Merge branch 'master' of git://

Doug Coleman 2008-06-06 09:29:24 -05:00
commit 2e68f03fe2
13 changed files with 358 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ IN: lisp.test
"#f" [ f ] lisp-define
"#t" [ t ] lisp-define
[ f ] "#f" lisp-define
[ t ] "#t" lisp-define
"+" "math" "+" define-primitive
"-" "math" "-" define-primitive
@ -31,6 +31,14 @@ IN: lisp.test
"((lambda (x y z) (+ x (- y z))) 40 3 1)" lisp-eval
] unit-test
{ T{ lisp-symbol f "if" } } [
"(defmacro if (pred tr fl) (quasiquote (cond ((unquote pred) (unquote tr)) (#t (unquote fl)))))" lisp-eval
] unit-test
{ t } [
T{ lisp-symbol f "if" } lisp-macro?
] unit-test
{ 1 } [
"(if #t 1 2)" lisp-eval
] unit-test

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@ -2,24 +2,22 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel peg sequences arrays strings combinators.lib
namespaces combinators math locals locals.private accessors
vectors syntax lisp.parser assocs parser sequences.lib words quotations
fry lists inspector ;
vectors syntax lisp.parser assocs parser sequences.lib words
quotations fry lists inspector ;
IN: lisp
DEFER: convert-form
DEFER: funcall
DEFER: lookup-var
DEFER: lisp-macro?
DEFER: lookup-macro
DEFER: macro-call
DEFER: lisp-macro?
DEFER: macro-expand
DEFER: define-lisp-macro
! Functions to convert s-exps to quotations
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: convert-body ( cons -- quot )
[ ] [ convert-form compose ] foldl ; inline
: convert-if ( cons -- quot )
cdr 3car [ convert-form ] tri@ '[ @ , , if ] ;
: convert-begin ( cons -- quot )
cdr [ convert-form ] [ ] lmap-as '[ , [ funcall ] each ] ;
@ -34,13 +32,11 @@ DEFER: macro-call
! words for convert-lambda
: localize-body ( assoc body -- assoc newbody )
dupd [ dup lisp-symbol? [ tuck name>> swap at swap or ]
[ dup cons? [ localize-body ] when nip ] if
] with lmap>array ;
[ lisp-symbol? ] pick '[ [ name>> , at ] [ ] bi or ] traverse ;
: localize-lambda ( body vars -- newbody newvars )
make-locals dup push-locals swap
[ swap localize-body seq>cons convert-form swap pop-locals ] dip swap ;
[ swap localize-body convert-form swap pop-locals ] dip swap ;
: split-lambda ( cons -- body-cons vars-seq )
3car -rot nip [ name>> ] lmap>array ; inline
@ -67,24 +63,24 @@ PRIVATE>
[ { [ dup list? ] [ car dup lisp-symbol? ] [ name>> "unquote" equal? dup ] } && nip ]
[ cadr ] traverse ;
: form-dispatch ( lisp-symbol -- quot )
: convert-defmacro ( cons -- quot )
cdr [ car ] keep [ convert-lambda ] [ car name>> ] bi define-lisp-macro 1quotation ;
: form-dispatch ( cons lisp-symbol -- quot )
{ { "lambda" [ convert-lambda ] }
{ "defmacro" [ convert-defmacro ] }
{ "quote" [ convert-quoted ] }
{ "unquote" [ convert-unquoted ] }
{ "quasiquote" [ convert-quasiquoted ] }
{ "if" [ convert-if ] }
{ "begin" [ convert-begin ] }
{ "cond" [ convert-cond ] }
[ drop convert-general-form ]
} case ;
: macro-expand ( cons -- quot )
uncons lookup-macro macro-call convert-form ;
: convert-list-form ( cons -- quot )
dup car
{ { [ dup lisp-macro? ] [ macro-expand ] }
{ { [ dup lisp-macro? ] [ drop macro-expand ] }
{ [ dup lisp-symbol? ] [ form-dispatch ] }
[ drop convert-general-form ]
} cond ;
@ -96,8 +92,17 @@ PRIVATE>
[ 1quotation ]
} cond ;
: compile-form ( lisp-ast -- quot )
convert-form lambda-rewrite call ; inline
: macro-call ( lambda -- cons )
call ; inline
: macro-expand ( cons -- quot )
uncons [ list>seq [ ] like ] [ lookup-macro macro-call compile-form ] bi* call ;
: lisp-string>factor ( str -- quot )
lisp-expr parse-result-ast convert-form lambda-rewrite call ;
lisp-expr parse-result-ast compile-form ;
: lisp-eval ( str -- * )
lisp-string>factor call ;
@ -105,18 +110,17 @@ PRIVATE>
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SYMBOL: lisp-env
ERROR: no-such-var var ;
SYMBOL: macro-env
ERROR: no-such-var variable-name ;
M: no-such-var summary drop "No such variable" ;
: init-env ( -- )
H{ } clone lisp-env set
H{ } clone macro-env set ;
: lisp-define ( name quot -- )
swap lisp-env get set-at ;
: lisp-define ( quot name -- )
lisp-env get set-at ;
: lisp-get ( name -- word )
dup lisp-env get at [ ] [ no-such-var ] ?if ;
@ -128,10 +132,13 @@ M: no-such-var summary drop "No such variable" ;
dup lisp-symbol? [ lookup-var ] when call ; inline
: define-primitive ( name vocab word -- )
swap lookup 1quotation '[ , compose call ] lisp-define ;
swap lookup 1quotation '[ , compose call ] swap lisp-define ;
: lookup-macro ( lisp-symbol -- macro )
: lookup-macro ( lisp-symbol -- lambda )
name>> macro-env get at ;
: define-lisp-macro ( quot name -- )
macro-env get set-at ;
: lisp-macro? ( car -- ? )
dup lisp-symbol? [ name>> macro-env get key? ] [ drop f ] if ;

