move vertex-formats and vertex-arrays to gpu.shaders so we can use them for transform feedback formats

Joe Groff 2009-07-25 11:30:59 -05:00
parent f034be3c9e
commit 33395eeabd
5 changed files with 280 additions and 240 deletions

View File

@ -34,13 +34,6 @@ HELP: <multi-index-range>
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link multi-index-range } " tuple." } ;
HELP: <vertex-array>
{ $values
{ "program-instance" program-instance } { "vertex-formats" "a list of " { $link buffer-ptr } "/" { $link vertex-format } " pairs" }
{ "vertex-array" vertex-array }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link vertex-array } " to feed data to " { $snippet "program-instance" } " from the set of " { $link buffer } "s specified in " { $snippet "vertex-formats" } "." } ;
{ $syntax <" UNIFORM-TUPLE: class-name
{ "slot" uniform-type dimension }
@ -78,30 +71,9 @@ $nl
"A value of a uniform tuple type is a standard Factor tuple. Uniform tuples are constructed with " { $link new } " or " { $link boa } ", and values are placed inside them using standard slot accessors."
} ;
{ $syntax <" VERTEX-FORMAT: format-name
{ "attribute"/f component-type dimension normalize? }
{ "attribute"/f component-type dimension normalize? }
{ "attribute"/f component-type dimension normalize? } ; "> }
{ $description "Defines a new binary " { $link vertex-format } " for structuring vertex data stored in " { $link buffer } "s. Each " { $snippet "attribute" } " name either corresponds to an input parameter of a vertex shader, or is " { $link f } " to include padding in the vertex format. The " { $link component-type } " determines the format of the components, and the " { $snippet "dimension" } " determines the number of components. If the " { $snippet "component-type" } " is an integer type and " { $snippet "normalize?" } " is true, the component values will be scaled to the range 0.0 to 1.0 when fed to the vertex shader; otherwise, they will be cast to floats retaining their integral values." } ;
{ $syntax <" VERTEX-STRUCT: struct-name format-name "> }
{ $description "Defines a struct C type (like " { $link POSTPONE: C-STRUCT: } ") with the same binary format and component types as the given " { $link vertex-format } "." } ;
HELP: bool-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a boolean uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: buffer>vertex-array
{ $values
{ "vertex-buffer" buffer } { "program-instance" program-instance } { "format" vertex-format }
{ "vertex-array" vertex-array }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link vertex-array } " from the entire contents of a single " { $link buffer } " in a single " { $link vertex-format } " for use with " { $snippet "program-instance" } "." } ;
{ vertex-array <vertex-array> buffer>vertex-array } related-words
HELP: bvec2-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a two-component boolean vector uniform parameter." } ;
@ -117,18 +89,6 @@ HELP: define-uniform-tuple
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link uniform-tuple } " as a subclass of " { $snippet "superclass" } " with the slots specified by the " { $link uniform } " tuple values in " { $snippet "uniforms" } ". The runtime equivalent of " { $link POSTPONE: UNIFORM-TUPLE: } ". This word must be called inside a compilation unit." } ;
HELP: define-vertex-format
{ $values
{ "class" class } { "vertex-attributes" sequence }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link vertex-format } " with the binary format specified by the " { $link vertex-attribute } " tuple values in " { $snippet "vertex-attributes" } ". The runtime equivalent of " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-FORMAT: } ". This word must be called inside a compilation unit." } ;
HELP: define-vertex-struct
{ $values
{ "struct-name" string } { "vertex-format" vertex-format }
{ $description "Defines a new struct C type from a " { $link vertex-format } ". The runtime equivalent of " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-STRUCT: } ". This word must be called inside a compilation unit." } ;
HELP: float-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a float uniform parameter." } ;
@ -254,9 +214,10 @@ HELP: render-set
{ "The " { $snippet "uniforms" } " slot contains a " { $link uniform-tuple } " with values for the shader program's uniform parameters." }
{ "The " { $snippet "indexes" } " slot contains one of the " { $link vertex-indexes } " types and selects elements from the vertex array to be rendered." }
{ "The " { $snippet "instances" } " slot, if not " { $link f } ", instructs the GPU to render several instances of the same set of vertexes. Instancing requires OpenGL 3.1 or one of the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_draw_instanced" } " or " { $snippet "GL_ARB_draw_instanced" } " extensions." }
