build.cmd: Let Windows build other branches.

Doug Coleman 2017-09-08 23:32:45 -05:00
parent fc14a13335
commit 3b86f3b920
1 changed files with 9 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -32,33 +32,29 @@ if not errorlevel 1 (
: Fun syntax
for /f %%x in ('git describe --all') do set GIT_DESCRIBE=%%x
for /f %%y in ('git rev-parse HEAD') do set GIT_ID=%%y
for /f %%z in ('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD') do set GIT_BRANCH=%%z
set git_label=%GIT_DESCRIBE%-%GIT_ID%
set version=0.98
if %_bootimage_version%==clean (
set _git_branch=clean-windows-%_target%
set _bootimage_path=clean/windows-%_target%
) else (
set _git_branch=master
set _bootimage_path=latest
echo Deleting staging images from temp/...
del temp\staging.*.image
echo Updating working copy from %_git_branch%...
call git pull git:// %_git_branch%
echo Updating working copy from %GIT_BRANCH%...
call git pull git:// %GIT_BRANCH%
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
echo Building vm...
nmake /nologo /f Nmakefile clean
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
nmake /nologo /f Nmakefile %_target%
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
echo Fetching %_bootimage_version% boot image...
cscript /nologo misc\http-get.vbs %_bootimage%
set boot_image_url= %_bootimage%
echo URL: %boot_image_url%
cscript /nologo misc\http-get.vbs %boot_image_url% %_bootimage%
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
echo Bootstrapping...
@ -86,13 +82,8 @@ echo Make sure you're running within the Visual Studio or Windows SDK environmen
goto :EOF
echo Usage: build.cmd [latest/clean]
echo Usage: build.cmd
echo Updates the working copy, cleans and builds the vm using nmake,
echo fetches a boot image, and bootstraps factor.
echo If latest is specified, then the working copy is updated to the
echo upstream "master" branch and the boot image corresponding to the
echo most recent factor build is downloaded. This is the default.
echo If clean is specified, then the working copy is updated to the
echo upstream "clean-windows-*" branch corresponding to the current
echo platform and the corresponding boot image is downloaded.
echo The branch that bootstraps is the one that is checked out locally.
goto :EOF