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: lazy-lists math kernel sequences quotations ;
IN: lazy-lists.examples
USING: lists.lazy math kernel sequences quotations ;
IN: lists.lazy.examples
: naturals 0 lfrom ;
: positives 1 lfrom ;

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ HELP: lmerge
{ $values { "list1" "a list" } { "list2" "a list" } { "result" "lazy list merging list1 and list2" } }
{ $description "Return the result of merging the two lists in a lazy manner." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists prettyprint ;" "{ 1 2 3 } >list { 4 5 6 } >list lmerge list>array ." "{ 1 4 2 5 3 6 }" }
{ $example "USING: lists.lazy prettyprint ;" "{ 1 2 3 } >list { 4 5 6 } >list lmerge list>array ." "{ 1 4 2 5 3 6 }" }
} ;
HELP: lcontents
@ -127,4 +127,3 @@ HELP: llines
{ $values { "stream" "a stream" } { "result" "a list" } }
{ $description "Returns a lazy list of all lines in the file. " { $link car } " returns the next lines in the file, " { $link cdr } " returns the remaining lines as a lazy list. " { $link nil? } " indicates end of file." }
{ $see-also lcontents } ;

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@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ HELP: cdr
{ $description "Returns the tail of the list." } ;
HELP: nil
{ $values { "cons" "An empty cons" } }
{ $description "Returns a representation of an empty list" } ;
{ $values { "symbol" "The empty cons (+nil+)" } }
{ $description "Returns a symbol representing the empty list" } ;
HELP: nil?
{ $values { "cons" "a cons object" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ HELP: list>seq
{ $description "Turns the given cons object into an array, maintaing order." } ;
HELP: seq>list
{ $values { "array" "an array object" } { "list" "a cons object" } }
{ $values { "seq" "a sequence" } { "list" "a cons object" } }
{ $description "Turns the given array into a cons object, maintaing order." } ;
HELP: cons>seq
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ HELP: seq>cons
{ $description "Recursively turns the given sequence into a cons object, maintaing order and also converting nested lists." } ;
HELP: traverse
{ $values { " list" "a cons object" } { "pred" } { "a quotation with stack effect ( list/elt -- ? )" }
{ $values { "list" "a cons object" } { "pred" "a quotation with stack effect ( list/elt -- ? )" }
{ "quot" "a quotation with stack effect ( list/elt -- result)" } { "result" "a new cons object" } }
{ $description "Recursively traverses the list object, replacing any elements (which can themselves be sublists) that pred"
" returns true for with the result of applying quot to." } ;

