deleting old semantic-db code
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
USING: io.files kernel namespaces semantic-db.db semantic-db.db.private sqlite tools.test ;
IN: temporary
[ "" ] [ "id" "n" [ 0 column-text ] <field> field-sql ] unit-test
[ "select from nodes n where n.content = :content" ] [
"id" "n" [ 0 column-text ] <field> over add-field
"nodes n" over add-table
"n.content = :content" over add-condition
] unit-test
create-node-table create-arc-table
[ 1 ] [ "first node" create-node ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ "second node" create-node ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ "third node" create-node ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ f create-node ] unit-test
[ "first node" ] [ 1 node-content ] unit-test
[ 5 ] [ 1 2 3 create-arc ] unit-test
[ { { 1 2 3 } } ] [ 2 node-arcs ] unit-test
[ { { 1 2 3 } } ] [ 3 node-arcs ] unit-test
[ { { 3 1 } } ] [ 2 node-subject-arcs ] unit-test
[ { { 2 1 } } ] [ 3 node-object-arcs ] unit-test
@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs kernel math namespaces new-slots sequences sqlite ;
IN: semantic-db.db
! sqlite utils
: prepare ( string -- statement )
db get swap sqlite-prepare ;
: binding ( statement key val -- statement )
>r dup integer? [ 1+ ] when dupd r> sqlite-bind-by-name-or-index ;
GENERIC# bindings 1 ( bindings statement -- statement )
M: assoc bindings
swap [ binding ] assoc-each ;
M: sequence bindings
swap dup length swap [ binding ] 2each ;
: prepare-with-bindings ( bindings string -- statement )
prepare bindings ;
: select-with-bindings ( bindings string quot -- results )
>r prepare-with-bindings dup r> sqlite-map swap sqlite-finalize ;
: ignore-and-finalize ( statement -- )
dup [ drop ] sqlite-each sqlite-finalize ;
: sql-update ( string -- )
prepare ignore-and-finalize ;
: update-with-bindings ( bindings string -- )
prepare-with-bindings ignore-and-finalize ;
: 1result ( array -- result )
#! return the first (and hopefully only) element of the array, or f
dup length zero? [ drop f ] [ first ] if ;
: (collect-int-columns) ( statement n -- )
[ dupd column-int , ] each drop ;
: collect-int-columns ( statement n -- columns )
[ (collect-int-columns) ] { } make ;
! queries
TUPLE: field name table retriever ;
C: <field> field
TUPLE: query fields tables conditions args statement results ;
: call-field-retrievers ( query
: <query> ( -- query )
V{ } clone V{ } clone V{ } clone H{ } clone f f
query construct-boa ;
: invalidate-query ( query -- query )
f >>results ;
: add-field ( field query -- query )
dup invalidate-query fields>> push ;
: add-table ( table query -- query )
dup invalidate-query tables>> push ;
: add-condition ( condition query -- query )
tuck invalidate-query conditions>> push ;
: add-arg ( arg key query -- query )
[ invalidate-query args>> set-at ] keep ;
: field-sql ( field -- sql )
[ dup table>> % CHAR: . , name>> % ] "" make ;
: fields-sql ( query -- sql )
fields>> dup length [
[ field-sql ] map ", " join
] [
drop "*"
] if ;
: tables-sql ( query -- sql )
tables>> ", " join ;
: conditions-sql ( query -- sql )
conditions>> dup length [
" and " join "where " swap append
] [
drop ""
] if ;
: query-sql ( query -- sql )
"select" , dup fields-sql , dup "from" , tables-sql , conditions-sql ,
] { } make " " join ;
: prepare-query ( query -- query )
dup query-sql prepare >>statement ;
: bind-query ( query -- query )
dup args>> over statement>> bindings >>statement ;
: (retrieve) ( statement query -- result )
fields>> swap [ retriever>> call ] curry each ;
: retrieve ( query -- query )
dup statement>> over [ (retrieve) ] curry sqlite-map
swap >>results ;
! dup query-statement over query-retriever sqlite-map swap >>results ;
: finalize-query ( query -- query )
statement>> dup sqlite-finalize f swap >>statement ;
: run-query ( query -- )
dup prepare-query dup bind-query dup retrieve finalize-query ;
: get-results ( query -- results )
dup results>> [ nip ] [ dup run-query results>> ] if* ;
! nodes and arcs
! maybe merge nodes and arcs table, so arcs can be nodes too:
! create table nodes (id integer primary key autoincrement, value none, type integer, subject integer, object integer)
! nodes:
! value: node content
! type: nid of node type
! subject: null
! object: null
! arcs:
! value: ordinality, or null
! type: nid of relation
! subject: nid of arc subject
! object: nid of arc object
! An alternative layout:
! nodes:
! id
! type
! content:
! id
! content
! arcs:
! id
! relation
! subject
! object
! ordinal
! A third alternative. In this, all arcs have an entry in the nodes table, but
! their content is null. No node that isn't an arc can have null content. If an
! arc needs an ordinal, then it can be created as another arc.
