Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ wince-arm:
|||| factor
mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS
cp $(EXECUTABLE) $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/factor
mv $(EXECUTABLE) $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/factor
ln -s ./factor
cp $(ENGINE) $(BUNDLE)/Contents/Frameworks
install_name_tool \
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ definition-observers global [ V{ } like ] change-at
GENERIC: definitions-changed ( assoc obj -- )
: add-definition-observer ( obj -- )
definition-observers get push ;
definition-observers get push-new ;
: remove-definition-observer ( obj -- )
definition-observers get delete ;
@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ ARTICLE: "threads-yield" "Yielding and suspending threads"
{ $subsection yield }
"Sleeping for a period of time:"
{ $subsection sleep }
"Interruptible sleep:"
{ $subsection nap }
"Interrupting sleep:"
{ $subsection interrupt }
"Threads can be suspended and woken up at some point in the future when a condition is satisfied:"
{ $subsection suspend }
@ -106,14 +105,17 @@ HELP: stop
HELP: yield
{ $description "Adds the current thread to the end of the run queue, and switches to the next runnable thread." } ;
HELP: sleep-until
{ $values { "time/f" "a non-negative integer or " { $link f } } }
{ $description "Suspends the current thread until the given time, or indefinitely if a value of " { $link f } " is passed in."
"Other threads may interrupt the sleep by calling " { $link interrupt } "." } ;
HELP: sleep
{ $values { "ms" "a non-negative integer" } }
{ $description "Suspends the current thread for " { $snippet "ms" } " milliseconds." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if another thread interrupted the sleep with " { $link interrupt } "." } ;
HELP: nap
{ $values { "ms/f" "a non-negative integer or " { $link f } } { "?" "a boolean indicating whether the thread was interrupted" } }
{ $description "Suspends the current thread until another thread interrupts it with " { $link interrupt } ". If the input parameter is not " { $link f } ", then the thread will also wake up if the timeout expires before an interrupt is received." } ;
{ $description "Suspends the current thread for " { $snippet "ms" } " milliseconds."
"Other threads may interrupt the sleep by calling " { $link interrupt } "." } ;
HELP: interrupt
{ $values { "thread" thread } }
@ -75,12 +75,15 @@ PRIVATE>
: sleep-queue 43 getenv ;
: resume ( thread -- )
f over set-thread-state
check-registered run-queue push-front ;
: resume-now ( thread -- )
f over set-thread-state
check-registered run-queue push-back ;
: resume-with ( obj thread -- )
f over set-thread-state
check-registered 2array run-queue push-front ;
@ -131,34 +134,27 @@ PRIVATE>
self swap call next
] callcc1 2nip ; inline
: yield ( -- ) [ resume ] "yield" suspend drop ;
: yield ( -- ) [ resume ] f suspend drop ;
GENERIC: nap-until ( time -- ? )
GENERIC: sleep-until ( time/f -- )
M: integer nap-until [ schedule-sleep ] curry "sleep" suspend ;
M: integer sleep-until
[ schedule-sleep ] curry "sleep" suspend drop ;
M: f nap-until drop [ drop ] "interrupt" suspend ;
M: f sleep-until
drop [ drop ] "interrupt" suspend drop ;
GENERIC: nap ( time -- ? )
GENERIC: sleep ( ms -- )
M: real nap millis + >integer nap-until ;
M: f nap nap-until ;
: sleep-until ( time -- )
nap-until [ "Sleep interrupted" throw ] when ;
: sleep ( time -- )
nap [ "Sleep interrupted" throw ] when ;
M: real sleep
millis + >integer sleep-until ;
: interrupt ( thread -- )
dup self eq? [
] [
dup thread-state [
dup thread-sleep-entry [ sleep-queue heap-delete ] when*
f over set-thread-sleep-entry
t swap resume-with
] if ;
dup resume
] when drop ;
: (spawn) ( thread -- )
@ -204,6 +200,7 @@ M: f nap nap-until ;
initial-thread global
[ drop f "Initial" [ die ] <thread> ] cache
<box> over set-thread-continuation
f over set-thread-state
dup register-thread
set-self ;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ SYMBOL: alarm-thread
: alarm-thread-loop ( -- )
alarms get-global
dup next-alarm nap-until drop
dup next-alarm sleep-until
dup trigger-alarms
alarm-thread-loop ;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -473,9 +473,9 @@ M: timestamp year. ( timestamp -- )
: seconds-since-midnight ( timestamp -- x )
dup beginning-of-day timestamp- ;
M: timestamp nap-until timestamp>millis nap-until ;
M: timestamp sleep-until timestamp>millis sleep-until ;
M: dt nap from-now nap-until ;
M: dt sleep from-now sleep-until ;
{ [ unix? ] [ "calendar.unix" ] }
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ M: windows-io kill-process* ( handle -- )
: wait-loop ( -- )
processes get dup assoc-empty?
