Merge branch 'master' of into morse


Alex Chapman 2008-04-23 22:30:00 +10:00
commit 2f48f21eaf
303 changed files with 5780 additions and 2507 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

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@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ install_build_system_port() {
usage() {
echo "usage: $0 install|install-x11|install-macosx|self-update|quick-update|update|bootstrap|net-bootstrap|make-target"
echo "usage: $0 install|install-x11|install-macosx|self-update|quick-update|update|bootstrap|dlls|net-bootstrap|make-target"
echo "If you are behind a firewall, invoke as:"
echo "env GIT_PROTOCOL=http $0 <command>"

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@ -28,12 +28,6 @@ M: f expired? drop t ;
: <alien> ( address -- alien )
f <displaced-alien> { simple-c-ptr } declare ; inline
: alien>native-string ( alien -- string )
os windows? [ alien>u16-string ] [ alien>char-string ] if ;
: dll-path ( dll -- string )
(dll-path) alien>native-string ;
M: alien equal?
over alien? [
2dup [ expired? ] either? [

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ ARTICLE: "c-arrays-factor" "Converting C arrays to and from Factor arrays"
{ $subsection >c-ushort-array }
{ $subsection >c-void*-array }
{ $subsection c-bool-array> }
{ $subsection c-char*-array> }
{ $subsection c-char-array> }
{ $subsection c-double-array> }
{ $subsection c-float-array> }
@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ ARTICLE: "c-arrays-factor" "Converting C arrays to and from Factor arrays"
{ $subsection c-uint-array> }
{ $subsection c-ulong-array> }
{ $subsection c-ulonglong-array> }
{ $subsection c-ushort*-array> }
{ $subsection c-ushort-array> }
{ $subsection c-void*-array> } ;
@ -61,9 +59,7 @@ ARTICLE: "c-arrays-get/set" "Reading and writing elements in C arrays"
{ $subsection double-nth }
{ $subsection set-double-nth }
{ $subsection void*-nth }
{ $subsection set-void*-nth }
{ $subsection char*-nth }
{ $subsection ushort*-nth } ;
{ $subsection set-void*-nth } ;
ARTICLE: "c-arrays" "C arrays"
"C arrays are allocated in the same manner as other C data; see " { $link "c-byte-arrays" } " and " { $link "malloc" } "."

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien arrays alien.c-types alien.structs
sequences math kernel generator.registers
namespaces libc ;
sequences math kernel namespaces libc cpu.architecture ;
IN: alien.arrays
UNION: value-type array struct-type ;
@ -27,7 +26,9 @@ M: array stack-size drop "void*" stack-size ;
M: value-type c-type-reg-class drop int-regs ;
M: value-type c-type-prep drop f ;
M: value-type c-type-boxer-quot drop f ;
M: value-type c-type-unboxer-quot drop f ;
M: value-type c-type-getter
drop [ swap <displaced-alien> ] ;

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@ -62,28 +62,6 @@ HELP: <c-object>
{ <c-object> malloc-object } related-words
HELP: string>char-alien ( string -- array )
{ $values { "string" string } { "array" byte-array } }
{ $description "Copies the string to a new byte array, converting it to 8-bit ASCII and adding a trailing null byte." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the string contains null characters, or characters beyond the 8-bit range." } ;
{ string>char-alien alien>char-string malloc-char-string } related-words
HELP: alien>char-string ( c-ptr -- string )
{ $values { "c-ptr" c-ptr } { "string" string } }
{ $description "Reads a null-terminated 8-bit C string from the specified address." } ;
HELP: string>u16-alien ( string -- array )
{ $values { "string" string } { "array" byte-array } }
{ $description "Copies the string to a new byte array in UCS-2 format with a trailing null byte." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the string contains null characters." } ;
{ string>u16-alien alien>u16-string malloc-u16-string } related-words
HELP: alien>u16-string ( c-ptr -- string )
{ $values { "c-ptr" c-ptr } { "string" string } }
{ $description "Reads a null-terminated UCS-2 string from the specified address." } ;
HELP: memory>byte-array
{ $values { "alien" c-ptr } { "len" "a non-negative integer" } { "byte-array" byte-array } }
{ $description "Reads " { $snippet "len" } " bytes starting from " { $snippet "base" } " and stores them in a new byte array." } ;
@ -111,18 +89,6 @@ HELP: malloc-byte-array
{ $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if memory allocation fails." } ;
HELP: malloc-char-string
{ $values { "string" string } { "alien" c-ptr } }
{ $description "Allocates an unmanaged memory block, and stores a string in 8-bit ASCII encoding with a trailing null byte to the block." }
{ $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if memory allocation fails." } ;
HELP: malloc-u16-string
{ $values { "string" string } { "alien" c-ptr } }
{ $description "Allocates an unmanaged memory block, and stores a string in UCS2 encoding with a trailing null character to the block." }
{ $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if memory allocation fails." } ;
HELP: define-nth
{ $values { "name" "a word name" } { "vocab" "a vocabulary name" } }
{ $description "Defines a word " { $snippet { $emphasis "name" } "-nth" } " with stack effect " { $snippet "( n c-ptr -- value )" } " for reading the value with C type " { $snippet "name" } " stored at an alien pointer, displaced by a multiple of the C type's size." }
@ -202,8 +168,6 @@ $nl
{ $subsection *float }
{ $subsection *double }
{ $subsection *void* }
{ $subsection *char* }
{ $subsection *ushort* }
"Note that while structure and union types do not get these words defined for them, there is no loss of generality since " { $link <void*> } " and " { $link *void* } " may be used." ;
ARTICLE: "c-types-specs" "C type specifiers"
@ -267,26 +231,6 @@ $nl
"A wrapper for temporarily allocating a block of memory:"
{ $subsection with-malloc } ;
ARTICLE: "c-strings" "C strings"
"The C library interface defines two types of C strings:"
{ $table
{ "C type" "Notes" }
{ { $snippet "char*" } "8-bit per character null-terminated ASCII" }
{ { $snippet "ushort*" } "16-bit per character null-terminated UCS-2" }
"Passing a Factor string to a C function expecting a C string allocates a " { $link byte-array } " in the Factor heap; the string is then converted to the requested format and a raw pointer is passed to the function. If the conversion fails, for example if the string contains null bytes or characters with values higher than 255, a " { $link c-string-error. } " is thrown."
"Sometimes a C function has a parameter type of " { $snippet "void*" } ", and various data types, among them strings, can be passed in. In this case, strings are not automatically converted to aliens, and instead you must call one of these words:"
{ $subsection string>char-alien }
{ $subsection string>u16-alien }
{ $subsection malloc-char-string }
{ $subsection malloc-u16-string }
"The first two allocate " { $link byte-array } "s, and the latter allocates manually-managed memory which is not moved by the garbage collector and has to be explicitly freed by calling " { $link free } ". See " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } " for a discussion of the two approaches."
"Finally, a set of words can be used to read and write " { $snippet "char*" } " and " { $snippet "ushort*" } " strings at arbitrary addresses:"
{ $subsection alien>char-string }
{ $subsection alien>u16-string }
"For example, if a C function returns a " { $snippet "char*" } " but stipulates that the caller must deallocate the memory afterward, you must define the function as returning " { $snippet "void*" } ", and call one of the above words before passing the pointer to " { $link free } "." ;
ARTICLE: "c-data" "Passing data between Factor and C"
"Two defining characteristics of Factor are dynamic typing and automatic memory management, which are somewhat incompatible with the machine-level data model exposed by C. Factor's C library interface defines its own set of C data types, distinct from Factor language types, together with automatic conversion between Factor values and C types. For example, C integer types must be declared and are fixed-width, whereas Factor supports arbitrary-precision integers."

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@ -1,30 +1,6 @@
IN: alien.c-types.tests
USING: alien alien.syntax alien.c-types kernel tools.test
sequences system libc ;
[ "\u0000ff" ]
[ "\u0000ff" string>char-alien alien>char-string ]
[ "hello world" ]
[ "hello world" string>char-alien alien>char-string ]
[ "hello\u00abcdworld" ]
[ "hello\u00abcdworld" string>u16-alien alien>u16-string ]
[ t ] [ f expired? ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [
"hello world" malloc-char-string
dup alien>char-string swap free
] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [
"hello world" malloc-u16-string
dup alien>u16-string swap free
] unit-test
sequences system libc alien.strings io.encodings.utf8 ;
: foo ( -- n ) "fdafd" f dlsym [ 123 ] unless* ;
@ -67,7 +43,7 @@ TYPEDEF: int* MyIntArray
[ t ] [ "char*" c-type "MyLPBYTE" c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { "char*" utf8 } c-type "MyLPBYTE" c-type = ] unit-test
0 B{ 1 2 3 4 } <displaced-alien> <void*>

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: bit-arrays byte-arrays float-arrays arrays
generator.registers assocs kernel kernel.private libc math
assocs kernel kernel.private libc math
namespaces parser sequences strings words assocs splitting
math.parser cpu.architecture alien alien.accessors quotations
layouts system compiler.units io.files io.encodings.binary
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ DEFER: *char
: little-endian? ( -- ? ) 1 <int> *char 1 = ; foldable
TUPLE: c-type
boxer prep unboxer
boxer boxer-quot unboxer unboxer-quot
getter setter
reg-class size align stack-align? ;
@ -149,23 +149,12 @@ M: float-array byte-length length "double" heap-size * ;
: malloc-byte-array ( byte-array -- alien )
dup length dup malloc [ -rot memcpy ] keep ;
: malloc-char-string ( string -- alien )
string>char-alien malloc-byte-array ;
: malloc-u16-string ( string -- alien )
string>u16-alien malloc-byte-array ;
: memory>byte-array ( alien len -- byte-array )
dup <byte-array> [ -rot memcpy ] keep ;
: byte-array>memory ( byte-array base -- )
swap dup length memcpy ;
DEFER: >c-ushort-array
: string>u16-memory ( string base -- )
>r >c-ushort-array r> byte-array>memory ;
: (define-nth) ( word type quot -- )
>r heap-size [ rot * ] swap prefix r> append define-inline ;
@ -378,7 +367,7 @@ M: long-long-type box-return ( type -- )
"box_float" >>boxer
"to_float" >>unboxer
single-float-regs >>reg-class
[ >float ] >>prep
[ >float ] >>unboxer-quot
"float" define-primitive-type
@ -389,30 +378,8 @@ M: long-long-type box-return ( type -- )
"box_double" >>boxer
"to_double" >>unboxer
double-float-regs >>reg-class
[ >float ] >>prep
[ >float ] >>unboxer-quot
"double" define-primitive-type
[ alien-cell alien>char-string ] >>getter
[ set-alien-cell ] >>setter
bootstrap-cell >>size
bootstrap-cell >>align
"box_char_string" >>boxer
"alien_offset" >>unboxer
[ string>char-alien ] >>prep
"char*" define-primitive-type
"char*" "uchar*" typedef
[ alien-cell alien>u16-string ] >>getter
[ set-alien-cell ] >>setter
4 >>size
4 >>align
"box_u16_string" >>boxer
"alien_offset" >>unboxer
[ string>u16-alien ] >>prep
"ushort*" define-primitive-type
os winnt? cpu x86.64? and "longlong" "long" ? "ptrdiff_t" typedef
] with-compilation-unit

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ USING: alien alien.c-types alien.syntax compiler kernel
namespaces namespaces tools.test sequences inference words
arrays parser quotations continuations inference.backend effects
namespaces.private io io.streams.string memory system threads
tools.test ;
tools.test math ;
FUNCTION: void ffi_test_0 ;
[ ] [ ffi_test_0 ] unit-test
@ -280,6 +280,10 @@ FUNCTION: double ffi_test_36 ( test-struct-12 x ) ;
[ 1.23456 ] [ 1.23456 make-struct-12 ffi_test_36 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: ulonglong ffi_test_38 ( ulonglong x, ulonglong y ) ;
[ t ] [ 31 2^ 32 2^ ffi_test_38 63 2^ = ] unit-test
! Test callbacks
: callback-1 "void" { } "cdecl" [ ] alien-callback ;
@ -354,3 +358,18 @@ FUNCTION: double ffi_test_36 ( test-struct-12 x ) ;
] alien-callback ;
[ ] [ callback-8 callback_test_1 ] unit-test
: callback-9
"int" { "int" "int" "int" } "cdecl" [
+ + 1+
] alien-callback ;
FUNCTION: void ffi_test_36_point_5 ( ) ;
[ ] [ ffi_test_36_point_5 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_37 ( void* func ) ;
[ 1 ] [ callback-9 ffi_test_37 ] unit-test
[ 7 ] [ callback-9 ffi_test_37 ] unit-test

