Improve multi-methods: multi-var hooks

Slava Pestov 2008-04-08 18:51:56 -05:00
parent 3dbda44d23
commit 2cebf7e9e5
7 changed files with 357 additions and 239 deletions

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@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
IN: multi-methods.tests
USING: multi-methods tools.test kernel math arrays sequences
prettyprint strings classes hashtables assocs namespaces
debugger continuations ;
[ { 1 2 3 4 5 6 } ] [
{ 6 4 5 1 3 2 } [ <=> ] topological-sort
] unit-test
[ -1 ] [
{ fixnum array } { number sequence } classes<
] unit-test
[ 0 ] [
{ number sequence } { number sequence } classes<
] unit-test
[ 1 ] [
{ object object } { number sequence } classes<
] unit-test
{ { object integer } [ 1 ] }
{ { object object } [ 2 ] }
{ { POSTPONE: f POSTPONE: f } [ 3 ] }
] [
{ { integer } [ 1 ] }
{ { } [ 2 ] }
{ { f f } [ 3 ] }
} congruify-methods
] unit-test
GENERIC: first-test
[ t ] [ \ first-test generic? ] unit-test
MIXIN: thing
TUPLE: paper ; INSTANCE: paper thing
TUPLE: scissors ; INSTANCE: scissors thing
TUPLE: rock ; INSTANCE: rock thing
GENERIC: beats?
METHOD: beats? { paper scissors } t ;
METHOD: beats? { scissors rock } t ;
METHOD: beats? { rock paper } t ;
METHOD: beats? { thing thing } f ;
: play ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) beats? 2nip ;
[ { } 3 play ] must-fail
[ t ] [ error get no-method? ] unit-test
[ ] [ error get error. ] unit-test
[ t ] [ T{ paper } T{ scissors } play ] unit-test
[ f ] [ T{ scissors } T{ paper } play ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { beats? paper scissors } method-spec? ] unit-test
[ ] [ { beats? paper scissors } see ] unit-test
GENERIC: legacy-test
M: integer legacy-test sq ;
M: string legacy-test " hey" append ;
[ 25 ] [ 5 legacy-test ] unit-test
[ "hello hey" ] [ "hello" legacy-test ] unit-test
SYMBOL: some-var
HOOK: hook-test some-var
[ t ] [ \ hook-test hook-generic? ] unit-test
METHOD: hook-test { array array } reverse ;
METHOD: hook-test { array } class ;
METHOD: hook-test { hashtable number } assoc-size ;
{ 1 2 3 } some-var set
[ { f t t } ] [ { t t f } hook-test ] unit-test
[ fixnum ] [ 3 hook-test ] unit-test
5.0 some-var set
[ 0 ] [ H{ } hook-test ] unit-test
MIXIN: busted
TUPLE: busted-1 ;
TUPLE: busted-2 ; INSTANCE: busted-2 busted
TUPLE: busted-3 ;
GENERIC: busted-sort
METHOD: busted-sort { busted-1 busted-2 } ;
METHOD: busted-sort { busted-2 busted-3 } ;
METHOD: busted-sort { busted busted } ;

View File

@ -3,13 +3,74 @@
USING: kernel math sequences vectors classes classes.algebra
combinators arrays words assocs parser namespaces definitions
prettyprint prettyprint.backend quotations arrays.lib
debugger io compiler.units kernel.private effects ;
debugger io compiler.units kernel.private effects accessors
hashtables sorting shuffle ;
IN: multi-methods
GENERIC: generic-prologue ( combination -- quot )
! PART I: Converting hook specializers
: canonicalize-specializer-0 ( specializer -- specializer' )
[ \ f or ] map ;
GENERIC: method-prologue ( combination -- quot )
SYMBOL: args
SYMBOL: hooks
SYMBOL: total
: canonicalize-specializer-1 ( specializer -- specializer' )
[ class? ] subset
[ length <reversed> [ 1+ neg ] map ] keep zip
[ length args [ max ] change ] keep
[ pair? ] subset
[ keys [ hooks get push-new ] each ] keep
] bi append ;
: canonicalize-specializer-2 ( specializer -- specializer' )
{ [ dup integer? ] [ ] }
{ [ dup word? ] [ hooks get index ] }
} cond args get + r>
] assoc-map ;
: canonicalize-specializer-3 ( specializer -- specializer' )
>r total get object <array> dup <enum> r> update ;
: canonicalize-specializers ( methods -- methods' hooks )
[ >r canonicalize-specializer-0 r> ] assoc-map
0 args set
V{ } clone hooks set
[ >r canonicalize-specializer-1 r> ] assoc-map
hooks [ natural-sort ] change
[ >r canonicalize-specializer-2 r> ] assoc-map
args get hooks get length + total set
[ >r canonicalize-specializer-3 r> ] assoc-map
hooks get
] with-scope ;
: drop-n-quot ( n -- quot ) \ drop <repetition> >quotation ;
: prepare-method ( method n -- quot )
[ 1quotation ] [ drop-n-quot ] bi* prepend ;
: prepare-methods ( methods -- methods' prologue )
[ length [ prepare-method ] curry assoc-map ] keep
[ [ get ] curry ] map concat [ ] like ;
! Part II: Topologically sorting specializers
: maximal-element ( seq quot -- n elt )
dupd [
swapd [ call 0 < ] 2curry subset empty?
