Delete ui.text.freetype, opengl.sprites, and Bitstream Vera fonts; move freetype FFI binding from basis to extra since its no longer used by the UI

U-SLAVA-DFB8FF805\Slava 2009-03-02 01:17:33 -06:00
parent 95de45725e
commit 2ec3f1c700
23 changed files with 0 additions and 345 deletions

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Slava Pestov

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
IN: opengl.sprites
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
HELP: sprite
{ $class-description "A sprite is an OpenGL texture together with a display list which renders a textured quad. Sprites are used to draw text in the UI. Sprites have the following slots:"
{ $list
{ { $snippet "dlist" } " - an OpenGL display list ID" }
{ { $snippet "texture" } " - an OpenGL texture ID" }
{ { $snippet "loc" } " - top-left corner of the sprite" }
{ { $snippet "dim" } " - dimensions of the sprite" }
{ { $snippet "dim2" } " - dimensions of the sprite, rounded up to the nearest powers of two" }
} ;
HELP: free-sprites
{ $values { "sprites" "a sequence of " { $link sprite } " instances" } }
{ $description "Deallocates native resources associated toa sequence of sprites." } ;

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test opengl.sprites ;
IN: opengl.sprites.tests

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors sequences opengl assocs ;
IN: opengl.sprites
TUPLE: sprite loc dim dim2 dlist texture ;
: <sprite> ( loc dim dim2 -- sprite )
f f sprite boa ;
: sprite-size2 ( sprite -- w h ) dim2>> first2 ;
: sprite-width ( sprite -- w ) dim>> first ;
: draw-sprite ( sprite -- )
dup loc>> gl-translate
GL_TEXTURE_2D over texture>> glBindTexture
init-texture rect-texture-coords
dim2>> fill-rect-vertices
GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 glBindTexture
] do-enabled-client-state ;
: make-sprite-dlist ( sprite -- id )
GL_COMPILE [ draw-sprite ] make-dlist
] do-matrix ;
: init-sprite ( texture sprite -- )
swap >>texture
dup make-sprite-dlist >>dlist drop ;
: free-sprite ( sprite -- )
[ dlist>> delete-dlist ]
[ texture>> delete-texture ] bi ;
: free-sprites ( sprites -- )
[ nip [ free-sprite ] when* ] assoc-each ;

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Slava Pestov

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
USING: help.syntax help.markup strings kernel alien opengl
opengl.sprites quotations ui.render ui.text ui.text.private
freetype ;
IN: ui.text.freetype
HELP: freetype
{ $values { "alien" alien } }
{ $description "Outputs a native handle used by the FreeType library, initializing FreeType first if necessary." } ;
HELP: open-fonts
{ $var-description "Global variable. Hashtable mapping font descriptors to " { $link freetype-font } " instances." } ;
HELP: init-freetype
{ $description "Initializes the FreeType library." }
{ $notes "Do not call this word if you are using the UI." } ;
HELP: freetype-font
{ $class-description "A font which has been loaded by FreeType." } ;
HELP: close-freetype
{ $description "Closes the FreeType library." }
{ $notes "Do not call this word if you are using the UI." } ;
HELP: open-face
{ $values { "font" freetype-font } { "face" "alien pointer to an " { $snippet "FT_Face" } } }
{ $description "Loads a TrueType font with the requested logical font name and style." } ;
HELP: render-glyph
{ $values { "font" freetype-font } { "char" "a non-negative integer" } { "bitmap" alien } }
{ $description "Renders a character and outputs a pointer to the bitmap." } ;
HELP: <char-sprite>
{ $values { "font" freetype-font } { "char" "a non-negative integer" } { "sprite" sprite } }
{ $description "Renders a character to an OpenGL texture and records a display list which draws a quad with this texture. This word allocates native resources which must be freed by " { $link free-sprites } "." } ;
HELP: (draw-string)
{ $values { "font" freetype-font } { "sprites" "a vector of " { $link sprite } " instances" } { "string" string } }
{ $description "Draws a line of text." }
{ $notes "This is a low-level word, UI code should use " { $link draw-string } " or " { $link draw-text } " instead." }
{ $side-effects "sprites" } ;
HELP: run-char-widths
{ $values { "font" freetype-font } { "string" string } { "widths" "a sequence of integers" } }
{ $description "Outputs a sequence of x co-ordinates of the midpoint of each character in the string." }
{ $notes "This word is used to convert x offsets to document locations, for example when the user moves the caret by clicking the mouse." } ;