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@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
USING: arrays generator generator.registers generator.fixup
hashtables kernel math namespaces sequences words
inference.state inference.backend inference.dataflow system
math.parser classes alien.arrays alien.c-types alien.structs
alien.syntax cpu.architecture alien inspector quotations assocs
kernel.private threads continuations.private libc combinators
compiler.errors continuations layouts accessors ;
math.parser classes alien.arrays alien.c-types alien.strings
alien.structs alien.syntax cpu.architecture alien inspector
quotations assocs kernel.private threads continuations.private
libc combinators compiler.errors continuations layouts accessors
IN: alien.compiler
TUPLE: #alien-node < node return parameters abi ;
@ -20,9 +21,7 @@ TUPLE: #alien-invoke < #alien-node library function ;
: large-struct? ( ctype -- ? )
dup c-struct? [
heap-size struct-small-enough? not
] [
drop f
] if ;
] [ drop f ] if ;
: alien-node-parameters* ( node -- seq )
dup parameters>>
@ -162,17 +161,16 @@ M: long-long-type flatten-value-type ( type -- )
dup return>> "void" = 0 1 ?
swap produce-values ;
: (make-prep-quot) ( parameters -- )
: (param-prep-quot) ( parameters -- )
dup empty? [
] [
unclip c-type c-type-prep %
\ >r , (make-prep-quot) \ r> ,
unclip c-type c-type-unboxer-quot %
\ >r , (param-prep-quot) \ r> ,
] if ;
: make-prep-quot ( node -- quot )
[ <reversed> (make-prep-quot) ] [ ] make ;
: param-prep-quot ( node -- quot )
parameters>> [ <reversed> (param-prep-quot) ] [ ] make ;
: unbox-parameters ( offset node -- )
parameters>> [
@ -200,6 +198,20 @@ M: long-long-type flatten-value-type ( type -- )
: box-return* ( node -- )
return>> [ ] [ box-return ] if-void ;
: (return-prep-quot) ( parameters -- )
dup empty? [
] [
unclip c-type c-type-boxer-quot %
\ >r , (return-prep-quot) \ r> ,
] if ;
: callback-prep-quot ( node -- quot )
parameters>> [ <reversed> (return-prep-quot) ] [ ] make ;
: return-prep-quot ( node -- quot )
[ return>> [ ] [ 1array (return-prep-quot) ] if-void ] [ ] make ;
M: alien-invoke-error summary
"Words calling ``alien-invoke'' must be compiled with the optimizing compiler." ;
@ -258,15 +270,15 @@ M: no-such-symbol compiler-error-type
pop-literal nip >>library
pop-literal nip >>return
! Quotation which coerces parameters to required types
dup make-prep-quot recursive-state get infer-quot
dup param-prep-quot f infer-quot
! Set ABI
dup library>>
library [ abi>> ] [ "cdecl" ] if*
dup library>> library [ abi>> ] [ "cdecl" ] if* >>abi
! Add node to IR
dup node,
! Magic #: consume exactly the number of inputs
0 alien-invoke-stack
dup 0 alien-invoke-stack
! Quotation which coerces return value to required type
return-prep-quot f infer-quot
] "infer" set-word-prop
M: #alien-invoke generate-node
@ -294,11 +306,13 @@ M: alien-indirect-error summary
pop-parameters >>parameters
pop-literal nip >>return
! Quotation which coerces parameters to required types
dup make-prep-quot [ dip ] curry recursive-state get infer-quot
dup param-prep-quot [ dip ] curry f infer-quot
! Add node to IR
dup node,
! Magic #: consume the function pointer, too
1 alien-invoke-stack
dup 1 alien-invoke-stack
! Quotation which coerces return value to required type
return-prep-quot f infer-quot
] "infer" set-word-prop
M: #alien-indirect generate-node
@ -331,7 +345,7 @@ M: alien-callback-error summary
: callback-bottom ( node -- )
xt>> [ word-xt drop <alien> ] curry
recursive-state get infer-quot ;
f infer-quot ;
\ alien-callback [
4 ensure-values
@ -371,16 +385,18 @@ TUPLE: callback-context ;
wait-to-return ; inline
: prepare-callback-return ( ctype -- quot )
: callback-return-quot ( ctype -- quot )
return>> {
{ [ dup "void" = ] [ drop [ ] ] }
{ [ dup large-struct? ] [ heap-size [ memcpy ] curry ] }
[ c-type c-type-prep ]
[ c-type c-type-unboxer-quot ]
} cond ;
: wrap-callback-quot ( node -- quot )
[ quot>> ] [ prepare-callback-return ] bi append ,
[ callback-prep-quot ]
[ quot>> ]
[ callback-return-quot ] tri 3append ,
[ callback-context new do-callback ] %
] [ ] make ;
@ -403,12 +419,12 @@ TUPLE: callback-context ;
: generate-callback ( node -- )
dup xt>> dup [
dup alien-stack-frame [
dup registers>objects
dup wrap-callback-quot %alien-callback
[ registers>objects ]
[ wrap-callback-quot %alien-callback ]
[ %callback-return ]
] with-stack-frame
] with-generator ;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types parser threads words kernel.private
kernel ;
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings parser threads words
kernel.private kernel io.encodings.utf8 ;
IN: alien.remote-control
: eval-callback
"void*" { "char*" } "cdecl"
[ eval>string malloc-char-string ] alien-callback ;
[ eval>string utf8 malloc-string ] alien-callback ;
: yield-callback
"void" { } "cdecl" [ yield ] alien-callback ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax strings byte-arrays alien libc
debugger ;
IN: alien.strings
HELP: string>alien
{ $values { "string" string } { "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" } { "byte-array" byte-array } }
{ $description "Encodes a string together with a trailing null code point using the given encoding, and stores the resulting bytes in a freshly-allocated byte array." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the string contains null characters, or characters not representable in the given encoding." } ;
{ string>alien alien>string malloc-string } related-words
HELP: alien>string
{ $values { "c-ptr" c-ptr } { "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" } { "string/f" "a string or " { $link f } } }
{ $description "Reads a null-terminated C string from the specified address with the given encoding." } ;
HELP: malloc-string
{ $values { "string" string } { "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" } { "alien" c-ptr } }
{ $description "Encodes a string together with a trailing null code point using the given encoding, and stores the resulting bytes in a freshly-allocated unmanaged memory block." }
{ $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if one of the following conditions occurs:"
{ $list
"the string contains null code points"
"the string contains characters not representable using the encoding specified"
"memory allocation fails"
} ;
HELP: string>symbol
{ $values { "str" string } { "alien" alien } }
{ $description "Converts the string to a format which is a valid symbol name for the Factor VM's compiled code linker. By performing this conversion ahead of time, the image loader can run without allocating memory."
"On Windows CE, symbols are represented as UCS2 strings, and on all other platforms they are ASCII strings." } ;
HELP: utf16n
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16 without a byte order mark in native endian order. This is useful mostly for FFI calls which take input of strings of the type wchar_t*" }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
ARTICLE: "c-strings" "C strings"
"C string types are arrays with shape " { $snippet "{ \"char*\" encoding }" } ", where " { $snippet "encoding" } " is an encoding descriptor. The type " { $snippet "\"char*\"" } " is an alias for " { $snippet "{ \"char*\" utf8 }" } ". See " { $link "encodings-descriptors" } " for information about encoding descriptors."
"Passing a Factor string to a C function expecting a C string allocates a " { $link byte-array } " in the Factor heap; the string is then converted to the requested format and a raw pointer is passed to the function. If the conversion fails, for example if the string contains null bytes or characters with values higher than 255, a " { $link c-string-error. } " is thrown."
"Sometimes a C function has a parameter type of " { $snippet "void*" } ", and various data types, among them strings, can be passed in. In this case, strings are not automatically converted to aliens, and instead you must call one of these words:"
{ $subsection string>alien }
{ $subsection malloc-string }
"The first allocates " { $link byte-array } "s, and the latter allocates manually-managed memory which is not moved by the garbage collector and has to be explicitly freed by calling " { $link free } ". See " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } " for a discussion of the two approaches."
"A word to read strings from arbitrary addresses:"
{ $subsection alien>string }
"For example, if a C function returns a " { $snippet "char*" } " but stipulates that the caller must deallocate the memory afterward, you must define the function as returning " { $snippet "void*" } ", and call one of the above words before passing the pointer to " { $link free } "." ;
ABOUT: "c-strings"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
USING: alien.strings tools.test kernel libc
io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.utf16
io.encodings.ascii alien ;
IN: alien.strings.tests
[ "\u0000ff" ]
[ "\u0000ff" latin1 string>alien latin1 alien>string ]
[ "hello world" ]
[ "hello world" latin1 string>alien latin1 alien>string ]
[ "hello\u00abcdworld" ]
[ "hello\u00abcdworld" utf16le string>alien utf16le alien>string ]
[ t ] [ f expired? ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [
"hello world" ascii malloc-string
dup ascii alien>string swap free
] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [
"hello world" utf16n malloc-string
dup utf16n alien>string swap free
] unit-test
[ f ] [ f utf8 alien>string ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays sequences kernel accessors math alien.accessors
alien.c-types byte-arrays words io io.encodings
io.streams.byte-array io.streams.memory io.encodings.utf8
io.encodings.utf16 system alien strings cpu.architecture ;
IN: alien.strings
GENERIC# alien>string 1 ( c-ptr encoding -- string/f )
M: c-ptr alien>string
>r <memory-stream> r> <decoder>
"\0" swap stream-read-until drop ;
M: f alien>string
drop ;
ERROR: invalid-c-string string ;
: check-string ( string -- )
0 over memq? [ invalid-c-string ] [ drop ] if ;
GENERIC# string>alien 1 ( string encoding -- byte-array )
M: c-ptr string>alien drop ;
M: string string>alien
over check-string
[ stream-write ]
[ 0 swap stream-write1 ]
[ stream>> >byte-array ]
tri ;
: malloc-string ( string encoding -- alien )
string>alien malloc-byte-array ;
PREDICATE: string-type < pair
first2 [ "char*" = ] [ word? ] bi* and ;
M: string-type c-type ;
M: string-type heap-size
drop "void*" heap-size ;
M: string-type c-type-align
drop "void*" c-type-align ;
M: string-type c-type-stack-align?
drop "void*" c-type-stack-align? ;
M: string-type unbox-parameter
drop "void*" unbox-parameter ;
M: string-type unbox-return
drop "void*" unbox-return ;
M: string-type box-parameter
drop "void*" box-parameter ;
M: string-type box-return
drop "void*" box-return ;
M: string-type stack-size
drop "void*" stack-size ;
M: string-type c-type-reg-class
drop int-regs ;
M: string-type c-type-boxer
drop "void*" c-type-boxer ;
M: string-type c-type-unboxer
drop "void*" c-type-unboxer ;
M: string-type c-type-boxer-quot
second [ alien>string ] curry [ ] like ;
M: string-type c-type-unboxer-quot
second [ string>alien ] curry [ ] like ;
M: string-type c-type-getter
drop [ alien-cell ] ;
M: string-type c-type-setter
drop [ set-alien-cell ] ;
TUPLE: utf16n ;
! Native-order UTF-16
: utf16n ( -- descriptor )
little-endian? utf16le utf16be ? ; foldable
M: utf16n <decoder> drop utf16n <decoder> ;
M: utf16n <encoder> drop utf16n <encoder> ;
: alien>native-string ( alien -- string )
os windows? [ utf16n ] [ utf8 ] if alien>string ;
: dll-path ( dll -- string )
(dll-path) alien>native-string ;
: string>symbol ( str -- alien )
[ os wince? [ utf16n ] [ utf8 ] if string>alien ]
over string? [ call ] [ map ] if ;
{ "char*" utf8 } "char*" typedef
{ "char*" utf16n } "wchar_t*" typedef
"char*" "uchar*" typedef

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
IN: alien.structs.tests
USING: alien alien.syntax alien.c-types kernel tools.test
sequences system libc words vocabs namespaces ;
sequences system libc words vocabs namespaces layouts ;
{ "int" "x" }
@ -9,20 +9,20 @@ C-STRUCT: bar
[ 36 ] [ "bar" heap-size ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ <displaced-alien> "bar" c-type c-type-getter memq? ] unit-test
! This was actually only correct on Windows/x86:
C-STRUCT: align-test
{ "int" "x" }
{ "double" "y" } ;
! C-STRUCT: align-test
! { "int" "x" }
! { "double" "y" } ;
! [ 16 ] [ "align-test" heap-size ] unit-test
! cell 4 = [
! C-STRUCT: one
! { "long" "a" } { "double" "b" } { "int" "c" } ;
! [ 24 ] [ "one" heap-size ] unit-test
! ] when
os winnt? cpu x86? and [
[ 16 ] [ "align-test" heap-size ] unit-test
cell 4 = [
{ "long" "a" } { "double" "b" } { "int" "c" } ;
[ 24 ] [ "one" heap-size ] unit-test
] when
] when
: MAX_FOOS 30 ;

View File

@ -20,14 +20,19 @@ IN: alien.structs
: define-getter ( type spec -- )
[ set-reader-props ] keep
dup slot-spec-reader
over slot-spec-type c-getter
[ ]
[ slot-spec-reader ]
[ c-getter ] [ c-type c-type-boxer-quot ] bi append
] tri
define-struct-slot-word ;
: define-setter ( type spec -- )
[ set-writer-props ] keep
dup slot-spec-writer
over slot-spec-type c-setter
[ ]
[ slot-spec-writer ]
[ slot-spec-type c-setter ] tri
define-struct-slot-word ;
: define-field ( type spec -- )

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov, Alex Chapman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays alien alien.c-types alien.structs alien.arrays
kernel math namespaces parser sequences words quotations
math.parser splitting effects prettyprint prettyprint.sections
prettyprint.backend assocs combinators ;
alien.strings kernel math namespaces parser sequences words
quotations math.parser splitting effects prettyprint
prettyprint.sections prettyprint.backend assocs combinators ;
IN: alien.syntax

View File

@ -58,16 +58,13 @@ num-types get f <array> builtins set
@ -455,54 +452,6 @@ tuple
} define-tuple-class
"byte-vector" "byte-vectors" create
{ "byte-array" "byte-arrays" }
{ "underlying" "growable" }
{ "set-underlying" "growable" }
} {
{ "array-capacity" "sequences.private" }
{ "length" "sequences" }
{ "set-fill" "growable" }
} define-tuple-class
"bit-vector" "bit-vectors" create
{ "bit-array" "bit-arrays" }
{ "underlying" "growable" }
{ "set-underlying" "growable" }
} {
{ "array-capacity" "sequences.private" }
{ "length" "sequences" }
{ "set-fill" "growable" }
} define-tuple-class
"float-vector" "float-vectors" create
{ "float-array" "float-arrays" }
{ "underlying" "growable" }
{ "set-underlying" "growable" }
} {
{ "array-capacity" "sequences.private" }
{ "length" "sequences" }
{ "set-fill" "growable" }
} define-tuple-class
"curry" "kernel" create
@ -689,10 +638,6 @@ tuple
{ "set-alien-double" "alien.accessors" }
{ "alien-cell" "alien.accessors" }
{ "set-alien-cell" "alien.accessors" }
{ "alien>char-string" "alien" }
{ "string>char-alien" "alien" }
{ "alien>u16-string" "alien" }
{ "string>u16-alien" "alien" }
{ "(throw)" "kernel.private" }
{ "alien-address" "alien" }
{ "slot" "slots.private" }

View File

@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ SYMBOL: bootstrap-time
[ "bootstrap." prepend require ] each ;
! : compile-remaining ( -- )
! "Compiling remaining words..." print flush
! vocabs [ words [ compiled? not ] subset compile ] each ;
: count-words ( pred -- )
all-words swap subset length number>string write ;

View File

@ -14,16 +14,13 @@ IN: bootstrap.syntax

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ kernel math namespaces parser prettyprint sequences strings
tools.test vectors words quotations classes classes.algebra
classes.private classes.union classes.mixin classes.predicate
vectors definitions source-files compiler.units growable
random inference effects kernel.private ;
random inference effects kernel.private sbufs ;
: class= [ class< ] 2keep swap class< and ;
@ -144,6 +144,48 @@ UNION: z1 b1 c1 ;
[ f ] [ null class-not null class= ] unit-test
[ t ] [
fixnum class-not
fixnum fixnum class-not class-or
] unit-test
! Test method inlining
[ f ] [ fixnum { } min-class ] unit-test
[ string ] [
\ string
[ integer string array reversed sbuf
slice vector quotation ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ fixnum ] [
\ fixnum
[ fixnum integer object ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ integer ] [
\ fixnum
[ integer float object ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ object ] [
\ word
[ integer float object ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ reversed ] [
\ reversed
[ integer reversed slice ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ f ] [ null { number fixnum null } min-class ] unit-test
! Test for hangs?
: random-class classes random ;

View File

@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ C: <anonymous-complement> anonymous-complement
{ [ 2dup [ anonymous-complement? ] both? ] [ anonymous-complement< ] }
{ [ over anonymous-union? ] [ left-anonymous-union< ] }
{ [ over anonymous-intersection? ] [ left-anonymous-intersection< ] }
{ [ over anonymous-complement? ] [ 2drop f ] }
{ [ over members ] [ left-union-class< ] }
{ [ dup anonymous-union? ] [ right-anonymous-union< ] }
{ [ dup anonymous-intersection? ] [ right-anonymous-intersection< ] }
{ [ over anonymous-complement? ] [ 2drop f ] }
{ [ dup anonymous-complement? ] [ class>> classes-intersect? not ] }
{ [ dup members ] [ right-union-class< ] }
{ [ over superclass ] [ superclass< ] }
@ -193,9 +193,8 @@ C: <anonymous-complement> anonymous-complement
[ ] unfold nip ;
: min-class ( class seq -- class/f )
[ dupd classes-intersect? ] subset dup empty? [
2drop f
] [
over [ classes-intersect? ] curry subset
dup empty? [ 2drop f ] [
tuck [ class< ] with all? [ peek ] [ drop f ] if
] if ;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ math.constants parser sequences tools.test words assocs
namespaces quotations sequences.private classes continuations
generic.standard effects classes.tuple classes.tuple.private
arrays vectors strings compiler.units accessors classes.algebra
calendar prettyprint io.streams.string splitting inspector ;
calendar prettyprint io.streams.string splitting inspector
columns ;
IN: classes.tuple.tests
TUPLE: rect x y w h ;

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ M: hashtable hashcode*
] [
dup length 4 <=
over keys [ word? ] contains? or
over keys [ [ word? ] [ wrapper? ] bi or ] contains? or
] [

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ math.constants math.private sequences strings tools.test words
continuations sequences.private hashtables.private byte-arrays
strings.private system random layouts vectors.private
sbufs.private strings.private slots.private alien
alien.accessors alien.c-types alien.syntax namespaces libc
sequences.private ;
alien.accessors alien.c-types alien.syntax alien.strings
namespaces libc sequences.private io.encodings.ascii ;
! Make sure that intrinsic ops compile to correct code.
[ ] [ 1 [ drop ] compile-call ] unit-test
@ -361,11 +361,11 @@ cell 8 = [
[ ] [ "b" get free ] unit-test
] when
[ ] [ "hello world" malloc-char-string "s" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ "hello world" ascii malloc-string "s" set ] unit-test
"s" get [
[ "hello world" ] [ "s" get <void*> [ { byte-array } declare *void* ] compile-call alien>char-string ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "s" get <void*> [ { c-ptr } declare *void* ] compile-call alien>char-string ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "s" get <void*> [ { byte-array } declare *void* ] compile-call ascii alien>string ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "s" get <void*> [ { c-ptr } declare *void* ] compile-call ascii alien>string ] unit-test
[ ] [ "s" get free ] unit-test
] when

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: compiler.units tools.test kernel kernel.private
sequences.private math.private math combinators strings
alien arrays memory ;
alien arrays memory vocabs parser ;
IN: compiler.tests
! Test empty word
@ -230,3 +230,11 @@ M: f single-combination-test-2 single-combination-test-4 ;
! Regression
[ 100 ] [ [ 100 [ [ ] times ] keep ] compile-call ] unit-test
! Regression
10 [
[ "" forget-vocab ] with-compilation-unit
[ t ] [
"USING: prettyprint words ; IN: : (recursive) ( -- ) (recursive) (recursive) ; inline : recursive ( -- ) (recursive) ; \\ (recursive) compiled?" eval
] unit-test
] times

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
IN: compiler.tests
USING: compiler generator generator.registers
generator.registers.private tools.test namespaces sequences
words kernel math effects definitions compiler.units accessors ;
words kernel math effects definitions compiler.units accessors
cpu.architecture ;
: <int-vreg> ( n -- vreg ) int-regs <vreg> ;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ USING: arrays compiler kernel kernel.private math
hashtables.private math.private namespaces sequences
sequences.private tools.test namespaces.private slots.private
sequences.private byte-arrays alien alien.accessors layouts
words definitions compiler.units io combinators ;
words definitions compiler.units io combinators vectors ;
IN: compiler.tests
! Oops!
@ -246,3 +246,12 @@ TUPLE: my-tuple ;
} cleave ;
[ t ] [ \ float-spill-bug compiled? ] unit-test
! Regression
: dispatch-alignment-regression ( -- c )
{ tuple vector } 3 slot { word } declare
dup 1 slot 0 fixnum-bitand { [ ] } dispatch ;
[ t ] [ \ dispatch-alignment-regression compiled? ] unit-test
[ vector ] [ dispatch-alignment-regression ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays generic kernel kernel.private math memory
namespaces sequences layouts system hashtables classes alien
byte-arrays bit-arrays float-arrays combinators words sets ;
IN: cpu.architecture
! Register classes
SINGLETON: int-regs
SINGLETON: single-float-regs
SINGLETON: double-float-regs
UNION: float-regs single-float-regs double-float-regs ;
UNION: reg-class int-regs float-regs ;
! A pseudo-register class for parameters spilled on the stack
SINGLETON: stack-params
@ -56,7 +63,7 @@ HOOK: %call cpu ( word -- )
HOOK: %jump-label cpu ( label -- )
! Test if vreg is 'f' or not
HOOK: %jump-t cpu ( label -- )
HOOK: %jump-f cpu ( label -- )
HOOK: %dispatch cpu ( -- )
@ -187,6 +194,9 @@ HOOK: %unbox-any-c-ptr cpu ( dst src -- )
HOOK: %box-alien cpu ( dst src -- )
! GC check
HOOK: %gc cpu
: operand ( var -- op ) get v>operand ; inline
: unique-operands ( operands quot -- )

