Merge branch 'master' into new_codegen
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ M: ppc %epilogue ( n -- )
1 1 rot ADDI
0 MTLR ;
: (%call) ( -- ) 11 MTLR BLRL ;
: (%call) ( reg -- ) MTLR BLRL ;
: (%jump) ( -- ) 11 MTCTR BCTR ;
: (%jump) ( reg -- ) MTCTR BCTR ;
: %load-dlsym ( symbol dll register -- )
0 swap LOAD32 rc-absolute-ppc-2/2 rel-dlsym ;
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ M: ppc %dispatch ( -- )
"offset" operand "n" operand 1 SRAWI
11 11 "offset" operand ADD
11 dup 6 cells LWZ
11 (%jump)
] H{
{ +input+ { { f "n" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "offset" } } }
@ -244,17 +244,17 @@ M: ppc %prepare-alien-invoke
rs-reg 11 12 STW ;
M: ppc %alien-invoke ( symbol dll -- )
11 %load-dlsym (%call) ;
11 %load-dlsym 11 (%call) ;
M: ppc %alien-callback ( quot -- )
3 load-indirect "c_to_factor" f %alien-invoke ;
M: ppc %prepare-alien-indirect ( -- )
"unbox_alien" f %alien-invoke
3 11 MR ;
13 3 MR ;
M: ppc %alien-indirect ( -- )
(%call) ;
13 (%call) ;
M: ppc %callback-value ( ctype -- )
! Save top of data stack
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ HELP: sql-row-typed
HELP: with-db
{ $values
{ "db" db } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation with a database bound to the " { $link db } " symbol. The database called is based on the " { $snippet "class" } " with the " } ;
{ $description "Calls the quotation with a database bound to the " { $link db } " symbol. See " { $link "db-custom-database-combinators" } " for help setting up database access." } ;
HELP: with-transaction
{ $values
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: classes help.markup help.syntax io.streams.string
strings math calendar io.files ;
IN: io.unix.files
HELP: file-group-id
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "gid" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the group id for a given file." } ;
HELP: file-group-name
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "Returns the group name for a given file." } ;
HELP: file-permissions
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "n" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the Unix file permissions for a given file." } ;
HELP: file-username
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "Returns the username for a given file." } ;
HELP: file-user-id
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "uid" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the user id for a given file." } ;
HELP: group-execute?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "group execute" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: group-read?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "group read" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: group-write?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "group write" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: other-execute?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "other execute" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: other-read?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "other read" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: other-write?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "other write" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: set-file-access-time
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $description "Sets a file's last access timestamp." } ;
HELP: set-file-group
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "string/id" "a string or a group id" } }
{ $description "Sets a file's group id from the given group id or group name." } ;
HELP: set-file-ids
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "uid" integer } { "gid" integer } }
{ $description "Sets the user id and group id of a file with a single library call." } ;
HELP: set-file-permissions
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "n" "an integer, interepreted as a string of bits" } }
{ $description "Sets the file permissions for a given file with the supplied Unix permissions integer. Supplying an octal number with " { $link POSTPONE: OCT: } " is recommended." }
{ $examples "Using the tradidional octal value:"
{ $unchecked-example "USING: io.unix.files kernel ;"
"\"resource:license.txt\" OCT: 755 set-file-permissions"
"Higher-level, setting named bits:"
{ $unchecked-example "USING: io.unix.files kernel math.bitwise ;"
"flags set-file-permissions"
"" }
} ;
HELP: set-file-times
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "timestamps" "an array of two timestamps" } }
{ $description "Sets the access and write timestamps for a file as provided in the input array. A value of " { $link f } " provided for either of the timestamps will not change that timestamp." } ;
HELP: set-file-user
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "string/id" "a string or a user id" } }
{ $description "Sets a file's user id from the given user id or username." } ;
HELP: set-file-modified-time
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $description "Sets a file's last modified timestamp, or write timestamp." } ;
HELP: set-gid
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "gid" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: gid?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "gid" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: set-group-execute
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "group execute" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: set-group-read
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "group read" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: set-group-write
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "group write" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: set-other-execute
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "other execute" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: set-other-read
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "other read" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: set-other-write
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "other execute" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: set-sticky
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "sticky" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: sticky?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "sticky" } " bit of a file is set." } ;
HELP: set-uid
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "uid" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: uid?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "uid" } " bit of a file is set." } ;
HELP: set-user-execute
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "user execute" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: set-user-read
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "user read" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: set-user-write
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $snippet "user write" } " bit of a file to true or false." } ;
HELP: user-execute?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "user execute" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: user-read?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "user read" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
HELP: user-write?
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the " { $snippet "user write" } " bit is set on a file." } ;
ARTICLE: "unix-file-permissions" "Unix file permissions"
"Reading all file permissions:"
{ $subsection file-permissions }
"Reading individual file permissions:"
{ $subsection uid? }
{ $subsection gid? }
{ $subsection sticky? }
{ $subsection user-read? }
{ $subsection user-write? }
{ $subsection user-execute? }
{ $subsection group-read? }
{ $subsection group-write? }
{ $subsection group-execute? }
{ $subsection other-read? }
{ $subsection other-write? }
{ $subsection other-execute? }
"Writing all file permissions:"
{ $subsection set-file-permissions }
"Writing individual file permissions:"
{ $subsection set-uid }
{ $subsection set-gid }
{ $subsection set-sticky }
{ $subsection set-user-read }
{ $subsection set-user-write }
{ $subsection set-user-execute }
{ $subsection set-group-read }
{ $subsection set-group-write }
{ $subsection set-group-execute }
{ $subsection set-other-read }
{ $subsection set-other-write }
{ $subsection set-other-execute } ;
ARTICLE: "unix-file-timestamps" "Unix file timestamps"
"To read file times, use the accessors on the object returned by the " { $link file-info } " word." $nl
"Setting multiple file times:"
{ $subsection set-file-times }
"Setting just the last access time:"
{ $subsection set-file-access-time }
"Setting just the last modified time:"
{ $subsection set-file-modified-time } ;
ARTICLE: "unix-file-ids" "Unix file user and group ids"
"Reading file user data:"
{ $subsection file-user-id }
{ $subsection file-username }
"Setting file user data:"
{ $subsection set-file-user }
"Reading file group data:"
{ $subsection file-group-id }
{ $subsection file-group-name }
"Setting file group data:"
{ $subsection set-file-group } ;
ARTICLE: "io.unix.files" "Unix file attributes"
"The " { $vocab-link "io.unix.files" } " vocabulary implements the Unix backend for opening files and provides a high-level way to set permissions, timestamps, and user and group ids for files."
