Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ IN: compiler
[ swap save-effect ]
[ compiled-unxref ]
dup compiled-crossref?
dup crossref?
[ dependencies get compiled-xref ] [ drop ] if
] tri ;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ GENERIC: definitions-changed ( assoc obj -- )
: compile ( words -- )
recompile-hook get call
dup [ drop compiled-crossref? ] assoc-contains?
dup [ drop crossref? ] assoc-contains?
modify-code-heap ;
SYMBOL: outdated-tuples
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ SYMBOL: update-tuples-hook
: finish-compilation-unit ( -- )
dup [ drop compiled-crossref? ] assoc-contains? modify-code-heap
dup [ drop crossref? ] assoc-contains? modify-code-heap
: with-nested-compilation-unit ( quot -- )
@ -47,7 +47,17 @@ M: object uses drop f ;
: xref ( defspec -- ) dup uses crossref get add-vertex ;
: usage ( defspec -- seq ) \ f or crossref get at keys ;
: usage ( defspec -- seq ) crossref get at keys ;
GENERIC: irrelevant? ( defspec -- ? )
M: object irrelevant? drop f ;
GENERIC: smart-usage ( defspec -- seq )
M: f smart-usage drop \ f smart-usage ;
M: object smart-usage usage [ irrelevant? not ] filter ;
: unxref ( defspec -- )
dup uses crossref get remove-vertex ;
@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ M: method-spec definition
M: method-spec forget*
first2 method forget* ;
M: method-spec smart-usage
second smart-usage ;
M: method-body definer
drop \ M: \ ; ;
@ -134,6 +137,9 @@ M: method-body forget*
[ t "forgotten" set-word-prop ] bi
] if ;
M: method-body smart-usage
"method-generic" word-prop smart-usage ;
: implementors* ( classes -- words )
all-words [
"methods" word-prop keys
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: kernel classes.tuple.private hashtables assocs sorting
accessors combinators sequences slots.private math.parser words
effects namespaces generic generic.standard.engines
classes.algebra math math.private kernel.private
quotations arrays ;
quotations arrays definitions ;
IN: generic.standard.engines.tuple
TUPLE: echelon-dispatch-engine n methods ;
@ -64,8 +64,9 @@ M: engine-word stack-effect
[ extra-values ] [ stack-effect ] bi
dup [ clone [ length + ] change-in ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
M: engine-word compiled-crossref?
drop t ;
M: engine-word crossref? drop t ;
M: engine-word irrelevant? drop t ;
: remember-engine ( word -- )
generic get "engines" word-prop push ;
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ USING: tools.test math math.functions math.constants
generic.standard strings sequences arrays kernel accessors
words float-arrays byte-arrays bit-arrays parser namespaces
quotations inference vectors growable hashtables sbufs
prettyprint byte-vectors bit-vectors float-vectors ;
prettyprint byte-vectors bit-vectors float-vectors definitions
generic sets graphs assocs ;
GENERIC: lo-tag-test
@ -287,3 +288,24 @@ M: sbuf no-stack-effect-decl ;
[ ] [ \ no-stack-effect-decl see ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ no-stack-effect-decl word-def . ] unit-test
! Cross-referencing with generic words
TUPLE: xref-tuple-1 ;
TUPLE: xref-tuple-2 < xref-tuple-1 ;
: (xref-test) drop ;
GENERIC: xref-test ( obj -- )
M: xref-tuple-1 xref-test (xref-test) ;
M: xref-tuple-2 xref-test (xref-test) ;
[ t ] [
\ xref-test
\ xref-tuple-1 \ xref-test method [ usage unique ] closure key?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
\ xref-test
\ xref-tuple-2 \ xref-test method [ usage unique ] closure key?
] unit-test
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ HELP: effect-error
{ $description "Throws an " { $link effect-error } "." }
{ $error-description "Thrown when a word's inferred stack effect does not match its declared stack effect." } ;
HELP: recursive-declare-error
HELP: no-recursive-declaration
{ $error-description "Thrown when inference encounters a recursive call to a word lacking a stack effect declaration. Recursive words must declare a stack effect in order to compile. Due to implementation detail, generic words are recursive, and thus the same restriction applies." } ;
HELP: recursive-quotation-error
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: inference.dataflow inference.state arrays generic io
io.streams.string kernel math namespaces parser prettyprint
sequences strings vectors words quotations effects classes
continuations debugger assocs combinators compiler.errors
generic.standard.engines.tuple accessors math.order ;
generic.standard.engines.tuple accessors math.order definitions ;
IN: inference.backend
: recursive-label ( word -- label/f )
@ -21,6 +21,28 @@ M: engine-word inline?
M: word inline?
"inline" word-prop ;
SYMBOL: visited
: reset-on-redefine { "inferred-effect" "no-effect" } ; inline
: (redefined) ( word -- )
dup visited get key? [ drop ] [
[ reset-on-redefine reset-props ]
[ dup visited get set-at ]
crossref get at keys
[ word? ] filter
[ reset-on-redefine [ word-prop ] with contains? ]
[ inline? ]
bi or
] filter
[ (redefined) ] each
] tri
] if ;
M: word redefined H{ } clone visited [ (redefined) ] with-variable ;
: local-recursive-state ( -- assoc )
recursive-state get dup keys
[ dup word? [ inline? ] when not ] find drop
@ -68,8 +90,9 @@ M: object value-literal \ literal-expected inference-warning ;
meta-d [ add-inputs ] change d-in [ + ] change ;
: current-effect ( -- effect )
d-in get meta-d get length <effect>
terminated? get over set-effect-terminated? ;
d-in get
meta-d get length <effect>
terminated? get >>terminated? ;
: init-inference ( -- )
terminated? off
@ -93,13 +116,13 @@ M: wrapper apply-object
terminated? on #terminate node, ;
: infer-quot ( quot rstate -- )
recursive-state get >r
recursive-state set
[ apply-object terminated? get not ] all? drop
r> recursive-state set ;
recursive-state get [
recursive-state set
[ apply-object terminated? get not ] all? drop
] dip recursive-state set ;
: infer-quot-recursive ( quot word label -- )
recursive-state get -rot 2array prefix infer-quot ;
2array recursive-state get swap prefix infer-quot ;
: time-bomb ( error -- )
[ throw ] curry recursive-state get infer-quot ;
@ -114,9 +137,9 @@ TUPLE: recursive-quotation-error quot ;
value-literal recursive-quotation-error inference-error
] [
dup value-literal callable? [
dup value-literal
over value-recursion
rot f 2array prefix infer-quot
[ value-literal ]
[ [ value-recursion ] keep f 2array prefix ]
bi infer-quot
] [
drop bad-call
] if
@ -169,26 +192,26 @@ TUPLE: too-many-r> ;
meta-d get push-all ;
: if-inline ( word true false -- )
>r >r dup inline? r> r> if ; inline
[ dup inline? ] 2dip if ; inline
: consume/produce ( effect node -- )
over effect-in over consume-values
over effect-out over produce-values
effect-terminated? [ terminate ] when ;
[ [ in>> ] dip consume-values ]
