Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ ARTICLE: "io" "Input and output"
{ $subsection "io.streams.plain" }
{ $subsection "io.streams.string" }
{ $subsection "io.streams.byte-array" }
{ $subsection "" }
{ $heading "Utilities" }
{ $subsection "stream-binary" }
{ $subsection "io.styles" }
@ -213,12 +213,14 @@ body ;
raw-response new
"1.1" >>version ;
TUPLE: post-data raw content content-type ;
TUPLE: post-data raw content content-type form-variables uploaded-files ;
: <post-data> ( raw content-type -- post-data )
: <post-data> ( form-variables uploaded-files raw content-type -- post-data )
post-data new
swap >>content-type
swap >>raw ;
swap >>raw
swap >>uploaded-files
swap >>form-variables ;
: parse-content-type-attributes ( string -- attributes )
" " split harvest [ "=" split1 [ >lower ] dip ] { } map>assoc ;
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
fry logging logging.insomniac calendar urls urls.encoding
@ -36,17 +38,35 @@ IN: http.server
: read-request-header ( request -- request )
read-header >>header ;
: parse-post-data ( post-data -- post-data )
[ ] [ raw>> ] [ content-type>> ] tri
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" = [ query>assoc ] when
>>content ;
ERROR: no-boundary ;
: parse-multipart-form-data ( string -- separator )
";" split1 nip
"=" split1 nip [ no-boundary ] unless* ;
: read-multipart-data ( request -- form-variables uploaded-files )
[ "content-type" header ]
[ "content-length" header string>number ] bi
stream-eofs limit-input
binary decode-input
parse-multipart-form-data parse-multipart ;
: read-content ( request -- bytes )
"content-length" header string>number read ;
: parse-content ( request content-type -- form-variables uploaded-files raw )
{ "multipart/form-data" [ read-multipart-data f ] }
{ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" [ read-content [ f f ] dip ] }
[ drop read-content [ f f ] dip ]
} case ;
: read-post-data ( request -- request )
dup method>> "POST" = [
[ ]
[ "content-length" header string>number read ]
[ "content-type" header ] tri
<post-data> parse-post-data >>post-data
dup dup "content-type" header
[ ";" split1 drop parse-content ] keep
<post-data> >>post-data
] when ;
: extract-host ( request -- request )
@ -80,7 +100,7 @@ GENERIC: write-full-response ( request response -- )
[ content-type>> "application/octet-stream" or ]
[ content-charset>> encoding>name ]
[ "; charset=" swap 3append ] when* ;
[ "; charset=" glue ] when* ;
: ensure-domain ( cookie -- cookie )
@ -236,7 +256,7 @@ TUPLE: http-server < threaded-server ;
M: http-server handle-client*
64 1024 * limit-input
64 1024 * stream-throws limit-input
[ read-request ] ?benchmark
[ do-request ] ?benchmark
@ -5,16 +5,23 @@ IN:
HELP: <limited-stream>
{ $values
{ "stream" "an input stream" } { "limit" integer }
{ "stream" "an input stream" } { "limit" integer } { "mode" "a " { $link limited-stream } " mode singleton" }
{ "stream'" "an input stream" }
{ $description "Constructs a new " { $link limited-stream } " from an existing stream. Upon exhaustion, the stream will throw an error by default." }
{ $description "Constructs a new " { $link limited-stream } " from an existing stream. User code should use " { $link limit } " or " { $link limit-input } "." } ;
HELP: limit
{ $values
{ "stream" "an input stream" } { "limit" integer } { "mode" "a " { $link limited-stream } " mode singleton" }
{ "stream'" "a stream" }
{ $description "Changes a decoder's stream to be a limited stream, or wraps " { $snippet "stream" } " in a " { $link limited-stream } "." }
{ $examples "Throwing an exception:"
{ $example
"USING: continuations io io.streams.string"
"kernel prettyprint ;"
" \"123456\" <string-reader> 3 <limited-stream>"
" \"123456\" <string-reader> 3 stream-throws limit"
" 100 swap stream-read ."
"] [ ] recover ."
"T{ limit-exceeded }"
@ -23,32 +30,34 @@ HELP: <limited-stream>
{ $example
"USING: accessors continuations io"
"io.streams.string kernel prettyprint ;"
"\"123456\" <string-reader> 3 <limited-stream>"
"stream-eofs >>mode"
"\"123456\" <string-reader> 3 stream-eofs limit"
"100 swap stream-read ."