{ $subsection "unix-file-permissions" }
{ $subsection "unix-file-timestamps" }
{ $subsection "unix-file-ids" } ;
ABOUT: "io.unix.files"
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
USING: tools.test io.files ;
USING: tools.test io.files continuations kernel io.unix.files
math.bitwise calendar accessors math.functions math unix.users
unix.groups arrays sequences ;
IN: io.unix.files.tests
[ "/usr/libexec/" ] [ "/usr/libexec/awk/" parent-directory ] unit-test
@ -27,3 +29,109 @@ IN: io.unix.files.tests
[ "/lib/bux" ] [ "/usr" "/lib/bux" append-path ] unit-test
[ "/lib/bux/" ] [ "/usr" "/lib/bux/" append-path ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "/foo" absolute-path? ] unit-test
: test-file ( -- path )
"permissions" temp-file ;
: prepare-test-file ( -- )
[ test-file delete-file ] ignore-errors
test-file touch-file ;
: perms ( -- n )
test-file file-permissions OCT: 7777 mask ;
[ t ]
[ test-file { USER-ALL GROUP-ALL OTHER-ALL } flags set-file-permissions perms OCT: 777 = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file user-read? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file user-write? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file user-execute? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file group-read? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file group-write? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file group-execute? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file other-read? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file other-write? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file other-execute? ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-other-execute perms OCT: 776 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-other-write perms OCT: 774 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-other-read perms OCT: 770 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-group-execute perms OCT: 760 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-group-write perms OCT: 740 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-group-read perms OCT: 700 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-user-execute perms OCT: 600 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-user-write perms OCT: 400 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file f set-user-read perms OCT: 000 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
[ test-file { USER-ALL GROUP-ALL OTHER-EXECUTE } flags set-file-permissions perms OCT: 771 = ] unit-test
[ t ]
test-file now
[ set-file-access-time ] 2keep
[ file-info accessed>> ]
[ [ [ truncate >integer ] change-second ] bi@ ] bi* =
] unit-test
[ t ]
test-file now
[ set-file-modified-time ] 2keep
[ file-info modified>> ]
[ [ [ truncate >integer ] change-second ] bi@ ] bi* =
] unit-test
[ t ]
test-file now [ dup 2array set-file-times ] 2keep
[ file-info [ modified>> ] [ accessed>> ] bi ] dip
[ [ truncate >integer ] change-second ] map all-equal?
] unit-test
[ ] [ test-file f now 2array set-file-times ] unit-test
[ ] [ test-file now f 2array set-file-times ] unit-test
[ ] [ test-file f f 2array set-file-times ] unit-test
[ ] [ test-file real-username set-file-user ] unit-test
[ ] [ test-file real-user-id set-file-user ] unit-test
[ ] [ test-file real-group-name set-file-group ] unit-test
[ ] [ test-file real-group-id set-file-group ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file file-username real-username = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ test-file file-group-name real-group-name = ] unit-test
[ ]
[ test-file real-user-id real-group-id set-file-ids ] unit-test
[ ]
[ test-file f real-group-id set-file-ids ] unit-test
[ ]
[ test-file real-user-id f set-file-ids ] unit-test
[ ]
[ test-file f f set-file-ids ] unit-test
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: io.backend io.ports io.unix.backend io.files io
unix unix.stat unix.time kernel math continuations
math.bitwise byte-arrays alien combinators calendar
io.encodings.binary accessors sequences strings system
io.files.private destructors vocabs.loader calendar.unix ;
io.files.private destructors vocabs.loader calendar.unix
unix.stat alien.c-types arrays unix.users unix.groups ;
IN: io.unix.files
M: unix cwd ( -- path )
@ -136,3 +136,122 @@ os {
{ freebsd [ "io.unix.files.bsd" require ] }
{ linux [ ] }
} case
: stat-mode ( path -- mode )
normalize-path file-status stat-st_mode ;
: chmod-set-bit ( path mask ? -- )
[ dup stat-mode ] 2dip
[ bitor ] [ unmask ] if chmod io-error ;
: file-mode? ( path mask -- ? ) [ stat-mode ] dip mask? ;
: UID OCT: 0004000 ; inline
: GID OCT: 0002000 ; inline
: STICKY OCT: 0001000 ; inline
: USER-ALL OCT: 0000700 ; inline
: USER-READ OCT: 0000400 ; inline
: USER-WRITE OCT: 0000200 ; inline
: USER-EXECUTE OCT: 0000100 ; inline
: GROUP-ALL OCT: 0000070 ; inline
: GROUP-READ OCT: 0000040 ; inline
: GROUP-WRITE OCT: 0000020 ; inline
: GROUP-EXECUTE OCT: 0000010 ; inline
: OTHER-ALL OCT: 0000007 ; inline
: OTHER-READ OCT: 0000004 ; inline
: OTHER-WRITE OCT: 0000002 ; inline
: OTHER-EXECUTE OCT: 0000001 ; inline
: uid? ( path -- ? ) UID file-mode? ;
: gid? ( path -- ? ) GID file-mode? ;
: sticky? ( path -- ? ) STICKY file-mode? ;
: user-read? ( path -- ? ) USER-READ file-mode? ;
: user-write? ( path -- ? ) USER-WRITE file-mode? ;
: user-execute? ( path -- ? ) USER-EXECUTE file-mode? ;
: group-read? ( path -- ? ) GROUP-READ file-mode? ;
: group-write? ( path -- ? ) GROUP-WRITE file-mode? ;
: group-execute? ( path -- ? ) GROUP-EXECUTE file-mode? ;
: other-read? ( path -- ? ) OTHER-READ file-mode? ;
: other-write? ( path -- ? ) OTHER-WRITE file-mode? ;
: other-execute? ( path -- ? ) OTHER-EXECUTE file-mode? ;
: set-uid ( path ? -- ) UID swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-gid ( path ? -- ) GID swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-sticky ( path ? -- ) STICKY swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-user-read ( path ? -- ) USER-READ swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-user-write ( path ? -- ) USER-WRITE swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-user-execute ( path ? -- ) USER-EXECUTE swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-group-read ( path ? -- ) GROUP-READ swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-group-write ( path ? -- ) GROUP-WRITE swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-group-execute ( path ? -- ) GROUP-EXECUTE swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-other-read ( path ? -- ) OTHER-READ swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-other-write ( path ? -- ) OTHER-WRITE swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-other-execute ( path ? -- ) OTHER-EXECUTE swap chmod-set-bit ;
