Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ html.templates continuations ;
: chloe-attrs-only ( assoc -- assoc' )
[ drop url>> chloe-ns = ] assoc-filter ;
[ drop chloe-name? ] assoc-filter ;
: non-chloe-attrs-only ( assoc -- assoc' )
[ drop url>> chloe-ns = not ] assoc-filter ;
[ drop chloe-name? not ] assoc-filter ;
: chloe-tag? ( tag -- ? )
dup xml? [ body>> ] when
{ [ dup tag? not ] [ f ] }
{ [ dup url>> chloe-ns = not ] [ f ] }
{ [ dup chloe-name? not ] [ f ] }
[ t ]
} cond nip ;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ DEFER: compile-element
reset-buffer "@" ?head [ , [ value present ] % ] [ , ] if ;
: compile-attrs ( assoc -- )
attrs>> [
" " [write]
swap name>string [write]
"=\"" [write]
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ tags global [ H{ } clone or ] change-at
: chloe-ns "" ; inline
: chloe-name ( string -- name )
name new
swap >>main
chloe-ns >>url ;
: chloe-name? ( name -- ? )
url>> chloe-ns = ;
XML-NS: chloe-name
: required-attr ( tag name -- value )
dup chloe-name rot at*
[ nip ] [ drop " attribute is required" append throw ] if ;
tuck chloe-name attr
[ nip ] [ " attribute is required" append throw ] if* ;
: optional-attr ( tag name -- value )
chloe-name swap at ;
chloe-name attr ;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sequences strings splitting calendar continuations accessors vectors
math.order hashtables byte-arrays destructors
io io.sockets io.streams.string io.files io.timeouts
io.pathnames io.encodings io.encodings.string io.encodings.ascii
io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings.binary
io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings.binary io.crlf
io.streams.duplex fry ascii urls urls.encoding present
http http.parsers ;
IN: http.client
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ io.encodings.binary
fry logging logging.insomniac calendar urls urls.encoding
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ M: V equal? over V instance? [ sequence= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: >V ( seq -- vector ) V new clone-like ; inline
M: V pprint-delims drop V{ \ } ;
M: V pprint-delims drop \ V{ \ } ;
M: V >pprint-sequence ;
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ TUPLE: entry title url description date ;
tri ;
: atom-entry-link ( tag -- url/f )
"link" tags-named [ "rel" swap at "alternate" = ] find nip
dup [ "href" swap at >url ] when ;
"link" tags-named [ "rel" attr "alternate" = ] find nip
dup [ "href" attr >url ] when ;
: atom1.0-entry ( tag -- entry )
entry new
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ TUPLE: entry title url description date ;
feed new
[ "title" tag-named children>string >>title ]
[ "link" tag-named "href" swap at >url >>url ]
[ "link" tag-named "href" attr >url >>url ]
[ "entry" tags-named [ atom1.0-entry ] map set-entries ]
tri ;
@ -150,9 +150,11 @@ TUPLE: tag
[ assure-name ] [ T{ attrs } assoc-like ] [ ] tri*
tag boa ;
! For convenience, tags follow the assoc protocol too (for attrs)
CONSULT: assoc-protocol tag attrs>> ;
INSTANCE: tag assoc
: attr ( tag/xml name -- string )
swap attrs>> at ;
: set-attr ( tag/xml value name -- )
rot attrs>> set-at ;
! They also follow the sequence protocol (for children)
CONSULT: sequence-protocol tag children>> ;
@ -186,9 +188,6 @@ C: <xml> xml
CONSULT: sequence-protocol xml body>> ;
INSTANCE: xml sequence
CONSULT: assoc-protocol xml body>> ;
INSTANCE: xml assoc
CONSULT: tag xml body>> ;
CONSULT: name xml body>> ;
@ -217,8 +216,14 @@ M: xml like
PREDICATE: contained-tag < tag children>> not ;
PREDICATE: open-tag < tag children>> ;
UNION: xml-data
tag comment string directive instruction ;
TUPLE: unescaped string ;
C: <unescaped> unescaped
UNION: xml-data
tag comment string directive instruction unescaped ;
TUPLE: xml-chunk seq ;
C: <xml-chunk> xml-chunk
CONSULT: sequence-protocol xml-chunk seq>> ;
INSTANCE: xml-chunk sequence
@ -65,11 +65,12 @@ IN: xml.elements
dup { "1.0" "1.1" } member? [ bad-version ] unless ;
: prolog-version ( alist -- version )
T{ name f "" "version" f } swap at
T{ name { space "" } { main "version" } } swap at
[ good-version ] [ versionless-prolog ] if* ;
: prolog-encoding ( alist -- encoding )
T{ name f "" "encoding" f } swap at "UTF-8" or ;
T{ name { space "" } { main "encoding" } } swap at
"UTF-8" or ;
: yes/no>bool ( string -- t/f )