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel cpu.ppc.architecture cpu.ppc.assembler
kernel.private namespaces math sequences generic arrays
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ cpu.architecture alien ;
IN: cpu.ppc.allot
: load-zone-ptr ( reg -- )
"nursery" f pick %load-dlsym dup 0 LWZ ;
>r "nursery" f r> %load-dlsym ;
: %allot ( header size -- )
#! Store a pointer to 'size' bytes allocated from the
@ -25,6 +25,19 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.allot
: %store-tagged ( reg tag -- )
>r dup fresh-object v>operand 11 r> tag-number ORI ;
M: ppc %gc
"end" define-label
12 load-zone-ptr
11 12 cell LWZ ! -> r11
12 12 3 cells LWZ ! nursery.end -> r12
11 11 1024 ADDI ! add ALLOT_BUFFER_ZONE to here
11 0 12 CMP ! is here >= end?
"end" get BLE
0 frame-required
"minor_gc" f %alien-invoke
"end" resolve-label ;
: %allot-float ( reg -- )
#! exits with tagged ptr to object in r12, untagged in r11
float 16 %allot

View File

@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ M: ppc %call ( label -- ) BL ;
M: ppc %jump-label ( label -- ) B ;
M: ppc %jump-t ( label -- )
0 "flag" operand f v>operand CMPI BNE ;
M: ppc %jump-f ( label -- )
0 "flag" operand f v>operand CMPI BEQ ;
M: ppc %dispatch ( -- )

View File

@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
2array define-if-intrinsics ;
{ fixnum< BLT }
{ fixnum<= BLE }
{ fixnum> BGT }
{ fixnum>= BGE }
{ eq? BEQ }
{ fixnum< BGE }
{ fixnum<= BGT }
{ fixnum> BLE }
{ fixnum>= BLT }
{ eq? BNE }
} [
first2 define-fixnum-jump
] each
@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
{ { float "x" } { float "y" } } define-if-intrinsic ;
{ float< BLT }
{ float<= BLE }
{ float> BGT }
{ float>= BGE }
{ float= BEQ }
{ float< BGE }
{ float<= BGT }
{ float> BLE }
{ float>= BLT }
{ float= BNE }
} [
first2 define-float-jump
] each

View File

@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ IN: cpu.x86.32
M: x86.32 ds-reg ESI ;
M: x86.32 rs-reg EDI ;
M: x86.32 stack-reg ESP ;
M: x86.32 xt-reg ECX ;
M: x86.32 stack-save-reg EDX ;
M: x86.32 temp-reg-1 EAX ;
M: x86.32 temp-reg-2 ECX ;
M: temp-reg v>operand drop EBX ;
@ -267,7 +268,7 @@ os windows? [
{ EAX EBX ECX EDX } [ POP ] each
] { } define-if-intrinsic
"-no-sse2" cli-args member? [

View File

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ IN: cpu.x86.64
M: x86.64 ds-reg R14 ;
M: x86.64 rs-reg R15 ;
M: x86.64 stack-reg RSP ;
M: x86.64 xt-reg RCX ;
M: x86.64 stack-save-reg RSI ;
M: x86.64 temp-reg-1 RAX ;
M: x86.64 temp-reg-2 RCX ;
M: temp-reg v>operand drop RBX ;

View File

@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ IN: cpu.x86.allot
: object@ ( n -- operand ) cells (object@) ;
: load-zone-ptr ( -- )
: load-zone-ptr ( reg -- )
#! Load pointer to start of zone array
"nursery" f allot-reg %alien-global ;
0 MOV "nursery" f rc-absolute-cell rel-dlsym ;
: load-allot-ptr ( -- )
allot-reg load-zone-ptr
allot-reg PUSH
allot-reg dup cell [+] MOV ;
@ -29,6 +29,19 @@ IN: cpu.x86.allot
allot-reg POP
allot-reg cell [+] swap 8 align ADD ;
M: x86 %gc ( -- )
"end" define-label
temp-reg-1 load-zone-ptr
temp-reg-2 temp-reg-1 cell [+] MOV
temp-reg-2 1024 ADD
temp-reg-1 temp-reg-1 3 cells [+] MOV
temp-reg-2 temp-reg-1 CMP
"end" get JLE
0 frame-required
"minor_gc" f %alien-invoke
"end" resolve-label ;
: store-header ( header -- )
0 object@ swap type-number tag-fixnum MOV ;

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ IN: cpu.x86.architecture
HOOK: ds-reg cpu
HOOK: rs-reg cpu
HOOK: stack-reg cpu
HOOK: xt-reg cpu
HOOK: stack-save-reg cpu
: stack@ stack-reg swap [+] ;
@ -35,6 +34,10 @@ GENERIC: push-return-reg ( reg-class -- )
GENERIC: load-return-reg ( stack@ reg-class -- )
GENERIC: store-return-reg ( stack@ reg-class -- )
! Only used by inline allocation
HOOK: temp-reg-1 cpu
HOOK: temp-reg-2 cpu
HOOK: address-operand cpu ( address -- operand )
HOOK: fixnum>slot@ cpu
@ -47,13 +50,13 @@ M: x86 stack-frame ( n -- i )
3 cells + 16 align cell - ;
M: x86 %save-word-xt ( -- )
xt-reg 0 MOV rc-absolute-cell rel-this ;
temp-reg v>operand 0 MOV rc-absolute-cell rel-this ;
: factor-area-size 4 cells ;
M: x86 %prologue ( n -- )
dup cell + PUSH
xt-reg PUSH
temp-reg v>operand PUSH
stack-reg swap 2 cells - SUB ;
M: x86 %epilogue ( n -- )
@ -76,8 +79,8 @@ M: x86 %call ( label -- ) CALL ;
M: x86 %jump-label ( label -- ) JMP ;
M: x86 %jump-t ( label -- )
"flag" operand f v>operand CMP JNE ;
M: x86 %jump-f ( label -- )
"flag" operand f v>operand CMP JE ;
: code-alignment ( -- n )
building get length dup cell align swap - ;

View File

@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ IN: cpu.x86.intrinsics
2array define-if-intrinsics ;
{ fixnum< JL }
{ fixnum<= JLE }
{ fixnum> JG }
{ fixnum>= JGE }
{ eq? JE }
{ fixnum< JGE }
{ fixnum<= JG }
{ fixnum> JLE }
{ fixnum>= JL }
{ eq? JNE }
} [
first2 define-fixnum-jump
] each

View File

@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ IN: cpu.x86.sse2
{ { float "x" } { float "y" } } define-if-intrinsic ;
{ float< JB }
{ float<= JBE }
{ float> JA }
{ float>= JAE }
{ float= JE }
{ float< JAE }
{ float<= JA }
{ float> JBE }
{ float>= JB }
{ float= JNE }
} [
first2 define-float-jump
] each

View File

@ -13,12 +13,6 @@ HELP: add-literal
{ $values { "obj" object } { "n" integer } }
{ $description "Adds a literal to the " { $link literal-table } ", if it is not already there, and outputs the index of the literal in the table. This literal can then be used as an argument for a " { $link rt-literal } " relocation with " { $link rel-fixup } "." } ;
HELP: string>symbol
{ $values { "str" string } { "alien" alien } }
{ $description "Converts the string to a format which is a valid symbol name for the Factor VM's compiled code linker. By performing this conversion ahead of time, the image loader can run without allocating memory."
"On Windows CE, symbols are represented as UCS2 strings, and on all other platforms they are ASCII strings." } ;
HELP: rel-dlsym
{ $values { "name" string } { "dll" "a " { $link dll } " or " { $link f } } { "class" "a relocation class" } }
{ $description "Records that the most recently assembled instruction contains a reference to the " { $snippet "name" } " symbol from " { $snippet "dll" } ". The correct " { $snippet "class" } " to use depends on instruction formats."

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays generic assocs hashtables
kernel kernel.private math namespaces sequences words
quotations strings alien layouts system combinators
quotations strings alien.strings layouts system combinators
math.bitfields words.private cpu.architecture ;
IN: generator.fixup
@ -110,10 +110,6 @@ SYMBOL: literal-table
: add-literal ( obj -- n ) literal-table get push-new* ;
: string>symbol ( str -- alien )
[ os wince? [ string>u16-alien ] [ string>char-alien ] if ]
over string? [ call ] [ map ] if ;
: add-dlsym-literals ( symbol dll -- )
>r string>symbol r> 2array literal-table get push-all ;

View File

@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ SYMBOL: current-label-start
compiling-word get f ?
1vector literal-table set
f compiling-word get compiled get set-at ;
f compiling-label get compiled get set-at ;
: finish-compiling ( literals relocation labels code -- )
: save-machine-code ( literals relocation labels code -- )
4array compiling-label get compiled get set-at ;
: with-generator ( node word label quot -- )
>r begin-compiling r>
{ } make fixup
] with-scope ; inline
GENERIC: generate-node ( node -- next )
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ GENERIC: generate-node ( node -- next )
: word-dataflow ( word -- effect dataflow )
dup "no-effect" word-prop [ no-effect ] when
dup "no-compile" word-prop [ no-effect ] when
dup specialized-def over dup 2array 1array infer-quot
] with-infer ;
@ -131,14 +132,14 @@ M: #loop generate-node
: generate-if ( node label -- next )
<label> [
>r >r node-children first2 generate-branch
>r >r node-children first2 swap generate-branch
r> r> end-false-branch resolve-label
] keep resolve-label iterate-next ;
M: #if generate-node
[ <label> dup %jump-t ]
[ <label> dup %jump-f ]
H{ { +input+ { { f "flag" } } } }
generate-if ;
@ -189,13 +190,13 @@ M: #dispatch generate-node
"if-intrinsics" set-word-prop ;
: if>boolean-intrinsic ( quot -- )
"true" define-label
"false" define-label
"end" define-label
"true" get swap call
f "if-scratch" get load-literal
"end" get %jump-label
"true" resolve-label
"false" get swap call
t "if-scratch" get load-literal
"end" get %jump-label
"false" resolve-label
f "if-scratch" get load-literal
"end" resolve-label
"if-scratch" get phantom-push ; inline

View File

@ -13,13 +13,6 @@ SYMBOL: +scratch+
SYMBOL: +clobber+
SYMBOL: known-tag
! Register classes
SINGLETON: int-regs
SINGLETON: single-float-regs
SINGLETON: double-float-regs
UNION: float-regs single-float-regs double-float-regs ;
UNION: reg-class int-regs float-regs ;
! Value protocol
@ -65,9 +58,7 @@ M: float-regs move-spec drop float ;
M: float-regs operand-class* drop float ;
! Temporary register for stack shuffling
TUPLE: temp-reg reg-class>> ;
: temp-reg T{ temp-reg f int-regs } ;
SINGLETON: temp-reg
M: temp-reg move-spec drop f ;
@ -470,11 +461,6 @@ M: loc lazy-store
: finalize-contents ( -- )
finalize-locs finalize-vregs reset-phantoms ;
: %gc ( -- )
0 frame-required
"simple_gc" f %alien-invoke ;
! Loading stacks to vregs
: free-vregs? ( int# float# -- ? )
double-float-regs free-vregs length <=

View File

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ PREDICATE: method-spec < pair
: order ( generic -- seq )
"methods" word-prop keys sort-classes ;
: specific-method ( class word -- class )
order min-class ;
GENERIC: effective-method ( ... generic -- method )
: next-method-class ( class generic -- class/f )

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
IN: generic.standard.engines.tuple
! Copyright (c) 2008 Slava Pestov
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel classes.tuple.private hashtables assocs sorting
accessors combinators sequences slots.private math.parser words
effects namespaces generic generic.standard.engines
classes.algebra math math.private quotations arrays ;
classes.algebra math math.private kernel.private
quotations arrays ;
IN: generic.standard.engines.tuple
TUPLE: echelon-dispatch-engine n methods ;
@ -27,14 +30,7 @@ TUPLE: tuple-dispatch-engine echelons ;
: <tuple-dispatch-engine> ( methods -- engine )
over zero? [
dup assoc-empty?
[ drop f ] [ values first ] if
] [
dupd <echelon-dispatch-engine>
] if
] assoc-map [ nip ] assoc-subset
[ dupd <echelon-dispatch-engine> ] assoc-map
\ tuple-dispatch-engine boa ;
: convert-tuple-methods ( assoc -- assoc' )
@ -48,52 +44,51 @@ M: trivial-tuple-dispatch-engine engine>quot
>alist V{ } clone [ hashcode 1array ] distribute-buckets
[ <trivial-tuple-dispatch-engine> ] map ;
: word-hashcode% [ 1 slot ] % ;
: class-hash-dispatch-quot ( methods -- quot )
#! 1 slot == word hashcode
[ dup 1 slot ] %
\ dup ,
hash-methods [ engine>quot ] map hash-dispatch-quot %
] [ ] make ;
: tuple-dispatch-engine-word-name ( engine -- string )
generic get word-name %
"/tuple-dispatch-engine/" %
n>> #
] "" make ;
: engine-word-name ( -- string )
generic get word-name "/tuple-dispatch-engine" append ;
PREDICATE: tuple-dispatch-engine-word < word
PREDICATE: engine-word < word
"tuple-dispatch-generic" word-prop generic? ;
M: tuple-dispatch-engine-word stack-effect
M: engine-word stack-effect
"tuple-dispatch-generic" word-prop
[ extra-values ] [ stack-effect ] bi
dup [ clone [ length + ] change-in ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
M: tuple-dispatch-engine-word compiled-crossref?
M: engine-word compiled-crossref?
drop t ;
: remember-engine ( word -- )
generic get "engines" word-prop push ;
: <tuple-dispatch-engine-word> ( engine -- word )
tuple-dispatch-engine-word-name f <word>
[ generic get "tuple-dispatch-generic" set-word-prop ]
[ remember-engine ]
[ ]
tri ;
: <engine-word> ( -- word )
engine-word-name f <word>
dup generic get "tuple-dispatch-generic" set-word-prop ;
: define-tuple-dispatch-engine-word ( engine quot -- word )
>r <tuple-dispatch-engine-word> dup r> define ;
: define-engine-word ( quot -- word )
>r <engine-word> dup r> define ;
: array-nth% 2 + , [ slot { word } declare ] % ;
: tuple-layout-superclasses ( obj -- array )
{ tuple } declare
1 slot { tuple-layout } declare
4 slot { array } declare ; inline
: tuple-dispatch-engine-body ( engine -- quot )
#! 1 slot == tuple-layout
#! 2 slot == 0 array-nth
#! 4 slot == layout-superclasses
picker %
[ 1 slot 4 slot ] %
[ n>> 2 + , [ slot ] % ]
[ tuple-layout-superclasses ] %
[ n>> array-nth% ]
methods>> [
<trivial-tuple-dispatch-engine> engine>quot
@ -104,25 +99,54 @@ M: tuple-dispatch-engine-word compiled-crossref?
] [ ] make ;
M: echelon-dispatch-engine engine>quot
dup tuple-dispatch-engine-body
1quotation ;
dup n>> zero? [
methods>> dup assoc-empty?
[ drop default get ] [ values first engine>quot ] if
] [
picker %
[ tuple-layout-superclasses ] %
[ n>> array-nth% ]
methods>> [
<trivial-tuple-dispatch-engine> engine>quot
] [
] if-small? %
] bi
] [ ] make
] if ;
: >=-case-quot ( alist -- quot )
default get [ drop ] prepend swap
[ >r [ dupd fixnum>= ] curry r> \ drop prefix ] assoc-map
alist>quot ;
: tuple-layout-echelon ( obj -- array )
{ tuple } declare
1 slot { tuple-layout } declare
5 slot ; inline
: unclip-last [ 1 head* ] [ peek ] bi ;
M: tuple-dispatch-engine engine>quot
#! 1 slot == tuple-layout
#! 5 slot == layout-echelon
picker %
[ 1 slot 5 slot ] %
[ tuple-layout-echelon ] %
tuple assumed set
[ engine>quot dup default set ] assoc-map
echelons>> dup empty? [
engine>quot define-engine-word
[ remember-engine ] [ 1quotation ] bi
dup default set
] assoc-map
[ first2 engine>quot 2array ] bi*
] unless
] with-scope
>=-case-quot %
] [ ] make ;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ USING: tools.test math math.functions math.constants
generic.standard strings sequences arrays kernel accessors
words float-arrays byte-arrays bit-arrays parser namespaces
quotations inference vectors growable hashtables sbufs
prettyprint ;
prettyprint byte-vectors bit-vectors float-vectors ;
GENERIC: lo-tag-test
@ -251,6 +251,14 @@ HOOK: my-tuple-hook my-var ( -- x )
M: sequence my-tuple-hook my-hook ;
TUPLE: m-t-h-a ;
M: m-t-h-a my-tuple-hook "foo" ;
TUPLE: m-t-h-b < m-t-h-a ;
M: m-t-h-b my-tuple-hook "bar" ;
[ f ] [
\ my-tuple-hook [ "engines" word-prop ] keep prefix
[ 1quotation infer ] map all-equal?

View File

@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ HELP: no-effect
{ $description "Throws a " { $link no-effect } " error." }
{ $error-description "Thrown when inference encounters a call to a word which is already known not to have a static stack effect, due to a prior inference attempt failing." } ;
HELP: collect-recursion
{ $values { "#label" "a " { $link #label } " node" } { "seq" "a new sequence" } }
{ $description "Collect the input stacks of all child " { $link #call-label } " nodes that call the given label." } ;
HELP: inline-word
{ $values { "word" word } }
{ $description "Called during inference to infer stack effects of inline words."