: set-file-permissions ( path n -- )
[ normalize-path ] dip chmod io-error ;
: file-permissions ( path -- n )
normalize-path file-info permissions>> ;
: make-timeval-array ( array -- byte-array )
[ length "timeval" <c-array> ] keep
dup length [ over [ pick set-timeval-nth ] [ 2drop ] if ] 2each ;
: timestamp>timeval ( timestamp -- timeval )
unix-1970 time- duration>milliseconds make-timeval ;
: timestamps>byte-array ( timestamps -- byte-array )
[ dup [ timestamp>timeval ] when ] map make-timeval-array ;
: set-file-times ( path timestamps -- )
#! set access, write
[ normalize-path ] dip
timestamps>byte-array utimes io-error ;
: set-file-access-time ( path timestamp -- )
f 2array set-file-times ;
: set-file-modified-time ( path timestamp -- )
f swap 2array set-file-times ;
: set-file-ids ( path uid gid -- )
[ normalize-path ] 2dip
[ [ -1 ] unless* ] bi@ chown io-error ;
GENERIC: set-file-user ( path string/id -- )
GENERIC: set-file-group ( path string/id -- )
M: integer set-file-user ( path uid -- )
f set-file-ids ;
M: string set-file-user ( path string -- )
user-id f set-file-ids ;
M: integer set-file-group ( path gid -- )
f swap set-file-ids ;
M: string set-file-group ( path string -- )
f swap set-file-ids ;
: file-user-id ( path -- uid )
normalize-path file-info uid>> ;
: file-username ( path -- string )
file-user-id username ;
: file-group-id ( path -- gid )
normalize-path file-info gid>> ;
: file-group-name ( path -- string )
file-group-id group-name ;
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ M: lambda-macro definition
"lambda" word-prop body>> ;
M: lambda-macro reset-word
[ f "lambda" set-word-prop ] [ call-next-method ] bi ;
[ call-next-method ] [ f "lambda" set-word-prop ] bi ;
INTERSECTION: lambda-method method-body lambda-word ;
@ -420,15 +420,25 @@ M: windows-ui-backend do-events
style 0 ex-style AdjustWindowRectEx win32-error=0/f ;
: make-RECT ( world -- RECT )
dup window-loc>> { 40 40 } vmax dup rot rect-dim v+
dup window-loc>> dup rot rect-dim v+
"RECT" <c-object>
over first over set-RECT-right
swap second over set-RECT-bottom
over first over set-RECT-left
swap second over set-RECT-top ;
: default-position-RECT ( RECT -- )
dup get-RECT-dimensions [ 2drop ] 2dip
CW_USEDEFAULT + pick set-RECT-bottom
CW_USEDEFAULT + over set-RECT-right
CW_USEDEFAULT over set-RECT-left
CW_USEDEFAULT swap set-RECT-top ;
: make-adjusted-RECT ( rect -- RECT )
make-RECT dup adjust-RECT ;
dup get-RECT-top-left [ zero? ] both? swap
dup adjust-RECT
swap [ dup default-position-RECT ] when ;
: create-window ( rect -- hwnd )
@ -48,6 +48,19 @@ C-STRUCT: sockaddr-un
{ "uchar" "family" }
{ { "char" 104 } "path" } ;
C-STRUCT: passwd
{ "char*" "pw_name" }
{ "char*" "pw_passwd" }
{ "uid_t" "pw_uid" }
{ "gid_t" "pw_gid" }
{ "time_t" "pw_change" }
{ "char*" "pw_class" }
{ "char*" "pw_gecos" }
{ "char*" "pw_dir" }
{ "char*" "pw_shell" }
{ "time_t" "pw_expire" }
{ "int" "pw_fields" } ;
: max-un-path 104 ; inline
: SOCK_STREAM 1 ; inline
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: alien.syntax ;
USING: alien.syntax unix.time ;
IN: unix
: FD_SETSIZE 1024 ; inline
@ -13,19 +13,6 @@ C-STRUCT: addrinfo
{ "void*" "addr" }
{ "addrinfo*" "next" } ;
C-STRUCT: passwd
{ "char*" "pw_name" }
{ "char*" "pw_passwd" }
{ "uid_t" "pw_uid" }
{ "gid_t" "pw_gid" }
{ "time_t" "pw_change" }
{ "char*" "pw_class" }
{ "char*" "pw_gecos" }
{ "char*" "pw_dir" }
{ "char*" "pw_shell" }
{ "time_t" "pw_expire" }
{ "int" "pw_fields" } ;
: EPERM 1 ; inline
: ENOENT 2 ; inline
: ESRCH 3 ; inline
@ -130,3 +117,18 @@ C-STRUCT: passwd
: ETIME 101 ; inline
: EOPNOTSUPP 102 ; inline
: ENOPOLICY 103 ; inline
: _UTX_USERSIZE 256 ; inline
: _UTX_LINESIZE 32 ; inline
: _UTX_IDSIZE 4 ; inline
: _UTX_HOSTSIZE 256 ; inline
C-STRUCT: utmpx
{ { "char" _UTX_USERSIZE } "ut_user" }
{ { "char" _UTX_IDSIZE } "ut_id" }
{ { "char" _UTX_LINESIZE } "ut_line" }
{ "pid_t" "ut_pid" }
{ "short" "ut_type" }
{ "timeval" "ut_tv" }
{ { "char" _UTX_HOSTSIZE } "ut_host" }
{ { "uint" 16 } "ut_pad" } ;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: alien.syntax ;
USING: alien.syntax alien.c-types math vocabs.loader ;
IN: unix
: FD_SETSIZE 256 ; inline
@ -111,3 +111,24 @@ C-STRUCT: addrinfo
: ENOLINK 95 ; inline
: EPROTO 96 ; inline
: ELAST 96 ; inline
TYPEDEF: __uint8_t sa_family_t
: _UTX_USERSIZE 32 ; inline
: _UTX_LINESIZE 32 ; inline
: _UTX_IDSIZE 4 ; inline
: _UTX_HOSTSIZE 256 ; inline
: _SS_MAXSIZE ( -- n )
128 ; inline
: _SS_ALIGNSIZE ( -- n )
"__int64_t" heap-size ; inline
: _SS_PAD1SIZE ( -- n )
_SS_ALIGNSIZE 2 - ; inline
: _SS_PAD2SIZE ( -- n )
"unix.bsd.netbsd.structs" require
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax unix.time ;
IN: unix
C-STRUCT: sockaddr_storage
{ "__uint8_t" "ss_len" }
{ "sa_family_t" "ss_family" }
{ { "char" _SS_PAD1SIZE } "__ss_pad1" }
{ "__int64_t" "__ss_align" }
{ { "char" _SS_PAD2SIZE } "__ss_pad2" } ;
C-STRUCT: exit_struct
{ "uint16_t" "e_termination" }
{ "uint16_t" "e_exit" } ;
C-STRUCT: utmpx
{ { "char" _UTX_USERSIZE } "ut_user" }
{ { "char" _UTX_IDSIZE } "ut_id" }
{ { "char" _UTX_LINESIZE } "ut_line" }
{ { "char" _UTX_HOSTSIZE } "ut_host" }
{ "uint16_t" "ut_session" }
{ "uint16_t" "ut_type" }
{ "pid_t" "ut_pid" }
{ "exit_struct" "ut_exit" }
{ "sockaddr_storage" "ut_ss" }
{ "timeval" "ut_tv" }
{ { "uint32_t" 10 } "ut_pad" } ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax io.streams.string kernel quotations sequences strings math ;
IN: unix.groups
HELP: all-groups
{ $values
{ "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Returns a sequence of " { $link group } " tuples that are platform-dependent and field for field complete with the Unix " { $link group } " structure." } ;
HELP: effective-group-id
{ $values
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "Returns the effective group id for the current user." } ;
HELP: effective-group-name
{ $values
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "Returns the effective group name for the current user." } ;
HELP: group
{ $description "A platform-specific tuple corresponding to every field from the Unix group struct including the group name, the group id, the group passwd, and a list of users in each group." } ;
HELP: group-cache
{ $description "A symbol containing a cache of groups returned from " { $link all-groups } " and indexed by group id. Can be more efficient than using the system call words for many group lookups." } ;
HELP: group-id
{ $values
{ "string" string }
{ "id" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the group id given a group name." } ;
HELP: group-name
{ $values
{ "id" integer }
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "Returns the group name given a group id." } ;
