Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ M: hashtable hashcode*
] [
dup length 4 <=
over keys [ word? ] contains? or
over keys [ [ word? ] [ wrapper? ] bi or ] contains? or
] [
@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ sequences.private combinators ;
[ value-literal sequence? ] [ drop f ] if ;
: member-quot ( seq -- newquot )
[ [ t ] ] { } map>assoc [ drop f ] suffix [ nip case ] curry ;
[ literalize [ t ] ] { } map>assoc
[ drop f ] suffix [ nip case ] curry ;
: expand-member ( #call -- )
dup node-in-d peek value-literal member-quot f splice-quot ;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
USING: arrays compiler.units generic hashtables inference kernel
kernel.private math optimizer prettyprint sequences sbufs
strings tools.test vectors words sequences.private quotations
optimizer.backend classes classes.algebra inference.dataflow
classes.tuple.private continuations growable optimizer.inlining
namespaces hints ;
kernel.private math optimizer generator prettyprint sequences
sbufs strings tools.test vectors words sequences.private
quotations optimizer.backend classes classes.algebra
inference.dataflow classes.tuple.private continuations growable
optimizer.inlining namespaces hints ;
IN: optimizer.tests
[ H{ { 1 5 } { 3 4 } { 2 5 } } ] [
@ -349,3 +349,10 @@ USE: sequences.private
1 2 3.0 3 counter-example ;
[ 2 4 6.0 0 ] [ counter-example' ] unit-test
: member-test { + - * / /i } member? ;
\ member-test must-infer
[ ] [ \ member-test word-dataflow optimize 2drop ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ + member-test ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ append member-test ] unit-test
@ -44,3 +44,7 @@ sequences ;
: funny-dip '[ @ _ ] call ; inline
[ "hi" 3 ] [ "h" "i" 3 [ append ] funny-dip ] unit-test
[ { 1 2 3 } ] [
3 1 '[ , [ , + ] map ] call
] unit-test
@ -9,41 +9,54 @@ IN: fry
: @ "Only valid inside a fry" throw ;
: _ "Only valid inside a fry" throw ;
DEFER: (fry)
DEFER: (shallow-fry)
: ((fry)) ( accum quot adder -- result )
>r [ ] swap (fry) r>
: ((shallow-fry)) ( accum quot adder -- result )
>r [ ] swap (shallow-fry) r>
append swap dup empty? [ drop ] [
[ swap compose ] curry append
] if ; inline
: (fry) ( accum quot -- result )
: (shallow-fry) ( accum quot -- result )
dup empty? [
drop 1quotation
] [
unclip {
{ \ , [ [ curry ] ((fry)) ] }
{ \ @ [ [ compose ] ((fry)) ] }
{ \ , [ [ curry ] ((shallow-fry)) ] }
{ \ @ [ [ compose ] ((shallow-fry)) ] }
! to avoid confusion, remove if fry goes core
{ \ namespaces:, [ [ curry ] ((fry)) ] }
{ \ namespaces:, [ [ curry ] ((shallow-fry)) ] }
[ swap >r suffix r> (fry) ]
[ swap >r suffix r> (shallow-fry) ]
} case
] if ;
: trivial-fry ( quot -- quot' ) [ ] swap (fry) ;
: shallow-fry ( quot -- quot' ) [ ] swap (shallow-fry) ;
: fry ( quot -- quot' )
: deep-fry ( quot -- quot' )
{ _ } last-split1 [
trivial-fry %
shallow-fry %
[ >r ] %
fry %
deep-fry %
[ [ dip ] curry r> compose ] %
] [ ] make
] [
] if* ;
: fry ( quot -- quot' )
dup callable? [
[ { , namespaces:, @ } member? ] subset length
\ , <repetition> %
[ deep-fry % ] bi
] [ namespaces:, ] if
] each
] [ ] make deep-fry ;
: '[ \ ] parse-until fry over push-all ; parsing
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ tuple-syntax namespaces ;
[ "/" "localhost" 8888 ] [ "http://localhost:8888" parse-url ] unit-test
[ "foo.txt" ] [ "" download-name ] unit-test
[ "foo.txt" ] [ "" download-name ] unit-test
[ "foo.txt" ] [ "" download-name ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "" download-name ] unit-test