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ IN: lists
MIXIN: list
GENERIC: car ( cons -- car )
GENERIC: cdr ( cons -- cdr )
GENERIC: nil? ( cons -- ? )
GENERIC: nil? ( object -- ? )
TUPLE: cons car cdr ;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ M: object nil? drop f ;
: atom? ( obj -- ? ) [ list? ] [ nil? ] bi or not ;
: nil ( -- +nil+ ) +nil+ ;
: nil ( -- symbol ) +nil+ ;
: uncons ( cons -- cdr car )
[ cdr ] [ car ] bi ;
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ M: object nil? drop f ;
: lmap ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ drop ] [ (leach) lmap cons ] if ; inline
: foldl ( list ident quot -- result ) swapd leach ; inline
: foldl ( list identity quot -- result ) swapd leach ; inline
: foldr ( list ident quot -- result )
: foldr ( list identity quot -- result )
pick nil? [ [ drop ] [ ] [ drop ] tri* ] [
[ [ cdr ] 2dip foldr ] [ nip [ car ] dip ] 3bi

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel math sequences ;
IN: persistent-vectors
HELP: new-nth
{ $values { "val" object } { "i" integer } { "seq" sequence } { "seq'" sequence } }
{ $contract "Persistent analogue of " { $link set-nth } ". Outputs a new sequence with the " { $snippet "i" } "th element replaced by " { $snippet "val" } "." }
{ $notes "This operation runs in " { $snippet "O(log_32 n)" } " time on " { $link persistent-vector } " instances and " { $snippet "O(n)" } " time on all other sequences." } ;
HELP: ppush
{ $values { "val" object } { "seq" sequence } { "seq'" sequence } }
{ $contract "Persistent analogue of " { $link push } ". Outputs a new sequence with all elements of " { $snippet "seq" } " together with " { $snippet "val" } " added at the end." }
{ $notes "This operation runs in amortized " { $snippet "O(1)" } " time on " { $link persistent-vector } " instances and " { $snippet "O(n)" } " time on all other sequences." } ;
HELP: ppop
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "seq'" sequence } }
{ $contract "Persistent analogue of " { $link pop* } ". Outputs a new sequence with all elements of " { $snippet "seq" } " except for the final element." }
{ $notes "This operation runs in amortized " { $snippet "O(1)" } " time on " { $link persistent-vector } " instances and " { $snippet "O(n)" } " time on all other sequences." } ;
{ $syntax "elements... }" }
{ $description "Parses a literal " { $link persistent-vector } "." } ;
HELP: >persistent-vector
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "pvec" persistent-vector } }
{ $description "Creates a " { $link persistent-vector } " with the same elements as " { $snippet "seq" } "." } ;
HELP: persistent-vector
{ $class-description "The class of persistent vectors." } ;
HELP: pempty
{ $values { "pvec" persistent-vector } }
{ $description "Outputs an empty " { $link persistent-vector } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "persistent-vectors" "Persistent vectors"
"A " { $emphasis "persistent vector" } " differs from an ordinary vector (" { $link "vectors" } ") in that it is immutable, and all operations yield new persistent vectors instead of modifying inputs. Unlike immutable operations on ordinary sequences, persistent vector operations are efficient and run in sub-linear time."
"The class of persistent vectors:"
{ $subsection persistent-vector }
"Persistent vectors support the immutable sequence protocol, namely as " { $link length } " and " { $link nth } ", and so can be used with most sequence words (" { $link "sequences" } ")."
"In addition to standard sequence operations, persistent vectors implement efficient operations specific to them. They run in sub-linear time on persistent vectors, and degrate to linear-time algorithms on ordinary sequences:"
{ $subsection new-nth }
{ $subsection ppush }
{ $subsection ppop }
"The empty persistent vector, used for building up all other persistent vectors:"
{ $subsection pempty }
"Converting a sequence into a persistent vector:"
{ $subsection >persistent-vector }
"Persistent vectors have a literal syntax:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: PV{ }
"This implementation of persistent vectors is based on the " { $snippet "clojure.lang.PersistentVector" } " class from Rich Hickey's Clojure language for the JVM (" { $url "" } ")." ;
ABOUT: "persistent-vectors"