} ;
HELP: limit
HELP: unlimit
{ $values
{ "stream" "a stream" } { "limit" integer }
{ "stream" "an input stream" }
{ "stream'" "a stream" }
{ $description "Changes a decoder's stream to be a limited stream, or wraps " { $snippet "stream" } " in a " { $link limited-stream } "." } ;
{ $description "Returns the underlying stream of a limited stream." } ;
HELP: limited-stream
{ $values
{ "value" "a limited-stream class" }
{ $description "Limited streams wrap other streams, changing their behavior to throw an exception or return " { $link f } " upon exhaustion. The default behavior is to throw an exception." } ;
{ $description "Limited streams wrap other streams, changing their behavior to throw an exception or return " { $link f } " upon exhaustion." } ;
HELP: limit-input
{ $values
{ "limit" integer }
{ "limit" integer } { "mode" "a " { $link limited-stream } " mode singleton" }
{ $description "Wraps the current " { $link input-stream } " in a " { $link limited-stream } "." } ;
HELP: unlimit-input
{ $description "Returns the underlying stream of the limited-stream stored in " { $link input-stream } "." } ;
HELP: stream-eofs
{ $values
{ "value" "a " { $link limited-stream } " mode singleton" }
@ -64,13 +73,15 @@ HELP: stream-throws
{ stream-eofs stream-throws } related-words
ARTICLE: "" "Limited input streams"
"The " { $vocab-link "" } " vocabulary wraps a stream to behave as if it had only a limited number of bytes, either throwing an error or returning " { $link f } " upon reaching the end. The default behavior is to throw an error." $nl
"Wrap an existing stream in a limited stream:"
{ $subsection <limited-stream> }
"The " { $vocab-link "" } " vocabulary wraps a stream to behave as if it had only a limited number of bytes, either throwing an error or returning " { $link f } " upon reaching the end." $nl
"Wrap a stream in a limited stream:"
{ $subsection limit }
"Wrap the current " { $link input-stream } " in a limited stream:"
{ $subsection limit-input }
"Unlimits a limited stream:"
{ $subsection unlimit }
"Unlimits the current " { $link input-stream } ":"
{ $subsection limit-input }
"Make a limited stream throw an exception on exhaustion:"
{ $subsection stream-throws }
"Make a limited stream return " { $link f } " on exhaustion:"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ IN:
ascii encode binary <byte-reader> "data" set
] unit-test
[ ] [ "data" get 24 <limited-stream> "limited" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ "data" get 24 stream-throws <limited-stream> "limited" set ] unit-test
[ CHAR: h ] [ "limited" get stream-read1 ] unit-test
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ IN:
ascii encode binary <byte-reader> "data" set
] unit-test
[ ] [ "data" get 7 <limited-stream> "limited" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ "data" get 7 stream-throws <limited-stream> "limited" set ] unit-test
[ "abc" CHAR: \n ] [ "\n" "limited" get stream-read-until [ >string ] dip ] unit-test
@ -34,22 +34,28 @@ IN:
[ "he" CHAR: l ] [
B{ CHAR: h CHAR: e CHAR: l CHAR: l CHAR: o }
ascii <byte-reader> [
5 limit-input
5 stream-throws limit-input
"l" read-until
] with-input-stream
] unit-test
[ CHAR: a ]
[ "a" <string-reader> 1 <limited-stream> stream-read1 ] unit-test
[ "a" <string-reader> 1 stream-eofs <limited-stream> stream-read1 ] unit-test
[ "abc" ]
"abc" <string-reader> 3 <limited-stream> stream-eofs >>mode
"abc" <string-reader> 3 stream-eofs <limited-stream>
4 swap stream-read
] unit-test
[ f ]
"abc" <string-reader> 3 <limited-stream> stream-eofs >>mode
"abc" <string-reader> 3 stream-eofs <limited-stream>
4 over stream-read drop 10 swap stream-read
] unit-test
[ t ]
"abc" <string-reader> 3 stream-eofs limit unlimit
"abc" <string-reader> =
] unit-test
@ -9,20 +9,27 @@ TUPLE: limited-stream stream count limit mode ;
SINGLETONS: stream-throws stream-eofs ;
: <limited-stream> ( stream limit -- stream' )
: <limited-stream> ( stream limit mode -- stream' )
limited-stream new
swap >>mode
swap >>limit
swap >>stream
0 >>count
stream-throws >>mode ;
0 >>count ;
GENERIC# limit 1 ( stream limit -- stream' )
GENERIC# limit 2 ( stream limit mode -- stream' )
M: decoder limit [ clone ] dip [ limit ] curry change-stream ;
M: decoder limit ( stream limit mode -- stream' )
[ clone ] 2dip '[ _ _ limit ] change-stream ;
M: object limit <limited-stream> ;
M: object limit ( stream limit mode -- stream' )
<limited-stream> ;
: limit-input ( limit -- ) input-stream [ swap limit ] change ;
: unlimit ( stream -- stream' )
[ stream>> ] change-stream ;
: limit-input ( limit mode -- ) input-stream [ -rot limit ] change ;
: unlimit-input ( -- ) input-stream [ unlimit ] change ;
ERROR: limit-exceeded ;
@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ IN: mime.multipart.tests
[ t ] [
mime-test-stream [ upload-separator parse-multipart ] with-input-stream
drop "\"up.txt\"" swap key?
