Merge branch 'doc-fixes' of git://

Slava Pestov 2011-01-05 20:27:55 -08:00
commit 2373dc4b4f
15 changed files with 50 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ HELP: once-at
HELP: >biassoc
{ $values { "assoc" assoc } { "biassoc" biassoc } }
{ $description "Costructs a new biassoc with the same key/value pairs as the given assoc." } ;
{ $description "Constructs a new biassoc with the same key/value pairs as the given assoc." } ;
ARTICLE: "biassocs" "Bidirectional assocs"
"A " { $emphasis "bidirectional assoc" } " combines a pair of assocs to form a data structure where both normal assoc opeartions (eg, " { $link at } "), as well as " { $link "assocs-values" } " (eg, " { $link value-at } ") run in sub-linear time."
"A " { $emphasis "bidirectional assoc" } " combines a pair of assocs to form a data structure where both normal assoc operations (eg, " { $link at } "), as well as " { $link "assocs-values" } " (eg, " { $link value-at } ") run in sub-linear time."
"Bidirectional assocs implement the entire " { $link "assocs-protocol" } " with the exception of " { $link delete-at } ". Duplicate values are allowed, however value lookups with " { $link value-at } " only return the first key that a given value was stored with."

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@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ math.order ;
IN: calendar
HELP: duration
{ $description "A duration is a period of time years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. All duration slots can store " { $link real } " numbers. Compare two durations with the " { $link <=> } " word." } ;
{ $description "A duration is a period of time years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. All duration slots can store " { $link real } " numbers. Compare two durations with the " { $link <=> } " word." } ;
HELP: timestamp
{ $description "A timestamp is a date and a time with a timezone offset. Timestamp slots must store integers except for " { $snippet "seconds" } ", which stores reals, and " { $snippet "gmt-offset" } ", which stores a " { $link duration } ". Compare two durations with the " { $link <=> } " word." } ;
{ $description "A timestamp is a date and a time with a timezone offset. Timestamp slots must store integers except for " { $snippet "seconds" } ", which stores reals, and " { $snippet "gmt-offset" } ", which stores a " { $link duration } ". Compare two durations with the " { $link <=> } " word." } ;
{ timestamp duration } related-words
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ HELP: month-names
HELP: month-name
{ $values { "obj" { $or integer timestamp } } { "string" string } }
{ $description "Looks up the month name and returns it as a string. January has an index of 1 instead of zero." } ;
{ $description "Looks up the month name and returns it as a string. January has an index of 1 instead of zero." } ;
HELP: month-abbreviations
{ $values { "value" array } }
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ HELP: month-abbreviations
HELP: month-abbreviation
{ $values { "n" integer } { "string" string } }
{ $description "Looks up the abbreviated month name and returns it as a string. January has an index of 1 instead of zero." } ;
{ $description "Looks up the abbreviated month name and returns it as a string. January has an index of 1 instead of zero." } ;
HELP: day-names
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ HELP: day-name
HELP: day-abbreviations2
{ $values { "value" array } }
{ $description "Returns an array with the abbreviated English names of the days of the week. This abbreviation is two characters long." } ;
{ $description "Returns an array with the abbreviated English names of the days of the week. This abbreviation is two characters long." } ;
HELP: day-abbreviation2
{ $values { "n" integer } { "string" string } }
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ HELP: day-abbreviation2
HELP: day-abbreviations3
{ $values { "value" array } }
{ $description "Returns an array with the abbreviated English names of the days of the week. This abbreviation is three characters long." } ;
{ $description "Returns an array with the abbreviated English names of the days of the week. This abbreviation is three characters long." } ;
HELP: day-abbreviation3
{ $values { "n" integer } { "string" string } }
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ HELP: seconds-per-year
HELP: julian-day-number
{ $values { "year" integer } { "month" integer } { "day" integer } { "n" integer } }
{ $description "Calculates the Julian day number from a year, month, and day. The difference between two Julian day numbers is the number of days that have elapsed between the two corresponding dates." }
{ $description "Calculates the Julian day number from a year, month, and day. The difference between two Julian day numbers is the number of days that have elapsed between the two corresponding dates." }
{ $warning "Not valid before year -4800 BCE." } ;
HELP: julian-day-number>date
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ HELP: >gmt
HELP: time*
{ $values { "obj1" object } { "obj2" object } { "obj3" object } }
{ $description "Multiplies each time slot of a timestamp or duration by a number and make a new duration from the result. Used in the implementation of " { $link before } "." } ;
{ $description "Multiplies each time slot of a timestamp or duration by a number and make a new duration from the result. Used in the implementation of " { $link before } "." } ;
{ time+ time- time* } related-words
HELP: before
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ HELP: before
HELP: <zero>
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $description "Returns a zero timestamp that consists of zeros for every slot. Used to see if timestamps are valid." } ;
{ $description "Returns a zero timestamp that consists of zeros for every slot. Used to see if timestamps are valid." } ;
HELP: valid-timestamp?
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "?" "a boolean" } }
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ HELP: zeller-congruence
{ $notes "User code should use the " { $link day-of-week } " word, which takes a " { $snippet "timestamp" } " instead of integers." } ;
HELP: days-in-year
{ $values { "obj" "a timestamp or an integer" } { "n" integer } }
{ $values { "obj" "a timestamp or an integer" } { "n" integer } }
{ $description "Calculates the number of days in a given year." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"