[ drop f nap drop ]
[ wait-for-processes [ 100 nap drop ] when ] if ;
[ drop f sleep-until ]
[ wait-for-processes [ 100 sleep ] when ] if ;
SYMBOL: wait-thread
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ USING: kernel alien ogg ogg.vorbis ogg.theora io byte-arrays
sequences libc shuffle alien.c-types system openal math
namespaces threads shuffle opengl arrays ui.gadgets.worlds
combinators math.parser ui.gadgets ui.render ui
continuations io.files hints combinators.lib sequences.lib ;
continuations io.files hints combinators.lib sequences.lib debugger ;
IN: ogg.player
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ HINTS: yuv>rgb byte-array byte-array ;
dup player-gadget [
dup { player-td player-yuv } get-slots theora_decode_YUVout drop
dup player-rgb over player-yuv yuv>rgb
dup player-gadget find-world draw-world
dup player-gadget relayout yield
] when ;
: num-audio-buffers-processed ( player -- player n )
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ HINTS: yuv>rgb byte-array byte-array ;
: append-audio ( player -- player bool )
num-audio-buffers-processed {
{ [ over player-buffers length 1 = over zero? and ] [ drop append-new-audio-buffer t ] }
{ [ over player-buffers length 2 = over zero? and ] [ 0 sleep drop f ] }
{ [ over player-buffers length 2 = over zero? and ] [ yield drop f ] }
{ [ t ] [ fill-processed-audio-buffer t ] }
} cond ;
@ -602,8 +602,7 @@ M: theora-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
dup player-gadget [ initialize-gui ] when*
[ decode ] [ drop ] recover
! decode
[ decode ] try
drop ;
@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ heaps.private system math math.parser ;
: thread. ( thread -- )
dup thread-id pprint-cell
dup thread-name over [ write-object ] with-cell
dup thread-state "running" or [ write ] with-cell
dup thread-state [
[ dup self eq? "running" "yield" ? ] unless*
] with-cell
thread-sleep-entry [
entry-key millis [-] number>string write
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SYMBOL: stop-after-last-window?
: event-loop ( -- )
event-loop? [
[ NSApp do-events ui-step 10 sleep ] ui-try
[ NSApp do-events ui-step ui-wait ] ui-try
] with-autorelease-pool event-loop
] when ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays hashtables kernel models math namespaces sequences
quotations math.vectors combinators sorting vectors dlists
models ;
models threads ;
IN: ui.gadgets
TUPLE: rect loc dim ;
@ -178,13 +178,17 @@ M: array gadget-text*
: forget-pref-dim ( gadget -- ) f swap set-gadget-pref-dim ;
SYMBOL: ui-thread
: notify-ui-thread ( -- ) ui-thread get interrupt ;
: layout-queue ( -- queue ) \ layout-queue get ;
: layout-later ( gadget -- )
#! When unit testing gadgets without the UI running, the
#! invalid queue is not initialized and we simply ignore
#! invalidation requests.
layout-queue [ push-front ] [ drop ] if* ;
layout-queue [ push-front notify-ui-thread ] [ drop ] if* ;
DEFER: relayout
@ -256,11 +260,11 @@ M: gadget layout* drop ;
: queue-graft ( gadget -- )
{ f t } over set-gadget-graft-state
graft-queue push-front ;
graft-queue push-front notify-ui-thread ;
: queue-ungraft ( gadget -- )
{ t f } over set-gadget-graft-state
graft-queue push-front ;
graft-queue push-front notify-ui-thread ;
: graft-later ( gadget -- )
dup gadget-graft-state {
@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ SYMBOL: ui-hook
: ui-step ( -- )
[ notify-queued layout-queued redraw-worlds ] assert-depth ;
: ui-wait ( -- )
10 sleep ;
: open-world-window ( world -- )
dup pref-dim over set-gadget-dim dup relayout graft ui-step ;
@ -155,6 +158,7 @@ M: object close-window
find-world [ ungraft ] when* ;
: start-ui ( -- )
self ui-thread set-global
restore-windows? [
] [
@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ TUPLE: windows-ui-backend ;
: lf>crlf [ [ dup CHAR: \n = [ CHAR: \r , ] when , ] each ] "" make ;
: enum-clipboard ( -- seq )
0 [ EnumClipboardFormats win32-error dup dup 0 > ] [ ]
{ } unfold nip ;
[ EnumClipboardFormats win32-error dup dup 0 > ]
[ ]
[ drop ]
unfold nip ;
: with-clipboard ( quot -- )
f OpenClipboard win32-error=0/f
@ -40,13 +43,12 @@ TUPLE: windows-ui-backend ;
: copy ( str -- )
lf>crlf [
f OpenClipboard win32-error=0/f
EmptyClipboard win32-error=0/f