@ -32,6 +93,10 @@ GENERIC: method-prologue ( combination -- quot )
} cond 2nip
] 2map [ zero? not ] find nip 0 or ;
: sort-methods ( alist -- alist' )
[ [ first ] bi@ classes< ] topological-sort ;
! PART III: Creating dispatch quotation
: picker ( n -- quot )
{ 0 [ [ dup ] ] }
@ -52,209 +117,171 @@ GENERIC: method-prologue ( combination -- quot )
unclip [ swap [ f ] \ if 3array append [ ] like ] reduce
] if ;
: multi-dispatch-quot ( methods generic -- quot )
"default-multi-method" word-prop 1quotation swap
[ >r multi-predicate r> ] assoc-map reverse alist>quot ;
! Generic words
PREDICATE: generic < word
"multi-methods" word-prop >boolean ;
: methods ( word -- alist )
"multi-methods" word-prop >alist ;
: make-method-def ( quot classes generic -- quot )
: make-generic ( generic -- quot )
swap [ declare ] curry %
"multi-combination" word-prop method-prologue %
[ methods prepare-methods % sort-methods ] keep
multi-dispatch-quot %
] [ ] make ;
TUPLE: method word def classes generic loc ;
: update-generic ( word -- )
dup make-generic define ;
! Methods
PREDICATE: method-body < word
"multi-method" word-prop >boolean ;
"multi-method-generic" word-prop >boolean ;
M: method-body stack-effect
"multi-method" word-prop method-generic stack-effect ;
"multi-method-generic" word-prop stack-effect ;
M: method-body crossref?
drop t ;
: method-word-name ( classes generic -- string )
: method-word-name ( specializer generic -- string )
[ word-name % "-" % unparse % ] "" make ;
: method-word-props ( specializer generic -- assoc )
word-name %
"-(" % [ "," % ] [ word-name % ] interleave ")" %
] "" make ;
"multi-method-generic" set
"multi-method-specializer" set
] H{ } make-assoc ;
: <method-word> ( quot classes generic -- word )
#! We xref here because the "multi-method" word-prop isn't
#! set yet so crossref? yields f.
[ make-method-def ] 2keep
: <method> ( specializer generic -- word )
[ method-word-props ] 2keep
method-word-name f <word>
dup rot define
dup xref ;
[ set-word-props ] keep ;
: <method> ( quot classes generic -- method )
[ <method-word> ] 3keep f \ method construct-boa
dup method-word over "multi-method" set-word-prop ;
: with-methods ( word quot -- )
over >r >r "multi-methods" word-prop
r> call r> update-generic ; inline
: reveal-method ( method classes generic -- )
[ set-at ] with-methods ;
: method ( classes word -- method )
"multi-methods" word-prop at ;
: create-method ( classes generic -- method )
2dup method dup [
] [
drop [ <method> dup ] 2keep reveal-method
] if ;
TUPLE: no-method arguments generic ;
: no-method ( argument-count generic -- * )
>r narray r> \ no-method construct-boa throw ; inline
: argument-count ( methods -- n )
dup assoc-empty? [ drop 0 ] [
keys [ length ] map supremum
] if ;
: multi-dispatch-quot ( methods generic -- quot )
>r [
>r multi-predicate r> method-word 1quotation
] assoc-map
] keep argument-count
r> [ no-method ] 2curry
swap reverse alist>quot ;
: congruify-methods ( alist -- alist' )
dup argument-count [
swap >r object pad-left [ \ f or ] map r>
] curry assoc-map ;
: sorted-methods ( alist -- alist' )
[ [ first ] bi@ classes< ] topological-sort ;
: niceify-method [ dup \ f eq? [ drop f ] when ] map ;
M: no-method error.
"Type check error" print
"Generic word " write dup no-method-generic pprint
"Generic word " write dup generic>> pprint
" does not have a method applicable to inputs:" print
dup no-method-arguments short.
dup arguments>> short.
"Inputs have signature:" print
dup no-method-arguments [ class ] map niceify-method .
dup arguments>> [ class ] map niceify-method .