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@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ HELP: signal-error.
{ "8 - Arithmetic exception. Most likely a divide by zero in " { $link /i } "." }
{ "10, 11 - Memory protection fault. This error suggests invalid values are being passed to C functions by an " { $link alien-invoke } ". Factor also uses memory protection to trap stack underflows and overflows, but usually these are reported as their own errors. Sometimes they'll show up as a generic signal 11, though." }
"The Windows equivalent of a signal 11 is a SEH fault. When one occurs, the runtime throws a singal error, even though it does not correspond to a Unix signal."
"The Windows equivalent of a signal 11 is a SEH fault. When one occurs, the runtime throws a signal error, even though it does not correspond to a Unix signal."
} ;
HELP: array-size-error.

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ARTICLE: "grouping" "Groups and clumps"
"{ 1 2 3 4 } dup" "2 <groups> concat sequence= ." "t"
{ "With clumps, collecting the first element of each subsequence but the last one, together with the last subseqence, yields the original sequence:"
{ "With clumps, collecting the first element of each subsequence but the last one, together with the last subsequence, yields the original sequence:"
{ $unchecked-example
"USING: grouping ;"
"{ 1 2 3 4 } 2 clump ." "{ { 1 2 } { 2 3 } { 3 4 } }"

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@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ $nl
"Submission data for POST and PUT requests:"
{ $subsections "" }
"More esoteric use-cases, for example HTTP methods other than the above, are accomodated by constructing an empty request object with " { $link <request> } " and filling everything in by hand."
"More esoteric use-cases, for example HTTP methods other than the above, are accommodated by constructing an empty request object with " { $link <request> } " and filling everything in by hand."
{ $subsections

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ HELP: mapped-file
} ;
HELP: <mapped-file>
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "mmap" mapped-file } }
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "mmap" mapped-file } }
{ $contract "Opens a file and maps its contents into memory. The length is permitted to exceed the length of the file on disk, in which case the remaining space is padded with zero bytes." }
{ $notes "You must call " { $link dispose } " when you are finished working with the returned object, to reclaim resources. The " { $link with-mapped-file } " provides an abstraction which can close the mapped file for you." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if a memory mapping could not be established." } ;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ HELP: close-mapped-file
{ $errors "Throws an error if a memory mapping could not be established." } ;
HELP: <mapped-file-reader>
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "mmap" mapped-file } }
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "mmap" mapped-file } }
{ $contract "Opens a file for reading only and maps its contents into memory. The length is permitted to exceed the length of the file on disk, in which case the remaining space is padded with zero bytes." }
{ $notes "You must call " { $link dispose } " when you are finished working with the returned object, to reclaim resources. The " { $link with-mapped-file } " provides an abstraction which can close the mapped file for you." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if a memory mapping could not be established." } ;

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ HELP: new-passwd
{ $description "Creates a new passwd tuple dependent on the operating system." } ;
HELP: passwd
{ $description "A platform-specific tuple correspding to every field from the Unix passwd struct. BSD passwd structures have four extra slots: " { $slot "change" } ", " { $slot "class" } "," { $slot "expire" } ", " { $slot "fields" } "." } ;
{ $description "A platform-specific tuple corresponding to every field from the Unix passwd struct. BSD passwd structures have four extra slots: " { $slot "change" } ", " { $slot "class" } ", " { $slot "expire" } ", " { $slot "fields" } "." } ;
HELP: user-cache
{ $description "A symbol storing passwd structures indexed by user-ids when within a " { $link with-user-cache } "." } ;
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ HELP: with-real-user
real-user-name real-user-id set-real-user
effective-user-name effective-user-id
effective-user-name effective-user-id
} related-words
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ HELP: ?user-id
HELP: all-user-names
{ $values
{ "seq" sequence }
{ $description "Returns a sequence of group names as strings." } ;