{ "The " { $snippet "framebuffer" } " slot determines the target for the rendering output. Either the " { $link system-framebuffer } " or a user-created " { $link framebuffer } " object can be specified. User-created framebuffers require OpenGL 3.0 or one of the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object" } " or " { $snippet "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object" } " extensions." }
{ "The " { $snippet "output-attachments" } " slot specifies which of the framebuffer's " { $link color-attachment-ref } "s to write the fragment shader's color output to. If the shader uses " { $snippet "gl_FragColor" } " or " { $snippet "gl_FragData[n]" } " to write its output, then " { $snippet "output-attachments" } " should be an array of " { $link color-attachment-ref } "s, and the output to color attachment binding is determined positionally. If the shader uses named output values, then " { $snippet "output-attachments" } " should be a list of string/" { $link color-attachment-ref } " pairs, mapping output names to color attachments. Named output values are available in GLSL 1.30 or later, and GLSL 1.20 and earlier using the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_gpu_shader4" } " extension." }
} } ;
{ "The " { $snippet "framebuffer" } " slot determines the target for the rendering output. Either the " { $link system-framebuffer } " or a user-created " { $link framebuffer } " object can be specified. " { $link f } " can also be specified to disable rasterization and only run the vertex transformation rendering stage." }
{ "The " { $snippet "output-attachments" } " slot specifies which of the framebuffer's " { $link color-attachment-ref } "s to write the fragment shader's color output to. If the shader uses " { $snippet "gl_FragColor" } " or " { $snippet "gl_FragData[n]" } " to write its output, then " { $snippet "output-attachments" } " should be an array of " { $link color-attachment-ref } "s, and the output to color attachment binding is determined positionally. If the shader uses named output values, then " { $snippet "output-attachments" } " should be a list of string/" { $link color-attachment-ref } " pairs, mapping output names to color attachments." }
} }
{ $notes "User-created framebuffers require OpenGL 3.0 or one of the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object" } " or " { $snippet "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object" } " extensions. Disabling rasterization requires OpenGL 3.0 or the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_transform_feedback" } " extension. Named output-attachment values are available in GLSL 1.30 or later, and GLSL 1.20 and earlier using the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_gpu_shader4" } " extension." } ;
{ render render-set } related-words
@ -313,29 +274,6 @@ HELP: vec3-uniform
HELP: vec4-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a four-component float vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: vertex-array
{ $class-description "A " { $snippet "vertex-array" } " object associates a shader " { $link program-instance } " with vertex attribute data from one or more " { $link buffer } "s. The format of the binary data inside these buffers is described using " { $link vertex-format } "s. " { $snippet "vertex-array" } "s are constructed using the " { $link <vertex-array> } " or " { $link buffer>vertex-array } " words." } ;
HELP: vertex-array-buffer
{ $values
{ "vertex-array" vertex-array }
{ "vertex-buffer" buffer }
{ $description "Returns the first " { $link buffer } " object comprised in " { $snippet "vertex-array" } "." } ;
HELP: vertex-attribute
{ $class-description "This tuple type is passed to " { $link define-vertex-format } " to define a new " { $link vertex-format } " type." } ;
HELP: vertex-format
{ $class-description "This class encompasses all vertex formats defined by " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-FORMAT: } ". A vertex format defines the binary layout of vertex attribute data in a " { $link buffer } " for use as part of a " { $link vertex-array } ". See the " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-FORMAT: } " documentation for details on how vertex formats are defined." } ;
HELP: vertex-format-size
{ $values
{ "format" vertex-format }
{ "size" integer }
{ $description "Returns the size in bytes of a set of vertex attributes in " { $snippet "format" } "." } ;
HELP: vertex-indexes
{ $class-description "This class is a union of the following tuple types, any of which can be used as the " { $snippet "indexes" } " slot of a " { $link render-set } " to select elements from a " { $link vertex-array } " for rendering."
