POV hat indicator for joystick-demo; fix POV hat handling in game-input.backend.dinput

U-VICTORIA\Administrator 2008-07-26 21:16:44 -07:00
parent f0951c36f2
commit 2c76f34ddf
2 changed files with 38 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ M: dinput-game-input-backend instance-id
: >pov ( long -- symbol )
dup HEX: FFFF bitand HEX: FFFF =
[ drop pov-neutral ]
[ 4500 + 9000 /i pov-values nth ] if ;
[ 2750 + 4500 /i pov-values nth ] if ;
: >buttons ( alien length -- array )
memory>byte-array >keys ;

View File

@ -2,15 +2,14 @@ USING: ui ui.gadgets sequences kernel arrays math colors
ui.render math.vectors accessors fry ui.gadgets.packs game-input
game-input.backend ui.gadgets.labels ui.gadgets.borders alarms
calendar locals combinators.lib strings ui.gadgets.buttons
combinators math.parser ;
combinators math.parser assocs ;
IN: joystick-demo
: SIZE { 151 151 } ;
: ZSIZE 75 ;
: INDICATOR-SIZE { 4 4 } ;
: FREQUENCY ( -- f ) 30 recip seconds ;
TUPLE: axis-gadget < gadget indicator z-indicator ;
TUPLE: axis-gadget < gadget indicator z-indicator pov ;
M: axis-gadget pref-dim* drop SIZE ;
@ -22,15 +21,30 @@ M: axis-gadget pref-dim* drop SIZE ;
: indicator-polygon ( -- polygon )
{ 0 0 } INDICATOR-SIZE (rect-polygon) ;
: pov-polygons
{ pov-neutral { { 70 75 } { 75 70 } { 80 75 } { 75 80 } } }
{ pov-up { { 70 65 } { 75 60 } { 80 65 } } }
{ pov-up-right { { 83 60 } { 90 60 } { 90 67 } } }
{ pov-right { { 85 70 } { 90 75 } { 85 80 } } }
{ pov-down-right { { 90 83 } { 90 90 } { 83 90 } } }
{ pov-down { { 70 85 } { 75 90 } { 80 85 } } }
{ pov-down-left { { 67 90 } { 60 90 } { 60 83 } } }
{ pov-left { { 65 70 } { 60 75 } { 65 80 } } }
{ pov-up-left { { 67 60 } { 60 60 } { 60 67 } } }
} ;
: <indicator-gadget> ( color -- indicator )
indicator-polygon <polygon-gadget> ;
: (xy>loc) ( x y -- xyloc )
2array 0.5 v*n { 0.5 0.5 } v+ SIZE v* [ >integer ] map
: (>loc) ( axisloc -- windowloc )
0.5 v*n { 0.5 0.5 } v+ SIZE v* [ >integer ] map
: (z>loc) ( xyloc z -- xyloc zloc )
ZSIZE * >integer 0 swap 2array dupd v+ ;
: (xy>loc) ( x y -- xyloc )
2array (>loc) ;
: (z>loc) ( z -- zloc )
0.0 swap 2array (>loc) ;
: (xyz>loc) ( x y z -- xyloc zloc )
[ [ 0.0 ] unless* ] tri@
@ -41,11 +55,23 @@ M: axis-gadget pref-dim* drop SIZE ;
[ indicator>> (>>loc) ]
[ z-indicator>> (>>loc) ] bi+ bi* ;
: move-pov ( gadget pov -- )
swap pov>> [ interior>> -rot = [ gray ] [ white ] if >>color drop ]
with assoc-each ;
:: add-pov-gadget ( gadget direction polygon -- gadget direction gadget )
gadget white polygon <polygon-gadget> [ add-gadget ] keep
direction swap ;
: add-pov-gadgets ( gadget -- gadget )
pov-polygons [ add-pov-gadget ] assoc-map >>pov ;
: <axis-gadget> ( -- gadget )
axis-gadget new-gadget
gray <indicator-gadget> [ >>indicator ] [ add-gadget ] bi
red <indicator-gadget> [ >>z-indicator ] [ add-gadget ] bi
dup 0.0 0.0 0.0 move-axis ;
black <indicator-gadget> [ >>z-indicator ] [ add-gadget ] bi
red <indicator-gadget> [ >>indicator ] [ add-gadget ] bi
dup [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 move-axis ] [ f move-pov ] bi ;
TUPLE: joystick-demo-gadget < pack axis raxis controller buttons alarm ;
@ -89,6 +115,7 @@ TUPLE: joystick-demo-gadget < pack axis raxis controller buttons alarm ;
[ [ axis>> ] [ [ x>> ] [ y>> ] [ z>> ] tri ] bi* move-axis ]
[ [ raxis>> ] [ [ rx>> ] [ ry>> ] [ rz>> ] tri ] bi* move-axis ]
[ [ axis>> ] [ pov>> ] bi* move-pov ]
[ [ buttons>> ] [ buttons>> ] bi* update-buttons ]
[ drop relayout-1 ]
} 2cleave ;