"Defined methods in topological order: " print
methods congruify-methods sorted-methods keys
"Available methods: " print
generic>> methods keys
[ niceify-method ] map stack. ;
TUPLE: standard-combination ;
: make-default-method ( generic -- quot )
[ 0 swap no-method ] curry ;
M: standard-combination method-prologue drop [ ] ;
: <default-method> ( generic -- method )
[ { } swap <method> ] keep
[ drop ] [ make-default-method define ] 2bi ;
M: standard-combination generic-prologue drop [ ] ;
: define-default-method ( generic -- )
dup <default-method> "default-multi-method" set-word-prop ;
: make-generic ( generic -- quot )
dup "multi-combination" word-prop generic-prologue swap
[ methods congruify-methods sorted-methods ] keep
multi-dispatch-quot append ;
TUPLE: hook-combination var ;
M: hook-combination method-prologue
drop [ drop ] ;
M: hook-combination generic-prologue
hook-combination-var [ get ] curry ;
: update-generic ( word -- )
dup make-generic define ;
: define-generic ( word combination -- )
over "multi-combination" word-prop over = [
] [
dupd "multi-combination" set-word-prop
dup H{ } clone "multi-methods" set-word-prop
] if ;
: define-standard-generic ( word -- )
T{ standard-combination } define-generic ;
CREATE define-standard-generic ; parsing
: define-hook-generic ( word var -- )
hook-combination construct-boa define-generic ;
CREATE scan-word define-hook-generic ; parsing
: method ( classes word -- method )
"multi-methods" word-prop at ;
: with-methods ( word quot -- )
over >r >r "multi-methods" word-prop
r> call r> update-generic ; inline
: define-method ( quot classes generic -- )
>r [ bootstrap-word ] map r>
[ <method> ] 2keep
[ set-at ] with-methods ;
: forget-method ( classes generic -- )
: forget-method ( specializer generic -- )
[ delete-at ] with-methods ;
: method>spec ( method -- spec )
dup method-classes swap method-generic prefix ;
[ "multi-method-specializer" word-prop ]
[ "multi-method-generic" word-prop ] bi prefix ;
: define-generic ( word -- )
dup "multi-methods" word-prop [
] [
[ H{ } clone "multi-methods" set-word-prop ]
[ define-default-method ]
[ update-generic ]
] if ;
! Syntax
CREATE define-generic ; parsing
: parse-method ( -- quot classes generic )
parse-definition dup 2 tail over second rot first ;
parse-definition [ 2 tail ] [ second ] [ first ] tri ;
>r parse-method [ define-method ] 2keep prefix r>
remember-definition ; parsing
: create-method-in ( specializer generic -- method )
create-method dup save-location f set-word ;
scan-word scan-object swap create-method-in ;
: (METHOD:) CREATE-METHOD parse-definition ;
: METHOD: (METHOD:) define ; parsing
! For compatibility
: M:
scan-word 1array scan-word parse-definition
-rot define-method ; parsing
scan-word 1array scan-word create-method-in
define ; parsing
! Definition protocol. We qualify core generics here
USE: qualified
PREDICATE: generic < word
"multi-combination" word-prop >boolean ;
syntax:M: generic definer drop \ GENERIC: f ;
PREDICATE: standard-generic < word
"multi-combination" word-prop standard-combination? ;
PREDICATE: hook-generic < word
"multi-combination" word-prop hook-combination? ;
syntax:M: standard-generic definer drop \ GENERIC: f ;
syntax:M: standard-generic definition drop f ;
syntax:M: hook-generic definer drop \ HOOK: f ;
syntax:M: hook-generic definition drop f ;
syntax:M: hook-generic synopsis*
dup definer.
dup seeing-word
dup pprint-word
dup "multi-combination" word-prop
hook-combination-var pprint-word stack-effect. ;
syntax:M: generic definition drop f ;
PREDICATE: method-spec < array
unclip generic? >r [ class? ] all? r> and ;
syntax:M: method-spec where
dup unclip method [ method-loc ] [ second where ] ?if ;
dup unclip method [ ] [ first ] ?if where ;
syntax:M: method-spec set-where
unclip method set-method-loc ;
unclip method set-where ;
syntax:M: method-spec definer
drop \ METHOD: \ ; ;
unclip method definer ;
syntax:M: method-spec definition
unclip method dup [ method-def ] when ;
unclip method definition ;
syntax:M: method-spec synopsis*
dup definer.
unclip pprint* pprint* ;
unclip method synopsis* ;
syntax:M: method-spec forget*
unclip forget-method ;
unclip method forget* ;
syntax:M: method-body definer
drop \ METHOD: \ ; ;
syntax:M: method-body synopsis*
dup definer.