nip "\"up.txt\"" swap key?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
mime-test-stream [ upload-separator parse-multipart ] with-input-stream
nip "\"text1\"" swap key?
drop "\"text1\"" swap key?
] unit-test
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ ERROR: bad-header bytes ;
: mime-write ( sequence -- )
>byte-array write ;
: parse-headers ( string -- sequence )
string-lines harvest [ parse-header-line ] map ;
: parse-headers ( string -- hashtable )
string-lines harvest [ parse-header-line ] map >hashtable ;
ERROR: end-of-stream multipart ;
@ -73,11 +73,14 @@ ERROR: end-of-stream multipart ;
"\r\n\r\n" dump-string dup "--\r" = [
] [
parse-headers >hashtable >>header
parse-headers >>header
] if ;
: empty-name? ( string -- ? )
{ "''" "\"\"" "" f } member? ;
: save-uploaded-file ( multipart -- )
dup filename>> empty? [
dup filename>> empty-name? [
] [
[ [ header>> ] [ filename>> ] [ temp-file>> ] tri mime-file boa ]
@ -86,9 +89,13 @@ ERROR: end-of-stream multipart ;
] if ;
: save-form-variable ( multipart -- )
[ [ header>> ] [ name>> ] [ name-content>> ] tri mime-variable boa ]
[ name>> ]
[ form-variables>> set-at ] tri ;
dup name>> empty-name? [
] [
[ [ header>> ] [ name>> ] [ name-content>> ] tri mime-variable boa ]
[ name>> ]
[ form-variables>> set-at ] tri
] if ;
: dump-mime-file ( multipart filename -- multipart )
binary <file-writer> [
@ -132,19 +139,22 @@ ERROR: no-content-disposition multipart ;
[ no-content-disposition ]
} case ;
: read-assert= ( string -- )
[ length read ] keep assert= ;
: assert-sequence= ( a b -- )
2dup sequence= [ 2drop ] [ assert ] if ;
: read-assert-sequence= ( sequence -- )
[ length read ] keep assert-sequence= ;
: parse-beginning ( multipart -- multipart )
"--" read-assert=
"--" read-assert-sequence=
dup mime-separator>>
[ read-assert= ]
[ read-assert-sequence= ]
[ separator-prefix prepend >>mime-separator ] bi ;
: parse-multipart-loop ( multipart -- multipart )
dup end-of-stream?>> [ process-header parse-multipart-loop ] unless ;
: parse-multipart ( sep -- uploaded-files form-variables )
: parse-multipart ( separator -- form-variables uploaded-files )
<multipart> parse-beginning parse-multipart-loop
[ uploaded-files>> ] [ form-variables>> ] bi ;
[ form-variables>> ] [ uploaded-files>> ] bi ;
@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ SYMBOL: my-post-data
{ imagebin "upload-image" } >>template
request get post-data>> my-post-data set-global
! request get post-data>> my-post-data set-global
! image new
! "file" value
! insert-tuple
! "uploaded-image" <redirect>
"uploaded-image" <redirect>
] >>submit ;
: <imagebin> ( -- responder )
Reference in New Issue