From 3d83cfbbd12056b7884839ea20bde25b40146250 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eduardo Cavazos <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 18:14:14 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] git-tool.remote: minor changes

 extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor | 26 +++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor b/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor
index e5291a8459..77539d5ad4 100644
--- a/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor
+++ b/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor
@@ -62,15 +62,17 @@ TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
   [let | REPO [ GADGET repository>> ] |
-    GADGET clear-gadget
+    ! GADGET clear-gadget
+    ! GADGET
+    { }
     ! Repository label
     "Repository: " REPO [ current-directory get ] with-directory append
-    add-gadget
+    suffix
     ! Branch button
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
       <bevel-button> add-gadget
-    add-gadget
+    suffix
     ! Remote button
@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
       <bevel-button> add-gadget
-    add-gadget
+    suffix
     ! Remote branch button
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
       <bevel-button> add-gadget
-    add-gadget
+    suffix
     ! Fetch button
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
       GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-    <bevel-button> add-gadget
+    <bevel-button> suffix
     ! Available changes
@@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
                 <bevel-button> add-gadget
-              add-gadget
+              suffix
@@ -266,12 +268,18 @@ TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
                 <bevel-button> add-gadget
-              add-gadget
+              suffix
         ] ] ]
+    GADGET clear-gadget
+    GADGET swap
+    [ add-gadget ] each

From d4769aa9fc02a6d0d2c47bfdddb80b666553e2d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eduardo Cavazos <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 15:05:49 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] git-tool.remote: minor update

 extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor b/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor
index 77539d5ad4..4d9d99b0f0 100644
--- a/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor
+++ b/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor
@@ -303,6 +303,8 @@ TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
             REPO { "git" "fetch" REMOTE-BRANCH } git-process drop ]
+          GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
           GADGET fetch-period>> sleep

From 9e4e1c4a4dcd3b7bd7b97fc57056c66778aa868f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eduardo Cavazos <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 15:10:39 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Remote 'git-tool' (project moved to other repository)

 extra/git-tool/git-tool.factor      | 470 ----------------------------
 extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor | 402 ------------------------
 2 files changed, 872 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 extra/git-tool/git-tool.factor
 delete mode 100644 extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor

diff --git a/extra/git-tool/git-tool.factor b/extra/git-tool/git-tool.factor
deleted file mode 100644
index ff45d32c65..0000000000
--- a/extra/git-tool/git-tool.factor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-USING: accessors combinators.cleave combinators.short-circuit
-concurrency.combinators destructors fry io io.directories
-io.encodings io.encodings.utf8 io.launcher io.monitors
-io.pathnames io.pipes io.ports kernel locals math namespaces
-sequences splitting strings threads ui ui.gadgets
-ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.labels
-ui.gadgets.packs ui.gadgets.tracks ;
-IN: git-tool
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: head** ( seq obj -- seq/f ) dup number? [ head ] [ dupd find drop head ] if ;
-: tail** ( seq obj -- seq/f )
-  dup number?