[ [ out>> ] dip produce-values ]
[ node, terminated?>> [ terminate ] when ]
2tri ;
GENERIC: constructor ( value -- word/f )
GENERIC: infer-uncurry ( value -- )
M: curried infer-uncurry
drop pop-d dup curried-obj push-d curried-quot push-d ;
drop pop-d [ obj>> push-d ] [ quot>> push-d ] bi ;
M: curried constructor
drop \ curry ;
M: composed infer-uncurry
drop pop-d dup composed-quot1 push-d composed-quot2 push-d ;
drop pop-d [ quot1>> push-d ] [ quot2>> push-d ] bi ;
M: composed constructor
drop \ compose ;
@ -233,13 +256,13 @@ M: object constructor drop f ;
DEFER: unify-values
: unify-curries ( seq -- value )
dup [ curried-obj ] map unify-values
swap [ curried-quot ] map unify-values
[ [ obj>> ] map unify-values ]
[ [ quot>> ] map unify-values ] bi
<curried> ;
: unify-composed ( seq -- value )
dup [ composed-quot1 ] map unify-values
swap [ composed-quot2 ] map unify-values
[ [ quot1>> ] map unify-values ]
[ [ quot2>> ] map unify-values ] bi
<composed> ;
TUPLE: cannot-unify-specials ;
@ -270,7 +293,7 @@ TUPLE: unbalanced-branches-error quots in out ;
: unify-inputs ( max-d-in d-in meta-d -- meta-d )
dup [
[ >r - r> length + ] keep add-inputs nip
[ [ - ] dip length + ] keep add-inputs nip
] [
] if ;
@ -296,21 +319,24 @@ TUPLE: unbalanced-branches-error quots in out ;
[ swap at ] curry map ;
: datastack-effect ( seq -- )
dup quotation branch-variable
over d-in branch-variable
rot meta-d active-variable
unify-effect meta-d set d-in set ;
[ quotation branch-variable ]
[ d-in branch-variable ]
[ meta-d active-variable ] tri
[ d-in set ] [ meta-d set ] bi* ;
: retainstack-effect ( seq -- )
dup quotation branch-variable
over length 0 <repetition>
rot meta-r active-variable
unify-effect meta-r set drop ;
[ quotation branch-variable ]
[ length 0 <repetition> ]
[ meta-r active-variable ] tri
[ drop ] [ meta-r set ] bi* ;
: unify-effects ( seq -- )
dup datastack-effect
dup retainstack-effect
[ terminated? swap at ] all? terminated? set ;
[ datastack-effect ]
[ retainstack-effect ]
[ [ terminated? swap at ] all? terminated? set ]
tri ;
: unify-dataflow ( effects -- nodes )
dataflow-graph branch-variable ;
@ -325,14 +351,17 @@ TUPLE: unbalanced-branches-error quots in out ;
: infer-branch ( last value -- namespace )
dup value-literal quotation set
[ value-literal quotation set ]
[ infer-quot-value ]
terminated? get [ drop ] [ call node, ] if
] H{ } make-assoc ; inline
: (infer-branches) ( last branches -- list )
[ infer-branch ] with map
dup unify-effects unify-dataflow ; inline
[ unify-effects ] [ unify-dataflow ] bi ; inline
: infer-branches ( last branches node -- )
#! last is a quotation which provides a #return or a #values
@ -368,9 +397,10 @@ TUPLE: effect-error word effect ;
: finish-word ( word -- )
2dup check-effect
over recorded get push
"inferred-effect" set-word-prop ;
[ check-effect ]
[ drop recorded get push ]
[ "inferred-effect" set-word-prop ]
2tri ;
: infer-word ( word -- effect )
@ -386,8 +416,7 @@ TUPLE: effect-error word effect ;
: custom-infer ( word -- )
#! Customized inference behavior
dup +inlined+ depends-on
"infer" word-prop call ;
[ +inlined+ depends-on ] [ "infer" word-prop call ] bi ;
: cached-infer ( word -- )
dup "inferred-effect" word-prop make-call-node ;
@ -400,13 +429,13 @@ TUPLE: effect-error word effect ;
[ dup infer-word make-call-node ]
} cond ;
TUPLE: recursive-declare-error word ;
TUPLE: no-recursive-declaration word ;
: declared-infer ( word -- )
dup stack-effect [
] [
\ recursive-declare-error inference-error
\ no-recursive-declaration inference-error
] if* ;
GENERIC: collect-label-info* ( label node -- )
@ -441,40 +470,56 @@ M: #return collect-label-info*
: inline-block ( word -- #label data )
copy-inference nest-node
dup word-def swap <inlined-block>
[ word-def ] [ <inlined-block> ] bi
[ infer-quot-recursive ] 2keep
#label unnest-node
dup collect-label-info
] H{ } make-assoc ;
: join-values ( #label -- )
calls>> [ node-in-d ] map meta-d get suffix
calls>> [ in-d>> ] map meta-d get suffix
unify-lengths unify-stacks
meta-d [ length tail* ] change ;
: splice-node ( node -- )
dup node-successor [
dup node, penultimate-node f over set-node-successor
dup current-node set
] when drop ;
dup successor>> [
[ node, ] [ penultimate-node ] bi
f >>successor
current-node set
] [ drop ] if ;
: apply-infer ( hash -- )
{ meta-d meta-r d-in terminated? }
[ swap [ at ] curry map ] keep
[ set ] 2each ;
: apply-infer ( data -- )
{ meta-d meta-r d-in terminated? } swap extract-keys
namespace swap update ;
: current-stack-height ( -- n )
meta-d get length d-in get - ;
: word-stack-height ( word -- n )
stack-effect [ in>> length ] [ out>> length ] bi - ;
: bad-recursive-declaration ( word inferred -- )
dup 0 < [ 0 ] [ 0 swap ] if <effect> effect-error ;
: check-stack-height ( word height -- )
over word-stack-height over =
[ 2drop ] [ bad-recursive-declaration ] if ;
: inline-recursive-word ( word #label -- )
current-stack-height [
flatten-meta-d [ join-values inline-block apply-infer ] dip >>in-d
[ node, ]
[ calls>> [ [ flatten-curries ] modify-values ] each ]
[ word>> ]
] dip
current-stack-height -
check-stack-height ;
: inline-word ( word -- )
dup inline-block over recursive-label? [
flatten-meta-d >r
drop join-values inline-block apply-infer
r> over set-node-in-d
dup node,
calls>> [
[ flatten-curries ] modify-values
] each
] [
apply-infer node-child node-successor splice-node drop
] if ;
dup inline-block over recursive-label?
[ drop inline-recursive-word ]
[ apply-infer node-child successor>> splice-node drop ] if ;
M: word apply-object
@ -15,10 +15,8 @@ M: inference-error error-help drop f ;
M: unbalanced-branches-error error.
"Unbalanced branches:" print
dup unbalanced-branches-error-quots
over unbalanced-branches-error-in
rot unbalanced-branches-error-out [ length ] map
3array flip [ [ bl ] [ pprint ] interleave nl ] each ;
[ quots>> ] [ in>> ] [ out>> [ length ] map ] tri 3array flip
[ [ bl ] [ pprint ] interleave nl ] each ;
M: literal-expected summary
drop "Literal value expected" ;
@ -32,24 +30,24 @@ M: too-many-r> summary
"Quotation pops retain stack elements which it did not push" ;
M: no-effect error.
"Unable to infer stack effect of " write no-effect-word . ;
"Unable to infer stack effect of " write word>> . ;
M: recursive-declare-error error.
M: no-recursive-declaration error.
"The recursive word " write
recursive-declare-error-word pprint
word>> pprint
" must declare a stack effect" print ;
M: effect-error error.
"Stack effects of the word " write
dup effect-error-word pprint
dup word>> pprint
" do not match." print
"Declared: " write
dup effect-error-word stack-effect effect>string .
"Inferred: " write effect-error-effect effect>string . ;
dup word>> stack-effect effect>string .
"Inferred: " write effect>> effect>string . ;
M: recursive-quotation-error error.
