Merge branch 'master' of git://

Joe Groff 2010-03-06 14:01:53 -08:00
commit 31d722df7e
5 changed files with 225 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Samuel Tardieu.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: astar
{ find-path <astar> considered } related-words
HELP: <astar>
{ $values
{ "neighbours" "a quotation with stack effect ( node -- seq )" }
{ "cost" "a quotation with stack effect ( from to -- cost )" }
{ "heuristic" "a quotation with stack effect ( pos target -- cost )" }
{ "astar" "a astar tuple" }
{ $description "Build an astar object from the given quotations. The "
{ $snippet "neighbours" } " one builds the list of neighbours. The "
{ $snippet "cost" } " and " { $snippet "heuristic" } " ones represent "
"respectively the cost for transitioning from a node to one of its neighbour, "
"and the underestimated cost for going from a node to the target."
} ;
HELP: find-path
{ $values
{ "start" "a node" }
{ "target" "a node" }
{ "astar" "a astar tuple" }
{ "path/f" "an optimal path from " { $snippet "start" } " to " { $snippet "target" }
", or f if no such path exists" }
{ $description "Find a path between " { $snippet "start" } " and " { $snippet "target" }
" using the A* algorithm. The " { $snippet "astar" } " tuple must have been previously "
" built using " { $link <astar> } "."
} ;
HELP: considered
{ $values
{ "astar" "a astar tuple" }
{ "considered" "a sequence" }
{ $description "When called after a call to " { $link find-path } ", return a list of nodes "
"which have been examined during the A* exploration."
} ;

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Samuel Tardieu.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs astar combinators hashtables kernel literals math math.functions
math.vectors sequences sorting splitting strings tools.test ;
IN: astar.tests
! Use a 10x9 maze (see below) to try to go from s to e, f or g.
! X means that a position is unreachable.
! The costs model is:
! - going up costs 5 points
! - going down costs 1 point
! - going left or right costs 2 points
: reachable? ( pos -- ? )
first2 [ 2 * 5 + ] [ 2 + ] bi* $[
" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 X X X X X X X X X X
1 X s f X X
2 X X X X X X X X X
3 X X X X X X X X X
4 X X X X X X
5 X X X X X
6 X X X X X X e X
7 X g X X
8 X X X X X X X X X X"
"\n" split ] nth nth CHAR: X = not ;
: neighbours ( pos -- neighbours )
{ [ 1 + 2array ] [ 1 - 2array ] [ [ 1 + ] dip 2array ] [ [ 1 - ] dip 2array ] } 2cleave
[ reachable? ] filter ;
: heuristic ( from to -- cost )
v- [ abs ] [ + ] map-reduce ;
: cost ( from to -- cost )
2dup [ first ] bi@ = [ [ second ] bi@ > 1 5 ? ] [ 2drop 2 ] if ;
: test1 ( to -- path considered )
{ 1 1 } swap [ neighbours ] [ cost ] [ heuristic ] <astar> [ find-path ] [ considered ] bi ;
! Existing path from s to f
{ 1 1 }
{ 2 1 }
{ 3 1 }
{ 4 1 }
{ 4 2 }
{ 4 3 }
{ 4 4 }
{ 4 5 }
{ 4 6 }
{ 4 7 }
{ 5 7 }
{ 6 7 }
{ 7 7 }
{ 8 7 }
{ 8 6 }
] [
{ 8 6 } test1 drop
] unit-test
! Check that only the right positions have been considered in the s to f path
[ 7 ] [ { 7 1 } test1 nip length ] unit-test
! Non-existing path from s to g -- all positions must have been considered
[ f 26 ] [ { 1 7 } test1 length ] unit-test
! Look for a path between A and C. The best path is A --> D --> C. C will be placed
! in the open set early because B will be examined first. This checks that the evaluation
! of C is correctly replaced in the open set.
! We use no heuristic here and always return 0.
! (5)
! B ---> C <--------
! \ (2)
! ^ ^ |
! | | |
! (1) | | (2) |
! | | |
! A ---> D ---------> E ---> F
! (2) (1) (1)
: n ( pos -- neighbours )
$[ { "ABD" "BC" "C" "DCE" "ECF" } [ unclip swap 2array ] map >hashtable ] at ;
: c ( from to -- cost )
"" 2sequence H{ { "AB" 1 } { "AD" 2 } { "BC" 5 } { "DC" 2 } { "DE" 1 } { "EC" 2 } { "EF" 1 } } at ;
: test2 ( fromto -- path considered )
first2 [ n ] [ c ] [ 2drop 0 ] <astar> [ find-path ] [ considered natural-sort >string ] bi ;
! Check path from A to C -- all nodes but F must have been examined
[ "ADC" "ABCDE" ] [ "AC" test2 [ >string ] dip ] unit-test
! No path from D to B -- all nodes reachable from D must have been examined
[ f "CDEF" ] [ "DB" test2 ] unit-test