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ HELP: class<=
{ $notes "Classes are partially ordered. This means that if " { $snippet "class1 <= class2" } " and " { $snippet "class2 <= class1" } ", then " { $snippet "class1 = class2" } ". Also, if " { $snippet "class1 <= class2" } " and " { $snippet "class2 <= class3" } ", then " { $snippet "class1 <= class3" } "." } ;
HELP: sort-classes
{ $values { "seq" "a sequence of class" } { "newseq" "a new seqence of classes" } }
{ $values { "seq" "a sequence of class" } { "newseq" "a new sequence of classes" } }
{ $description "Outputs a linear sort of a sequence of classes. Larger classes come before their subclasses." } ;
HELP: class-or

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@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ $nl
{ $example "USE: classes" "\\ f class ." "word" }
"On the other hand, " { $link t } " is just a word, and there is no class which it is a unique instance of."
{ $example "t \\ t eq? ." "t" }
"Many words which search collections confuse the case of no element being present with an element being found equal to " { $link f } ". If this distinction is imporant, there is usually an alternative word which can be used; for example, compare " { $link at } " with " { $link at* } "." ;
"Many words which search collections confuse the case of no element being present with an element being found equal to " { $link f } ". If this distinction is important, there is usually an alternative word which can be used; for example, compare " { $link at } " with " { $link at* } "." ;
ARTICLE: "conditionals-boolean-equivalence" "Expressing conditionals with boolean logic"
"Certain simple conditional forms can be expressed in a simpler manner using boolean logic."
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ HELP: execute-effect-unsafe
{ $values { "word" word } { "effect" effect } }
{ $description "Given a word and a stack effect, executes the word, blindly declaring at runtime that it has the given stack effect. This is a macro which expands given a literal effect parameter, and an arbitrary word which is not required at compile time." }
{ $warning "If the word being executed has an incorrect stack effect, undefined behavior will result. User code should use " { $link POSTPONE: execute( } " instead." } ;
{ call-effect call-effect-unsafe execute-effect execute-effect-unsafe } related-words
HELP: cleave
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ HELP: case
{ $description
"Compares " { $snippet "obj" } " against the first element of every pair, first evaluating the first element if it is a word. If some pair matches, removes " { $snippet "obj" } " from the stack and calls the second element of that pair, which must be a quotation."
"If there is no case matching " { $snippet "obj" } ", the default case is taken. If the last element of " { $snippet "cases" } " is a quotation, the quotation is called with " { $snippet "obj" } " on the stack. Otherwise, a " { $link no-cond } " error is rasied."
"If there is no case matching " { $snippet "obj" } ", the default case is taken. If the last element of " { $snippet "cases" } " is a quotation, the quotation is called with " { $snippet "obj" } " on the stack. Otherwise, a " { $link no-cond } " error is raised."
"The following two phrases are equivalent:"
{ $code "{ { X [ Y ] } { Z [ T ] } } case" }
@ -372,10 +372,10 @@ HELP: recursive-hashcode
HELP: cond>quot
{ $values { "assoc" "a sequence of pairs of quotations" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Creates a quotation that when called, has the same effect as applying " { $link cond } " to " { $snippet "assoc" } "."
{ $description "Creates a quotation that when called, has the same effect as applying " { $link cond } " to " { $snippet "assoc" } "."
"The generated quotation is more efficient than the naive implementation of " { $link cond } ", though, since it expands into a series of conditionals, and no iteration through " { $snippet "assoc" } " has to be performed." }
{ $notes "This word is used behind the scenes to compile " { $link cond } " forms efficiently; it can also be called directly, which is useful for meta-programming." } ;
{ $notes "This word is used behind the scenes to compile " { $link cond } " forms efficiently; it can also be called directly, which is useful for meta-programming." } ;
HELP: case>quot
{ $values { "default" quotation } { "assoc" "a sequence of pairs of quotations" } { "quot" quotation } }

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $nl
"Inputs and outputs are typically named after some pun on their data type, or a description of the value's purpose if the type is very general. The following are some examples of value names:"
{ $table
{ { { $snippet "?" } } "a boolean" }
{ { { $snippet "<=>" } } { "an ordering sepcifier; see " { $link "order-specifiers" } } }
{ { { $snippet "<=>" } } { "an ordering specifier; see " { $link "order-specifiers" } } }
{ { { $snippet "elt" } } "an object which is an element of a sequence" }
{ { { $snippet "m" } ", " { $snippet "n" } } "an integer" }
{ { { $snippet "obj" } } "an object" }