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ IN: xml.elements
} case ;
: prolog-standalone ( alist -- version )
T{ name f "" "standalone" f } swap at
T{ name { space "" } { main "standalone" } } swap at
[ yes/no>bool ] [ f ] if* ;
: prolog-attrs ( alist -- prolog )
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test xml.interpolate multiline kernel assocs
sequences accessors xml.writer xml.interpolate.private
locals splitting urls ;
locals splitting urls classes ;
IN: xml.interpolate.tests
[ "a" "c" { "a" "c" f } ] [
"<?xml version='1.0'?><x><-a-><b val=<-c->/><-></x>"
[ second var>> ]
[ fourth "val" swap at var>> ]
[ fourth "val" attr var>> ]
[ extract-variables ] tri
] unit-test
@ -54,6 +54,15 @@ IN: xml.interpolate.tests
[ "<x>3</x>" ] [ 3 [XML <x><-></x> XML] xml-chunk>string ] unit-test
[ "<x></x>" ] [ f [XML <x><-></x> XML] xml-chunk>string ] unit-test
\ parse-def must-infer
[ "" interpolate-chunk ] must-infer
\ <XML must-infer
[ { } "" interpolate-xml ] must-infer
[ [XML <foo><-></foo> <bar val=<->/> XML] ] must-infer
[ xml-chunk ] [ [ [XML <foo/> XML] ] first class ] unit-test
[ xml ] [ [ <XML <foo/> XML> ] first class ] unit-test
[ xml-chunk ] [ [ [XML <foo val=<->/> XML] ] third class ] unit-test
[ xml ] [ [ <XML <foo val=<->/> XML> ] third class ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ [ [XML <foo/> XML] ] length ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ [ <XML <foo/> XML> ] length ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ [XML XML] concat ] unit-test
@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ M: string push-item , ;
M: xml-data push-item , ;
M: object push-item present , ;
M: sequence push-item
[ dup array? [ % ] [ , ] if ] each ;
dup xml-data? [ , ] [ [ push-item ] each ] if ;
M: number push-item present , ;
M: xml-chunk push-item % ;
GENERIC: interpolate-item ( table item -- )
M: object interpolate-item nip , ;
@ -63,14 +64,18 @@ M: interpolated interpolate-item
: number<-> ( doc -- dup )
0 over [
dup var>> [ over >>var [ 1+ ] dip ] unless drop
dup var>> [
over >>var [ 1+ ] dip
] unless drop
] each-interpolated drop ;
MACRO: interpolate-xml ( string -- doc )
string>doc number<-> '[ _ interpolate-xml-doc ] ;
GENERIC: interpolate-xml ( table xml -- xml )
MACRO: interpolate-chunk ( string -- chunk )
string>chunk number<-> '[ _ interpolate-sequence ] ;
M: xml interpolate-xml
interpolate-xml-doc ;
M: xml-chunk interpolate-xml
interpolate-sequence <xml-chunk> ;
: >search-hash ( seq -- hash )
[ dup search ] H{ } map>assoc ;
@ -81,26 +86,24 @@ MACRO: interpolate-chunk ( string -- chunk )
: nenum ( ... n -- assoc )
narray <enum> ; inline
: collect ( accum seq -- accum )
: collect ( accum variables -- accum ? )
{ [ dup [ ] all? ] [ >search-hash parsed ] } ! locals
{ [ dup [ not ] all? ] [ ! fry
length parsed \ nenum parsed
] }
{ [ dup empty? ] [ drop f ] } ! Just a literal
{ [ dup [ ] all? ] [ >search-hash parsed t ] } ! locals
{ [ dup [ not ] all? ] [ length parsed \ nenum parsed t ] } ! fry
[ drop "XML interpolation contains both fry and locals" throw ] ! mixed
} cond ;
: parse-def ( accum delimiter word -- accum )
parse-multiline-string but-last
[ string>chunk extract-variables collect ] keep
] dip parsed ;
: parse-def ( accum delimiter quot -- accum )
[ parse-multiline-string 1 short head* ] dip call
[ extract-variables collect ] keep swap
[ number<-> parsed ] dip
[ \ interpolate-xml parsed ] when ; inline
: <XML
"XML>" \ interpolate-xml parse-def ; parsing
"XML>" [ string>doc ] parse-def ; parsing
: [XML
"XML]" \ interpolate-chunk parse-def ; parsing
"XML]" [ string>chunk ] parse-def ; parsing
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SYMBOL: xml-file
[ "a" ] [ xml-file get space>> ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ xml-file get url>> ] unit-test
[ "that" ] [
xml-file get T{ name f "" "this" "" } swap at
xml-file get T{ name f "" "this" "" } attr
] unit-test
[ t ] [ xml-file get children>> second contained-tag? ] unit-test
[ "<a></b>" string>xml ] [ xml-error? ] must-fail-with
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ SYMBOL: xml-file
xml-file get after>> [ instruction? ] find nip text>>
] unit-test
[ V{ "fa&g" } ] [ xml-file get "x" get-id children>> ] unit-test
[ "that" ] [ xml-file get "this" swap at ] unit-test
[ "that" ] [ xml-file get "this" attr ] unit-test