{ $list
@ -349,11 +287,6 @@ ARTICLE: "gpu.render" "Rendering"
"The " { $vocab-link "gpu.render" } " vocabulary contains words for organizing and submitting data to the GPU for rendering."
{ $subsection render }
{ $subsection render-set }
"Render data inside GPU " { $link buffer } "s is organized into " { $link vertex-array } "s for consumption by shader code:"
{ $subsection vertex-array }
{ $subsection <vertex-array> }
{ $subsection buffer>vertex-array }
{ $subsection POSTPONE: VERTEX-FORMAT: }
{ $link uniform-tuple } "s provide Factor types for containing and submitting shader uniform parameters:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: UNIFORM-TUPLE: }

View File

@ -3,24 +3,17 @@ USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.structs arrays
assocs classes classes.mixin classes.parser classes.singleton
classes.tuple classes.tuple.private combinators combinators.tuple destructors fry
generic generic.parser gpu gpu.buffers gpu.framebuffers
gpu.framebuffers.private gpu.shaders gpu.state gpu.textures
gpu.textures.private half-floats images kernel lexer locals
math math.order math.parser namespaces opengl parser
quotations sequences slots sorting specialized-arrays.alien
gpu.framebuffers.private gpu.shaders gpu.shaders.private gpu.state
gpu.textures gpu.textures.private half-floats images kernel
lexer locals math math.order math.parser namespaces opengl parser quotations sequences slots sorting
specialized-arrays.alien specialized-arrays.float
specialized-arrays.uint strings tr ui.gadgets.worlds variants
vocabs.parser words ;
IN: gpu.render
UNION: ?string string POSTPONE: f ;
UNION: ?integer integer POSTPONE: f ;
TUPLE: vertex-attribute
{ name ?string read-only initial: f }
{ component-type component-type read-only initial: float-components }
{ dim integer read-only initial: 4 }
{ normalize? boolean read-only initial: f } ;
VARIANT: uniform-type
@ -111,52 +104,12 @@ VARIANT: primitive-mode
triangle-fan-mode ;
MIXIN: vertex-format
TUPLE: uniform-tuple ;
GENERIC: vertex-format-size ( format -- size )
ERROR: invalid-uniform-type uniform ;
: gl-vertex-type ( component-type -- gl-type )
{ ubyte-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ] }
{ ushort-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT ] }
{ uint-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_INT ] }
{ half-components [ GL_HALF_FLOAT ] }
{ float-components [ GL_FLOAT ] }
{ byte-integer-components [ GL_BYTE ] }
{ short-integer-components [ GL_SHORT ] }
{ int-integer-components [ GL_INT ] }
{ ubyte-integer-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ] }
{ ushort-integer-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT ] }
{ uint-integer-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_INT ] }
} case ;
: vertex-type-size ( component-type -- size )
{ ubyte-components [ 1 ] }
{ ushort-components [ 2 ] }
{ uint-components [ 4 ] }
{ half-components [ 2 ] }
{ float-components [ 4 ] }
{ byte-integer-components [ 1 ] }
{ short-integer-components [ 2 ] }
{ int-integer-components [ 4 ] }
{ ubyte-integer-components [ 1 ] }
{ ushort-integer-components [ 2 ] }
{ uint-integer-components [ 4 ] }
} case ;
: vertex-attribute-size ( vertex-attribute -- size )
[ component-type>> vertex-type-size ] [ dim>> ] bi * ;
: vertex-attributes-size ( vertex-attributes -- size )
[ vertex-attribute-size ] [ + ] map-reduce ;
: gl-index-type ( index-type -- gl-index-type )
{ ubyte-indexes [ GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ] }
@ -210,56 +163,6 @@ M: multi-index-elements render-vertex-indexes
: (bind-texture-unit) ( texture texture-unit -- )
swap [ GL_TEXTURE0 + glActiveTexture ] [ bind-texture drop ] bi* ; inline
:: [bind-vertex-attribute] ( stride offset vertex-attribute -- stride offset' quot )
vertex-attribute name>> :> name
vertex-attribute component-type>> :> type
type gl-vertex-type :> gl-type
vertex-attribute dim>> :> dim
vertex-attribute normalize?>> >c-bool :> normalize?
