update tools.disassembler.udis structs

Joe Groff 2009-09-18 17:57:50 -05:00
parent e6bc708882
commit 36fc70160d
1 changed files with 53 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ USING: tools.disassembler namespaces combinators
alien alien.syntax alien.c-types lexer parser kernel
sequences layouts math math.order alien.libraries
math.parser system make fry arrays libc destructors
tools.disassembler.utils splitting alien.data ;
tools.disassembler.utils splitting alien.data
classes.struct ;
IN: tools.disassembler.udis
@ -17,57 +18,57 @@ IN: tools.disassembler.udis
LIBRARY: libudis86
C-STRUCT: ud_operand
{ "int" "type" }
{ "uchar" "size" }
{ "ulonglong" "lval" }
{ "int" "base" }
{ "int" "index" }
{ "uchar" "offset" }
{ "uchar" "scale" } ;
STRUCT: ud_operand
{ type int }
{ size uchar }
{ lval ulonglong }
{ base int }
{ index int }
{ offset uchar }
{ scale uchar } ;
{ "void*" "inp_hook" }
{ "uchar" "inp_curr" }
{ "uchar" "inp_fill" }
{ "FILE*" "inp_file" }
{ "uchar" "inp_ctr" }
{ "uchar*" "inp_buff" }
{ "uchar*" "inp_buff_end" }
{ "uchar" "inp_end" }
{ "void*" "translator" }
{ "ulonglong" "insn_offset" }
{ "char[32]" "insn_hexcode" }
{ "char[64]" "insn_buffer" }
{ "uint" "insn_fill" }
{ "uchar" "dis_mode" }
{ "ulonglong" "pc" }
{ "uchar" "vendor" }
{ "struct map_entry*" "mapen" }
{ "int" "mnemonic" }
{ "ud_operand[3]" "operand" }
{ "uchar" "error" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_rex" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_seg" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_opr" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_adr" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_lock" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_rep" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_repe" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_repne" }
{ "uchar" "pfx_insn" }
{ "uchar" "default64" }
{ "uchar" "opr_mode" }
{ "uchar" "adr_mode" }
{ "uchar" "br_far" }
{ "uchar" "br_near" }
{ "uchar" "implicit_addr" }
{ "uchar" "c1" }
{ "uchar" "c2" }
{ "uchar" "c3" }
{ "uchar[256]" "inp_cache" }
{ "uchar[64]" "inp_sess" }
{ "ud_itab_entry*" "itab_entry" } ;
{ inp_hook void* }
{ inp_curr uchar }
{ inp_fill uchar }
{ inp_file FILE* }
{ inp_ctr uchar }
{ inp_buff uchar* }
{ inp_buff_end uchar* }
{ inp_end uchar }
{ translator void* }
{ insn_offset ulonglong }
{ insn_hexcode char[32] }
{ insn_buffer char[64] }
{ insn_fill uint }
{ dis_mode uchar }
{ pc ulonglong }
{ vendor uchar }
{ mapen void* }
{ mnemonic int }
{ operand ud_operand[3] }
{ error uchar }
{ pfx_rex uchar }
{ pfx_seg uchar }
{ pfx_opr uchar }
{ pfx_adr uchar }
{ pfx_lock uchar }
{ pfx_rep uchar }
{ pfx_repe uchar }
{ pfx_repne uchar }
{ pfx_insn uchar }
{ default64 uchar }
{ opr_mode uchar }
{ adr_mode uchar }
{ br_far uchar }
{ br_near uchar }
{ implicit_addr uchar }
{ c1 uchar }
{ c2 uchar }
{ c3 uchar }
{ inp_cache uchar[256] }
{ inp_sess uchar[64] }
{ itab_entry ud_itab_entry* } ;
FUNCTION: void ud_translate_intel ( ud* u ) ;
FUNCTION: void ud_translate_att ( ud* u ) ;
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ FUNCTION: uint ud_insn_len ( ud* u ) ;
FUNCTION: char* ud_lookup_mnemonic ( int c ) ;
: <ud> ( -- ud )
"ud" malloc-object &free
ud malloc-struct &free
dup ud_init
dup cell-bits ud_set_mode
dup UD_SYN_INTEL ud_set_syntax ;