-    [ tail ]
-    [ dupd find drop [ tail ] [ drop f ] if* ]
-  if ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: <process-stdout-stderr-reader> ( DESC -- process stream stream )
-  [
-    [let | STDOUT-PIPE [ (pipe) |dispose ]
-           STDERR-PIPE [ (pipe) |dispose ] |
-      [let | PROCESS [ DESC >process ] |
-        PROCESS
-          [ STDOUT-PIPE out>> or ] change-stdout
-          [ STDERR-PIPE out>> or ] change-stderr
-        run-detached
-        STDOUT-PIPE out>> dispose
-        STDERR-PIPE out>> dispose
-        STDOUT-PIPE in>> <input-port> utf8 <decoder>
-        STDERR-PIPE in>> <input-port> utf8 <decoder> ] ]
-  ]
-  with-destructors ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: run-process/result ( desc -- process )
-  <process-stdout-stderr-reader>
-  {
-    [ contents [ string-lines ] [ f ] if* ]
-    [ contents [ string-lines ] [ f ] if* ]
-  }
-  parallel-spread
-  [ >>stdout ] [ >>stderr ] bi*
-  dup wait-for-process >>status ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-! process popup windows
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: popup-window ( title contents -- )
-  dup string? [ ] [ "\n" join ] if
-  <editor> tuck set-editor-string swap open-window ;
-: popup-process-window ( process -- )
-  [ stdout>> [ "output" swap popup-window ] when* ]
-  [ stderr>> [ "error"  swap popup-window ] when* ]
-  [
-    [ stdout>> ] [ stderr>> ] bi or not
-    [ "Process" "NO OUTPUT" popup-window ]
-    when
-  ]
-  tri ;
-: popup-if-error ( process -- )
-  { [ status>> 0 = not ] [ popup-process-window t ] } 1&& drop ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: git-process ( REPO DESC -- process )
-  REPO [ DESC run-process/result ] with-directory ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: git-status-section ( lines section -- lines/f )
-  '[ _ = ] tail**
-    [
-      [ "#\t" head?      ] tail**
-      [ "#\t" head?  not ] head**
-      [ 2 tail ] map
-    ]
-    [ f ]
-  if* ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: colon ( -- ch ) CHAR: : ;
-: space ( -- ch ) 32      ;
-: git-status-line-file ( line -- file )
-  { [ colon = ] 1 [ space = not ] } [ tail** ] each ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-TUPLE: <git-status>
-  repository
-  to-commit-new
-  to-commit-modified
-  to-commit-deleted
-  modified
-  deleted
-  untracked ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: check-empty ( seq -- seq/f ) dup empty? [ drop f ] when ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: refresh-git-status ( STATUS -- STATUS )
-  [let | LINES [ STATUS repository>> { "git" "status" } git-process stdout>> ] |
-      LINES "# Changes to be committed:" git-status-section
-        [ "new file:" head? ] filter
-        [ git-status-line-file ] map
-        check-empty
-      >>to-commit-new
-      LINES "# Changes to be committed:" git-status-section
-        [ "modified:" head? ] filter
-        [ git-status-line-file ] map
-        check-empty
-      >>to-commit-modified
-      LINES "# Changes to be committed:" git-status-section
-        [ "deleted:" head? ] filter
-        [ git-status-line-file ] map
-        check-empty
-      >>to-commit-deleted
-      LINES "# Changed but not updated:" git-status-section
-        [ "modified:" head? ] filter
-        [ git-status-line-file ] map
-        check-empty
-      >>modified
-      LINES "# Changed but not updated:" git-status-section
-        [ "deleted:" head? ] filter
-        [ git-status-line-file ] map
-        check-empty
-      >>deleted
-      LINES "# Untracked files:" git-status-section >>untracked ] ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: git-status ( REPO -- <git-status> )
-  <git-status> new REPO >>repository refresh-git-status ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: factor-git-status ( -- <git-status> ) "resource:" git-status ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-! git-tool
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: to-commit ( <git-status> -- seq )
-  { to-commit-new>> to-commit-modified>> to-commit-deleted>> } 1arr concat ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: refresh-status-pile ( STATUS PILE -- )
-  STATUS refresh-git-status drop
-  PILE clear-gadget
-  ! Commit section
-  [wlet | add-commit-path-button [| TEXT PATH |
-            { 1 0 } <track>
-              TEXT <label> 2/8 track-add