"The quotation " write
recursive-quotation-error-quot pprint
quot>> pprint
" calls itself." print
"Stack effect inference is undecidable when quotation-level recursion is permitted." print ;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ ARTICLE: "inference-errors" "Inference errors"
{ $subsection too-many-r> }
{ $subsection unbalanced-branches-error }
{ $subsection effect-error }
{ $subsection recursive-declare-error } ;
{ $subsection no-recursive-declaration } ;
ARTICLE: "inference" "Stack effect inference"
"The stack effect inference tool is used to check correctness of code before it is run. It is also used by the compiler to build a dataflow graph on which optimizations can be performed. Only words for which a stack effect can be inferred will compile."
@ -549,10 +549,34 @@ ERROR: custom-error ;
{ 1 0 } [ [ ] map-children ] must-infer-as
! Corner case
! [ [ [ f dup ] [ dup ] [ ] unfold ] infer ] must-fail
[ [ [ f dup ] [ dup ] [ ] unfold ] infer ] must-fail
! [ [ [ f dup ] [ ] [ ] while ] infer ] must-fail
[ [ [ f dup ] [ ] [ ] while ] infer ] must-fail
! : erg's-inference-bug ( -- ) f dup [ erg's-inference-bug ] when ; inline
: erg's-inference-bug ( -- ) f dup [ erg's-inference-bug ] when ; inline
! [ [ erg's-inference-bug ] infer ] must-fail
[ [ erg's-inference-bug ] infer ] must-fail
: inference-invalidation-a ;
: inference-invalidation-b [ inference-invalidation-a ] dip call ; inline
: inference-invalidation-c [ + ] inference-invalidation-b ;
[ 7 ] [ 4 3 inference-invalidation-c ] unit-test
{ 2 1 } [ inference-invalidation-c ] must-infer-as
[ ] [ "IN: inference.tests : inference-invalidation-a 1 2 ;" eval ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ inference-invalidation-c ] unit-test
{ 0 1 } [ inference-invalidation-c ] must-infer-as
GENERIC: inference-invalidation-d ( obj -- )
M: object inference-invalidation-d inference-invalidation-c 2drop ;
\ inference-invalidation-d must-infer
[ ] [ "IN: inference.tests : inference-invalidation-a ;" eval ] unit-test
[ [ inference-invalidation-d ] infer ] must-fail
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ DEFER: if
>r keep r> call ; inline
: tri ( x p q r -- )
>r pick >r bi r> r> call ; inline
>r >r keep r> keep r> call ; inline
! Double cleavers
: 2bi ( x y p q -- )
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ DEFER: if
>r dip r> call ; inline
: tri* ( x y z p q r -- )
>r rot >r bi* r> r> call ; inline
>r >r 2dip r> dip r> call ; inline
! Double spreaders
: 2bi* ( w x y z p q -- )
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ SYMBOL: compiled-crossref
compiled-crossref global [ H{ } assoc-like ] change-at
: compiled-xref ( word dependencies -- )
[ drop compiled-crossref? ] assoc-filter
[ drop crossref? ] assoc-filter
2dup "compiled-uses" set-word-prop
compiled-crossref get add-vertex* ;
@ -125,28 +125,9 @@ SYMBOL: +called+
compiled-usage [ nip +inlined+ eq? ] assoc-filter update
] with each keys ;
GENERIC: redefined ( word -- )
SYMBOL: visited
: reset-on-redefine { "inferred-effect" "no-effect" } ; inline
: (redefined) ( word -- )
dup visited get key? [ drop ] [
[ reset-on-redefine reset-props ]
[ dup visited get set-at ]
crossref get at keys
[ word? ] filter
[ reset-on-redefine [ word-prop ] with contains? ] filter
[ (redefined) ] each
] tri
] if ;
: redefined ( word -- )
H{ } clone visited [ (redefined) ] with-variable ;
M: object redefined drop ;
: define ( word def -- )
[ ] like
@ -13,21 +13,23 @@ IN: cairo.gadgets
>r first2 over width>stride
[ * nip <byte-array> dup CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 ]
[ cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ] 3bi
r> with-cairo-from-surface ;
r> with-cairo-from-surface ; inline
TUPLE: cairo-gadget < texture-gadget quot ;
TUPLE: cairo-gadget < texture-gadget dim quot ;
: <cairo-gadget> ( dim quot -- gadget )
cairo-gadget construct-gadget
swap >>quot
swap >>dim ;
M: cairo-gadget format>> drop GL_BGRA ;
M: cairo-gadget cache-key* [ dim>> ] [ quot>> ] bi 2array ;
M: cairo-gadget render* ( gadget -- )
[ dim>> 2^-bounds ] [ quot>> copy-cairo ] bi
>>bytes call-next-method ;
: render-cairo ( dim quot -- bytes format )
>r 2^-bounds r> copy-cairo GL_BGRA ; inline
! M: cairo-gadget render*
! [ dim>> dup ] [ quot>> ] bi
! render-cairo render-bytes* ;
! maybe also texture>png
! : cairo>png ( gadget path -- )
@ -40,11 +42,16 @@ M: cairo-gadget render* ( gadget -- )
cr swap 0 0 cairo_set_source_surface
cr cairo_paint ;
: <png-gadget> ( path -- gadget )
normalize-path cairo_image_surface_create_from_png
TUPLE: png-gadget < texture-gadget path ;
: <png> ( path -- gadget )
png-gadget construct-gadget
swap >>path ;
M: png-gadget render*
path>> normalize-path cairo_image_surface_create_from_png
[ cairo_image_surface_get_width ]
[ cairo_image_surface_get_height 2array dup 2^-bounds ]
[ [ copy-surface ] curry copy-cairo ] tri
GL_BGRA rot <texture-gadget> ;
GL_BGRA render-bytes* ;
M: png-gadget cache-key* path>> ;
@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ M: retryable execute-statement* ( statement type -- )
: select-tuples ( tuple -- tuples )
dup dup class <select-by-slots-statement> do-select ;
: count-tuples ( tuple -- n )
select-tuples length ;
: select-tuple ( tuple -- tuple/f )
dup dup class f f f 1 <query>
do-select ?first ;
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
USING: kernel
dns ;
IN: dns.server
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: records ( -- vector ) V{ } ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: filter-by-name ( records name -- records ) swap [ name>> = ] with filter ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: {name-type-class} ( obj -- array )
{ [ name>> >lower ] [ type>> ] [ class>> ] } <arr> ;
: rr=query? ( obj obj -- ? ) [ {name-type-class} ] bi@ = ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: matching-rrs ( query -- rrs ) records [ rr=query? ] with filter ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: matching-rrs? ( query -- query rrs/f ? ) dup matching-rrs dup empty? not ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: matching-cname? ( query -- query rr/f ? )
dup clone CNAME >>type matching-rrs
dup empty? [ drop f f ] [ 1st t ] if ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DEFER: query->rrs
: query-canonical ( query rr -- rrs )
tuck [ clone ] [ rdata>> ] bi* >>name query->rrs prefix-on ;
: query->rrs ( query -- rrs/f )
{ [ matching-rrs? ] [ nip ] }
{ [ drop matching-cname? ] [ query-canonical ] }
{ [ drop t ] [ drop f ] }
cond ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: cdr-name ( name -- name ) dup CHAR: . index 1+ tail ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: delegate-servers? ( name -- name rrs ? )
dup NS IN query boa matching-rrs dup empty? not ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: delegate-servers ( name -- rrs )
{ [ dup "" = ] [ drop { } ] }
{ [ delegate-servers? ] [ nip ] }
{ [ drop t ] [ cdr-name delegate-servers ] }
cond ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: delegate-addresses ( rrs-ns -- rrs-a )
[ rdata>> A IN query boa matching-rrs ] map concat ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: have-delegates? ( query -- query rrs-ns ? )
