Alex Chapman 2009-04-15 20:00:48 +10:00
commit 205a293417
19 changed files with 709 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Alex Chapman

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
USING: tools.deploy.config ;
{ deploy-ui? t }
{ deploy-io 1 }
{ deploy-reflection 1 }
{ deploy-compiler? t }
{ deploy-math? t }
{ deploy-word-props? f }
{ deploy-c-types? f }
{ "stop-after-last-window?" t }
{ deploy-name "Jamshred" }

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Alex Chapman

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel opengl arrays sequences jamshred.log jamshred.player jamshred.sound jamshred.tunnel math math.constants math.vectors ;
TUPLE: jamshred sounds tunnel players running quit ;
: <jamshred> ( -- jamshred )
<sounds> <random-tunnel> "Player 1" pick <player>
2dup swap play-in-tunnel 1array f f jamshred boa ;
: jamshred-player ( jamshred -- player )
! TODO: support more than one player
players>> first ;
: jamshred-update ( jamshred -- )
dup running>> [
jamshred-player update-player
] [ drop ] if ;
: toggle-running ( jamshred -- )
dup running>> [
f >>running drop
] [
[ jamshred-player moved ]
[ t >>running drop ] bi
] if ;
: mouse-moved ( x-radians y-radians jamshred -- )
jamshred-player -rot turn-player ;
: units-per-full-roll ( -- n ) 50 ;
: jamshred-roll ( jamshred n -- )
[ jamshred-player ] dip 2 pi * * units-per-full-roll / roll-player ;
: mouse-scroll-x ( jamshred x -- ) jamshred-roll ;
: mouse-scroll-y ( jamshred y -- )
neg swap jamshred-player change-player-speed ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Alex Chapman

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.c-types jamshred.oint
jamshred.player jamshred.tunnel kernel math math.constants
math.functions math.vectors opengl opengl.glu
opengl.demo-support sequences specialized-arrays.float ;
: min-vertices 6 ; inline
: max-vertices 32 ; inline
: n-vertices ( -- n ) 32 ; inline
! render enough of the tunnel that it looks continuous
: n-segments-ahead ( -- n ) 60 ; inline
: n-segments-behind ( -- n ) 40 ; inline
: wall-drawing-offset ( -- n )
#! so that we can't see through the wall, we draw it a bit further away
0.15 ;
: wall-drawing-radius ( segment -- r )
radius>> wall-drawing-offset + ;
: wall-up ( segment -- v )
[ wall-drawing-radius ] [ up>> ] bi n*v ;
: wall-left ( segment -- v )
[ wall-drawing-radius ] [ left>> ] bi n*v ;
: segment-vertex ( theta segment -- vertex )
[ wall-up swap sin v*n ] [ wall-left swap cos v*n ] 2bi v+
] [
location>> v+
] bi ;
: segment-vertex-normal ( vertex segment -- normal )
location>> swap v- normalize ;
: segment-vertex-and-normal ( segment theta -- vertex normal )
swap [ segment-vertex ] keep dupd segment-vertex-normal ;
: equally-spaced-radians ( n -- seq )
#! return a sequence of n numbers between 0 and 2pi
dup [ / pi 2 * * ] curry map ;
: draw-segment-vertex ( segment theta -- )
over color>> gl-color segment-vertex-and-normal
gl-normal gl-vertex ;
: draw-vertex-pair ( theta next-segment segment -- )
rot tuck draw-segment-vertex draw-segment-vertex ;
: draw-segment ( next-segment segment -- )
[ draw-vertex-pair ] 2curry
n-vertices equally-spaced-radians F{ 0.0 } append swap each
] do-state ;
: draw-segments ( segments -- )
1 over length pick subseq swap [ draw-segment ] 2each ;
: segments-to-render ( player -- segments )
dup nearest-segment>> number>> dup n-segments-behind -
swap n-segments-ahead + rot tunnel>> sub-tunnel ;
: draw-tunnel ( player -- )
segments-to-render draw-segments ;
: init-graphics ( width height -- )
1.0 glClearDepth
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 glClearColor
GL_PROJECTION glMatrixMode glLoadIdentity
dup 0 = [ 2drop ] [ / >float 45.0 swap 0.1 100.0 gluPerspective ] if
GL_MODELVIEW glMatrixMode glLoadIdentity
GL_LEQUAL glDepthFunc
GL_LIGHT0 glEnable
GL_FOG glEnable
GL_FOG_DENSITY 0.09 glFogf
GL_LIGHT0 GL_POSITION float-array{ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 } underlying>> glLightfv
GL_LIGHT0 GL_AMBIENT float-array{ 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 } underlying>> glLightfv
GL_LIGHT0 GL_DIFFUSE float-array{ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 } underlying>> glLightfv
GL_LIGHT0 GL_SPECULAR float-array{ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 } underlying>> glLightfv ;
: player-view ( player -- )
[ location>> ]
[ [ location>> ] [ forward>> ] bi v+ ]
[ up>> ] tri gl-look-at ;
: draw-jamshred ( jamshred width height -- )
init-graphics jamshred-player [ player-view ] [ draw-tunnel ] bi ;