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ GENERIC: inline? ( word -- ? )
M: method-body inline?
"method-generic" word-prop inline? ;
M: tuple-dispatch-engine-word inline?
M: engine-word inline?
"tuple-dispatch-generic" word-prop inline? ;
M: word inline?
@ -130,25 +130,27 @@ TUPLE: too-many->r ;
TUPLE: too-many-r> ;
: check-r> ( -- )
meta-r get empty?
: check-r> ( n -- )
meta-r get length >
[ \ too-many-r> inference-error ] when ;
: infer->r ( -- )
1 ensure-values
: infer->r ( n -- )
dup ensure-values
1 0 pick node-inputs
pop-d push-r
0 1 pick node-outputs
node, ;
over 0 pick node-inputs
over [ drop pop-d ] map reverse [ push-r ] each
0 pick pick node-outputs
drop ;
: infer-r> ( -- )
: infer-r> ( n -- )
dup check-r>
0 1 pick node-inputs
pop-r push-d
1 0 pick node-outputs
node, ;
0 pick pick node-inputs
over [ drop pop-r ] map reverse [ push-d ] each
over 0 pick node-outputs
drop ;
: undo-infer ( -- )
recorded get [ f "inferred-effect" set-word-prop ] each ;
@ -199,18 +201,18 @@ M: object constructor drop f ;
dup infer-uncurry
constructor [
peek-d reify-curry
1 infer->r
peek-d reify-curry
1 infer-r>
2 1 <effect> swap #call consume/produce
] when* ;
: reify-curries ( n -- )
meta-d get reverse [
dup special? [
over [ infer->r ] times
over infer->r
dup reify-curry
over [ infer-r> ] times
over infer-r>
] when 2drop
] 2each ;
@ -407,6 +409,25 @@ TUPLE: recursive-declare-error word ;
\ recursive-declare-error inference-error
] if* ;
GENERIC: collect-label-info* ( label node -- )
M: node collect-label-info* 2drop ;
: (collect-label-info) ( label node vector -- )
>r tuck [ param>> ] bi@ eq? r> [ push ] curry [ drop ] if ;
M: #call-label collect-label-info*
over calls>> (collect-label-info) ;
M: #return collect-label-info*
over returns>> (collect-label-info) ;
: collect-label-info ( #label -- )
V{ } clone >>calls
V{ } clone >>returns
dup [ collect-label-info* ] with each-node ;
: nest-node ( -- ) #entry node, ;
: unnest-node ( new-node -- new-node )
@ -417,27 +438,17 @@ TUPLE: recursive-declare-error word ;
: <inlined-block> gensym dup t "inlined-block" set-word-prop ;
: inline-block ( word -- node-block data )
: inline-block ( word -- #label data )
copy-inference nest-node
dup word-def swap <inlined-block>
[ infer-quot-recursive ] 2keep
#label unnest-node
dup collect-label-info
] H{ } make-assoc ;
GENERIC: collect-recursion* ( label node -- )
M: node collect-recursion* 2drop ;
M: #call-label collect-recursion*
tuck node-param eq? [ , ] [ drop ] if ;
: collect-recursion ( #label -- seq )
dup node-param
[ [ swap collect-recursion* ] curry each-node ] { } make ;
: join-values ( node -- )
collect-recursion [ node-in-d ] map meta-d get suffix
: join-values ( #label -- )
calls>> [ node-in-d ] map meta-d get suffix
unify-lengths unify-stacks
meta-d [ length tail* ] change ;
@ -458,7 +469,7 @@ M: #call-label collect-recursion*
drop join-values inline-block apply-infer
r> over set-node-in-d
dup node,
collect-recursion [
calls>> [
[ flatten-curries ] modify-values
] each
] [

View File

@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ inference.dataflow optimizer tools.test kernel.private generic
sequences words inference.class quotations alien
alien.c-types strings sbufs sequences.private
slots.private combinators definitions compiler.units
system layouts vectors ;
system layouts vectors optimizer.math.partial accessors
optimizer.inlining ;
[ t ] [ T{ literal-constraint f 1 2 } T{ literal-constraint f 1 2 } equal? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ T{ literal-constraint f 1 3 } T{ literal-constraint f 1 2 } equal? ] unit-test
! Make sure these compile even though this is invalid code
[ ] [ [ 10 mod 3.0 /i ] dataflow optimize drop ] unit-test
@ -13,9 +18,15 @@ system layouts vectors ;
! Ensure type inference works as it is supposed to by checking
! if various methods get inlined
: inlined? ( quot word -- ? )
: inlined? ( quot seq/word -- ? )
dup word? [ 1array ] when
swap dataflow optimize
[ node-param eq? ] with node-exists? not ;
[ node-param swap member? ] with node-exists? not ;
[ f ] [
[ { integer } declare >fixnum ]
\ >fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
GENERIC: mynot ( x -- y )
@ -109,12 +120,17 @@ M: object xyz ;
[ { fixnum } declare [ ] times ] \ fixnum+ inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ t ] [
[ { integer fixnum } declare dupd < [ 1 + ] when ]
\ + inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [ [ dup 0 < [ neg ] when ] \ neg inlined? ] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ { integer fixnum } declare dupd < [ 1 + ] when ]
\ +-integer-fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [ [ dup 0 < [ neg ] when ] \ - inlined? ] unit-test
[ f ] [
@ -137,13 +153,13 @@ M: object xyz ;
DEFER: blah
[ t ] [
[ ] [
\ blah
[ dup V{ } eq? [ foo ] when ] dup second dup push define
] with-compilation-unit
\ blah compiled?
\ blah word-def dataflow optimize drop
] unit-test
GENERIC: detect-fx ( n -- n )
@ -158,14 +174,20 @@ M: fixnum detect-fx ;
] \ detect-fx inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
1000000000000000000000000000000000 [ ] times
] \ + inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
1000000000000000000000000000000000 [ ] times
] \ 1+ inlined?
] \ +-integer-fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ { bignum } declare [ ] times ] \ 1+ inlined?
[ { bignum } declare [ ] times ]
\ +-integer-fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
@ -251,19 +273,24 @@ M: float detect-float ;
[ 3 + = ] \ equal? inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ f ] [
[ { fixnum fixnum } declare 7 bitand neg shift ]
\ shift inlined?
\ fixnum-shift-fast inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { fixnum fixnum } declare 7 bitand neg shift ]
\ fixnum-shift inlined?
{ shift fixnum-shift } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { fixnum fixnum } declare 1 swap 7 bitand shift ]
\ fixnum-shift inlined?
{ shift fixnum-shift } inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ { fixnum fixnum } declare 1 swap 7 bitand shift ]
{ fixnum-shift-fast } inlined?
] unit-test
cell-bits 32 = [
@ -278,6 +305,11 @@ cell-bits 32 = [
] unit-test
] when
[ f ] [
[ { integer } declare -63 shift 4095 bitand ]
\ shift inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ B{ 1 0 } *short 0 number= ]
\ number= inlined?
@ -323,3 +355,228 @@ cell-bits 32 = [
] when
] \ + inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
256 mod
] { mod fixnum-mod } inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
dup 0 >= [ 256 mod ] when
] { mod fixnum-mod } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ integer } declare dup 0 >= [ 256 mod ] when
] { mod fixnum-mod } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ integer } declare 256 rem
] { mod fixnum-mod } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ integer } declare [ 256 rem ] map
] { mod fixnum-mod rem } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ 1000 [ 1+ ] map ] { 1+ fixnum+ } inlined?
] unit-test
: rec ( a -- b )
dup 0 > [ 1 - rec ] when ; inline
[ t ] [
[ { fixnum } declare rec 1 + ]
{ > - + } inlined?
] unit-test
: fib ( m -- n )
dup 2 < [ drop 1 ] [ dup 1 - fib swap 2 - fib + ] if ; inline
[ t ] [
[ 27.0 fib ] { < - + } inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ 27.0 fib ] { +-integer-integer } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ 27 fib ] { < - + } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ 27 >bignum fib ] { < - + } inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ 27/2 fib ] { < - } inlined?
] unit-test
: hang-regression ( m n -- x )
over 0 number= [
] [
dup [
drop 1 hang-regression
] [
dupd hang-regression hang-regression
] if
] if ; inline
[ t ] [
[ dup fixnum? [ 3 over hang-regression ] [ 3 over hang-regression ] if
] { } inlined? ] unit-test
: detect-null ( a -- b ) dup drop ;
\ detect-null {
{ [ dup dup in-d>> first node-class null eq? ] [ [ ] f splice-quot ] }
} define-optimizers
[ t ] [
[ { null } declare detect-null ] \ detect-null inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { null null } declare + detect-null ] \ detect-null inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ { null fixnum } declare + detect-null ] \ detect-null inlined?
] unit-test
GENERIC: detect-integer ( a -- b )
M: integer detect-integer ;
[ t ] [
[ { null fixnum } declare + detect-integer ] \ detect-integer inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { fixnum } declare 10 [ -1 shift ] times ] \ shift inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ { integer } declare 10 [ -1 shift ] times ] \ shift inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ { fixnum } declare 1048575 fixnum-bitand 524288 fixnum- ]
\ fixnum-bitand inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { integer } declare 127 bitand 3 + ]
{ + +-integer-fixnum +-integer-fixnum-fast bitand } inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ { integer } declare 127 bitand 3 + ]
{ >fixnum } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { fixnum } declare [ drop ] each-integer ]
{ < <-integer-fixnum +-integer-fixnum + } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { fixnum } declare length [ drop ] each-integer ]
{ < <-integer-fixnum +-integer-fixnum + } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { fixnum } declare [ drop ] each ]
{ < <-integer-fixnum +-integer-fixnum + } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { fixnum } declare 0 [ + ] reduce ]
{ < <-integer-fixnum } inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ { fixnum } declare 0 [ + ] reduce ]
\ +-integer-fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ integer } declare
dup 0 >= [
615949 * 797807 + 20 2^ mod dup 19 2^ -
] [ dup ] if
] { * + shift mod fixnum-mod fixnum* fixnum+ fixnum- } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ fixnum } declare
615949 * 797807 + 20 2^ mod dup 19 2^ -
] { >fixnum } inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
{ integer } declare [ ] map
] \ >fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
{ integer } declare { } set-nth-unsafe
] \ >fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
{ integer } declare 1 + { } set-nth-unsafe
] \ >fixnum inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ integer } declare 0 swap
drop 615949 * 797807 + 20 2^ rem dup 19 2^ -
] map
] { * + shift rem mod fixnum-mod fixnum* fixnum+ fixnum- } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ fixnum } declare 0 swap
drop 615949 * 797807 + 20 2^ rem dup 19 2^ -
] map
] { * + shift rem mod fixnum-mod fixnum* fixnum+ fixnum- >fixnum } inlined?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ { integer } declare bitnot detect-integer ]
\ detect-integer inlined?
] unit-test
! Later
! [ t ] [
! [
! { integer } declare [ 256 mod ] map
! ] { mod fixnum-mod } inlined?
! ] unit-test
! [ t ] [
! [
! { integer } declare [ 0 >= ] map
! ] { >= fixnum>= } inlined?
! ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays generic assocs hashtables inference kernel
math namespaces sequences words parser math.intervals
effects classes classes.algebra inference.dataflow
inference.backend combinators ;
inference.backend combinators accessors ;
IN: inference.class
! Class inference
@ -25,12 +25,10 @@ C: <literal-constraint> literal-constraint
M: literal-constraint equal?
over literal-constraint? [
[ literal-constraint-literal ] bi@ eql? >r
[ literal-constraint-value ] bi@ = r> and
] [
2drop f
] if ;
[ [ literal>> ] bi@ eql? ]
[ [ value>> ] bi@ = ]
2bi and
] [ 2drop f ] if ;
TUPLE: class-constraint class value ;
@ -43,8 +41,8 @@ C: <interval-constraint> interval-constraint
GENERIC: apply-constraint ( constraint -- )
GENERIC: constraint-satisfied? ( constraint -- ? )
: `input node get node-in-d nth ;
: `output node get node-out-d nth ;
: `input node get in-d>> nth ;
: `output node get out-d>> nth ;
: class, <class-constraint> , ;
: literal, <literal-constraint> , ;
: interval, <interval-constraint> , ;
@ -84,14 +82,12 @@ SYMBOL: value-classes
set-value-interval* ;
M: interval-constraint apply-constraint
dup interval-constraint-interval
swap interval-constraint-value intersect-value-interval ;
[ interval>> ] [ value>> ] bi intersect-value-interval ;
: set-class-interval ( class value -- )
over class? [
over "interval" word-prop [
>r "interval" word-prop r> set-value-interval*
] [ 2drop ] if
>r "interval" word-prop r> over
[ set-value-interval* ] [ 2drop ] if
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: value-class* ( value -- class )
@ -110,18 +106,21 @@ M: interval-constraint apply-constraint
[ value-class* class-and ] keep set-value-class* ;
M: class-constraint apply-constraint
dup class-constraint-class
swap class-constraint-value intersect-value-class ;
[ class>> ] [ value>> ] bi intersect-value-class ;
: literal-interval ( value -- interval/f )
dup real? [ [a,a] ] [ drop f ] if ;
: set-value-literal* ( literal value -- )
over class over set-value-class*
over real? [ over [a,a] over set-value-interval* ] when
2dup <literal-constraint> assume
value-literals get set-at ;
[ >r class r> set-value-class* ]
[ >r literal-interval r> set-value-interval* ]
[ <literal-constraint> assume ]
[ value-literals get set-at ]
} 2cleave ;
M: literal-constraint apply-constraint
dup literal-constraint-literal
swap literal-constraint-value set-value-literal* ;
[ literal>> ] [ value>> ] bi set-value-literal* ;
! For conditionals, an assoc of child node # --> constraint
GENERIC: child-constraints ( node -- seq )
@ -133,19 +132,18 @@ GENERIC: infer-classes-around ( node -- )
M: node infer-classes-before drop ;
M: node child-constraints
node-children length
children>> length
dup zero? [ drop f ] [ f <repetition> ] if ;
: value-literal* ( value -- obj ? )
value-literals get at* ;
M: literal-constraint constraint-satisfied?
dup literal-constraint-value value-literal*
[ swap literal-constraint-literal eql? ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
dup value>> value-literal*
[ swap literal>> eql? ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
M: class-constraint constraint-satisfied?
dup class-constraint-value value-class*
swap class-constraint-class class< ;
[ value>> value-class* ] [ class>> ] bi class< ;
M: pair apply-constraint
first2 2dup constraints get set-at
@ -154,19 +152,18 @@ M: pair apply-constraint
M: pair constraint-satisfied?
first constraint-satisfied? ;
: extract-keys ( assoc seq -- newassoc )
dup length <hashtable> swap [
dup >r pick at* [ r> pick set-at ] [ r> 2drop ] if
] each nip f assoc-like ;
: extract-keys ( seq assoc -- newassoc )
[ dupd at ] curry H{ } map>assoc [ nip ] assoc-subset f assoc-like ;
: annotate-node ( node -- )
#! Annotate the node with the currently-inferred set of
#! value classes.
dup node-values
value-intervals get over extract-keys pick set-node-intervals
value-classes get over extract-keys pick set-node-classes
value-literals get over extract-keys pick set-node-literals
2drop ;
dup node-values {
[ value-intervals get extract-keys >>intervals ]
[ value-classes get extract-keys >>classes ]
[ value-literals get extract-keys >>literals ]
[ 2drop ]
} cleave ;
: intersect-classes ( classes values -- )
[ intersect-value-class ] 2each ;
@ -190,31 +187,29 @@ M: pair constraint-satisfied?
] 2bi ;
: compute-constraints ( #call -- )
dup node-param "constraints" word-prop [
dup param>> "constraints" word-prop [
] [
dup node-param "predicating" word-prop dup
dup param>> "predicating" word-prop dup
[ swap predicate-constraints ] [ 2drop ] if
] if* ;
: compute-output-classes ( node word -- classes intervals )
dup node-param "output-classes" word-prop
dup param>> "output-classes" word-prop
dup [ call ] [ 2drop f f ] if ;
: output-classes ( node -- classes intervals )
dup compute-output-classes >r
[ ] [ node-param "default-output-classes" word-prop ] ?if
[ ] [ param>> "default-output-classes" word-prop ] ?if
r> ;
M: #call infer-classes-before
dup compute-constraints
dup node-out-d swap output-classes
>r over intersect-classes
r> swap intersect-intervals ;
[ compute-constraints ] keep
[ output-classes ] [ out-d>> ] bi
tuck [ intersect-classes ] [ intersect-intervals ] 2bi* ;
M: #push infer-classes-before
[ [ value-literal ] keep set-value-literal* ] each ;
out-d>> [ [ value-literal ] keep set-value-literal* ] each ;
M: #if child-constraints
@ -224,19 +219,17 @@ M: #if child-constraints
M: #dispatch child-constraints
dup [
node-children length [
0 `input literal,
] each
children>> length [ 0 `input literal, ] each
] make-constraints ;
M: #declare infer-classes-before
dup node-param swap node-in-d
[ param>> ] [ in-d>> ] bi
[ intersect-value-class ] 2each ;
DEFER: (infer-classes)
: infer-children ( node -- )
dup node-children swap child-constraints [
[ children>> ] [ child-constraints ] bi [
value-classes [ clone ] change
value-literals [ clone ] change
@ -251,27 +244,27 @@ DEFER: (infer-classes)
>r dup [ length ] map supremum r> [ pad-left ] 2curry map ;
: (merge-classes) ( nodes -- seq )
[ node-input-classes ] map
null pad-all flip [ null [ class-or ] reduce ] map ;
dup length 1 = [
first node-input-classes
] [
[ node-input-classes ] map null pad-all flip
[ null [ class-or ] reduce ] map
] if ;
: set-classes ( seq node -- )
node-out-d [ set-value-class* ] 2reverse-each ;
out-d>> [ set-value-class* ] 2reverse-each ;
: merge-classes ( nodes node -- )
>r (merge-classes) r> set-classes ;
: (merge-intervals) ( nodes quot -- seq )
[ node-input-intervals ] map
f pad-all flip
r> map ; inline
: set-intervals ( seq node -- )
node-out-d [ set-value-interval* ] 2reverse-each ;
out-d>> [ set-value-interval* ] 2reverse-each ;
: merge-intervals ( nodes node -- )
>r [ dup first [ interval-union ] reduce ]
(merge-intervals) r> set-intervals ;
[ node-input-intervals ] map f pad-all flip
[ dup first [ interval-union ] reduce ] map
r> set-intervals ;
: annotate-merge ( nodes #merge/#entry -- )
[ merge-classes ] [ merge-intervals ] 2bi ;
@ -280,28 +273,68 @@ DEFER: (infer-classes)
dup node-successor dup #merge? [
swap active-children dup empty?
[ 2drop ] [ swap annotate-merge ] if
] [
] if ;
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: classes= ( inferred current -- ? )
2dup min-length [ tail* ] curry bi@ sequence= ;
SYMBOL: fixed-point?
SYMBOL: nested-labels
: annotate-entry ( nodes #label -- )
node-child merge-classes ;
>r (merge-classes) r> node-child
2dup node-output-classes classes=
[ 2drop ] [ set-classes fixed-point? off ] if ;
: init-recursive-calls ( #label -- )
#! We set recursive calls to output the empty type, then
#! repeat inference until a fixed point is reached.
#! Hopefully, our type functions are monotonic so this
#! will always converge.
returns>> [ dup in-d>> [ null ] { } map>assoc >>classes drop ] each ;
M: #label infer-classes-before ( #label -- )
#! First, infer types under the hypothesis which hold on
#! entry to the recursive label.
[ 1array ] keep annotate-entry ;
[ init-recursive-calls ]
[ [ 1array ] keep annotate-entry ] bi ;
: infer-label-loop ( #label -- )
fixed-point? on
dup node-child (infer-classes)
dup [ calls>> ] [ suffix ] [ annotate-entry ] tri
fixed-point? get [ drop ] [ infer-label-loop ] if ;
M: #label infer-classes-around ( #label -- )
#! Now merge the types at every recursion point with the
#! entry types.
[ annotate-node ]
[ infer-classes-before ]
[ infer-children ]
[ [ collect-recursion ] [ suffix ] [ annotate-entry ] tri ]
[ node-child (infer-classes) ]
} cleave ;
[ nested-labels get push ]
[ annotate-node ]
[ infer-classes-before ]
[ infer-label-loop ]
[ drop nested-labels get pop* ]
} cleave
] with-scope ;
: find-label ( param -- #label )
param>> nested-labels get [ param>> eq? ] with find nip ;
M: #call-label infer-classes-before ( #call-label -- )
[ find-label returns>> (merge-classes) ] [ out-d>> ] bi
[ set-value-class* ] 2each ;
M: #return infer-classes-around
nested-labels get length 0 > [
dup param>> nested-labels get peek param>> eq? [
[ ] [ node-input-classes ] [ in-d>> [ value-class* ] map ] tri
classes= not [
fixed-point? off
[ in-d>> value-classes get extract-keys ] keep
] [ drop ] if
] [ call-next-method ] if
] [ call-next-method ] if ;
M: object infer-classes-around
@ -314,11 +347,13 @@ M: object infer-classes-around
: (infer-classes) ( node -- )
[ infer-classes-around ]
[ node-successor (infer-classes) ] bi
[ node-successor ] bi
] when* ;
: infer-classes-with ( node classes literals intervals -- )
V{ } clone nested-labels set
H{ } assoc-like value-intervals set
H{ } assoc-like value-literals set
H{ } assoc-like value-classes set
@ -326,13 +361,11 @@ M: object infer-classes-around
] with-scope ;
: infer-classes ( node -- )
f f f infer-classes-with ;
: infer-classes ( node -- node )
dup f f f infer-classes-with ;
: infer-classes/node ( node existing -- )
#! Infer classes, using the existing node's class info as a
#! starting point.
dup node-classes
over node-literals
rot node-intervals
[ classes>> ] [ literals>> ] [ intervals>> ] tri
infer-classes-with ;