dup name>> delegate-servers dup empty? not ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: fill-additional ( message -- message )
dup authority-section>> delegate-addresses >>additional-section ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: no-records-with-name? ( query -- query ? )
dup name>> records [ name>> = ] with filter empty? ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: find-answer ( message -- message )
dup message-query ! message query
{ [ dup query->rrs dup ] [ nip >>answer-section 1 >>aa ] }
{ [ drop have-delegates? ] [ nip >>authority-section fill-additional ] }
{ [ drop no-records-with-name? ] [ drop NAME-ERROR >>rcode ] }
{ [ drop t ] [ ] }
cond ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: (socket) ( -- vec ) V{ f } ;
: socket ( -- socket ) (socket) 1st ;
: init-socket-on-port ( port -- )
f swap <inet4> <datagram> 0 (socket) as-mutate ;
: init-socket ( -- ) 53 init-socket-on-port ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: loop ( -- )
socket receive
socket send
loop ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: start ( -- ) init-socket loop ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAIN: start
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ M: object find-parse-error
: fix ( word -- )
[ "Fixing " write pprint " and all usages..." print nl ]
[ [ usage ] keep prefix ] bi
[ [ smart-usage ] keep prefix ] bi
[ "Editing " write . ]
@ -155,6 +155,16 @@ C-STRUCT: face
{ "face-size*" "size" }
{ "void*" "charmap" } ;
{ "int" "rows" }
{ "int" "width" }
{ "int" "pitch" }
{ "void*" "buffer" }
{ "short" "num_grays" }
{ "char" "pixel_mode" }
{ "char" "palette_mode" }
{ "void*" "palette" } ;
FUNCTION: FT_Error FT_New_Face ( void* library, FT_Char* font, FT_Long index, face* face ) ;
FUNCTION: FT_Error FT_New_Memory_Face ( void* library, FT_Byte* file_base, FT_Long file_size, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face* aface ) ;
@ -170,6 +180,15 @@ C-ENUM:
FUNCTION: int FT_Render_Glyph ( glyph* slot, int render_mode ) ;
FUNCTION: void FT_Done_Face ( face* face ) ;
@ -177,3 +196,4 @@ FUNCTION: void FT_Done_Face ( face* face ) ;
FUNCTION: void FT_Done_FreeType ( void* library ) ;
FUNCTION: FT_Long FT_MulFix ( FT_Long a, FT_Long b ) ;
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ CHLOE: a
: form-magic ( tag -- )
[ modify-form ] each-responder
nested-values get " " join f like form-nesting-key hidden-form-field
"for" optional-attr [ hidden render ] when* ;
"for" optional-attr [ "," split [ hidden render ] each ] when* ;
: form-start-tag ( tag -- )
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: help.html
@ -44,8 +44,13 @@ main-responder global [ <404> <trivial-responder> or ] change-at
: do-response ( response -- )
dup write-response
request get method>> "HEAD" =
[ drop ] [ '[ , write-response-body ] [ http-error. ] recover ] if ;
request get method>> "HEAD" = [ drop ] [
'[ , write-response-body ]
development-mode get
[ http-error. ] [ drop "Response error" ] if
] recover
] if ;
LOG: httpd-hit NOTICE
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ IN: lisp.test
"+" "math" "+" define-primitive
"-" "math" "-" define-primitive
! "list" [ >array ] lisp-define
{ 5 } [
[ 2 3 ] "+" <lisp-symbol> funcall
] unit-test
@ -55,8 +53,4 @@ IN: lisp.test
"((lambda (x) (if x (begin (+ 1 2)) (- 3 5))) #t)" lisp-eval
] unit-test
! { { 1 2 3 4 5 } } [
! "(list 1 2 3 4 5)" lisp-eval
! ] unit-test
] with-interactive-vocabs
@ -59,10 +59,23 @@ PRIVATE>
: convert-unquoted ( cons -- quot )
"unquote not valid outside of quasiquote!" throw ;
: convert-quasiquoted ( cons -- newcons )
: convert-unquoted-splicing ( cons -- quot )
"unquote-splicing not valid outside of quasiquote!" throw ;
: quasiquote-unquote ( cons -- newcons )
[ { [ dup list? ] [ car dup lisp-symbol? ] [ name>> "unquote" equal? dup ] } && nip ]
[ cadr ] traverse ;
: quasiquote-unquote-splicing ( cons -- newcons )
[ { [ dup list? ] [ dup cdr [ cons? ] [ car cons? ] bi and ]
[ dup cadr car lisp-symbol? ] [ cadr car name>> "unquote-splicing" equal? dup ] } && nip ]
[ dup cadr cdr >>cdr ] traverse ;
: convert-quasiquoted ( cons -- newcons )
quasiquote-unquote quasiquote-unquote-splicing ;
: convert-defmacro ( cons -- quot )
cdr [ car ] keep [ convert-lambda ] [ car name>> ] bi define-lisp-macro 1quotation ;
@ -72,6 +85,7 @@ PRIVATE>
{ "defmacro" [ convert-defmacro ] }
{ "quote" [ convert-quoted ] }
{ "unquote" [ convert-unquoted ] }
{ "unquote-splicing" [ convert-unquoted-splicing ] }
{ "quasiquote" [ convert-quasiquoted ] }
{ "begin" [ convert-begin ] }
{ "cond" [ convert-cond ] }
@ -99,7 +113,7 @@ PRIVATE>
call ; inline
: macro-expand ( cons -- quot )
uncons [ list>seq [ ] like ] [ lookup-macro macro-call compile-form ] bi* call ;
uncons [ list>seq [ ] like ] [ lookup-macro macro-call compile-form ] bi* ;
: lisp-string>factor ( str -- quot )
lisp-expr parse-result-ast compile-form ;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: lazy-lists.examples lazy-lists tools.test ;
IN: lazy-lists.examples.tests
USING: lists.lazy.examples lazy-lists tools.test ;
IN: lists.lazy.examples.tests
[ { 1 3 5 7 } ] [ 4 odds ltake list>array ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 4 9 16 } ] [ first-five-squares ] unit-test
@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ IN: math.functions.tests
[ t ] [ 10 asin sin 10 1.e-10 ~ ] unit-test
[ t ] [ -1 sqrt neg dup acos cos 1.e-10 ~ ] unit-test
[ t ] [ -100 atan tan -100 1.e-10 ~ ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 10 asinh sinh 10 1.e-10 ~ ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 10 atanh tanh 10 1.e-10 ~ ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 0.5 atanh tanh 0.5 1.e-10 ~ ] unit-test
[ 100 ] [ 100 100 gcd nip ] unit-test
[ 100 ] [ 1000 100 gcd nip ] unit-test
@ -182,17 +182,17 @@ M: number (^)
: coth ( x -- y ) tanh recip ; inline
: acosh ( x -- y )
dup >=1? [ facosh ] [ dup sq 1- sqrt + log ] if ; inline
dup sq 1- sqrt + log ; inline
: asech ( x -- y ) recip acosh ; inline
: asinh ( x -- y )
dup complex? [ dup sq 1+ sqrt + log ] [ fasinh ] if ; inline
dup sq 1+ sqrt + log ; inline
: acosech ( x -- y ) recip asinh ; inline
: atanh ( x -- y )
dup [-1,1]? [ fatanh ] [ dup 1+ swap 1- neg / log 2 / ] if ; inline
dup 1+ swap 1- neg / log 2 / ; inline
: acoth ( x -- y ) recip atanh ; inline
@ -15,18 +15,6 @@ IN: math.libm
"double" "libm" "atan" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: facosh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "acosh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fasinh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "asinh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fatanh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "atanh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fatan2 ( x y -- z )
"double" "libm" "atan2" { "double" "double" } alien-invoke ;
@ -70,3 +58,16 @@ IN: math.libm
: fsqrt ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "sqrt" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
! Windows doesn't have these...