GMEM_MOVEABLE over length 1+ GlobalAlloc
dup win32-error=0/f
dup GlobalLock dup win32-error=0/f
rot dup length memcpy
swapd byte-array>memory
dup GlobalUnlock win32-error=0/f
CF_UNICODETEXT swap SetClipboardData win32-error=0/f
] with-clipboard ;
@ -72,31 +74,29 @@ SYMBOL: mouse-captured
: style ( -- n ) WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW ; inline
: ex-style ( -- n ) WS_EX_APPWINDOW WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE bitor ; inline
: adjust-RECT ( RECT -- )
style 0 ex-style AdjustWindowRectEx win32-error=0/f ;
: make-RECT ( width height -- RECT )
"RECT" <c-object> [ set-RECT-bottom ] keep [ set-RECT-right ] keep ;
: make-adjusted-RECT ( width height -- RECT )
make-RECT dup adjust-RECT ;
: get-RECT-dimensions ( RECT -- width height )
[ RECT-right ] keep [ RECT-left - ] keep
[ RECT-bottom ] keep RECT-top - ;
: get-RECT-top-left ( RECT -- x y )
[ RECT-left ] keep RECT-top ;
: get-RECT-dimensions ( RECT -- x y width height )
[ get-RECT-top-left ] keep
[ RECT-right ] keep [ RECT-left - ] keep
[ RECT-bottom ] keep RECT-top - ;
: handle-wm-paint ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
#! wParam and lParam are unused
#! only paint if width/height both > 0
3drop window draw-world ;
: handle-wm-size ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
[ lo-word ] keep hi-word make-RECT get-RECT-dimensions 2array 2nip
[ lo-word ] keep hi-word 2array
dup { 0 0 } = [ 2drop ] [ swap window set-gadget-dim ui-step ] if ;
: handle-wm-move ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
[ lo-word ] keep hi-word 2array
swap window set-world-loc ;
: wm-keydown-codes ( -- key )
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (close-window)
: mouse-absolute>relative ( lparam handle -- array )
>r >lo-hi r>
0 0 make-RECT [ GetWindowRect win32-error=0/f ] keep
"RECT" <c-object> [ GetWindowRect win32-error=0/f ] keep
get-RECT-top-left 2array v- ;
: mouse-event>gesture ( uMsg -- button )
@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (close-window)
{ [ dup WM_PAINT = ]
[ drop 4dup handle-wm-paint DefWindowProc ] }
{ [ dup WM_SIZE = ] [ drop handle-wm-size 0 ] }
{ [ dup WM_MOVE = ] [ drop handle-wm-move 0 ] }
! Keyboard events
{ [ dup WM_KEYDOWN = over WM_SYSKEYDOWN = or ]
@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (close-window)
{ [ windows get empty? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup peek-message? ] [
>r [ ui-step 10 sleep ] ui-try
>r [ ui-step ui-wait ] ui-try
r> event-loop
] }
{ [ dup MSG-message WM_QUIT = ] [ drop ] }
@ -383,13 +384,26 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (close-window)
RegisterClassEx dup win32-error=0/f
] when ;
: create-window ( width height -- hwnd )
: adjust-RECT ( RECT -- )
style 0 ex-style AdjustWindowRectEx win32-error=0/f ;
: make-RECT ( world -- RECT )
dup world-loc { 40 40 } vmax dup rot rect-dim v+
"RECT" <c-object>
over first over set-RECT-right
swap second over set-RECT-bottom
over first over set-RECT-left
swap second over set-RECT-top ;
: make-adjusted-RECT ( rect -- RECT )
make-RECT dup adjust-RECT ;
: create-window ( rect -- hwnd )
>r class-name-ptr get-global f r>
>r >r >r ex-style r> r>
r> get-RECT-dimensions
f f f GetModuleHandle f CreateWindowEx dup win32-error=0/f ;
: show-window ( hWnd -- )
@ -424,7 +438,7 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (close-window)
get-dc dup setup-pixel-format dup get-rc ;
M: windows-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
[ rect-dim first2 create-window dup setup-gl ] keep
[ create-window dup setup-gl ] keep
[ f <win> ] keep
[ swap win-hWnd register-window ] 2keep
dupd set-world-handle
@ -445,8 +459,8 @@ M: windows-ui-backend raise-window* ( world -- )
M: windows-ui-backend set-title ( string world -- )
world-handle [ nip win-hWnd WM_SETTEXT 0 ] 2keep
dup win-title [ free ] when*
>r malloc-u16-string r>
dupd set-win-title alien-address
>r malloc-u16-string dup r>
set-win-title alien-address
SendMessage drop ;
M: windows-ui-backend ui
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ M: world client-event
next-event dup
None XFilterEvent zero? [ drop wait-event ] unless
] [
ui-step 10 sleep wait-event
ui-step ui-wait wait-event
] if ;
: do-events ( -- )
Reference in New Issue