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ M: object flatten-curry , ;
: node-child node-children first ;
TUPLE: #label < node word loop? ;
TUPLE: #label < node word loop? returns calls ;
: #label ( word label -- node )
\ #label param-node swap >>word ;
@ -290,6 +290,9 @@ SYMBOL: node-stack
: node-input-classes ( node -- seq )
dup in-d>> [ node-class ] with map ;
: node-output-classes ( node -- seq )
dup out-d>> [ node-class ] with map ;
: node-input-intervals ( node -- seq )
dup in-d>> [ node-interval ] with map ;

View File

@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ IN: inference.known-words
{ swap T{ effect f 2 { 1 0 } } }
} [ define-shuffle ] assoc-each
\ >r [ infer->r ] "infer" set-word-prop
\ >r [ 1 infer->r ] "infer" set-word-prop
\ r> [ infer-r> ] "infer" set-word-prop
\ r> [ 1 infer-r> ] "infer" set-word-prop
\ declare [
1 ensure-values
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ M: curried infer-call
M: composed infer-call
infer->r peek-d infer-call
terminated? get [ infer-r> peek-d infer-call ] unless ;
1 infer->r peek-d infer-call
terminated? get [ 1 infer-r> peek-d infer-call ] unless ;
M: object infer-call
\ literal-expected inference-warning ;
@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ M: object infer-call
peek-d infer-call
] "infer" set-word-prop
\ call t "no-compile" set-word-prop
\ execute [
1 ensure-values
pop-literal nip
@ -471,18 +473,6 @@ set-primitive-effect
\ set-alien-cell { c-ptr c-ptr integer } { } <effect> set-primitive-effect
\ alien>char-string { c-ptr } { string } <effect> set-primitive-effect
\ alien>char-string make-flushable
\ string>char-alien { string } { byte-array } <effect> set-primitive-effect
\ string>char-alien make-flushable
\ alien>u16-string { c-ptr } { string } <effect> set-primitive-effect
\ alien>u16-string make-flushable
\ string>u16-alien { string } { byte-array } <effect> set-primitive-effect
\ string>u16-alien make-flushable
\ alien-address { alien } { integer } <effect> set-primitive-effect
\ alien-address make-flushable

View File

@ -41,12 +41,13 @@ $low-level-note ;
ARTICLE: "encodings-descriptors" "Encoding descriptors"
"An encoding descriptor is something which can be used for input or output streams to encode or decode files. It must conform to the " { $link "encodings-protocol" } ". Encodings which you can use are defined in the following vocabularies:"
{ $vocab-subsection "ASCII" "io.encodings.ascii" }
{ $vocab-subsection "Binary" "io.encodings.binary" }
{ $subsection "io.encodings.binary" }
{ $subsection "io.encodings.utf8" }
{ $subsection "io.encodings.utf16" }
{ $vocab-subsection "Strict encodings" "io.encodings.strict" }
"Legacy encodings:"
{ $vocab-subsection "8-bit encodings" "io.encodings.8-bit" }
{ $vocab-subsection "UTF-8" "io.encodings.utf8" }
{ $vocab-subsection "UTF-16" "io.encodings.utf16" }
{ $vocab-subsection "ASCII" "io.encodings.ascii" }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
ARTICLE: "encodings-protocol" "Encoding protocol"

View File

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ ARTICLE: "io.encodings.utf16" "UTF-16"
"The UTF-16 encoding is a variable-width encoding. Unicode code points are encoded as 2 or 4 byte sequences. There are three encoding descriptor classes for working with UTF-16, depending on endianness or the presence of a BOM:"
{ $subsection utf16 }
{ $subsection utf16le }
{ $subsection utf16be }
{ $subsection utf16n } ;
{ $subsection utf16be } ;
ABOUT: "io.encodings.utf16"
@ -22,8 +21,4 @@ HELP: utf16
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16, that is, UTF-16 with a byte order mark. This is the most useful for general input and output in UTF-16. Streams can be made which read or write wth this encoding." }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
HELP: utf16n
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16 without a byte order mark in native endian order. This is useful mostly for FFI calls which take input of strings of the type wchar_t*" }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
{ utf16 utf16le utf16be utf16n } related-words
{ utf16 utf16le utf16be } related-words

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: kernel tools.test io.encodings.utf16 arrays sbufs
io.streams.byte-array sequences io.encodings io unicode
io.encodings.string alien.c-types accessors classes ;
io.encodings.string alien.c-types alien.strings accessors classes ;
IN: io.encodings.utf16.tests
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { 0 CHAR: x } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math kernel sequences sbufs vectors namespaces io.binary
io.encodings combinators splitting io byte-arrays inspector
alien.c-types ;
io.encodings combinators splitting io byte-arrays inspector ;
IN: io.encodings.utf16
TUPLE: utf16be ;
@ -11,8 +10,6 @@ TUPLE: utf16le ;
TUPLE: utf16 ;
TUPLE: utf16n ;
! UTF-16BE decoding
@ -124,13 +121,4 @@ M: utf16 <decoder> ( stream utf16 -- decoder )
M: utf16 <encoder> ( stream utf16 -- encoder )
drop bom-le over stream-write utf16le <encoder> ;
! Native-order UTF-16
: native-utf16 ( -- descriptor )
little-endian? utf16le utf16be ? ;
M: utf16n <decoder> drop native-utf16 <decoder> ;
M: utf16n <encoder> drop native-utf16 <encoder> ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors alien.accessors math io ;
IN: io.streams.memory
TUPLE: memory-stream alien index ;
: <memory-stream> ( alien -- stream )
0 memory-stream boa ;
M: memory-stream stream-read1
[ [ alien>> ] [ index>> ] bi alien-unsigned-1 ]
[ [ 1+ ] change-index drop ] bi ;

View File

@ -184,3 +184,10 @@ unit-test
[ HEX: 988a259c3433f237 ] [
B{ HEX: 37 HEX: f2 HEX: 33 HEX: 34 HEX: 9c HEX: 25 HEX: 8a HEX: 98 } byte-array>bignum
] unit-test
[ t ] [ 256 power-of-2? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 123 power-of-2? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ -128 power-of-2? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 0 power-of-2? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 1 power-of-2? ] unit-test

View File

@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ C: <interval> interval
: interval-bitnot ( i1 -- i2 ) interval-neg interval-1- ;
: interval-sq ( i1 -- i2 ) dup interval* ;
: make-interval ( from to -- int )
over first over first {
{ [ 2dup > ] [ 2drop 2drop f ] }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel sequences quotations
math.private math.functions ;
math.private ;
IN: math
ARTICLE: "division-by-zero" "Division by zero"
@ -26,17 +26,13 @@ $nl
{ $subsection < }
{ $subsection <= }
{ $subsection > }
{ $subsection >= }
"Inexact comparison:"
{ $subsection ~ } ;
{ $subsection >= } ;
ARTICLE: "modular-arithmetic" "Modular arithmetic"
{ $subsection mod }
{ $subsection rem }
{ $subsection /mod }
{ $subsection /i }
{ $subsection mod-inv }
{ $subsection ^mod }
{ $see-also "integer-functions" } ;
ARTICLE: "bitwise-arithmetic" "Bitwise arithmetic"
@ -363,6 +359,10 @@ HELP: next-power-of-2
{ $values { "m" "a non-negative integer" } { "n" "an integer" } }
{ $description "Outputs the smallest power of 2 greater than " { $snippet "m" } ". The output value is always at least 1." } ;
HELP: power-of-2?
{ $values { "n" integer } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if " { $snippet "n" } " is a power of 2." } ;
HELP: each-integer
{ $values { "n" integer } { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( i -- )" } } }
{ $description "Applies the quotation to each integer from 0 up to " { $snippet "n" } ", excluding " { $snippet "n" } "." }

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@ -55,26 +55,26 @@ GENERIC: zero? ( x -- ? ) foldable
M: object zero? drop f ;
: 1+ ( x -- y ) 1 + ; foldable
: 1- ( x -- y ) 1 - ; foldable
: 2/ ( x -- y ) -1 shift ; foldable
: sq ( x -- y ) dup * ; foldable
: neg ( x -- -x ) 0 swap - ; foldable
: recip ( x -- y ) 1 swap / ; foldable
: 1+ ( x -- y ) 1 + ; inline
: 1- ( x -- y ) 1 - ; inline
: 2/ ( x -- y ) -1 shift ; inline
: sq ( x -- y ) dup * ; inline
: neg ( x -- -x ) 0 swap - ; inline
: recip ( x -- y ) 1 swap / ; inline
: ?1+ [ 1+ ] [ 0 ] if* ; inline
: /f ( x y -- z ) >r >float r> >float float/f ; inline
: max ( x y -- z ) [ > ] most ; foldable
: min ( x y -- z ) [ < ] most ; foldable
: max ( x y -- z ) [ > ] most ; inline
: min ( x y -- z ) [ < ] most ; inline
: between? ( x y z -- ? )
pick >= [ >= ] [ 2drop f ] if ; inline
: rem ( x y -- z ) tuck mod over + swap mod ; foldable
: sgn ( x -- n ) dup 0 < -1 0 ? swap 0 > 1 0 ? bitor ; foldable
: sgn ( x -- n ) dup 0 < [ drop -1 ] [ 0 > 1 0 ? ] if ; inline
: [-] ( x y -- z ) - 0 max ; inline
@ -121,7 +121,11 @@ M: float fp-nan?
: next-power-of-2 ( m -- n ) 2 swap (next-power-of-2) ; foldable
: align ( m w -- n ) 1- [ + ] keep bitnot bitand ; inline
: power-of-2? ( n -- ? )
dup 0 <= [ drop f ] [ dup 1- bitand zero? ] if ; foldable
: align ( m w -- n )
1- [ + ] keep bitnot bitand ; inline

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: arrays generic assocs inference inference.class
inference.dataflow inference.backend inference.state io kernel
math namespaces sequences vectors words quotations hashtables
combinators classes optimizer.def-use ;
combinators classes optimizer.def-use accessors ;
IN: optimizer.backend
SYMBOL: class-substitutions
@ -16,37 +16,32 @@ SYMBOL: optimizer-changed
GENERIC: optimize-node* ( node -- node/t changed? )
: ?union ( assoc/f assoc -- hash )
over [ assoc-union ] [ nip ] if ;
: ?union ( assoc assoc/f -- assoc' )
dup assoc-empty? [ drop ] [ swap assoc-union ] if ;
: add-node-literals ( assoc node -- )
over assoc-empty? [
: add-node-literals ( node assoc -- )
[ ?union ] curry change-literals drop ;
: add-node-classes ( node assoc -- )
[ ?union ] curry change-classes drop ;
: substitute-values ( node assoc -- )
dup assoc-empty? [
] [
[ node-literals ?union ] keep set-node-literals
] if ;
: add-node-classes ( assoc node -- )
over assoc-empty? [
] [
[ node-classes ?union ] keep set-node-classes
] if ;
: substitute-values ( assoc node -- )
over assoc-empty? [
] [
2dup node-in-d swap substitute-here
2dup node-in-r swap substitute-here
2dup node-out-d swap substitute-here
node-out-r swap substitute-here
[ >r in-d>> r> substitute-here ]
[ >r in-r>> r> substitute-here ]
[ >r out-d>> r> substitute-here ]
[ >r out-r>> r> substitute-here ]
} 2cleave
] if ;
: perform-substitutions ( node -- )
class-substitutions get over add-node-classes
literal-substitutions get over add-node-literals
value-substitutions get swap substitute-values ;
[ class-substitutions get add-node-classes ]
[ literal-substitutions get add-node-literals ]
[ value-substitutions get substitute-values ]
tri ;
DEFER: optimize-nodes
@ -90,18 +85,21 @@ M: node optimize-node* drop t f ;
#! Not very efficient.
dupd union* update ;
: compute-value-substitutions ( #return/#values #call/#merge -- assoc )
node-out-d swap node-in-d 2array unify-lengths flip
: compute-value-substitutions ( #call/#merge #return/#values -- assoc )
[ out-d>> ] [ in-d>> ] bi* 2array unify-lengths flip
[ = not ] assoc-subset >hashtable ;
: cleanup-inlining ( #return/#values -- newnode changed? )
dup node-successor dup [
class-substitutions get pick node-classes update
literal-substitutions get pick node-literals update
tuck compute-value-substitutions value-substitutions get swap update*
node-successor t
dup node-successor [
[ node-successor ] keep
[ nip classes>> class-substitutions get swap update ]
[ nip literals>> literal-substitutions get swap update ]
[ compute-value-substitutions value-substitutions get swap update* ]
[ drop node-successor ]
} 2cleave t
] [
2drop t f
drop t f
] if ;
! #return

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: inference.dataflow inference.backend kernel ;
IN: optimizer
: collect-label-infos ( node -- node )
dup [
dup #label? [ collect-label-info ] [ drop ] if
] each-node ;