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
IN: persistent-vectors.tests
USING: tools.test persistent-vectors sequences kernel arrays
random namespaces vectors math math.order ;
\ new-nth must-infer
\ ppush must-infer
\ ppop must-infer
[ 0 ] [ pempty length ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ 3 pempty ppush length ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 3 pempty ppush first ] unit-test
[ PV{ 3 1 3 3 7 } ] [
pempty { 3 1 3 3 7 } [ swap ppush ] each
] unit-test
[ { 3 1 3 3 7 } ] [
pempty { 3 1 3 3 7 } [ swap ppush ] each >array
] unit-test
{ 100 1060 2000 10000 100000 1000000 } [
[ t ] swap [ dup >persistent-vector sequence= ] curry unit-test
] each
[ ] [ 10000 [ drop 16 random-bits ] PV{ } map-as "1" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ "1" get >vector "2" set ] unit-test
[ t ] [
3000 [
16 random-bits 10000 random
[ "1" [ new-nth ] change ]
[ "2" [ new-nth ] change ] 2bi
"1" get "2" get sequence=
] all?
] unit-test
[ PV{ } ppop ] [ empty-error? ] must-fail-with
[ t ] [ PV{ 3 } ppop empty? ] unit-test
[ PV{ 3 7 } ] [ PV{ 3 7 6 } ppop ] unit-test
[ PV{ 3 7 6 5 } ] [ 5 PV{ 3 7 6 } ppush ] unit-test
[ ] [ PV{ } "1" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ V{ } clone "2" set ] unit-test
[ t ] [
100 [
100 random [
16 random-bits [ "1" [ ppush ] change ] [ "2" get push ] bi
] times
100 random "1" get length min [
"1" [ ppop ] change
"2" get pop*
] times
"1" get "2" get sequence=
] all?
] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
! Based on Clojure's PersistentVector by Rich Hickey.
USING: math accessors kernel sequences.private sequences arrays
combinators parser prettyprint.backend ;
IN: persistent-vectors
ERROR: empty-error pvec ;
GENERIC: ppush ( val seq -- seq' )
M: sequence ppush swap suffix ;
GENERIC: ppop ( seq -- seq' )
M: sequence ppop 1 head* ;
GENERIC: new-nth ( val i seq -- seq' )
M: sequence new-nth clone [ set-nth ] keep ;
TUPLE: persistent-vector count root tail ;
M: persistent-vector length count>> ;
TUPLE: node children level ;
: node-size 32 ; inline
: node-mask node-size mod ; inline
: node-shift -5 * shift ; inline
: node-nth ( i node -- obj )
[ node-mask ] [ children>> ] bi* nth ; inline
: body-nth ( i node -- i node' )
dup level>> [
dupd [ level>> node-shift ] keep node-nth
] times ; inline
: tail-offset ( pvec -- n )
[ count>> ] [ tail>> children>> length ] bi - ;
M: persistent-vector nth-unsafe
2dup tail-offset >=
[ tail>> ] [ root>> body-nth ] if
node-nth ;
: node-add ( val node -- node' )
clone [ ppush ] change-children ;
: ppush-tail ( val pvec -- pvec' )
[ node-add ] change-tail ;
: full? ( node -- ? )
children>> length node-size = ;
: 1node ( val level -- node )
node new
swap >>level
swap 1array >>children ;
: 2node ( first second -- node )
[ 2array ] [ drop level>> 1+ ] 2bi node boa ;
: new-child ( new-child node -- node' expansion/f )
dup full? [ tuck level>> 1node ] [ node-add f ] if ;
: new-last ( val seq -- seq' )
[ length 1- ] keep new-nth ;
: node-set-last ( child node -- node' )
clone [ new-last ] change-children ;
: (ppush-new-tail) ( tail node -- node' expansion/f )
dup level>> 1 = [
] [