-              PATH <label> 6/8 track-add
-              "Reset"
-              [
-                drop
-                STATUS repository>>
-                { "git" "reset" "HEAD" PATH }
-                git-process
-                drop
-                STATUS PILE refresh-status-pile
-              ]
-              <bevel-button> f track-add
-            add-gadget ] |
-    STATUS to-commit
-    [
-      "Changes to be committed" <label> reverse-video-theme add-gadget
-      STATUS to-commit-new>>
-      [| PATH | "new file: " PATH add-commit-path-button ]
-      each
-      STATUS to-commit-modified>>
-      [| PATH | "modified: " PATH add-commit-path-button ]
-      each
-      STATUS to-commit-deleted>>
-      [| PATH | "deleted: " PATH add-commit-path-button ]
-      each
-      <pile> 1 >>fill
-        [let | EDITOR [ <editor> "COMMIT MESSAGE" over set-editor-string ] |
-          EDITOR add-gadget
-          "Commit"
-          [
-           drop
-           [let | MSG [ EDITOR editor-string ] |
-              STATUS repository>>
-              { "git" "commit" "-m" MSG } git-process
-              popup-if-error ]
-           STATUS PILE refresh-status-pile
-          ]
-          <bevel-button>
-          add-gadget ]
-      add-gadget
-    ]
-    when ]
-  ! Modified section
-  STATUS modified>>
-  [
-    "Modified but not updated" <label> reverse-video-theme add-gadget
-    STATUS modified>>
-    [| PATH |
-      <shelf>
-        PATH <label> add-gadget
-        "Add"
-        [
-          drop
-          STATUS repository>> { "git" "add" PATH } git-process popup-if-error
-          STATUS PILE refresh-status-pile
-        ]
-        <bevel-button> add-gadget
-        "Diff"
-        [
-          drop
-          STATUS repository>> { "git" "diff" PATH } git-process
-          popup-process-window
-        ]
-        <bevel-button> add-gadget
-      add-gadget
-    ]
-    each
-  ]
-  when
-  ! Untracked section
-  STATUS untracked>>
-  [
-    "Untracked files" <label> reverse-video-theme add-gadget
-    STATUS untracked>>
-    [| PATH |
-      { 1 0 } <track>
-        PATH <label> f track-add
-        "Add"
-        [
-          drop
-          STATUS repository>> { "git" "add" PATH } git-process popup-if-error
-          STATUS PILE refresh-status-pile
-        ]
-        <bevel-button> f track-add
-      add-gadget
-    ]
-    each
-  ]
-  when
-  ! Refresh button
-  "Refresh" [ drop STATUS PILE refresh-status-pile ] <bevel-button> add-gadget
-  drop ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: git-remote-branches ( REPO NAME -- seq )
-  REPO { "git" "remote" "show" NAME } git-process stdout>>
-  "  Tracked remote branches" over index 1 + tail first " " split
-  [ empty? not ] filter ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: refresh-remotes-pile ( REPO PILE -- )
-  PILE clear-gadget
-  "Remotes" <label> reverse-video-theme add-gadget
-  REPO { "git" "remote" } git-process stdout>> [ empty? not ] filter
-  [| NAME |
-    [let | BRANCH! [ "master" ] |
-      { 1 0 } <track>
-        NAME <label> 1 track-add
-        [let | BRANCH-BUTTON [ "master" [ drop ] <bevel-button> ] |
-          BRANCH-BUTTON
-          [
-            drop
-            <pile>
-              1 >>fill
-              REPO NAME git-remote-branches
-                [| OTHER-BRANCH |
-                  OTHER-BRANCH
-                    [
-                      drop
-                      OTHER-BRANCH BRANCH!
-                      OTHER-BRANCH BRANCH-BUTTON gadget-child set-label-string
-                    ]
-                  <bevel-button>
-                  add-gadget
-                ]
-              each
-            "Select a branch" open-window
-           ]
-           >>quot
-           1 track-add ]
-        "Fetch"
-        [ drop REPO { "git" "fetch" NAME } git-process popup-process-window ]
-        <bevel-button>
-        1 track-add
-        "..remote/branch"
-        [
-          drop
-          [let | ARG [ { ".." NAME "/" BRANCH } concat ] |
-            REPO { "git" "log" ARG } git-process popup-process-window ]
-        ]
-        <bevel-button>
-        1 track-add
-        "Merge"
-        [
-          drop
-          [let | ARG [ { NAME "/" BRANCH } concat ] |
-            REPO { "git" "merge" ARG } git-process popup-process-window ]
-        ]
-        <bevel-button>
-        1 track-add
-        "remote/branch.."