HELP: group-struct
{ $values
{ "obj" object }
{ "group" "a group struct" } }
{ $description "Returns an alien group struct to be turned into a group tuple by calling subsequent words." } ;
HELP: real-group-id
{ $values
{ "id" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the real group id for the current user." } ;
HELP: real-group-name
{ $values
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "Returns the real group name for the current user." } ;
HELP: set-effective-group
{ $values
{ "obj" object } }
{ $description "Sets the effective group id for the current user." } ;
HELP: set-real-group
{ $values
{ "obj" object } }
{ $description "Sets the real group id for the current user." } ;
HELP: user-groups
{ $values
{ "string/id" "a string or a group id" }
{ "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Returns the sequence of groups to which the user belongs." } ;
HELP: with-effective-group
{ $values
{ "string/id" "a string or a group id" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Sets the effective group name and calls the quotation. Restors the effective group name on success or on error after the call." } ;
HELP: with-group-cache
{ $values
{ "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Iterates over the group file using library calls and creates a cache in the " { $link group-cache } " symbol. The cache is a hashtable indexed by group id. When looking up many groups, this approach is much faster than calling system calls." } ;
HELP: with-real-group
{ $values
{ "string/id" "a string or a group id" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Sets the real group name and calls the quotation. Restores the current group name on success or on error after the call." } ;
ARTICLE: "unix.groups" "unix.groups"
"The " { $vocab-link "unix.groups" } " vocabulary contains words that return information about Unix groups."
"Listing all groups:"
{ $subsection all-groups }
"Returning a passwd tuple:"
"Real groups:"
{ $subsection real-group-name }
{ $subsection real-group-id }
{ $subsection set-real-group }
"Effective groups:"
{ $subsection effective-group-name }
{ $subsection effective-group-id }
{ $subsection set-effective-group }
"Combinators to change groups:"
{ $subsection with-real-group }
{ $subsection with-effective-group } ;
ABOUT: "unix.groups"
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test unix.groups kernel strings math ;
IN: unix.groups.tests
[ ] [ all-groups drop ] unit-test
\ all-groups must-infer
[ t ] [ real-group-name string? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ effective-group-name string? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ real-group-id integer? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ effective-group-id integer? ] unit-test
[ ] [ real-group-id set-real-group ] unit-test
[ ] [ effective-group-id set-effective-group ] unit-test
[ ] [ real-group-name [ ] with-real-group ] unit-test
[ ] [ real-group-id [ ] with-real-group ] unit-test
[ ] [ effective-group-name [ ] with-effective-group ] unit-test
[ ] [ effective-group-id [ ] with-effective-group ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings io.encodings.utf8
io.unix.backend kernel math sequences splitting unix strings
combinators.short-circuit byte-arrays combinators qualified
accessors math.parser fry assocs namespaces continuations
unix.users ;
IN: unix.groups
QUALIFIED: grouping
TUPLE: group id name passwd members ;
SYMBOL: group-cache
GENERIC: group-struct ( obj -- group )
: group-members ( group-struct -- seq )
[ dup { [ ] [ *void* ] } 1&& ]
dup *void* utf8 alien>string
[ alien-address "char**" heap-size + <alien> ] dip
] [ ] produce nip ;
: (group-struct) ( id -- group-struct id group-struct byte-array length void* )
"group" <c-object> tuck 4096
[ <byte-array> ] keep f <void*> ;
M: integer group-struct ( id -- group )
(group-struct) getgrgid_r io-error ;
M: string group-struct ( string -- group )
(group-struct) getgrnam_r 0 = [ (io-error) ] unless ;
: group-struct>group ( group-struct -- group )
[ \ group new ] dip
[ group-gr_name >>name ]
[ group-gr_passwd >>passwd ]
[ group-gr_gid >>id ]
[ group-members >>members ]
} cleave ;
: group-name ( id -- string )
dup group-cache get [
] [
group-struct group-gr_name
] if*
[ nip ] [ number>string ] if* ;
: group-id ( string -- id )
group-struct group-gr_gid ;
: >groups ( byte-array n -- groups )
[ 4 grouping:group ] dip head-slice [ *uint group-name ] map ;
: (user-groups) ( string -- seq )
#! first group is -1337, legacy unix code
-1337 NGROUPS_MAX [ 4 * <byte-array> ] keep
<int> [ getgrouplist io-error ] 2keep
[ 4 tail-slice ] [ *int 1- ] bi* >groups ;
GENERIC: user-groups ( string/id -- seq )
M: string user-groups ( string -- seq )
(user-groups) ;
M: integer user-groups ( id -- seq )
username (user-groups) ;
: all-groups ( -- seq )
[ getgrent dup ] [ group-struct>group ] [ drop ] produce ;
: with-group-cache ( quot -- )
all-groups [ [ id>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc
group-cache rot with-variable ; inline
: real-group-id ( -- id )
getgid ; inline
: real-group-name ( -- string )
real-group-id group-name ; inline
: effective-group-id ( -- string )
getegid ; inline
: effective-group-name ( -- string )
effective-group-id group-name ; inline
GENERIC: set-real-group ( obj -- )
GENERIC: set-effective-group ( obj -- )
: with-real-group ( string/id quot -- )
'[ _ set-real-group @ ]
real-group-id '[ _ set-real-group ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
: with-effective-group ( string/id quot -- )
'[ _ set-effective-group @ ]
effective-group-id '[ _ set-effective-group ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
: (set-real-group) ( id -- )
setgid io-error ; inline
: (set-effective-group) ( id -- )
setegid io-error ; inline
M: string set-real-group ( string -- )
group-id (set-real-group) ;
M: integer set-real-group ( id -- )
(set-real-group) ;
M: integer set-effective-group ( id -- )
(set-effective-group) ;
M: string set-effective-group ( string -- )
group-id (set-effective-group) ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ C-STRUCT: stat
{ "dev_t" "st_dev" }
{ "mode_t" "st_mode" }
{ "nlink_t" "st_nlink" }
{ "ino_t" "st_ino" }
{ "ino64_t" "st_ino" }
{ "uid_t" "st_uid" }
{ "gid_t" "st_gid" }
{ "dev_t" "st_rdev" }
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
USING: kernel system combinators alien.syntax alien.c-types
math io.unix.backend vocabs.loader unix ;
math io.unix.backend vocabs.loader unix ;
IN: unix.stat
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! File Types
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: S_IFMT OCT: 170000 ; ! These bits determine file type.
