make lots of calendar words GENERIC:

clean up the codez
Doug Coleman 2008-01-16 10:18:53 -10:00
parent f8d1ba029f
commit 27d56e998d
1 changed files with 96 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
USING: arrays hashtables io io.streams.string kernel math
math.vectors math.functions math.parser namespaces sequences
strings tuples system debugger combinators vocabs.loader
calendar.backend structs alien.c-types math.vectors ;
calendar.backend structs alien.c-types math.vectors
math.ranges shuffle ;
IN: calendar
TUPLE: timestamp year month day hour minute second gmt-offset ;
@ -115,14 +116,18 @@ GENERIC: +second ( timestamp x -- timestamp )
: /rem ( f n -- q r )
#! q is positive or negative, r is positive from 0 <= r < n
[ /f floor >bignum ] 2keep rem ;
[ /f floor >integer ] 2keep rem ;
: float>whole-part ( float -- int float )
[ floor >bignum ] keep over - ;
[ floor >integer ] keep over - ;
: leap-year? ( year -- ? )
GENERIC: leap-year? ( obj -- ? )
M: integer leap-year? ( year -- ? )
dup 100 mod zero? 400 4 ? mod zero? ;
M: timestamp leap-year? ( timestamp -- ? )
timestamp-year leap-year? ;
: adjust-leap-year ( timestamp -- timestamp )
dup >date< 29 = swap 2 = and swap leap-year? not and [
dup >r timestamp-year 3 1 r> [ set-date ] keep
@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ M: real +minute ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
float>whole-part rot swap 60 * +second swap +minute ;
M: number +second ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
over timestamp-second + 60 /rem >r >bignum r>
over timestamp-second + 60 /rem >r >integer r>
pick set-timestamp-second +minute ;
: +dt ( timestamp dt -- timestamp )
@ -178,6 +183,9 @@ M: number +second ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
<timestamp> [ 0 seconds +dt ] keep
[ = [ "invalid timestamp" throw ] unless ] keep ;
: make-date ( year month day -- timestamp )
0 0 0 gmt-offset make-timestamp ;
: array>dt ( vec -- dt ) { dt f } swap append >tuple ;
: +dts ( dt dt -- dt ) [ tuple-slots ] 2apply v+ array>dt ;
@ -214,14 +222,14 @@ M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )
[ [ >date< julian-day-number ] 2apply - 86400 * ] 2keep
[ >time< >r >r 3600 * r> 60 * r> + + ] 2apply - + ;
: unix-1970
: unix-1970 ( -- timestamp )
1970 1 1 0 0 0 0 <timestamp> ;
: unix-time>timestamp ( n -- timestamp )
>r unix-1970 r> seconds +dt ;
: timestamp>unix-time ( timestamp -- n )
unix-1970 timestamp- >bignum ;
unix-1970 timestamp- >integer ;
: timestamp>timeval ( timestamp -- timeval )
timestamp>unix-time 1000 * make-timeval ;
@ -240,14 +248,7 @@ M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )
: from-now ( dt -- timestamp ) now swap +dt ;
: ago ( dt -- timestamp ) before from-now ;
: days-in-year ( year -- n ) leap-year? 366 365 ? ;
: day-counts { 0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 } ;
: days-in-month ( year month -- n )
swap leap-year? [
[ day-counts nth ] keep 2 = [ 1+ ] when
] [
day-counts nth
] if ;
: zeller-congruence ( year month day -- n )
#! Zeller Congruence
@ -258,33 +259,79 @@ M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )
[ 1+ 3 * 5 /i + ] keep 2 * + r>
1+ + 7 mod ;
: day-of-week ( timestamp -- n )
GENERIC: days-in-year ( obj -- n )
M: integer days-in-year ( year -- n ) leap-year? 366 365 ? ;
M: timestamp days-in-year ( timestamp -- n ) timestamp-year days-in-year ;
GENERIC: days-in-month ( obj -- n )
M: array days-in-month ( obj -- n )
first2 dup 2 = [
drop leap-year? 29 28 ?