-        [
-          drop
-          [let | ARG [ { NAME "/" BRANCH ".." } concat ] |
-            REPO { "git" "log" ARG } git-process popup-process-window ]
-        ]
-        <bevel-button>
-        1 track-add
-        "Push"
-        [
-          drop
-          REPO { "git" "push" NAME "master" } git-process popup-process-window 
-        ]
-        <bevel-button>
-        1 track-add
-        add-gadget ]
-    ]
-  each
-  drop ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: git-tool ( REPO -- )
-  <pile> 1 >>fill
-    "Repository: " REPO [ current-directory get ] with-directory append
-    <label>
-    add-gadget
-    [let | STATUS [ REPO git-status ]
-           PILE   [ <pile> 1 >>fill ] |
-      [
-        [
-          [let | MONITOR [ REPO t <monitor> ] |
-            [
-              [let | PATH [ MONITOR next-change drop ] |
-                ".git" PATH subseq? ! Ignore git internal operations
-                  [ ]
-                  [ STATUS PILE refresh-status-pile ]
-                if
-                t ]
-            ]
-            loop
-          ]
-        ]
-        with-monitors
-      ]
-      in-thread
-      STATUS PILE refresh-status-pile
-      PILE add-gadget ]
-    REPO <pile> 1 >>fill tuck refresh-remotes-pile add-gadget
-  "Git" open-window ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: factor-git-tool ( -- ) "resource:" git-tool ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diff --git a/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor b/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d9d99b0f0..0000000000
--- a/extra/git-tool/remote/remote.factor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-USING: accessors calendar git-tool git-tool io.directories
-io.monitors io.pathnames kernel locals math namespaces
-sequences splitting system threads ui ui.gadgets
-ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.labels ui.gadgets.packs ;
-USING: git-tool ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-IN: git-tool.remote
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-TUPLE: <git-remote-gadget> < pack
-  repository
-  branch
-  remote
-  remote-branch
-  fetch-period
-  push
-  closed
-  last-refresh ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: current-branch ( REPO -- branch )
-  { "git" "branch" } git-process stdout>> [ "* " head? ] find nip 2 tail ;
-: list-branches ( REPO -- branches )
-  { "git" "branch" } git-process stdout>>
-  [ empty? not ] filter
-  [ 2 tail ] map ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: list-remotes ( REPO -- remotes )
-  { "git" "remote" } git-process stdout>> [ empty? not ] filter ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: list-remote-branches ( REPO REMOTE -- branches )
-  [let | OUT [ REPO { "git" "remote" "show" REMOTE } git-process stdout>> ] |
-    "  Tracked remote branches" OUT member?
-      [
-        OUT
-        "  Tracked remote branches" OUT index 1 + tail first " " split
-        [ empty? not ] filter
-      ]
-      [
-        OUT
-        OUT [ "  New remote branches" head? ] find drop
-        1 + tail first " " split
-        [ empty? not ] filter
-      ]
-    if ] ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: refresh-git-remote-gadget ( GADGET -- )
-  [let | REPO [ GADGET repository>> ] |
-    ! GADGET clear-gadget
-    ! GADGET
-    { }
-    ! Repository label
-    "Repository: " REPO [ current-directory get ] with-directory append
-    <label>
-    suffix
-    ! Branch button
-    <shelf>
-      "Branch: " <label> add-gadget
-      REPO current-branch
-      [
-        drop
-        <pile>
-          REPO list-branches
-          [| BRANCH |
-            BRANCH
-            [
-              drop
-              REPO { "git" "checkout" BRANCH } git-process popup-if-error
-              GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-            ]
-            <bevel-button> add-gadget
-          ]
-          each
-        "Select a branch" open-window
-      ]
-      <bevel-button> add-gadget
-    suffix
-    ! Remote button
-    <shelf>
-      "Remote: " <label> add-gadget
-      GADGET remote>>
-      [
-        drop
-        <pile>
-          REPO list-remotes
-          [| REMOTE |
-            REMOTE
-            [
-              drop
-              GADGET REMOTE >>remote drop
-              GADGET "master" >>remote-branch drop
-              GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-            ]
-            <bevel-button> add-gadget
-          ]
-          each
-        "Select a remote" open-window
-      ]
-      <bevel-button> add-gadget
-    suffix
-    ! Remote branch button
-    <shelf>
-      "Remote branch: " <label> add-gadget
-      GADGET remote-branch>>
-      [
-        drop
-        <pile>
-          REPO GADGET remote>> list-remote-branches
-          [| REMOTE-BRANCH |
-            REMOTE-BRANCH
-            [