@ -18,54 +14,24 @@ IN: unix.stat
: S_IFLNK OCT: 120000 ; inline ! Symbolic link.
: S_IFSOCK OCT: 140000 ; inline ! Socket.
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! File Access Permissions
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Read, write, execute/search by owner
: S_IRWXU OCT: 0000700 ; inline ! rwx mask owner
: S_IRUSR OCT: 0000400 ; inline ! r owner
: S_IWUSR OCT: 0000200 ; inline ! w owner
: S_IXUSR OCT: 0000100 ; inline ! x owner
! Read, write, execute/search by group
: S_IRWXG OCT: 0000070 ; inline ! rwx mask group
: S_IRGRP OCT: 0000040 ; inline ! r group
: S_IWGRP OCT: 0000020 ; inline ! w group
: S_IXGRP OCT: 0000010 ; inline ! x group
! Read, write, execute/search by others
: S_IRWXO OCT: 0000007 ; inline ! rwx mask other
: S_IROTH OCT: 0000004 ; inline ! r other
: S_IWOTH OCT: 0000002 ; inline ! w other
: S_IXOTH OCT: 0000001 ; inline ! x other
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUNCTION: int chmod ( char* path, mode_t mode ) ;
FUNCTION: int fchmod ( int fd, mode_t mode ) ;
FUNCTION: int mkdir ( char* path, mode_t mode ) ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<< os {
{ linux [ "unix.stat.linux" require ] }
{ macosx [ "unix.stat.macosx" require ] }
{ freebsd [ "unix.stat.freebsd" require ] }
{ netbsd [ "unix.stat.netbsd" require ] }
{ openbsd [ "unix.stat.openbsd" require ] }
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
} case >>
: file-status ( pathname -- stat )
"stat" <c-object> dup >r
[ stat ] unix-system-call drop
r> ;
"stat" <c-object> [
[ stat ] unix-system-call drop
] keep ;
: link-status ( pathname -- stat )
"stat" <c-object> dup >r
[ lstat ] unix-system-call drop
r> ;
"stat" <c-object> [
[ lstat ] unix-system-call drop
] keep ;
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ TYPEDEF: __uint32_t uid_t
TYPEDEF: __uint32_t gid_t
TYPEDEF: __int64_t off_t
TYPEDEF: __int64_t blkcnt_t
TYPEDEF: __int64_t ino64_t
TYPEDEF: __int32_t blksize_t
TYPEDEF: long ssize_t
TYPEDEF: __int32_t pid_t
@ -3,6 +3,29 @@ system ;
IN: unix.types
TYPEDEF: void* caddr_t
TYPEDEF: uint in_addr_t
TYPEDEF: uint socklen_t
TYPEDEF: char int8_t
TYPEDEF: short int16_t
TYPEDEF: int int32_t
TYPEDEF: longlong int64_t
TYPEDEF: uchar uint8_t
TYPEDEF: ushort uint16_t
TYPEDEF: uint uint32_t
TYPEDEF: ulonglong uint64_t
TYPEDEF: char __int8_t
TYPEDEF: short __int16_t
TYPEDEF: int __int32_t
TYPEDEF: longlong __int64_t
TYPEDEF: uchar __uint8_t
TYPEDEF: ushort __uint16_t
TYPEDEF: uint __uint32_t
TYPEDEF: ulonglong __uint64_t
os {
{ linux [ "unix.types.linux" require ] }
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ stack-checker macros locals generalizations unix.types
debugger io prettyprint ;
IN: unix
TYPEDEF: uint in_addr_t
TYPEDEF: uint socklen_t
: PROT_NONE 0 ; inline
: PROT_READ 1 ; inline
: PROT_WRITE 2 ; inline
@ -78,6 +75,8 @@ MACRO:: unix-system-call ( quot -- )
FUNCTION: int accept ( int s, void* sockaddr, socklen_t* socklen ) ;
FUNCTION: int bind ( int s, void* name, socklen_t namelen ) ;
FUNCTION: int chdir ( char* path ) ;
FUNCTION: int chmod ( char* path, mode_t mode ) ;
FUNCTION: int fchmod ( int fd, mode_t mode ) ;
FUNCTION: int chown ( char* path, uid_t owner, gid_t group ) ;
FUNCTION: int chroot ( char* path ) ;
@ -91,6 +90,7 @@ FUNCTION: int dup2 ( int oldd, int newd ) ;
: _exit ( status -- * )
#! We throw to give this a terminating stack effect.
"int" f "_exit" { "int" } alien-invoke "Exit failed" throw ;
FUNCTION: void endpwent ( ) ;
FUNCTION: int fchdir ( int fd ) ;
FUNCTION: int fchown ( int fd, uid_t owner, gid_t group ) ;
FUNCTION: int fcntl ( int fd, int cmd, int arg ) ;
@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ FUNCTION: gid_t getgid ;
FUNCTION: int getgrgid_r ( gid_t gid, group* grp, char* buffer, size_t bufsize, group** result ) ;
FUNCTION: int getgrnam_r ( char* name, group* grp, char* buffer, size_t bufsize, group** result ) ;
FUNCTION: passwd* getpwent ( ) ;
FUNCTION: passwd* getpwuid ( uid_t uid ) ;
FUNCTION: passwd* getpwnam ( char* login ) ;
FUNCTION: int getpwnam_r ( char* login, passwd* pwd, char* buffer, size_t bufsize, passwd** result ) ;
FUNCTION: int getgroups ( int gidsetlen, gid_t* gidset ) ;
FUNCTION: int getgrouplist ( char* name, int basegid, int* groups, int* ngroups ) ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators accessors kernel unix unix.users
system ;
IN: unix.users.bsd
TUPLE: bsd-passwd < passwd change class expire fields ;
M: bsd new-passwd ( -- bsd-passwd ) bsd-passwd new ;
M: bsd passwd>new-passwd ( passwd -- bsd-passwd )
[ call-next-method ] keep
[ passwd-pw_change >>change ]
[ passwd-pw_class >>class ]
[ passwd-pw_shell >>shell ]
[ passwd-pw_expire >>expire ]
[ passwd-pw_fields >>fields ]
} cleave ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax io.streams.string kernel quotations sequences strings math ;
IN: unix.users
HELP: all-users
{ $values
{ "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Returns a sequence of high-level " { $link passwd } " tuples that are platform-dependent and field for field complete with the Unix " { $link passwd } " structure." } ;
HELP: effective-username
{ $values
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "Returns the effective username for the current user." } ;
HELP: effective-user-id
{ $values
{ "id" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the effective username id for the current user." } ;
HELP: new-passwd
{ $values
{ "passwd" passwd } }
{ $description "Creates a new passwd tuple dependent on the operating system." } ;
HELP: passwd
{ $description "A platform-specific tuple correspding to every field from the Unix passwd struct. BSD passwd structures have four extra slots: " { $slot "change" } ", " { $slot "class" } "," { $slot "expire" } ", " { $slot "fields" } "." } ;
