ui: ditch window restore behavior since it was broken

Slava Pestov 2010-05-24 16:50:09 -04:00
parent 28e67b7066
commit 212d308de1
2 changed files with 17 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ ui.tools.listener ui.tools.browser ui.tools.common ui.tools.error-list
ui.tools.walker ui.commands ui.gestures ui ui.private ;
IN: ui.tools
: main ( -- )
restore-windows? [ restore-windows ] [ listener-window ] if ;
MAIN: main
MAIN: listener-window
\ refresh-all H{ { +nullary+ t } { +listener+ t } } define-command

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs io kernel math models namespaces make dlists
deques sequences threads words continuations init
combinators combinators.short-circuit hashtables concurrency.flags
sets accessors calendar fry destructors ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures ui.backend ui.render
strings classes.tuple classes.tuple.parser lexer vocabs.parser parser ;
USING: arrays assocs boxes io kernel math models namespaces make
dlists deques sequences threads words continuations init
combinators combinators.short-circuit hashtables
concurrency.flags sets accessors calendar fry destructors
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private ui.gadgets.worlds
ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures ui.backend ui.render strings
classes.tuple classes.tuple.parser lexer vocabs.parser parser ;
IN: ui
@ -82,12 +83,7 @@ M: world graft*
[ [ clean-up-broken-window ] [ ui-error ] bi* ] recover
] bi ;
: reset-world ( world -- )
#! This is used when a window is being closed, but also
#! when restoring saved worlds on image startup.
f >>handle unfocus-world ;
: (ungraft-world) ( world -- )
M: world ungraft*
[ set-gl-context ]
[ text-handle>> [ dispose ] when* ]
@ -96,38 +92,21 @@ M: world graft*
[ hand-gadget close-global ]
[ end-world ]
[ [ <reversed> [ [ dispose ] when* ] each V{ } clone ] change-window-resources drop ]
[ [ (close-window) f ] change-handle drop ]
[ unfocus-world ]
} cleave ;
M: world ungraft*
[ (ungraft-world) ]
[ handle>> (close-window) ]
[ reset-world ] tri ;
: init-ui ( -- )
<box> drag-timer set-global
f hand-gadget set-global
f hand-clicked set-global
f hand-world set-global
f world set-global
<dlist> \ graft-queue set-global
<dlist> \ layout-queue set-global
<dlist> \ gesture-queue set-global
V{ } clone windows set-global ;
: restore-gadget-later ( gadget -- )
dup graft-state>> {
{ { f f } [ ] }
{ { f t } [ ] }
{ { t t } [ { f f } >>graft-state ] }
{ { t f } [ dup unqueue-graft { f f } >>graft-state ] }
} case graft-later ;
: restore-gadget ( gadget -- )
dup restore-gadget-later
children>> [ restore-gadget ] each ;
: restore-world ( world -- )
[ reset-world ]
[ f >>text-handle f >>images drop ]
[ restore-gadget ]
} cleave ;
: update-hand ( world -- )
dup hand-world get-global eq?
[ hand-loc get-global swap move-hand ] [ drop ] if ;
@ -188,16 +167,6 @@ PRIVATE>
: start-ui ( quot -- )
call( -- ) notify-ui-thread start-ui-thread ;
: restore-windows ( -- )
windows get [ values ] [ delete-all ] bi
[ restore-world ] each
] (with-ui) ;
: restore-windows? ( -- ? )
windows get empty? not ;
: ?attributes ( gadget title/attributes -- attributes )
dup string? [ world-attributes new swap >>title ] [ clone ] if
swap [ [ [ 1array ] [ f ] if* ] curry unless* ] curry change-gadgets ;