: facosh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "acosh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fasinh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "asinh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
: fatanh ( x -- y )
"double" "libm" "atanh" { "double" } alien-invoke ;
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
IN: opengl.gadgets.tests
USING: tools.test opengl.gadgets ;
\ render* must-infer
@ -2,10 +2,57 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: locals math.functions math namespaces
|||| accessors kernel opengl ui.gadgets
fry assocs
destructors sequences ui.render colors ;
IN: opengl.gadgets
TUPLE: texture-gadget bytes format dim tex ;
TUPLE: texture-gadget ;
GENERIC: render* ( gadget -- texture dims )
GENERIC: cache-key* ( gadget -- key )
M: texture-gadget cache-key* ;
SYMBOL: textures
SYMBOL: refcounts
: init-cache ( symbol -- )
dup get [ drop ] [ H{ } clone swap set-global ] if ;
textures init-cache
refcounts init-cache
: refcount-change ( gadget quot -- )
>r cache-key* refcounts get
[ [ 0 ] unless* ] r> compose change-at ;
TUPLE: cache-entry tex dims ;
C: <entry> cache-entry
: make-entry ( gadget -- entry )
dup render* <entry>
[ swap cache-key* textures get set-at ] keep ;
: get-entry ( gadget -- {texture,dims} )
dup cache-key* textures get at
[ nip ] [ make-entry ] if* ;
: get-dims ( gadget -- dims )
get-entry dims>> ;
: get-texture ( gadget -- texture )
get-entry tex>> ;
: release-texture ( gadget -- )
cache-key* textures get delete-at*
[ tex>> delete-texture ] [ drop ] if ;
M: texture-gadget graft* ( gadget -- ) [ 1+ ] refcount-change ;
M: texture-gadget ungraft* ( gadget -- )
dup [ 1- ] refcount-change
dup cache-key* refcounts get at
zero? [ release-texture ] [ drop ] if ;
: 2^-ceil ( x -- y )
dup 2 < [ 2 * ] [ 1- log2 1+ 2^ ] if ; foldable flushable
@ -13,31 +60,29 @@ TUPLE: texture-gadget bytes format dim tex ;
: 2^-bounds ( dim -- dim' )
[ 2^-ceil ] map ; foldable flushable
: <texture-gadget> ( bytes format dim -- gadget )
texture-gadget construct-gadget
swap >>dim
swap >>format
swap >>bytes ;
GENERIC: render* ( texture-gadget -- )
M:: texture-gadget render* ( gadget -- )
:: (render-bytes) ( dims bytes format texture -- )
GL_TEXTURE_2D glEnable
GL_TEXTURE_2D gadget tex>> glBindTexture
GL_TEXTURE_2D texture glBindTexture
gadget dim>> 2^-bounds first2
dims 2^-bounds first2
gadget format>>
gadget bytes>>
GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 glBindTexture
] do-attribs ;
: render-bytes ( dims bytes format -- texture )
gen-texture [ (render-bytes) ] keep ;
: render-bytes* ( dims bytes format -- texture dims )
pick >r render-bytes r> ;
:: four-corners ( dim -- )
[let* | w [ dim first ]
h [ dim second ]
@ -56,19 +101,12 @@ M: texture-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
white gl-color
1.0 -1.0 glPixelZoom
GL_TEXTURE_2D glEnable
GL_TEXTURE_2D over tex>> glBindTexture
GL_TEXTURE_2D over get-texture glBindTexture
dim>> four-corners
get-dims four-corners
] do-state
GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 glBindTexture
] do-attribs
] with-translation ;
M: texture-gadget graft* ( gadget -- )
gen-texture >>tex [ render* ]
[ f >>bytes drop ] bi ;
M: texture-gadget ungraft* ( gadget -- )
tex>> delete-texture ;
M: texture-gadget pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim ) dim>> ;
M: texture-gadget pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim ) get-dims ;
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ arrays pango pango.fonts ;
IN: pango.cairo
<< "pangocairo" {
! { [ os winnt? ] [ "libpangocairo-1.dll" ] }
! { [ os macosx? ] [ "libpangocairo.dylib" ] }
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library >>
@ -93,43 +93,24 @@ pango_cairo_error_underline_path ( cairo_t* cr, double x, double y, double width
! Higher level words and combinators
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USING: destructors accessors namespaces kernel cairo ;
TUPLE: pango-layout alien ;
C: <pango-layout> pango-layout
M: pango-layout dispose ( alien -- ) alien>> g_object_unref ;
: layout ( -- pango-layout ) pango-layout get ;
USING: pango.layouts
destructors accessors namespaces kernel cairo ;
: (with-pango) ( layout quot -- )
>r alien>> pango-layout r> with-variable ; inline
: with-pango ( quot -- )
cr pango_cairo_create_layout <pango-layout> swap
[ (with-pango) ] curry with-disposal ; inline
: pango-layout-get-pixel-size ( layout -- width height )
0 <int> 0 <int> [ pango_layout_get_pixel_size ] 2keep
[ *int ] bi@ ;
: with-pango-cairo ( quot -- )
cr pango_cairo_create_layout swap with-layout ; inline
MEMO: dummy-cairo ( -- cr )
CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 0 0 cairo_image_surface_create cairo_create ;
: dummy-pango ( quot -- )
>r dummy-cairo cairo r> [ with-pango ] curry with-variable ; inline
>r dummy-cairo cairo r> [ with-pango-cairo ] curry with-variable ; inline
: layout-size ( quot -- dim )
[ layout pango-layout-get-pixel-size 2array ] compose dummy-pango ; inline
: layout-font ( str -- )
dup zero? [ "pango: not a valid font." throw ] when
layout over pango_layout_set_font_description
pango_font_description_free ;
: layout-text ( str -- )
layout swap -1 pango_layout_set_text ;
: show-layout ( -- )
cr layout pango_cairo_show_layout ;
@ -1,64 +1,27 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Willis.
! See for BSD license.