HELP: passwd-cache
{ $description "A symbol storing passwd structures indexed by user-ids when within a " { $link with-passwd-cache } "." } ;
HELP: passwd>new-passwd
{ $values
{ "passwd" "a passwd struct" }
{ "new-passwd" "a passwd tuple" } }
{ $description "A platform-specific conversion routine from a passwd structure to a passwd tuple." } ;
HELP: real-username
{ $values
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "The real username of the current user." } ;
HELP: real-user-id
{ $values
{ "id" integer } }
{ $description "The real user id of the current user." } ;
HELP: set-effective-user
{ $values
{ "string/id" "a string or a user id" } }
{ $description "Sets the current effective user given a username or a user id." } ;
HELP: set-real-user
{ $values
{ "string/id" "a string or a user id" } }
{ $description "Sets the current real user given a username or a user id." } ;
HELP: user-passwd
{ $values
{ "obj" object }
{ "passwd" passwd } }
{ $description "Returns the passwd tuple given a username string or user id." } ;
HELP: username
{ $values
{ "id" integer }
{ "string" string } }
{ $description "Returns the username associated with the user id." } ;
HELP: user-id
{ $values
{ "string" string }
{ "id" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the user id associated with the username." } ;
HELP: with-effective-user
{ $values
{ "string/id" "a string or a uid" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Sets the effective username and calls the quotation. Restores the current username on success or on error after the call." } ;
HELP: with-passwd-cache
{ $values
{ "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Iterates over the password file using library calls and creates a cache in the " { $link passwd-cache } " symbol. The cache is a hashtable indexed by user id. When looking up many users, this approach is much faster than calling system calls." } ;
HELP: with-real-user
{ $values
{ "string/id" "a string or a uid" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Sets the real username and calls the quotation. Restores the current username on success or on error after the call." } ;
real-username real-user-id set-real-user
effective-username effective-user-id
} related-words
ARTICLE: "unix.users" "unix.users"
"The " { $vocab-link "unix.users" } " vocabulary contains words that return information about Unix users."
"Listing all users:"
{ $subsection all-users }
"Returning a passwd tuple:"
"Real user:"
{ $subsection real-username }
{ $subsection real-user-id }
{ $subsection set-real-user }
"Effective user:"
{ $subsection effective-username }
{ $subsection effective-user-id }
{ $subsection set-effective-user }
"Combinators to change users:"
{ $subsection with-real-user }
{ $subsection with-effective-user } ;
ABOUT: "unix.users"
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test unix.users kernel strings math ;
IN: unix.users.tests
[ ] [ all-users drop ] unit-test
\ all-users must-infer
[ t ] [ real-username string? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ effective-username string? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ real-user-id integer? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ effective-user-id integer? ] unit-test
[ ] [ real-user-id set-real-user ] unit-test
[ ] [ effective-user-id set-effective-user ] unit-test
[ ] [ real-username [ ] with-real-user ] unit-test
[ ] [ real-user-id [ ] with-real-user ] unit-test
[ ] [ effective-username [ ] with-effective-user ] unit-test
[ ] [ effective-user-id [ ] with-effective-user ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings io.encodings.utf8
io.unix.backend kernel math sequences splitting unix strings
combinators.short-circuit grouping byte-arrays combinators
accessors math.parser fry assocs namespaces continuations
vocabs.loader system ;
IN: unix.users
TUPLE: passwd username password uid gid gecos dir shell ;
HOOK: new-passwd os ( -- passwd )
HOOK: passwd>new-passwd os ( passwd -- new-passwd )
M: unix new-passwd ( -- passwd )
passwd new ;
M: unix passwd>new-passwd ( passwd -- seq )
[ new-passwd ] dip
[ passwd-pw_name >>username ]
[ passwd-pw_passwd >>password ]
[ passwd-pw_uid >>uid ]
[ passwd-pw_gid >>gid ]
[ passwd-pw_gecos >>gecos ]
[ passwd-pw_dir >>dir ]
[ passwd-pw_shell >>shell ]
} cleave ;
: with-pwent ( quot -- )
[ endpwent ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
: all-users ( -- seq )
[ getpwent dup ] [ passwd>new-passwd ] [ drop ] produce
] with-pwent ;
SYMBOL: passwd-cache
: with-passwd-cache ( quot -- )
all-users [ [ uid>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc
passwd-cache swap with-variable ; inline
GENERIC: user-passwd ( obj -- passwd )
M: integer user-passwd ( id -- passwd/f )
passwd-cache get
[ at ] [ getpwuid passwd>new-passwd ] if* ;
M: string user-passwd ( string -- passwd/f )
getpwnam dup [ passwd>new-passwd ] when ;
: username ( id -- string )
user-passwd username>> ;
: user-id ( string -- id )
user-passwd uid>> ;
: real-user-id ( -- id )
getuid ; inline
: real-username ( -- string )
real-user-id username ; inline
: effective-user-id ( -- id )
geteuid ; inline
: effective-username ( -- string )
effective-user-id username ; inline
GENERIC: set-real-user ( string/id -- )
GENERIC: set-effective-user ( string/id -- )
: with-real-user ( string/id quot -- )
'[ _ set-real-user @ ]
real-user-id '[ _ set-real-user ]
[ ] cleanup ; inline
: with-effective-user ( string/id quot -- )
'[ _ set-effective-user @ ]
effective-user-id '[ _ set-effective-user ]
[ ] cleanup ; inline
: (set-real-user) ( id -- )
setuid io-error ; inline
: (set-effective-user) ( id -- )