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@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ optimizer ;
dup [ 1+ loop-test-1 ] [ drop ] if ; inline
[ t ] [
[ loop-test-1 ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ loop-test-1 ] dataflow detect-loops
\ loop-test-1 label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ loop-test-1 1 2 3 ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ loop-test-1 1 2 3 ] dataflow detect-loops
\ loop-test-1 label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ [ loop-test-1 ] each ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ [ loop-test-1 ] each ] dataflow detect-loops
\ loop-test-1 label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ [ loop-test-1 ] each ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ [ loop-test-1 ] each ] dataflow detect-loops
\ (each-integer) label-is-loop?
] unit-test
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ optimizer ;
dup [ 1+ loop-test-2 1- ] [ drop ] if ; inline
[ t ] [
[ loop-test-2 ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ loop-test-2 ] dataflow detect-loops
\ loop-test-2 label-is-not-loop?
] unit-test
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ optimizer ;
dup [ [ loop-test-3 ] each ] [ drop ] if ; inline
[ t ] [
[ loop-test-3 ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ loop-test-3 ] dataflow detect-loops
\ loop-test-3 label-is-not-loop?
] unit-test
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ optimizer ;
dup #label? [ node-successor find-label ] unless ;
: test-loop-exits
dataflow dup detect-loops find-label
dataflow detect-loops find-label
dup node-param swap
[ node-child find-tail find-loop-exits [ class ] map ] keep
#label-loop? ;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ optimizer ;
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ [ [ ] map ] map ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ [ [ ] map ] map ] dataflow detect-loops
[ dup #label? swap #loop? not and ] node-exists?
] unit-test
@ -128,22 +128,22 @@ DEFER: a
blah [ b ] [ a ] if ; inline
[ t ] [
[ a ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ a ] dataflow detect-loops
\ a label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ a ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ a ] dataflow detect-loops
\ b label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ b ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ b ] dataflow detect-loops
\ a label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ a ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ a ] dataflow detect-loops
\ b label-is-loop?
] unit-test
@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ DEFER: a'
blah [ b' ] [ a' ] if ; inline
[ f ] [
[ a' ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ a' ] dataflow detect-loops
\ a' label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ b' ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ b' ] dataflow detect-loops
\ b' label-is-loop?
] unit-test
@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ DEFER: a'
! a standard iterative dataflow problem after all -- so I'm
! tempted to believe the computer here
[ t ] [
[ b' ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ b' ] dataflow detect-loops
\ a' label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ a' ] dataflow dup detect-loops
[ a' ] dataflow detect-loops
\ b' label-is-loop?
] unit-test

View File

@ -109,8 +109,9 @@ SYMBOL: potential-loops
] [ 2drop ] if
] assoc-each [ remove-non-loop-calls ] when ;
: detect-loops ( nodes -- )
: detect-loops ( node -- node )

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@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ USING: inference inference.dataflow optimizer optimizer.def-use
namespaces assocs kernel sequences math tools.test words ;
[ 3 { 1 1 1 } ] [
[ 1 2 3 ] dataflow compute-def-use
[ 1 2 3 ] dataflow compute-def-use drop
def-use get values dup length swap [ length ] map
] unit-test
: kill-set ( quot -- seq )
dataflow compute-def-use compute-dead-literals keys
dataflow compute-def-use drop compute-dead-literals keys
[ value-literal ] map ;
: subset? [ member? ] curry all? ;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: optimizer.def-use
USING: namespaces assocs sequences inference.dataflow
inference.backend kernel generic assocs classes vectors ;
inference.backend kernel generic assocs classes vectors
accessors combinators ;
IN: optimizer.def-use
SYMBOL: def-use
@ -21,17 +22,20 @@ SYMBOL: def-use
GENERIC: node-def-use ( node -- )
: compute-def-use ( node -- )
H{ } clone def-use set [ node-def-use ] each-node ;
: compute-def-use ( node -- node )
H{ } clone def-use set
dup [ node-def-use ] each-node ;
: nest-def-use ( node -- def-use )
[ compute-def-use def-use get ] with-scope ;
[ compute-def-use drop def-use get ] with-scope ;
: (node-def-use) ( node -- )
dup dup node-in-d uses-values
dup dup node-in-r uses-values
dup node-out-d defs-values
node-out-r defs-values ;
[ dup in-d>> uses-values ]
[ dup in-r>> uses-values ]
[ out-d>> defs-values ]
[ out-r>> defs-values ]
} cleave ;
M: object node-def-use (node-def-use) ;
@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ M: #passthru node-def-use drop ;
M: #return node-def-use
#! Values returned by local labels can be killed.
dup node-param [ drop ] [ (node-def-use) ] if ;
dup param>> [ drop ] [ (node-def-use) ] if ;
! nodes that don't use their values directly
UNION: #killable
@ -56,13 +60,13 @@ UNION: #killable
M: #label node-def-use
dup node-in-d ,
dup node-child node-out-d ,
dup collect-recursion [ node-in-d , ] each
dup in-d>> ,
dup node-child out-d>> ,
dup calls>> [ in-d>> , ] each
] { } make purge-invariants uses-values ;
: branch-def-use ( #branch -- )
active-children [ node-in-d ] map
active-children [ in-d>> ] map
purge-invariants t swap uses-values ;
M: #branch node-def-use
@ -85,16 +89,16 @@ M: node kill-node* drop t ;
M: #shuffle kill-node*
dup node-in-d empty? swap node-out-d empty? and
] prune-if ;
[ [ in-d>> empty? ] [ out-d>> empty? ] bi and ] prune-if ;
M: #push kill-node*
[ node-out-d empty? ] prune-if ;
[ out-d>> empty? ] prune-if ;
M: #>r kill-node* [ node-in-d empty? ] prune-if ;
M: #>r kill-node*
[ in-d>> empty? ] prune-if ;
M: #r> kill-node* [ node-in-r empty? ] prune-if ;
M: #r> kill-node*
[ in-r>> empty? ] prune-if ;
: kill-node ( node -- node )
dup [
@ -116,7 +120,7 @@ M: #r> kill-node* [ node-in-r empty? ] prune-if ;
] if ;
: sole-consumer ( #call -- node/f )
node-out-d first used-by
out-d>> first used-by
dup length 1 = [ first ] [ drop f ] if ;
: splice-def-use ( node -- )
@ -128,5 +132,5 @@ M: #r> kill-node* [ node-in-r empty? ] prune-if ;
#! degree of accuracy; the new values should be marked as
#! having _some_ usage, so that flushing doesn't erronously
#! flush them away.
[ compute-def-use def-use get keys ] with-scope
nest-def-use keys
def-use get [ [ t swap ?push ] change-at ] curry each ;

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
IN: optimizer.inlining.tests
USING: tools.test optimizer.inlining ;
\ word-flat-length must-infer
\ inlining-math-method must-infer
\ optimistic-inline? must-infer
\ find-identity must-infer

View File

@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
USING: arrays generic assocs inference inference.class
inference.dataflow inference.backend inference.state io kernel
math namespaces sequences vectors words quotations hashtables
combinators classes classes.algebra generic.math continuations
optimizer.def-use optimizer.backend generic.standard
optimizer.specializers optimizer.def-use optimizer.pattern-match
generic.standard optimizer.control kernel.private ;
combinators classes classes.algebra generic.math
optimizer.math.partial continuations optimizer.def-use
optimizer.backend generic.standard optimizer.specializers
optimizer.def-use optimizer.pattern-match generic.standard
optimizer.control kernel.private ;
IN: optimizer.inlining
: remember-inlining ( node history -- )
@ -53,8 +54,6 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
[ word-def (flat-length) ] with-scope ;
! Single dispatch method inlining optimization
: specific-method ( class word -- class ) order min-class ;
: node-class# ( node n -- class )
over node-in-d <reversed> ?nth node-class ;
@ -72,6 +71,7 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
! Partial dispatch of math-generic words
: normalize-math-class ( class -- class' )
fixnum bignum integer
ratio rational
float real
@ -79,21 +79,31 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
} [ class< ] with find nip ;
: math-both-known? ( word left right -- ? )
math-class-max swap specific-method ;
: inline-math-method ( #call word -- node )
over node-input-classes
: inlining-math-method ( #call word -- quot/f )
swap node-input-classes
[ first normalize-math-class ]
[ second normalize-math-class ] bi
3dup math-both-known?
[ math-method f splice-quot ]
[ 2drop 2drop t ] if ;
3dup math-both-known? [ math-method* ] [ 3drop f ] if ;
: inline-math-method ( #call word -- node/t )
[ drop ] [ inlining-math-method ] 2bi
dup [ f splice-quot ] [ 2drop t ] if ;
: inline-math-partial ( #call word -- node/t )
[ drop ]
"derived-from" word-prop first
inlining-math-method dup
[ nip 1quotation ] 2tri
[ = not ] [ drop ] 2bi and
[ f splice-quot ] [ 2drop t ] if ;
: inline-method ( #call -- node )
dup node-param {
{ [ dup standard-generic? ] [ inline-standard-method ] }
{ [ dup math-generic? ] [ inline-math-method ] }
{ [ dup math-partial? ] [ inline-math-partial ] }
[ 2drop t ]
} cond ;
@ -183,7 +193,7 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
nip dup [ second ] when ;
: apply-identities ( node -- node/f )
dup find-identity dup [ f splice-quot ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
dup find-identity f splice-quot ;
: optimistic-inline? ( #call -- ? )
dup node-param "specializer" word-prop dup [

View File

@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ sequences.private combinators ;
[ value-literal sequence? ] [ drop f ] if ;
: member-quot ( seq -- newquot )
[ [ t ] ] { } map>assoc [ drop f ] suffix [ nip case ] curry ;
[ literalize [ t ] ] { } map>assoc
[ drop f ] suffix [ nip case ] curry ;
: expand-member ( #call -- )
dup node-in-d peek value-literal member-quot f splice-quot ;
@ -83,21 +84,11 @@ sequences.private combinators ;
] "constraints" set-word-prop
! eq? on the same object is always t
{ eq? bignum= float= number= = } {
{ eq? = } {
{ { @ @ } [ 2drop t ] }
} define-identities
! Specializers
{ 1+ 1- sq neg recip sgn } [
{ number } "specializer" set-word-prop
] each
\ 2/ { fixnum } "specializer" set-word-prop
{ min max } [
{ number number } "specializer" set-word-prop
] each
{ first first2 first3 first4 }
[ { array } "specializer" set-word-prop ] each

View File

@ -8,103 +8,104 @@ namespaces assocs quotations math.intervals sequences.private
combinators splitting layouts math.parser classes
classes.algebra generic.math optimizer.pattern-match
optimizer.backend optimizer.def-use optimizer.inlining
generic.standard system ;
optimizer.math.partial generic.standard system accessors ;
{ + bignum+ float+ fixnum+fast } {
: define-math-identities ( word identities -- )
>r all-derived-ops r> define-identities ;
\ number= {
{ { @ @ } [ 2drop t ] }
} define-math-identities
\ + {
{ { number 0 } [ drop ] }
{ { 0 number } [ nip ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ fixnum+ } {
{ { number 0 } [ drop ] }
{ { 0 number } [ nip ] }
} define-identities
{ - fixnum- bignum- float- fixnum-fast } {
\ - {
{ { number 0 } [ drop ] }
{ { @ @ } [ 2drop 0 ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ < fixnum< bignum< float< } {
\ < {
{ { @ @ } [ 2drop f ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ <= fixnum<= bignum<= float<= } {
\ <= {
{ { @ @ } [ 2drop t ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ > fixnum> bignum> float>= } {
\ > {
{ { @ @ } [ 2drop f ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ >= fixnum>= bignum>= float>= } {
\ >= {
{ { @ @ } [ 2drop t ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ * fixnum* bignum* float* } {
\ * {
{ { number 1 } [ drop ] }
{ { 1 number } [ nip ] }
{ { number 0 } [ nip ] }
{ { 0 number } [ drop ] }
{ { number -1 } [ drop 0 swap - ] }
{ { -1 number } [ nip 0 swap - ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ / fixnum/i bignum/i float/f } {
\ / {
{ { number 1 } [ drop ] }
{ { number -1 } [ drop 0 swap - ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ fixnum-mod bignum-mod } {
{ { number 1 } [ 2drop 0 ] }
} define-identities
\ mod {
{ { integer 1 } [ 2drop 0 ] }
} define-math-identities
{ bitand fixnum-bitand bignum-bitand } {
\ rem {
{ { integer 1 } [ 2drop 0 ] }
} define-math-identities
\ bitand {
{ { number -1 } [ drop ] }
{ { -1 number } [ nip ] }
{ { @ @ } [ drop ] }
{ { number 0 } [ nip ] }
{ { 0 number } [ drop ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ bitor fixnum-bitor bignum-bitor } {
\ bitor {
{ { number 0 } [ drop ] }
{ { 0 number } [ nip ] }
{ { @ @ } [ drop ] }
{ { number -1 } [ nip ] }
{ { -1 number } [ drop ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ bitxor fixnum-bitxor bignum-bitxor } {
\ bitxor {
{ { number 0 } [ drop ] }
{ { 0 number } [ nip ] }
{ { number -1 } [ drop bitnot ] }
{ { -1 number } [ nip bitnot ] }
{ { @ @ } [ 2drop 0 ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
{ shift fixnum-shift fixnum-shift-fast bignum-shift } {
\ shift {
{ { 0 number } [ drop ] }
{ { number 0 } [ drop ] }
} define-identities
} define-math-identities
: math-closure ( class -- newclass )
{ fixnum integer rational real }
{ null fixnum bignum integer rational float real number }
[ class< ] with find nip number or ;
: fits? ( interval class -- ? )
"interval" word-prop dup
[ interval-subset? ] [ 2drop t ] if ;
: math-output-class ( node min -- newclass )
#! if min is f, it means we just want to use the declared
#! output class from the "infer-effect".
dup [
swap node-in-d
[ value-class* math-closure math-class-max ] each
] [
2drop f
] if ;
: math-output-class ( node upgrades -- newclass )
in-d>> null [ value-class* math-closure math-class-max ] reduce
dup r> at swap or ;
: won't-overflow? ( interval node -- ? )
node-in-d [ value-class* fixnum class< ] all?
@ -123,28 +124,18 @@ generic.standard system ;
2drop f
] if ; inline
: math-output-class/interval-1 ( node min word -- classes intervals )
pick >r
>r over r>
>r math-output-class r>
r> post-process ; inline
: math-output-class/interval-1 ( node word -- classes intervals )
[ drop { } math-output-class 1array ]
[ math-output-interval-1 1array ] 2bi ;
{ 1+ integer interval-1+ }
{ 1- integer interval-1- }
{ neg integer interval-neg }
{ shift integer interval-recip }
{ bitnot fixnum interval-bitnot }
{ fixnum-bitnot f interval-bitnot }
{ bignum-bitnot f interval-bitnot }
{ 2/ fixnum interval-2/ }
{ sq integer f }
{ bitnot interval-bitnot }
{ fixnum-bitnot interval-bitnot }
{ bignum-bitnot interval-bitnot }
} [
first3 [
] 2curry "output-classes" set-word-prop
] each
[ math-output-class/interval-1 ] curry
"output-classes" set-word-prop
] assoc-each
: intervals ( node -- i1 i2 )
node-in-d first2 [ value-interval* ] bi@ ;
@ -156,7 +147,7 @@ generic.standard system ;
2drop f
] if ; inline
: math-output-class/interval-2 ( node min word -- classes intervals )
: math-output-class/interval-2 ( node upgrades word -- classes intervals )
pick >r
>r over r>
@ -164,47 +155,18 @@ generic.standard system ;
r> post-process ; inline
{ + integer interval+ }
{ - integer interval- }
{ * integer interval* }
{ / rational interval/ }
{ /i integer interval/i }
{ fixnum+ f interval+ }
{ fixnum+fast f interval+ }
{ fixnum- f interval- }
{ fixnum-fast f interval- }
{ fixnum* f interval* }
{ fixnum*fast f interval* }
{ fixnum/i f interval/i }
{ bignum+ f interval+ }
{ bignum- f interval- }
{ bignum* f interval* }
{ bignum/i f interval/i }
{ bignum-shift f interval-shift-safe }
{ float+ f interval+ }
{ float- f interval- }
{ float* f interval* }
{ float/f f interval/ }
{ min fixnum interval-min }
{ max fixnum interval-max }
{ + { { fixnum integer } } interval+ }
{ - { { fixnum integer } } interval- }
{ * { { fixnum integer } } interval* }
{ / { { fixnum rational } { integer rational } } interval/ }
{ /i { { fixnum integer } } interval/i }
{ shift { { fixnum integer } } interval-shift-safe }
} [
first3 [
] 2curry "output-classes" set-word-prop
] each
{ fixnum-shift fixnum-shift-fast shift } [
node-in-d second value-interval*
-1./0. 0 [a,b] interval-subset? fixnum integer ?
\ interval-shift-safe
] "output-classes" set-word-prop
] 2curry "output-classes" set-word-prop
] 2curry each-derived-op
] each
: real-value? ( value -- n ? )
@ -235,22 +197,18 @@ generic.standard system ;
r> post-process ; inline
{ mod fixnum mod-range }
{ fixnum-mod f mod-range }
{ bignum-mod f mod-range }
{ float-mod f mod-range }
{ mod { } mod-range }
{ rem { { fixnum integer } } rem-range }
{ rem integer rem-range }
{ bitand fixnum bitand-range }
{ fixnum-bitand f bitand-range }
{ bitor fixnum f }
{ bitxor fixnum f }
{ bitand { } bitand-range }
{ bitor { } f }
{ bitxor { } f }
} [
first3 [
] 2curry "output-classes" set-word-prop
] 2curry "output-classes" set-word-prop
] 2curry each-derived-op
] each
: twiddle-interval ( i1 -- i2 )
@ -280,26 +238,12 @@ generic.standard system ;
{ <= assume<= assume> }
{ > assume> assume<= }
{ >= assume>= assume< }
{ fixnum< assume< assume>= }
{ fixnum<= assume<= assume> }
{ fixnum> assume> assume<= }
{ fixnum>= assume>= assume< }
{ bignum< assume< assume>= }
{ bignum<= assume<= assume> }
{ bignum> assume> assume<= }
{ bignum>= assume>= assume< }
{ float< assume< assume>= }
{ float<= assume<= assume> }
{ float> assume> assume<= }
{ float>= assume>= assume< }
} [
[ comparison-constraints ] with-scope
] 2curry "constraints" set-word-prop
first3 [
[ comparison-constraints ] with-scope
] 2curry "constraints" set-word-prop
] 2curry each-derived-op
] each
@ -348,22 +292,20 @@ most-negative-fixnum most-positive-fixnum [a,b]
! Removing overflow checks
: remove-overflow-check? ( #call -- ? )
dup node-out-d first node-class fixnum class< ;
dup out-d>> first node-class
[ fixnum class< ] [ null eq? not ] bi and ;
{ + [ fixnum+fast ] }
{ +-integer-fixnum [ fixnum+fast ] }
{ - [ fixnum-fast ] }
{ * [ fixnum*fast ] }
{ *-integer-fixnum [ fixnum*fast ] }
{ shift [ fixnum-shift-fast ] }
{ fixnum+ [ fixnum+fast ] }
{ fixnum- [ fixnum-fast ] }
{ fixnum* [ fixnum*fast ] }
! these are here as an optimization. if they weren't given
! explicitly, the same would be inferred after an extra
! optimization step (see optimistic-inline?)
{ 1+ [ 1 fixnum+fast ] }
{ 1- [ 1 fixnum-fast ] }
{ 2/ [ -1 fixnum-shift ] }
{ neg [ 0 swap fixnum-fast ] }
{ fixnum-shift [ fixnum-shift-fast ] }
} [
[ dup remove-overflow-check? ] ,
@ -397,26 +339,13 @@ most-negative-fixnum most-positive-fixnum [a,b]
{ <= interval<= }
{ > interval> }
{ >= interval>= }
{ fixnum< interval< }
{ fixnum<= interval<= }
{ fixnum> interval> }
{ fixnum>= interval>= }
{ bignum< interval< }
{ bignum<= interval<= }
{ bignum> interval> }
{ bignum>= interval>= }
{ float< interval< }
{ float<= interval<= }
{ float> interval> }
{ float>= interval>= }
} [
dup [ dupd foldable-comparison? ] curry ,
[ fold-comparison ] curry ,
] { } make 1array define-optimizers
dup [ dupd foldable-comparison? ] curry ,
[ fold-comparison ] curry ,
] { } make 1array define-optimizers
] curry each-derived-op
] assoc-each
! The following words are handled in a similar way except if
@ -426,44 +355,68 @@ most-negative-fixnum most-positive-fixnum [a,b]
swap sole-consumer
dup #call? [ node-param eq? ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: coereced-to-fixnum? ( #call -- ? )
\ >fixnum consumed-by? ;
: coerced-to-fixnum? ( #call -- ? )
dup dup node-in-d [ node-class integer class< ] with all?
[ \ >fixnum consumed-by? ] [ drop f ] if ;
{ fixnum+ [ fixnum+fast ] }
{ fixnum- [ fixnum-fast ] }
{ fixnum* [ fixnum*fast ] }
{ + [ [ >fixnum ] bi@ fixnum+fast ] }
{ - [ [ >fixnum ] bi@ fixnum-fast ] }
{ * [ [ >fixnum ] bi@ fixnum*fast ] }
} [
>r derived-ops r> [
dup remove-overflow-check?
over coereced-to-fixnum? or
] ,
[ f splice-quot ] curry ,
] { } make 1array define-optimizers
dup remove-overflow-check?
over coerced-to-fixnum? or
] ,
[ f splice-quot ] curry ,
] { } make 1array define-optimizers
] curry each
] assoc-each
: fixnum-shift-fast-pos? ( node -- ? )
#! Shifting 1 to the left won't overflow if the shift
#! count is small enough
dup dup node-in-d first node-literal 1 = [
dup node-in-d second node-interval
0 cell-bits tag-bits get - 2 - [a,b] interval-subset?
] [ drop f ] if ;
: convert-rem-to-and? ( #call -- ? )
dup node-in-d {
{ [ 2dup first node-class integer class< not ] [ f ] }
{ [ 2dup second node-literal integer? not ] [ f ] }
{ [ 2dup second node-literal power-of-2? not ] [ f ] }
[ t ]
} cond 2nip ;
: fixnum-shift-fast-neg? ( node -- ? )
#! Shifting any number to the right won't overflow if the
#! shift count is small enough
dup node-in-d second node-interval
cell-bits 1- neg 0 [a,b] interval-subset? ;
: convert-mod-to-and? ( #call -- ? )
dup dup node-in-d first node-interval 0 [a,inf] interval-subset?
[ convert-rem-to-and? ] [ drop f ] if ;
: fixnum-shift-fast? ( node -- ? )
dup fixnum-shift-fast-pos?
[ drop t ] [ fixnum-shift-fast-neg? ] if ;
: convert-mod-to-and ( #call -- node )
dup node-in-d second node-literal 1-
[ nip bitand ] curry f splice-quot ;
\ fixnum-shift {
\ mod [
[ dup fixnum-shift-fast? ]
[ [ fixnum-shift-fast ] f splice-quot ]
[ dup convert-mod-to-and? ]
[ convert-mod-to-and ]
} define-optimizers
] each-derived-op
\ rem {
[ dup convert-rem-to-and? ]
[ convert-mod-to-and ]
} define-optimizers
: fixnumify-bitand? ( #call -- ? )
dup node-in-d second node-interval fixnum fits? ;
: fixnumify-bitand ( #call -- node )
[ [ >fixnum ] bi@ fixnum-bitand ] f splice-quot ;
\ bitand {
[ dup fixnumify-bitand? ]
[ fixnumify-bitand ]
} define-optimizers