[ "multi-method-generic" word-prop pprint-word ]
[ "multi-method-specializer" word-prop pprint* ] bi ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
IN: multi-methods.tests
USING: multi-methods tools.test math sequences namespaces system
kernel strings ;
[ { POSTPONE: f integer } ] [ { f integer } canonicalize-specializer-0 ] unit-test
: setup-canon-test
0 args set
V{ } clone hooks set ;
: canon-test-1
{ integer { cpu x86 } sequence } canonicalize-specializer-1 ;
[ { { -2 integer } { -1 sequence } { cpu x86 } } ] [
] with-scope
] unit-test
[ { { 0 integer } { 1 sequence } { 2 x86 } } ] [
] with-scope
] unit-test
[ { integer sequence x86 } ] [
args get hooks get length + total set
] with-scope
] unit-test
: example-1
{ { { cpu x86 } { os linux } } "a" }
{ { { cpu ppc } } "b" }
{ { string { os windows } } "c" }
} ;
{ { object x86 linux } "a" }
{ { object ppc object } "b" }
{ { string object windows } "c" }
V{ cpu os }
] [
example-1 canonicalize-specializers
] unit-test
{ { object x86 linux } [ drop drop "a" ] }
{ { object ppc object } [ drop drop "b" ] }
{ { string object windows } [ drop drop "c" ] }
[ \ cpu get \ os get ]
] [
example-1 prepare-methods
] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
IN: multi-methods.tests
USING: multi-methods tools.test math sequences namespaces system
kernel strings words compiler.units quotations ;
\ GENERIC: must-infer
\ create-method-in must-infer
\ define-default-method must-infer
DEFER: fake
\ fake H{ } clone "multi-methods" set-word-prop
[ "fake-{ }" ] [ { } \ fake method-word-name ] unit-test
[ H{ { "multi-method-generic" fake } { "multi-method-specializer" { } } } ]
[ { } \ fake method-word-props ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { } \ fake <method> method-body? ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ fake define-default-method ] unit-test
[ { } [ ] ] [ \ fake methods prepare-methods >r sort-methods r> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { } \ fake multi-dispatch-quot quotation? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ fake make-generic quotation? ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ fake update-generic ] unit-test
DEFER: testing
[ ] [ \ testing define-generic ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ testing generic? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ testing "default-multi-method" word-prop method-body? ] unit-test
] with-compilation-unit

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
IN: multi-methods.tests
USING: math strings sequences tools.test ;
GENERIC: legacy-test
M: integer legacy-test sq ;
M: string legacy-test " hey" append ;
[ 25 ] [ 5 legacy-test ] unit-test
[ "hello hey" ] [ "hello" legacy-test ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
IN: multi-methods.tests
USING: multi-methods tools.test math sequences namespaces system
kernel strings definitions prettyprint debugger arrays
hashtables continuations classes assocs ;
GENERIC: first-test
[ t ] [ \ first-test generic? ] unit-test
MIXIN: thing
SINGLETON: paper INSTANCE: paper thing
SINGLETON: scissors INSTANCE: scissors thing
SINGLETON: rock INSTANCE: rock thing
GENERIC: beats?
METHOD: beats? { paper scissors } t ;
METHOD: beats? { scissors rock } t ;
METHOD: beats? { rock paper } t ;
METHOD: beats? { thing thing } f ;
: play ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) beats? 2nip ;
[ { } 3 play ] must-fail
[ t ] [ error get no-method? ] unit-test
[ ] [ error get error. ] unit-test
[ t ] [ paper scissors play ] unit-test
[ f ] [ scissors paper play ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { beats? paper scissors } method-spec? ] unit-test
[ ] [ { beats? paper scissors } see ] unit-test
SYMBOL: some-var
GENERIC: hook-test
METHOD: hook-test { array { some-var array } } reverse ;
METHOD: hook-test { { some-var array } } class ;
METHOD: hook-test { hashtable { some-var number } } assoc-size ;
{ 1 2 3 } some-var set
[ { f t t } ] [ { t t f } hook-test ] unit-test
[ fixnum ] [ 3 hook-test ] unit-test
5.0 some-var set
[ 0 ] [ H{ } hook-test ] unit-test
MIXIN: busted
TUPLE: busted-1 ;
TUPLE: busted-2 ; INSTANCE: busted-2 busted
TUPLE: busted-3 ;
GENERIC: busted-sort
METHOD: busted-sort { busted-1 busted-2 } ;
METHOD: busted-sort { busted-2 busted-3 } ;
METHOD: busted-sort { busted busted } ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
IN: multi-methods.tests
USING: kernel multi-methods tools.test math arrays sequences ;
[ { 1 2 3 4 5 6 } ] [
{ 6 4 5 1 3 2 } [ <=> ] topological-sort
] unit-test
[ -1 ] [
{ fixnum array } { number sequence } classes<
] unit-test
[ 0 ] [
{ number sequence } { number sequence } classes<
] unit-test
[ 1 ] [
{ object object } { number sequence } classes<
] unit-test