Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ USING: tools.test help kernel ;
[ 3 throw ] must-fail
[ ] [ :help ] unit-test
[ ] [ f print-topic ] unit-test
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ M: word set-article-parent swap "help-parent" set-word-prop ;
] with-style nl ;
: print-topic ( topic -- )
last-element off dup $title
article-content print-content nl ;
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ IN: http.server.cgi
] with-stream
] >>body ;
SLOT: special
: enable-cgi ( responder -- responder )
[ serve-cgi ] "application/x-cgi-script"
pick special>> set-at ;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
USING: io.directories io.files.links tools.test
io.files.unique tools.files fry ;
USING: io.directories io.files.links tools.test sequences
io.files.unique tools.files fry math kernel math.parser
io.pathnames namespaces ;
IN: io.files.links.tests
: make-test-links ( n path -- )
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: arrays generic kernel math models namespaces sequences assocs
tools.test models.compose accessors ;
tools.test models.compose accessors locals ;
IN: models.compose.tests
! Test compose
@ -22,3 +22,25 @@ IN: models.compose.tests
[ { 4 5 } ] [ "c" get value>> ] unit-test
[ ] [ "c" get deactivate-model ] unit-test
TUPLE: an-observer { i integer } ;
M: an-observer model-changed nip [ 1+ ] change-i drop ;
[ 1 0 ] [
[let* | m1 [ 1 <model> ]
m2 [ 2 <model> ]
c [ { m1 m2 } <compose> ]
o1 [ an-observer new ]
o2 [ an-observer new ] |
o1 m1 add-connection
o2 m2 add-connection
c activate-model
"OH HAI" m1 set-model
o1 i>>
o2 i>>
] unit-test
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ TUPLE: compose < model ;
M: compose model-changed
[ [ value>> ] composed-value ] keep set-model ;
dup [ value>> ] composed-value >>value
notify-connections ;
M: compose model-activated dup model-changed ;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
IN: struct-arrays.tests
USING: struct-arrays tools.test kernel math sequences
alien.syntax alien.c-types destructors libc accessors ;
alien.syntax alien.c-types destructors libc accessors
destructors ;
C-STRUCT: test-struct
{ "int" "x" }
@ -27,3 +28,12 @@ C-STRUCT: test-struct
0 [ [ test-struct-x ] [ test-struct-y ] bi / + ] reduce
] with-destructors
] unit-test
[ ] [ ALIEN: 123 10 "test-struct" <direct-struct-array> drop ] unit-test
[ ] [
10 "test-struct" malloc-struct-array
underlying>> &free drop
] with-destructors
] unit-test
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ ERROR: bad-byte-array-length byte-array ;
] keep struct-array boa ; inline
: <direct-struct-array> ( alien length c-type -- struct-array )
struct-array boa ; inline
heap-size struct-array boa ; inline
: malloc-struct-array ( length c-type -- struct-array )
heap-size [ calloc ] 2keep <direct-struct-array> ;
[ heap-size calloc ] 2keep <direct-struct-array> ;
INSTANCE: struct-array sequence
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ TUPLE: border < gadget
swap border new-border
swap dup 2array >>size ;
: <filled-border> ( child gap -- border )
<border> { 1 1 } >>fill ;
M: border pref-dim*
[ size>> 2 v*n ] keep
gadget-child pref-dim v+ ;
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ M: editor ungraft*
editor-font* "" string-height ;
: y>line ( y editor -- line# )
line-height / >fixnum ;
line-height /i ;
:: point>loc ( point editor -- loc )
point second editor y>line {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: locals accessors arrays ui.commands ui.gadgets
USING: locals accessors arrays ui.commands ui.operations ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures generic
hashtables kernel math models namespaces opengl sequences
math.vectors ui.gadgets.theme ui.gadgets.packs
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ M: menu-glass layout* gadget-child prefer ;
: show-commands-menu ( target commands -- )
[ dup [ ] ] dip <commands-menu> show-menu ;
: <operations-menu> ( target hook -- menu )
over object-operations <commands-menu> ;
: show-operations-menu ( gadget target -- )
[ ] <operations-menu> show-menu ;
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ HELP: <presentation>
{ <button> <bevel-button> <command-button> <roll-button> <presentation> } related-words
{ <commands-menu> <toolbar> operations-menu show-menu } related-words
{ <status-bar> show-mouse-help show-status show-summary hide-status } related-words
HELP: show-mouse-help
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.presentations
TUPLE: presentation < button object hook ;