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays calendar jamshred.player jamshred.log kernel math math.constants math.geometry.rect math.vectors namespaces sequences threads ui ui.backend ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures ui.render ;
IN: jamshred
TUPLE: jamshred-gadget < gadget { jamshred jamshred } last-hand-loc ;
: <jamshred-gadget> ( jamshred -- gadget )
jamshred-gadget new-gadget swap >>jamshred ;
: default-width ( -- x ) 800 ;
: default-height ( -- y ) 600 ;
M: jamshred-gadget pref-dim*
drop default-width default-height 2array ;
M: jamshred-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
[ jamshred>> ] [ rect-dim first2 draw-jamshred ] bi ;
: jamshred-loop ( gadget -- )
dup jamshred>> quit>> [
] [
[ jamshred>> jamshred-update ]
[ relayout-1 ]
[ 10 milliseconds sleep yield jamshred-loop ] tri
] if ;
: fullscreen ( gadget -- )
find-world t swap set-fullscreen* ;
: no-fullscreen ( gadget -- )
find-world f swap set-fullscreen* ;
: toggle-fullscreen ( world -- )
[ fullscreen? not ] keep set-fullscreen* ;
M: jamshred-gadget graft* ( gadget -- )
[ jamshred-loop ] curry in-thread ;
M: jamshred-gadget ungraft* ( gadget -- )
jamshred>> t swap (>>quit) ;
: jamshred-restart ( jamshred-gadget -- )
<jamshred> >>jamshred drop ;
: pix>radians ( n m -- theta )
/ pi 4 * * ; ! 2 / / pi 2 * * ;
: x>radians ( x gadget -- theta )
#! translate motion of x pixels to an angle
rect-dim first pix>radians neg ;
: y>radians ( y gadget -- theta )
#! translate motion of y pixels to an angle
rect-dim second pix>radians ;
: (handle-mouse-motion) ( jamshred-gadget mouse-motion -- )
over jamshred>> >r
[ first swap x>radians ] 2keep second swap y>radians
r> mouse-moved ;
: handle-mouse-motion ( jamshred-gadget -- )
hand-loc get [
over last-hand-loc>> [
v- (handle-mouse-motion)
] [ 2drop ] if*
] 2keep >>last-hand-loc drop ;
: handle-mouse-scroll ( jamshred-gadget -- )
jamshred>> scroll-direction get
[ first mouse-scroll-x ]
[ second mouse-scroll-y ] 2bi ;
: quit ( gadget -- )
[ no-fullscreen ] [ close-window ] bi ;
jamshred-gadget H{
{ T{ key-down f f "r" } [ jamshred-restart ] }
{ T{ key-down f f " " } [ jamshred>> toggle-running ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "f" } [ find-world toggle-fullscreen ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "UP" } [ jamshred>> jamshred-player 1 swap change-player-speed ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "DOWN" } [ jamshred>> jamshred-player -1 swap change-player-speed ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "LEFT" } [ jamshred>> 1 jamshred-roll ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "RIGHT" } [ jamshred>> -1 jamshred-roll ] }
{ T{ key-down f f "q" } [ quit ] }
{ T{ motion } [ handle-mouse-motion ] }
{ T{ mouse-scroll } [ handle-mouse-scroll ] }
} set-gestures
: jamshred-window ( -- gadget )
[ <jamshred> <jamshred-gadget> dup "Jamshred" open-window ] with-ui ;
MAIN: jamshred-window

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
USING: kernel logging ;
IN: jamshred.log
LOG: (jamshred-log) DEBUG
: with-jamshred-log ( quot -- )
"jamshred" swap with-logging ;
: jamshred-log ( message -- )
[ (jamshred-log) ] with-jamshred-log ; ! ugly...