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@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.accessors alien.c-types arrays io kernel libc
math math.vectors namespaces opengl opengl.sprites assocs
sequences io.files continuations freetype
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.text ui.text.private ui.backend
byte-arrays accessors locals fonts memoize ;
IN: ui.text.freetype
SINGLETON: freetype-renderer
M: freetype-renderer finish-text-rendering drop ;
: freetype-error ( n -- )
0 = [ "FreeType error" throw ] unless ;
DEFER: init-freetype
: freetype ( -- alien )
\ freetype [ init-freetype ] initialize-alien ;
TUPLE: freetype-font < identity-tuple
ascent descent height handle widths ;
M: freetype-font hashcode* drop freetype-font hashcode* ;
M: freetype-renderer free-fonts ( world -- )
values [ free-sprites ] each ;
: ttf-name ( font -- name )
[ [ name>> ] [ bold?>> ] [ italic?>> ] tri ] output>array H{
{ { "monospace" f f } "VeraMono" }
{ { "monospace" t f } "VeraMoBd" }
{ { "monospace" t t } "VeraMoBI" }
{ { "monospace" f t } "VeraMoIt" }
{ { "sans-serif" f f } "Vera" }
{ { "sans-serif" t f } "VeraBd" }
{ { "sans-serif" t t } "VeraBI" }
{ { "sans-serif" f t } "VeraIt" }
{ { "serif" f f } "VeraSe" }
{ { "serif" t f } "VeraSeBd" }
{ { "serif" t t } "VeraBI" }
{ { "serif" f t } "VeraIt" }
} at [ "No such font" throw ] unless* ;
: ttf-path ( name -- string )
"resource:fonts/" ".ttf" surround ;
MEMO: ttf-font ( font -- contents length )
ttf-name ttf-path malloc-file-contents ;
: open-face ( font -- face )
#! We use FT_New_Memory_Face, not FT_New_Face, since
#! FT_New_Face only takes an ASCII path name and causes
#! problems on localized versions of Windows
[ freetype ] dip ttf-font 0 f <void*>
[ FT_New_Memory_Face freetype-error ] keep *void* ;
72 dpi set-global
: ft-floor ( m -- n ) -6 shift ; inline
: ft-ceil ( m -- n ) 63 + -64 bitand -6 shift ; inline
: font-units>pixels ( n font -- n )
face-size face-size-y-scale FT_MulFix ;
: init-ascent ( font face -- font )
[ face-y-max ] keep font-units>pixels >>ascent ; inline
: init-descent ( font face -- font )
[ face-y-min ] keep font-units>pixels >>descent ; inline
: init-font ( font -- font )
dup handle>> init-ascent
dup handle>> init-descent
dup [ ascent>> ] [ descent>> ] bi - ft-ceil >>height ; inline
: set-char-size ( open-font size -- open-font )
[ dup handle>> 0 ] dip
6 shift dpi get-global dup FT_Set_Char_Size freetype-error ;
MEMO: (open-font) ( font -- open-font )
freetype-font new
H{ } clone >>widths
over open-face >>handle
swap size>> set-char-size
init-font ;
GENERIC: open-font ( font -- open-font )
M: font open-font
freetype drop clone f >>background f >>foreground (open-font) ;
: load-glyph ( font char -- glyph )
[ handle>> dup ] dip 0 FT_Load_Char
freetype-error face-glyph ;
: char-width ( open-font char -- w )
swap [ widths>> ] keep
[ swap load-glyph glyph-hori-advance ft-ceil ] curry cache ;
M: freetype-renderer string-width ( font string -- w )
[ [ 0 ] dip open-font ] dip [ char-width + ] with each ;
M: freetype-renderer string-height ( font string -- h )
drop open-font height>> ;
: glyph-size ( glyph -- dim )
[ glyph-hori-advance ft-ceil ]
[ glyph-height ft-ceil ]
bi 2array ;
: render-glyph ( font char -- bitmap )
load-glyph dup
FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL FT_Render_Glyph freetype-error ;