-              drop
-              GADGET REMOTE-BRANCH >>remote-branch drop
-              GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-            ]
-            <bevel-button> add-gadget
-          ]
-          each
-        "Select a remote branch" open-window
-      ]
-      <bevel-button> add-gadget
-    suffix
-    ! Fetch button
-    "Fetch"
-    [
-      drop
-      [let | REMOTE [ GADGET remote>> ] |
-        REPO { "git" "fetch" REMOTE } git-process popup-if-error ]
-      GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-    ]
-    <bevel-button> suffix
-    ! Available changes
-    [let | REMOTE        [ GADGET remote>>        ]
-           REMOTE-BRANCH [ GADGET remote-branch>> ] |
-      [let | ARG [ { ".." REMOTE "/" REMOTE-BRANCH } concat ] |
-        [let | PROCESS [ REPO { "git" "log" ARG } git-process ] |
-          PROCESS stdout>>
-            [
-              <shelf>
-                "Changes available:" <label> add-gadget
-                "View"
-                [
-                  drop
-                  PROCESS popup-process-window
-                ]
-                <bevel-button> add-gadget
-                "Merge"
-                [
-                  drop
-                  [let | ARG [ { REMOTE "/" REMOTE-BRANCH } concat ] |
-                    REPO { "git" "merge" ARG } git-process popup-process-window
-                  ]
-                  GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-                ]
-                <bevel-button> add-gadget
-              suffix
-            ]
-          when
-        ] ] ]
-    ! Pushable changes
-    [let | REMOTE        [ GADGET remote>>        ]
-           REMOTE-BRANCH [ GADGET remote-branch>> ] |
-      [let | ARG [ { REMOTE "/" REMOTE-BRANCH ".." } concat ] |
-        [let | PROCESS [ REPO { "git" "log" ARG } git-process ] |
-          PROCESS stdout>>
-            [
-              <shelf>
-                "Pushable changes: " <label> add-gadget
-                "View"
-                [
-                  drop
-                  PROCESS popup-process-window
-                ]
-                <bevel-button> add-gadget
-                "Push"
-                [
-                  drop
-                  REPO { "git" "push" REMOTE REMOTE-BRANCH }
-                  git-process
-                  popup-process-window
-                  GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-                ]
-                <bevel-button> add-gadget
-              suffix
-            ]
-          when
-        ] ] ]
-    GADGET clear-gadget
-    GADGET swap
-    [ add-gadget ] each
-    drop
-  ] ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: start-fetch-thread ( GADGET -- )
-  GADGET f >>closed drop
-  [
-    [
-      GADGET closed>>
-        [ f ]
-        [
-          [let | REPO          [ GADGET repository>> ]
-                 REMOTE-BRANCH [ GADGET remote-branch>> ] |
-            REPO { "git" "fetch" REMOTE-BRANCH } git-process drop ]
-          GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-          GADGET fetch-period>> sleep
-          t
-        ]
-      if
-    ]
-    loop
-  ]
-  in-thread ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: start-monitor-thread ( GADGET -- )
-  GADGET f >>closed drop
-  [
-    [
-      [let | MONITOR [ GADGET repository>> t <monitor> ] |
-        [
-          GADGET closed>>
-          [ f ]
-          [
-            [let | PATH [ MONITOR next-change drop ] |
-              ".git" PATH subseq?
-                [ ]
-                [
-                  micros
-                  GADGET last-refresh>> 0 or -
-                  1000000 >
-                    [
-                      GADGET micros >>last-refresh drop
-                      GADGET refresh-git-remote-gadget
-                    ]
-                  when
-                ]
-              if ]
-            t
-          ]
-          if
-        ]
-        loop
-      ]
-    ]
-    with-monitors
-  ]
-  in-thread ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-M: <git-remote-gadget> pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim ) drop { 500 500 } ;
-M:: <git-remote-gadget> graft*   ( GADGET -- )
-  GADGET start-fetch-thread
-  GADGET start-monitor-thread ;
-M:: <git-remote-gadget> ungraft* ( GADGET -- ) GADGET t >>closed drop ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-:: git-remote-tool ( REPO -- )
-  <git-remote-gadget> new-gadget
-    { 0 1 } >>orientation
-    1       >>fill
-    REPO >>repository
-    "origin" >>remote
-    "master" >>remote-branch
-    5 minutes >>fetch-period
-  dup refresh-git-remote-gadget
-  "git-remote-tool" open-window ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-: factor-git-remote-tool ( -- ) "resource:" git-remote-tool ;
-! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-MAIN: factor-git-remote-tool
\ No newline at end of file