vertex-attribute vertex-attribute-size :> size
stride offset size +
{ [ name not ] [ [ 2drop ] ] }
[ type unnormalized-integer-components? ]
name attribute-index [ glEnableVertexAttribArray ] keep
dim gl-type stride offset
} >quotation :> dip-block
{ dip-block dip <displaced-alien> glVertexAttribIPointer } >quotation
name attribute-index [ glEnableVertexAttribArray ] keep
dim gl-type normalize? stride offset
} >quotation :> dip-block
{ dip-block dip <displaced-alien> glVertexAttribPointer } >quotation
} cond ;
:: [bind-vertex-format] ( vertex-attributes -- quot )
vertex-attributes vertex-attributes-size :> stride
stride 0 vertex-attributes [ [bind-vertex-attribute] ] { } map-as 2nip :> attributes-cleave
{ attributes-cleave 2cleave } >quotation :> with-block
{ drop vertex-buffer with-block with-buffer-ptr } >quotation ;
GENERIC: bind-vertex-format ( program-instance buffer-ptr format -- )
: define-vertex-format-methods ( class vertex-attributes -- )
[ \ bind-vertex-format create-method-in ] dip
[bind-vertex-format] define
] [
[ \ vertex-format-size create-method-in ] dip
[ \ drop ] dip vertex-attributes-size [ ] 2sequence define
] 2bi ;
GENERIC: bind-uniform-textures ( program-instance uniform-tuple -- )
GENERIC: bind-uniforms ( program-instance uniform-tuple -- )
@ -510,12 +413,6 @@ padding-no [ 0 ] initialize
"(" ")" surround
padding-no inc ;
: vertex-attribute>c-type ( vertex-attribute -- {type,name} )
[ component-type>> component-type>c-type ]
[ dim>> c-array-dim ] bi append
] [ name>> [ padding-name ] unless* ] bi 2array ;
: (define-uniform-tuple) ( class superclass uniforms -- )
[ [ uniform>slot ] map define-tuple-class ]
@ -536,55 +433,12 @@ padding-no [ 0 ] initialize
: define-vertex-format ( class vertex-attributes -- )
[ define-singleton-class ]
[ vertex-format add-mixin-instance ]
[ ] tri
] [ define-vertex-format-methods ] bi*
[ "vertex-format-attributes" set-word-prop ] 2bi ;
CREATE-CLASS parse-definition
[ first4 vertex-attribute boa ] map
define-vertex-format ;
: define-vertex-struct ( struct-name vertex-format -- )
[ current-vocab ] dip
"vertex-format-attributes" word-prop [ vertex-attribute>c-type ] map
define-struct ;
scan scan-word define-vertex-struct ;
: define-uniform-tuple ( class superclass uniforms -- )
(define-uniform-tuple) ; inline
parse-uniform-tuple-definition define-uniform-tuple ;
TUPLE: vertex-array < gpu-object
{ program-instance program-instance read-only }
{ vertex-buffers sequence read-only } ;
M: vertex-array dispose
[ [ delete-vertex-array ] when* f ] change-handle drop ;
: <vertex-array> ( program-instance vertex-formats -- vertex-array )
[ glBindVertexArray [ first2 bind-vertex-format ] with each ]
[ -rot [ first buffer>> ] map vertex-array boa ] 3bi
window-resource ;
: buffer>vertex-array ( vertex-buffer program-instance format -- vertex-array )
[ swap ] dip
[ 0 <buffer-ptr> ] dip 2array 1array <vertex-array> ; inline
: vertex-array-buffer ( vertex-array -- vertex-buffer )
vertex-buffers>> first ;
: bind-vertex-array ( vertex-array -- )
@ -606,13 +460,15 @@ M: vertex-array dispose
UNION: ?any-framebuffer any-framebuffer POSTPONE: f ;
TUPLE: render-set
{ primitive-mode primitive-mode read-only }
{ vertex-array vertex-array read-only }
{ uniforms uniform-tuple read-only }
{ indexes vertex-indexes initial: T{ index-range } read-only }
{ instances ?integer initial: f read-only }
{ framebuffer any-framebuffer initial: system-framebuffer read-only }
{ framebuffer ?any-framebuffer initial: system-framebuffer read-only }
{ output-attachments sequence initial: { default-attachment } read-only } ;
: <render-set> ( x quot-assoc -- render-set )
@ -631,7 +487,11 @@ TUPLE: render-set
[ vertex-array>> program-instance>> ] [ uniforms>> ] bi
[ bind-uniform-textures ] [ bind-uniforms ] 2bi
[ GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER swap framebuffer>> framebuffer-handle glBindFramebuffer ]
[ GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER swap framebuffer-handle glBindFramebuffer ]
[ vertex-array>> program-instance>> ]
[ framebuffer>> ]
@ -644,5 +504,6 @@ TUPLE: render-set
[ render-vertex-indexes-instanced ]
[ render-vertex-indexes ] if*
[ framebuffer>> [ GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD glDisable ] unless ]
} cleave ; inline

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel math multiline quotations strings ;
USING: alien.syntax classes gpu.buffers help.markup help.syntax
images kernel math multiline quotations sequences strings ;
IN: gpu.shaders
HELP: <program-instance>
@ -16,6 +17,13 @@ HELP: <shader-instance>
{ $description "Compiles an instance of " { $snippet "shader" } " for the current graphics context. If an instance already exists for " { $snippet "shader" } " in the current context, it is reused." } ;
HELP: <vertex-array>
{ $values
{ "program-instance" program-instance } { "vertex-formats" "a list of " { $link buffer-ptr } "/" { $link vertex-format } " pairs" }
{ "vertex-array" vertex-array }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link vertex-array } " to feed data to " { $snippet "program-instance" } " from the set of " { $link buffer } "s specified in " { $snippet "vertex-formats" } "." } ;
{ $syntax "GLSL-PROGRAM: program-name shader shader ... shader ;" }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link program } " named " { $snippet "program-name" } ". When the program is instantiated with " { $link <program-instance> } ", it will link together instances of all of the specified " { $link shader } "s to create the program instance." } ;
@ -32,6 +40,18 @@ shader source
; "> }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link shader } " of kind " { $link shader-kind } " named " { $snippet "shader-name" } ". The shader will read its source code from the current Factor source file between the " { $snippet "GLSL-SHADER:" } " line and the first subsequent line with a single semicolon on it." } ;
{ $syntax <" VERTEX-FORMAT: format-name
{ "attribute"/f component-type dimension normalize? }
{ "attribute"/f component-type dimension normalize? }
{ "attribute"/f component-type dimension normalize? } ; "> }
{ $description "Defines a new binary " { $link vertex-format } " for structuring vertex data stored in " { $link buffer } "s. Each " { $snippet "attribute" } " name either corresponds to an input parameter of a vertex shader, or is " { $link f } " to include padding in the vertex format. The " { $link component-type } " determines the format of the components, and the " { $snippet "dimension" } " determines the number of components. If the " { $snippet "component-type" } " is an integer type and " { $snippet "normalize?" } " is true, the component values will be scaled to the range 0.0 to 1.0 when fed to the vertex shader; otherwise, they will be cast to floats retaining their integral values." } ;
{ $syntax <" VERTEX-STRUCT: struct-name format-name "> }
{ $description "Defines a struct C type (like " { $link POSTPONE: C-STRUCT: } ") with the same binary format and component types as the given " { $link vertex-format } "." } ;
HELP: attribute-index
@ -41,6 +61,15 @@ HELP: attribute-index
{ $description "Returns the numeric index of the vertex attribute named " { $snippet "attribute-name" } " in " { $snippet "program-instance" } "." } ;
HELP: buffer>vertex-array
{ $values
{ "vertex-buffer" buffer } { "program-instance" program-instance } { "format" vertex-format }
{ "vertex-array" vertex-array }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link vertex-array } " from the entire contents of a single " { $link buffer } " in a single " { $link vertex-format } " for use with " { $snippet "program-instance" } "." } ;
{ vertex-array <vertex-array> buffer>vertex-array } related-words
HELP: compile-shader-error
{ $class-description "An error compiling the source for a " { $link shader } "."