seteuid io-error ; inline
M: string set-real-user ( string -- )
user-id (set-real-user) ;
M: integer set-real-user ( id -- )
(set-real-user) ;
M: integer set-effective-user ( id -- )
(set-effective-user) ;
M: string set-effective-user ( string -- )
user-id (set-effective-user) ;
os {
{ [ dup bsd? ] [ drop "unix.users.bsd" require ] }
{ [ dup linux? ] [ drop ] }
} cond
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test unix.utmpx.macosx ;
IN: unix.utmpx.macosx.tests
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax unix.bsd.macosx ;
IN: unix.utmpx.macosx
! empty
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test unix.utmpx.netbsd ;
IN: unix.utmpx.netbsd.tests
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax unix.utmpx unix.bsd.netbsd accessors
unix.utmpx system kernel unix combinators ;
IN: unix.utmpx.netbsd
TUPLE: netbsd-utmpx-record < utmpx-record termination exit
sockaddr ;
M: netbsd new-utmpx-record ( -- utmpx-record )
netbsd-utmpx-record new ;
M: netbsd utmpx>utmpx-record ( utmpx -- record )
[ new-utmpx-record ] keep
[ exit_struct-e_termination >>termination ]
[ exit_struct-e_exit >>exit ] bi
[ utmpx-ut_ss >>sockaddr ]
} cleave ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types alien.syntax combinators continuations
io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8 kernel sequences strings
unix calendar system accessors unix.time calendar.unix
vocabs.loader ;
IN: unix.utmpx
: EMPTY 0 ; inline
: RUN_LVL 1 ; inline
: BOOT_TIME 2 ; inline
: OLD_TIME 3 ; inline
: NEW_TIME 4 ; inline
: INIT_PROCESS 5 ; inline
: LOGIN_PROCESS 6 ; inline
: USER_PROCESS 7 ; inline
: DEAD_PROCESS 8 ; inline
: ACCOUNTING 9 ; inline
: SIGNATURE 10 ; inline
: SHUTDOWN_TIME 11 ; inline
FUNCTION: void setutxent ( ) ;
FUNCTION: void endutxent ( ) ;
FUNCTION: utmpx* getutxent ( ) ;
FUNCTION: utmpx* getutxid ( utmpx* id ) ;
FUNCTION: utmpx* getutxline ( utmpx* line ) ;
FUNCTION: utmpx* pututxline ( utmpx* utx ) ;
TUPLE: utmpx-record user id line pid type timestamp host ;
HOOK: new-utmpx-record os ( -- utmpx-record )
HOOK: utmpx>utmpx-record os ( utmpx -- utmpx-record )
: memory>string ( alien n -- string )
memory>byte-array utf8 decode [ 0 = ] trim-right ;
M: unix new-utmpx-record
utmpx-record new ;
M: unix utmpx>utmpx-record ( utmpx -- utmpx-record )
[ new-utmpx-record ] dip
[ utmpx-ut_user _UTX_USERSIZE memory>string >>user ]
[ utmpx-ut_id _UTX_IDSIZE memory>string >>id ]
[ utmpx-ut_line _UTX_LINESIZE memory>string >>line ]
[ utmpx-ut_pid >>pid ]
[ utmpx-ut_type >>type ]
[ utmpx-ut_tv timeval>unix-time >>timestamp ]
[ utmpx-ut_host _UTX_HOSTSIZE memory>string >>host ]
} cleave ;
: with-utmpx ( quot -- )
setutxent [ endutxent ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
: all-utmpx ( -- seq )
[ getutxent dup ]
[ utmpx>utmpx-record ]
[ drop ] produce
] with-utmpx ;
os {
{ macosx [ "unix.utmpx.macosx" require ] }
{ netbsd [ "unix.utmpx.netbsd" require ] }
} case
@ -96,3 +96,16 @@ TUPLE: syntax-test bar baz ;
[ T{ syntax-test } ] [ T{ syntax-test } ] unit-test
[ T{ syntax-test f { 2 3 } { 4 { 5 } } } ]
[ T{ syntax-test { bar { 2 3 } } { baz { 4 { 5 } } } } ] unit-test
! Corner case
TUPLE: parsing-corner-case x ;
[ T{ parsing-corner-case f 3 } ] [
"USE: classes.tuple.parser.tests"
"T{ parsing-corner-case"
" f"
" 3"
} "\n" join eval
] unit-test
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ ERROR: bad-literal-tuple ;
: parse-tuple-literal ( -- tuple )
scan-word scan {
{ f [ unexpected-eof ] }
{ "f" [ \ } parse-until boa>tuple ] }
{ "{" [ parse-slot-values assoc>tuple ] }
{ "}" [ new ] }
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
USING: calendar io io-internals kernel math namespaces
nonblocking-io prettyprint quotations sequences ;
IN: libs-io
: bit-set? ( m n -- ? ) [ bitand ] keep = ;
: set-bit ( m bit -- n ) bitor ;
: clear-bit ( m bit -- n ) bitnot bitand ;
@ -11,219 +11,6 @@ IN: libs-io
: SEEK_END 2 ; inline
: EEXIST 17 ; inline
FUNCTION: off_t lseek ( int fildes, off_t offset, int whence ) ;
: append-mode
O_WRONLY O_APPEND O_CREAT bitor bitor ; foldable
: open-append ( path -- fd )
append-mode file-mode open dup io-error
[ 0 SEEK_END lseek io-error ] keep ;
: touch-mode
O_WRONLY O_APPEND O_CREAT O_EXCL bitor bitor bitor ; foldable
: open-touch ( path -- fd )
touch-mode file-mode open
[ io-error close t ]
[ 2drop err_no EEXIST = [ err_no io-error ] unless -1 ] recover ;
: <file-appender> ( path -- stream ) open-append <writer> ;
FUNCTION: int unlink ( char* path ) ;
: delete-file ( path -- )
unlink io-error ;
FUNCTION: int mkdir ( char* path, mode_t mode ) ;
: (create-directory) ( path mode -- )
mkdir io-error ;
: create-directory ( path -- )
0 (create-directory) ;
FUNCTION: int rmdir ( char* path ) ;
: delete-directory ( path -- )
rmdir io-error ;
FUNCTION: int chroot ( char* path ) ;
FUNCTION: int chdir ( char* path ) ;
FUNCTION: int fchdir ( int fd ) ;
FUNCTION: int utimes ( char* path, timeval[2] times ) ;
FUNCTION: int futimes ( int id, timeval[2] times ) ;
TYPEDEF: longlong blkcnt_t
TYPEDEF: int blksize_t
TYPEDEF: int dev_t
TYPEDEF: uint ino_t
TYPEDEF: ushort mode_t
TYPEDEF: ushort nlink_t
TYPEDEF: uint uid_t
TYPEDEF: uint gid_t
TYPEDEF: longlong quad_t
TYPEDEF: ulong u_long
FUNCTION: int stat ( char* path, stat* sb ) ;
C-STRUCT: stat
{ "dev_t" "dev" } ! device inode resides on
{ "ino_t" "ino" } ! inode's number
{ "mode_t" "mode" } ! inode protection mode
{ "nlink_t" "nlink" } ! number or hard links to the file
{ "uid_t" "uid" } ! user-id of owner
{ "gid_t" "gid" } ! group-id of owner
{ "dev_t" "rdev" } ! device type, for special file inode
{ "timespec" "atime" } ! time of last access
{ "timespec" "mtime" } ! time of last data modification
