regexp: Allow more syntax. Update yaml.
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: accessors combinators kernel kernel.private math sequences
sequences.private strings sets assocs make lexer namespaces parser
arrays fry locals regexp.parser splitting sorting regexp.ast
regexp.negation regexp.compiler compiler.units words math.ranges ;
regexp.negation regexp.compiler compiler.units words math.ranges
multiline ;
IN: regexp
TUPLE: regexp
@ -216,7 +217,27 @@ PRIVATE>
: parse-optioned-regexp ( accum string -- accum )
parse-multiline-string lexer get
parse-noblank-token <optioned-regexp> compile-next-match
suffix! ;
SYNTAX: R/ parse-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R[[ "]]" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R[=[ "]=]" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R[==[ "]==]" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R[===[ "]===]" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R[====[ "]====]" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R(( "))" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R(=( ")=)" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R(==( ")==)" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R(===( ")===)" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R(====( ")====)" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R{{ "}}" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R{={ "}=}" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R{=={ "}==}" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R{==={ "}===}" parse-optioned-regexp ;
SYNTAX: \R{===={ "}====}" parse-optioned-regexp ;
USE: vocabs.loader
@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ CONSTANT: YAML_VALUE_TAG ",2002:value"
! 10.3. Core Schema
CONSTANT: re-null R/ null|Null|NULL|~/
CONSTANT: re-empty R/ /
CONSTANT: re-bool R/ true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE/
CONSTANT: re-int10 R/ [-+]?[0-9]+/
CONSTANT: re-int8 R/ 0o[0-7]+/
CONSTANT: re-int16 R/ 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/
CONSTANT: re-number R/ [-+]?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/
CONSTANT: re-infinity R/ [-+]?\.(inf|Inf|INF)/
CONSTANT: re-nan R/ \.(nan|NaN|NAN)/
CONSTANT: re-timestamp R/ [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]?-[0-9][0-9]?([Tt]|[ \t]+)[0-9][0-9]?:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9](\.[0-9]*)?([ \t]*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?))?/
CONSTANT: re-null R[[ null|Null|NULL|~]]
CONSTANT: re-empty R[[ ]]
CONSTANT: re-bool R[[ true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE]]
CONSTANT: re-int10 R[[ [-+]?[0-9]+]]
CONSTANT: re-int8 R[[ 0o[0-7]+]]
CONSTANT: re-int16 R[[ 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+]]
CONSTANT: re-number R[[ [-+]?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?]]
CONSTANT: re-infinity R[[ [-+]?\.(inf|Inf|INF)]]
CONSTANT: re-nan R[[ \.(nan|NaN|NAN)]]
CONSTANT: re-timestamp R[[ [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]?-[0-9][0-9]?([Tt]|[ \t]+)[0-9][0-9]?:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9](\.[0-9]*)?([ \t]*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?))?]]
: resolve-normal-plain-scalar ( str -- tag )
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ CONSTANT: re-timestamp R/ [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][
[ drop YAML_STR_TAG ]
} cond-case ;
CONSTANT: re-merge R/ <</
CONSTANT: re-value R/ =/
CONSTANT: re-merge R[[ <<]]
CONSTANT: re-value R[[ =]]
: (resolve-mapping-key-plain-scalar) ( str -- tag )
{ [ re-merge matches? ] [ YAML_MERGE_TAG ] }
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ CONSTANT: YAML_OMAP_TAG ",2002:omap"
: construct-bool ( str -- ? ) R/ true|True|TRUE/ matches? ;
: construct-bool ( str -- ? ) R[[ true|True|TRUE]] matches? ;
: construct-int ( str -- n ) string>number ;
@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ CONSTANT: YAML_SET_TAG ",2002:set"
! - months, days and hours on 1 digit
! preprocess to fix this mess...
: yaml>rfc3339 ( str -- str' )
R/ -[0-9][^0-9]/ [ [ char: 0 1 ] dip insert-nth ] re-replace-with
R/ -[0-9][^0-9]/ [ [ char: 0 1 ] dip insert-nth ] re-replace-with
R/ [^0-9][0-9]:/ [ [ char: 0 1 ] dip insert-nth ] re-replace-with
R/ [ \t]+/ " " re-replace
R[=[ -[0-9][^0-9]]=] [ [ char: 0 1 ] dip insert-nth ] re-replace-with
R[=[ -[0-9][^0-9]]=] [ [ char: 0 1 ] dip insert-nth ] re-replace-with
R[=[ [^0-9][0-9]:]=] [ [ char: 0 1 ] dip insert-nth ] re-replace-with
R[=[ [ \t]+]=] " " re-replace
char: \: over index cut char: space swap remove append ;
: construct-timestamp ( obj -- obj' )
dup R/ [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]/ matches?
dup R[=[ [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]]=] matches?
[ ymd>timestamp ] [ yaml>rfc3339 rfc3339>timestamp ] if ;
TUPLE: yaml-merge ;
Reference in New Issue