{ $list
@ -48,6 +77,18 @@ HELP: compile-shader-error
{ "The " { $snippet "log" } " slot contains the error string from the GLSL compiler." }
} } ;
HELP: define-vertex-format
{ $values
{ "class" class } { "vertex-attributes" sequence }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link vertex-format } " with the binary format specified by the " { $link vertex-attribute } " tuple values in " { $snippet "vertex-attributes" } ". The runtime equivalent of " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-FORMAT: } ". This word must be called inside a compilation unit." } ;
HELP: define-vertex-struct
{ $values
{ "struct-name" string } { "vertex-format" vertex-format }
{ $description "Defines a new struct C type from a " { $link vertex-format } ". The runtime equivalent of " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-STRUCT: } ". This word must be called inside a compilation unit." } ;
HELP: fragment-shader
{ $class-description "This " { $link shader-kind } " indicates that a " { $link shader } " is a fragment shader." } ;
@ -103,6 +144,29 @@ HELP: uniform-index
HELP: vertex-shader
{ $class-description "This " { $link shader-kind } " indicates that a " { $link shader } " is a vertex shader." } ;
HELP: vertex-array
{ $class-description "A " { $snippet "vertex-array" } " object associates a shader " { $link program-instance } " with vertex attribute data from one or more " { $link buffer } "s. The format of the binary data inside these buffers is described using " { $link vertex-format } "s. " { $snippet "vertex-array" } "s are constructed using the " { $link <vertex-array> } " or " { $link buffer>vertex-array } " words." } ;
HELP: vertex-array-buffer
{ $values
{ "vertex-array" vertex-array }
{ "vertex-buffer" buffer }
{ $description "Returns the first " { $link buffer } " object comprised in " { $snippet "vertex-array" } "." } ;
HELP: vertex-attribute
{ $class-description "This tuple type is passed to " { $link define-vertex-format } " to define a new " { $link vertex-format } " type." } ;
HELP: vertex-format
{ $class-description "This class encompasses all vertex formats defined by " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-FORMAT: } ". A vertex format defines the binary layout of vertex attribute data in a " { $link buffer } " for use as part of a " { $link vertex-array } ". See the " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-FORMAT: } " documentation for details on how vertex formats are defined." } ;
HELP: vertex-format-size
{ $values
{ "format" vertex-format }
{ "size" integer }
{ $description "Returns the size in bytes of a set of vertex attributes in " { $snippet "format" } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "gpu.shaders" "Shader objects"
"The " { $vocab-link "gpu.shaders" } " vocabulary supports defining, compiling, and linking " { $link shader } "s into " { $link program } "s that run on the GPU and control rendering."