tuck children>> peek (ppush-new-tail)
[ swap new-child ] [ swap node-set-last f ] ?if
] if ;
: do-expansion ( pvec root expansion/f -- pvec )
[ 2node ] when* >>root ;
: ppush-new-tail ( val pvec -- pvec' )
[ ] [ tail>> ] [ root>> ] tri
(ppush-new-tail) do-expansion
swap 0 1node >>tail ;
M: persistent-vector ppush ( val pvec -- pvec' )
dup tail>> full?
[ ppush-new-tail ] [ ppush-tail ] if
[ 1+ ] change-count ;
: node-set-nth ( val i node -- node' )
clone [ new-nth ] change-children ;
: node-change-nth ( i node quot -- node' )
[ clone ] dip [
[ clone ] dip [ change-nth ] 2keep drop
] curry change-children ; inline
: (new-nth) ( val i node -- node' )
dup level>> 0 = [
[ node-mask ] dip node-set-nth
] [
[ dupd level>> node-shift node-mask ] keep
[ (new-nth) ] node-change-nth
] if ;
M: persistent-vector new-nth ( obj i pvec -- pvec' )
2dup count>> = [ nip ppush ] [
2dup tail-offset >= [
[ node-mask ] dip
[ node-set-nth ] change-tail
] [
[ (new-nth) ] change-root
] if
] if ;
: (ppop-contraction) ( node -- node' tail' )
clone [ unclip-last swap ] change-children swap ;
: ppop-contraction ( node -- node' tail' )
[ (ppop-contraction) ] [ level>> 1 = ] bi swap and ;
: (ppop-new-tail) ( root -- root' tail' )
dup level>> 1 > [
dup children>> peek (ppop-new-tail) over children>> empty?
[ 2drop ppop-contraction ] [ [ swap node-set-last ] dip ] if
] [
] if ;
: ppop-tail ( pvec -- pvec' )
[ clone [ ppop ] change-children ] change-tail ;
: ppop-new-tail ( pvec -- pvec' )
dup root>> (ppop-new-tail)
dup [ level>> 1 > ] [ children>> length 1 = ] bi and
[ children>> first ] when
] dip
[ >>root ] [ >>tail ] bi* ;
: pempty ( -- pvec )
T{ persistent-vector f 0 T{ node f { } 1 } T{ node f { } 0 } } ; inline
M: persistent-vector ppop ( pvec -- pvec' )
dup count>> {
{ 0 [ empty-error ] }
{ 1 [ drop pempty ] }
dup tail>> children>> length 1 >
[ ppop-tail ] [ ppop-new-tail ] if
] dip 1- >>count
} case ;
M: persistent-vector like
drop pempty [ swap ppush ] reduce ;
M: persistent-vector equal?
over persistent-vector? [ sequence= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: >persistent-vector ( seq -- pvec ) pempty like ; inline
: PV{ \ } [ >persistent-vector ] parse-literal ; parsing
M: persistent-vector pprint-delims drop \ PV{ \ } ;
M: persistent-vector >pprint-sequence ;
INSTANCE: persistent-vector immutable-sequence

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Immutable vectors with O(log_32 n) random access and amortized O(1) push/pop

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ USING: help.syntax help.markup ;
IN: yahoo
HELP: search-yahoo
{ $values { "search" "a string" } { "num" "a positive integer" } { "seq" "sequence of arrays of length 3" } }
{ $description "Uses Yahoo's REST API to search for the query specified in the search string, getting the number of answers specified. Returns a sequence of 3arrays, { title url summary }, each of which is a string." } ;
{ $values { "search" search } { "seq" "sequence of arrays of length 3" } }
{ $description "Uses Yahoo's REST API to search for the specified query, getting the number of answers specified. Returns a sequence of " { $link result } " instances." } ;