{ "timespec" "ctime" } ! time of last file status change
{ "off_t" "size" } ! file size, in bytes
{ "blkcnt_t" "blocks" } ! blocks allocated for file
{ "blksize_t" "blksize" } ! optimal file sys I/O ops blocksize
{ "u_long" "flags" } ! user defined flags for file
{ "u_long" "gen" } ; ! file generation number
: stat* ( path -- byte-array )
"stat" <c-object> [ stat io-error ] keep ;
: make-timeval-array ( array -- byte-array )
[ length "timeval" <c-array> ] keep
dup length [ over [ pick set-timeval-nth ] [ 2drop ] if ] 2each ;
: (set-file-times) ( timestamp timestamp -- alien )
[ [ timestamp>timeval ] [ f ] if* ] 2apply 2array
make-timeval-array ;
: set-file-times ( path timestamp timestamp -- )
#! set access, write
(set-file-times) utimes io-error ;
: set-file-times* ( fd timestamp timestamp -- )
(set-file-times) futimes io-error ;
: set-file-access-time ( path timestamp -- )
f set-file-times ;
: set-file-write-time ( path timestamp -- )
>r f r> set-file-times ;
: file-write-time ( path -- timestamp )
stat* stat-mtime timespec>timestamp ;
: file-access-time ( path -- timestamp )
stat* stat-atime timespec>timestamp ;
! File type
: S_IFMT OCT: 0170000 ; inline ! type of file
: S_IFIFO OCT: 0010000 ; inline ! named pipe (fifo)
: S_IFCHR OCT: 0020000 ; inline ! character special
: S_IFDIR OCT: 0040000 ; inline ! directory
: S_IFBLK OCT: 0060000 ; inline ! block special
: S_IFREG OCT: 0100000 ; inline ! regular
: S_IFLNK OCT: 0120000 ; inline ! symbolic link
: S_IFSOCK OCT: 0140000 ; inline ! socket
: S_IFWHT OCT: 0160000 ; inline ! whiteout
: S_IFXATTR OCT: 0200000 ; inline ! extended attribute
! File mode
! Read, write, execute/search by owner
: S_IRWXU OCT: 0000700 ; inline ! rwx mask owner
: S_IRUSR OCT: 0000400 ; inline ! r owner
: S_IWUSR OCT: 0000200 ; inline ! w owner
: S_IXUSR OCT: 0000100 ; inline ! x owner
! Read, write, execute/search by group
: S_IRWXG OCT: 0000070 ; inline ! rwx mask group
: S_IRGRP OCT: 0000040 ; inline ! r group
: S_IWGRP OCT: 0000020 ; inline ! w group
: S_IXGRP OCT: 0000010 ; inline ! x group
! Read, write, execute/search by others
: S_IRWXO OCT: 0000007 ; inline ! rwx mask other
: S_IROTH OCT: 0000004 ; inline ! r other
: S_IWOTH OCT: 0000002 ; inline ! w other
: S_IXOTH OCT: 0000001 ; inline ! x other
: S_ISUID OCT: 0004000 ; inline ! set user id on execution
: S_ISGID OCT: 0002000 ; inline ! set group id on execution
: S_ISVTX OCT: 0001000 ; inline ! sticky bit
FUNCTION: uid_t getuid ;
FUNCTION: uid_t geteuid ;
FUNCTION: gid_t getgid ;
FUNCTION: gid_t getegid ;
FUNCTION: int setuid ( uid_t uid ) ;
FUNCTION: int seteuid ( uid_t euid ) ;
FUNCTION: int setreuid ( uid_t ruid, uid_t euid ) ;
FUNCTION: int setgid ( gid_t gid ) ;
FUNCTION: int setegid ( gid_t egid ) ;
FUNCTION: int setregid ( gid_t rgid, gid_t egid ) ;
FUNCTION: int issetugid ;
FUNCTION: int chmod ( char* path, mode_t mode ) ;
FUNCTION: int fchmod ( int fd, mode_t mode ) ;
FUNCTION: int chown ( char* path, uid_t owner, gid_t group ) ;
FUNCTION: int fchown ( int fd, uid_t owner, gid_t group ) ;
#! lchown does not follow symbolic links
FUNCTION: int lchown ( char* path, uid_t owner, gid_t group ) ;
FUNCTION: int getgroups ( int gidsetlen, gid_t* gidset ) ;
FUNCTION: int setgroups ( int ngroups, gid_t* gidset ) ;
FUNCTION: int flock ( int fd, int operation ) ;
! FUNCTION: int dup ( int oldd ) ;
! FUNCTION: int dup2 ( int oldd, int newd ) ;
FUNCTION: int fcntl ( int fd, int cmd, int arg ) ;
FUNCTION: int getdtablesize ;
: file-mode? ( path mask -- ? )
>r stat* stat-mode r> bit-set? ;
: user-read? ( path -- ? ) S_IRUSR file-mode? ;
: user-write? ( path -- ? ) S_IWUSR file-mode? ;
: user-execute? ( path -- ? ) S_IXUSR file-mode? ;
: group-read? ( path -- ? ) S_IRGRP file-mode? ;
: group-write? ( path -- ? ) S_IWGRP file-mode? ;
: group-execute? ( path -- ? ) S_IXGRP file-mode? ;
: other-read? ( path -- ? ) S_IROTH file-mode? ;
: other-write? ( path -- ? ) S_IWOTH file-mode? ;
: other-execute? ( path -- ? ) S_IXOTH file-mode? ;
: set-uid? ( path -- ? ) S_ISUID bit-set? ;
: set-gid? ( path -- ? ) S_ISGID bit-set? ;
: set-sticky? ( path -- ? ) S_ISVTX bit-set? ;
: chmod* ( path mask ? -- )
>r >r dup stat* stat-mode r> r> [
] [
] if chmod io-error ;
: set-user-read ( path ? -- ) >r S_IRUSR r> chmod* ;
: set-user-write ( path ? -- ) >r S_IWUSR r> chmod* ;
: set-user-execute ( path ? -- ) >r S_IXUSR r> chmod* ;
: set-group-read ( path ? -- ) >r S_IRGRP r> chmod* ;
: set-group-write ( path ? -- ) >r S_IWGRP r> chmod* ;
: set-group-execute ( path ? -- ) >r S_IXGRP r> chmod* ;
: set-other-read ( path ? -- ) >r S_IROTH r> chmod* ;
: set-other-write ( path ? -- ) >r S_IWOTH r> chmod* ;
: set-other-execute ( path ? -- ) >r S_IXOTH r> chmod* ;
: set-uid ( path ? -- ) >r S_ISUID r> chmod* ;
: set-gid ( path ? -- ) >r S_ISGID r> chmod* ;
: set-sticky ( path ? -- ) >r S_ISVTX r> chmod* ;
: mode>symbol ( mode -- ch )
S_IFMT bitand
@ -325,6 +325,12 @@ void find_code_references(CELL look_for_)
void factorbug(void)
printf("Low level debugger disabled\n");
printf("Starting low level debugger...\n");
@ -366,6 +372,8 @@ void factorbug(void)
dump stacks. This is useful for builder and
other cases where Factor is run with stdin
redirected to /dev/null */
fep_disabled = true;
@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ void dump_generations(void);
void factorbug(void);
void dump_zone(F_ZONE *z);
bool fep_disabled;
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ void throw_error(CELL error, F_STACK_FRAME *callstack_top)
crash. */
fprintf(stderr,"You have triggered a bug in Factor. Please report.\n");
fprintf(stderr,"early_error: ");
printf("You have triggered a bug in Factor. Please report.\n");
printf("early_error: ");
Reference in New Issue