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Alex Chapman

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
USING: jamshred.oint tools.test ;
IN: jamshred.oint-tests
[ { 0 -1 -1 } ] [ { 0 1 -1 } { 0 -1 0 } reflect ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 0 } ] [ { 1 1 0 } { 1 0 0 } proj-perp ] unit-test
[ { 1 0 0 } ] [ { 1 1 0 } { 0 1 0 } proj-perp ] unit-test
[ { 1/2 -1/2 0 } ] [ { 1 0 0 } { 1 1 0 } proj-perp ] unit-test
[ { -1/2 1/2 0 } ] [ { 0 1 0 } { 1 1 0 } proj-perp ] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays float-arrays kernel locals math math.constants math.functions math.matrices math.vectors math.quaternions random sequences ;
IN: jamshred.oint
! An oint is a point with three linearly independent unit vectors
! given relative to that point. In jamshred a player's location and
! direction are given by the player's oint. Similarly, a tunnel
! segment's location and orientation are given by an oint.
TUPLE: oint location forward up left ;
C: <oint> oint
: rotation-quaternion ( theta axis -- quaternion )
swap 2 / dup cos swap sin rot n*v first3 rect> >r rect> r> 2array ;
: rotate-vector ( q qrecip v -- v )
v>q swap q* q* q>v ;
: rotate-oint ( oint theta axis -- )
rotation-quaternion dup qrecip pick
[ forward>> rotate-vector >>forward ]
[ up>> rotate-vector >>up ]
[ left>> rotate-vector >>left ] 3tri drop ;
: left-pivot ( oint theta -- )
over left>> rotate-oint ;
: up-pivot ( oint theta -- )
over up>> rotate-oint ;
: forward-pivot ( oint theta -- )
over forward>> rotate-oint ;
: random-float+- ( n -- m )
#! find a random float between -n/2 and n/2
dup 10000 * >fixnum random 10000 / swap 2 / - ;
: random-turn ( oint theta -- )
2 / 2dup random-float+- left-pivot random-float+- up-pivot ;
: location+ ( v oint -- )
[ location>> v+ ] [ (>>location) ] bi ;
: go-forward ( distance oint -- )
[ forward>> n*v ] [ location+ ] bi ;
: distance-vector ( oint oint -- vector )
[ location>> ] bi@ swap v- ;
: distance ( oint oint -- distance )
distance-vector norm ;
: scalar-projection ( v1 v2 -- n )
#! the scalar projection of v1 onto v2
tuck v. swap norm / ;
: proj-perp ( u v -- w )
dupd proj v- ;
: perpendicular-distance ( oint oint -- distance )
tuck distance-vector swap 2dup left>> scalar-projection abs
-rot up>> scalar-projection abs + ;
:: reflect ( v n -- v' )
#! bounce v on a surface with normal n
v v n v. n n v. / 2 * n n*v v- ;
: half-way ( p1 p2 -- p3 )
over v- 2 v/n v+ ;
: half-way-between-oints ( o1 o2 -- p )
[ location>> ] bi@ half-way ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Alex Chapman