[ "abcd" ] [
"<main>a<sub>bc</sub>d<nothing/></main>" string>xml
[ [ dup string? [ % ] [ drop ] if ] deep-each ] "" make
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ SYMBOL: xml-file
"<a><b id='c'>foo</b><d id='e'/></a>" string>xml
"c" get-id children>string
] unit-test
[ "foo" ] [ "<x y='foo'/>" string>xml "y" over
at swap "z" [ tuck ] dip swap set-at
T{ name f "blah" "z" f } swap at ] unit-test
[ "foo" ] [
"<x y='foo'/>" string>xml
dup dup "y" attr "z" set-attr
T{ name { space "blah" } { main "z" } } attr
] unit-test
[ "foo" ] [ "<boo><![CDATA[foo]]></boo>" string>xml children>string ] unit-test
[ "<!-- B+, B, or B--->" string>xml ] must-fail
[ ] [ "<?xml version='1.0'?><!-- declarations for <head> & <body> --><foo/>" string>xml drop ] unit-test
@ -58,5 +60,6 @@ SYMBOL: xml-file
[ T{ doctype-decl f "foo" T{ system-id f "blah.dtd" } } ] [ "<!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM 'blah.dtd'>" string>xml-chunk first ] unit-test
[ T{ doctype-decl f "foo" T{ system-id f "blah.dtd" } } ] [ "<!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM \"blah.dtd\" >" string>xml-chunk first ] unit-test
[ 958 ] [ [ "ξ" string>xml-chunk ] with-html-entities first first ] unit-test
[ "x" "<" ] [ "<x value='<'/>" string>xml [ name>> main>> ] [ "value" swap at ] bi ] unit-test
[ "x" "<" ] [ "<x value='<'/>" string>xml [ name>> main>> ] [ "value" attr ] bi ] unit-test
[ "foo" ] [ "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bar 'foo'>]><x>&bar;</x>" string>xml children>string ] unit-test
[ T{ xml-chunk f V{ "hello" } } ] [ "hello" string>xml-chunk ] unit-test
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
USING: accessors assocs combinators continuations fry generalizations
io.pathnames kernel macros sequences stack-checker tools.test xml
xml.utilities xml.writer arrays ;
xml.utilities xml.writer arrays ;
IN: xml.tests.suite
TUPLE: xml-test id uri sections description type ;
: >xml-test ( tag -- test )
xml-test new swap {
[ "TYPE" swap at >>type ]
[ "ID" swap at >>id ]
[ "URI" swap at >>uri ]
[ "SECTIONS" swap at >>sections ]
[ "TYPE" attr >>type ]
[ "ID" attr >>id ]
[ "URI" attr >>uri ]
[ "SECTIONS" attr >>sections ]
[ children>> xml-chunk>string >>description ]
} cleave ;
@ -51,3 +51,5 @@ MACRO: drop-input ( quot -- newquot )
: failing-valids ( -- tests )
partition-xml-tests nip [ second first ] map [ type>> "valid" = ] filter ;
[ ] [ partition-xml-tests 2drop ] unit-test
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ IN: xml.writer.tests
<x>&foo;</x>"} pprint-reprints-as
[ t ] [ "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN' '' >" dup string>xml-chunk xml-chunk>string = ] unit-test
[ V{ "hello" } ] [ "hello" string>xml-chunk ] unit-test
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><a b=\"c\"/>" ]
[ "<a b='c'/>" string>xml xml>string ] unit-test
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><foo>bar baz</foo>" ]
@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ PRIVATE>
: read-xml-chunk ( stream -- seq )
1 depth
[ (read-xml-chunk) nip ] with-variable ;
[ (read-xml-chunk) nip ] with-variable
<xml-chunk> ;
: string>xml ( string -- xml )
t string-input?
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: xmode.loader xmode.utilities xmode.rules namespaces
strings splitting assocs sequences kernel io.files xml memoize
words globs combinators io.encodings.utf8 sorting accessors ;
words globs combinators io.encodings.utf8 sorting accessors ;
IN: xmode.catalog
TUPLE: mode file file-name-glob first-line-glob ;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ TUPLE: mode file file-name-glob first-line-glob ;
<TAGS: parse-mode-tag ( modes tag -- )
"NAME" over at [
dup "NAME" attr [
mode new {
{ "FILE" f (>>file) }
{ "FILE_NAME_GLOB" f (>>file-name-glob) }
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ TAG: PROPS
parse-props-tag >>props drop ;
"DELEGATE" swap at swap import-rule-set ;
"DELEGATE" attr swap import-rule-set ;
"AT_CHAR" swap at string>number >>terminate-char drop ;
"AT_CHAR" attr string>number >>terminate-char drop ;
RULE: SEQ seq-rule
shared-tag-attrs delegate-attr literal-start ;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ IN: xmode.utilities
] }
{ [ dup length 3 = ] [
first3 '[
_ tag get at
tag get _ attr
_ [ execute ] when* object get _ execute
] }
Reference in New Issue