extra/astar/astar.factor Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Samuel Tardieu.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs heaps kernel math sequences sets shuffle ;
IN: astar
! This implements the A* algorithm. See*
TUPLE: astar neighbours heuristic cost
goal g origin in-open-set in-closed-set open-set ;
: (add-to-open-set) ( h node astar -- )
2dup in-open-set>> at* [ over open-set>> heap-delete ] [ drop ] if
[ swapd open-set>> heap-push* ] [ in-open-set>> set-at ] 2bi ;
: add-to-open-set ( node astar -- )
[ g>> at ] 2keep
[ [ goal>> ] [ heuristic>> call( n1 n2 -- c ) ] bi + ] 2keep
(add-to-open-set) ;
: ?add-to-open-set ( node astar -- )
2dup in-closed-set>> key? [ 2drop ] [ add-to-open-set ] if ;
: move-to-closed-set ( node astar -- )
[ in-closed-set>> conjoin ] [ in-open-set>> delete-at ] 2bi ;
: get-first ( astar -- node )
[ open-set>> heap-pop drop dup ] [ move-to-closed-set ] bi ;
: set-g ( origin g node astar -- )
[ [ origin>> set-at ] [ g>> set-at ] bi-curry bi-curry bi* ] [ ?add-to-open-set ] 2bi ;
: cost-through ( origin node astar -- cost )
[ cost>> call( n1 n2 -- c ) ] [ nip g>> at ] 3bi + ;
: ?set-g ( origin node astar -- )
[ cost-through ] 3keep [ swap ] 2dip
3dup g>> at [ 1/0. ] unless* > [ 4drop ] [ set-g ] if ;
: build-path ( target astar -- path )
[ over ] [ over [ [ origin>> at ] keep ] dip ] produce 2nip reverse ;
: handle ( node astar -- )
dupd [ neighbours>> call( node -- neighbours ) ] keep [ ?set-g ] curry with each ;
: (find-path) ( astar -- path/f )
dup open-set>> heap-empty? [
drop f
] [
[ get-first ] keep 2dup goal>> = [ build-path ] [ [ handle ] [ (find-path) ] bi ] if
] if ;
: (init) ( from to astar -- )
swap >>goal
H{ } clone >>g
H{ } clone >>origin
H{ } clone >>in-open-set
H{ } clone >>in-closed-set
<min-heap> >>open-set
[ 0 ] 2dip [ (add-to-open-set) ] [ g>> set-at ] 3bi ;
: find-path ( start target astar -- path/f )
[ (init) ] [ (find-path) ] bi ;
: <astar> ( neighbours cost heuristic -- astar )
astar new swap >>heuristic swap >>cost swap >>neighbours ;
: considered ( astar -- considered )
in-closed-set>> keys ;

extra/astar/authors.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Samuel Tardieu

extra/astar/summary.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
A* path-finding algorithm