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ARTICLE: "stream-types" "Binary and text streams"
"Binary streams have an element type of " { $link +byte+ } ". Elements are integers in the range " { $snippet "[0,255]" } ", representing bytes. Reading a sequence of elements produces a " { $link byte-array } ". Any object implementing the " { $link >c-ptr } " and " { $link byte-length } " generic words can be written to a binary stream."
"Character streams have an element tye of " { $link +character+ } ". Elements are non-negative integers, representing Unicode code points. Only instances of the " { $link string } " class can be read or written on a character stream."
"Character streams have an element type of " { $link +character+ } ". Elements are non-negative integers, representing Unicode code points. Only instances of the " { $link string } " class can be read or written on a character stream."
"Most external streams are binary streams, and can be wrapped in string streams once a suitable encoding has been provided; see " { $link "io.encodings" } "." ;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ $io-error ;
HELP: stream-copy
{ $values { "in" "an input stream" } { "out" "an output stream" } }
{ $description "Copies the contents of one stream into another, closing both streams when done." }
{ $description "Copies the contents of one stream into another, closing both streams when done." }
$io-error ;
HELP: stream-tell
@ -112,21 +112,21 @@ HELP: stream-seek
HELP: seek-absolute
{ $values
{ "value" "a seek singleton" }
{ $description "Seeks to an offset from the beginning of the stream." } ;
HELP: seek-end
{ $values
{ "value" "a seek singleton" }
{ $description "Seeks to an offset from the end of the stream. If the offset puts the stream pointer past the end of the data on an output stream, writing to it will pad the difference with zeros." } ;
HELP: seek-relative
{ $values
{ "value" "a seek singleton" }
{ $description "Seeks to an offset from the current position of the stream pointer." } ;
@ -203,19 +203,19 @@ $io-error ;
HELP: with-input-stream
{ $values { "stream" "an input stream" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link input-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "stream" } ". The stream is closed if the quotation returns or throws an error." } ;
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link input-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "stream" } ". The stream is closed if the quotation returns or throws an error." } ;
HELP: with-output-stream
{ $values { "stream" "an output stream" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link output-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "stream" } ". The stream is closed if the quotation returns or throws an error." } ;
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link output-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "stream" } ". The stream is closed if the quotation returns or throws an error." } ;
HELP: with-streams
{ $values { "input" "an input stream" } { "output" "an output stream" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link input-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "input" } " and " { $link output-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "output" } ". The stream is closed if the quotation returns or throws an error." } ;
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link input-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "input" } " and " { $link output-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "output" } ". The stream is closed if the quotation returns or throws an error." } ;
HELP: with-streams*
{ $values { "input" "an input stream" } { "output" "an output stream" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link input-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "input" } " and " { $link output-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "output" } "." }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link input-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "input" } " and " { $link output-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "output" } "." }
{ $notes "This word does not close the stream. Compare with " { $link with-streams } "." } ;
{ with-input-stream with-input-stream* } related-words
@ -224,12 +224,12 @@ HELP: with-streams*
HELP: with-input-stream*
{ $values { "stream" "an input stream" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link input-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "stream" } "." }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link input-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "stream" } "." }
{ $notes "This word does not close the stream. Compare with " { $link with-input-stream } "." } ;
HELP: with-output-stream*
{ $values { "stream" "an output stream" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link output-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "stream" } "." }
{ $description "Calls the quotation in a new dynamic scope, with " { $link output-stream } " rebound to " { $snippet "stream" } "." }
{ $notes "This word does not close the stream. Compare with " { $link with-output-stream } "." } ;
HELP: bl

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@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ HELP: bi
"[ p ] [ q ] bi"
"[ p ] keep q"
} ;
HELP: 2bi
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ HELP: bi-curry*
"[ swap ] dip [ p ] [ q ] 2bi*"
"In other words, " { $snippet "bi-curry* bi*" } " handles the case where you have the four values " { $snippet "a b c d" } " on the stack, and you wish to apply " { $snippet "p" } " to " { $snippet "a c" } " and " { $snippet "q" } " to " { $snippet "b d" } "."
} ;
HELP: tri-curry*
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ HELP: die
{ $notes
"The term FEP originates from the Lisp machines of old. According to the Jargon File,"
{ $strong "fepped out" } " /fept owt/ " { $emphasis "adj." } " The Symbolics 3600 LISP Machine has a Front-End Processor called a `FEP' (compare sense 2 of box). When the main processor gets wedged, the FEP takes control of the keyboard and screen. Such a machine is said to have `fepped out' or `dropped into the fep'."
{ $strong "fepped out" } " /fept owt/ " { $emphasis "adj." } " The Symbolics 3600 LISP Machine has a Front-End Processor called a `FEP' (compare sense 2 of box). When the main processor gets wedged, the FEP takes control of the keyboard and screen. Such a machine is said to have `fepped out' or `dropped into the fep'."
{ $url "" }
} ;
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ HELP: with
{ $description "Partial application on the left. The following two lines are equivalent:"
{ $code "swap [ swap A ] curry B" }
{ $code "[ A ] with B" }
{ $notes "This operation is efficient and does not copy the quotation." }
{ $examples