USING: pango.cairo cairo cairo.ffi
cairo.gadgets namespaces arrays
fry accessors ui.gadgets assocs
sequences shuffle opengl opengl.gadgets
alien.c-types kernel math ;
USING: pango.cairo pango.gadgets
cairo.gadgets arrays namespaces
fry accessors ui.gadgets
sequences opengl.gadgets
kernel pango.layouts ;
IN: pango.cairo.gadgets
SYMBOL: textures
SYMBOL: dims
SYMBOL: refcounts
TUPLE: pango-cairo-gadget < pango-gadget ;
: init-cache ( symbol -- )
dup get [ drop ] [ H{ } clone swap set-global ] if ;
SINGLETON: pango-cairo-backend
pango-cairo-backend pango-backend set-global
textures init-cache
dims init-cache
refcounts init-cache
M: pango-cairo-backend construct-pango
pango-cairo-gadget construct-gadget ;
TUPLE: pango-gadget < cairo-gadget text font ;
: setup-layout ( gadget -- quot )
[ font>> ] [ text>> ] bi
'[ , layout-font , layout-text ] ; inline
: cache-key ( gadget -- key )
[ font>> ] [ text>> ] bi 2array ;
: refcount-change ( gadget quot -- )
>r cache-key refcounts get
[ [ 0 ] unless* ] r> compose change-at ;
: <pango-gadget> ( font text -- gadget )
pango-gadget construct-gadget
swap >>text
swap >>font ;
: setup-layout ( {font,text} -- quot )
first2 '[ , layout-font , layout-text ] ; inline
M: pango-gadget quot>> ( gadget -- quot )
cache-key setup-layout [ show-layout ] compose
[ with-pango ] curry ;
M: pango-gadget dim>> ( gadget -- dim )
cache-key dims get [ setup-layout layout-size ] cache ;
M: pango-gadget graft* ( gadget -- ) [ 1+ ] refcount-change ;
: release-texture ( gadget -- )
cache-key textures get delete-at* [ delete-texture ] [ drop ] if ;
M: pango-gadget ungraft* ( gadget -- )
dup [ 1- ] refcount-change
dup cache-key refcounts get at
zero? [ release-texture ] [ drop ] if ;
M: pango-gadget render* ( gadget -- )
[ gen-texture ] [ cache-key textures get set-at ] bi
call-next-method ;
M: pango-gadget tex>> ( gadget -- texture )
dup cache-key textures get at
[ nip ] [ dup render* tex>> ] if* ;
USE: ui.gadgets.panes
: hello "Sans 50" "hello" <pango-gadget> gadget. ;
M: pango-cairo-gadget render* ( gadget -- )
setup-layout [ layout-size dup ]
'[ [ @ show-layout ] with-pango-cairo ]
] bi render-cairo render-bytes* ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: prettyprint sequences ui.gadgets.panes
pango.cairo.gadgets math kernel cairo cairo.ffi
pango.cairo tools.time namespaces assocs
pango.cairo pango.gadgets tools.time namespaces assocs
threads io.backend io.encodings.utf8 io.files ;
IN: pango.cairo.samples
@ -10,14 +10,9 @@ IN: pango.cairo.samples
: hello-pango ( -- )
"monospace 10" "resource:extra/pango/cairo/gadgets/gadgets.factor"
normalize-path utf8 file-contents
<pango-gadget> gadget. ;
<pango> gadget. ;
: time-pango ( -- )
[ hello-pango ] time ;
! clear the caches, for testing.
: clear-pango ( -- )
dims get clear-assoc
textures get clear-assoc ;
MAIN: time-pango
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types
math kernel byte-arrays freetype
opengl.gadgets accessors pango
ui.gadgets memoize
arrays sequences libc
system combinators alien.syntax
pango.layouts ;
IN: pango.ft2
<< "pangoft2" {
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library >>
LIBRARY: pangoft2
FUNCTION: PangoFontMap*
pango_ft2_font_map_new ( ) ;
FUNCTION: PangoContext*
pango_ft2_font_map_create_context ( PangoFT2FontMap* fontmap ) ;
pango_ft2_render_layout ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap, PangoLayout* layout, int x, int y ) ;
: 4*-ceil ( n -- k*4 )
3 + 4 /i 4 * ;
: <ft-bitmap> ( width height -- ft-bitmap )
swap dup
2dup * 4*-ceil
"uchar" malloc-array
"FT_Bitmap" <c-object> dup >r
} set-slots r> ;
: render-layout ( layout -- dims alien )
2array dup 2^-bounds first2 <ft-bitmap> dup
] [ 0 0 pango_ft2_render_layout ] bi FT_Bitmap-buffer ;
MEMO: ft2-context ( -- PangoContext* )
pango_ft2_font_map_new pango_ft2_font_map_create_context ;
: with-ft2-layout ( quot -- )
ft2-context pango_layout_new swap with-layout ; inline
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Willis.
! See for BSD license.
USING: pango.ft2 pango.gadgets opengl.gadgets
accessors kernel libc
sequences namespaces ui.gadgets pango.layouts ;
IN: pango.ft2.gadgets
TUPLE: pango-ft2-gadget < pango-gadget ;
SINGLETON: pango-ft2-backend
pango-ft2-backend pango-backend set-global
M: pango-ft2-backend construct-pango
pango-ft2-gadget construct-gadget ;
M: pango-ft2-gadget render*
[ text>> layout-text ] [ font>> layout-font ] bi
layout render-layout
] with-ft2-layout [ GL_ALPHA render-bytes* ] keep free ;
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Willis.
! See for BSD license.
USING: opengl.gadgets kernel
accessors ;
IN: pango.gadgets
TUPLE: pango-gadget < texture-gadget text font ;
M: pango-gadget cache-key* [ font>> ] [ text>> ] bi 2array ;
SYMBOL: pango-backend
HOOK: construct-pango pango-backend ( -- gadget )
: <pango> ( font text -- gadget )
swap >>text
swap >>font ;
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types
destructors accessors namespaces
pango kernel ;
IN: pango.layouts
: pango-layout-get-pixel-size ( layout -- width height )
0 <int> 0 <int> [ pango_layout_get_pixel_size ] 2keep
[ *int ] bi@ ;
TUPLE: pango-layout alien ;
C: <pango-layout> pango-layout
M: pango-layout dispose ( alien -- ) alien>> g_object_unref ;
: layout ( -- pango-layout ) pango-layout get ;
: (with-layout) ( pango-layout quot -- )
>r alien>> pango-layout r> with-variable ; inline
: with-layout ( layout quot -- )
>r <pango-layout> r> [ (with-layout) ] curry with-disposal ; inline
: layout-font ( str -- )
dup zero? [ "pango: not a valid font." throw ] when
layout over pango_layout_set_font_description
pango_font_description_free ;
: layout-text ( str -- )
layout swap -1 pango_layout_set_text ;
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ IN: pango
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<< "pango" {
! { [ os winnt? ] [ "libpango-1.dll" ] }
! { [ os macosx? ] [ "libpango.dylib" ] }
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "libpango-1.0-0.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libpango-1.0.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library >>
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ LIBRARY: pango
: PANGO_SCALE 1024 ;
FUNCTION: PangoLayout*
pango_layout_new ( PangoContext* context ) ;
pango_layout_set_text ( PangoLayout* layout, char* text, int length ) ;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ sorting hashtables vocabs parser source-files ;
IN: tools.crossref
: usage. ( word -- )
usage sorted-definitions. ;
smart-usage sorted-definitions. ;
: words-matching ( str -- seq )
all-words [ dup word-name ] { } map>assoc completions ;
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ HELP: vocab-profile.
HELP: usage-profile.
{ $values { "word" word } }
{ $description "Prints a table of call counts from the most recent invocation of " { $link profile } ", for words which directly call " { $snippet "word" } " only." }
{ $notes "This word obtains the list of static usages with the " { $link usage } " word, and is not aware of dynamic call history. Consider the following scenario. A word " { $snippet "X" } " can execute word " { $snippet "Y" } " in a conditional branch, and " { $snippet "X" } " is executed many times during the profiling run, but this particular branch executing " { $snippet "Y" } " is never taken. However, some other word does execute " { $snippet "Y" } " multiple times. Then " { $snippet "\\ Y usage-profile." } " will list a number of calls to " { $snippet "X" } ", even though " { $snippet "Y" } " was never executed " { $emphasis "from" } " " { $snippet "X" } "." }
{ $notes "This word obtains the list of static usages with the " { $link smart-usage } " word, and is not aware of dynamic call history. Consider the following scenario. A word " { $snippet "X" } " can execute word " { $snippet "Y" } " in a conditional branch, and " { $snippet "X" } " is executed many times during the profiling run, but this particular branch executing " { $snippet "Y" } " is never taken. However, some other word does execute " { $snippet "Y" } " multiple times. Then " { $snippet "\\ Y usage-profile." } " will list a number of calls to " { $snippet "X" } ", even though " { $snippet "Y" } " was never executed " { $emphasis "from" } " " { $snippet "X" } "." }
{ $examples { $code "\\ + usage-profile." } } ;
HELP: vocabs-profile.