:: copy-pixel ( i j bitmap texture -- i j )
255 j texture set-nth
i bitmap nth j 1 + texture set-nth
i 1 + j 2 + ; inline
:: (copy-row) ( i j bitmap texture end -- )
i end < [
i j bitmap texture copy-pixel
bitmap texture end (copy-row)
] when ; inline recursive
:: copy-row ( i j bitmap texture width width2 -- i j )
i j bitmap texture i width + (copy-row)
i width +
j width2 + ; inline
:: copy-bitmap ( glyph texture -- )
[let* | bitmap [ glyph glyph-bitmap-buffer ]
rows [ glyph glyph-bitmap-rows ]
width [ glyph glyph-bitmap-width ]
width2 [ width next-power-of-2 2 * ] |
bitmap [
bitmap rows width * <direct-uchar-array> :> bitmap'
0 0
rows [ bitmap' texture width width2 copy-row ] times
] when
] ;
: bitmap>texture ( glyph sprite -- id )
tuck dim2>> product 2 * <byte-array>
[ copy-bitmap ] keep [ dim2>> ] dip
: glyph-texture-loc ( glyph font -- loc )
[ drop glyph-hori-bearing-x ft-floor ]
[ ascent>> swap glyph-hori-bearing-y - ft-floor ]
2bi 2array ;
: glyph-texture-size ( glyph -- dim )
[ glyph-bitmap-width next-power-of-2 ]
[ glyph-bitmap-rows next-power-of-2 ]
bi 2array ;
: <char-sprite> ( open-font char -- sprite )
over [ render-glyph dup ] dip glyph-texture-loc
over glyph-size pick glyph-texture-size <sprite>
[ bitmap>texture ] keep [ init-sprite ] keep ;
:: char-sprite ( open-font sprites char -- sprite )
char sprites [ open-font swap <char-sprite> ] cache ;
: draw-char ( open-font sprites char loc -- )
0 0 glTranslated
char-sprite dlist>> glCallList
] do-matrix ;
: char-widths ( open-font string -- widths )
[ char-width ] with { } map-as ;
: sums ( seq -- seq )
0 [ + ] accumulate nip ;
: font-sprites ( font world -- sprites )
fonts>> [ drop H{ } clone ] cache ;
: draw-background ( widths open-font -- )
[ sum ] [ height>> ] bi* 2array gl-fill-rect ;
:: draw-selection ( widths open-font line -- )
line color>> gl-color
widths line start>> head-slice sum 0 2array [
line [ start>> ] [ end>> ] bi widths <slice> sum
open-font height>> 2array gl-fill-rect
] with-translation ;
M:: freetype-renderer draw-string ( font line -- )
line dup selection? [ string>> ] when :> string
font open-font :> open-font
open-font world get font-sprites :> sprites
open-font string char-widths :> widths
font background>> gl-color
widths open-font draw-background
line selection? [ widths open-font line draw-selection ] when
font foreground>> gl-color
string widths sums [ [ open-font sprites ] 2dip draw-char ] 2each
] do-enabled ;
: run-char-widths ( open-font string -- widths )
char-widths [ sums ] [ 2 v/n ] bi v+ ;
M: freetype-renderer x>offset ( x font string -- n )
[ open-font ] dip
[ run-char-widths [ <= ] with find drop ] keep swap
[ ] [ length ] ?if ;
M:: freetype-renderer offset>x ( n font string -- x )
font string n head-slice string-width ;
M: freetype-renderer line-metrics ( font string -- metrics )
[ string-width ]
[ drop open-font [ ascent>> ft-ceil ] [ descent>> ft-ceil ] bi 0 ] 2bi
metrics boa ;
: init-freetype ( -- )
global [
f <void*> dup FT_Init_FreeType freetype-error
*void* \ freetype set
\ (open-font) reset-memoized
\ ttf-font reset-memoized
] bind ;
freetype-renderer font-renderer set-global

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UI text rendering implementation using FreeType

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