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
IN: optimizer.math.partial.tests
USING: optimizer.math.partial tools.test math kernel
sequences ;
[ t ] [ \ + integer fixnum math-both-known? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ + bignum fixnum math-both-known? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ + integer bignum math-both-known? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ + float fixnum math-both-known? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ + real fixnum math-both-known? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ + object number math-both-known? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ number= fixnum object math-both-known? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ number= integer fixnum math-both-known? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ >fixnum \ shift derived-ops memq? ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel kernel.private math math.private words
sequences parser namespaces assocs quotations arrays
generic generic.math hashtables effects ;
IN: optimizer.math.partial
! Partial dispatch.
! This code will be overhauled and generalized when
! multi-methods go into the core.
PREDICATE: math-partial < word
"derived-from" word-prop >boolean ;
: fixnum-integer-op ( a b fix-word big-word -- c )
pick tag 0 eq? [
drop execute
] [
>r drop >r fixnum>bignum r> r> execute
] if ; inline
: integer-fixnum-op ( a b fix-word big-word -- c )
>r pick tag 0 eq? [
r> drop execute
] [
drop fixnum>bignum r> execute
] if ; inline
: integer-integer-op ( a b fix-word big-word -- c )
pick tag 0 eq? [
] [
>r drop over tag 0 eq? [
>r fixnum>bignum r> r> execute
] [
r> execute
] if
] if ; inline
: integer-op-combinator ( triple -- word )
[ second word-name % "-" % ]
[ third word-name % "-op" % ]
] "" make in get lookup ;
: integer-op-word ( triple fix-word big-word -- word )
word-name "fast" tail? >r
[ "-" % ] [ word-name % ] interleave
r> [ "-fast" % ] when
] "" make in get create ;
: integer-op-quot ( word fix-word big-word -- quot )
rot integer-op-combinator 1quotation 2curry ;
: define-integer-op-word ( word fix-word big-word -- )
[ integer-op-word ] [ integer-op-quot ] 3bi
2 1 <effect> define-declared
[ integer-op-word ] [ 2drop ] 3bi
"derived-from" set-word-prop
] 3bi ;
: define-integer-op-words ( words fix-word big-word -- )
[ define-integer-op-word ] 2curry each ;
: integer-op-triples ( word -- triples )
{ fixnum integer }
{ integer fixnum }
{ integer integer }
} swap [ prefix ] curry map ;
: define-integer-ops ( word fix-word big-word -- )
>r >r integer-op-triples r> r>
[ define-integer-op-words ]
[ [ 2drop ] [ [ integer-op-word ] 2curry map ] 3bi zip % ]
3bi ;
: define-math-ops ( op -- )
{ fixnum bignum float }
[ [ dup 3array ] [ swap method ] 2bi ] with { } map>assoc
[ nip ] assoc-subset
[ word-def peek ] assoc-map % ;
SYMBOL: math-ops
\ + define-math-ops
\ - define-math-ops
\ * define-math-ops
\ shift define-math-ops
\ mod define-math-ops
\ /i define-math-ops
\ bitand define-math-ops
\ bitor define-math-ops
\ bitxor define-math-ops
\ < define-math-ops
\ <= define-math-ops
\ > define-math-ops
\ >= define-math-ops
\ number= define-math-ops
\ + \ fixnum+ \ bignum+ define-integer-ops
\ - \ fixnum- \ bignum- define-integer-ops
\ * \ fixnum* \ bignum* define-integer-ops
\ shift \ fixnum-shift \ bignum-shift define-integer-ops
\ mod \ fixnum-mod \ bignum-mod define-integer-ops
\ /i \ fixnum/i \ bignum/i define-integer-ops
\ bitand \ fixnum-bitand \ bignum-bitand define-integer-ops
\ bitor \ fixnum-bitor \ bignum-bitor define-integer-ops
\ bitxor \ fixnum-bitxor \ bignum-bitxor define-integer-ops
\ < \ fixnum< \ bignum< define-integer-ops
\ <= \ fixnum<= \ bignum<= define-integer-ops
\ > \ fixnum> \ bignum> define-integer-ops
\ >= \ fixnum>= \ bignum>= define-integer-ops
\ number= \ eq? \ bignum= define-integer-ops
] { } make >hashtable math-ops set-global
SYMBOL: fast-math-ops
{ { + fixnum fixnum } fixnum+fast } ,
{ { - fixnum fixnum } fixnum-fast } ,
{ { * fixnum fixnum } fixnum*fast } ,
{ { shift fixnum fixnum } fixnum-shift-fast } ,
\ + \ fixnum+fast \ bignum+ define-integer-ops
\ - \ fixnum-fast \ bignum- define-integer-ops
\ * \ fixnum*fast \ bignum* define-integer-ops
\ shift \ fixnum-shift-fast \ bignum-shift define-integer-ops
] { } make >hashtable fast-math-ops set-global
: math-op ( word left right -- word' ? )
3array math-ops get at* ;
: math-method* ( word left right -- quot )
3dup math-op
[ >r 3drop r> 1quotation ] [ drop math-method ] if ;
: math-both-known? ( word left right -- ? )
3dup math-op
[ 2drop 2drop t ]
[ drop math-class-max swap specific-method >boolean ] if ;
: (derived-ops) ( word assoc -- words )
swap [ rot first eq? nip ] curry assoc-subset values ;
: derived-ops ( word -- words )
[ 1array ]
[ math-ops get (derived-ops) ]
bi append ;
: fast-derived-ops ( word -- words )
fast-math-ops get (derived-ops) ;
: all-derived-ops ( word -- words )
[ derived-ops ] [ fast-derived-ops ] bi append ;
: each-derived-op ( word quot -- )
>r derived-ops r> each ; inline

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
USING: arrays compiler.units generic hashtables inference kernel
kernel.private math optimizer prettyprint sequences sbufs
strings tools.test vectors words sequences.private quotations
optimizer.backend classes classes.algebra inference.dataflow
classes.tuple.private continuations growable optimizer.inlining
namespaces hints ;
kernel.private math optimizer generator prettyprint sequences
sbufs strings tools.test vectors words sequences.private
quotations optimizer.backend classes classes.algebra
inference.dataflow classes.tuple.private continuations growable
optimizer.inlining namespaces hints ;
IN: optimizer.tests
[ H{ { 1 5 } { 3 4 } { 2 5 } } ] [
@ -14,40 +14,6 @@ IN: optimizer.tests
H{ { 1 2 } { 3 4 } } H{ { 2 3 } } union*
] unit-test
! Test method inlining
[ f ] [ fixnum { } min-class ] unit-test
[ string ] [
\ string
[ integer string array reversed sbuf
slice vector quotation ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ fixnum ] [
\ fixnum
[ fixnum integer object ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ integer ] [
\ fixnum
[ integer float object ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ object ] [
\ word
[ integer float object ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
[ reversed ] [
\ reversed
[ integer reversed slice ]
sort-classes min-class
] unit-test
GENERIC: xyz ( obj -- obj )
M: array xyz xyz ;
@ -325,7 +291,6 @@ TUPLE: silly-tuple a b ;
[ 1 2 3 ] [ lift-loop-tail-test-2 ] unit-test
! Make sure we don't lose
GENERIC: generic-inline-test ( x -- y )
M: integer generic-inline-test ;
@ -342,6 +307,7 @@ M: integer generic-inline-test ;
generic-inline-test ;
! Inlining all of the above should only take two passes
[ { t f } ] [
\ generic-inline-test-1 word-def dataflow
[ optimize-1 , optimize-1 , drop ] { } make
@ -374,3 +340,19 @@ HINTS: recursive-inline-hang-3 array ;
USE: sequences.private
[ ] [ { (3append) } compile ] unit-test
! Wow
: counter-example ( a b c d -- a' b' c' d' )
dup 0 > [ 1 - >r rot 2 * r> counter-example ] when ; inline
: counter-example' ( -- a' b' c' d' )
1 2 3.0 3 counter-example ;
[ 2 4 6.0 0 ] [ counter-example' ] unit-test
: member-test { + - * / /i } member? ;
\ member-test must-infer
[ ] [ \ member-test word-dataflow optimize 2drop ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ + member-test ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ append member-test ] unit-test

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel namespaces optimizer.backend optimizer.def-use
optimizer.known-words optimizer.math optimizer.control
optimizer.inlining inference.class ;
optimizer.collect optimizer.inlining inference.class ;
IN: optimizer
: optimize-1 ( node -- newnode ? )
@ -10,10 +10,13 @@ IN: optimizer
H{ } clone class-substitutions set
H{ } clone literal-substitutions set
H{ } clone value-substitutions set
dup compute-def-use
dup detect-loops
dup infer-classes
optimizer-changed off
optimizer-changed get

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays byte-arrays byte-vectors bit-arrays bit-vectors
generic hashtables io assocs kernel math namespaces sequences
strings sbufs io.styles vectors words prettyprint.config
prettyprint.sections quotations io io.files math.parser effects
classes.tuple classes.tuple.private classes float-arrays
float-vectors ;
USING: arrays byte-arrays bit-arrays generic hashtables io
assocs kernel math namespaces sequences strings sbufs io.styles
vectors words prettyprint.config prettyprint.sections quotations
io io.files math.parser effects classes.tuple
classes.tuple.private classes float-arrays ;
IN: prettyprint.backend
GENERIC: pprint* ( obj -- )
@ -140,11 +139,8 @@ M: curry pprint-delims drop \ [ \ ] ;
M: compose pprint-delims drop \ [ \ ] ;
M: array pprint-delims drop \ { \ } ;
M: byte-array pprint-delims drop \ B{ \ } ;
M: byte-vector pprint-delims drop \ BV{ \ } ;
M: bit-array pprint-delims drop \ ?{ \ } ;
M: bit-vector pprint-delims drop \ ?V{ \ } ;
M: float-array pprint-delims drop \ F{ \ } ;
M: float-vector pprint-delims drop \ FV{ \ } ;
M: vector pprint-delims drop \ V{ \ } ;
M: hashtable pprint-delims drop \ H{ \ } ;
M: tuple pprint-delims drop \ T{ \ } ;
@ -156,9 +152,6 @@ GENERIC: >pprint-sequence ( obj -- seq )
M: object >pprint-sequence ;
M: vector >pprint-sequence ;
M: bit-vector >pprint-sequence ;
M: byte-vector >pprint-sequence ;
M: float-vector >pprint-sequence ;
M: curry >pprint-sequence ;
M: compose >pprint-sequence ;
M: hashtable >pprint-sequence >alist ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2003, 2007 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: prettyprint.config
USING: alien arrays generic assocs io kernel math
USING: arrays generic assocs io kernel math
namespaces sequences strings io.styles vectors words
continuations ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: prettyprint
USING: alien arrays generic generic.standard assocs io kernel
USING: arrays generic generic.standard assocs io kernel
math namespaces sequences strings io.styles io.streams.string
vectors words prettyprint.backend prettyprint.sections
prettyprint.config sorting splitting math.parser vocabs

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien arrays generic hashtables io kernel math assocs
USING: arrays generic hashtables io kernel math assocs
namespaces sequences strings io.styles vectors words
prettyprint.config splitting classes continuations
io.streams.nested accessors ;