{ $subsection POSTPONE: GLSL-PROGRAM: }
@ -111,6 +175,11 @@ ARTICLE: "gpu.shaders" "Shader objects"
"A program must be instantiated for each graphics context it is used in:"
{ $subsection <program-instance> }
"Program instances can be updated on the fly, allowing for interactive development of shaders:"
{ $subsection refresh-program } ;
{ $subsection refresh-program }
"Render data inside GPU " { $link buffer } "s is organized into " { $link vertex-array } "s for consumption by shader code:"
{ $subsection vertex-array }
{ $subsection <vertex-array> }
{ $subsection buffer>vertex-array }
{ $subsection POSTPONE: VERTEX-FORMAT: } ;
ABOUT: "gpu.shaders"

View File

@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators
combinators.short-circuit definitions destructors gpu
io.encodings.ascii io.files io.pathnames kernel lexer
locals math math.parser memoize multiline namespaces opengl.shaders parser sequences
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.structs arrays
assocs classes.mixin classes.parser classes.singleton
combinators combinators.short-circuit definitions destructors
generic.parser gpu gpu.buffers hashtables
images io.encodings.ascii io.files io.pathnames kernel lexer
locals math math.parser memoize multiline namespaces opengl opengl.shaders parser quotations sequences splitting strings ui.gadgets.worlds
variants hashtables vectors vocabs vocabs.loader words
variants vectors vocabs vocabs.loader vocabs.parser words
words.constant ;
IN: gpu.shaders
VARIANT: shader-kind
vertex-shader fragment-shader ;
UNION: ?string string POSTPONE: f ;
TUPLE: vertex-attribute
{ name ?string read-only initial: f }
{ component-type component-type read-only initial: float-components }
{ dim integer read-only initial: 4 }
{ normalize? boolean read-only initial: f } ;
MIXIN: vertex-format
TUPLE: shader
{ name word read-only initial: t }
{ kind shader-kind read-only }
@ -25,6 +37,7 @@ TUPLE: program
{ filename read-only }
{ line integer read-only }
{ shaders array read-only }
{ feedback-format vertex-format read-only }
{ instances hashtable read-only } ;
TUPLE: shader-instance < gpu-object
@ -35,8 +48,136 @@ TUPLE: program-instance < gpu-object
{ program program }
{ world world } ;
GENERIC: vertex-format-size ( format -- size )
MEMO: uniform-index ( program-instance uniform-name -- index )
[ handle>> ] dip glGetUniformLocation ;
MEMO: attribute-index ( program-instance attribute-name -- index )
[ handle>> ] dip glGetAttribLocation ;
MEMO: output-index ( program-instance output-name -- index )
[ handle>> ] dip glGetFragDataLocation ;
: gl-vertex-type ( component-type -- gl-type )
{ ubyte-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ] }
{ ushort-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT ] }
{ uint-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_INT ] }
{ half-components [ GL_HALF_FLOAT ] }
{ float-components [ GL_FLOAT ] }
{ byte-integer-components [ GL_BYTE ] }
{ short-integer-components [ GL_SHORT ] }
{ int-integer-components [ GL_INT ] }
{ ubyte-integer-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ] }
{ ushort-integer-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT ] }
{ uint-integer-components [ GL_UNSIGNED_INT ] }
} case ;
: vertex-type-size ( component-type -- size )
{ ubyte-components [ 1 ] }
{ ushort-components [ 2 ] }
{ uint-components [ 4 ] }
{ half-components [ 2 ] }
{ float-components [ 4 ] }
{ byte-integer-components [ 1 ] }
{ short-integer-components [ 2 ] }
{ int-integer-components [ 4 ] }
{ ubyte-integer-components [ 1 ] }
{ ushort-integer-components [ 2 ] }
{ uint-integer-components [ 4 ] }
} case ;
: vertex-attribute-size ( vertex-attribute -- size )
[ component-type>> vertex-type-size ] [ dim>> ] bi * ;
: vertex-attributes-size ( vertex-attributes -- size )
[ vertex-attribute-size ] [ + ] map-reduce ;
:: [bind-vertex-attribute] ( stride offset vertex-attribute -- stride offset' quot )
vertex-attribute name>> :> name
vertex-attribute component-type>> :> type
type gl-vertex-type :> gl-type
vertex-attribute dim>> :> dim
vertex-attribute normalize?>> >c-bool :> normalize?