! nodes:
! id
! content
! arcs:
! id
! relation
! subject
! object
: create-node-table ( -- )
"create table nodes (id integer primary key autoincrement, content none);" sql-update ;
: create-arc-table ( -- )
"create table arcs (id integer, relation integer, subject integer, object integer);" sql-update ;
: create-node ( content -- id )
#! if content is f then it is inserted as NULL
[ 1array ] [ drop { } clone ] if*
"insert into nodes (content) values (?);"
update-with-bindings db get sqlite-last-insert-rowid ;
: create-bootstrap-nodes ( -- )
{ "context" "relation" "is of type" "semantic-db" "is in context" }
[ create-node drop ] each ;
: context-type 1 ; inline
: relation-type 2 ; inline
: has-type-relation 3 ; inline
: semantic-db-context 4 ; inline
: has-context-relation 5 ; inline
: create-arc ( relation subject object -- id )
f create-node -roll 4array
"insert into arcs (id, relation, subject, object) values (?, ?, ?, ?);"
update-with-bindings ;
: create-bootstrap-arcs ( -- )
has-type-relation has-type-relation relation-type create-arc drop
has-type-relation semantic-db-context context-type create-arc drop
has-context-relation has-type-relation semantic-db-context create-arc drop
has-type-relation has-context-relation relation-type create-arc drop
has-context-relation has-context-relation semantic-db-context create-arc drop ;
: init-semantic-db ( -- )
create-node-table create-arc-table create-bootstrap-nodes create-bootstrap-arcs ;
: node-content ( id -- content )
1array "select content from nodes where id = ?" [ 0 column-text ] select-with-bindings 1result ;
: node-arcs ( node-id -- arcs )
1array "select id, relation, subject, object from arcs where subject = ?1 or object = ?1;"
[ 4 collect-int-columns ] select-with-bindings ;
: node-subject-arcs ( node-id -- arcs )
1array "select object, relation from arcs where subject = ?;"
[ 2 collect-int-columns ] select-with-bindings ;
: node-object-arcs ( node-id -- arcs )
1array "select subject, relation from arcs where object = ?;"
[ 2 collect-int-columns ] select-with-bindings ;
: relation-subject-objects ( relation subject -- objects )
2array "select object from arcs where relation = ? and subject = ?;"
[ 0 column-int ] select-with-bindings ;
: relation-object-subjects ( relation object -- subjects )
2array "select subject from arcs where relation = ? and object = ?;"
[ 0 column-int ] select-with-bindings ;
: subject-object-relations ( subject object -- relations )
2array "select relation from arcs where subject = ? and object = ?"
[ 0 column-int ] select-with-bindings ;
: type-and-name-node ( type name -- node )
has-type-relation 3array
"select from arcs a, nodes n where a.subject = and a.object = ? and = ? and a.relation = ?"
[ 0 column-int ] select-with-bindings 1result ;
: create-node-of-type ( type name -- node )
create-node [ has-type-relation -rot create-arc drop ] keep ;
: ensure-node-of-type ( type name -- node )
2dup type-and-name-node [ 2nip ] [ create-node-of-type ] if* ;
: type-and-name-in-context-node ( context type name -- node )
"id" "n" [ 0 column-int ] add-field
"nodes n" add-table
" = :name" add-condition
":name" add-arg
"arcs a" add-table
"a.relation = :has_type" add-condition
has-type-relation ":has_type" add-arg
"a.subject =" add-condition
"a.object = :type" add-condition
":type" add-arg
"arcs b" add-table
"b.subject = a.relation" add-condition
"b.relation = :has_context" add-condition
has-context-relation ":has_context" add-arg
"b.object = :context" add-condition
":context" add-arg
get-results 1result ;
! ideas for an api:
! this would work something like jquery, where arcs can be selected according
! to parameters, and the contents of nodes and arcs are retrieved on demand, or
! at the program's convenience. It may be better to do this as a query language.
! TUPLE: node id content ;
! : node-text ( node -- text )
! dup node-content [
! nip
! ] [
! node-id ! now get content from database, save it in node-content, and return it
! ] if* ;
! TUPLE: arc id relation subject object ;
! TUPLE: arcs ids relation subject object ;
Reference in New Issue