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ M: method-body (profile.)
"Call counts for words which call " write
dup pprint
":" print
usage [ word? ] filter counters counters. ;
smart-usage [ word? ] filter counters counters. ;
: vocabs-profile. ( -- )
"Call counts for all vocabularies:" print
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ M: live-search pref-dim* drop { 400 200 } ;
"Words in " rot vocab-name append show-titled-popup ;
: show-word-usage ( workspace word -- )
"" over usage f <definition-search>
"" over smart-usage f <definition-search>
"Words and methods using " rot word-name append
show-titled-popup ;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings arrays assocs ui
ui.gadgets ui.backend ui.clipboards ui.gadgets.worlds
ui.gestures io kernel math math.vectors namespaces prettyprint
ui.gestures io kernel math math.vectors namespaces
sequences strings vectors words windows.kernel32 windows.gdi32
windows.user32 windows.opengl32 windows.messages windows.types
windows.nt windows threads libc combinators continuations
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ SYMBOL: trace-messages?
"uint" { "void*" "uint" "long" "long" } "stdcall" [
trace-messages? get-global [ dup windows-message-name . ] when
trace-messages? get-global [ dup windows-message-name word-name print flush ] when
wm-handlers get-global at* [ call ] [ drop DefWindowProc ] if
] ui-try
] alien-callback ;
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ VALUE: properties
: (process-data) ( index data -- newdata )
[ [ nth ] keep first swap 2array ] with map
[ [ nth ] keep first swap ] with { } map>assoc
[ >r hex> r> ] assoc-map ;
: process-data ( index data -- hash )
(process-data) [ hex> ] assoc-map >hashtable ;
(process-data) [ hex> ] assoc-map [ nip ] assoc-filter >hashtable ;
: (chain-decomposed) ( hash value -- newvalue )
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
IN: urls.tests
USING: urls urls.private tools.test
tuple-syntax arrays kernel assocs
present ;
present accessors ;
[ "hello%20world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello%20world" url-decode ] unit-test
@ -224,3 +224,5 @@ urls [
[ "a" ] [
<url> "a" "b" set-query-param "b" query-param
] unit-test
[ "foo#3" ] [ URL" foo" clone 3 >>anchor present ] unit-test
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ M: url present
[ dup protocol>> dup [ unparse-host-part ] [ 2drop ] if ]
[ path>> url-encode % ]
[ query>> dup assoc-empty? [ drop ] [ "?" % assoc>query % ] if ]
[ anchor>> [ "#" % url-encode % ] when* ]
[ anchor>> [ "#" % present url-encode % ] when* ]
} cleave
] "" make ;
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.post-form {
border: 2px solid #666;
padding: 10px;
background: #eee;
.post-title {
padding: 3px;
.post-footer {
text-align: right;
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors sequences sorting math.order math.parser
urls validators html.components db.types db.tuples calendar
furnace furnace.actions furnace.auth.login furnace.boilerplate
furnace.sessions furnace.syndication ;
IN: webapps.blogs
TUPLE: blogs < dispatcher ;
: view-post-url ( id -- url )
number>string "$blogs/post/" prepend >url ;
: view-comment-url ( parent id -- url )
[ view-post-url ] dip >>anchor ;
: list-posts-url ( -- url )
URL" $blogs/" ;
: user-posts-url ( author -- url )
"$blogs/by/" prepend >url ;
TUPLE: entity id author date content ;
GENERIC: entity-url ( entity -- url )
M: entity feed-entry-url entity-url ;
entity f {
{ "id" "ID" INTEGER +db-assigned-id+ }
{ "author" "AUTHOR" { VARCHAR 256 } +not-null+ } ! uid
{ "date" "DATE" TIMESTAMP +not-null+ }
{ "content" "CONTENT" TEXT +not-null+ }
} define-persistent
M: entity feed-entry-date date>> ;
TUPLE: post < entity title comments ;
M: post feed-entry-title
[ author>> ] [ drop ": " ] [ title>> ] tri 3append ;
M: post entity-url
id>> view-post-url ;
\ post "BLOG_POSTS" {
{ "title" "TITLE" { VARCHAR 256 } +not-null+ }
} define-persistent
: <post> ( id -- post ) \ post new swap >>id ;
: init-posts-table \ post ensure-table ;
TUPLE: comment < entity parent ;
comment "COMMENTS" {
{ "parent" "PARENT" INTEGER +not-null+ } ! post id
} define-persistent
M: comment feed-entry-title
author>> "Comment by " prepend ;
M: comment entity-url
[ parent>> ] [ id>> ] bi view-comment-url ;
: <comment> ( parent id -- post )
comment new
swap >>id
swap >>parent ;
: init-comments-table comment ensure-table ;
: post ( id -- post )
[ <post> select-tuple ] [ f <comment> select-tuples ] bi
>>comments ;
: reverse-chronological-order ( seq -- sorted )
[ [ date>> ] compare invert-comparison ] sort ;
: validate-author ( -- )
{ { "author" [ [ v-username ] v-optional ] } } validate-params ;
: list-posts ( -- posts )
f <post> "author" value >>author
select-tuples [ dup id>> f <comment> count-tuples >>comments ] map
reverse-chronological-order ;
: <list-posts-action> ( -- action )
list-posts "posts" set-value
] >>init
{ blogs "list-posts" } >>template ;
: <list-posts-feed-action> ( -- action )
[ "Recent Posts" ] >>title
[ list-posts ] >>entries
[ list-posts-url ] >>url ;
: <user-posts-action> ( -- action )
"author" >>rest
list-posts "posts" set-value
] >>init
{ blogs "user-posts" } >>template ;
: <user-posts-feed-action> ( -- action )
[ validate-author ] >>init
[ "Recent Posts by " "author" value append ] >>title
[ list-posts ] >>entries
[ "author" value user-posts-url ] >>url ;
: <post-feed-action> ( -- action )
[ validate-integer-id "id" value post "post" set-value ] >>init
[ "post" value feed-entry-title ] >>title
[ "post" value entity-url ] >>url
[ "post" value comments>> ] >>entries ;
: <view-post-action> ( -- action )
"id" >>rest
"id" value post from-object
"id" value
"new-comment" [
"parent" set-value
] nest-values
] >>init
{ blogs "view-post" } >>template ;
: validate-post ( -- )
{ "title" [ v-one-line ] }
{ "content" [ v-required ] }
} validate-params ;
: <new-post-action> ( -- action )
uid "author" set-value
] >>validate
f <post>
dup { "title" "content" } deposit-slots
uid >>author
now >>date
[ insert-tuple ] [ entity-url <redirect> ] bi
] >>submit
{ blogs "new-post" } >>template ;
: <edit-post-action> ( -- action )
"id" value <post> select-tuple from-object
] >>init
] >>validate
"id" value <post> select-tuple
dup { "title" "content" } deposit-slots
[ update-tuple ] [ entity-url <redirect> ] bi
] >>submit
{ blogs "edit-post" } >>template ;
: <delete-post-action> ( -- action )
{ { "author" [ v-username ] } } validate-params
] >>validate
"id" value <post> delete-tuples
"author" value user-posts-url <redirect>
] >>submit ;
: validate-comment ( -- )
{ "parent" [ v-integer ] }
{ "content" [ v-required ] }
} validate-params ;
: <new-comment-action> ( -- action )