[ "foo.txt" ] [ "" download-name ] unit-test
[ "foo.txt" ] [ "" download-name ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "" download-name ] unit-test
TUPLE{ request
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ tuple-syntax namespaces ;
port: 80
version: "1.1"
cookies: V{ }
header: H{ }
header: H{ { "connection" "close" } }
] [
@ -3,9 +3,17 @@
USING: assocs http kernel math math.parser namespaces sequences
io io.sockets io.streams.string io.files io.timeouts strings
splitting calendar continuations accessors vectors
io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings.binary fry ;
io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings.binary fry debugger inspector ;
IN: http.client
: max-redirects 10 ;
ERROR: too-many-redirects ;
M: too-many-redirects summary
[ "Redirection limit of " % max-redirects # " exceeded" % ] "" make ;
DEFER: http-request
@ -29,22 +37,26 @@ DEFER: http-request
: relative-redirect ( path -- request )
request get swap store-path ;
SYMBOL: redirects
: do-redirect ( response -- response stream )
dup response-code 300 399 between? [
stdio get dispose
header>> "location" swap at
dup "http://" head? [
redirects inc
redirects get max-redirects < [
header>> "location" swap at
dup "http://" head? [
] [
] if "GET" >>method http-request
] [
] if "GET" >>method http-request
] if
] [
stdio get
] if ;
: request-addr ( request -- addr )
dup host>> swap port>> <inet> ;
: close-on-error ( stream quot -- )
'[ , with-stream* ] [ ] pick '[ , dispose ] cleanup ; inline
@ -61,20 +73,43 @@ PRIVATE>
] close-on-error
] with-variable ;
: read-chunks ( -- )
readln ";" split1 drop hex>
dup { f 0 } member? [ drop ] [ read % read-chunks ] if ;
: do-chunked-encoding ( response stream -- response stream/string )
over "transfer-encoding" header "chunked" = [
[ [ read-chunks ] "" make ] with-stream
] when ;
: <get-request> ( url -- request )
<request> request-with-url "GET" >>method ;
: http-get-stream ( url -- response stream )
<get-request> http-request ;
: string-or-contents ( stream/string -- string )
dup string? [ contents ] unless ;
: http-get-stream ( url -- response stream/string )
<get-request> http-request do-chunked-encoding ;
: success? ( code -- ? ) 200 = ;
: check-response ( response -- )
code>> success?
[ "HTTP download failed" throw ] unless ;
ERROR: download-failed response body ;
M: download-failed error.
"HTTP download failed:" print nl
write-response-message nl
[ body>> write ] bi ;
: check-response ( response string -- string )
over code>> success? [ nip ] [ download-failed ] if ;
: http-get ( url -- string )
http-get-stream contents swap check-response ;
http-get-stream string-or-contents check-response ;
: download-name ( url -- name )
file-name "?" split1 drop "/" ?tail drop ;
@ -95,4 +130,4 @@ PRIVATE>
swap >>post-data-type ;
: http-post ( content-type content url -- response string )
<post-request> http-request contents ;
<post-request> http-request do-chunked-encoding string-or-contents ;
@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ io.encodings.ascii ;
"extra/http/test" resource-path <static> >>default
"nested" add-responder
[ "redirect-loop" f <permanent-redirect> ] >>display
"redirect-loop" add-responder
main-responder set
[ 1237 httpd ] "HTTPD test" spawn drop
@ -160,10 +163,13 @@ io.encodings.ascii ;
"GET nested HTTP/1.0\r\n" write flush
"\r\n" write flush
readln drop
read-header USE: prettyprint
] with-stream dup . "location" swap at "/" head?
] with-stream "location" swap at "/" head?