View File

@ -76,10 +76,7 @@ ARTICLE: "sequences-reshape" "Reshaping sequences"
{ $subsection reversed }
{ $subsection <reversed> }
"Transposing a matrix:"
{ $subsection flip }
"A " { $emphasis "column" } " presents a column of a matrix represented as a sequence of rows:"
{ $subsection column }
{ $subsection <column> } ;
{ $subsection flip } ;
ARTICLE: "sequences-appending" "Appending sequences"
{ $subsection append }
@ -785,23 +782,6 @@ HELP: <slice>
{ <slice> subseq } related-words
HELP: column
{ $class-description "A virtual sequence which presents a fixed column of a matrix represented as a sequence of rows. New instances can be created by calling " { $link <column> } "." } ;
HELP: <column> ( seq n -- column )
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "column" column } }
{ $description "Outputs a new virtual sequence which presents a fixed column of a matrix represented as a sequence of rows." "The " { $snippet "i" } "th element of a column is the " { $snippet "n" } "th element of the " { $snippet "i" } "th element of" { $snippet "seq" } ". Every element of " { $snippet "seq" } " must be a sequence, and all sequences must have equal length." }
{ $examples
{ $example
"USING: arrays prettyprint sequences ;"
"{ { 1 2 3 } { 4 5 6 } { 7 8 9 } } 0 <column> >array ."
"{ 1 4 7 }"
{ $notes
"In the same sense that " { $link <reversed> } " is a virtual variant of " { $link reverse } ", " { $link <column> } " is a virtual variant of " { $snippet "swap [ nth ] curry map" } "."
} ;
HELP: repetition
{ $class-description "A virtual sequence consisting of " { $link repetition-elt } " repeated " { $link repetition-len } " times. Repetitions are created by calling " { $link <repetition> } "." } ;

View File

@ -224,13 +224,6 @@ unit-test
[ V{ 1 2 3 } ]
[ 3 V{ 1 3 2 } clone [ push-new ] keep ] unit-test
! Columns
{ { 1 2 3 } { 4 5 6 } { 7 8 9 } } [ clone ] map "seq" set
[ { 1 4 7 } ] [ "seq" get 0 <column> >array ] unit-test
[ ] [ "seq" get 1 <column> [ sq ] change-each ] unit-test
[ { 4 25 64 } ] [ "seq" get 1 <column> >array ] unit-test
! erg's random tester found this one
[ SBUF" 12341234" ] [
9 <sbuf> dup "1234" swap push-all dup dup swap push-all

View File

@ -215,18 +215,6 @@ M: slice length dup slice-to swap slice-from - ;
INSTANCE: slice virtual-sequence
! A column of a matrix
TUPLE: column seq col ;
C: <column> column
M: column virtual-seq column-seq ;
M: column virtual@
dup column-col -rot column-seq nth bounds-check ;
M: column length column-seq length ;
INSTANCE: column virtual-sequence
! One element repeated many times
TUPLE: repetition len elt ;
@ -703,5 +691,5 @@ PRIVATE>
: flip ( matrix -- newmatrix )
dup empty? [
dup [ length ] map infimum
[ <column> dup like ] with map
swap [ [ nth-unsafe ] with { } map-as ] curry { } map-as
] unless ;

View File

@ -150,18 +150,6 @@ ARTICLE: "syntax-byte-arrays" "Byte array syntax"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: B{ }
"Byte arrays are documented in " { $link "byte-arrays" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "syntax-bit-vectors" "Bit vector syntax"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: ?V{ }
"Bit vectors are documented in " { $link "bit-vectors" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "syntax-float-vectors" "Float vector syntax"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: FV{ }
"Float vectors are documented in " { $link "float-vectors" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "syntax-byte-vectors" "Byte vector syntax"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: BV{ }
"Byte vectors are documented in " { $link "byte-vectors" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "syntax-pathnames" "Pathname syntax"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: P" }
"Pathnames are documented in " { $link "pathnames" } "." ;
@ -182,9 +170,6 @@ $nl
{ $subsection "syntax-float-arrays" }
{ $subsection "syntax-vectors" }
{ $subsection "syntax-sbufs" }
{ $subsection "syntax-bit-vectors" }
{ $subsection "syntax-byte-vectors" }
{ $subsection "syntax-float-vectors" }
{ $subsection "syntax-hashtables" }
{ $subsection "syntax-tuples" }
{ $subsection "syntax-pathnames" } ;
@ -291,30 +276,12 @@ HELP: B{
{ $description "Marks the beginning of a literal byte array. Literal byte arrays are terminated by " { $link POSTPONE: } } "." }
{ $examples { $code "B{ 1 2 3 }" } } ;
{ $syntax "BV{ elements... }" }
{ $values { "elements" "a list of bytes" } }
{ $description "Marks the beginning of a literal byte vector. Literal byte vectors are terminated by " { $link POSTPONE: } } "." }
{ $examples { $code "BV{ 1 2 3 12 }" } } ;
HELP: ?{
{ $syntax "?{ elements... }" }
{ $values { "elements" "a list of booleans" } }
{ $description "Marks the beginning of a literal bit array. Literal bit arrays are terminated by " { $link POSTPONE: } } "." }
{ $examples { $code "?{ t f t }" } } ;
{ $syntax "?V{ elements... }" }
{ $values { "elements" "a list of booleans" } }
{ $description "Marks the beginning of a literal bit vector. Literal bit vectors are terminated by " { $link POSTPONE: } } "." }
{ $examples { $code "?V{ t f t }" } } ;
{ $syntax "FV{ elements... }" }
{ $values { "elements" "a list of real numbers" } }
{ $description "Marks the beginning of a literal float vector. Literal float vectors are terminated by " { $link POSTPONE: } } "." }
{ $examples { $code "FV{ 1.0 2.0 3.0 }" } } ;
{ $syntax "F{ elements... }" }
{ $values { "elements" "a list of real numbers" } }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien arrays bit-arrays bit-vectors byte-arrays
byte-vectors definitions generic hashtables kernel math
USING: alien arrays bit-arrays byte-arrays
definitions generic hashtables kernel math
namespaces parser sequences strings sbufs vectors words
quotations io assocs splitting classes.tuple generic.standard
generic.math classes io.files vocabs float-arrays float-vectors
generic.math classes io.files vocabs float-arrays
classes.union classes.mixin classes.predicate classes.singleton
compiler.units combinators debugger ;
IN: bootstrap.syntax
@ -79,11 +79,8 @@ IN: bootstrap.syntax
"{" [ \ } [ >array ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"V{" [ \ } [ >vector ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"B{" [ \ } [ >byte-array ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"BV{" [ \ } [ >byte-vector ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"?{" [ \ } [ >bit-array ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"?V{" [ \ } [ >bit-vector ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"F{" [ \ } [ >float-array ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"FV{" [ \ } [ >float-vector ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"H{" [ \ } [ >hashtable ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"T{" [ \ } [ >tuple ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"W{" [ \ } [ first <wrapper> ] parse-literal ] define-syntax

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ARTICLE: "threads-yield" "Yielding and suspending threads"
{ $subsection resume }
{ $subsection resume-with } ;
ARTICLE: "thread-state" "Thread-local state"
ARTICLE: "thread-state" "Thread-local state and variables"
"Threads form a class of objects:"
{ $subsection thread }
"The current thread:"
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ ARTICLE: "thread-state" "Thread-local state"
{ $subsection tget }
{ $subsection tset }
{ $subsection tchange }
"Each thread has its own independent set of thread-local variables and newly-spawned threads begin with an empty set."
"Global hashtable of all threads, keyed by " { $link thread-id } ":"
{ $subsection threads }
"Threads have an identity independent of continuations. If a continuation is refied in one thread and then resumed in another thread, the code running in that continuation will observe a change in the value output by " { $link self } "." ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
USING: namespaces io tools.test threads kernel ;
USING: namespaces io tools.test threads kernel
concurrency.combinators math ;
IN: threads.tests
3 "x" set
@ -16,3 +17,13 @@ yield
] unit-test
[ f ] [ f get-global ] unit-test
{ { 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 } } [
10 [
0 "i" tset
"i" [ yield 3 + ] tchange
] times yield
"i" tget
] parallel-map
] unit-test

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ mailbox variables sleep-entry ;
tnamespace set-at ;
: tchange ( key quot -- )
tnamespace change-at ; inline
tnamespace swap change-at ; inline
: threads 41 getenv ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
USING: kernel math accessors prettyprint io locals sequences
math.ranges ;
IN: benchmark.binary-trees
TUPLE: tree-node item left right ;
C: <tree-node> tree-node
: bottom-up-tree ( item depth -- tree )
dup 0 > [
1 -
[ drop ]
[ >r 2 * 1 - r> bottom-up-tree ]
[ >r 2 * r> bottom-up-tree ] 2tri
] [
drop f f
] if <tree-node> ;
GENERIC: item-check ( node -- n )
M: tree-node item-check
[ item>> ] [ left>> ] [ right>> ] tri [ item-check ] bi@ - + ;
M: f item-check drop 0 ;
: min-depth 4 ; inline
: stretch-tree ( max-depth -- )
1 + 0 over bottom-up-tree item-check
[ "stretch tree of depth " write pprint ]
[ "\t check: " write . ] bi* ;
:: long-lived-tree ( max-depth -- )
0 max-depth bottom-up-tree
min-depth max-depth 2 <range> [| depth |
max-depth depth - min-depth + 2^ [
[1,b] 0 [
dup neg
[ depth bottom-up-tree item-check + ] bi@
] reduce
[ 2 * ] bi
pprint "\t trees of depth " write depth pprint
"\t check: " write .
] each
"long lived tree of depth " write max-depth pprint
"\t check: " write item-check . ;
: binary-trees ( n -- )
min-depth 2 + max [ stretch-tree ] [ long-lived-tree ] bi ;
: binary-trees-main ( -- )
16 binary-trees ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: namespaces math sequences splitting kernel ;
USING: namespaces math sequences splitting kernel columns ;
IN: benchmark.dispatch2
: sequences

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: sequences math mirrors splitting kernel namespaces
assocs alien.syntax ;
assocs alien.syntax columns ;
IN: benchmark.dispatch3
GENERIC: g ( obj -- str )

View File

@ -1,38 +1,37 @@
USING: math kernel hints prettyprint io combinators ;
IN: benchmark.recursive
USING: math kernel hints prettyprint io ;
: fib ( m -- n )
dup 2 < [ drop 1 ] [ dup 1 - fib swap 2 - fib + ] if ;
dup 2 < [ drop 1 ] [ [ 1 - fib ] [ 2 - fib ] bi + ] if ;
: ack ( m n -- x )
over zero? [
nip 1+
] [
dup zero? [
drop 1- 1 ack
] [
dupd 1- ack >r 1- r> ack
] if
] if ;
{ [ over zero? ] [ nip 1+ ] }
{ [ dup zero? ] [ drop 1- 1 ack ] }
[ [ drop 1- ] [ 1- ack ] 2bi ack ]
} cond ; inline
: tak ( x y z -- t )
2over swap < [
[ rot 1- -rot tak ] 3keep
[ -rot 1- -rot tak ] 3keep
1- -rot tak
] [
2over <= [
] if ;
] [
[ rot 1- -rot tak ]
[ -rot 1- -rot tak ]
[ 1- -rot tak ]
] if ; inline
: recursive ( n -- )
3 over ack . flush
dup 27.0 + fib . flush
dup 3 * over 2 * rot tak . flush
[ 3 swap ack . flush ]
[ 27.0 + fib . flush ]
[ 1- [ 3 * ] [ 2 * ] [ ] tri tak . flush ] tri
3 fib . flush
3.0 2.0 1.0 tak . flush ;
HINTS: recursive fixnum ;
: recursive-main 11 recursive ;
MAIN: recursive-main

View File

@ -1,48 +1,44 @@
! Factor port of
USING: float-arrays kernel math math.functions math.vectors
sequences sequences.private prettyprint words tools.time hints ;
sequences sequences.private prettyprint words
hints locals ;
IN: benchmark.spectral-norm
: fast-truncate >fixnum >float ; inline
:: inner-loop ( u n quot -- seq )
n [| i |
n 0.0 [| j |
u i j quot call +
] reduce
] F{ } map-as ; inline
: eval-A ( i j -- n )
[ >float ] bi@
dupd + dup 1+ * 2 /f fast-truncate + 1+
recip ; inline
[ drop ] [ + [ ] [ 1 + ] bi * 0.5 * ] 2bi
+ 1 + recip ; inline
: (eval-A-times-u) ( u i j -- x )
tuck eval-A >r swap nth-unsafe r> * ; inline
tuck [ swap nth-unsafe ] [ eval-A ] 2bi* * ; inline
: eval-A-times-u ( n u -- seq )
over [
pick 0.0 [
swap >r >r 2dup r> (eval-A-times-u) r> +
] reduce nip
] F{ } map-as 2nip ; inline
[ (eval-A-times-u) ] inner-loop ; inline
: (eval-At-times-u) ( u i j -- x )
tuck swap eval-A >r swap nth-unsafe r> * ; inline
tuck [ swap nth-unsafe ] [ swap eval-A ] 2bi* * ; inline
: eval-At-times-u ( n u -- seq )
over [
pick 0.0 [
swap >r >r 2dup r> (eval-At-times-u) r> +
] reduce nip
] F{ } map-as 2nip ; inline
: eval-At-times-u ( u n -- seq )
[ (eval-At-times-u) ] inner-loop ; inline
: eval-AtA-times-u ( n u -- seq )
dupd eval-A-times-u eval-At-times-u ; inline
: eval-AtA-times-u ( u n -- seq )
[ eval-A-times-u ] [ eval-At-times-u ] bi ; inline
: u/v ( n -- u v )
dup 1.0 <float-array> dup
:: u/v ( n -- u v )
n 1.0 <float-array> dup
10 [
dupd eval-AtA-times-u
2dup eval-AtA-times-u
] times
rot drop ; inline
n eval-AtA-times-u
[ n eval-AtA-times-u ] keep
] times ; inline
: spectral-norm ( n -- norm )
u/v [ v. ] keep norm-sq /f sqrt ;
@ -50,6 +46,6 @@ IN: benchmark.spectral-norm
HINTS: spectral-norm fixnum ;
: spectral-norm-main ( -- )
2000 spectral-norm . ;
5500 spectral-norm . ;
MAIN: spectral-norm-main

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ bit-vectors.private combinators ;
IN: bit-vectors
ARTICLE: "bit-vectors" "Bit vectors"
"A bit vector is a resizable mutable sequence of bits. The literal syntax is covered in " { $link "syntax-bit-vectors" } ". Bit vector words are found in the " { $vocab-link "bit-vectors" } " vocabulary."
"A bit vector is a resizable mutable sequence of bits. Bit vector words are found in the " { $vocab-link "bit-vectors" } " vocabulary."
"Bit vectors form a class:"
{ $subsection bit-vector }
@ -11,13 +11,15 @@ $nl
"Creating bit vectors:"
{ $subsection >bit-vector }
{ $subsection <bit-vector> }
"Literal syntax:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: ?V{ }
"If you don't care about initial capacity, a more elegant way to create a new bit vector is to write:"
{ $code "?V{ } clone" } ;
ABOUT: "bit-vectors"
HELP: bit-vector
{ $description "The class of resizable bit vectors. See " { $link "syntax-bit-vectors" } " for syntax and " { $link "bit-vectors" } " for general information." } ;
{ $description "The class of resizable bit vectors. See " { $link "bit-vectors" } " for information." } ;
HELP: <bit-vector>
{ $values { "n" "a positive integer specifying initial capacity" } { "bit-vector" bit-vector } }
@ -31,3 +33,10 @@ HELP: bit-array>vector
{ $values { "bit-array" "an array" } { "length" "a non-negative integer" } { "bit-vector" bit-vector } }
{ $description "Creates a new bit vector using the array for underlying storage with the specified initial length." }
{ $warning "This word is in the " { $vocab-link "bit-vectors.private" } " vocabulary because it does not perform type or bounds checks. User code should call " { $link >bit-vector } " instead." } ;
{ $syntax "?V{ elements... }" }
{ $values { "elements" "a list of booleans" } }
{ $description "Marks the beginning of a literal bit vector. Literal bit vectors are terminated by " { $link POSTPONE: } } "." }
{ $examples { $code "?V{ t f t }" } } ;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays kernel kernel.private math sequences
sequences.private growable bit-arrays ;
sequences.private growable bit-arrays prettyprint.backend
parser accessors ;
IN: bit-vectors
TUPLE: bit-vector underlying fill ;
M: bit-vector underlying underlying>> { bit-array } declare ;
M: bit-vector set-underlying (>>underlying) ;
M: bit-vector length fill>> { array-capacity } declare ;
M: bit-vector set-fill (>>fill) ;
: bit-array>vector ( bit-array length -- bit-vector )
@ -14,7 +25,8 @@ PRIVATE>
: <bit-vector> ( n -- bit-vector )
<bit-array> 0 bit-array>vector ; inline
: >bit-vector ( seq -- bit-vector ) ?V{ } clone-like ;
: >bit-vector ( seq -- bit-vector )
T{ bit-vector f ?{ } 0 } clone-like ;
M: bit-vector like
drop dup bit-vector? [
@ -31,3 +43,9 @@ M: bit-vector equal?
M: bit-array new-resizable drop <bit-vector> ;
INSTANCE: bit-vector growable
: ?V{ \ } [ >bit-vector ] parse-literal ; parsing
M: bit-vector >pprint-sequence ;
M: bit-vector pprint-delims drop \ ?V{ \ } ;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More