vertex-attribute vertex-attribute-size :> size
stride offset size +
{ [ name not ] [ [ 2drop ] ] }
[ type unnormalized-integer-components? ]
name attribute-index [ glEnableVertexAttribArray ] keep
dim gl-type stride offset
} >quotation :> dip-block
{ dip-block dip <displaced-alien> glVertexAttribIPointer } >quotation
name attribute-index [ glEnableVertexAttribArray ] keep
dim gl-type normalize? stride offset
} >quotation :> dip-block
{ dip-block dip <displaced-alien> glVertexAttribPointer } >quotation
} cond ;
:: [bind-vertex-format] ( vertex-attributes -- quot )
vertex-attributes vertex-attributes-size :> stride
stride 0 vertex-attributes [ [bind-vertex-attribute] ] { } map-as 2nip :> attributes-cleave
{ attributes-cleave 2cleave } >quotation :> with-block
{ drop vertex-buffer with-block with-buffer-ptr } >quotation ;
GENERIC: bind-vertex-format ( program-instance buffer-ptr format -- )
: define-vertex-format-methods ( class vertex-attributes -- )
[ \ bind-vertex-format create-method-in ] dip
[bind-vertex-format] define
] [
[ \ vertex-format-size create-method-in ] dip
[ \ drop ] dip vertex-attributes-size [ ] 2sequence define
] 2bi ;
: component-type>c-type ( component-type -- c-type )
{ ubyte-components [ "uchar" ] }
{ ushort-components [ "ushort" ] }
{ uint-components [ "uint" ] }
{ half-components [ "half" ] }
{ float-components [ "float" ] }
{ byte-integer-components [ "char" ] }
{ ubyte-integer-components [ "uchar" ] }
{ short-integer-components [ "short" ] }
{ ushort-integer-components [ "ushort" ] }
{ int-integer-components [ "int" ] }
{ uint-integer-components [ "uint" ] }
} case ;
: c-array-dim ( dim -- string )
dup 1 = [ drop "" ] [ number>string "[" "]" surround ] if ;
SYMBOL: padding-no
padding-no [ 0 ] initialize
: padding-name ( -- name )
padding-no get number>string append
"(" ")" surround
padding-no inc ;
: vertex-attribute>c-type ( vertex-attribute -- {type,name} )
[ component-type>> component-type>c-type ]
[ dim>> c-array-dim ] bi append
] [ name>> [ padding-name ] unless* ] bi 2array ;
: shader-filename ( shader/program -- filename )
dup filename>> [ nip ] [ name>> where first ] if* file-name ;
@ -69,6 +210,49 @@ TUPLE: program-instance < gpu-object
: define-vertex-format ( class vertex-attributes -- )
[ define-singleton-class ]
[ vertex-format add-mixin-instance ]
[ ] tri
] [ define-vertex-format-methods ] bi*
[ "vertex-format-attributes" set-word-prop ] 2bi ;
CREATE-CLASS parse-definition
[ first4 vertex-attribute boa ] map
define-vertex-format ;
: define-vertex-struct ( struct-name vertex-format -- )
[ current-vocab ] dip
"vertex-format-attributes" word-prop [ vertex-attribute>c-type ] map
define-struct ;
scan scan-word define-vertex-struct ;
TUPLE: vertex-array < gpu-object
{ program-instance program-instance read-only }
{ vertex-buffers sequence read-only } ;
M: vertex-array dispose
[ [ delete-vertex-array ] when* f ] change-handle drop ;
: <vertex-array> ( program-instance vertex-formats -- vertex-array )
[ glBindVertexArray [ first2 bind-vertex-format ] with each ]
[ -rot [ first buffer>> ] map vertex-array boa ] 3bi
window-resource ;
: buffer>vertex-array ( vertex-buffer program-instance format -- vertex-array )
[ swap ] dip
[ 0 <buffer-ptr> ] dip 2array 1array <vertex-array> ; inline
: vertex-array-buffer ( vertex-array -- vertex-buffer )
vertex-buffers>> first ;
TUPLE: compile-shader-error shader log ;
TUPLE: link-program-error program log ;
@ -82,13 +266,6 @@ TUPLE: link-program-error program log ;
DEFER: <shader-instance>
MEMO: uniform-index ( program-instance uniform-name -- index )
[ handle>> ] dip glGetUniformLocation ;
MEMO: attribute-index ( program-instance attribute-name -- index )
[ handle>> ] dip glGetAttribLocation ;
MEMO: output-index ( program-instance output-name -- index )
[ handle>> ] dip glGetFragDataLocation ;
: valid-handle? ( handle -- ? )

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: gpu.buffers gpu.render gpu.textures images kernel
USING: gpu.buffers gpu.render gpu.shaders gpu.textures images kernel
specialized-arrays.float ;
IN: gpu.util