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@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors colors combinators float-arrays jamshred.log jamshred.oint jamshred.sound jamshred.tunnel kernel locals math math.constants math.order math.ranges math.vectors math.matrices sequences shuffle strings system ;
IN: jamshred.player
TUPLE: player < oint
{ name string }
{ sounds sounds }
{ last-move integer }
{ speed float } ;
! speeds are in GL units / second
: default-speed ( -- speed ) 1.0 ;
: max-speed ( -- speed ) 30.0 ;
: <player> ( name sounds -- player )
[ F{ 0 0 5 } F{ 0 0 -1 } F{ 0 1 0 } F{ -1 0 0 } ] 2dip
f f 0 default-speed player boa ;
: turn-player ( player x-radians y-radians -- )
>r over r> left-pivot up-pivot ;
: roll-player ( player z-radians -- )
forward-pivot ;
: to-tunnel-start ( player -- )
[ tunnel>> first dup location>> ]
[ tuck (>>location) (>>nearest-segment) ] bi ;
: play-in-tunnel ( player segments -- )
>>tunnel to-tunnel-start ;
: update-nearest-segment ( player -- )
[ tunnel>> ] [ dup nearest-segment>> nearest-segment ]
[ (>>nearest-segment) ] tri ;
: update-time ( player -- seconds-passed )
millis swap [ last-move>> - 1000 / ] [ (>>last-move) ] 2bi ;
: moved ( player -- ) millis swap (>>last-move) ;
: speed-range ( -- range )
max-speed [0,b] ;
: change-player-speed ( inc player -- )
[ + speed-range clamp-to-range ] change-speed drop ;
: multiply-player-speed ( n player -- )
[ * speed-range clamp-to-range ] change-speed drop ;
: distance-to-move ( seconds-passed player -- distance )
speed>> * ;
: bounce ( d-left player -- d-left' player )
[ dup nearest-segment>> bounce-off-wall ]
[ sounds>> bang ]
[ 3/4 swap multiply-player-speed ]
[ ]
} cleave ;
:: (distance) ( heading player -- current next location heading )
player nearest-segment>>
player [ tunnel>> ] [ nearest-segment>> ] bi heading heading-segment
player location>> heading ;
: distance-to-heading-segment ( heading player -- distance )
(distance) distance-to-next-segment ;
: distance-to-heading-segment-area ( heading player -- distance )
(distance) distance-to-next-segment-area ;
: distance-to-collision ( player -- distance )
dup nearest-segment>> (distance-to-collision) ;
: almost-to-collision ( player -- distance )
distance-to-collision 0.1 - dup 0 < [ drop 0 ] when ;
: from ( player -- radius distance-from-centre )
[ nearest-segment>> dup radius>> swap ] [ location>> ] bi
distance-from-centre ;
: distance-from-wall ( player -- distance ) from - ;
: fraction-from-centre ( player -- fraction ) from swap / ;
: fraction-from-wall ( player -- fraction )
fraction-from-centre 1 swap - ;
: update-nearest-segment2 ( heading player -- )
2dup distance-to-heading-segment-area 0 <= [
[ tunnel>> ] [ nearest-segment>> rot heading-segment ]
[ (>>nearest-segment) ] tri
] [
] if ;
:: move-player-on-heading ( d-left player distance heading -- d-left' player )
[let* | d-to-move [ d-left distance min ]
move-v [ d-to-move heading n*v ] |
move-v player location+
heading player update-nearest-segment2
d-left d-to-move - player ] ;
: distance-to-move-freely ( player -- distance )
[ almost-to-collision ]
[ [ forward>> ] keep distance-to-heading-segment-area ] bi min ;
: ?move-player-freely ( d-left player -- d-left' player )
over 0 > [
! must make sure we are moving a significant distance, otherwise
! we can recurse endlessly due to floating-point imprecision.
! (at least I /think/ that's what causes it...)
dup distance-to-move-freely dup 0.1 > [
over forward>> move-player-on-heading ?move-player-freely
] [ drop ] if
] when ;
: drag-heading ( player -- heading )
[ forward>> ] [ nearest-segment>> forward>> proj ] bi ;
: drag-player ( d-left player -- d-left' player )
dup [ [ drag-heading ] keep distance-to-heading-segment-area ]
[ drag-heading move-player-on-heading ] bi ;
: (move-player) ( d-left player -- d-left' player )
?move-player-freely over 0 > [
! bounce
] when ;
: move-player ( player -- )
[ update-time ] [ distance-to-move ] [ (move-player) 2drop ] tri ;
: update-player ( player -- )
[ move-player ] [ nearest-segment>> white swap (>>color) ] bi ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors io.files kernel openal sequences ;
IN: jamshred.sound
TUPLE: sounds bang ;
: assign-sound ( source wav-path -- )
resource-path create-buffer-from-wav AL_BUFFER swap set-source-param ;
: <sounds> ( -- sounds )
init-openal 1 gen-sources first sounds boa
dup bang>> "extra/jamshred/sound/bang.wav" assign-sound ;
: bang ( sounds -- ) bang>> source-play check-error ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
A simple 3d tunnel racing game