: invoke-presentation ( presentation command -- )
over dup hook>> call
[ object>> ] dip invoke-command ;
[ [ dup hook>> call ] [ object>> ] bi ] dip
invoke-command ;
: invoke-primary ( presentation -- )
dup object>> primary-operation
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ TUPLE: presentation < button object hook ;
invoke-presentation ;
: show-mouse-help ( presentation -- )
dup object>> over show-summary button-update ;
[ [ object>> ] keep show-summary ] [ button-update ] bi ;
: <presentation> ( label object -- button )
swap [ invoke-primary ] presentation new-button
@ -35,18 +35,13 @@ M: presentation ungraft*
dup hand-gadget get-global child? [ dup hide-status ] when
call-next-method ;
: <operations-menu> ( presentation -- menu )
[ object>> ]
[ dup hook>> curry ]
[ object>> object-operations ]
tri <commands-menu> ;
: operations-menu ( presentation -- )
dup <operations-menu> show-menu ;
: show-operations-menu ( presentation -- )
[ ] [ object>> ] [ dup hook>> curry ] tri
<operations-menu> show-menu ;
presentation H{
{ T{ button-down f f 3 } [ operations-menu ] }
{ T{ mouse-leave } [ dup hide-status button-update ] }
{ T{ button-down f f 3 } [ show-operations-menu ] }
{ T{ mouse-leave } [ [ hide-status ] [ button-update ] bi ] }
{ T{ mouse-enter } [ show-mouse-help ] }
! Responding to motion too allows nested presentations to
! display status help properly, when the mouse leaves a
@ -21,3 +21,20 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.tracks.tests
<gadget> { 10 10 } >>dim 0 track-add
] unit-test
[ { 10 30 } ] [
{ 0 1 } <track>
<gadget> { 10 10 } >>dim f track-add
<gadget> { 10 10 } >>dim f track-add
<gadget> { 10 10 } >>dim f track-add
] unit-test
[ { 10 40 } ] [
{ 0 1 } <track>
{ 5 5 } >>gap
<gadget> { 10 10 } >>dim f track-add
<gadget> { 10 10 } >>dim f track-add
<gadget> { 10 10 } >>dim f track-add
] unit-test
@ -27,10 +27,15 @@ TUPLE: track < pack sizes ;
[ children>> ] [ sizes>> ] bi { 0 0 }
[ [ drop { 0 0 } ] [ pref-dim ] if v+ ] 2reduce ;
: available-dim ( track -- dim ) [ dim>> ] [ alloted-dim ] bi v- ;
: gap-dim ( track -- dim )
[ gap>> ] [ children>> length 1 [-] ] bi v*n ;
: available-dim ( track -- dim )
[ dim>> ] [ alloted-dim ] bi v- ;
: track-layout ( track -- sizes )
[ available-dim ] [ children>> ] [ normalized-sizes ] tri
[ [ available-dim ] [ gap-dim ] bi v- ]
[ children>> ] [ normalized-sizes ] tri
[ [ over n*v ] [ pref-dim ] ?if ] 2map nip ;
M: track layout* ( track -- ) dup track-layout pack-layout ;
@ -41,11 +46,9 @@ M: track layout* ( track -- ) dup track-layout pack-layout ;
: track-pref-dims-2 ( track -- dim )
[ children>> pref-dims ] [ normalized-sizes ] bi
[ dup { 0 f } memq? [ drop ] [ v/n ] if ] 2map
[ dup { 0 f } member? [ 2drop { 0 0 } ] [ v/n ] if ] 2map
max-dim [ >fixnum ] map
[ [ gap>> ] [ children>> length 1 [-] ] bi v*n ] bi
v+ ;
] [ gap-dim ] bi v+ ;
M: track pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim )
[ track-pref-dims-1 ]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ USING:
||| kernel models namespaces
sequences tools.test ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.buttons
ui.gadgets.labelled ui.gadgets.presentations
ui.gadgets.scrollers vocabs tools.test.ui ui accessors ;
ui.gadgets.menus ui.gadgets.scrollers vocabs tools.test.ui ui accessors ;
[ f ]
@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ IN:
[ t ] [ "p" get presentation? ] unit-test
[ ] [ "p" get <operations-menu> gadget-child gadget-child "c" set ] unit-test
[ ] [
"p" get [ object>> ] [ dup hook>> curry ] bi
<operations-menu> gadget-child gadget-child "c" set
] unit-test
[ ] [ notify-queued ] unit-test
@ -61,3 +61,4 @@ SYMBOL: xml-file
[ T{ doctype-decl f "foo" } ] [ "<!DOCTYPE foo >" string>xml-chunk second ] unit-test
[ T{ doctype-decl f "foo" T{ system-id f "blah.dtd" } } ] [ "<!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM 'blah.dtd'>" string>xml-chunk second ] unit-test
[ T{ doctype-decl f "foo" T{ system-id f "blah.dtd" } } ] [ "<!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM \"blah.dtd\" >" string>xml-chunk second ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN' '' >" dup string>xml-chunk [ write-xml-chunk ] with-string-writer = ] unit-test
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ M: system-id write-xml-chunk
M: public-id write-xml-chunk
"PUBLIC '" write
[ pubid-literal>> write "' '" write ]
[ system-literal>> write "'>" write ] bi ;
[ system-literal>> write "'" write ] bi ;
M: doctype-decl write-xml-chunk
"<!DOCTYPE " write
Reference in New Issue