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ ARTICLE: "parsing-tokens" "Parsing raw tokens"
"So far we have seen how to read individual tokens, or read a sequence of parsed objects until a delimiter. It is also possible to read raw tokens from the input and perform custom processing."
"One example is the " { $link POSTPONE: USING: } " parsing word."
"It reads a list of vocabularies terminated by " { $link POSTPONE: ; } ". However, the vocabulary names do not name words, except by coincidence; so " { $link parse-until } " cannot be used here. Instead, a set of lower-level combinators can be used:"
{ $subsections
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ HELP: parse-fresh
{ $errors "Throws a parse error if the input is malformed." } ;
HELP: filter-moved
{ $values { "assoc1" assoc } { "assoc2" assoc } { "seq" "an seqence of definitions" } }
{ $values { "assoc1" assoc } { "assoc2" assoc } { "seq" "an sequence of definitions" } }
{ $description "Removes all definitions from " { $snippet "assoc2" } " which are in " { $snippet "assoc1" } " or are are no longer present in the current " { $link file } "." } ;
HELP: forget-smudged

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@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ HELP: array-capacity
{ $warning "This word is in the " { $vocab-link "sequences.private" } " vocabulary because it is unsafe. It does not check types, so improper use can corrupt memory." } ;
HELP: array-nth
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative fixnum" } { "array" "an array" } { "elt" object } }
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative fixnum" } { "array" "an array" } { "elt" object } }
{ $description "Low-level array element accessor." }
{ $warning "This word is in the " { $vocab-link "sequences.private" } " vocabulary because it is unsafe. It does not check types or array bounds, and improper use can corrupt memory. User code must use " { $link nth } " instead." } ;
@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ HELP: tail*
HELP: shorter?
{ $values { "seq1" sequence } { "seq2" sequence } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tets if the length of " { $snippet "seq1" } " is smaller than the length of " { $snippet "seq2" } "." } ;
{ $description "Tests if the length of " { $snippet "seq1" } " is smaller than the length of " { $snippet "seq2" } "." } ;
HELP: head?
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "begin" sequence } { "?" "a boolean" } }
@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ HELP: 2selector
{ $values
{ "quot" quotation }
{ "selector" quotation } { "accum1" vector } { "accum2" vector } }
{ $description "Creates two new vectors to accumultate values based on a predicate. The first vector accumulates values for which the predicate yields true; the second for false." } ;
{ $description "Creates two new vectors to accumulate values based on a predicate. The first vector accumulates values for which the predicate yields true; the second for false." } ;
HELP: 2unclip-slice
{ $values
@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ HELP: follow
{ $values
{ "obj" object } { "quot" { $quotation "( ... prev -- ... result/f )" } }
{ "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Outputs a sequence containing the input object and all of the objects generated by successively feeding the result of the quotation called on the input object to the quotation recursuively. Objects yielded by the quotation are added to the output sequence until the quotation yields " { $link f } ", at which point the recursion terminates." }
{ $description "Outputs a sequence containing the input object and all of the objects generated by successively feeding the result of the quotation called on the input object to the quotation recursively. Objects yielded by the quotation are added to the output sequence until the quotation yields " { $link f } ", at which point the recursion terminates." }
{ $examples "Get random numbers until zero is reached:"
{ $unchecked-example
"USING: random sequences prettyprint math ;"
@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ HELP: new-like
HELP: push-either
{ $values
{ "elt" object } { "quot" quotation } { "accum1" vector } { "accum2" vector } }
{ $description "Pushes the input object onto one of the accumualators; the first if the quotation yields true, the second if false." } ;
{ $description "Pushes the input object onto one of the accumulators; the first if the quotation yields true, the second if false." } ;
HELP: sequence-hashcode
{ $values

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ HELP: source-file
HELP: record-checksum
{ $values { "lines" "a sequence of strings" } { "source-file" source-file } }
{ $description "Records the CRC32 checksm of the source file's contents." }
{ $description "Records the CRC32 checksum of the source file's contents." }
$low-level-note ;
HELP: reset-checksums