] unit-test
[ "http://localhost:1237/redirect-loop" http-get ]
[ too-many-redirects? ] must-fail-with
[ "Goodbye" ] [
"http://localhost:1237/quit" http-get
] unit-test
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: fry hashtables io io.streams.string kernel math sets
namespaces math.parser assocs sequences strings splitting ascii
io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.string namespaces
combinators vectors sorting accessors calendar
io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.string io.sockets namespaces
|||| combinators vectors sorting accessors calendar
calendar.format quotations arrays combinators.lib byte-arrays ;
IN: http
@ -175,13 +175,17 @@ post-data
cookies ;
: set-header ( request/response value key -- request/response )
pick header>> set-at ;
: <request>
request new
"1.1" >>version
http-port >>port
H{ } clone >>header
H{ } clone >>query
V{ } clone >>cookies ;
V{ } clone >>cookies
"close" "connection" set-header ;
: query-param ( request key -- value )
swap query>> at ;
@ -295,9 +299,15 @@ SYMBOL: max-post-request
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >>post-data-type
] if ;
: request-addr ( request -- addr )
[ host>> ] [ port>> ] bi <inet> ;
: request-host ( request -- string )
[ host>> ] [ drop ":" ] [ port>> number>string ] tri 3append ;
: write-request-header ( request -- request )
dup header>> >hashtable
over host>> [ "host" pick set-at ] when*
over host>> [ over request-host "host" pick set-at ] when
over post-data>> [ length "content-length" pick set-at ] when*
over post-data-type>> [ "content-type" pick set-at ] when*
over cookies>> f like [ unparse-cookies "cookie" pick set-at ] when*
@ -330,9 +340,6 @@ SYMBOL: max-post-request
] with-string-writer ;
: set-header ( request/response value key -- request/response )
pick header>> set-at ;
GENERIC: write-response ( response -- )
GENERIC: write-full-response ( request response -- )
@ -347,11 +354,11 @@ body ;
: <response>
response new
"1.1" >>version
H{ } clone >>header
"close" "connection" set-header
now timestamp>http-string "date" set-header
V{ } clone >>cookies ;
"1.1" >>version
H{ } clone >>header
"close" "connection" set-header
now timestamp>http-string "date" set-header
V{ } clone >>cookies ;
: read-response-version
" \t" read-until
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
USING: continuations destructors io.buffers io.files io.backend
io.timeouts io.nonblocking
kernel libc math threads windows windows.kernel32 system
alien.c-types alien.arrays sequences combinators combinators.lib
sequences.lib ascii splitting alien strings assocs namespaces
io.files.private accessors ;
alien.c-types alien.arrays alien.strings sequences combinators
combinators.lib sequences.lib ascii splitting alien strings
assocs namespaces io.files.private accessors ;
M: winnt cwd
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Mertens
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel sequences sequences.lib math math.functions math.ranges locals ;
IN: project-euler.190
! -------
! Let Sm = (x1, x2, ... , xm) be the m-tuple of positive real numbers
! with x1 + x2 + ... + xm = m for which Pm = x1 * x22 * ... * xmm is
! maximised.
! For example, it can be verified that [P10] = 4112 ([ ] is the integer
! part function).
! Find Σ[Pm] for 2 ≤ m ≤ 15.
! --------
! Pm = x1 * x2^2 * x3^3 * ... * xm^m
! fm = x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + xm - m = 0
! Gm === Pm - L * fm
! dG/dx_i = 0 = i * Pm / xi - L
! xi = i * Pm / L
! Sum(i=1 to m) xi = m
! Sum(i=1 to m) i * Pm / L = m
! Pm / L * Sum(i=1 to m) i = m
! Pm / L * m*(m+1)/2 = m
! Pm / L = 2 / (m+1)
! xi = i * (2 / (m+1)) = 2*i/(m+1)
: PI ( seq quot -- n )
[ * ] compose 1 swap reduce ; inline
:: P_m ( m -- P_m )
m [1,b] [| i | 2 i * m 1+ / i ^ ] PI ;
: euler190 ( -- n )
2 15 [a,b] [ P_m truncate ] sigma ;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ MACRO: firstn ( n -- )
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: sigma ( seq quot -- n )
[ rot slip + ] curry 0 swap reduce ; inline
[ + ] compose 0 swap reduce ; inline
: count ( seq quot -- n )
[ 1 0 ? ] compose sigma ; inline
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ IN: unix.linux.ifreq
: set-if-metric ( name metric -- )
"struct-ifreq" <c-object>
rot string>char-alien over set-struct-ifreq-ifr-ifrn
rot ascii string>alien over set-struct-ifreq-ifr-ifrn
swap <int> over set-struct-ifreq-ifr-ifru
AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0 socket SIOCSIFMETRIC rot ioctl drop ;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.syntax combinators
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings alien.syntax combinators
kernel windows windows.user32 windows.ole32
|||| io.files ;
IN: windows.shell32
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006 Mackenzie Straight, Doug Coleman.
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.syntax arrays byte-arrays
kernel math sequences windows.types windows.kernel32
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings alien.syntax arrays
byte-arrays kernel math sequences windows.types windows.kernel32
windows.errors structs windows math.bitfields ;
IN: windows.winsock
Reference in New Issue