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Alex Chapman

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays float-arrays jamshred.oint jamshred.tunnel kernel math.vectors sequences tools.test ;
IN: jamshred.tunnel.tests
[ 0 ] [ T{ segment f { 0 0 0 } f f f 0 }
T{ segment f { 1 1 1 } f f f 1 }
T{ oint f { 0 0 0.25 } }
nearer-segment number>> ] unit-test
[ 0 ] [ T{ oint f { 0 0 0 } } <straight-tunnel> find-nearest-segment number>> ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ T{ oint f { 0 0 -1 } } <straight-tunnel> find-nearest-segment number>> ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ T{ oint f { 0 0.1 -2.1 } } <straight-tunnel> find-nearest-segment number>> ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ <straight-tunnel> T{ oint f { 0 0 -3.25 } } 0 nearest-segment-forward number>> ] unit-test
[ F{ 0 0 0 } ] [ <straight-tunnel> T{ oint f { 0 0 -0.25 } } over first nearest-segment location>> ] unit-test
: test-segment-oint ( -- oint )
{ 0 0 0 } { 0 0 -1 } { 0 1 0 } { -1 0 0 } <oint> ;
[ { -1 0 0 } ] [ test-segment-oint { 1 0 0 } vector-to-centre ] unit-test
[ { 1 0 0 } ] [ test-segment-oint { -1 0 0 } vector-to-centre ] unit-test
[ { 0 -1 0 } ] [ test-segment-oint { 0 1 0 } vector-to-centre ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 0 } ] [ test-segment-oint { 0 -1 0 } vector-to-centre ] unit-test
[ { -1 0 0 } ] [ test-segment-oint { 1 0 -1 } vector-to-centre ] unit-test
[ { 1 0 0 } ] [ test-segment-oint { -1 0 -1 } vector-to-centre ] unit-test
[ { 0 -1 0 } ] [ test-segment-oint { 0 1 -1 } vector-to-centre ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 0 } ] [ test-segment-oint { 0 -1 -1 } vector-to-centre ] unit-test
: simplest-straight-ahead ( -- oint segment )
{ 0 0 0 } { 0 0 -1 } { 0 1 0 } { -1 0 0 } <oint>
initial-segment ;
[ { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } ] [ simplest-straight-ahead sideways-heading ] unit-test
[ { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } ] [ simplest-straight-ahead sideways-relative-location ] unit-test
: simple-collision-up ( -- oint segment )
{ 0 0 0 } { 0 1 0 } { 0 0 1 } { -1 0 0 } <oint>
initial-segment ;
[ { 0.0 1.0 0.0 } ] [ simple-collision-up sideways-heading ] unit-test
[ { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } ] [ simple-collision-up sideways-relative-location ] unit-test
[ { 0.0 1.0 0.0 } ]
[ simple-collision-up collision-vector 0 0 0 3array v+ ] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays colors combinators float-arrays kernel
locals math math.constants math.matrices math.order math.ranges
math.vectors math.quadratic random sequences vectors jamshred.oint ;
IN: jamshred.tunnel
: n-segments ( -- n ) 5000 ; inline
TUPLE: segment < oint number color radius ;
C: <segment> segment
: segment-number++ ( segment -- )
[ number>> 1+ ] keep (>>number) ;
: random-color ( -- color )
{ 100 100 100 } [ random 100 / >float ] map first3 1.0 <rgba> ;
: tunnel-segment-distance ( -- n ) 0.4 ;
: random-rotation-angle ( -- theta ) pi 20 / ;
: random-segment ( previous-segment -- segment )
clone dup random-rotation-angle random-turn
tunnel-segment-distance over go-forward
random-color >>color dup segment-number++ ;
: (random-segments) ( segments n -- segments )
dup 0 > [
>r dup peek random-segment over push r> 1- (random-segments)
] [ drop ] if ;
: default-segment-radius ( -- r ) 1 ;
: initial-segment ( -- segment )
F{ 0 0 0 } F{ 0 0 -1 } F{ 0 1 0 } F{ -1 0 0 }
0 random-color default-segment-radius <segment> ;
: random-segments ( n -- segments )
initial-segment 1vector swap (random-segments) ;
: simple-segment ( n -- segment )
[ F{ 0 0 -1 } n*v F{ 0 0 -1 } F{ 0 1 0 } F{ -1 0 0 } ] keep
random-color default-segment-radius <segment> ;