] [
nip day-counts nth
] if ;
M: timestamp days-in-month ( timestamp -- n )
{ timestamp-year timestamp-month } get-slots 2array days-in-month ;
GENERIC: day-of-week ( obj -- n )
M: timestamp day-of-week ( timestamp -- n )
>date< zeller-congruence ;
: day-of-year ( timestamp -- n )
[ timestamp-year leap-year? ] keep
[ >date< 3array ] keep timestamp-year 3 1 3array <=>
0 >= and 1 0 ?
] keep
[ timestamp-month day-counts swap head-slice sum + ] keep
timestamp-day + ;
M: array day-of-week ( array -- n )
first3 zeller-congruence ;
: print-day ( n -- )
GENERIC: day-of-year ( obj -- n )
M: array day-of-year ( array -- n )
3dup day-counts rot head-slice sum +
swap leap-year? [
pick 3 1 make-date >r make-date r>
<=> 0 >= [ 1+ ] when
] [
] if ;
M: timestamp day-of-year ( timestamp -- n )
{ timestamp-year timestamp-month timestamp-day } get-slots
3array day-of-year ;
GENERIC: day. ( obj -- )
M: integer day. ( n -- )
number>string dup length 2 < [ bl ] when write ;
: print-month ( year month -- )
M: timestamp day. ( timestamp -- )
timestamp-day day. ;
GENERIC: month. ( obj -- )
M: array month. ( pair -- )
[ month-names nth write bl number>string print ] 2keep
[ 1 zeller-congruence ] 2keep
days-in-month day-abbreviations2 " " join print
2array days-in-month day-abbreviations2 " " join print
over " " <repetition> concat write
[ 1+ print-day ] keep
[ 1+ day. ] keep
1+ + 7 mod zero? [ nl ] [ bl ] if
] with each nl ;
: print-year ( year -- )
12 [ 1+ print-month nl ] with each ;
M: timestamp month. ( timestamp -- )
{ timestamp-year timestamp-month } get-slots 2array month. ;
GENERIC: year. ( obj -- )
M: integer year. ( n -- )
12 [ 1+ 2array month. nl ] with each ;
M: timestamp year. ( timestamp -- )
timestamp-year year. ;
: pad-00 number>string 2 CHAR: 0 pad-left write ;
@ -298,9 +345,7 @@ M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )
timestamp-second >fixnum pad-00 ;
: timestamp>string ( timestamp -- str )
] string-out ;
[ (timestamp>string) ] string-out ;
: timestamp>http-string ( timestamp -- str )
#! http timestamp format
@ -319,9 +364,7 @@ M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )
timestamp-second >fixnum pad-00 CHAR: Z write1 ;
: timestamp>rfc3339 ( timestamp -- str )
>gmt [
] string-out ;
>gmt [ (timestamp>rfc3339) ] string-out ;
: expect read1 assert= ;
@ -340,9 +383,7 @@ M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )
0 <timestamp> ;
: rfc3339>timestamp ( str -- timestamp )
] string-in ;
[ (rfc3339>timestamp) ] string-in ;
: file-time-string ( timestamp -- string )
@ -370,6 +411,23 @@ M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )
: friday ( timestamp -- timestamp ) 5 day-this-week ;
: saturday ( timestamp -- timestamp ) 6 day-this-week ;
: beginning-of-day ( timestamp -- new-timestamp )
clone dup >r 0 0 0 r>
{ set-timestamp-hour set-timestamp-minute set-timestamp-second }
set-slots ; inline
: beginning-of-month ( timestamp -- new-timestamp )
beginning-of-day 1 over set-timestamp-day ;
: beginning-of-week ( timestamp -- new-timestamp )
beginning-of-day sunday ;
: beginning-of-year ( timestamp -- new-timestamp )
beginning-of-month 1 over set-timestamp-month ;
: seconds-since-midnight ( timestamp -- x )
dup beginning-of-day timestamp- ;
{ [ unix? ] [ "calendar.unix" ] }
{ [ windows? ] [ "" ] }