uid "author" set-value
] >>validate
"parent" value f <comment>
"content" value >>content
uid >>author
now >>date
[ insert-tuple ] [ entity-url <redirect> ] bi
] >>submit ;
: <delete-comment-action> ( -- action )
{ { "parent" [ v-integer ] } } validate-params
] >>validate
f "id" value <comment> delete-tuples
"parent" value view-post-url <redirect>
] >>submit ;
: <blogs> ( -- dispatcher )
blogs new-dispatcher
<list-posts-action> "" add-responder
<list-posts-feed-action> "posts.atom" add-responder
<user-posts-action> "by" add-responder
<user-posts-feed-action> "by.atom" add-responder
<view-post-action> "post" add-responder
<post-feed-action> "post.atom" add-responder
<new-post-action> <protected>
"make a new blog post" >>description
"new-post" add-responder
<edit-post-action> <protected>
"edit a blog post" >>description
"edit-post" add-responder
<delete-post-action> <protected>
"delete a blog post" >>description
"delete-post" add-responder
<new-comment-action> <protected>
"make a comment" >>description
"new-comment" add-responder
<delete-comment-action> <protected>
"delete a comment" >>description
"delete-comment" add-responder
{ blogs "blogs-common" } >>template ;
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:title>Edit: <t:label t:name="title" /></t:title>
<div class="post-form">
<t:form t:action="$blogs/edit-post" t:for="id">
<p>Title: <t:field t:name="title" t:size="60" /></p>
<p><t:textarea t:name="content" t:rows="30" t:cols="80" /></p>
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Done" />
<div class="posting-footer">
Post by
<t:a t:href="$blogs/" t:query="author">
<t:label t:name="author" />
<t:label t:name="date" />
<t:a t:href="$blogs/post" t:for="id">View Post</t:a>
<t:button t:action="$blogs/delete-post" t:for="id,author" class="link-button link">Delete Post</t:button>
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:title>Recent Posts</t:title>
<t:bind-each t:name="posts">
<h2 class="post-title">
<t:a t:href="$blogs/post" t:query="id">
<t:label t:name="title" />
<p class="posting-body">
<t:farkup t:name="content" />
<div class="posting-footer">
Post by
<t:a t:href="$blogs/by" t:query="author">
<t:label t:name="author" />
<t:label t:name="date" />
<t:a t:href="$blogs/post" t:query="id">
<t:label t:name="comments" />
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:title>New Post</t:title>
<div class="post-form">
<t:form t:action="$blogs/new-post">
<p>Title: <t:field t:name="title" t:size="60" /></p>
<p><t:textarea t:name="content" t:rows="30" t:cols="80" /></p>
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Done" />
<t:validation-messages />
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:atom t:href="$blogs/by" t:query="author">
Recent Posts by <t:label t:name="author" />
Recent Posts by <t:label t:name="author" />
<t:bind-each t:name="posts">
<h2 class="post-title">
<t:a t:href="$blogs/post" t:query="id">
<t:label t:name="title" />
<p class="posting-body">
<t:farkup t:name="content" />
<div class="posting-footer">
Post by
<t:a t:href="$blogs/by" t:query="author">
<t:label t:name="author" />
<t:label t:name="date" />
<t:a t:href="$blogs/post" t:query="id">
<t:label t:name="comments" />
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:atom t:href="$blogs/post.atom" t:query="id">
<t:label t:name="author" />: <t:label t:name="title" />
<t:atom t:href="$blogs/by.atom" t:query="author">
Recent Posts by <t:label t:name="author" />
<t:title> <t:label t:name="author" />: <t:label t:name="title" /> </t:title>
<p class="posting-body">
<t:farkup t:name="content" />
<div class="posting-footer">
Post by
<t:a t:href="$blogs/" t:query="author">
<t:label t:name="author" />
<t:label t:name="date" />
<t:a t:href="$blogs/edit-post" t:query="id">Edit Post</t:a>
<t:button t:action="$blogs/delete-post" t:for="id,author" class="link-button link">Delete Post</t:button>
<t:bind-each t:name="comments">
<p class="comment-header">
Comment by <t:label t:name="author" /> on <t:label t:name="date" />:
<p class="posting-body">
<t:farkup t:name="content" />
<t:button t:action="$blogs/delete-comment" t:for="id,parent" class="link-button link">Delete Comment</t:button>
<t:bind t:name="new-comment">
<h2>New Comment</h2>
<div class="post-form">
<t:form t:action="$blogs/new-comment" t:for="parent">
<p><t:textarea t:name="content" t:rows="20" t:cols="60" /></p>
<p><input type="SUBMIT" value="Done" /></p>
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ furnace.sessions
@ -38,13 +39,17 @@ IN: webapps.factor-website
] with-db ;
TUPLE: factor-website < dispatcher ;
: <factor-website> ( -- responder )
factor-website new-dispatcher
factor-website new-dispatcher
<blogs> "blogs" add-responder
<todo-list> "todo" add-responder
<pastebin> "pastebin" add-responder
<planet-factor> "planet" add-responder
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Done" />
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<p class="posting-date">
<t:a t:value="url"><t:label t:name="pub-date" /></t:a>
<t:a t:value="url"><t:label t:name="date" /></t:a>
@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ todo "TODO"
{ "description" [ v-required ] }
} validate-params ;
: view-todo-url ( id -- url )
<url> "$todo-list/view" >>path swap "id" set-query-param ;
: <new-action> ( -- action )
[ 0 "priority" set-value ] >>init
@ -62,14 +65,7 @@ todo "TODO"
f <todo>
dup { "summary" "priority" "description" } deposit-slots
[ insert-tuple ]
"$todo-list/view" >>path
swap id>> "id" set-query-param
[ insert-tuple ] [ id>> view-todo-url <redirect> ] bi
] >>submit ;
: <edit-action> ( -- action )
@ -89,23 +85,19 @@ todo "TODO"
f <todo>
dup { "id" "summary" "priority" "description" } deposit-slots
[ update-tuple ]
"$todo-list/view" >>path
swap id>> "id" set-query-param
[ update-tuple ] [ id>> view-todo-url <redirect> ] bi
] >>submit ;
: todo-list-url ( -- url )
URL" $todo-list/list" ;
: <delete-action> ( -- action )
[ validate-integer-id ] >>validate
"id" get <todo> delete-tuples
URL" $todo-list/list" <redirect>
todo-list-url <redirect>
] >>submit ;
: <list-action> ( -- action )
@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ validators
db.types db.tuples lcs farkup urls ;
: title-url ( title action -- url )
"$wiki/" prepend >url swap "title" set-query-param ;
: view-url ( title -- url )
"$wiki/view/" prepend >url ;
: view-url ( title -- url ) "view" title-url ;
: edit-url ( title -- url )
"$wiki/edit" >url swap "title" set-query-param ;
: edit-url ( title -- url ) "edit" title-url ;
: revisions-url ( title -- url ) "revisions" title-url ;
: revisions-url ( title -- url )
"$wiki/revisions" >url swap "title" set-query-param ;
: revision-url ( id -- url )
"$wiki/revision" >url swap "id" set-query-param ;
Reference in New Issue