: simple-segments ( n -- segments )
[ simple-segment ] map ;
: <random-tunnel> ( -- segments )
n-segments random-segments ;
: <straight-tunnel> ( -- segments )
n-segments simple-segments ;
: sub-tunnel ( from to segments -- segments )
#! return segments between from and to, after clamping from and to to
#! valid values
[ sequence-index-range [ clamp-to-range ] curry bi@ ] keep <slice> ;
: nearer-segment ( segment segment oint -- segment )
#! return whichever of the two segments is nearer to the oint
>r 2dup r> tuck distance >r distance r> < -rot ? ;
: (find-nearest-segment) ( nearest next oint -- nearest ? )
#! find the nearest of 'next' and 'nearest' to 'oint', and return
#! t if the nearest hasn't changed
pick >r nearer-segment dup r> = ;
: find-nearest-segment ( oint segments -- segment )
dup first swap rest-slice rot [ (find-nearest-segment) ] curry
find 2drop ;
: nearest-segment-forward ( segments oint start -- segment )
rot dup length swap <slice> find-nearest-segment ;
: nearest-segment-backward ( segments oint start -- segment )
swapd 1+ 0 spin <slice> <reversed> find-nearest-segment ;
: nearest-segment ( segments oint start-segment -- segment )
#! find the segment nearest to 'oint', and return it.
#! start looking at segment 'start-segment'
number>> over >r
[ nearest-segment-forward ] 3keep
nearest-segment-backward r> nearer-segment ;
: get-segment ( segments n -- segment )
over sequence-index-range clamp-to-range swap nth ;
: next-segment ( segments current-segment -- segment )
number>> 1+ get-segment ;
: previous-segment ( segments current-segment -- segment )
number>> 1- get-segment ;
: heading-segment ( segments current-segment heading -- segment )
#! the next segment on the given heading
over forward>> v. 0 <=> {
{ +gt+ [ next-segment ] }
{ +lt+ [ previous-segment ] }
{ +eq+ [ nip ] } ! current segment
} case ;
:: distance-to-next-segment ( current next location heading -- distance )
[let | cf [ current forward>> ] |
cf next location>> v. cf location v. - cf heading v. / ] ;
:: distance-to-next-segment-area ( current next location heading -- distance )
[let | cf [ current forward>> ]
h [ next current half-way-between-oints ] |
cf h v. cf location v. - cf heading v. / ] ;
: vector-to-centre ( seg loc -- v )
over location>> swap v- swap forward>> proj-perp ;
: distance-from-centre ( seg loc -- distance )
vector-to-centre norm ;
: wall-normal ( seg oint -- n )
location>> vector-to-centre normalize ;
: distant ( -- n ) 1000 ;
: max-real ( a b -- c )
#! sometimes collision-coefficient yields complex roots, so we ignore these (hack)
dup real? [
over real? [ max ] [ nip ] if
] [
drop dup real? [ drop distant ] unless
] if ;
:: collision-coefficient ( v w r -- c )
v norm 0 = [
] [
[let* | a [ v dup v. ]
b [ v w v. 2 * ]
c [ w dup v. r sq - ] |
c b a quadratic max-real ]
] if ;
: sideways-heading ( oint segment -- v )
[ forward>> ] bi@ proj-perp ;
: sideways-relative-location ( oint segment -- loc )
[ [ location>> ] bi@ v- ] keep forward>> proj-perp ;
: (distance-to-collision) ( oint segment -- distance )
[ sideways-heading ] [ sideways-relative-location ]
[ nip radius>> ] 2tri collision-coefficient ;
: collision-vector ( oint segment -- v )
dupd (distance-to-collision) swap forward>> n*v ;
: bounce-forward ( segment oint -- )
[ wall-normal ] [ forward>> swap reflect ] [ (>>forward) ] tri ;
: bounce-left ( segment oint -- )
#! must be done after forward
[ forward>> vneg ] dip [ left>> swap reflect ]
[ forward>> proj-perp normalize ] [ (>>left) ] tri ;
: bounce-up ( segment oint -- )
#! must be done after forward and left!
nip [ forward>> ] [ left>> cross ] [ (>>up) ] tri ;
: bounce-off-wall ( oint segment -- )
swap [ bounce-forward ] [ bounce-left ] [ bounce-up ] 2tri ;